Swim Lesson Plan SSB

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Swim Lesson Template Cassie Vaz

Level Ages Lesson Duration

Swim Starters B 1-3yrs 30-45mins

Introduction Icebreaker Rules Duration

Introduce Myself, and Go around and say your An adult must always be Approx. 5-7 mins
purpose of this class to name and candy your in the pool
get them comfortable in name starts with
the water.

Skill One Freestyle

Activity Why/Reminders Approx. Duration

Bubbles + Self Submerge This is to get children used to

the idea of putting their
heads under and letting air
out through Their noses.
- Talk to the fishies or
sing them a song!

Kicks + Bubbles Get used to the feeling of

kicking with their heads
- Barbie/action figure
- Talk to the fishies
about your favorite

Freestyle Arms on the wall Gets used to moving the arms

above the head
- Rainbows!
- Ice cream scoops!

Rotary Breathing Teaches them how to breathe

Swim Lesson Template Cassie Vaz

(one by one on the barbell) properly when doing the

arms correctly
- Ear to shoulder

Skill Two Backstroke

Activity Why/Reminders Approx. Duration

Floating Getting used to the sensation 5 mins

of Floating on your back
- Pancake song

Kicking on back 5 mins

Arms on back 5 mins

Floating and Flipping Getting used to the sensation 5 mins

of Floating on your back
- Pancake song

Ending Thoughts Small Game/Fun activity Anything Extra

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