Cvs MCQ Exam 2008
Cvs MCQ Exam 2008
Cvs MCQ Exam 2008
Paper 1
2 June 2008
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SCMD3000/1 CVS BLOCK (Paper 1) Student No: ----------------------------------
Venue: _______________________ Seat No: ------------------------
Please read the following carefully:
8. Select the single best answer to each question. (Note: several options may be correct
but only one is the best answer.)
9. Answers must be entered on the special A-type MCQ sheet provided.
10. If you give more than one answer for a question, you will score zero for that question.
11. There will be no penalty for incorrect answers.
12. If you do not know an answer you may leave it blank, in which case you will neither
earn a mark nor be penalised.
13. There is at least one correct statement and at least one incorrect statement.
14. Identify BOTH the correct and incorrect statements.
15. Fill in your answers on the special X-type MCQ sheet provided (different from the
ones above).
16. If you are unsure of a statement leave it blank.
17. Negative marking will be applied to wrong answers but negative marks will not be
carried forward. This means the minimum mark for a question is zero.
18. Here you are offered a number of answers. This is followed by a set of questions.
Select the single best answer to each question.
19. Fill in your answers on the R-type MCQ card provided.
20. If you give more than one answer for a question, you will score zero for that question.
21. There will be no penalty for incorrect answers.
22. If you do not know an answer you may leave it blank, in which case you will neither
earn a mark nor be penalised.
Note: Each A-type, X-type and R-type question has the same mark value.
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SCMD3000/1 CVS BLOCK (Paper 1) Student No: ----------------------------------
Venue: _______________________ Seat No: ------------------------
A1 A2
A3 A4
A1. A 40 year-old black male was admitted to hospital in cardiac failure and died suddenly a week
At autopsy the cause of death was shown to be due to a massive intra-cerebral haemorrhage.
The kidneys showed features illustrated in macrophotograph A1 and in the histological sections
( A2, A3 & A4)
Which one of the following pathological changes confirms the patient’s underlying disease
a. Malignant nephrosclerosis
b. Non-specific chronic pyelonephritis
c. Mucoid hyperplasia of the interlobular artery
d. Hyaline arteriolosclerosis of the afferent arteriole
e. Fibrinoid necrosis of the afferent arteriole
Correct answer/s: d
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A2. A 45 yr old man with rheumatic heart disease with chronic mitral regurgitation, is currently in
heart failure.
Which of the following is not an adaptive change of the heart:
Correct answer/s: e
A3. A 60 yr old man with the metabolic syndrome presented with an acute anterior myocardial infarction
one month prior to presenting with ischaemic cardiomyopathy in left ventricular failure.
Which of the following best represents remodeling of the myocardium?
Correct answer/s: d
A4. Blockage of which of the following arteries would most likely lead to ischaemia of the apex of
the heart?
Correct answer/s: a
A5. If the ductus arteriosus does not spontaneously close off soon after birth (to become the
ligamentum arteriosum), it may have to be surgically ligated. When clamping or ligating it,
what important structure immediately behind it must be identified and saved?
Correct answer/s: d
a. right atrium
b. right ventricle
c. left atrium
d. left ventricle
e. both right and left ventricles, equally
Correct answer/s: b
A7. The relationship between hypertension and low birth weight (<2500g) was studied based on
10,000 births in 1975. These participants were studied at several ages up till the age of 30
years. Of the 946 low birth weight infants, 110 (11.7%) developed hypertension, compared to
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Venue: _______________________ Seat No: ------------------------
299 (3.3%) of the 9054 infants of normal birth weight.
What study design was used?
a. Case series
b. Case-control study
c. Cohort study
d. Cross-sectional study
e. Randomised controlled trial
Correct answer/s: c
A8. Which one of the following is the most important risk factor for cardiovascular disease?
Correct answer/s: b
A9. Which of the following can the area of cardiovascular epidemiology NOT fulfill?
Correct answer/s: c
A 25 year old male athlete collapses and dies suddenly while playing a game of rugby at his school
At the autopsy the heart was slightly enlarged and flabby, with dilatation of both ventricular
The photomicrographs above represents a histological section taken from the heart.
The left hand image shows the features under medium-power magnification. The area within the
dotted circle is shown on the right under high-power magnification.
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a. Fragmentation of myocytes
b. Infiltration by neutrophil leucocytes
c. Diffuse infiltration by lymphocytes and macrophages
d. Endothelial cell proliferation
e. Myocyte disarray
X3. The three waves that characterise the jugular venous pulse in Mrs Zondo are generated by:
X4. The peribronchial cuffing in Mrs Zondo’s lungs is likely to be caused by:
a. atrial flutter.
b. a supraventricular arrhythmia.
c. ventricular complexes that closely follow each atrial complex.
d. atrial irregularities that are causing the irregularly timed QRS complexes.
e. atrial irregularities that are causing QRS complexes of varying amplitude.
a. nitric oxide.
b. activation of alpha-adrenergic receptors.
c. phosphorylation of myosin light chain kinase
d. adenosine.
e. angiotensin II.
X15. In the medium to long-term control of blood pressure, blood volume is increased when
X16. A patient with a blood pressure of 138/88 mm Hg (average over 3 visits), glycosuria and is
receiving three classes of antihypertensive agents
X17. A 67 year old male with a history of hypertension is diagnosed with heart failure. His heart rate
is 107 beats per minute. His pressure curve is shown below:
a. point A = IV dobutamine
b. point C = IV glyceryl trinitrate and furosemide
c. point B = enalapril
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d. Point D = IV furosemide
e. point B = hydralazine + isosorbide dinitrate
X21. A 63 year old male is diagnosed with a myocardial infarction. The following week he is
discharged from hospital. Possible combination(s) of drugs for this patient to limit the damage of the
infarct and reduce mortality and improve morbidity would include:
a. Educating people about good nutrition and the importance of exercise are a form of primary
b. Rehabilitation of stroke patients falls into the category of secondary prevention.
c. Health promotion involves attempts to move people closer to their optimum well-being.
d. Health promotion does not have relevance at the individual patient level, but only at a
community level.
e. Preventive care includes discovering problems early enough to minimise the amount of
X23. An Adler Museum exhibition during your CVS block chronicled the history of cardiovascular
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SCMD3000/1 CVS BLOCK (Paper 1) Student No: ----------------------------------
Venue: _______________________ Seat No: ------------------------
medicine. Indicate the historical correctness of each of the following statements:
a. An electrocardiogram was first obtained from a patient at the Johannesburg General Hospital
in 1947.
b. William Harvey invented the first stethoscope
c. Christiaan Barnard pioneered the world’s first heart transplantation in 1979.
d. Louis Washkansky, the recipient of the world’s first heart transplant, survived for less than
three weeks after receiving his new heart
e. Radiography (Xrays) was first used clinically in the late 1800s.
X25. In South Africa most infants with Down syndrome are born to mothers of advanced maternal
age. Which of the following statements regarding Down syndrome are true?
X26. Regarding the following karyotype of a 20 year old individual, which of the statements are
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Venue: _______________________ Seat No: ------------------------
a. This individual is affected with Down syndrome, of the translocation type
b. This individual has an unbalanced translocation
c. As a result of the above karyotype, this individual should be advised that he will be unable to
have normal children
d. This individual has a 2.5% risk of having a child with Down syndrome
e. The karyotype of this individual is 45,XY,t(14;21)
X27. The external carotid artery gives rise to the following arteries:
a. Ascending pharyngeal
b. Inferior thyroid
c. Ophthalmic
d. Inferior thyroid
e. Posterior auricular
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SCMD3000/1 CVS BLOCK (Paper 1) Student No: ----------------------------------
Venue: _______________________ Seat No: ------------------------
Macrophotographs A to F above show various disease processes affecting the cardiac valves of the
left ventricle.
Match each one of the following statements below with the one most appropriate Macrophotograph
Questions R5 and R6
Mrs Brown goes to see her doctor after feeling dizzy for 2 days. He checks her blood pressure,
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SCMD3000/1 CVS BLOCK (Paper 1) Student No: ----------------------------------
Venue: _______________________ Seat No: ------------------------
which measures 180/90. She has no previous history of hypertension.
A. Reason for encounter
B. Limit of tolerance
C. Illness
D. Limit of anxiety
E. Folk sector
F. Temporalising
G. Sick role
H. Lay perceptions
I. Illness behaviour
J. Disease
For each of the following statements regarding Mrs Brown, choose the single best answer from
the list above.
R5. Mrs Brown tells her doctor that she feels dizzy, has a headache and generally feels not well.
R6. She says that she decided on day 2, that if she was not better by the next morning, she’d
come to see the doctor.
Correct answer/s: c, f
Questions R7 to R9
A. Karyotype analysis of the mother
B. Karyotype analysis of the father
C. Karyotype analysis of both parents
D. Karyotype analysis of the fetus
E. Karyotype analysis of the affected individual/s
F. No karyotype analysis is indicated
G. FISH analysis
For each of the following scenarios, indicate which of the above options would be the most
appropriate initial management choice.
R7. A pregnant 29 year old woman and her 41 year old husband, with no history of genetic defects