Distance Learning in Clinical Medical

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Al-Balas et al.

BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:341



Distance learning in clinical medical

education amid COVID-19 pandemic in
Jordan: current situation, challenges, and
Mahmoud Al-Balas1* , Hasan Ibrahim Al-Balas2, Hatim M. Jaber3, Khaled Obeidat4, Hamzeh Al-Balas5,
Emad A. Aborajooh6, Raed Al-Taher7 and Bayan Al-Balas8

Background: As COVID-19 has been declared as a pandemic disease by the WHO on March 11th, 2020, the global
incidence of COVID-19 disease increased dramatically. In response to the COVID-19 situation, Jordan announced the
emergency state on the 19th of March, followed by the curfew on 21 March. All educational institutions have been
closed as well as educational activities including clinical medical education have been suspended on the 15th of
March. As a result, Distance E-learning emerged as a new method of teaching to maintain the continuity of medical
education during the COVID-19 pandemic related closure of educational institutions. Distance E-Learning is defined
as using computer technology to deliver training, including technology-supported learning either online, offline, or
both. Before this period, distance learning was not considered in Jordanian universities as a modality for education.
This study aims to explore the situation of distance E-learning among medical students during their clinical years
and to identify possible challenges, limitations, satisfaction as well as perspectives for this approach to learning.
Methods: This cross-sectional study is based on a questionnaire that was designed and delivered to medical
students in their clinical years. For this study, the estimated sample size (n = 588) is derived from the online Raosoft
sample size calculator.
Results: A total of 652 students have completed the questionnaire, among them, 538 students (82.5%) have
participated in distance learning in their medical schools amid COVID-19 pandemic. The overall satisfaction rate in
medical distance learning was 26.8%, and it was significantly higher in students with previous experience in
distance learning in their medical schools as well as when instructors were actively participating in learning
sessions, using multimedia and devoting adequate time for their sessions. The delivery of educational material
using synchronous live streaming sessions represented the major modality of teaching and Internet streaming
quality and coverage was the main challenge that was reported by 69.1% of students.
(Continued on next page)

* Correspondence: mahmoud_albalas@hu.edu.jo
General and Breast Surgery, Department of General and Special Surgery,
Faculty of Medicine, Hashemite University, Irbid-Amman Street, Al Husn, P.O.
Box 3, Irbid 21510, Jordan
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Al-Balas et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:341 Page 2 of 7

(Continued from previous page)

Conclusion: With advances in technologies and social media, distance learning is a new and rapidly growing
approach for undergraduate, postgraduate, and health care providers. It may represent an optimal solution to
maintain learning processes in exceptional and emergency situations such as COVID-19 pandemic. Technical and
infrastructural resources reported as a major challenge for implementing distance learning, so understanding
technological, financial, institutional, educators, and student barriers are essential for the successful implementation
of distance learning in medical education.
Keywords: COVID-19, Distance learning, E-learning, Medical education,

Background Distance E-Learning is defined as using computer

Covid-19 has been declared as a pandemic disease by technology to deliver training, including technology-
the WHO on March 11th, 2020. The disease started in supported learning either online, offline, or both [2]. It is
Wuhan province in China in late December 2019. Since aimed at the effective construction of knowledge regard-
that time, the global incidence of COVID-19 disease has ing individual experience, practice, and knowledge of the
increased dramatically. learners and students [3]. Internet-based learning,
In early March 2020; the first diagnosed case of computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital
COVID-19 disease had been reported in Jordan for a collaboration all represent different types of e-learning.
Jordanian citizen who had returned from Italy 2 weeks There are 2 modes of E-learning: distance learning and
before Jordan has declared quarantine for Jordanians computer-assisted interaction (CAI). Moore et al. de-
returning from outside. By the end of March, the total fined distance E-learning as providing access to learning
number of infected persons was 274 cases. The number for those who are geographically remote from the in-
of diagnosed cases showed a steady slow increase, and structor [2], while CAI is an interactive technique
by the end of April, a total of 453 diagnosed cases with whereby instructional material is presented by and a
8 deaths were reported. computer, and students’ progress is monitored and eval-
On the 19th of March, the emergency state was an- uated during this process.
nounced in Jordan followed by the curfew on 21 March. Distance E-learning has been proved as an efficient
Similar to other sectors, the educational sector has been modality of learning in different educational and govern-
affected by this pandemic situation. All educational insti- mental studies [4–6]. Data from the Institute of Educa-
tutions have been closed as well as educational activities tional Studies in Canada showed that learners revealed a
have been suspended on the 15th of March. As part of more active attitude in learning when various methods
that, the six medical schools in Jordan in stopped all such as electronic books and on-line articles were imple-
their teaching and training activities. Distance E-learning mented in the teaching process [4, 7].
has emerged as a new method of teaching to maintain Anderson et al. in their paper have described three
the continuity of medical education during the COVID- generations of distance education pedagogy. These gen-
19 pandemic related closure of educational institutions. erations are Cognitive-behaviourism, Constructivism,
Medical education programs in Jordan are six-year and Connectivism. Each one of these generations has
programs, in which clinical medical years are the last 3 distinguished utilized technology, learning activities,
years in the curriculum. During clinical education, stu- learner and content granularity, evaluation modality,
dents receive both in-class theoretical lectures and semi- scalability and instructor role. These generations have
nars, and in-hospital clinical rotations. Before the era of developed in concordance with available technologies.
COVID-19, distance e-learning was not adopted as a They stated that no single modality has provided all an-
modality of teaching within medical schools. swers, and each of these generations has built on
Distance E-learning in medical education may represent achievements of previous generation [8].
a suitable alternative to traditional learning to deliver According to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
high-quality education. The availability of essential infra- (SDGs) for health including good health well-being and
structures and efficient institutional strategies represent a quality of education, effective and affordable educational
major challenge for integrating distance learning in med- strategies need to be addressed critically especially in
ical education [1]. Even blended education (i.e. distance low and middle-income countries (LMIC) [9]. Adopting
and on-campus) is well adopted in different word coun- distance e-learning in different fields of knowledge in
tries, the effect of distance electronic learning is likely to low and middle-income countries (e.g. Jordan) can add a
be revolutionary specially in low-middle income countries. great benefit to achieve 2030 SDGs.
Al-Balas et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:341 Page 3 of 7

This study aims to explore the situation of dis- software. The analyses included descriptive statistics and
tance e-learning among medical students during chi-square test. A P < 0.05 was considered statistically
their clinical years and to identify possible chal- significant.
lenges, limitations, satisfaction as well as their per-
spectives for this the approach of learning. To the Results
best of our knowledge, no published study discussing The mean age of participants was 22.7 years (range:
the current situation of distance e-learning among 21–28). As illustrated in Table 1, among the 652 stu-
Jordanian medical students in their clinical years is dents who completed their questionnaire, 382 (58.6%)
available. Students’ satisfactions, limitations, and per- were female. Other demographics are explained in
spectives have been addressed in our study as well. Table 1. Two hundred and sixty-two students (40.2%)
declared their enrollment in at least one distance
Methods learning course before or during the COVID-19 pan-
This is a cross sectional study based on a questionnaire demic that is not part of their medical school cur-
of 23 questions that was designed by a team of faculty riculum while 149 students (22.9%) have participated
members from all participating medical schools in in a distance learning course in their universities pre-
Jordan. Participating students are medical students in viously. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority
their clinical medical years (i.e. 4th, 5th and 6th years) of the student (n = 538; 82.5%) have participated in
from the all medical schools (i.e. University of Jordan, distance learning in their medical schools. Further
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Yarmouk analysis of the non-participating students showed that
University, Hashemite University, Mutah University, and 6th-year students were the least to be involved in dis-
Al-Balqa’a University)). tance learning as the majority of them have com-
The questionnaire was distributed on May 5th, 2020 pleted their academic courses before the COVID-19
using previously created students Facebook and WhatsApp curfew. Among the 538 students, smartphones were
groups that were adopted by medical schools for communi- the most commonly used single device in e-learning
cation with their students. Questions were in two formats, (35.9%) followed by computers either laptops or desk-
multiple-choice and rating questions on a five-point scale tops (14.5%). Two hundred and sixty seven students
(Likert scale). For simplifying statistical analysis, the five
categories were regrouped into three categories, and were Table 1 Participating students’ characteristics
labeled as agree, neutral and disagree. Number (%)
These questions were mainly about student’s demo- Age Mean: 22.7 years
graphics (age, gender, academic years and medical (range: 21–28)
school), prior and current experience with distance Gender Male 270 (41.4%)
learning, available technologies, distance learning bene- Female 382 (58.6%)
fits, drawbacks, their instructors’ influence, challenges, Clinical academic year Fourth year 243 (37.3%)
attitudes towards the effectiveness of distance learning
Fifth year 228 (34.9%)
in medical education, and their perceptions about the
Sixth year 181 (27.8%)
future of distance learning in medical education.
For this study, the estimated sample size is derived from Medical school University of Jordan 96 (14.7%)
the online Raosoft sample size calculator [10]. The sample Hashemite University 122 (18.7%)
size was calculated based on a response rate of 50%, a con- Yarmouk University 113 (17.3%)
fidence interval of 99%, and a margin of error of 5%, with Mutah University 155 (23.8%)
a total 4th, 5th, and 6th medical student population
Al- Balqa’ Applied 43 (6.6%)
around 5147 (i.e. University of Jordan (n = 1155), Jordan University
University of Science and Technology (n = 1525), Hash- Jordan University of 123 (18.9%)
emite University (n = 694), Yarmouk University (n = 614), Science and
Mutah University (n = 910) and AlBalqa’a University (n = Technology
249)), the largest required sample size is 588. Accordingly, Previous enrollment in distance Yes 262 (40.2%)
this study included a convenient sample of 652 students learning not related of university
No 390 (59.8%)
who are currently enrolled in their clinical years.
Objectives and goals were explained at the beginning of Previous enrollment in distance Yes 149 (22.9%)
learning related to university
the questionnaire to all participating students, and their en- curriculum No 503 (77.1%)
rollment was after they consent to participate in the study. Current enrollment in distance Yes 538 (82.5%)
Data were analyzed using the statistical package for the so- learning amid COVID-19
No 114 (17.5%)
cial sciences version 23 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL) statistical
Al-Balas et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:341 Page 4 of 7

(49.6%) utilized multiple devices to access their learn- Table 2 Distance e-learning reported benefits, drawbacks and
ing sessions. challenges (n = 538)
According to the participating students, the delivery of Number of students
educational material using synchronous live streaming (%)
sessions represented the major modality of teaching, in Benefits Time saving 425 (79%)
which 80.9% of students were engaged. Only prere- Flexibility of class time 343 (63.8%)
corded sessions and a mix of live and pre-recorded les- Better instruction 59 (11%)
sons were used in 11.2 and 8% respectively. Improved learning 73 (13.6%)
Various platforms and applications had been imple-
Better interaction instructor 73 (13.6%)
mented in distance learning including ZOOM, Microsoft
Teams, WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups, YouTube Better interaction with 18 (3.3%)
channels, Moodle, and Skype. While most students re-
No benefits 27 (5%)
ported using multiple platforms in their learning
(64.7%), ZOOM was the most commonly used single Drawbacks Poor instruction 260 (48.3%)
platform in delivering educational sessions (35.3%). Poor interaction with instructors 334 (62.1%)
Regarding reported benefits, drawbacks, and chal- Poor interaction with classmates 308 (57.2%)
lenges of distance learning, 55.9% reported having mul- No drawbacks 91 (16.9%)
tiple advantages including time-saving, flexibility of
Challenges Poor internet coverage 372 (69.1%)
class, improved interaction with instructors and class-
Limitation in internet data 205 (38.1%)
mates. A minority of students (5%) reported no benefits packages
in comparison to traditional learning. The main draw-
Lacking suitable devices 65 (12.1%)
backs were the low quality of teaching reported by
(48.3%) of responders and poor interaction with instruc- Variation in educational 205 (38.1%)
tors reported by (62.1%) of responders. Internet stream-
No challenges 40 (7.4%)
ing quality and coverage was the main challenge that
was reported by 372 students (69.1%). A summary of re-
ported benefits, drawbacks, and challenges is summa- traditional approach by faculty members will be the
rized in Table 2. main barrier and 46.8% believe that lack of cooper-
Based on students’ opinions regarding instructors’ role ation from instructors will affect this approach. Poor
and performance in distance learning, 64.3% of students financial capacity of students might also impede dis-
had agreed that instructors were actively participating in tance learning according to 297 students (55.2%). Be-
their discussions and 78.3% of students admitted that in- sides that, 55.2% of students predict that lack of
structors approached them using multimedia to achieve commitment to distance learning courses by students
desired course objectives. The majority of students re-
ported an efficient response to their inquiries from in-
structors (i.e. 86.6% reported response in less than 48 h).
On the other hand, the time dedicated to distance learning
sessions was not adequate according to 26.5% of students.
Overall, only 144 students (26.77%) were satisfied with
their experience in medical distance learning (Fig. 1).
Factors that were significantly linked to the level of
satisfaction includes students previous experience in dis-
tance learning within universities, instructors’ role, using
multimedia and devoting adequate time for educational
sessions. On the other hand, students’ academic level or
previous enrollment in distance learning courses out of
the university curriculum was not related to the level of
satisfaction (Table 3).

Students future perspectives regarding distance e-

Based on students’ perspectives, implementing dis-
Fig. 1 Students’ satisfaction with distance e-learning during clinical
tance e-learning in medical education is challenging
medical years
(Table 2); 65.8% of students think that preference of
Al-Balas et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:341 Page 5 of 7

Table 3 correlation between students’ level of satisfaction and different variables

Level of satisfaction
Academic year Satisfied Neutral Not satisfied P- value
Academic year 4th 51 (9.5%) 58 (10.8%) 90 (16.7%) 0.444
5th 61 (11.3%) 51 (9.5%) 91 (16.9%)
6th 32 (5.9%) 46 (8.6%) 58 (10.8%)
Previous enrollment in distance learning not related of university No 73 (13.6%) 98 (18.2%) 145 (27%) 0.064
Yes 71 (13.2%) 57 (10.6%) 94 (17.5%)
Previous enrollment in distance learning related to university curriculum No 96 (17.8%) 117 (21.7%) 191 (35.5%) 0.015*
Yes 48 (8.9%) 38 (7.1%) 48 (8.9%)
Instructors actively participate in discussion Agree 126 (23.4%) 116 (21.6%) 103 (19.1%) < 0.0001**
Neutral 17 (12.7%) 29 (5.4%) 88 (16.4%)
Disagree 1 (2.3%) 10 (1.9%) 48 (8.9%)
Instructor use multimedia in teaching session Agree 130 (24.2%) 131 (24.3%) 160 (29.7%) < 0.0001**
Disagree 14 (2.6%) 24 (4.5%) 79 (14.7%)
The time dedicated for the E-learning courses is adequate Agree 111 (20.6%) 73 (13.6%) 48 (9%) < 0.0001**
Neutral 28 (5.2%) 61 (11.3%) 74 (13.8%)
Disagree 5 (0.9%) 21 (3.9%) 117 (21.7%)
Future course preferences Entirely E-learning 21 (3.9%) 6 (1.1%) 1 (0.2%) < 0.0001**
Blended approach 120 (22.3%) 129 (24%) 157 (29.2%)
Traditional learning 3 (0.6%) 20 (3.7%) 81 (15.1%)
* Significant
** Strongly significant

might discourage medical schools from adopting it in Traditional (i.e. face to face) teaching is considered an
their curricula. essential long-standing approach in medical education
More than half of students (57.2%) admit that young [11]. As traditional approaches in medical education are
staff members are more willing to participate in distance facing increased challenges because of the increase in
e-learning while 12.1% disagreed with that. According to clinical demands and reduction in available time [12], a
281 students (52.2%), distance e-learning can replace shift in traditional medical education practice to online,
traditional class learning in delivering theoretical know- distance, or electronic learning has been noticed in the
ledge while 423 students (78.6%) replied that distance e- last few decades [13].
learning will represent a major challenge to acquire ad- In 2011, almost 30% of students were enrolled in dis-
equate clinical medical skills. According to 406 students tance learning during their undergraduate bachelor’s de-
(75.5%), blended approach (A mix of traditional and E- gree according to the US national center for educational
learning classes) is the preferred way to deliver medical statistics [14], but actually this is not the case in under-
education in the future, and adopting future distance graduate education in Jordan. Distance e-learning has
learning was significantly related to the degree of overall been reported to provide easier and more effective ac-
satisfaction. cess to a wider variety and greater quantity of informa-
tion, as well, learning delivery allows a personalized
Discussion approach in learning, so students have more control
This study aimed to evaluate clinical medical students’ over the educational content, learning sequence and
experiences in computer mediated distance e-learning, time [15–17]. Another advantage of e-learning is the
which is considered a newly adopted approach in Jor- easier and faster update and distribution of the educa-
danian medical schools. Distance e-learning has emerged tional content in comparison to printed references. In
as a new method of teaching to maintain the continuity this study, main reported advantages were saving time
of medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic. and flexibility of classes as being reported by 79 and
In this study, we explored student’s opinions toward 63.8% respectively.
major challenges they faced during their new experience Implementation of distance e-learning in medical edu-
of learning, limitations, faculty staff performance, overall cation is challenging, especially in low-middle income
satisfaction as well as future perspectives. countries. Barrier against adopting distance e-learning
Al-Balas et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:341 Page 6 of 7

can be divided into three main levels; (1) technology/in- Conclusion

frastructure barriers (2) institutional/educators’ barriers With advances in technologies and social media, dis-
(3) student barriers. The lack of infrastructure, technol- tance learning is a new and rapidly growing approach
ogy, internet access, and poor quality of internet services for undergraduate, postgraduate, and health care pro-
are examples of barriers that impact both learners and viders. Regardless of reported benefits, medical students
faculty members [18, 19], and this was demonstrated in preferred the blended approach in teaching as distance
participants reported challenges (Table 2). learning represented a major challenge to acquire ad-
Another important challenge against distance learn- equate clinical medical skills. Satisfaction in distance
ing is the reluctance and avoidance of educators to learning is strongly linked to students’ prior experience
engage in new technologies and applications because in distance learning as well as instructors’ experiences
of their limited knowledge or lacking proper training and interactions. Technical and infrastructural resources
in these fields [20]. As institutional support is essential reported as a major challenge for implementing distance
for the success of distance learning, and institutional learning, so understanding technological, financial, insti-
strategy should be designed to facilitate the implemen- tutional, educators, and student barriers are essential for
tation of key skills and the adoption of methodologies the successful implementation of distance learning in
by faculty [18]. medical education.
In this study, the overall medical students’ early
experience in distance learning is unsatisfactory. Previ- WHO: World Health Organization; COVID-19: Coronavirus disease 2019;
ous experience in distance learning was significantly as- SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals; LMIC: Low and middle-income
sociated with higher satisfaction among our students. countries
Despite their low level of satisfaction, they expect that Acknowledgements
distance e-learning can partially replace the traditional No Acknowledgements
method in delivering theoretical but not clinical skills.
Study limitations
They believe that a blended approach (traditional and
A total of 652 students responded out of 5147 students. We concluded data
e-learning) will be the most suitable for future acquisition once the minimum required convenient sample size (588) was
medical training. reached.

Authors’ contributions
Conceptualization: MA, HIA, HA. Study design: BA, HIA, HA. Data collection:
Strengths and limitations MA, HIA, HA, HJ, EA, RA, KO. Supervision: MA, BA. Writing manuscript: MA,
Based on our review, this is the first paper discussing HIA, HA, KO. Literature review: HIB, HB, KO, BA. Data analysis: HJ. Preparation
of Tables and supplementary material: BA. Critical review: KO, HIA, HJ, EA, RA.
clinical medical distance e-learning in Jordan. We have All authors have read and approved the manuscript.
involved medical students during their clinical years in
all Jordanian medical universities. Major limitations for Funding
This research received no funds
this study was the inability to measure educational out-
comes linked to distance e-learning and comparing them Availability of data and materials
to traditional learning. Further studies are required to All data and supplementary material are available upon request from the
corresponding author.
address educational outcomes as well as faculty mem-
bers’ perceptions and opinions towards distance e- Ethics approval and consent to participate
learning. The statement of ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional
Review Board (IRB) committee at Hashemite University, and an informed
written consent was obtained from participants before their enrollment in
the questionnaire.
Recommendations for future practice
Based on the results, medical institutions in Jordan need Consent for publication
Not applicable.
to address previously mentioned challenges in near
future to optimize the experience of distance e-learning Competing interests
among their students. It is mandatory to collaborate The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding this project
and they approved it for publication.
with telecommunication companies to provide students
and instructors with high-quality internet coverage with Author details
affordable costs, also to improve instructors’ skills in General and Breast Surgery, Department of General and Special Surgery,
Faculty of Medicine, Hashemite University, Irbid-Amman Street, Al Husn, P.O.
using technology in their distance learning. The need to Box 3, Irbid 21510, Jordan. 2Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine,
establish a unified educational platform for all medical Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. 3Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
schools might be the optimal solution to overcome the Al-Balqa Applied University, Salt, Jordan. 4Transplant and
Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgery, Department of General Surgery, Faculty of
variation between students’ satisfaction in distance learn- Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan.
ing secondary to variation in instructors’ performance. 5
General and Gastrointestinal Surgery, Department of General and Special
Al-Balas et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:341 Page 7 of 7

Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan. 6General Publisher’s Note
and Gastrointestinal Surgery, Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
Medicine, Mutah University, Mu’tah, Jordan. 7Pediatric surgery, Department of published maps and institutional affiliations.
general surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University, Irbid, Jordan.
Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.

Received: 5 June 2020 Accepted: 24 September 2020

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