L19: Introduction To Digital Communication: (P&S Pp. 7-12, 45-49, 192-194, 290-298, 302-305 C&C Pp. 263-6, 544-54)
L19: Introduction To Digital Communication: (P&S Pp. 7-12, 45-49, 192-194, 290-298, 302-305 C&C Pp. 263-6, 544-54)
L19: Introduction To Digital Communication: (P&S Pp. 7-12, 45-49, 192-194, 290-298, 302-305 C&C Pp. 263-6, 544-54)
L19 1
The Digital Approach
L19 2
Digital Communication System (Fig 1.1, Proakis)
L19 3
Other Advantages of Digital Comms
L19 4
L19 5
Ideal Samplers
L19 6
Impulse Train in Fourier Series Form
As i(t) : (t mTs ) is periodic, it has a Fourier
series i (t ) c e j 2nt / T
n n s
where n 0,1,2,,
1 Ts / 2 1 Ts / 2
cn i (t )e j 2nt / Ts
dt (t mTs )e j 2nt / Ts dt
Ts Ts / 2 Ts m Ts / 2
1 Ts / 2 1 1
(t 0 Ts )e j 2nt / Ts dt e j 2n.0 / Ts .
Ts Ts / 2 Ts Ts
L19 7
Spectrum of Impulse-Sampled Signal
f n
I ( f ) n cn Fe
j 2nt / Ts 1
Ts n Ts
As x (t) x(t)i(t),
1 n
X ( f ) X ( f ) * I ( f ) X ( f ) * f
Ts n Ts
1 n
X ( f u ) u du
Ts n Ts
1 n
X f
Ts n Ts
i.e., superposition of translated original spectra
L19 8
The Sampling Theorem
L19 9
L19 10
Quantiser Definition
x̂1 if x a1
x̂ if a1 x a2
x̂N if x aN 1
L19 11
x̂1 if x a1
x̂ if a1 x a2
x̂N if x aN 1
(Proakis & Salehi) 12
Quantisation Noise
D E[( X Q ( X )) 2 ]
L19 13
Uniform Quantisation
L19 14
Non‐Uniform Quantisation
L19 15
Companding Quantisation
L19 16
(Proakis & Salehi)
L19 17
(Proakis & Salehi)
L19 18