C2 English I
C2 English I
C2 English I
Department of Geography
Iasi, Romania
Daniela LARION
3. If you were half way between the equator and the north pole
and one quarter of the way around the earth west of the prime
meridian you will be at:
a. 45°N; 90°W
b. 45°N; 180°W
c. 45°N; 90°E
d. 45°N; 180°E
°C -6.2 -3.3 3.1 10.6 16.5 21.9 24.8 23.3 18.2 11.8 3.8 -3.8
a. AT=10.025; TR=18.6
b. AT=18.6; TR=10.025
c. AT=31; TR=10.025
d. AT=10.025; TR=31
7. Lines of longitude
a. Converge at the poles
b. Measured north or south of the prime meridian
c. Are parallel to each other
d. All of the above.
8. Lines connecting points of equal elevation are called:
a. Topographic lines
b. Elevation lines
c. Contour lines
d. Isobars
Daniela LARION – UAIC Iasi
This solar system contains the sun and its 8 planets* which revolve around the sun in elliptical
Because the planets are at varying distances from the sun, and because they revolve around the
sun, they each take a different time to complete one orbit.
MERCURY completes its orbit in 88 days, that is, a year on Mercury lasts 88 days.
The EARTH completes its orbit in 365 ¼ days, which is the length of one year on earth.
The MOON, which revolves around the earth, takes approximately 27 days to do so.
*Eight “classical” planets are recognized by the International Astronomical Union.
In 2008, Pluto was classified as a “plutoid” – a kind of dwarf planet.
Daniela LARION – UAIC Iasi
THE SUN – a STAR at the center of the Solar System
The light of the sun falls on each of the planets and it is in turn
reflected by them.
Daniela LARION – UAIC Iasi
Write down the NOUNS corresponding to the
following adjectives:`(using two different suffixes):
Adjective Noun
long length
wide width
deep depth
high height
strong strength
thick thickness
sharp sharpness
round roundness
weak weakness
hard hardness
heavy heaviness
Other adjectives adding suffix “ness” to form a noun: dark, aware, happy, lazy, tidy, lonely, forgetful, rude
Daniela LARION – UAIC Iasi
Daniela LARION – UAIC Iasi
THE SOLAR WIND AND AURORAS a continuous flow of charged
particles (ions and electrons)
from the Sun
During periods of high solar activity, the solar wind is more dense, travels faster, and
possesses more energy. Reaching the Earth’s magnetic field it sets off amazing
displays of light by exciting atmospheric gases.
In the Northern Hemisphere this spectacular light shows are called aurora borealis
(or northern lights). In the Southern Hemisphere they are called aurora australis (or
southern lights)
The earth takes 365 ¼ days to revolve once round the sun. Every fourth year is given 366
days and this is called a leap year.
The revolution of the earth and the inclination of its axis result in:
1. Changes in the altitude of the mid-day sun at different times of the year
2. Varying lengths of day and night at different times of the year
3. The four seasons
Daniela LARION – UAIC Iasi
(short video)
a. 1 second?
b. 1 nanosecond?
c. 1 millisecond?
d. 1 microsecond?
e. None of the above
centisecond 0.01s
triennium 3 years
decisecond 0.1s lustrum 5 years
second 1s decade 10 years
decasecond 10 s gigasecond 1 billion s (31.7 years)
minute 60 s jubilee 50 years
hectosecond 100 s century 100 years
kilosecond 1,000s millenium 1,000 years
day 24 h megaannum
1 million years
APHELION - July 7 (longest distance between the Sun and the Earth)
PERIHELION – January 3 (shortest distance)
Daniela LARION – UAIC Iasi
1. Your book is beside/besides the computer.
2. Beside/besides John, who else is coming?
3. That is Paul playing beside/besides the piano.
4. Beside/besides I doubt Peter is even his real
5. There are four other Romanian families on the
cruise beside/besides us.
THE EARTH SYSTEM as a whole is a ...................... system.
Where does the Earth system take energy from?
a. From the SUN (exogenic forces → exogenic processes)
b. From inside the EARTH (endogenic forces → endogenic processes)
Daniela LARION – UAIC Iasi
What sort of energy created the following situations
(endogenic or exogenic)?
The crust is broken into several individual pieces called tectonic plates.
These rigid plates are slowly but continually moving, generating earthquakes,
volcanic activity, and the deformation of large masses of rock into mountains.