DQC20 Depliant 4vol DiabeteDeGrossesse EN Web
DQC20 Depliant 4vol DiabeteDeGrossesse EN Web
DQC20 Depliant 4vol DiabeteDeGrossesse EN Web
blood sugar in a pregnant woman who
Being 35 years of age or older has never had diabetes before. It generally
occurs around the end of the sixth month of
Having an immediate family member The Diabetes Québec pamphlet pregnancy. In most cases, it disappears after
with type 2 diabetes
Having a body mass index (BMI) of
Understanding and preventing
type 2 diabetes
diabetes the birth.
During pregnancy, the placenta produces
30 or more, or gaining more than the hormones that create and maintain the
Diabetes Québec website
recommended amount of weight during correct conditions for a successful pregnancy
on the prevention of type 2 diabetes
the first two trimesters but prevents insulin from working. Insulin is a
Being of Indigenous, Latin-American, Asian, hormone that lowers blood sugar.
Arab or African descent Ordre professionnel
In some pregnant women, the body fails
Having a multiple pregnancy (more than des diététistes du Québec to secrete enough insulin to offset the
one fetus) opdq.org effect of the placental hormones. Sugar
Having previously given birth to a baby then accumulates in the blood and raises
weighing more than 4.1 kg (9 lb.) blood sugar.
Having had gestational diabetes before,
or having been diagnosed with glucose
intolerance or prediabetes
Having polycystic ovary syndrome
or acanthosis nigricans (discoloration
of the skin)
Regularly taking a cortisone medication
Questions about diabetes?
InfoDiabetes Service
Diabetes School