VOR F.A.Q. Version 3.0: Rules
VOR F.A.Q. Version 3.0: Rules
VOR F.A.Q. Version 3.0: Rules
General F.A.Q.
Q. Are there any newsgroups, mailing lists, etc. f or VOR?
A. T he main VOR: T he Maelstrom newsgroup is
<VORlist@onelist.com>. It can be joined via the
eGroups website at http://www.egroups.com/.
Several very active f orums dedicated to VOR are at
T he Warp at http://www.thewarp.net/.
Q. Can a model switch weapons/attacks during its turn to
get more shots or attacks than would be allowed otherwise?
I.E., can a model make two attacks with a Pitbull (UPT 2, total
MPC 6) then switch to its Pug (UPT 2) f or couple more shots
if it has the MP lef t? What about taking two Lightning Tips to
get two shot per turn?
A. Only one weapon/attack can be used per turn if any
of them has a UPT limitation. A model does not
abruptly gain more attack potential by picking up a
dif f erent gun or weapon. UPT isn't merely a "f ire
speed" or rate of f ire on a weapon. It ref lects many
f actors, such as acquiring targets, maybe receiving
orders on what to shoot, etc. If you were able to f ire
the Pug (af ter the two Pitbull shots) you'd just as
easily be allowed more shots with the Pitbull.
Important Exceptions:
Vehicles F.A.Q.
Q. Can vehicles aim shots? What about walkers? If so,
A. Vehicles may not make aimed shots—their shots
are, in essence, always aimed (which is basically
ref lected in their stats already).
Q. How does it work when a vehicle is equipped with UPT: 2
A. T he vehicle gets the normal number of shots,
depending on how many MP it spent that turn. So an
Eradicator that used half its MP could f ire each of its
weapons once, or the UPT: 2 Fracture Cannon twice
instead, f or example.
Q. When a vehicle goes to f ire its weapons, is it how much it
actually moved that matters, or how much MP it spent?
A. How much MP it spent.
Q. Can vehicles with a CC score make basic unarmed melee
A. Yes. It costs 4MP and uses their Power as normal.
Q. Can a unit begin a game inside a transport?
A. Yes. Simply set the models that are "in" the vehicle
aside, declare what you're doing, and then proceed
with the pre-game setup.
Q. How does disembarking f rom a vehicle work when there
are multiple squads on board?
A. T he vehicle may either stay still and let the squads
each disembark as their activations come up, or else
may "drop of f " one squad, move, the let another
squad disembark at another location (they can get of f
when their activation comes up).
Q. Can vehicles go backwards during VOR battles?
A. Yes (see new rule below). Note that this is not an
optional rule.
Moving In Reverse
Growlers F.A.Q.
Growler Errat a
T he f ollowing Uses Per Turn stats were accidentally lef t out
of the Growler Forcebook:
Union F.A.Q.
Union Errat a
Neo-Soviets F.A.Q.
Neo Soviet Errat a
Zykhee F.A.Q.
Zykhee Errat a
T he Uses Per Turn stat was lef t of f these weapons in the
main VOR rulebook:
Sling UPT 3
Stinger UPT 3
Laser UPT 3
Plasma UPT 1
Pod UPT 1
Lightning UPT 1
Shard F.A.Q.
Shard Errat a
T he Shard Battle Spur has the Parry ability.
A Shard f orce may contain 50% of its total PV in
Fledglings and Crawlers combined, not 50% Fledglings
and the other 50% Crawlers.
Ambients do not count as squads f or the purposes
of f orce selection. In other words, they do not f ill the
requirements f or taking a Prime, f or instance.
A Prime may take an Impaler Spur f or +6 PV.
Calisax's Size is Large.
Z axiss is Size: Medium.
Pharon F.A.Q.
Pharon Errat a
Chief tain with Chomp Attack and Super Tough Frame
Bull with Mighty Leap
Bull with Frenzy and Seasoned Fighter
Bull with Rend N' Throw!
3 Onehorns
Momma with Vicious Claws
6 Pups
Bluef angs
Firegut s
Chief tain with Extra Rocky Skin, Magma Blast,
Chomp Attack
Bull with Fire Spray
Bull with Fire Spray
Bull with Magma Blast
3 Onehorns
6 Pups
Whit et usks
Neo-Soviet s
Circle 2 Mystic with Soul Flare and Bael Fire Blast
3 Ra'gha with 1 Wrecker Blade, plus Coil Strike and
Speed Tattoos on all 3
3 Divakk with Laser tips, 1 is also equipped with a
Plasma tip, Aviok Sight f or all 3
6 Scouts with Hit and Run
Hierophant with Sway of the Tomb and Goth Field
8 Fists Of Anubis
4 Ascassii
Noble with Seket Pistol, Seket Talon, and