Definitions Somo35
Definitions Somo35
Definitions Somo35
The following definitions and acronyms are used throughout this note:
SIA denotes secondary inorganic aerosol and is defined as the sum of sulphate
(SO2− +
4 ), nitrate (NO3 ) and ammonium (NH4 ). In the EMEP/MSC-W model
2− +
SIA is calculated as the sum: SIA= SO4 + NO−3 (fine) + NO3 (coarse) + NH4
PM2.5 denotes fine particulate matter, defined as the integrated mass of aerosol with
diameter up to 2.5 µm. In the EMEP/MSC-W model PM2.5 is calculated as
the sum: PM2.5 = SO2− +
4 + NO3 (fine) + NH4 + SS(fine) + PPM2.5
PM10 denotes particulate matter, defined as the integrated mass of aerosol with di-
ameter up to 10 µm. In the EMEP/MSC-W model PM10 is calculated as the
sum: PM10 = PM2.5 + NO− 3 (coarse) + SS(coarse) + PPMco
SOMO35 is the sum of Ozone Means Over 35 ppb is the new indicator for health impact
assessment recommended by WHO. It is defined as the yearly sum of the daily
maximum of 8-hour running average over 35 ppb. For each day the maximum
of the running 8-hours average for O3 is selected and the values over 35 ppb
are summed over the whole year.
If we let Ad8 denote the maximum 8-hourly average ozone on day d, during a
year with Ny days (Ny = 365 or 366), then SOMO35 can be defined as:
SOMO35 = d=1 y max Ad8 − 35 ppb, 0.0
where the max function ensures that only Ad8 values exceeding 35 ppb are
included. The corresponding unit is ppb·days (abbreviated also as ppb·d).
AOT40 is the accumulated amount of ozone over the threshold value of 40 ppb, i.e.:
AOT40 = max(O3 − 40 ppb, 0.0) dt
where the max function ensures that only ozone values exceeding 40 ppb are
included. The integral is taken over time, namely the relevant growing season
for the vegetation concerned, and for daytime only. The corresponding unit
are ppb·hours (abbreviated to ppb·h).
Although the EMEP/MSC-W model generates a number of AOT-related out-
puts, these pages present results for three “practical” definitions:
f - AOT40 calculated over April-September from O3 concentra-
tions at 3 m height. This AOT40 is close to that derived from mea-
surements. (Technically, the 3 m is above the displacement height, and
so close to the top of a forest canopy, but well above a crop canopy).
f - AOT40 calculated for forests using estimates of O3 at forest-
top (uc: upper-canopy). This AOT40 is that defined for forests by the
UNECE Mapping Manual, but using a default growing season of April-
c - AOT40 calculated for agricultural crops using estimates of O3 at
the top of the crop. This AOT40 is close to that defined for agricultural
crops by the UNECE Mapping Manual, but using a default growing
season of May-July, and a default crop-height of 1 m.
PODY - (Was AFstY) - Phyto-toxic ozone dose, is the accumulated stomatal ozone
flux over a threshold Y nmol m−2 s−1 , i.e.:
PODY = max(Fst − Y, 0) dt (1)
where stomatal flux Fst , and threshold, Y , are in nmol m−2 s−1 , and the max
function evaluates max(A−B, 0) to A−B for A > B, or zero if A ≤ B. This
integral is evaluated over time, from the start of the growing season (SGS), to
the end (EGS).
For the generic crop and forest species, the suffix “gen” can be applied, in
this report e.g. POD1.0,gen-DF (or AFst 1.6gen-DF ) is used for forests and
POD3.0,gen-CR (or AFst 3gen-CR ) is used for crops.
POD was introduced in 2009 as an easier and more descriptive term for the
accumulated ozone flux. The definitions of AFst and POD are identical how-