New Normal Research
New Normal Research
New Normal Research
New Normal: The Involvement of the Parents in Student’s Skills in the Usage of Modals
Research Committee
Corona virus (COVID-19) has changed how students are educated around the world. Those
changes gives us glimpse at how education could change for the better-and the –worse-in the long term.
(World Economic Forum 2020)
With the corona virus spreading rapidly across Asia, Europe, the Middle East and United States,
countries have taken swift decisive action to mitigate the development of a full-blown pandemic. Since
its pandemic, over 421 million children are affected due to school closures announced or implemented
in 39 countries. In addition, another 22 countries have announced partial” localized” closures ( World
Economic Forum 2020).
Since the report of the local transmission here in the Philippines, President Rodrigo Duterte
signes the proclamation order No. 922 on March 8, 2020 putting the country in the state of public health
emergency, a way to prevent the spread of the virus and mitigate its effects in the community.
(Simbulan 2020)
With the lockdown, it becomes a challenge to all the people how to survive and feed their
Educators, public and private school have to adjust to the new normal set up. With the dismiss
of face to face interaction and mass gathering are prohibited the DEPED think of a solution to cater the
needs of the learners. As Secretatry Briones says education must continue, the modalities were
introduced, BLENDED, ON LINE and MODULAR. As long as the teachers are safe and so are the learners.
In this new normal set up, parents here play the most important role, to guide their children as
they journey towards the success of earning their education. Parent’s role will play a vital point in this
pandemic period, it be critical and apparent. They will become a coach in the learning process of their
Aside from the possible delay in school opening from June to August or later months, DepEd
is preparing the implementation of multimodal approaches to learning such as online learning,
Face-to-face classroom instruction may still not be possible if schools remain closed due to the
continued threat of COVID-19. Smaller classrooms sizes, Saturday classes, and other alternative
delivery modes (ADMs) are also being considered to ensure that learning of students will continue.
“The other aspect and I think this is really big, is the role of parents,” Sevilla said. “The role
of the parents especially on an online platform is very relevant and huge,” she added. If online
learning will be used, Sevilla said there are several considerations that would require parents’
participation and involvement such as the facility to be used, gadgets, internet connection, among
“Of course, the important part is the follow-up because after the children are exposed (to
online learning) or once they have experienced the online platform learning, the next aspect is the
follow-up, especially how the learner has performed after the online interaction,” Sevilla explained
in a mix of English and Filipino.
Sevilla said that the scope of DepEd’s responsibilities may be extended to parents and other
family members to ensure the success in implementing online learning. “If the parents or other
family members like grandparents, aunties or uncles, and even the nanny, we need to give them
orientation too,” she ended ( Malipot 2020).
This is very new to everyone especially to parents since they will take a big part in the new
normal setup. Learning will be moved to the students’ homes and parents will somewhat take on the
role of teachers. Due to these changes, several concerns have been raised such as what kind of
instruction will be done at home, how will the parents manage their children’s learning especially the
toddlers, and what class schedule will full-time working parents follow.
While these parents are open to adjusting with the new normal setup, their concerns are valid,
but parents have nothing to worry about because the teachers will still be facilitating the students’
learning by being the ever ready learning consultants. They will also help the parents and the learners go
through the modules and worksheets both online and offline. (Bendejo ,2020)
This action research aims to find out how effective is the involvement of the parents in
Poblacion South in improving the comprehension of their grade 9 children in the use of modals.
1. What is the level of the understanding of the grade 9 learners towards the usage of modals
before the involvement of their parents?
2. What is the level of the understanding of the grade 9 learners towards the modals after the
involvement of their parents?
3. What are the intervention undertaken after the utilization of the parents’ involvement in
improving the understanding of the grade 9 learners in modals?
The new academic year is ahead. The plan to reopen the school has been a hot topic lately. Of
course the policy to reopen the school must be carried out with full consideration, including the
necessity of implementing health protocols.(Puspita 2020).
According to Dr. Azimatul parents most play the most important part in their children’s lives this
“For parents, we need to prepare time, energy, including learning to use gadgets or software
that supports online learning. We also need to set aside our attention to monitor the development of
the learning process carried out by our children, ” she said
As this new normal emerge, new paradigm shift parents will play the key role as the teachers
will do the facilitating of modules.
There is a powerful case for making meaning parental engagement a critical piece of what K-12
education looks like during and after this pandemic. To make this case and share powerful, but practical
strategies to help educators overcome the challenging, but necessary difficulties needed to close this
gap. (Seale 2020)
With the parents’ involvement, this study will measure how much contribution can a parent do
and with their involvement can help to enhance the understanding and learning of their children
towards modals. Modals can be tricky and confusing. Learners can be confused which modals should
they use and what modals it should be.
So, the grade 9 learners will be help by their parents to enhance their understanding towards
the uses of modals. The test will have three parts, the nature of modals, the usage and to analyzed the
sentences with modals in it. Parents are also given a questionnaire which they will answer honestly.
After the result are gathered, it will be analyzed and computed.
This action research will give us qualitative design specifically true experimental pre test-post
Design will employ the experimental method, where the researcher manipulates one variable,
and control/randomizes the rest variables. It has control group, the subjects have been randomly
assigned between groups and the researchers only tests one effect at a time. It is also important to
know the variable you want to test and to measure., and it is appropriate in this research to determine
the effect of the Parent’s Involvement in the Enhancing the Understanding of the Grade 9 Learners.
The respondents of the study are the grade 9 learners and their parents form the Poblacion
South, Oton, Iloilo, who are the students of the Oton National High School, school year 2020-2021. The
students will be randomly selected.
The instruments used in data gathering will be a 35- item research made test questionnaire. This
test will be submitted to the panel of validators to be validated. Approval to conduct of the research
instrument will be secured from the school principal. Prior to the conduct of the intervention, the
pretest will be conducted to the controlled experimental group. Then, the researcher will retrieved the
questionnaire and immediately encode, process and analyze the results.
Data Collection
Approval conduct of the research instrument will be secured from the school principal. The
researcher will personally administer the questionnaire following the IATF health protocols to the
participants of the study. Then the researcher will retrieve the questionnaire and immediately encode
and process and analyze the result.
Ethical Issues
In conduct of this action research, the researcher should secure permission from the adviser of
their respondents and approval of the school principal. Students participants must be informed on the
details and purpose of the study.
Result and findings shall be reposted with clarity and verify. All learners, school administrators,
teachers shall be informed and notify with the result and findings of the study.
The research instrument will be reproduced according to the number of the respondents study.
The researcher will personally administer the questionnaire following the IATF health protocols, to the
target respondents. The researcher will use the Paired T-test to compare of the pre test and post test.
Mean. Mean is used to determine the level of the understanding of the usage of modals by the
Grade 9 Learners.
Standard Deviation. Standard deviation will be used to determine the dispersion of the scores
about the mean.
t-test for paired samples. This is used to determine the significant difference in the pre test and
posttest of control and experimental group.
Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) will be used in the data analysis level of significant
will be set at 0.05.
To achieve this research work’s objective, the researcher will religiously follow the activities,
timelines and duration of activities presented in Table 1.
Table 1
A. Planning
1. Planning and Preparation November 23-30,2020 7 days
Research Proposal
2. Preparation of Research-made December1-10,2020 10 days
3. Submission of Research Proposal February 1,2021 1 day
by Congressional District
Evaluation of Research
Proposal by the Congressional
District Research Committee
4. Evaluation of Research Proposal February 1-15,2021 15 days
by Congressional District Research
5. Retrieval, Revisions and Finalization February 16,2021 1 day
of Research Proposals
6. Resubmission of Revised Research February 24, 2021 1 day
Proposal to the Congressional
Research Coordinator
7. Submission of the Research proposal March 1, 2021 1 day
To the School Division
Research Committee for Approval
8. Retrieval of Schools Division Research April 1-2, 2021 2 days
Committee-Approved Research Proposal
B. Implementation
1. Start of Implementation April 15, 2021 1 day
2. Orientation of respondents April 16, 2021 1 day
3. Conduct of Pre test April 17-18, 2021 2 days
4. Implementation of Intervention May 1, 2021 30 days
5. Conduct post test June 1, 2021 1 day
6. Checking, Tabulation ,Analysis, June 6, 2021 5 days
and Interpretation of Pre Test
Post Test
7. Finalization of Complete Action June 7-12, 2021 5 days
Research Proposal
Cost Estimates
Here are the probable costs of materials used in conduct of the action research.
Table 2.
Total P1,158.00
After calculating the result of this action research, these findings will be shared to the English teachers through
LAC session.
This action research aims to improve the Understanding of the Grade 9 students towards the modals with the
assistance of their parents. English teachers are also encouraged to seek the assistance of the parents to enhance the
learning of the students this new normal set up to enhance their understanding and comprehension.
Anne Christy B. Bendejo (2020) New Normal: How Parents Embrace The Challenges in Education.
Retrieved from
Challenges-In-Education.html July 31,2020
Manny Serapio (2020) ( Pandemic Parenting: Education in the New Normal.
Retrieved from-
Icha Nur Imami Puspita (2020) Three parents role to prepare children to face new normal Retrieved
Colin Seale (2020) Parent Involvement Has Always Mattered. Will The COVID-19 Pandemic Finally Make
This The New Normal In K-12 Education? Retrieved from.