Design Construction Sewer Tunnel
Design Construction Sewer Tunnel
Design Construction Sewer Tunnel
0 759
4 authors, including:
P. Croce
Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale
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All content following this page was uploaded by P. Croce on 17 October 2015.
ABSTRACT: The paper deals with a sewer tunnel, recently excavated in the city of Palermo. The tunnel lay-
out is close to existing urban facilities and residential buildings. The geotechnical profile is quite variable and
the soil cover ranges between 7 and 9 m. The groundwater level is located at mid height between the invert
arch and the vault of the tunnel. Excavation support was granted by means of the canopy technique, employ-
ing micropiles and jet grouting. A detailed monitoring program was also organized and tunnel construction
was followed step by step allowing for proper design changes, according to the subsoil conditions met during
excavation. The case history is reported by describing the tunnel layout, the geotechnical profile and the
monitoring plan. Recorded settlements of the existing structures are analyzed, considering the influence of the
geotechnical properties of the subsoil as well as the peculiar construction sequence of tunnelling.
3 4 7
% weigth
well known that the degree of cementation of the where excavation was essentially supported by the
calcarenites is very variable, generally low, and pre-existing reinforced concrete slab and piles (see
some times negligible due to their peculiar petro- Fig 4c).
graphical features (Canzoneri et al., 2002).
Design was thus accomplished by dimensioning
three types of canopies, and each type of canopy was 4 CONSTRUCTION AND MONITORING
associated to a typical stratigraphical sequence
(Fig.6). In particular, steel micropiles were pre- Tunnel excavation was recently completed, under
scribed for supporting the vault in the calcarenitic “Corso Re Ruggero”, but the final concrete lining
formation, considering that the cover was mainly has not yet been cast in place at the time of writing.
composed by made land (canopy type 1.a). The mi- During excavation a detailed monitoring program
cropiles were extended down along the tunnel pil- was carried on and the tunnelling process was fol-
lars, where it was expected to intercept the dense lowed step by step for each construction span, hav-
silty sands (canopy type 1.b). Jet grouting was pre- ing an average length of 9m.
scribed instead for the alluvial soils of river Kemo- This observational procedure allowed for proper
nia (canopy type 2). Horizontal drains were pre- design implementation of the design canopies, ac-
scribed for all the tunnel spans. A special steel frame cording to the subsoil conditions met during excava-
was devised for crossing the pedestrian underpass, tion. In particular, the following monitoring activi-
ties were carried on: ‐30 ‐20 ‐10 0
y [m]
10 20 30 40
i. lithological observation of the excavation 0
face and evaluation of water drainage a
ii. sub-horizontal borings to check subsoil con- 20
S [mm]
ditions for subsequent spans 40
iii. deformation measurements of the provisional
lining by means of convergence bolts 60
iv. deformation measurements of the steel ribs
by strain gauges
v. direct stress measurements on the steel ribs 100 Span 23 Span 24 Span 25 Span 26 Span 27 Span 28 Span 29
by means of load cells y [m]
‐30 ‐20 ‐10 0 10 20 30 40
vi. topographical observations of the ground sur-
face and of the existing buildings
vii. inclinometric, assestimetric and piezometric
measurements from vertical borings
S [mm]
All the above measurements provided useful con-
tribution for checking the design and for prescribing
the most appropriate solutions for each excavation
span, according to the principles of the Observa-
tional Method. However, in practice, lithological
and topographical observations proved to be the
most valuable means for construction control (Leta
et al., 2007). A typical stratigraphical condition ob- 100 Span 23 Span 24 Span 25 Span 26 Span 27 Span 28 Span 29
served on site is shown by a picture taken at the tun-
nel face (Fig. 7). Figure 8. Surface Settlements (S) vs. Distance (y) from excava-
tion face as recorded at bench mark 8.3 (under retaining wall).
a) Settlement progress b) Data interpolation by cumulate prob-
ability curve.
3.4 Buildings 2,7 7,7
0,4 3.5 3,2 9,9 11,2 2,2
8.1 3,3 9,7 11,2 2,0
8.2 3,4 9,9 10,6 1,4
0,6 8.3 3,5 9,4 9,6 2,2
8.4 1.b
4,1 6,9 9,6 1,3
4,2 2,6 10,0 0,8
0,8 8.6
7.2 4,3 2,2 9,9 1,2 Steel frame Underpass 1,0 2,5
4,4 2,6 9,9 1,1
7,2 70,3 9,7 1,1
7,3 67,6 9,8 1,0
y [m] 8,1 71,3 9,7 0,9
‐60 ‐40 ‐20 0 20 40 60 80 8,2 83,4 9,7 0,8
8,3 95,9 9,7 0,8
0 2 0,9 64,0
8,4 99,2 9,7 0,9
b k values 8,5 68,2 9,8 0,8 Retaining
0,2 2,7 8,6 39,2 9,8 0,9 wall
2,2 8,7 26,3 9,8 0,8
1,0 8,8 19,0 9,8 0,9
S / Smax
8,10 11,0 10,0 1,4
1.a 2,2 12,9
8,11 13,0 10,2 1,0
0,6 8,12 12,2 10,3 3,6
0 1 2 3 4 5