Jurnal Seep W Slope W
Jurnal Seep W Slope W
Jurnal Seep W Slope W
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/jag.48592
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
A BSTRACT. The Jatigede Dam is a multi-purpose rockfill dam located in Sumedang Re-
gency, West Java Province. The construction of the Jatigede Dam started in 2008 and it is
the second largest dam in Indonesia after the Jatiluhur Dam. As one of the vital facilities,
it is highly necessary to evaluate the stability of the Jatigede Dam to avoid dam collapse.
First reservoir filling is one of the factors affecting the dam stability; therefore, this re-
search aims to evaluate the Jatigede Dam stability during impounding. The transient
seepage analysis was conducted to evaluate the pore pressure change during impound-
ing. The result of seepage analysis was used to analyze the dam stability using the limit
equilibrium method with Rockscience software of Slide2. The results of the seepage anal-
ysis shows that the rise of the reservoir water level affects the upstream slope stability.
The safety factor of the upstream slope changes during the impounding process. All the
safety factors for the upstream and downstream slopes during impounding still meet the
minimum safety factor criteria required.
Keywords: Rockfill dam · Seepage · Pore water pressure · Slope stability · Safety factor ·
validated using the pore water pressure mon- determine the safety factor of the slope during
itoring result to obtain the results that were the reservoir impounding process.
close to the actual conditions. The results of The seepage analysis was carried out using
the seepage analysis were used to analyze the the Finite Element Method while the slope sta-
stability of the dam to obtain the safety factor bility analysis was performed using the Limit
during impounding. Both the seepage analysis Equilibrium Method. Among various methods
and stability analysis were carried out using of analysis in the Limit Equilibrium Method
Rocscience software of Slide2. such as modified Bishop’s method (Bishop,
1954), Janbu’s generalized procedure of Slices
2 C HARACTERISTICS OF THE J ATIGEDE D AM (Janbu, 1973), Morgenstern and Price’s method
The Jatigede Dam is the second largest dam in (Morgenstern and Price, 1965), and Spencer’s
Indonesia after the Jatiluhur Dam in West Java. method (Spencer, 1967), the Morgenstern-Price
The watershed area of the Jatigede Reservoir is method was chosen for the analysis because
1,462 km2 with an annual flow volume of 2.5 × this method uses two basic concepts in de-
109 m3 . The crest of the dam is at El. +265 m, termining safety factor, namely equilibrium of
the length of the dam’s crest is 1,715 m, the forces and moments (Abramson et al., 2002). In
crest width of the dam is 12 m, the height of addition, this method can be used on slopes
the dam from the lowest elevation is 114 m, the with non-circular slip surface (Craig, 2004).
slope of the upstream is 1V : 2H, and the slope
of the downstream is 1V : 1.9H. 4 R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
The main dam was constructed over clay- 4.1 Seepage analysis
stone and volcanic breccia. The reservoir was Seepage analysis can be divided into steady
distributed on shale with intercalation of clay- state analysis and transient analysis. The
stone and sandstone on Upper Cinambo For- steady State analysis is when the inflow is
mation (Thong, 2013). The Jatigede Dam was always equal to the outflow within the analy-
divided into 6 zones. Zone 1 is an impervious sis range. The Transient analysis, on the other
zone consisting of a mixture of soil and gravel hand, can display different inflow and outflow
with a composition of 70%:30%, zone 2a is a with time. In this research, transient boundary
fine filter with a thickness of 50 cm, zone 2b is conditions were applied because the reservoir
a coarse filter with a thickness of 50 cm, zone 3a water level changed in the time function (Fred-
is rockfill with a maximum size of 40 cm, zone lund and Rahardjo, 1993; Andreea, 2016). The
3b is a rockfill with a maximum size of 80 cm, seepage analysis was conducted at the area
and zone 6 is a riprap with a maximum size of where the piezometers were installed (PP.8,
100 cm. The Jatigede Dam was built on a vol- PP.9, PP.10 and PP.11) as seen in Figure 3. The
canic breccia layer (zone 5) and at the bottom boundary condition was a simplification of
of the dam there is a grouting curtain (zone 4). the monitoring results of reservoir water level
The plan view and cross section of the Jatigede fluctuations (Figure 4) by selecting a number
Dam are shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. of points that represented the condition of the
water level during the reservoir impounding
process. The results of seepage analysis during
The dam was modeled using the cross sec- reservoir impounding are shown in Figure 5.
tion in Figure 2. The engineering properties As seen in Figure 5, the increase in reservoir
of the dam were determined by series of pri- water level causes an increase in the pore wa-
mary and secondary data from the Ministry ter pressure of the upstream slope of the dam
of Public Works and Public Housing as seen (PP.8, PP.9 and PP.10). However, this change
in Table 1. In this research, coupled analyses does not occur on the downstream side after
of seepage and slope stability were conducted zone 1 of the dam (PP.11). The core of the dam
using Rockscience of Slide2. The changes in with low permeability causes the seepage flow
pore water pressure obtained from the seepage to be deflected when it passes through zone 1.
analysis were used in the stability analysis to The seepage flow moves downward because
seepage flows from the areas with high per-
Zone 1 2a 2b 3a 3b 4 5
Model material Mohr-Coulomb
γ (kN/m3 )
15 22 23 22 21.5 26 26
c (kPa) 20 30 30 40 40 1100 1100
φ (◦ ) 18 36 38 36 36 35 35
k (cm/s) 5 × 10−6 6.5 × 10−4 3.6 × 10−3 1 1.7 1 × 10−10 1 × 10−4
meability to the areas with lower permeability was initially dry, became saturated due to the
(Casagrande, 1937). rise of the reservoir water level. This caused an
The results of analysis in Figure 5 have the increase in pore water pressure at the toe of the
same pattern as the results of monitoring in cofferdam which led to a decrease in the shear
Figure 6. The difference is in the value of pore strength of soil. As seen in Figure 8, the slip
water pressure at the first impounding. The surface which was initially on the slope of the
change in the pore water pressure is influenced dam body moves to the cofferdam slope.
only by the fluctuations of the reservoir water At stage 3, the safety factor of the slope is
level; therefore, before the impounding takes the same as the safety factor at the end of con-
place, the value of pore water pressure at the struction. The impervious zone in cofferdam
end of the construction is almost zero. Mean- caused the seepage move downward. Con-
while, the changes in pore pressure monitor- sequently, the pore pressure of the cofferdam
ing results are influenced by other factors such slope did not change significantly. On the other
as infiltration of rainwater during the construc- hand, the rise of water level increased the hy-
tion period and dam water table. As a result, drostatic pressure on the slope surface which
the monitored pore water pressure at the end contributed to the increase in the safety factor
of the construction is greater than the pore wa- of the cofferdam slope.
ter pressure resulted from the analysis. The re- At stage 4 and stage 5, the safety factor de-
sults of the analysis that are not much different creases during the rise of reservoir water level.
from the results of monitoring show that the The seepage flow caused the pore water pres-
changes of pore pressure can be used to evalu- sure in the dam slope to change significantly.
ate the stability of the dam slope. As seen in Figure 8, the total head value which
was initially 155 m changed to 230 m. This is
4.2 The analysis of slope stability the reason why the safety factor of the slope
The aim of the slope stability analysis is to decreased.
determine the safety factor of the Jatigede In stage 6 and stage 7, there is an increase in
Dam during reservoir impounding. The safety the safety factor because the pore water pres-
factor is defined as a ratio of average shear sure does not change significantly as shown in
strength of the soil and average shear stress Figure 8. This is due to the increase in reser-
developed along the potential failure surface voir water level that occurred for a long time,
(Das, 2010). The analysis was conducted us- prompting an insignificant change in the pore
ing the limit equilibrium method with the water pressure.
Morgenstern-Price method. The pore water In stage 8 to stage 12, there is no change in
pressure change resulted from the seepage the safety factor because the reservoir water
analysis was used in the slope stability anal- level did not change. The reservoir water level
ysis. Figure 7 shows the results of safety fac- condition that did not change for a long time
tor analysis on the upstream and downstream caused the seepage flow on the upstream side
slopes of the dam during reservoir impound- of the dam to be almost in a steady state condi-
ing. The stage of water level in Figure 7 is tran- tion although on the other side of the dam, the
sient boundary condition from seepage analy- changing process of the pore pressure was still
sis (Figure 4) in which stage 1 is the end of con- ongoing. A stable pore pressure did not cause
struction condition. any change in the safety factor for the slope.
The analysis results in stages 5 through 12
4.2.1 Safety factor of the upstream slope
provide similar results to the research con-
The analysis results in Figure 7 show that the ducted by Fathani (2012) where the rise of wa-
safety factor changes during the impounding ter level increases the safety factor of the up-
process. At the second stage (first impound- stream slope. The difference that occurs in
ing), the safety factor of the upstream slope stage 1 to stage 5 was because the seepage was
decreases from 2.11 to 1.94. One of the criti- still in transient conditions while in stage 6 to
cal phases in the reservoir impounding was the stage 12 the seepage on the upstream slope of
first impounding (Cojean and Cai, 2011). Dur- the dam was almost in a steady state condition
ing the first impounding, the dam slope, which
as the change in water level took place for a slope of the dam. The impermeable layer in
long time. the center of the dam makes the seepage flow
unable to pass through the downstream side of
4.2.2 Safety factor of the downstream slope the dam. The results of the analysis show the
The analysis results in Figure 7 show that same pattern of increase in pore pressure com-
safety factor of the downstream slope remains pared to the results of monitoring. The differ-
constant during reservoir impounding. This is ence in the value of pore water pressure is due
because the impermeable layer in the center of to the differences in pore water pressure at the
the dam makes the phreatic surface unable to end of construction. Therefore, it is acceptable
pass through the failure surface of the down- to use changes in pore water pressure during
stream slope during the impounding as shown filling of the reservoir to determine the safety
in Figure 9. As a result, the safety factor of factor of the slope.
the slope during reservoir impounding did not In the analysis of slope stability, it can be
change. concluded that the safety factor of the slope
The analysis result in Figure 7 provides changes during the process of reservoir im-
different results compared to the laboratory pounding. The critical stage of the reservoir
studies conducted by Fathani and Legono impounding process occurs at the first of reser-
(2011); Fathani and Legono (2012) where the voir impounding as there is a change in the
rise of water level decreases the safety factor condition of pore water pressure from dry
of the downstream slope. The research carried slope to saturated. Finally, it causes a decrease
out by Fathani and Legono (2011); Fathani in shear strength on the slope of the dam. On
and Legono (2012) used a homogeneous dam the downstream slope of the dam, there is no
model so that seepage passes through the change in the safety factor since the end of
failure surface of the dam slope and triggers the construction and during the reservoir im-
instability in the downstream slope while in pounding because the seepage flow does not
this research, the division of the dam zone pass through the failure surface of downstream
with impermeable layer at the center of the slope. All the safety factors obtained during
dam causes the seepage flow unable to pass reservoir impounding still meet the minimum
through the failure surface of the downstream required of safety factor criteria.
slope. As a result, the rises of water level does
not affect the stability of the downstream slope A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS
during resevoir impounding. The authors would like to express their grati-
The analysis results in Figure 7 show that tude to the Head of Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai
when the seepage is almost in a steady state (BBWS) Cimanuk Cisanggarung and Satuan
condition (stage 7 to stage 12), the safety fac- Non Vertikal Tertentu (SNVT) of the Jatigede
tor of upstream slope is greater than that of the Dam that had assisted the researchers during
downstream slope. The resisting effect of the the data collection process. The researchers
reservoir water on the upstream slope causes also highly appreciate the support of the Com-
an increase of safety factor (Kutzner, 1997; Hi- puting Laboratory of the Department of Civil
manshu and Burman, 2017). Based on the anal- and Environmental Engineering, Universitas
ysis result, all safety factors obtained for the Gadjah Mada.
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