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Fire Alarm Systems


Introduction 3-7 Addressable Weatherproof Manual

Call Point 24
Premier AL 1-4 Loop Analogue
Addressable Fire Alarm Panel 8-9 Zeta Addressable Explosion Proof
Break Glass Unit 25
Premier AL 5-8 Loop Analogue
Addressable Fire Alarm Panel 10 Zeta Addressable Securetone 2
Sounder 26
Premier AL: Addressable System
Network 11 Zeta Addressable Securetone 2
Combined Sounder & Flasher 27
Premier AL: Alarm Manager Graphics
System 12 Zeta Addressable Securetone 2
Addressable Flasher 28
Simplicity Plus Analogue Addressable
Fire Alarm Panel 13 Maxitone Addressable Sounder &
Sounder Flasher 29
Zeta TCP/IP Communicator 14
Zeta Common Addressable Input Unit 30
Premier Addressable Repeater Panel 14
Zeta Addressable Input Output Units 31
Simplicity Micro Analogue Addressable
Fire Alarm Panel 15 Zeta Addressable Sounder Circuit
Controller 32
Fyreye Extra Analogue Addressable
Combined Smoke & Heat Detector 16 Zeta Addressable Zone Monitoring
Units 33
Fyreye Extra Analogue Addressable
Optical Smoke Detector 17 Zeta GSM Communicator 34

Fyreye Extra Analogue Addressable Loop Powered Door Magnet 35

Heat Detectors 18
Future Products 36-37
Addressable Remote Indicator LED 19
Product Compatibility Chart 38
Zeta Common Sounder Base & Zeta
Common Combined Sounder & Flasher
Device Current Consumption 39
Base 20

Cable Comparison 39
Fyreye Common & Isolator Bases 21

Notes 40-42
Fyreye Addressable Reflective Beam
Smoke Detector 22

Addressable Manual Call Point 23

Zeta Alarm Systems, a trading name of GLT Exports Ltd, was founded
in 1985 and is a privately held UK manufacturer of Fire Alarm, Gas
Detection and Emergency Systems.
Our brand name is well known throughout the industry and is acclaimed in over forty
countries worldwide. We are currently represented in the UK, Europe, Africa, the
Middle East, Southern Asia & South America and this list continues to grow.

Complete System Supplier Research & Development

To meet the requirements of our ever-changing market, As with all electronic equipment there is an ever
we pride ourselves on being a complete system present drive to manufacture products that are
supplier. This means our customers can rely on us for increasingly effective whilst becoming more cost
their entire system requirements. sensitive. To meet this objective we spend a significant
percentage of our profits on the continued development
One of the main advantages of using a complete system of products, whether it be introducing new items, or
supplier, compared with a component supplier, is that improving existing ones. We have a team of engineers &
system wide compatibility is assured and there is one designers all of whom have vast industry knowledge &
point of contact. experience.
Marketing our products as systems has played a vital As a manufacturer we always follow the market needs
role in our worldwide success. closely to evaluate how we should adapt our product
range. This, combined with welcomed customer
The Future feedback, has proved to be a successful formula for
meeting the current and future industry needs.
Our continued inward investment and constant
endeavour to offer the very best products is recognised
by our increased turnover and profit margin year-on-
Statement Of Quality Policy
year. Our mission is to support our existing & future We maintain a Quality System, which conforms to BS EN
customers by providing them with the highest quality ISO9001:2008. We are committed, where applicable,
products, at the most competitive prices. to manufacture in compliance with all appropriate
legislation & regulatory requirements.
Customer Support & Product Warranty
We value our customers greatly and to ensure they have
the best experience we have a dedicated support team
who are able to assist with sales, technical or logistical

Our products carry a full 24 month manufacturers’

guarantee from the date of purchase. Our network
of authorised agents is fully trained on the use of our
products and will provide a helpful & friendly service.

Introduction To Fire Detection &
Addressable Fire Alarm Systems BS5839
Alarm Systems
Addressable fire alarm systems have Risk Assessment
traditionally been associated with the larger,
The ‘Fire precautions (Workplace) Regulations’ require
more complicated applications. However, with any business employing five or more persons to hold a
downward price trends, they have become written ‘Fire Risk Assessment’ and ‘Emergency Plan’.
feasible for smaller systems that would have This must be periodically reviewed.
historically been designed with conventional
The local fire brigade can enforce compliance, and
fire alarm equipment. close any building that does not meet this act.

Protocol Statement In the event of a fire in a building without a written

‘Fire Risk Assessment’, those responsible may face fines
Zeta Protocol is unique to Zeta Alarm Systems. and imprisonment, and/or private litigation.
All Zeta addressable devices can only be installed
on Zeta control panels. No mixing with any other
manufacturers’ products or control panels is permitted What the law requires you to do:
and warranty will be void.
Complete a fire risk assessment for your work
place (considering all employees, the public,
What are the advantages of an addressable system disabled people and people with special needs).
over a conventional alternative?
Identify and record any significant findings or
Each device communicates directly with the persons at risk.
control panel, so it knows the exact location of
any fire or fault reported. Provide and maintain fire precautions.

Each device can be assigned a courtesy Provide information, instruction and training.
label to help identify the device (for instance
Nominate persons responsible to implement
your emergency plan.
Each detector reports a smoke value and the
Consult employees about the above nominations
panel then decides whether this is an alarm. This
and your proposals to improve fire precautions.
allows some panels to make detectors more or less
sensitive according to current conditions or time of Inform other employees who may have work
day. places in the building about any significant risks
which may affect their safety and co-operate with
All devices (detectors, manual call points,
them to reduce/control these risks.
sounders & interfaces) are all connected on the
same loop of wires. If you are not an employer, but control premises
which contain more than one workplace, you are
Detectors are assigned to zones by the panel,
responsible for complying with fire regulations.
which allows for easier zone changes if the
building layout is altered at a future date. You must establish a suitable means of
contacting the emergency services.
Addressable panels typically have an event
history which logs past system events. Your employees must co-operate to ensure the
workplace is safe from fire and its effects.
Some addressable panels allow for complicated
cause & effect programming, where outputs are
only triggered by certain detectors.

System Zoning

In order to aid identification of the source of a possible Manual Call Points

fire, the protected building should be divided into
‘zones’. When deciding on a suitable zoning scheme A ‘Manual Call Point’ is a device which enables
for a building, consideration should be given to the personnel to raise an alarm in the event of a fire
size, any existing fire routines, escape routes, zone incident by pressing a frangible element to activate the
accessibility, and structural fire compartmentation. alarm system.

Manual Call Points should be installed at a height of

1.2m above floor level at easily accessible, conspicuous
The following guide lines should be observed: positions, on exit routes, at the entry floor landings of
staircases and at all exits to the open air.
If the total floor area of the building is less
than 300m2 then the building needs only one zone,
regardless of the number of storeys.

If the total floor area is greater than

The maximum area for a zone is 2000m2
If a stairwell (or similar) extends beyond one floor it
should be a separate zone.
1.2m - 1.4m
If a zone covers more than one fire compartment
then the zone boundaries should follow the
compartment boundaries.
The search distance within the zone in order to
ascertain the position of the fire should not exceed
60m. Remember that the use of Remote Indicator
lamps may help to reduce the distance travelled.
Manual Call Points should be spaced so that one may
always be found within a maximum distance of 45m
apart or 25m for disabled person.

45m Max. or
25m Max. for disabled person

60m Max.

If a building is divided between occupiers, zones

must not be shared between them.

Detector Information
Automatic Detectors
When deciding on the type of detector to be used in any area it is important to remember that the detector has to
discriminate between a genuine fire and the normal conditions existing therein.

Smoke Detectors Heat Detectors General

In open spaces under flat horizontal ceilings, every In open spaces under flat horizontal ceilings, every
point should lie within 7.5m of a smoke detector. point should lie within 5.3m of a heat detector.

10.6m 7.5m

112m² 56.3m²
(10.6m x (7.5m x
10.6m) 7.5m)

Room Room
boundary boundary

7.5m 5.3m

5.3m 3.8m

Smoke detection should be generally avoided in the Heat detectors are designed to either detect a
following areas to avoid unwanted alarms. They should rapid rise in temperature or to operate at a fixed
be protected by means of other detectors such as heat temperature. Although they provide a slower response
detectors. time than smoke detectors they do provide a method of
protection for areas where smoke detectors cannot be
Contamination in dusty areas may cause unwanted used.
alarms and reduce the life of the detector.
Heat detectors should not be used for the protection of
Damp or humid conditions such as showers, bathrooms life or where extensive property loss may be expected.
and external areas should be avoided as the water
vapour may cause unwanted alarms and reduce the life
of the detector.
‘Rate of Rise’ Heat Detectors
‘Rate of Rise’ heat detectors respond to both rapid
Detectors should not be mounted where gases, vapours
increases of temperature and to fixed top temperature.
or fumes are present.

Detectors should never be used at low temperature ‘Fixed Temperature’ Heat Detectors
where ice or condensation can affect detector
Fixed temperature heat detectors are available with
different temperature settings, and are normally
Kitchens, garages, welding shops and boiler houses installed in kitchens, boiler rooms, etc.
should generally be avoided.

Detection In Apex Roofs Fire Alarm Sounders
If the ceiling is pitched or sloping, smoke will tend Fire Alarm Sounders should be installed throughout the
to rise towards the highest point (apex) of the roof, building with an even distribution, to generally provide
therefore detection should be placed in the apex. As a minimum sound level of 65dB(A) or 5dB(A) above any
the slope tends to reduce the delay before smoke or background noise which is likely to persist for more
heat reaches the detectors, it is permissible to use a than 30 seconds.
greater spacing between the detectors mounted there.

Limits of Ceiling Height 65dB(A) +5dB(A)

@ 500Hz - 1000Hz @ 500Hz - 1000Hz

Background noise
Heat Smoke Heat Smoke
Detector Detector Detector Detector

Apex Apex Apex Apex

<150mm <600mm >150mm >600mm

Small Apex Large Apex

= Standard Spacing = Extended Spacing

Where the alarm may have to arouse sleeping persons

e.g. Hotel bedrooms, nursing homes, etc, a minimum
sound level of 75dB(A) is required, at the bed head with
all the doors shut.
The operation of a Fire Alarm and Detection
System’ depends on the cabling and connections
between the components. It is essential that
connection between Manual Call Points and
Detectors function correctly when they are

Cables within the system are required to function

correctly for significant periods after being 75dB(A)
attacked by fire. These include the power supply
cables to the control panel, the detection circuits
and the fire alarm sounder circuits. Thus the
cables chosen must be correctly rated to withstand
these conditions.

All fire alarm sounders in a building should produce the

same sound, distinct from any other audible warning
devices in the building.

Where fire alarm sounders are required in extremely

noisy areas e.g. Machine shops, it may be necessary to
install additional ‘Visual Indication Beacons’.

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Premier AL 1-4 Loop Analogue Addressable

Fire Alarm Panel (PR-AL/1, PR-AL/2, PR-AL/3, PR-AL/4)

The Premier AL analogue addressable panels

are a powerful yet user-friendly series of
control panels. They are designed to a high
standard with LPCB approval to EN54, parts
2 & 4. Each panel in this modular series
has considerable processing ability but is
easy to install, programme and operate.
This is supported by comprehensive support
documentation. Panels are housed in steel
enclosures and are finished in hardwearing
epoxy paint.
This panel is ideally suited to installations which require
very complex sounder and control/shutdown functions.
The panels are programmable to meet individual site
requirements by means of a cause & effect matrix.
This is downloaded from a PC, using the Cause & Effect
Edit Programme. Text may be edited via a keyboard or
downloaded from a PC.

The Premier AL has a 4 line x 20 character backlit

LCD display, showing the first and most recent event.
Other events may be reviewed using the More Messages
Features facility. User controls are accessed by means of
keyswitch-enabled membrane controls, with password
1-4 loop addressable fire alarm panel (each with protection for engineer purposes.
a 126 device capacity)
LPCB Approved to EN54 parts 2 & 4 Each panel has a high level of processing power and
each loop has its own processor. The panel allows up
Devices can be grouped into 32 zones to 126 addresses per loop. All addresses on a loop may
Network up to 15 panels (giving a total of 60 be used for output functions, with 3 independently
loops) programmable output bits per address.
Extensive mode change options by day/night and Up to 248 user-definable panel inputs and relay/
special group allocation programmable alarm outputs can be provided via
Windows based, full upload/download PC expansions boards. Many useful testing and service
software package functions are also provided. All events may be recorded
500mA output per loop with highly stable voltage on the optional printer and zonal indications are
platform, even under mains-failed conditions included as standard.
Powerful processing and extensive panel and There is a complete range of compatible accessories
loop I/O capability available to support the Premier AL panels to meet
User-friendly controls (enabled by key switch) most customer requirements. The addition of a network
and a clear, unambiguous screen (4 x 20 card to the panel will allow monitoring, indication and
character LCD display) control of the functions of a networked installation,
allowing signals to be distributed around a large site.
Membrane facia with tactile switches
Complies with EMC and LVD Directives

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Premier AL 1-4 Loop Analogue Addressable

Fire Alarm Panel (PR-AL/1, PR-AL/2, PR-AL/3, PR-AL/4)

Optional extras
Panel Printer:

Add to panel to have a permanent record of all events printed.

Part No. Model Description

37-201P PR-AL/1P Premier AL 1 Loop Addressable FACP, c/w Printer
37-202P PR-AL/2P Premier AL 2 Loop Addressable FACP, c/w Printer
37-203P PR-AL/3P Premier AL 3 Loop Addressable FACP, c/w Printer
37-204P PR-AL/4P Premier AL 4 Loop Addressable FACP, c/w Printer

Repeater interface card:

Fit to panel to allow repeater panels to be added (supplied with repeater).

Network interface card:

Fit to panel to allow up to 15 panels to be networked and to add Global Network Repeater Panels.

The Premier AL 1-4 loop panel can use the Standard Repeater (for a stand alone panel) or a Global Network
Repeater (for a networked system).

Part no. Model Description

37-250P REP-AL/P Premier AL Repeater Panel
37-255 REP-AL/G Premier AL Global Network Repeater

Technical Specification
Model PR-AL/1 PR-AL/2 PR-AL/3 PR-AL/4
Part No. 37-201 37-202 37-203 37-204
Detection Loops 1 2 3 4
Repeater Model Premier AL Repeater (REP-AL)
Repeater Part No. 37-220
Mains Voltage 230V AC + 10% / -6% @ 50/60 Hz
System Voltage 28V DC (nominal)
Loop Voltage 24V DC + 9V AC Signal (nominal)
Sounder Alarm Output 2 x 1 A Common @ 24V DC (nominal)
Fault Relay 1 x Relay SELV @ 1A maximum
Fire Relay 2 x Relay SELV @ 1A maximum
Zone Capacity 32 programmable zones
Sounder EOL 3K9 (Orange, White, Red, Gold)
Charge Voltage 27.1 Volt (with battery disconnected)
Charger Size 3 Amp
Aux Supply 500mA max
Batteries (Min. Size) 2 x 12V, 12AH SLA Batteries
Ingress Protection IP43
Enclosure 410 W x 480 H x 144 D (mm)
Weight 15kg (Excluding Batteries)

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Premier AL 5-8 Loop Analogue Addressable

Fire Alarm Panel (PR-AL/5, PR-AL/6, PR-AL/7, PR-AL/8)

5-8 loop addressable fire alarm panel (each loop
with a 126 device capacity)
Complies fully to EN54 parts 2 & 4
Consists of 2 PR-AL/4 panels networked together
(where each offers the same functionality)

Model PR-AL/5 PR-AL/6 PR-AL/7 PR-AL/8

Part No. 37-211 37-212 37-213 37-214
Supply Voltage 230V AC +/- 10%
System Voltage 28V DC (Nominal)
The Premier AL 5-8 loop analogue addressable Addressable Loops 5 6 7 8
fire alarm control panel has been designed to Loop Voltage 24V + 9 V Data
meet the demand for larger centralised panels, Loop Capacity 500mA
rather than smaller panels distributed on a Sounder Output 4 x 1A @ 24V DC
network. Sounder EOL 3K9 (Orange, White, Red, Gold)
The panel consists of a large enclosure that houses two Sounder Delay 0 to 9 Minutes
4 loop panels (PR-AL/4) that are networked together Fire Relay 4 x Relay, SELV @ 1A
and run off a single power supply. The second panel has 2 x Relay, SELV @ 1A (Normally
its screen facing inwards behind the blank door (due to Fault Relay
this configuration it is recommended to use the network
Aux Supply 2 x 500mA (Monitored)
repeater with this control panel).
Class Change Input, Remote Fault
This panel will occupy 2 network addresses. When Other Connections Input, Remote Evacuate Input, Remote
viewing the loop contents, loop 1 to 4 can be viewed Reset Input, Remote Silence Input
from the main screen and loops 5 to 8 must be viewed Operating
-0°C to +50°C
using the internal display. Temperature
Enclosure Size 960 x 480 x 144mm
Weight 28 KG (Excluding Batteries)





5 < 5 <




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

1 17 1 17
2 18 2 18
3 19 3 19
4 20 4 20
5 21 5 21
6 22 6 22
7 23 7 23
8 24 8 24
9 25 9 25
10 26 10 26
11 27 11 27
12 28 12 28
13 29 13 29
14 30 14 30
15 31 15 31
16 32 16 32

Display to view contents of loops 1 to 4 Display to view contents of loops 5 to 8

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Premier AL: Addressable System Network

The addressable system network has the

facility to monitor, indicate and control the
functions of a fire alarm installation, thus
allowing signals to be distributed around a
large site.
The network operates as a global communication system
and does not require a master panel or computer. This
approach reduces cost and no single panel/equipment
failure will disable the entire system.

Each item of equipment connected to the network is

referred to as a node. Each node can be either active
or passive. Up to 15 active nodes plus an additional 17
passive nodes may be connected.

Each node is programmed independently to listen,

respond to, or ignore any or all of the messages sent by Features
the other nodes on the network. All talk - selective listen Peer-to-Peer network
wide communication
The network uses RS 485 data communication. Up to a
total network cable length of 5km is possible. All panels No master panel or PC required and thus no
will continue to function in stand-alone mode, even if single device of failure
the network fails. Network together:-
The use of a networking system will allow individual Premier AL panels
parts of the site to be installed and commissioned prior Network repeaters
to connection to the network.
Alarm manager graphics systems
The operation of the network is such that each node Up to 15 active panels or 60 loops may be
has total stand alone capability in that its local networked together plus an additional 17 passive
operation is not directly affected by its connection nodes
to or disconnection from the network. The ability of
a local control panel to observe events means that it Premier AL panels, network repeaters and alarm
manager graphics systems may be configured as
can be programmed to respond to events elsewhere on
active or passive
the network. The effect of this capability is that any
control panel is able to respond to any sensor device
connected anywhere on the network. This provides a Network communication takes place over a single pair of
possible effective 60 loop control panel distributed wires providing a link to all nodes.
around a single site as a number of smaller units.
Network repeater panels provide the ability to observe The overall concept can be described as ‘all talk -
and control elements of the network via a compact unit selective listen’, which means that every event that
which may be conveniently mounted at manned control occurs on any node is transmitted into the network.
points and still provide all essential display and control Each node then decides (via programming) whether or
facilities. not it is required to take any action. During quiescent
conditions all active nodes signify their presence on the
network by generating default messages.

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Premier AL: Alarm Manager Graphics System

The Alarm Manager system is designed as

a user-friendly tool to view a potentially
complex fire situation.
Once the system has been set up on-site by a qualified
engineer, the keyboard is no longer required, as all
event maps and user buttons will appear on the screen
as necessary to manage the particular event taking

The end user, who may not be technically-minded, will

still be able to operate the system on a daily basis. All
the system’s management functions are protected via up
to 7 different password levels.

When an event occurs, the first map will appear along

with the relevant user controls. There are up to 5
different maps for each sensor showing the device
location in different degrees of accuracy and also a
procedure page which is allocated to each type of event
Features as prioritised within the configuration menu. There is
also an instantly available current event log.
For use with all Premier AL protocol analogue
addressable control panels
End-user friendly Technical Specifications
Up to 5 map pages per sensor The full Alarm Manager package includes;
Up to 32 devices or groups of devices per map
17″ TFT monitor
Up to 999 maps
Network interface for 1 network
2,000 event historic log
Installed Alarm Manager software
All functions protected via up to 7 different
password levels
Identifies each user separately
Up to 3 networks may communicate with the
Alarm Manager

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Simplicity Plus Analogue Addressable

Fire Alarm Panel (SP-64, SP-126)

The Simplicity Plus is the ideal introduction to

the world of addressable fire alarm panels.
As its name suggests, it has been designed with ease
of use in mind, using pre-programmed values for its
programming options. The installer simply needs to
configure the loop and enter text labels via the built in
keypad (optional).

The Simplicity Plus is available in 64 or 126 device

versions and has user definable zones, option for zonal
or common alarm operation, options for I/O operation,
alarm verification and user selectable languages.

It can be connected to an RS232 desktop printer for real

Features time event log printing (Epson LQ300+ recommended)
and it can also drive a serial repeater model AD-REP
Single loop addressable fire alarm panel (with (Part No. 37-156).
either 64 or 126 device capacity)
Complies fully to EN54 parts 2 & 4 Zonal Addressing
User definable zones All devices are assigned to a specific zone based on their
Option for zonal or common alarm operation address. This removes a programming step and helps to
streamline the commissioning process. The following
Options for I/O operation
table outlines which addresses fall in which zones.
Alarm verification (help prevent false alarms)
Loop & Address SP-126 SP-64
User selectable languages
1: Address 1-16 Zone 1 Zone 1
Set of changeover relay contacts for fault
condition 1: Address 17-32 Zone 2 Zone 2
1: Address 33-48 Zone 3 Zone 3
Set of changeover relay contacts for fire
condition 1: Address 49-64 Zone 4 Zone 4

2,048 event log (fire & fault) 1: Address 65-80 Zone 5 -

1: Address 81-96 Zone 6 -
Zone or device disablement
1: Address 97-112 Zone 7 -
One man test mode
1: Address 113-126 Zone 8 -
Plug & play, no need for any special tools or
laptop for commissioning Model SP-64 SP-126
Fully integrated QWERTY keypad Part No. 37-160 37-165
All associated devices are loop powered Supply Voltage 230V AC +/- 10% 230V AC +/- 10%
System Voltage 24V DC (Nominal)
Flame retardant ABS plastic
Number of Loops 1
Loop Capacity 64 Devices 126 Devices
Alarm Verification Number of Zones 4 8
To help prevent false alarms causing a full evacuation, Sounder Output Addressable Sounders Only
any smoke detector can be set to alarm verification Fault Output
28 V Repeat Output to Drive Relay
mode with a time delay of between 30 seconds and 4 (Normally Energised)
minutes. Should any of these detectors go into alarm Fire Output 28 V Repeat Output to Drive Relay
then only the detector’s LEDs and sounder/flasher base Operating
(if connected) will activate. Should the alarm not be -0°C to 50°C
cleared with this time delay then a common alarm will
Enclosure Size 355 x 275 x 100mm
Weight 3.5 Kg

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta TCP/IP Premier Addressable

Communicator Repeater Panel (AD-REP)

The Zeta TCP/IP Communicator connects to The Premier addressable repeater Panel is a
the serial port of a Simplicity Plus panel (SP- serial repeater panel for use with the Premier
126 or SP-64) to allow the panel to broadcast AD and Simplicity Plus analogue addressable
alarm or fault information to a monitoring PC fire alarm panels.
set on any TCP/IP network.
It is a display only repeater (no controls) which
indicates power, general fault and general fire via
The Simplicity panel can transmit LEDs. Information about the device in fault or alarm is
displayed on the LCD screen.
the following information;
It also has an internal buzzer to indicate that it requires
Device alarm (including loop & address
information) attention.

Device fault (including loop & address

information) Compatible Panels
Panel reset NPAD - Premier AD Analogue Addressable Fire
Loop reconfigured Alarm Panel
Loop wiring fault SP-64 - Simplicity Plus Analogue Addressable
Fire Alarm Panel
Power supply fault
SP-126 - Simplicity Plus Analogue Addressable
Earth fault Fire Alarm Panel
Clock reset
Evacuate started
Using the Zeta Alarm Watch software, multiple panels Addressable repeater panel (display only, no
can be monitored from a central PC. The panels can be controls)
grouped by company to give a structured display on the Complies fully to EN54 parts 2 & 4

Future development of this product will see other Model AD-REP

panels being able to interface with the TCP/IP
Part No. 37-156
communicator, starting with the Premier Quatro panel
in early 2010. Supply Voltage 20 – 30 V DC
System Voltage 29V DC (Nominal)
Connections Supply + ,Supply –, Data +, Data -
Operating Temperature -0°C to 50°C
Enclosure Size 355 x 275 x 70mm
Weight 1 KG

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Simplicity Micro Analogue Addressable

Fire Alarm Panel (SP-M)

The Simplicity Micro is a unique concept that provides

the best possible entry level solution for addressable
fire alarm systems. It is directed primarily towards small
installations, where traditionally the use of addressable
systems would have been considered cost prohibitive.
The Micro is based upon the successful Simplicity 64
& 126 fire alarm panels and incorporates many of the
larger systems features. These include single loop
connection, minimal commissioning & configuration, 20
character label for each connected device and a 2,048
history event log.

Alarm Verification
Features To help prevent false alarms causing a full evacuation,
Complies fully to Set of changeover any smoke detector can be set to alarm verification
EN54 parts 2 & 4 relay output in fire mode with a time delay of between 30 seconds and 4
condition minutes. Should any of these detectors go into alarm
CE marked
then only the detector’s LEDs and sounder/flasher base
Each detector can
User definable zones (if connected) will activate. Should the alarm not be
have a sounder or
Option for zonal combined sounder & cleared with this time delay then a common alarm will
or common alarm flasher base occur.
2,048 event log (fire
Options for I/O & fault) Model SP-M
operation Supply Voltage 230V AC +/- 10%
Zone or device
Alarm verification disablement System Voltage 24V DC (nominal)
(help prevent false Number of Loops 1
One man test mode
Loop Capacity 32 devices
Plug & play, no
User selectable Number of Zones 4
need for any special
tools or laptop for Sounder Output Addressable sounder only
Slimline enclosure commissioning
28 V repeat output to drive relay
Fault Output
Flame retardant ABS Fully integrated (normally energised)
plastic keypad Fire Output 28 V repeat output to drive relay
Set of changeover All associated devices Operating Temperature -0°C to 50°C
relay output in fault are loop powered
Enclosure Size (mm) 355 x 275 x 70mm
Weight 2.8 Kg

Compatible with conventional detectors to save money Range of standalone addressable detectors

Securetone Micro Addressable Securetone Micro Addressable Addressable Addressable Addressable Addressable
Sounder Base Sounder & Flasher Base Optical Detector Opto-Heat Detector Rate of Rise Heat Detector Fixed Heat Detector

Range of Addressable Maxitone Addressable Maxitone Sounder Addressable Securetone 2 Addressable Addressable
input/output Sounder & Flasher available in Red ZAMT/R Sounder Flasher c/w Isolator Securetone 2 Sounder Manual Call Point
Simplicity Micro modules ZAMTF/R or White ZAMT/W available in Red ZAS2/RFI available in Red ZAS2/R ZT-CP2/AD
SP-M or White ZAS2/WFI or White ZAS2/W

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Fyreye Extra Analogue Addressable

Combined Smoke & Heat Detector (FEAOH2000)

The Fyreye Extra analogue addressable

combined smoke & heat detector works
with the Zeta Addressable Protocol and is
compatible with all current Zeta analogue
addressable control panels.
The FEAOH2000 is a dual type detector, which reacts to
both smoke & heat independently. It is suitable for use
in places where traditionally an ionisation type detector
may have been chosen.

It comes supplied with a locking grub screw to prevent

unauthorised head removal.

100mm 50mm
Addressable combined smoke & heat detector
DIFT approved
Complies fully to EN54 parts 5 & 7
Twin LEDs to improve alarm indication
Includes locking grub screw to prevent
unauthorised head removal

Model FEAOH2000
Part No. 80-140
Detector Class Optical Smoke, Rate of Rise & Fixed Heat
Design Standard EN54 Part 5 & Part 7
Approval DIFT
Operating Voltage 17-28V DC (Plus Protocol Signal)
Quiescent Current 520µA
Alarm Current 2.3mA
Operating Temperature -10°C to +50°C
Minimum Continuous Temperature 0°C
Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing
Return Value of 55 (Nominal Alarm Level) 2.4% Obscuration per metre
Return value of 75 Rate of Rise Trigger
Return value of 95 Fixed heat trigger
Coverage 100m²
IP Protection Rating IP43
Start-up Time 30 Seconds
Size, Diameter x Height (with base) 100 x 48 mm (101 x 64 mm)
Weight (with base) 100g (158g)

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Fyreye Extra Analogue Addressable

Optical Smoke Detector (FEAOE2000)

The Fyreye Extra analogue addressable optical

smoke detector is particularly suitable for
detecting optically dense smoke, involving
materials such as soft furnishings, PVC, plastic,
foam and all similar materials which produce
small visible particles (0.5 to 10 μm).
The FEAOE2000 works with the Zeta Addressable
Protocol and is compatible with all current Zeta
analogue addressable control panels.

It also comes supplied with a locking grub screw to

prevent unauthorised head removal.

100mm 37mm
Addressable optical smoke detector
DIFT approved
Complies fully to EN54 parts 5 & 7
Twin LEDs to improve alarm indication
Includes locking grub screw to prevent
unauthorised head removal

Model FEAOE2000
Part No. 80-125
Detector Class Optical Smoke
Design Standard EN54 Pt 7
Approval DIFT
Operating Voltage 17 – 28V DC (Plus Protocol)
Quiescent Current 480μA
Alarm Current 2.3mA
Operating Temperature -10°C to +50°C
Minimum Continuous Temperature 0°C
Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing
Return Value of 55 (Nominal Alarm Level) 2.4% Obscuration per metre
Coverage 100m2
IP Protection Rating IP43
Start-up Time 10 Seconds
Size, Diameter x Height (with base) 100 x 37 mm (101 x 53 mm)
Weight (with base) 95 g (153g)

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Fyreye Extra Analogue Addressable

Heat Detectors (FEAHE2000 & FEAHHE2000)

The FEAHE2000 is an analogue addressable rate of rise
heat detector. It will respond with a value of 75 if the
detector is triggered by a rate of rise alarm (that is a
fast increase in temperature over a set period of time).
The detector also responds to a fixed temperature of
57°C and will return a value of 95 if the detector is
triggered by this condition.

The FEAHHE2000 is an analogue addressable fixed
heat detector. It will respond with a value of 95 if the
detector is triggered through a fixed heat alarm of 90°C.

100mm 48mm Features

DIFT approved
Complies fully to EN54 parts 5 & 7
Twin LEDs to improve alarm indication
Includes locking grub screw to prevent
unauthorised head removal

Model FEAHE2000 FEAHHE2000

Part No. 80-135 80-136
Detector Class Rate of Rise & Fixed Heat Fixed Heat Only
Design Standard EN54 part 5
Approval DIFT -
Operating Voltage 17 to 28V DC (Plus Protocol)
Quiescent Current 440 μA
Alarm Current @ 24V DC 2.4mA
Operating Temperature -10°C to 50°C
Minimum Continuous Temperature 0°C
Maximum Humidity 95% RH non condensing
Alarm Condition Rate of Rise or Fixed Heat trigger @ 57°C Fixed Heat trigger @ 90°C
FE-CB Common Base, FE-IB Isolator Base, FEA-RB Addressable Relay Base, FEA-SB
Compatible Bases
Addressable Sounder Base, FEA-SFB Addressable Sounder Flasher Base
Coverage 50m2
IP Protection Rating IP43
Start-up Time 30 seconds
Size, Diameter x Height (with base) 100 x 48 mm (101 x 64 mm)
Weight (with base) 100g (158g)

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Addressable Remote Indicator LED

(ZTA-LE2, ZTA-LE2/10 & ZTA-LE3)

ZTA-LE2 & ZTA-LE2/10

The ZTA-LE2 remote LED indicator has been
designed so that it is loop powered and can
be installed anywhere on the loop (it can
either be connected as part of the loop, or
as a spur from the detector it is indicating).
This minimises the amount of wiring from a
detector to its remote indicator.
It has the same address as the detector it is indicating
and will light whenever the panel tells the detector to
do so.

There is also a version that will listen to a number of

consecutive addresses, designed for when there are
ZTA-LE2 & ZTA-LE2/10 more than one detector out of sight.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Remote Indicator
The ZTA-LE3 is a low cost alternative to the
fully addressable remote LED indicator ZTA-
L1 L1 L1








L2 L2 L2

Loop in from Loop out to next

Remote LEDs are used in installations where a detector
Fire alarm panel detector or return going into alarm is likely to occur out of sight (for
to panel.
instance behind a locked door or in a ceiling void). The

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Remote Indicator indicator will then show the location of the alarm.

The ZTA-LE3 is designed to work with addressable Fyreye

detectors on the Premier AL panel only. They will need
L1 L1 L1

to be programmed to operate and can be triggered from

either a single detector or a group of detectors.







L2 L2 L2

Loop in from Loop out to next

Fire alarm panel detector or return
to panel.
Model ZTA/LE2 ZTA/LE2-10 ZTA-LE3
Part No. 48-020 48-020A 48-021
Input Voltage 17 - 33V DC
Remote Indicator
ZTA-LE3 Quiescent Current 1.5 mA 0 mA
Alarm Current 10mA


1 1-10 1
Colour White Plastic, Red LEDs
Operation Colour Red
IN Operating
-0°C to 50°C

Maximum Humidity 95% RH N/C


IP Rating IP 43
Loop out to next
Loop in from
fire alarm panel
detector or Size (WxHxD mm) 86 x 86 x 23
return to panel
Weight 40 g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta Common Sounder Base & Zeta Common

Combined Sounder & Flasher Base (ZTA-CSB, ZTA-CSFIB)


The Zeta addressable common sounder base

is essentially an addressable sounder which Features
does not take an address. Instead it listens to Complies fully to EN-54 part 3
address 126 and responds to commands sent to Allows use of addressable detectors
this address.
Low current consumption (5.5 mA for combined
The combined sounder & flasher version also includes a sounder & flasher base)
loop short circuit isolator, which minimises the number Loop isolation option
of devices that would be inoperative in the case of a
short circuit on the loop. Compatible with all Zeta addressable panels
No address to set
There is no volume adjustment potentiometer, instead
the sounder is supplied set to it’s maximum volume. All sounder will start at the same time

Although the sounder does not communicate with the

control panel, it must be used in conjunction with
an addressable detector. For monitoring purposes,
the sounder is treated as a conventional sounder and
monitored as part of the loop.


Part No. 42-510 42-515
Sound Output 85 dB @ 1 metre
Alarm Tone 800-970Hz (0.5s each)
Flasher Colour N/A Red
Flasher Rate N/A 0.3Hz
Operating Voltage 17-30V DC
Quiescent Current 0.4 mA 0.7 mA
Current Consumption During Alarm 4.0 mA 5.5 mA
Size, Diameter x Height 100 x 36 mm
Weight 155g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Fyreye Common & Isolator Bases



Common base which is compatible with all detectors
Available in 3 different sizes (standard, shallow &

Loop + In Loop + Out


Earth L2 L1
- + + - -
In Out Out
L1 Out
R- L1 In

Loop - In Loop - Out

Loop - In Loop - Out Loop + In Loop + Out


Part No. 80-050 80-050S 80-050D 80-090
Supply Voltage 17-33V DC
Average Quiescent Current At
0μA 35μA
Alarm Current At 24V 0mA
Isolated Current At 24V - - - 5.4mA
Operating Temperature -20°C to +90°C (non condensing or icing)
Max. Wind Speed Not affected
Connections L1in, L1out (not used), L2, -R (not used), Earth
Base Size (Diameter x Depth) 100mm x 15mm 100mm x 8mm 100m x 25mm 100mm x 15mm
Weights 48g 42g 61g 50.2g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Fyreye Addressable Reflective Beam

Smoke Detector (ZT-50RA, ZT-100RA)

The Fyreye addressable reflective beam

smoke detector comprises of a single unit
incorporating an infrared transmitter and
receiver. The signal is reflected by a prism
and analysed for smoke presence. Should a
predetermined level be reached, the detector
will signal an alarm.
The system is designed to be mounted so that the beam
will project between 0.3 and 0.6 metres below the
ceiling and parallel to it. Lateral detection may be up to
7.5 metres either side of the beam.

Typical Applications
Beam detectors are generally used for two purposes;
either to cover a wide-open space and/or in places
where several regular smoke detectors would be
aesthetically unacceptable. Such places include;

70mm Shopping centres Open Plan offices

126mm 120mm Heritage sites Warehouses
Churches or mosques Factories
Museums Power stations
Leisure centres and more


50 or 100 metre addressable reflective beam
smoke detector
Vds approved
Complies fully to;
Model ZT-50RA ZT-100RA
Part No. 47-055 47-056 BS 5839 part 5
Supply Voltage 17-33VDC EN54 part 12
Range 5-50 metres 50-100 metres Single compact housing
Quiescent Current 5mA Horizontal or vertical mounting
Operating Temp. -20°C to +55°C 12-24V DC operation
Max. Humidity 95%RH N/C
Low current consumption
Max. Wind Speed Not affected
Latching or non latching alarm
Alarm Current 9 mA
Fire Output Analogue value to panel Reflector targeting mode to ease set-up
Fault Output Analogue value to panel Microprocessor controlled
Flame Retardant ABS (Grey / Black). Automatic contamination compensation
Selectable sensitivity
Detector Size 210 x 117 x 120 mm
Robust construction
Weight 0.7 kg

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Addressable Manual Call Point


The ZT-CP2/AD is an addressable manual call

point which has been engineered to comply
with EN54 part 11.
It is a resettable call point that signals an alarm with a
yellow flag entering the window area and a red alarm
LED illuminating. The modern housing is supplied with a
back box which has plenty of room for fitting the cables
and also includes 2 x 20mm knockouts for glanded cable

There are 2 versions available;

ZT-CP1/AD - Which does not have the Perspex protective

Features ZT-CP2/AD - Which has the protective Perspex cover in

addition to a “snaplatch” catch that must to be broken
Addressable manual call point off before the call point cover can be lifted (this acts as
Complies fully to EN54 part 11 a deterrent to malicious activations and allows double
action activation).
Available with or without Perspex protective


Part No. 43-305 43-306
Input Voltage 17-33V DC
Element Type Resettable
Quiescent Current 1.5 mA
Alarm Current 18 mA
Break Snaplatch

Alarm Activation Lift Perspex Press Element

Press Element
-20°C to 50°C
Maximum Humidity 95% RH N/C
IP Rating IP 43
Size (WxHxD mm) 111 x 100 x 67 105 x 100 x 58
Weight 198 g 175 g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Addressable Weatherproof
Manual Call Point (ZT-CP2/AD/WP)

The Zeta addressable weatherproof call point

(ZT-CP2/AD/WP) is used to manually initiate an
alarm on a Zeta addressable fire alarm system.
As the unit is weatherproof (IP rating 65), it is suitable
for external use, or areas which may have a high build
up of moisture.

The unit has a back box that can be oriented to have

either 2 cable entries, or a single central cable entry
at either the top or the bottom of the unit for the
addressable loop wiring.


Features Part No. 43-360 43-362
Addressable manual call point Element Type Resettable
Weatherproof (IP rating 65) Alarm Indication Yellow Flag & Red LED
Operating Voltage 17 - 33V DC
Complies fully to EN54 part 11
Quiescent Current 1mA
Available in red and white
Alarm Current 2.9mA
-20ºC to 50°C
Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing
IP Rating IP65
Size (Width x
87 x 87 x 70mm
Height x Depth)
Weight 276g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta Addressable
Explosion Proof Break Glass Unit (ZTA-BGU/WP)

This explosion proof addressable break glass

unit is manufactured from aluminium in order
to withstand harsh environments. It has a built
in push button activator to signal an alarm
The address of the unit is set via an internal address
module. Valid addresses are 1 to 126. The unit will
return an analogue value of 16 for normal conditions and
a value of 64 during an alarm condition.

The unit is finished in red anti-corrosive epoxy powder

coating, with 2 x 20mm cable entries. The unit is
supplied with a hammer for operation.

Part No. 43-410
Element Type Glass
Alarm Activation Break Glass With Hammer
Type of Protection Flame proof
Area Classification Zone 1 & 2
Cable Entry TL - Terminals 4Nos. 2.5Sq.mm.
Gas Groups Group I, II A, II B
NP - Name & Warning Plate (SS)
Apparatus Standard IS – 2148 / 81
100 CMRI Certification Number CMRS / TC / H167
Approvals CCE
NP Material Aluminium LM6
Anti corrosive epoxy powder
TL Finish
Cable Entry 2 x ¾” ET
215 185 Gasket Neoprene
Hardware Stainless steel (SS-304)
Contact Element INC


AK GL Rating Voltage 500 V, 50Hz AC

Terminals 4 x 2.5mm²
External: 2 Nos – M6
Chain Earthing
Internal: No – M5
Operating Voltage 17-33V DC
Quiescent Current 1.5 mA
Alarm Current 3 mA
Operating Temperature -20°C to 50°C
Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing
IP Rating IP 65
Size (Width x Height x Depth) 105 x 215 x 115mm
Weight 1.5 kg

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta Addressable Securetone 2

Sounder (ZAS2/R, ZAS2/W)

The Securetone 2 addressable sounder has a

ZAS2/R low profile design which makes it ideal for
locations where sounders are required to be
unobtrusive. It is designed to work with the
complete range of Zeta addressable control
The sounder is supplied configured to it’s maximum
volume. However there is a potentiometer which may be
used to adjust the sound level if required.

An 8 way DIL switch is used to set the address, where

switch 8 is the shadow operative switch. When in the
ZAS2/W position ON, the sounder will behave normally. When in
the OFF position, the sounder will listen to commands
without answering to the panel. This allows multiple
sounders to be configured at the same address to allow
for synchronised sounder operation.

Model ZAS2/R ZAS2/W

Features Part No. 42-520 42-521
Complies fully to EN-54 part 3 Sound Output 85 dB @ 1 metre
85 dB @ 1 metre Intermittent Tone - 800-970Hz (0.5s
Alarm Tone each)
Low current consumption Pulsed Tone – 970Hz (0.5s on, 0.5s off)
Loop isolation option Maximum Sounders
Per Loop
Compatible with all Zeta addressable panels
Short Circuit
DIP switch address setting No
Option to function as shadow sounder Operating Voltage 17-30V DC
Quiescent Current 0.9 mA
Alarm Current 5.5 mA
Maximum Cable
0ºC to 40ºC
Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing
IP Protection
Material Red ABS Plastic White ABS Plastic
Size, Diameter x
100mm x 37.5mm
Weight 120g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta Addressable Securetone 2

Combined Sounder & Flasher (ZAS2/RFI, ZAS2/WFI)

The Zeta addressable Securetone 2 combined

ZAS2/RFI sounder & flasher has a low profile design
which makes it ideal for locations where
sounders are required to be unobtrusive.
It is designed to work with the complete range of Zeta
addressable control panels. It also includes a short
circuit isolator which minimises the number of devices
which would be inoperative in the case of a short circuit
on the loop.

The sounder is supplied configured to it’s maximum

volume. However there is a potentiometer which may be
ZAS2/WFI used to adjust the sound level if required.

An 8 way DIL switch is used to set the address, where

switch 8 is the shadow operative switch. When in the
position ON, the sounder will behave normally. When in
the OFF position, the sounder will listen to commands
without answering to the panel. This allows multiple
sounders to be configured at the same address to allow
for synchronised sounder operation.


Features Part No. 42-525 42-526
Complies fully to EN-54 part 3 Sound Output 85 dB @ 1 metre
85 dB @ 1 metre Intermittent Tone - 800-970Hz (0.5s
Alarm Tone each)
Includes short circuit isolator Pulsed Tone – 970Hz (0.5s on, 0.5s off)
Low current consumption Maximum Sounders
Per Loop
Loop isolation option
Short Circuit
Compatible with all Zeta addressable panels Yes
DIP switch address setting Operating Voltage 17-30V DC
Shadow sounder option Quiescent Current 0.9 mA
Alarm Current 5.5 mA
Maximum Cable
2.5mm ²
0ºC to 40ºC
Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing
IP Protection
Material Red ABS Plastic White ABS Plastic
Size, Diameter x
100mm x 37.5mm
Weight 120g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta Addressable Securetone 2

Addressable Flasher (ZASF/RI)

The Zeta addressable Securetone 2 flasher has

a low profile design which makes it ideal for
locations where flashers are required to be
It is designed to work with the complete range of Zeta
addressable control panels.

It also includes a short circuit isolator which minimises

the number of devices which would be inoperative in the
case of a short circuit on the loop.

Features Part No. 42-530
Complies fully to EN-54 part 3 Maximum Flashers Per Loop 64
Includes short circuit isolator Short Circuit Isolator Yes
Operating Voltage 17-30V DC
Low current consumption
Quiescent Current 0.9 mA
Loop isolation option
Alarm Current 2.5 mA
Compatible with all Zeta addressable panels
Maximum Cable Size 2.5mm²
DIP switch address setting Operating Temperature 0ºC to 40ºC
Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing
IP Protection Rating IP43
Material Red ABS Plastic
Size, Diameter x Height 100mm x 37.5mm
Weight 120g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Maxitone Addressable Sounder

& Sounder Flasher (ZAMT/R, ZAMT/W, ZAMTF/R)

The Maxitone addressable sounder is a large

horn sounder suitable for many applications.
It can be used on any panel using the Zeta
Addressable Protocol. It is available as a
sounder only in red or white, or as a combined
sounder flasher in transparent red. It is
suitable for indoor & outdoor use
It has a large back-box with knockout cable entries,
which has plenty of room for fitting the cables.

It has an internal 8 way dip switch for setting the device

107mm address, and a sound output of 94 dBA @ 1m.

Both units have a built in short circuit isolator to provide

system integrity in the event of cable damage.


Part No. 42-007 42-007A 42-
Colour Red White Red
Supply Voltage 17-33V
Standby Current 0.6mA 0.6mA 0.6mA
Active Current 12mA 12mA 15mA
Sound Output 94dB 94dB 94dB
Number of Tones 2 (Controlled by FACP)
Flasher N/A N/A Red LED – 2Hz
Operating Temp. 0°C to 50°C
Max. Humidity 95% RH N/C
IP Rating IP 65
Size 124 x 129 x 100 mm
Weight 200g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta Common Addressable Input Unit


The Zeta addressable input unit (ZIU) is used

to interface external equipment which has a
volt free normally open relay output to any
Zeta addressable fire alarm system. The input
is monitored with a 47K end of line resistor.
The unit has a built in loop short circuit isolator to help
keep the unit operational in the event of a problem on
the addressable loop wiring.

The unit has internal LED indications for loop isolator

active, fault on input and alarm (panel controlled).
During the system set-up, the led can be removed from
this box to allow these LEDs to be viewed.

Model ZIU
Part No. 48-100
Interface Unit
Operating Voltage 17 – 33V DC Loop

Quiescent Current 900uA - - + + -

In Out
Alarm Current 2.9mA

Serial No
Fault Current 2.8mA
Isolating Current 7.3mA ZIU Pt No: 48-100
ZIOU Pt No: 48-105
Input End Of Line 47K Resistor ZSCC Pt No: 48-110

Device Normal Resistance

10K to 75K
(Return Value 16) Hundreds Tens Units
901 901 901
Device Open CCT Fault





85K to open circuit

456 456 456

Resistance (Return Value 4) Address

Device Alarm Resistance

0K to 5K
(Return Value 64)
Operating Temperature 0ºC to 50ºC
Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing
IP Rating IP 43
Size, Width x Height x Depth 127 x 88 x 57mm
Weight 220g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta Addressable Input Output Units

(ZIOU, ZIOU/230)

The Zeta addressable input output units (ZIOU

& ZIOU/230) are used to interface external
equipment to any Zeta addressable fire alarm
It has a switch monitoring input with a 47K end of line
resistor and a volt free SELV relay output.

There are two versions available, one for switching

low voltage (ZIOU) and the other for switching mains

As with all addressable interfaces, the outputs are

controlled by the panel to which they are connected.
Consequently the interfaces will behave differently on
different panels, i.e. some may allow the outputs to
be programmed whilst others will have a default “pre-
programmed” operation.

Model ZIOU ZIOU/230

www.gltexports.com MADE IN THE UK
Part No. 48-105 48-106 Loop 147k EOL
- - + + -
Operating Voltage 17 – 33V DC IN OUT
Quiescent Current 900uA Isolate
Section Alarm

Alarm Current 10.6mA

Serial No
Interface Unit
Fault Current 2.8mA ZIOUH PT NO.40-06 Isolator

Isolating Current 7.3mA

Compatible with
Zeta Addressable AUX 1240VAC 5A
Input End Of Line 47K Fire Alarm System
Panels Only NC
Device Normal Resistance
10K to 75K Hundreds Tens Units
(Return Value 16) 901 901 901 CM





Device Open CCT Fault 456 456 456

85K to open circuit NO
Resistance (Return Value 4) Address Settings
Device Alarm Resistance
0K to 5K
(Return Value 64)
The unit has a built in loop short circuit isolator to help
1 Amp SELV 5 Amp 230V keep the unit operational in the event of a problem on
Relay Rating
Only AC Resistive the addressable loop wiring.
Operating Temperature 0ºC to 50ºC
It has 3 indication LEDs on the front of the unit. One for
Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing
alarm, one for local fault and one for addressable loop
IP Rating IP43 fault (isolator active).
Size, Width x Height x Depth 127 x 88 x 59mm
Weight 220g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta Addressable Sounder Circuit Controller


ZSCC The Zeta addressable sounder circuit

controllers (ZSCC & ZSCC/4) are used to
connect any conventional alarm warning
devices (for instance sounders, flashers or
bells) to any Zeta addressable fire alarm
system. It needs external power to be supplied
from a suitable 24V power supply.
The unit has a built in loop short circuit isolator to help
ZSCC/4 keep the unit operational in the event of a problem on
the loop wiring.

It has 3 indication LEDs on the front of the unit, one for

alarm, one for local fault and one for addressable loop
fault (isolator active).


Part No. 48-110 48-111
Number of Interface Unit
1 4
Sounder Circuits
Operating Voltage 17 – 33V DC
Quiescent Current 900uA (6.8 mA from ext PSU) Serial No

10.6mA (10mA + 42.4mA (10mA per ZIU Pt No: 48-100

ZIOU Pt No: 48-105
Alarm Current sounder load from circuit + sounder ZSCC Pt No: 48-110 Snd Supply

PSU) load from PSU)

Fault Current 2.8mA (10mA from PSU) Hundreds Tens Units
901 901 901





Isolating Current 7.3mA (6.8 mA from ext PSU)

456 456 456


Sounder End of
Line Monitoring
Open & Short Circuit
Conditions Quad Sounder Unit
Sounder Output 1 Amp (If Ext PSU Allows) Snd 1 O/P Snd 2 O/P Snd 3 O/P Snd 4 O/P

0°C to 50°C
Temperature Line
Loop In/Out

Snd Snd Snd Snd Snd Snd Snd Snd

Active Fault Active Fault Active Fault Active Fault

Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing

IP Rating IP 43
Size 127 x 88 x 59mm 195 x 143 x 79mm Serial No

Weight 220g 400g

Hundreds Tens Units Snd Supply

901 901 901





456 456 456


Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta Addressable Zone Monitoring Units

(ZTZM/1, ZTZM/4)

Zone monitors are used to connect

conventional detectors to an addressable loop.
This may be for economic reasons (due to
conventional detectors being less expensive
compared with addressable ones), or for
technical reasons (the required detector may
not be available in an addressable form (for
instance flame detectors).
The Zeta addressable zone monitoring units have either
1 (ZTZM) or 4 (ZTZM/4) detection circuits and both
require external power to be supplied from a suitable
24V PSU.

The unit has a built in loop short circuit isolator to help

maintain operation in the event of a problem on the
addressable loop wiring. It has internal indication LEDs
for zone alarm (red) and zone fault (yellow) for each
of the detector circuits. It also has one for addressable
loop fault (isolator active).

Model ZTZM/1 ZTZM/4

Quad Sounder
Operating Voltage 17 – 33V DC Monitoring Unit Zone

1.08mA (22mA 1.08mA (40mA

Quiescent Current
from ext PSU) from ext PSU) Line Loop In/Out

Alarm Current 1.09mA (37mA 1.09mA (105mA Zone


(Max.) from ext PSU) from ext PSU)

Fault Current 1.09mA (55mA 1.09mA (175mA
(Max.) from ext PSU) from ext PSU) Serial No

7.2mA (22mA from 7.2mA (50mA from

Isolating Current
ext PSU) ext PSU)
Sounder End Of Hundreds Tens Units
Zone Supply

2K2 901 901 901






456 456 456


Line Monitored
Open & Short Circuit & Alarm
Alarm Condition Zone current >14mA
Operating Quad Sounder
0°C to 50°C
Temperature Monitoring Unit Zone

Maximum Humidity 95% RH Non Condensing

IP Rating IP43 Line Loop In/Out
Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Alarm Fault Alarm Fault Alarm Fault Alarm Fault

Size 127 x 88 x 59 mm
Weight 220g
Serial No

Zone Supply
Hundreds Tens Units
901 901 901





456 456 456


Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Zeta GSM Communicator (GSM-COM)

Zeta GSM communicator is an interface that

allows a fire alarm panel to send a SMS text
message in the event of an alarm or a fault.
The communicator accepts a standard Mobile Phone
SIM card, and is then programmed with the alarm
information & phone numbers via a PC.

The unit can run on any power supply between 9 & 24V

The unit has 4 inputs & 2 user definable outputs.

The outputs can be manually operated by dialling the

GSM communicator then entering a password.

A Antenna J Connectors
B Metal House • GSM LINE
C Antenna Cable • PSTN LINE
Adaptor • In1/2/3 (User
D Main PCB
D E E Antenna Function)
Connection • COM Common
F PC Rs232
I F SIM card Case Point IN1...IN4
K • OUT1/2 (User
G GSM Module Programmable)
H J H Power Supply • OUT3 failure of
Terminals 9-24V DC GSM line
9-24V DC
I RS232 Connector • OUT4 failure of
wired line
for Programming
K Push button

Part No. 48-900
Supply Voltage 9-24V DC
Standby Current 200mA
Active Current 500mA
Transmission Frequency GSM 900/1800 MHz
Inputs (Type) 4 x N/O switch monitor
Input Quantity (3 user definable, 1 reserved)
Outputs (Type) 4 x Open Collector – 100mA Max
Output Quantity (2 user definable, 2 reserved for line faults)
Operating Temperature 0°C to 60°C
Size (PCB Only) 150 x 101 x 27mm
Weight (PCB Only) 70g
Size (ex antenna) 234 x 165 x 80mm
Weight 200g

Addressable Fire Alarm Systems /

Loop Powered Door Magnet (ZTA-DH)

The loop powered door magnet is the latest

innovation from Zeta Alarm Systems. The
ZTA-DH is an addressable loop powered &
loop controlled door holder. It takes all it’s
power from the loop, so there is no need for a
separate power supply or battery.
The unit consists of a controller unit, which connects
directly to the loop, and a permanent magnet door
holder. The door holder controller can then be
programmed to operate in a similar manner to an Input/
Output unit.

The current consumption allows the use of up to 20 units

per loop.

It has a manual door release button to allow the magnet

to release the door at any time.

The interface also has a built in loop short circuit

isolator, to help maintain system integrity in the event
of a fault condition.

Model ZTA-DH
Part No. 83-005
Supply Voltage 17-33V DC
Standby Current 1mA Typ (Max 13.5mA)
Loop In Loop Out Active Current 4mA Typ (Max 16.6mA)
Inputs Manual door release button
Output Release signal to magnet
Operating Temp. 0°C to 60°C
Holding Force 200 N
Magnet Release Pwr 3W
Size (interface) 127 x 88 x 59 mm
Weight (interface) 220g
4 Cores Size (magnet) 85 x 110 x 38 mm
Weight (magnet) 400g
Size (keeper) 55 x 55 x 50 mm
Weight (keeper) 150g

Future Products
A showcase of forthcoming products in development:

Quatro 4 Loop Addressable

Fire Alarm Panel
Network capacity of 64 panels (254
Build-in European languages
Cutting edge cause & effect software
4 x 40 character display

EN54 Switched-Mode Power

Complies with the latest requirements of
EN54 part 4
1.0 Amp output up to 12.0 Ah
5.0 Amp output up to 17.0 Ah

Xtratone Sounder and

Combined Sounder & Flasher
High dB output sounder
Low current consumption

Fyreye MKII Detectors
Built-in short circuit isolators
8 LEDs offering combination of flashing
Introducing new protocol (backwards
Special portable tool to check sensitivity
via built-in IR sensor

Detector Sounder Module

Plug and play sounder which fits onto
Fyreye Common Bases
Easily retrofitted to current installations
Up to 125 sounder modules can be
supported on a single loop

EN54 Certified Interface

Fully compliant & certified to EN54
Built-in isolators

Product Compatibility Chart

Repeater Panels Addressable Detectors Addressable Sounder Addressable Interface Detector Bases Remote Led
Alarm Manager















Simplicity Micro x x x x P

Max Per loop: - - - - - - - - - - - - 32 32 32 16 10 32 16 8 16 4 32 32 8 - - - 64 48 - - -

Simplicity 64 x x x P

Max Per Loop: - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 48 64 32 25 64 16 8 16 8 32 32 16 - - - 64 48 - - -

Simplicity 126 x x x P

Max Per Loop: - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 48 64 32 25 64 16 8 16 8 32 32 16 - - - 64 48 - - -

Premier AD x x x P

Max Per Loop: - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 48 64 32 25 64 16 8 16 8 32 32 16 - - - 64 48 - - -

Premier AL 1-4 x P

Max Per Loop: - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 48 64 32 25 64 16 8 16 8 32 32 16 - - - 64 48 - - -

Premier AL 5-8 x x P

Max Per Loop: - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 48 64 32 25 64 16 8 16 8 32 32 16 - - - 64 48 - - -

Key About
This chart is aimed to assist identifying which
Compatible, and can be connected directly to
the panel devices or repeaters will work with each
control panel.
x Not compatible with the panel If you have any questions or doubts, contact your local
representative, or contact our technical support team
via email on technical@gltexports.com.
Compatible, but requires some extra setup

Device Current Cable Comparison
Consumption Type Voltage drop (mV/A/m)
FDC 1.0 44
(in Micro-Amps)
FDC 1.5 29
FDC 2.5 18
Device Quiescent Alarm
FEAOE2000 480 2300
FEAHE2000 440 2400 Voltage Drop Considerations
FEAHHE2000 440 2400 On an addressable system, loop voltage drop has to
FEAOH2000 520 2300 be taken into consideration. Due to variations in load
ZT-CP2/AD 1500 18000 distribution along the cable length, it is not always
WP-MCP/AD 1000 2900 practical to try to calculate the exact voltage drop.
ZT-50RA 5000 9000 The addressable devices are rated down to 17V, so every
ZT-100RA 5000 9000 point on the loop must be at least 17V at all times.
ZAS2/R(W) 900 4000
So when considering the question “how long can my
ZAS2/R(W)FI 900 5500 loop be ?”, the actual question to be answered is “how
ZASF/RI 900 2500 long can my loop be with my maximum alarm load, and
ZAMT/R 600 12000 chosen cable thickness, before the loop voltage drops
below 17 V DC?”. There is always the option to use a
ZAMTF/R 600 16000
thicker cable gauge.
ZIU 900 2900
ZIOU 900 10600 The below tables give a rough indication of “worst case
voltage drop” for different loads and cable lengths for
ZSCC 900 10600
the 3 main fireproof cable sizes.
ZSCC/4 900 42400
ZTZM 800 780 Cable Length (1.0mm cable)
ZTZM/4 800 780 Load 100m 250m 500m 750m 1000m 1250m 1500m 1750m 2000m

FE-CB 0 0 100mA 26.56 25.9 24.8 23.7 22.6 21.5 20.4 19.3 18.2

FEA-IB 43 6400 200mA 26.12 24.8 22.6 20.4 18.2 16 13.8 11.6 9.4

300mA 25.68 23.7 20.4 17.1 13.8 10.5 7.2 3.9 0.6
FEA-RB 0 15000
400mA 25.24 22.6 18.2 13.8 9.4 5 0.6 N/A N/A
ZTA-CSB 400 4000
500mA 24.8 21.5 16 10.5 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
ZTA-CSFIB 700 5500
ZTA-LE2 1500 10000 Cable Length (1.5mm cable)
ZTA-LE2-10 1500 10000 Load 100m 250m 500m 750m 1000m 1250m 1500m 1750m 2000m

ZTA-LE3 0 10000 100mA 26.71 26.28 25.55 24.83 24.1 23.38 22.65 21.93 21.2

200mA 26.42 25.55 24.1 22.65 21.2 19.75 18.3 16.85 15.4

300mA 26.13 24.83 22.65 20.48 18.3 16.13 13.95 11.78 9.6

400mA 25.84 24.1 21.2 18.3 15.4 12.5 9.6 6.7 3.8

500mA 25.55 23.38 19.75 16.13 12.5 8.88 5.25 1.63 N/A

Cable Length (2.5mm cable)

Load 100m 250m 500m 750m 1000m 1250m 1500m 1750m 2000m

100mA 26.82 26.55 26.1 25.65 25.2 24.75 24.3 23.85 23.4

200mA 26.64 26.1 25.2 24.3 23.4 22.5 21.6 20.7 19.8

300mA 26.46 25.65 24.3 22.95 21.6 20.25 18.9 17.55 16.2

400mA 26.28 25.2 23.4 21.6 19.8 18 16.2 14.4 12.6

500mA 26.1 24.75 22.5 20.25 18 15.75 13.5 11.25 9


Available now from:

Tel: +44 (0) 1792 455 175 Detection House

Fax: +44 (0) 1792 455 176 72-78 Morfa Road
E-mail: info@zetaalarmsystems.com SA1 2EN
Web: www.zetaalarmsystems.com United Kingdom

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