VOR F.A.Q. Version 3.0: Rules

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VOR F.A.Q. Version 3.0

Rules T his is the of f icial Frequently Asked Questions f or VOR: The

Maelstrom, a sci-f i miniatures wargame, set in the turbulent
depths of a voracious cosmic anomaly known as the
Maelstrom. A multitude of alien races battle it out in this
over-the top miniatures wargame, created by Mike "Skuzzy"
Nielsen. All inf o herein should be considered the most
current and "legal" version of the VOR game rules.
T his document was written by Earl Clay III with Mike Nielsen
and Steve Kozlowski. I would like to express gratitude f or the
invaluable assistance of the VOR community at large,
particularly the members of VORlist, the Warp.net, whose
(literally) thousands of comments helped birth this F.A.Q.
Double thanks to the Tabletop Gladiators!
Distribute as desired, unmodif ied and intact, as desired.
Players are encouraged to post this, put it on their own
websites, or print and photocopy it in an ef f ort to make the
newest, most playable, and most clear version of VOR as
widely accessible and available as possible.

Any questions or suggestions f or this document should be

Forcebooks addressed to <ninjaboy007@hotmail.com>.

[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]

[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

Rules Updates and Errata

Demo f orces In any game where any player wishes to take any
vehicle heavier than a walker, that player must f irst
have his opponents' permission. Assuming they agree
that a vehicle can be used, the opponents would then
have the option to revise their f orcelists accordingly.
T he heaviest vehicles exempt f rom this rule are the
Union Ares, the Neo-Soviet Ursa, and the Shard
Eradicator. T his applies to all VOR games until the
vehicle rulebook is released.
T he way scatter f or blast weapons is determined
has been altered due to continued playtesting and
player f eedback. It's strongly advised to use a f ull D10″
scatter distance rather than halving it. T he shot will
not scatter more than half the distance back toward
the f irer, though. So if I shoot at a target 8″ away and
roll a 10″ scatter, it only will go 4″ if the distance
comes up as being directly back at me. Otherwise, it
scatters the f ull number rolled on the D10.
T he Splash Template has been changed. All Splash
mode weapons now hit everything under both sections
of the cone, without needing to roll f or it. In other
words, you don't need to roll to see if models under
the large area are hit—they are automatically hit (just
like with the small cone). Victims in hard cover would
still get the +1 AR bonus.
Units no longer need to make Morale tests at 75%
strength when over 7 in number. T hey now simply test
at 50% (just like smaller units).
NO unit in VOR is immune to all Guts tests—only
Morale-based Guts tests. T his means that Union
Special Forces and growlers with a Chief tain on the
table act the same—they simply pass all Morale tests.
In addition, no model is ever immune to the Morale test
required by broken coherency.
A little clarif ication regarding targeting models and
LOS: as per the main VOR rulebook, a model always
blocks LOS entirely across its base, f rom the edges of
the base to the top of the model's head. T his makes a
"cone" that may not be f ired or seen through. What
pose the model is sculpted in is mostly irrelevant.
What this means is that even if I can draw LOS
between a model's legs, around its body, or whatever, I
still do not have legal line of sight past it if the shot
would cross through its base. T his ef f ectively means
that a shot may never pass through a model's base
and the only way to avoid this (other than moving to
gain clear LOS) is to be at a higher elevation and see
over its head. Very large models will loom higher than a
smaller one's head and can usually still be shot. T his
makes screening a little more ef f ective than it would
be, but also means it's harder to pick of f heavy
weapons, etc.
A model which is in f ront of another model, and
which blocks at least half of a targeted model behind
it, will provide a −1RC Sof t Cover modif ier when
shooting at the target.
No ability/spell/power/relic may be used in melee
unless it has Point Blank mode specif ically listed.
T he f ollowing weapons may all Parry as described
on page 86 of the VOR rulebook:
All Vikoon staves (including the Lordstaf f ,
Soulf ire staf f , Vikoon lance, and Hel'kai staf f )
Scout staf f
Mystic Staf f
Punisher Bat
Pitbull and Bulldog (at a +2 penalty to the roll,
and if the parry is f ailed, you lose the weapon—
it's destroyed!)
Hammer N' Sickle

[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]

[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

General F.A.Q.
Q. Are there any newsgroups, mailing lists, etc. f or VOR?
A. T he main VOR: T he Maelstrom newsgroup is
<VORlist@onelist.com>. It can be joined via the
eGroups website at http://www.egroups.com/.
Several very active f orums dedicated to VOR are at
T he Warp at http://www.thewarp.net/.
Q. Can a model switch weapons/attacks during its turn to
get more shots or attacks than would be allowed otherwise?
I.E., can a model make two attacks with a Pitbull (UPT 2, total
MPC 6) then switch to its Pug (UPT 2) f or couple more shots
if it has the MP lef t? What about taking two Lightning Tips to
get two shot per turn?
A. Only one weapon/attack can be used per turn if any
of them has a UPT limitation. A model does not
abruptly gain more attack potential by picking up a
dif f erent gun or weapon. UPT isn't merely a "f ire
speed" or rate of f ire on a weapon. It ref lects many
f actors, such as acquiring targets, maybe receiving
orders on what to shoot, etc. If you were able to f ire
the Pug (af ter the two Pitbull shots) you'd just as
easily be allowed more shots with the Pitbull.
Important Exceptions:

Basic unarmed melee attacks may always be

done, no matter what else you used that
Z ykhee Vikoon weapons all count as one
weapon regardless of tips. So you could f ire a
Laser Tip and a Stinger Tip, in the same
activation, f rom a single Vikoon. You still
couldn't increase a Lightning Tip's UPT —it is
never 1 UPT "per weapon"—it's 1 UPT "per

Note that the above exception only applies to Z ykhee

Vikoons specif ically, not any other integrated
Q. So I could not shoot a Pitbull and a Pug in one turn
(because they both have a UPT limit)?
A. T hat's right.
Q. How about f iring a Pug then switching to a vibro knif e?
A. T he Pug has a UPT limit, which stops it f rom being
combined with other attacks in the same activation,
even though the knif e has no UT P. Only one thing has
to have a UPT f or this to apply, not both. T he model
could use the Pug, and then basic melee attacks in one
Q. If I have two of a weapon with UPT 1 somehow, could I
get two uses in the same activation?
A. Consider the UPT of a weapon to become the
model's UPT f or that activation. A UPT 1 Lightning Tip
means that a model may make one Lightning Tip attack
per activation, regardless of how many of the actual
weapon the model might have. Only the occasional
oddball ability can ever allow an increase in UPT.
Having two Lightning Tips, Pitbulls, Rend N' Throw!
abilities, etc. would all have the exact same ef f ect as
having it once. Speaking of which—
Q. Can a model take two of the same upgrade or option f or
double ef f ect? Like two Speed Tattoos, two Excessive
Blubbers, etc.?
A. You may never take the same
weapon/ability/upgrade/tattoo/gear twice on one
Q. Various units (namely characters, like Z uvvia and
Arkaaus) mention that they can choose up to 4 spells or
such similar. Are these already f actored into the model's PV
or are they purchased normally?
A. T hey are paid f or with additionally PV.
Q. Are the new rules/units/characters etc. in Razorfang's
Exodus and the rest of the upcoming scenario books f or
those use in those scenarios only or f or general game play?
A. T hey are permanent rules additions, useable and
applicable in all VOR games. So all Cyclops now
automatically have the ability to f ire their eyebeams
using Wide Beam mode, f or instance.
Q. Does every model in a squad have to take the same
equipment upgrades? For example, if one Union trooper
takes f rag grenades, do they all have to?
A. No, not unless the f orcelist entry f or the unit
states otherwise. But to be completely f air, if you opt
to have models in a squad equipped dif f erently than
each other then you should be willing to remind your
opponent(s) as needed during the game as to which
models of yours are equiped dif f erently.
Q. Do criticals (rolling natural ones and tens) apply to any
roll, like armor tests, or just to actual attack rolls?
A. Only attack rolls—that's why they are called critical
hits and critical misses.
Q. Does a critical f ailure just cause the model to lose its
remaining MP, or does it end the model's activation period
(thus preventing the use of f ree abilities, etc.)?
A. A critical f ailure ends the model's activation entirely.
T he main ef f ect this has is that vehicles that roll a
critical miss are done, and cannot keep shooting just
because they don't spend MP to f ire.
Q. What happens when a model rolls a 10 when using a
blast weapon?
A. T he shot counts as a dud or airburst—nothing
happens. T he shot is wasted and has no ef f ect (don't
roll f or scatter).
Q. Can critical hits be dodged? How about parried?
A. Dodged, yes. Parried, no.
Q. If you roll a critical hit with a blast weapon, does
everyone under the template lose their armor test or just the
original target of the attack?
A. Everyone loses their armor test.
Q. Can I reroll a 10 with rerolls granted f rom Aviok Sight,
Seasoned Fighter and similar abilities?
A. Yes, however each roll can only be rerolled once.
RE-rerolling is not possible—the second result always
Q. Can a shot with a dif f iculty reduced by mods to below 1
still succeed as a critical hit?
A. T he important thing to remember here is that if the
RC mods f or a shot reduce the chances to hit to "0" or
less it doesn't mean that the shooting model can't see
or hit the target, it just means that it's an exceptionally
dif f icult shot to make. If a target is within range and in
LOS to a f iring model, there will always be some
chance that it can be hit, no matter how slim.

Optional Rule: For those that have a hard time

dealing with this, this is suggested f or use as an
optional rule. Allow models to always hit with an attack
roll of "1", but if the modif iers f or the shot reduce the
chances to "0" or less, then just make it a normal hit
and not a critical.

Q. Does moving in place cost MP?

A. No, but it can only be done during the unit's
activation. T his is not considered movement or an
action per se, so a model could rotate in place and still
go on Hold.
Q. In the Neo-Soviet Forcebook, it lists power armor as
giving −1 AM to all melee attacks. In the Union book, it says
any unarmed attacks are at −1 AM. Should the (newer)
version of the text f or power armor (f rom the Soviet book)
apply to Union suits as well, or are they intentionally
dif f erent, with Union suits at −1 AM to unarmed attacks, and
the Soviet version −1 AM to any melee attack? Does the
Soviet version improve the AM of melee weapons?
A. Originally both versions gave −1 AM to basic
unarmed CC attacks and neither was cumulative with
any weaponry. But due to the massive amount of
"turbulance" this has caused amongst the players it's
been decided to make the −1 AM be f or any melee
attacks made by either the Union or Neo-sov versions
of the power armor suits. And yes this is cumulative
with any melee weaponry that is being used.
Q. Can a squad ever voluntarily break coherency?
A. No. Only certain circumstances can f orce this to
happen, such as a model that was in melee and got
lef t behind, or "act of God" terrain ef f ects which
f orcibly separate a squad. You may never simply
decide to leave coherency. Any model who starts its
activation out of coherency may do nothing
whatsoever, other than spend all its available MP
moving directly back towards coherency. In other
words, even if you were allowed to end an activation
outside coherency, that model could do nothing except
spend all MP getting back in anyway.
Q. Would an ability that grants movement just let the model
f reely move that f ar, or is the movement modif ied by terrain?
A. All movement in VOR is modif ied by terrain unless
an ability specif ically states otherwise. If something
says it gives 3 inches of movement, f or example, that
3 inches is still modif ied by terrain.
Q. Can I automatically succeed at damage rolls or
automatically f ail if the dif f erence in Power and Body is great
A. Yes. If a POW 8 attack hits a BOD 3 target, there is
no damage roll—the roll is automatically successf ul.
Likewise if a POW 3 attack hit a BOD 9 target (a roll of
less than 1 is needed), there is no chance f or success.
T he rules are designed with this in mind, but if this
really bugs you, as an optional rule: A model that
scores a critical hit can always do damage if it gets
lucky, even the attack's Power is mathematically unable
to injure that target. Call it David and Goliath syndrome
or underdog's luck. Using this rule, a model always has
a chance to do damage, but only if it scores a critical
hit, and then can manage to roll another natural 1 to
Q. Can I deliberately f ire on my own units (to give them a roll
to break f ree of mind-controlling powers, f or instance)? Or
use abilities like Dark Zone on them?
A. Your units will not risk killing their compatriot that
way, whether they respect their f ellow's lif e or are just
af raid of him (coughNeoSovscough). In the event that
a model is accidentally killed by its own player, the
enemy still gets the f ull GP f or him, incidentally.
Q. If I have a unit activate twice in the same turn (through
T ho'ack the Mystic's special ability, f or instance) are they still
limited by their weapon's UPT ? In other words, if they
already used their UPT 1 weapons... can't they use them on
their second activation?
A. Consider UPT to be "uses per activation" f or this
purpose—if you somehow got a second activation in
one turn, you count it like it's the f irst—UPT is "reset".
Q. T he text f or Pushed Back on the Panic Table tells you to
spend all the af f ected unit's MP to move directly back to
their deployment zone. Of ten they are still there or are
already there—what then?
A. If it's the f irst turn of the game, the unit simply
f lees toward their own table edge and stop there. Af ter
the f irst turn, a unit moves their f ull MP toward their
table edge and if they make it, they move of f the
board, leaving the battle and counting as casualties.
T hat's what they get f or lurking on the table edge!
Q. When holding an action, when does the unit lose its held
A. T he unit stays on hold until it is next activated, and
may continue holding by spending all its MP on
subsequent turns. (p. 76, VOR).
Q. When a unit goes on hold, does it still get its normal
activation in a turn if it intervened earlier that turn?
A. If a squad goes on hold on turn 1, then midway
through turn 2, they attack (by intervening f rom hold),
that does not count as their activation f or turn 2.
(Mischievious players can prevent this sort of tactic
f rom working by winning initiative and selecting a unit
that is "on-hold" to be activated f irst f or the turn. T his
ef f ectively erases that's squads "on-hold" status and
makes them be activated and used as normal.)
Q. Do prone f igures count f or targeting priority?
A. A prone model may be ignored f or targeting
purposes, even if it's within 12″.
Q. Do I have to f ire at targets within 12″ if they are involved
in melee?
A. No, models involved in close combat can be ignored
f or the purposes of the 12″ proximity rule.
Q. What about troops who are paralyzed or f alling back
f rom Morale f ailure?
A. T hey can also be ignored f or the 12″ rule.
Q. How high are the templates?
A. T he blast template is as high as it is round—so a 2″
blast is a 2″ dome. A splash is actually a cone.
Q. What modif iers apply when using a point blank weapon in
melee? Short-range mods? Large target? Number of
A. Only the −1 RC f or using point blank mode, Short
range mods, and Large model mod normally apply.
Q. What can "screen" what? In other words, what models
block line of sight to what?
A. T here are no universal screening rules—you must
judge it case by case. Since all models occupy space
equal to a cone f rom their base to the top of their
head, all models (both f riendly and enemy) block LOS
through their cone. So anything can block, or f ail to
block, LOS to pretty much anything else, depending on
their relative positions and sizes. You could shoot
over a tank to hit men behind it if you're high up
enough, or those men could block LOS to the tank if
you're in a trench looking upwards.
Q. How does cover af f ect indirect attacks? Do I suf f er a
penalty to RC as normal?
A. You apply the −1 f or Indirect, the range modif ier (if
any), and modif iers f or Size (if any). RC modif iers f or
cover only apply f rom the "spotter's" point of view
because they are the one that is calling in the target's
Q. How is cover determined when attacking with a template
weapon? What about the bonus +1 to AR given by hard
A. If the cover lies between the direction of the
attacker and the target, it applies. However in the case
of blast markers, only give the +1 AR if the cover is
between the center of the blast template and the
Q. Can I avoid penalties (like f rom a Special Forces squad
with the Ghosts ability) or penalties f rom f iring into a melee,
by "accidentally" catching my targets in a template by
"targeting the ground"? What about "accidentally" hitting
illegal targets (like Biof reaks at over 12″) this way?
A. T hat would be purposef ully breaking the spirit of
the rules and is theref ore not allowed. Saying you are
targeting the ground in an attempt to hit a model
counts as targeting that enemy model, f or all intents
and purposes. T he ground f ire rule may not be used to
avoid penalties, in any case. T he rule exists to allow
players to catch multiple "legal" targets in the template,
at a penalty, not to allow penalties to be ignored or
invalid targets to be attacked.
Q. What about shooting invisible targets, or otherwise
specif ically illegal targets, by saying I'm "targeting the
ground" to catch them in the blast or zone?
A. No this is not allowed. T he only way that a model
that has an "invisible" or "Ghost-like" ability can be
"accidentally" hit is if an enemy player shoots a
template based attack at a valid non-f riendly model
that is near an "invisible" model, and even then if the
"invisible" model does end up being caught in the
attack they get to try to make a dodge (using the
dodge rules f rom the VOR rulebook).
Q. What happens when you f ire a template into CC,
especially a splash? Does it hit everybody it touches, or do
you randomize who's hit, etc.?
A. You must center the marker on the target as much
as possible when f iring into melee. T heref ore you may
hit f riends and f oes with the same attack, so be
caref ul!
Q. Would I apply the penalties f or multiple combatants in a
melee when f iring a blast marker into a close combat?
A. No. Just remember that the template must be
centered on the target model (since it's a template in a
Q. Say I have two medium-sized targets under an autof ire
template, one enemy, one f riend, who are engaged in CC
with each other. T he enemy model is actually behind hard
cover. Do I apply the −2 RC f or hard cover to the enemy
model? Do I apply the −2 RC f or f iring into a melee with two
combatants? Do I have to roll to hit twice on my own
trooper? And lastly (whew!) what about critical hits and
A. You would apply penalty f or cover according to the
actual placement of the f igures. T his is pretty much
the only time you need to be this literal. So the −2 RC
applies, as does the +1 AR. You do not apply the −2
RC f or f iring into the melee since you are saturating
the template area with f ire. Missing is unlikely, barring
any cover to stop the slugs. Critical hits and misses
count as usual (see below).
Q. What happens when I roll a critical f ailure (i.e. a "10")
when rolling to hit targets caught in a f ull-auto template?
A. If the first roll to hit is a critical f ailure then the
attack is considered to botched on some level (i.e. the
gun jammed, etc.) and there is no ef f ect as a result.
Any "10's" rolled af ter the f irst to-hit roll is made to
determine if models are hit or not by a f ull auto
template are ignored and are instead treated as
missed hits. It's important to note that "jamming" a f ull-
auto attack/weapon does not prevent it f rom being
used as normal again on a f ollowing turn.
Q. Do armor modif iers apply to the armor provided by hard
A. Yep. So if you have no AR, are in hard cover, and
get hit with a shot that has AM −1, you get no armor
Q. What happens when you f ire a blast weapon into a melee
and miss?
A. It just scatters f rom the target as usual; there is no
roll f or hitting secondary targets as with normal
missed shots into CC.
Q. How much of a miniature's base must be covered by a
template f or it to be hit?
A. It just needs to be touched (VOR rulebook p. 85,
diagram at top lef t of page), although it's always best
to let questionable situations go to the def ender. T he
most important thing is to be consistent; however you
do it, always do it the same way.
Q. What's stopping a player f rom completely ignoring the 12″
Immediate proximity rule by simply turning his models so that
they aren't seeing a target they would otherwise have to
A. T his is illegal. Models must always shoot the
closest target within 12″, unless there are targets
within 12″ in less cover (as per page 81 of the VOR
rulebook). Models must either position themselves so
as to see and attack such targets, or not shoot at all.
T he stipulation about LOS is there only to clarif y that
a totally concealed target within 12″ does not apply—
not to let players ignore valid threats.
Q. When you measure range and your target is outside
maximum range, do you lose the shot, pick another target in
range, or does the shot go to the end of its range then take
ef f ect (so blasts could still do damage)?
A. You automatically miss regular shots, and blasts
are counted as useless airbursts. You can only target
the ground with an attack in order to hit one or more
valid targets (see above). For example; you cannot
shoot a blast template using a weapon at it's maximum
range, targeting the ground, in an attempt to hit
something that is beyond your weapons maximum
Q. Is LOS 360 degrees, 180, or what?
A. 180 degrees.
Q. If all your units are wiped out, but you have units that
haven't come into play yet (like Sieve of Ulhothep or
reinf orcements in a scenario) does the game end or does it
A. It continues until the predetermined turn limit is up
(might wanna start rolling f or this, according to the
main rulebook, if this is an issue of ten with your
group). In a Last Man Standing scenario, you'd wait f or
them to appear.
Q. Can a named model get new abilities or gear? Can a
model opt not to take gear it had previously? For example:

Union model Sergeant Slaughter has a vibro knif e

and the Ain't Got Time Ta Die! ability. Can he switch the
knif e f or a Pitbull f or a particular game? And can he be
taken without the AGTTD ability? Also, can he buy the
Move!Move!Move! ability later?
Steelhide the bull has and Mighty Leap and Rend N'
Throw!. Can he buy Super Tough Frame when he
becomes a Chief tain?

A. Abilities are stuck on, so once a named model has

an ability, they have it f or good. New upgrades and
abilities (Steel Horn, Move!Move!Move!) may be given
to a named model within the usual restrictions. T his
costs 2CP plus the usual PV and may be done in place
of a stat increase that game. Unit specif ic abilities are
lost if the model advances to a higher level. So a
onehorn with a Steel Horn would lose it when he grew
to bull stage, but could then get bull abilities f or 2CP
and the usual cost f or the ability in PV. Gear maybe be
changed game to game. So you could leave that vibro
knif e at home and take a rif le one game, then the knif e
in the game af ter that, etc.
Q. Can a named model increase its AR? How about
A. Only if the armor is a natural property of the model.
So a Shard or a Onehorn could raise AR but not a
Vanguard model. However, the Vanguard trooper could
opt to wear power armor at will, since it's gear.
Shielding may not be raised. As a strictly optional rule,
you could allow models which already have inherent
Shielding to raise it as a one-time thing. T his would
count as a normal stat increase attempt and work
identically to improving MP or Lif e (no roll, costs 5 CP).
Most Shard could do this, but not things with worn
armor like a Slayer.
Q. How many PV is a good start f or a f orce?
A. T hat's a dif f icult question to answer because it
really depends on your budget and pref erred style of
play. Generally you don't want to play games with
f orces of less than 250PV. 750 PV is a standard f orce
size. Also see the end of this F.A.Q. f or recommended
starting/demo f orces that'll give you some ideas on
where to begin.
Q. Can models voluntarily leave play?
A. Yes they can, but they may not return and they
count as casualties just as if they were killed (divide
the GP evenly amongst all opponents in multiplayer
Q. What can f orce a model of f the table, if anything?
A. No ability can ever f orce an enemy of f the table.
Only f ailed Morale tests which cause models to f lee
may do so. Anything else just causes the model to
stop at the table edge.
Q. Do I go prone if I f ail to break f rom melee? I head this
somewhere but can't f ind it in the book...
A. T his rule was used during some of the playtesting
of the main rules but was removed prior to the f inal
version. So, no.
Q. Can models leave close combat with a prone model f or
f ree, or must they test f or it?
A. Models may f reely ignore prone models.
Additionally, a prone model does not get to make a
Power test to get f ree hits on f leeing models, even if it
has f riends keeping the escapee locked in melee.
Q. A bull is engaged in close combat f rom the f ront by a
Soulless model. Later that turn, a third player's Kommander
charges the bull f rom the rear to f inish it of f and take the
Glory f or it. Can the Soulless' player move around the bull
without breaking base-to-base contact, to attack the
A. T he Soulless would have to break combat (with a
Power test) to move f rom his position, as normal.
Moving around the enemy while they are trying to kill
you is no saf er than trying to escape f rom them—it's
more dangerous, if anything.
Q. Can I use abilities or upgrades to hit f leeing melee
opponents who f ail their POW test against my models, or
just basic attacks using POW? For example, Chomp Attack or
a Rad Baton?
A. You can use anything legal f or melee—ouch!
Q. What happens when I'm f orced to f lee while in CC (by a
Fearsome Roar f or example)? What about when a Union
squad uses the f allback rule, when the squad is in CC?
A. You are f orced to make the test to f lee CC and are hit if
you f ail. You must then continue making tests to escape until
the model is out of MP or gets away.
Union f alling back must continue to do so once it's declared.
So they can be kept on the board if engaged in melee
(assuming they f ail their tests to f lee it). However, since only
half their MP must be spent f leeing, the rest could be spent
f ighting of f their attacker if desired.
Q. When you f ail a Morale roll and must f all back, what
happens if you're in CC?
A. T he f leeing model automatically gets hit once by
each aggressor (via standard Melee attacks). If the
f leeing model survives it moves away as per the
normal rules. T here is no test to break f rom close
combat—the model automatically escapes, but is
automatically hit as well.
Q. Can I "stack" several abilities to get multiple parry
A. You may never attempt more than one parry on a
given hit, even if several sources allow a parry. Just
use the best one (if a bull has Seasoned Fighter AND
Quills, you'd simply parry with the Quills since
Seasoned Fighter has a penalty to the parry attempt.
You couldn't try both on one hit though).
Q. What is the UPT f or a basic unarmed CC attack? Why do
the custom rules list 2 UPT as costing extra? Does that
count f or custom CC attacks?
A. All CC attacks are UPT Unlimited unless otherwise
stated. T he 2 UPT cost in the custom f orce section is
f or ranged attacks only.

[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]

[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

Vehicles F.A.Q.
Q. Can vehicles aim shots? What about walkers? If so,
A. Vehicles may not make aimed shots—their shots
are, in essence, always aimed (which is basically
ref lected in their stats already).
Q. How does it work when a vehicle is equipped with UPT: 2
A. T he vehicle gets the normal number of shots,
depending on how many MP it spent that turn. So an
Eradicator that used half its MP could f ire each of its
weapons once, or the UPT: 2 Fracture Cannon twice
instead, f or example.
Q. When a vehicle goes to f ire its weapons, is it how much it
actually moved that matters, or how much MP it spent?
A. How much MP it spent.
Q. Can vehicles with a CC score make basic unarmed melee
A. Yes. It costs 4MP and uses their Power as normal.
Q. Can a unit begin a game inside a transport?
A. Yes. Simply set the models that are "in" the vehicle
aside, declare what you're doing, and then proceed
with the pre-game setup.
Q. How does disembarking f rom a vehicle work when there
are multiple squads on board?
A. T he vehicle may either stay still and let the squads
each disembark as their activations come up, or else
may "drop of f " one squad, move, the let another
squad disembark at another location (they can get of f
when their activation comes up).
Q. Can vehicles go backwards during VOR battles?
A. Yes (see new rule below). Note that this is not an
optional rule.

Moving In Reverse

Any vehicle may declare that it's going into reverse

mode, which it then stays in until its next activation. In
reverse, the vehicle pays 3 MP f or each inch moved,
may not enter dif f icult terrain, and may only f ire one
weapon regardless of MP spent. All shots it makes are
at −1 RC and it may not make indirect attacks. All Anti-
Gravity vehicles pay 4MP per each inch moved in
reverse, due to the extreme dif f iculty of piloting them
in this daredevil manner. Tracked tanks (very rare in the
Maelstrom) and AG vehicles may enter dif f icult terrain
in reverse, but may not attack at all that turn if they do
so. Walkers only pay 2MP per inch moved as they deal
with this sort of terrain f ar better then other vehicle
types. Models may add +2 to their dodge attempt when
avoiding being hit by backward-moving vehicles, and
enemies f iring at a vehicle in reverse mode gain a +1
RC bonus to hit it until its next activation.
Q. What is a vehicle squad's 6″ coherency used f or, since a
vehicle automatically passes its Guts rolls and can seemingly
ignore coherency?
A. Vehicles may not leave coherency, period. Maybe an
odd ef f ect would f orce this, and even then you must
get back into coherency using all available MP and
doing nothing else, until coherency is regained (just
like inf antry, in other words).
Q. Can I include a vehicle as part of a 500 PV f orce or must I
have a f ull 500 bef ore adding a vehicle in?
A. You can have a 500 PV f orce with a vehicle already
f igured in. So a 200 PV vehicle plus 300 PV of troops
is f ine. (p. 55, Union Forcebook) See also the Vehicle
Permission rule in the Updates section.
Q. Can an antigravity vehicle stop on top of another model
or terrain piece and "hover" there?
A. No. Also, models that an AG vehicle runs across are
collided with as usual. If players want, they could rule
some very big, f lat terrain pieces as valid areas to
stop on.
Q. What happens when vehicles run into inf antry?
A. All vehicles (including walkers like the Ares suit)
cause collision damage as specif ied in VOR (p. 90). It's
assured that a successf ul dodge roll will always get a
model of f an Ares collision, because you can dodge up
to 3″ and the Ares is only 2″ wide.
Also, walkers only cause 1 damage to troops they
collide with. You also get your armor save against
walker collisions (so walkers act the same as a light
vehicle in this regard).
Q. So then, can I run a vehicle right through a unit, or can
the unit stop the vehicle and f ight it in melee? Can I collide
with a unit and attack any survivors if my vehicle is a walker
with a CC score?
A. You can go right through a unit or stop and f ight
melee (if the vehicle has a CC score). Non-large
models will not stop the vehicle. However, large models
that have Power 6 or more and aren't injured by the
collision can stop a walker and f orce it to f ight in close
Q. Can vehicles be knocked prone?
A. Not unless they are a walker, and only by attacks
with Power 6 or more.
Q. Do vehicles break f rom CC as normal?
A. Medium and heavy vehicles can just leave at will.
Light vehicles make the test to break f rom combat but
don't go prone should they f ail. However, no vehicle
can break away f rom Large enemies with Power 6 or
more automatically.
Q. A growler bull attacks a non-walker vehicle in melee. Can I
simply ram it or must the vehicle test to leave melee? Can I
f ire weapons at it?
A. T he model may not f reely move (due to the bull
being a Large model with Power 6+). T heref ore it must
win a Power test as normal. If it wins, it may proceed
to ram the upstart bull and move away f reely. Note that
while a bull could theoretically keep a tank in place,
hitting it if it f ailed to win the Power test, this is not
very likely to last long due to the vehicle's high Power
and MP stats.
T he vehicle may not f ire weapons at an enemy its in
melee with in—they're probably swinging f rom the
barrel ;) Run them down instead!
Q. Does a walker that collides with a unit get the +1 CC
charge bonus once it attacks any survivors?
A. Yes.

[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]

[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

Growlers F.A.Q.
Growler Errat a
T he f ollowing Uses Per Turn stats were accidentally lef t out
of the Growler Forcebook:

Rend N' T hrow UPT 1

Of f ensive Shockwave UPT 1

Q. What happens if a Z ykhee using the Vikoon Mastery skill

hits Skulltusk on a 10 or 9?
A. T hey still f umble on a 9 or 10 but can ignore the 9's
due to Vikoon Mastery.
Q. Can I use abilities (like Chomp Attack) with Frenzy or just
basic attacks? Can I use Vicious Claws when my Momma is
subject to Maternal Rage?
A. Yes and yes—any CC growler upgrades and
abilities are legal f or use with these ef f ects. In the
case of the Momma, her claws are permanently Vicious
Q. Can I add custom breeds to of f icial growler packs?
A. No—you can't mix custom f orces with FASA f orces.
Q. Can I only have a certain size of growler f orce? T here
seems to be a limit on PV of a growler pack due to the
growler unit types' limits...
A. You can have any size f orce by adding additional
Mommas (which allow other units) or adding sub-packs
of another breed.
Q. Do extra growlers allowed by taking extra Mommas need
to be of the same breed as her?
A. Yes they do.
Q. Shouldn't Firegut growlers have some sort of improved
resistance to the f lame-based weapons? Would lava-
dwelling creatures like Fireguts really be vulnerable to
catching f ire, f or example?
A. Subtract −1 Power f rom f ire-based attacks when
rolling to damage any Firegut models. T he AM f or
these attacks and the Flambé and similar rules do not
apply to Fireguts except f or pups and onehorns.
Z ykhee Baelf ire has its usual, f ull ef f ects against all
Fireguts, however.
Q. What can a Bluef ang do while using Smother Attack on a
model? Does this count as being in melee?
A. T he bull counts as being in melee as normal. It
works just like a normal melee except that no one may
attack the pinned model. If the bull wishes to use non-
CC abilities, he must cease the Smother Attack and
f ree the enemy model. Since the enemy is prone at this
point, the bull can leave f reely.
Q. How does Hammer Slam af f ect vehicles?
A. T hey pass their Body test at −1 or must roll on the
internal damage table. Assuming the vehicle survives
the internal damage, proceed to test f or damage as
normal (Power vs. Body, with the usual armor test).
Drones are af f ected as normal inf antry.
Q. Can I use the Whitetusk growler ability Combat Lunge to
decrease the MPC of any CC attack, (like Chomp Attack f or
example) or just standard CC attacks?
A. Any—now get Chompin'!
Q. Can the growler ability Offensive Shockwave be used
during CC? In other words, is it considered an actual ranged
A. Nope it can't and yep it is.
Q. Can I give the standard allotment of 4 abilities allowed
chief tains to the Alpha Chief tains or do their unique abilities
and improved stats replace them?
A. T he Alpha Chief tains developed their own abilities
instead of the standard ones.
Q. Does Razorf ang get his Indestructible Frame save
against (f ill in the blank)?
A. Yes. T he unmodif ied 7 or less armor test applies to
any and all attacks. T his applies to mental assault, "no
armor test" hits, "automatic damage" hits, "auto-kill"
hits, everything. Any attack that would damage or
remove him f rom play allows the save. He can be
slowed by an Axion, poisoned by a Wardyn, etc. f reely.
He can't save against f ailing the Brains test f rom a
Z ykhee tattoo.
Anything actually hurting him allows the f ull save,
including Devolve, Soul Forge, Orbital Blast or whatever.
T his is not mere physical toughness here—it's the
mystical protection provided by his being the distilled
essence of the strength of the entire growler race.
Q. Exactly how do growler bulls and chief tains attack
structures in CC? Do they need to roll to hit? Or can we
assume they wouldn't really be able to miss a big wall?
A. T hey spend the 4 MP to make an attack and
BOOM! they hit. If the structure f ails (or doesn't have)
an armor test, then it's a goner.
Q. How high does Mighty Leap go? Can MP be used to go
higher, or only straight f orward?
A. T he maximum height is 12″. You can extend this
height by sacrif icing 2″ of distance f or each 1″ of
additional height. Remember to pick the direction of
your jump bef ore you roll the D10!
You must declare your "target point" bef ore rolling and
you may not adjust your distance by spending MP on
height. No making high arcs to get pinpoint landings
when the bull leaps too f ar! So if I roll a total of 11″, I
can go 14″ high if I only go 7″ f orward. I could not
decide af ter rolling the die that I want to spend some
of those inches on height simply to hit a point I
Bluef angs cause a hit to structures as well as models
they hit. If the structure is destroyed by the hit (p. 87),
the Bluef ang takes damage as if he was in a collapsing
[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]
[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

Union F.A.Q.
Union Errat a

T he main VOR rulebook lists the Frag Grenade as

having a 3″ blast radius. T his is incorrect—it's actually
2″ as per the f orcebook.
T he Union's Field Hospital f orce trait is missing a
number on the chart. Change it to read: 6 – 8
T he Quad Missile Launcher was specif ically designed
to be used against vehicle targets and as such it has a
reduced ef f ect against non-vehicle targets. When
used against non-vehicle targets the quad missle
launcher may not be used indirectly and it only
damages the model that is directly centered under the
attack. Any other non-vehicle models caught in the
blast just have to make knockdown tests and are not
in danger of being damaged.
T he Fallback rule may not be used unless the unit
has both moved out of its deployment zone (it can
have moved back since then, however) and has taken
at least 50% casualties.

Q. When my ADT /HDT is attacked in melee can it still f ire?

Can I f ire into a combat involving my own drone (i.e. does it
count f or the purposes of the Union's no-f iring-into-melee
A. Union players are allowed to f ire into melee if the
only f riendly models in that melee are union drones.
Q. If a model gets af f ected by Flambé or similar ef f ects, he
can be ignored f or coherency purposes if he runs of f , right?
A. Right, just disregard him. However if it recovers, the
unit must spend all its MP to regain coherency, once
the model is no longer moving randomly. Same thing
f or models K.O.'d with a Wardyn's poison, or similar
Q. Can I Orbitally Deploy an HDT drone? T his is legal by the
rules but seems odd, since they must be assembled and set
up prior to the battle, on site.
A. Assume that the Union techs will anchor them to a
base or platf orm prior to the drop, avoiding the need
f or a lengthy setup process. Consequently, they
scatter as usual, making this of questionable tactical
use, since they can't move. However, they can certainly
be dropped in this way.
Q. Can Union models f ire a template weapon into melee if I
can possibly position it so as to not hit any Union models?
A. Under no circumstances whatsoever will Union
troopers risk Union lives this way. T he models are not
static statues that one could just clip with an
explosion or hose incendiaries at without seriously
risking killing Union targets. Nor are the template
attacks as neat and precise as their gameplay-required
shapes imply. No Union Commander would allow it.
Even if you accidentally scattered a blast into a melee
this way, the enemy gets the f ull GP f or any Union
troops killed.
Q. What is the UPT on the Ares Assault Suit's Mangler Fist?
A. It's UPT 1. It operates like any other vehicle weapon
(costs no MP, etc.). However you can also make
unarmed melee attacks using CC f or 4MP like any
other Large model. T hey just aren't Mangler hits. Be
sure to f igure out what you're going to do with the
Ares bef orehand—if you shoot a gun and then move 6
inches, you don't get a Mangler attack since you used
more than half its MP (and can thus only use one
weapon) even thought it costs no MP to use the
Q. On the Union Ares suit can I take one Mangler and
replace the APE with another one, or can I just have one,
A. You can just take one— a second wouldn't really
help you anyway except in the odd event that the f irst
was destroyed by internal damage.
Q. Do you have to take one basic squad f or each elite? For
example, if you take one Union Standard Inf antry squad, can
you take a Brawler squad and an Elite squad, or would this
require two standard squads?
A. 1 Standard Inf antry squad allows you to buy both 1
Elite squad and 1 Brawler squad.
Q. Does a split Union squad make Morale rolls based on the
split squad's current numbers? So 4 troopers f rom a bigger
squad must roll Guts af ter 2 casualties, right?
A. T he split squad makes Morale rolls based on the
current (split up) numbers.
Q. How many times per game may a squad split up/rejoin?
A. You may split a squad then unite it as many times
as you wish. So I could split into my 4 man and 5 man
f ire squads, then join back up, then split a f ew turns
later, etc. Also, combat squads activate as separate
squads af ter the turn they split.

[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]

[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

Neo-Soviets F.A.Q.
Neo Soviet Errat a

T he Neo-Soviet Predator mutant's missile attack

has the f ollowing range statline, which as inadvertently
omitted f rom the Neo-Soviet Forcebook: S 10/+3 M
20/+2 L 30/+1
T he Neo-Soviet upgrade Acceptable Losses costs
+7 PV. T his PV cost was accidentally lef t out of
Razorfang's Exodus.

Q. What happens to Neo-Soviet pack mutants when their

handler is killed?
A. T hey stay within control distance (leave the body
of the handler there f or ref erence), or can be adopted
by another handler (but not of f icer) who has room in
his maximum mutant allowance. T hey could also just
leave, but will get zapped by their collars as usual.
Q. Can a Rad Trooper squad take SMGs and assault rif les?
A. Yes. T he squad can mix and match within the
squad, but no single member can have both guns.
Q. How do Toxin grenades and Rad grenades af f ect Shard?
A. As normal.
Q. How does Chemspray af f ect vehicles and robotic units?
A. Mechanical units are unaf f ected by the chemsauce.
T his includes drones, vehicles, and robotic units (but
not power armor like Spetznaz or Slayers, who are
af f ected f ully).
Q. Can a Neo Soviet Of f icer use the Execution ability at any
point during his activation? Does it have an MPC? Can the
Of f icer do anything else that turn or only cap the poor
trooper and shout obscenities?
A. Execution has no MP cost. It just happens and you
go about with the Of f icer's activation as normal. It also
needs mentioning that unlike the other uses of this
ability, when it's used to enable a squad pass a Guts
test, you can Execute in response to the squad having
to make the test. In other words, you don't have to
plan it in advance—you shoot a grunt to "inspire
bravery" in the unit when the test is called f or.
However, you cannot do this if the Of f icer has already
been activated that turn!

[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]

[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

Zykhee F.A.Q.
Zykhee Errat a
T he Uses Per Turn stat was lef t of f these weapons in the
main VOR rulebook:

Sling Staf f UPT Unlimited

Sling UPT 3

Stinger UPT 3

Laser UPT 3

Plasma UPT 1

Pod UPT 1

Lightning UPT 1

All Z ykhee CC tips UPT Unlimited

Also, the Scatter Pod has Blast 2″

Q. Can Guts check immunity save you f rom Soul Forge?

T his comes up with units like Special Forces and growlers
protected by the Packmind.
A. No unit passes all Guts tests, just Morale tests.
Soul Forge af f ects these units normally.
Q. Do I need LOS f or Bael Fire Blast or can I just nail ya right
through a wall, since it ignores cover entirely? What about
terrain vs. Soul Flare?
A. Bael fire blast can be f ired right through cover but
you still need a line of sight (spotters are usable f or
this). T he Mystic ability Soul Flare also ignores terrain,
either arcing over it or just going right through it, no
LOS is need f or this ability however.
Q. Can Myntokk parry with his hunter staf f ?
A. Yes—it's a Vikoon staf f and all the usual rules
Q. Can a temple retinue add extra Soulless, etc. beyond the
usual limit or only bonus Mystics?
A. Yes, this unit can theoretically add extra Soulless to
a f orce "every other game".
Q. Can a model take a "spare" tattoo in case on is used up?
A. No Z ykhee tattoo has an increased ef f ect if there's
more than one. T his means it never does any good to
purchase more than one of a given tattoo—the Mystic
does all he can the f irst time and f urther tattooing has
no added ef f ect.
Q. Will an Armor Tattoo allow a model with no armor rating
to pass an armor test?
A. No, only models that possess armor get an armor
test. Models with no AR don't even get to take the
test. It's an enhancement to physical, worn armor, not
its own ef f ect. So you could use it to pass a save
f rom Hard Cover even without an AR, but considering
the cost and the f act that AM applies to this test, it's
not advised.

[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]

[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

Shard F.A.Q.
Shard Errat a
T he Shard Battle Spur has the Parry ability.
A Shard f orce may contain 50% of its total PV in
Fledglings and Crawlers combined, not 50% Fledglings
and the other 50% Crawlers.
Ambients do not count as squads f or the purposes
of f orce selection. In other words, they do not f ill the
requirements f or taking a Prime, f or instance.
A Prime may take an Impaler Spur f or +6 PV.
Calisax's Size is Large.
Z axiss is Size: Medium.

Q. What are the "Heavy Spur" and "Core Lens" mentioned in

the upgrades f or some Shard units?
A. T hey are simply the working names of the Impaler
Spur and Matrix Cannon, respectively. T his is a typo in
the printed text.
Q. How does the Axion power Light Warp f unction?
A. Just like the Scrye ability Light Benders. T he Axion
may not use any attacks or powers but may move, f ly,
or leave melee automatically.
Q. Does an invisible Scrye or Axion block LOS?
A. Nope—they're not "hazy-invisible"—they're
"completely-gone" invisible.
Q. Is an Ambient af f ected by his own Hard Field?
A. An Ambient is unaf f ected by his own f ields, Hard or
Sof t.
Q. Will multiple Hard Fields af f ecting a model allow multiple
def lection attempts f or the same shot?
A. No—neither Ambient f ield is cumulative with others
of the same type.
Q. Can an Ambient's Hard Field def lect a Point Blank shot?
A. No.
Q. Is the Fracture Cannon supposed to be a Knockdown
A. No.
Q. Can I use overlapping f ields f rom multiple Ambients to let
one Ambient's f ield aid another Ambient?
A. Yes you can.
Q. Does the Axion ability Devolve af f ect vehicles and
drones, and other robotic enemies? What about enemy
A. Vehicles and mechanical units, no. Shard, yes.
Q. Do Super Tough Frame and Razorf ang's Indestructible
Frame give an armor test against Devolve?
A. Absolutely—STF grants its normal 5 or less test,
against otherwise armor-def eating abilities. Razorf ang
gets his f ull 7 or less save just as he does against all
Q. A Prime is af f ected by Burning Hatred, but there is no one
within 12″ to charge. What happens?
A. He must use any ranged attacks he has to hit the
nearest target in range. If it's impossible f or him to
engage in melee or f ire at an enemy, he is f ree to do
as he wishes f or that activation.
Q. Is Z axiss meant to be wearing an AMP suit?
A. No, he's simply very exceptional. T he text in his
entry about AMP suit availability is simply there to
clarif y that his presence does not af f ect AMP suit
availability and basically that you still may take AMP
suits as normal, in addition to Z axiss' considerable
f irepower.
Q. T he Prime power Energy Focus says in its description
that line of sight is needed, but it has Mode: Indirect in its
statline. Is LOS needed or not—how does this attack work?
A. LOS is still required but there will be no modif iers
whatsoever to hit. T he attack has no range modif iers,
ignores cover (being Indirect) and ignores the Indirect
f ire modif iers as well. So if it can be seen at all and is
within 20″, a target can be hit with a straight RC test.
Being a ranged, non-Point Blank attack, it cannot be
used in melee.
Q. How does a Chemsprayer af f ect an Eradicator? As a
Shard unit it should get no armor test, but as a vehicle, it
should not be af f ected at all.
A. Eradicators can be hurt and get no armor test, but
only take one damage and make an internal damage
roll automatically instead of being melted down
Q. Does the Neuro Wave Ambient ability hurt other Shard or
only carbons?
A. Everything under it.

[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]

[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

Pharon F.A.Q.
Pharon Errat a

T he Reality Manipulator is only useable twice per

turn, not three times.
T he Sundered's Vor Walk ability is incorrect and
should read as f ollows: Sundered models receive a
save vs. any non-template (auto-f ire, splash, blast)
ranged attacks on a 4 or less (not af f ected by AR
modif iers as it is not an armor save).
T he Slayer Suit's Implacable ability allows them to
f ire any ranged weapons regardless of MP and UPT
restrictions (or auto-f ire restrictions) when they don't
move that turn. In melee, Slayers may make one attack
with both the right and lef t hands of Ulhothep f or 6
T he Soul Reaver's ability has a max of Power 10, 6″
blast just like the Purging spell.
T he Null Field Magastus Box causes power armored
troops to lose half their MP as well as vehicles.
T he Devourer simply does damage on a 7 or less
regardless of the target's BOD. T his weapon works
identically to any other, except that it always needs a 7
or less when rolling to damage. Hit rolls, crits, and
armor tests apply normally.
T he Purging requires Line of Sight.
T he Sieves Of Ulhothep's ability Breath Of Karneter
no longer has the listed special ef f ect (the Body test
thing)—it simply does damage. T his was
unintentionally lef t in.

Q. What models count f or the ef f ects of the Purging?

A. Everything—your enemies, your own models,
innocent bystanders, anything with a Lif e stat counts
toward its ef f ectiveness (and all these are also
potentially injured by the spell).
Q. Can Sieves of Ulhothep leave melee by using their We
Are Of The Sands ability? What if only one member is in
melee—can they disappear and just leave him behind?
A. T hey cannot use this ability while in melee—the
entire squad would all have to successf ully break
melee to use this power.
Q. Can a Heirophant with accompanying Initiates bring
another squad through a Gateway?
A. No—the Initiates count as his unit and he may not
bring a second along.
Q. Can one use resurrection abilities to raise Shard models?
A. No—.Shard may never be used as slaves, raised in-
game or otherwise. Cccuurrrssse them!
Q. When buying a Magastus Box, is the 20 PV f or the two
crew members or is it 20 PV each?
A. +20 PV each.
Q. Can Soul Reavers utilize dead units f rom the current turn
as well as the previous one?
A. No—only the previous turn.
Q. Some Pharon abilities raise undead slaves—is this model
an actual f orcelist Slave unit, or a modif ied version of the
actual, dead model?
A. A zombif ied version of the actual f ormer unit—use
the rules on p. 43 of the f orcebook to create its stats
(Raising The Dead).
Q. Can Shard Ambient f ields protect against the Pharon's
various Splash ef f ects? Some aren't physical weapons...
A. T he f ields f unction normally against these attacks.
Q. If I cast a Soul Web prior to the game, and the Hierophant
is killed, is the spell dispersed?
A. No—it stays in ef f ect once cast.
Q. Can I use the Orb Of Sa' Kas to cause a Soul Web to
f unction on a 7 or less? Is this legal?
A. Yes.
Q. When converting slaves f rom other f orcelists, what
structure/squad size do you use?
A. T hat of the actual original unit.

[ rules ] [ general ] [ vehicles ] [ growler ] [ union ] [ neo sov ]

[ zykhee ] [ shard ] [ pharon ] [ demo f orces ]

Here are some suggested starting f orces/demo f orces (500-

501 PV). T hese were FASA's f orcelists f or of f icial demos.

Chief tain with Chomp Attack and Super Tough Frame
Bull with Mighty Leap
Bull with Frenzy and Seasoned Fighter
Bull with Rend N' Throw!
3 Onehorns
Momma with Vicious Claws
6 Pups

Bluef angs

Chief tain with Excessive Blubber, What's that Smell?,

Chomp Attack, and Belly Slam
Bull with Excessive Blubber and Maw Blast
Bull with Excessive Blubber and Smother Attack
Bull with Excessive Blubber and Tumble Attack
3 Onehorns
Momma with Vicious Claws
6 Pups

Firegut s
Chief tain with Extra Rocky Skin, Magma Blast,
Chomp Attack
Bull with Fire Spray
Bull with Fire Spray
Bull with Magma Blast
3 Onehorns
6 Pups

Whit et usks

Chief tain with Chomp Attack, Awe-Inspiring Fury, and

Seasoned Fighter
Bull with Seasoned Fighter, Mighty Leap
Bull with Seasoned Fighter
Bull with Offensive Shockwave
3 Onehorns
Momma with Vicious Claws
6 Pups


Sergeant with Pitbull, Pug, and I Ain't Got Time Ta

6 Standard Inf antry including one with a Rottweiler
4 Special Forces troopers, all with the Ghost ability
plus one with a Bloodhound sniper rif le

Neo-Soviet s

Of f icer with Rad Hound and Rad Grenades

6 Vanguard including 1 Kalashnikov rif le
2 Cyclops
10 Rad Troopers
2 Chem Grunts

Circle 2 Mystic with Soul Flare and Bael Fire Blast
3 Ra'gha with 1 Wrecker Blade, plus Coil Strike and
Speed Tattoos on all 3
3 Divakk with Laser tips, 1 is also equipped with a
Plasma tip, Aviok Sight f or all 3
6 Scouts with Hit and Run


Prime with Impaler Spur, Energy Burst and Amplif ying

5 Concussors including 1 Fracture Cannon
5 Jagged including 1 Impaler Spur
5 Fledglings

Hierophant with Sway of the Tomb and Goth Field
8 Fists Of Anubis
4 Ascassii
Noble with Seket Pistol, Seket Talon, and

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