A Case Study of Slope Failure in Central Trinidad Due To Water Pipe Leakage
A Case Study of Slope Failure in Central Trinidad Due To Water Pipe Leakage
A Case Study of Slope Failure in Central Trinidad Due To Water Pipe Leakage
This study deals with a case study of slope failure in central Trinidad. Residents
have been complaining about water pipe leaks in areas where there were no corrective
actions to address the problem. To simulate the water pipe leakage in the road slope,
numerical analyses were conducted in two ways: (1) unsaturated seepage analysis
using SEEP/W software and (2) stability analysis during water leakage using SLOPE/W
software. Results demonstrate that most important observations in the water flow and
stability responses of unsaturated clayey soil slope under water pipe leakage condition
can be reasonably well simulated using the proposed numerical procedure.
Landslides are one of the major disasters in Trinidad and Tobago. During the period
2006~2019, 367 landslides were reported by the Ministry of Works and Transport. Of
these, many landslides are suspected to have occurred due to water pipe leakage.
Residents have been complaining about water pipe leaks in areas where there was no
corrective action to fix the problem before slope failures.
Slope failures caused by water pipe leaks have been reported rarely in the world.
Hui et al. (2005) reported over 206 landslide incidents involving buried pipes in the
vicinity of slopes in Hong Kong between 1984 and 2004. Zhu et al. (2018a) conducted
the stability analysis of a two-dimensional silty sandy slope subjected to pipe leakage.
Zhu et al. (2018b) conducted the simulation of water infiltration in an unsaturated slope
from a leaking pipe and the simulated results were compared with experimental data.
This paper deals with the stability analysis of a clayey slope subjected to water pipe
leakage. Numerical analyses were conducted in two ways: (1) an unsaturated seepage
analysis to obtain the porewater pressure distribution due to water pipe leakage using
SEEP/W software (Geo-slope 2012a) and (2) a stability analysis to calculate the factor
Senior Lecturer
Graduate Student
of safety using SLOPE/W software (Geo-slope 2012b).
The slope failure case study is considered for a road slope located at Todd’s Station
Road. The road was built on highly plastic clay soils that are common in most central
and southern Trinidad. The landslide occurred along Todd’s Station Road. The area
affected by the soil movement spans about 220 m along the Todd’s Station Road,
which damaged 12 private homes, two which were abandoned and demolished due to
the landslide (EISL 2018).
A typical slope is selected in this study as shown in Fig. 1. An embankment slope in
clayey soils with a buried water pipe has a breakage along its longitudinal direction.
The slope is 7.6 m high and inclined at 33°. A water pipe, 150 mm in diameter, is
embedded 2 m below the road.
Parameter Value
USCS classification CH
Gravel (%) 1.0
Sand (%) 3.3
Silt (%) 35.5
Clay (%) 60.2
Liquid limit (%) 76
Plasticity index (%) 54
Parameter Value
Unit weight (kN/m3) 16
Effective cohesion (kPa) 5
Angle of internal friction (o) 25
Angle defining the increase in strength due to the
negative pore water pressure
Fig. 3 shows the variation of factor of safety with respect to time for different flow
rates. The factor of safety for each flow rate at the start of the analysis is relatively high.
This was due to the shear strength of the soil being greater than the active overburden
stress. However, once the water leakage commenced, the factor of safety decreased
steadily as the shear strength decreased with increased porewater pressure. The factor
of safety fell below 1.0 for the larger leak rates (1×10 -6 and 5×10-7 m3/s) at 12 days and
50 days. However, the factor of safety is greater than 1.0 for the smaller leaks (1×10 -7
and 2×10-7 m3/s) during the 6-month period.
Fig. 4 shows the porewater pressure distribution due to the water pipe leakage for
the flow rate of 1×10-6 m3/s at t=12 day. The porewater pressure around the pipe is the
highest, around 260 kPa. Also, the increased pore water pressure is expanding to the
entire slope. The results of Figs. 3 and 4 demonstrate that, as the pipe leak continues,
a high porewater pressure occurs around the pipe, the increase of pore water pressure
expands to the slope, an increase in the pore water pressure causes a decrease in
shear strength, and eventually the slope failure occurs.
The numerical analyses were performed to investigate the stability of an
unsaturated clayey slope subjected to water pipe leakage. For the study site, the factor
of safety fell below 1.0 in about 12 and 50 days for the flow rates of 1×10 -6 and 5×10-7
m3/s, respectively. The factor of safety was greater than 1.0 until 6 months for lower
flow rate of 2×10-7 m3/s. Results demonstrate that most important observations in water
flow and stability responses of unsaturated clayey soil slope under water pipe leaking
condition can be reasonably well simulated using the proposed numerical procedure.