Lotte Titan TE3 Geo RPT Rev 1
Lotte Titan TE3 Geo RPT Rev 1
Lotte Titan TE3 Geo RPT Rev 1
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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 6
1.1. Scope of Work ...................................................................................................... 6
1.2. Site Description .................................................................................................... 7
1.3. Information Provided ............................................................................................ 7
2. INTERPRETATION OF THE SOIL INVESTIGATION ........................................ 8
2.1. Site Investigation Scope of Works........................................................................ 8
2.2. Regional Geology ................................................................................................. 8
2.3. Subsurface Soil Profile ......................................................................................... 8
2.4. Ground Water Table ............................................................................................. 9
2.5. Geotechnical Design Parameters......................................................................... 9
2.6. Aggressiveness of Soil & Groundwater to Concrete & Steel ............................. 12
2.7. Critical Ground Condition ................................................................................... 12
3.1. Tectonic and Seismicity ...................................................................................... 13
3.2. Liquefaction Potential Assessment ....................................................................13
4. TANK FOUNDATION ............................................................................ 16
4.1. Foundation Design Criteria ................................................................................. 16
4.2. Loading Condition of Tank Foundation .............................................................. 16
4.3. Bearing Capacity of Tank Foundation ................................................................ 17
4.4. Stability of Tank Foundation ............................................................................... 18
4.5. Settlement Criteria .............................................................................................. 19
4.6. Settlement of Tank Foundation .......................................................................... 20
4.7. Differential Settlement ........................................................................................ 21
4.8. Rate of Primary Consolidation ............................................................................ 22
4.9. Hydrostatic Testing ............................................................................................. 22
4.10. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 23
5. SHALLOW FOUNDATION ...................................................................... 24
5.1. Bearing Capacity ................................................................................................ 24
5.2. Settlement .......................................................................................................... 25
5.3. Plate Load Test .................................................................................................. 26
5.4. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 27
6. DEEP FOUNDATION............................................................................. 28
6.1. Jack-In Concrete Spun Pile ................................................................................ 28
6.2. Geotechnical Capacity ....................................................................................... 28
6.3. Lateral Capacity of Pre-Cast Concrete Spun Pile .............................................. 30
6.4. Settlement of Single Pile at Working Load ......................................................... 32
6.5. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 34
7. DYNAMIC FOUNDATION DESIGN RECOMMENDATION .............................. 35
7.1. Foundation Recommendations for Vibrating Equipment.................................... 35
7.2. Foundation Recommendations for Blast Resilient Building ............................... 36
8. EARTHWORK & SITE PREPARATION ..................................................... 37
8.1. Stripping of Top Soil ........................................................................................... 37
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Figure 1 Site Location Plan
Figure 2 Site Layout Plan
Figure 3 Geological Map
Figure 4 Subsurface Soil Profiles
Figure 5 Details of Tank Foundation
Figure 6 Time Settlement Curve for Tank
Appendix A Borehole Logs
Appendix B Summary of Laboratory test Results
Appendix C Electrical Resistivity Tests and Thermal Conductivity Tests
Appendix D Aggressiveness of Soil and Ground Water to Steel and Concrete
Appendix E Liquefaction Assessment
Appendix F Tank Stability and Settlement Analyses
Appendix G Shallow Foundation
Appendix H Piled Foundation
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LCTM Lotte Chemical Titan (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
GS E&C GS Engineering & Construction Corporation
Geolab Geolab Sdn Bhd
GLK GL Konsult Sdn Bhd
BH Borehole
CPT Cone Penetration Test
PLT Plate Load Test
TP Trial Pit
ERT Electrical Resistivity Test
RL Reduce Level
SPT N Standard Penetration Test Blow Count (blow/300mm penetration)
PGA Peak Ground Acceleration
bgl Below Ground Level
υ Poisson’s Ratio
γb Bulk Density of Soil
c’ Drained Cohesion of Soil
φ’ Friction Angle of Soil
OCR Over-Consolidation Ratio
Cv Coefficient of Consolidation
PI Plasticity Index
CRR Cyclic Resistance Ratio
CSR Cyclic Stress Ratio
amax Maximum Ground Surface Acceleration
g Acceleration Due to Gravity
σvo Total Vertical Overburden Stress
σ’vo Effective Vertical Overburden Stress
rd Stress Reduction Factor (Depth Dependent)
S Minimum Tank Shoulder Width From Annular Plate Edge
T Maximum Height of Tank Foundation
f Maximum Allowable Sag
D Diameter of Tank in meter
fo Initial Deflection of Centre of Tank Bottom in meter
qult Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Foundation
Sac Shape Factor
Es Young’s Modulus of Elasticity for Steel
Ks The yeild strength of the bottom plate
i ac Inclination Factor
B Width of Foundation
L Length of Foundation
H’ Horizontal Component of Resultant Load at the Base of Foundation
A Effective foundation area
qall Allowable Bearing Capacity of Foundation
pt Tank Pressure on Subgrade
Pt Tank Loading on Tank Pad
h Tank Pad Thickness
γ Tank Pad Unit Weight
α Angle of Load Spreading Through Fill
Si Immediate Settlement of Sand and Clay Layers
Sc Consolidation Settlement of Clay Layer
Ss Secondary Settlement
S Settlement of Sand Layers
q Load per unit area
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1. Introduction
Lotte Chemical Titan (M) Sdn Bhd (LCTM) intends to develop the Proposed TE-3 Project
at Pasir Gudang, Johor, Malaysia. LCTM awarded the construction of the proposed
project to GS Engineering & Construction Corporation (GS E&C). LCTM has also
awarded the geotechnical investigation and the geotechnical interpretative report for the
project to Geolab Sdn Bhd (Geolab) and GL Konsult Sdn Bhd (GLK), respectively.
Based on the information provided, the Project consists of Toluene Tank at Terminal 3
Area and process equipment at K-COT Area. The main purpose of the investigation is to
finalise the type of foundation for these structures. The scope of work for this site
investigation consists of nine boreholes (BH) with associated in-situ testing and sampling;
two down-hole PS wave logging; plate load tests (PLT); test pits (TP); thermal
conductivity test of soil; field permeability tests; pressuremeter tests; and electrical
resistivity tests (ERT).
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The site location plan for the proposed project is shown in Figure 1 whilst the site layout
plan is presented in Figure 2. K-COT Area is approximately 4.8 acres whilst Terminal 3
Area where the Toluene Tank will be located is approximately 19.4 acres.
The site consists of relatively flat ground. It is assumed that the existing ground level is
the final platform level for the proposed project. The borehole levels indicate that the
existing ground level varies from +4.4m RL to +4.9m RL for the K-COT Area, whereas the
ground level for the Terminal 3 Area: Toluene Tank is approximately +5.5m RL.
The following documents and drawings provided by GS E&C form the basis for this
Doc/Dwg No. Title
1 Site & Boring Hole Location Plan for TE-3 Project – K-COT Area
2 Site & Boring Hole Location Plan for TE-3 Project – Terminal 3 Area: Toluene
3 14126A-RQ-CS-001 Rev. 2 Geotechnical Investigation Specification
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The layout plan of the soil investigation is presented in Figure 2. The scope of work for
the site investigation consists of:
1) 9 nos. of boreholes with in-situ testing and sampling.
2) 3 nos. of permeability tests.
3) Pressuremeter tests for the borehole drilled at Terminal 3 Area.
4) 2 nos. of down-hole PS Wave Logging.
5) 2 nos. of plate load tests.
6) 4 nos. of earth resistivity tests.
7) 3 nos. of soil thermal resistivity tests.
The soil investigation was carried out in accordance with ASTM and others relevant
codes and standards. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were carried out at 1.5m
intervals up to the termination depth. Disturbed SPT samples were collected and placed
in watertight bags for laboratory testing. Undisturbed samples were taken whenever soft
to firm soil layer is encountered which permit the undisturbed sampling. The boreholes
were terminated after encountering 4 times consecutively SPT N greater than 50.
The distribution of the main geological formations in the project site is illustrated in Figure
3. The regional bedrock geology of this area is the granite, acid intrusives rocks of the
Quarternary age. The Quartenary age rocks formed due to magma that cools and
solidifies within the crust about 2 million years ago. Surrounded by pre-existing rock, the
magma cools slowly, and as a result these rocks are coarse grained. Throughout the site,
the parent bedrock is overlain by relatively thick residual soil cover, and then the in-situ
Alluvium. The Alluvium is in turn covered by filled material. All the boreholes were
terminated in the residual soil, which is the weathered derivatives of the parent bedrock.
The borehole logs are presented in Appendix A. The subsoil conditions are generally
uniform throughout the site. The subsoil profiles as presented in Figures 4, consist of the
1. The site is generally underlain by 4m to 10m of firm sandy CLAY except that 4m
of soft sandy CLAY was encountered at BH1 directly from the ground surface.
2. The sandy CLAY is underlain by stiff sandy CLAY/SILT with thickness of up to
3. The stiff sandy CLAY/SILT is further underlain by 3m to 13m thick of very stiff
sandy SILT.
4. Beyond that, hard sandy SILT was encountered at depth varying from 16m to
24m below ground.
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During the field work, water levels in the boreholes were measured daily before
commencement of work in the morning. The measured water levels were recorded on the
borehole logs and summarised in Table 2.1. The record shows that the ground water
table is 0.4m–2.2m below existing ground level. Water levels are expected to fluctuate
corresponding to seasonal weather variation. Therefore, the design ground water level is
taken as 0.5m below ground level.
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Pressuremeter Tests
The virgin and unload/reload shear modulus of the hydraulic sand fill determined using
pressuremeter tests are presented in Appendix A and summarised in Table 2.4. The
shear modulus inferred from piezocone (40MPa to 160MPa) agree reasonably well with
the reload deformation modulus measured using pressuremeter tests (40MPa to
Table 2.4: Summary of Pressuremeter Tests
Borehole Test Depth Virgin Deformation Modulus, EPMT Reload Deformation Modulus, EPMT
1 6.0-7.0m 3.33MPa 16.19MPa
2 12.0-13.0m 4.18MPa 182.54MPa
Downhole PS Logging
Geophysical methods such as down-hole PS logging is used to characterize the dynamic
soil properties of the subsoil. It should be highlighted these are low-strain tests which are
not large enough to induce significant non-linear, non-elastic stress strain behavior.The
dynamic properties of the subsoil inferred from down-hole PS logging results are
presented in Appendix A and summarised in Table 2.5.
Table 2.5: Summary of Dynamic Properties Inferred from Cross-hole PS Logging Tests
P Wave S Wave Rigidity Factor, Poisson’s Young’s Modulus
Borehole Depth
Velocity (m/s) Velocity (m/s) G (kgf/cm2) ratio, n (kgf/cm2)
0.0m 1200 400 2609.58 0.438 7502.55
1.0m 1200 400 2609.58 0.438 7502.55
2.0m 1200 400 2609.58 0.438 7502.55
3.0m 1200 400 2609.58 0.438 7502.55
4.0m 1200 400 2609.58 0.438 7502.55
5.0m 1200 400 2609.58 0.438 7502.55
DH1 6.0m 1400 460 3451.17 0.439 9935.84
7.0m 1400 460 3451.17 0.439 9935.84
8.0m 1400 460 3451.17 0.439 9935.84
9.0m 1400 460 3451.17 0.439 9935.84
10.0m 1700 560 5114.78 0.439 14721.77
11.0m 1700 560 5114.78 0.439 14721.77
12.0m 1700 560 5114.78 0.439 14721.77
0.0m 1300 430 3015.7 0.439 8676.62
1.0m 1300 430 3015.7 0.439 8676.62
2.0m 1300 430 3015.7 0.439 8676.62
3.0m 1300 430 3015.7 0.439 8676.62
4.0m 1300 430 3015.7 0.439 8676.62
DH2 5.0m 1300 430 3015.7 0.439 8676.62
6.0m 1300 430 3015.7 0.439 8676.62
7.0m 1600 530 4581.45 0.438 13179.68
8.0m 1600 530 4581.45 0.438 13179.68
9.0m 1600 530 4581.45 0.438 13179.68
10.0m 1600 530 4581.45 0.438 13179.68
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The results of vertical electrical sounding (electrical resistivity tests) and thermal
conductivity test are attached in Appendix C.
Four soil resistivity tests were conducted during the soil investigation. The locations of
these tests are illustrated in Figure 2A. The degree of aggressivity of soil to steel can be
estimated based on the correlation as summarised in Table 2.6. The resistivity measured
for ERT1, ERT2, ERT3 and ERT4 varies from 4,180 to 390,110 ohm cms, implying that
the soil can be considered as mildly aggressive to unlikely to be aggressive.
The guides on aggressivity of groundwater and soil to concrete and recommendations for
mix design are based on BS 5328: part 1: 1997 as shown in Appendix D. The pH values
of the soil samples vary from 4.5 to 4.9. The soil’s sulphate contents range from 0.02% to
0.06%. Based on the chemical test results, the Project area is classified as sulphate class
1 condition. Based on the recommendations for mix design, Normal Portland cement
conforming to BS 12 is recommended.
Based on the results of soil investigation, the subsurface soil profile of the area in the
vicinity of BH1 comprises a layer of soft, compressible sandy CLAY with limited thickness
of not more than 4m. This clay layer is comparatively more critical in terms of settlement
and stability than at the rest of the areas.
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Peninsular Malaysia is within the seismically stable region, which is fringed by tectonically
active zone at the western (west coast of Sumatra), southern and eastern (South China
Sea and East Philippines) boundaries. The earthquakes of these relatively less stable
regions can produce secondary effects within the stable blocks. Shocks felt in Pasir
Gudang in the past have been mild and normally associated with distant events beyond
Due to the absence of a national seismic design code in Malaysia, some local projects
adopt PGA value for rock corresponding to zone with low seismic hazard from various
regional seismic hazard maps, and then perform ground motion analysis to determine the
PGA for ground surface. If a more accurate evaluation is necessary for this site, site
specific probabilistic seismic hazard assessment by other specialists may be required.
According to local experience, some of the major industrial development at the coastal
area of Peninsular Malaysia adopted ground PGA of between 0.05g to 0.10g. In the
absence of the ground PGA in the design brief, surface PGA of 0.092g is adopted in this
geotechnical report. The moment magnitude for earthquake, Mw, is taken as 7.0 in the
Liquefaction Susceptibility
The liquefaction potential can be assessed either based on SPT (Seed and Idriss, 1971)
or CPT data (NCEER approach, Youd et al., 2001). However, it should be highlighted that
for this project where the underlying soil profile consists of highly layered strata,
liquefaction assessment using SPT data which is not continuous may not be reliable. This
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is due to the potential of missing layers that can be liquefiable. However, in the absence
of CPT data, preliminary assessment is conducted using SPT data in this report.
The SPT-based method (Boulanger & Idriss, 2004) recommends that, fine grained soils
be categorised as “sand-like” or “clay-like” if the Plasticity Index (PI) is less or more than
7%, respectively. “Sand-like” soil is prone to liquefaction, whilst “clay-like” soil is prone to
cyclic failure and not liquefaction. However, recent works by Seed et al. (2003) and Bray
and Sancio (2006) concluded that fine grained soils (e.g., some silts and silty clays) with
a liquid limit less than 37 (LL < 37), a plasticity index less than 12 (PI < 12) and a ratio of
water content to liquid limit greater than 0.8 (wc/LL > 0.8) could also experience
It is generally accepted that the liquefaction susceptibility is vulnerable for soil layer with
low confining pressure with depth of less than 15m to 20m. The soil type and stiffness of
soil layers within the top 20m are examined to evaluate the liquefaction potential. Based
on the borehole logs and laboratory test data, the low SPT N values indicate that the site
is subject to considerable risk from seismically induced liquefaction. The assessment
using representative borehole logs from various locations of the site are summarised in
Table 3.1. The borehole logs indicate that there appears to be negligible risk from
seismically induced liquefaction.
Liquefaction Assessment
Liquefaction assessment can be determined by evaluating the ratio of cyclic resistance
ratio (CRR) to cyclic stress ratio (CSR). Liquefaction will not occur when CRR is greater
than CSR. The CSR is determined from an equation by Seed and Idriss (1971) based on
the maximum ground surface acceleration and in situ stress of the soil.
The CRR can be determined from triggering curves derived from empirical data based on
SPT data (the triggering curves by Seed et al, 2003). The liquefaction assessment using
SPT data is presented in Appendix E.
Liquefaction potential can be quantified with a factor of safety (FOS). FOS is defined as
the ratio of CRR/CSR. The calculated FOS is greater than 1, indicating that the site is not
subject to liquefaction risk.
Liquefaction potential index, LPI is introduced by Iwasaki et al. (1978) to predict the
potential of liquefaction to cause surface damage at site. Surface manifestation is
possible when LPI exceeds 5, whilst lateral spreading in sloping ground may occur when
LPI is greater than 15. Generally, the LPI for the site is very low, indicating low
liquefaction potential.
As mentioned before, liquefaction analyses based on CPT has greater reliability and
repeatability over SPT measurement, considering the highly layered soil profile at the
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proposed site. With CPT data, relatively more accurate liquefaction assessment and
estimation of post-liquefaction vertical settlements can be conducted.
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4. Tank Foundation
The tank foundation design is in accordance with the Annexure B of API653. The
following considerations were taken for the design of tank foundation:
1. Foundations for vertical (atmospheric) storage tanks shall take the form of tank pad
constructed with granular materials, such as crushed rock or coarse sand.
2. The tank foundation shall be designed as a flexible foundation with adequate
strength to ensure that:
• The tank remains stable;
• deformation in the tank base is within serviceable limits;
• unequal foundation pressure is distributed uniformly via the foundation.
3. Total rigidity of the tank foundation and/or rigid elements in, around, and under the
tank shall be avoided.
4. Pile foundation or ground treatment under the tank foundation may be considered if,
• Stability of the tank foundation is critical;
• deformation of the tank foundation is beyond serviceable limits;
• risk of earthquake induce liquefaction is high.
5. The following conditions shall be taken into consideration for the stability analysis of
the shoulder and tank foundation:
• Earthquake loads;
• highest possible ground water level;
• slope’s angle of the shoulder;
• geotechnical properties of the tank foundation materials and subsoil;
• load provided by the tank and its contents during hydrostatic testing, operation
and maintenance.
Storage tanks 2TK-5250NB are 20m in diameter and 17.7m high with storage capacity of
about 5,560m3. The total weight of empty tank is assumed to be approximately 30 tons.
During operation and hydrotest, the total weight are 4867.2 tons and 5,590 tons,
respectively. The loading during hydrotest is taken into consideration in the design
analyses, which is the most critical condition. The recommended peak horizontal ground
acceleration of 0.092g is adopted in the stability analyses.
The proposed tank pad foundation consists of crushed stone ring with inner compacted
sand fill. The functions of the tank foundation are:
• To distribute and transfer the tank loading to the underlying subgrade to ensure that
the total and differential settlement remain within allowable limits;
• to raise the tank bottom above ground water, standing fluid from minor spillages, etc;
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• to provide a smooth surface with sufficient bearing capacity and stability for tank
construction and operation;
• to drain away rain water run-off from the tank shell and tank bottom.
The minimum height of tank foundation shall be 0.6m above the adjacent terrain, not
including the predicted long-term settlement. The width of tank foundation shall be larger
than the size of storage tank with a pre-determined shoulder width. The requirements of
the tank foundation shoulder are:
• To provide lateral support to the tank foundation during construction, operation and
• to resist edge settlement below the tank shell;
• to resist wash-out of the tank foundation due to bottom leakages and possible
ingress of rain water;
• to resist erosion by wind or water.
The dimensions of the tank foundation are based on the limiting values as summarised in
Table 4.1. These values are recommended taking into account the tank height, density of
product, type and height of tank foundation, slope of the foundation edge, etc.
Table 4.1: Limiting Values for Tank Foundations with Crushed Stone Ring
Height of Tank, H Min. Tank Shoulder Width from annular Maximum Height of Tank
[m] Plate Edge, S [m] Foundation, T (maximum) [m]
10 1.00 1.50
20 1.50 1.00
For the proposed tank height of 17.7m, the recommended width of tank shoulder and
height of tank foundation are 1.5m and 1.1m, respectively. The proposed gradient of the
tank shoulder is 1:10 and the slope of the shoulder is taken as 1:1.5. It is recommended
that the top 1.5m of unsuitable existing fill is to be removed and replaced with well-
compacted sand fill. The dimensions of the proposed tank foundation are illustrated in
Figure 5.
The ultimate bearing capacity of a circular foundation can be computed using the
following empirical procedure:
qult = (π + 2)Cu(1 + Sac - iac) for undrained case
= (π + 2) x 88 x (1 + 0.2 – 0) = 540 kPa
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The formula adopted to obtain the ultimate bearing capacity of a circular foundation,
corresponding to undrained case was based on the extended formula by Brinch Hansen.
This extended formula was modified from the basic Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory,
taking into consideration the shape factor and load inclination factor.
The undrained shear strength, Cu is taken as the average values from ground surface to
a depth equivalent to two times the tank diameter of 20m. However, the very hard
material within the stress influenced zone is ignored for conservatism. The average Cu
inferred from SPT N values are:
BH9: Cu-ave = (45x9 + 70x4 + 130x11)/24 = 88kPa
The average Cu inferred from SPT N is approximately 88kPa. The calculated ultimate
bearing capacity of the tank foundation is in the order of 540kPa.
The tank pressure on the subgrade distributed through 1.1m thick tank pad is calculated
using pressure influence method by Giroud and Noiray:
pt = Pt / π((D/2) + htanα)2 + γh
= 50580 / π(10 + 1.1x0.7)2 + 20x1.1
= 131kPa
The factor of safety for bearing capacity is 4.1 which is higher than the recommended
safety factor of 3.
Stability analyses were carried out for the tank foundation and to determine the minimum
factor of safety against instability based on Bishop’s method for circular slip surface,
using limit equilibrium technique. This method assumes subdivision of the sliding soil
mass into vertical slices. The normal stresses along the slip surface are calculated using
the equation of vertical equilibrium of a slice, assuming that the forces transmitted
between neighbouring slices is strictly horizontal.
The safety factor is defined as the ratio of the maximum resisting moment to the moment
of the actual driving forces, both taken with respect to the centre of the slip circle
considered. A computer program, GGU-STABILITY is used to conduct the analysis and a
brief description of the program is presented in Appendix F. Generally, undrained
analyses for the short-term failure are considered to be more critical for loading on soft
clay. However, both the drained and undrained analyses were conducted.
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Stability analyses of the tank foundation shall take into consideration the following factors:
• Tank loading during hydro-testing, operation, maintenance, and earthquake loads;
• highest possible ground water level;
• slope gradient and width of tank shoulder;
• geotechnical properties of the tank foundation materials (compacted sand fill and
crushed rock) and suitable fill material as presented in Table 4.2;
• geotechnical properties of subsoil as summarised in Table 2.2.
Table 4.2: Design Parameters for Suitable Fill, Sand Fill and Crushed Rock
Materials Type γb (kN/m3) C’ (kPa) φ’ (o) Cu (kPa)
Suitable Fill 19 5 30 50
Sand Fill 19 0 35 -
Crushed rock 19 0 38 -
Minimum factors of safety of 1.2 and 1.3 are adopted for short-term stability with and
without considering seismic effect, respectively. The minimum factors of safety of 1.3 and
1.5 are adopted for long-term stability with and without considering seismic effect,
respectively. The results of the stability analyses are presented in Appendix F and
summarised in Tables 4.3 and 4.4.
Results of the undrained analyses show that the factor of safety for the tank foundation’s
overall stability is adequate (>1.3 without seismic effect and >1.2 with seismic effect). The
most critical failure surface is within the firm sandy clay. Similarly, the drained analyses
for the tank foundation indicate that the factor of safety for overall stability is also
adequate (>1.5 without seismic effect and >1.3 with seismic effect).
The settlement analyses of tank bottom, shell edge and bottom of tank are in accordance
with API653 whilst the settlement criteria are based on EEMUA 159 (7.5) as attached in
Appendix F.
Differential Settlement
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The maximum differential settlement between any two points at 10 metre intervals should
not exceed 100mm (1%). For fixed roof tanks without an internal floating cover, the
maximum differential settlement between any two points along the entire circumference
measured near the bottom-to-shell connection should not exceed 190mm (Figure 7.5.1-1,
Appendix F).
The maximum out-of-verticality at the top of the tank shell should not exceed 1/100 of the
tank height (Figure 7.5.3-1, Appendix F). For the proposed 17.7m tank height, maximum
out-of-verticality at the top of the tank shell is calculated as 177mm.
The settlement due to the tank load consists of elastic settlement and consolidation
settlement. Elastic settlement occurs during or immediately after construction and
consolidation settlement is time dependent. The total settlement is the sum of the elastic
settlement and the consolidation settlement.
Elastic Settlement
Elastic settlements for sand and clay layers are calculated using strain theory as follows:
Si = q[(1-υ)/Eu][(1-2υ)A’+B’] x H
Consolidation Settlement
Settlement in clay is estimated out using Terzaghi’s conventional consolidation theory:
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For final effective stress less than pre-consolidation pressure (Po’ + dP’ < Pc),
Sc = CRr log [(Po’+dP’)/Po’] x H
For final effective stress greater than pre-consolidation pressure (Po’ + dP’ > Pc),
Sc = {CRr log [Pc/Po’] + CRc log [(Po’+dP’)/Pc]} x H
Settlement in Sand
Settlement of the sandy material is estimated using de Beer and Martens’s method based
on piezocone cone resistance:
S = [Po’/(1.9xqc)] x ln[(Po’+dP’)/Po’] x H
Total Settlement
The consolidation settlement analyses are presented in Appendix F and the results are
summarised in Table 4.5. The top 1.5m of the existing material shall be excavated and
replaced with sand fill. The predicted total settlement at the tank centre is 150mm, whilst
the total settlement at the tank perimeter is 90mm. Settlement at the tank centre is
relatively higher than that occurring at the tank perimeter due to variation in stress
Table 4.5: Results of Settlement Analyses for Tank Centre and Tank Edge
Elastic Settlement Consolidation Total Settlement
(mm) Settlement (mm) (mm)
Tank Centre 130 105 235
Tank Perimeter 60 65 125
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The completed tank shall be water-tested and it is recommended that the storage tank to
be filled in four stages.
Settlement monitoring shall be conducted during hydrostatic testing to confirm that the
performance of the ground is in line with predictions. The measured settlement at the end
of each stage shall be compared with the predicted value. If the recorded settlement of
each stage is consistent with the prediction or lower, the succeeding stage of test can
commence. Similarly, if the recorded settlement of the final stage is consistent with the
prediction or lower, the test can be considered complete.
In the event that the settlement during hydrostatic testing exceeds the predicted values,
the rate of filling for succeeding stage should be reduced and the monitoring period may
be extended. If the recorded settlement for the fully loaded tank exceeds the estimated
settlement, the hydrostatic testing should be treated as preloading with a suitable rate of
filling introduced in order to reduce post-construction residual settlement during tank
operation. Some operational constraints on the initial filling rate during operation may be
imposed based on the settlement monitoring records of the hydrostatic testing.
In the event that significant differential settlement or tilt occurs, re-levelling of the tank
(under the tank shell) should be taken into consideration, to compensate for differential
settlements or tilt provided that it is technically acceptable.
The anticipated settlement during various stages of hydrostatic testing are summarised in
Table 4.8. However, the actual measured settlement during monitoring is expected to be
significantly lower than that indicated in Table 4.8 due to the short period of monitoring for
each stage of loading. The measured settlement during the short monitoring period will
include a small portion of the consolidation settlement.
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4.10. Conclusion
The FOS for bearing capacity is 4.1, which is higher than the targeted FOS of 3. Stability
analyses indicate that the FOS against circular slip failure through the underlying firm soil
is adequate.
The predicted total settlement at the tank centre is 235mm, whilst the total settlement at
the tank perimeter is 125mm. The predicted settlement shall be acceptable to the tank.
However, if the predicted settlement is beyond the tolerable limit of the tank, piled
foundation shall be adopted.
The center to edge bottom settlement estimated using conventional consolidation theory
is 60mm which is less than the allowable differential settlement of 274mm.
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5. Shallow Foundation
Shallow foundation can be adopted for the shelter and pipe support. Foundation selection
for the structures and equipment is based on the following criteria:
1. Adequate safety factor against bearing capacity failure of the soils.
2. Adequate factor of safety for lateral and/or tension capacity, if required.
3. The total and differential settlement of the foundation during the life time of the
structure should be within tolerable limits.
4. Economical consideration, constructability and availability of plant and
5. Disturbance to the existing facility during construction.
The design of shallow footing is governed by settlement rather than bearing capacity. The
recommended footing depth considering the soil profile is 1.5m below ground level. The
footings can be either square or strip type. The design procedure for footing involves:
1. Determine the allowable bearing capacity.
2. Calculate the footing pressures that will result in 25mm settlements.
For square and rectangular footing, the ultimate bearing capacity is,
qult = (π + 2)Cu(1 + Sac - iac) for undrained case
The ultimate bearing capacity based on CPT is calculated using the equation
recommended by Luune, Robertson and Powell, 1997 (Cone Penetration Testing in
Geotechnical Practice):
qult = Rkqt + qo
Sac = 0.2B/L (0.2 for square footing and 0.067 for footing with L/B=3)
Rk = bearing capacity factor
qt = Average corrected cone resistance
The allowable bearing capacity of the footing, qall is obtained by applying a safety factor to
the ultimate bearing capacity. The recommended minimum safety factor for bearing
capacity is 3.
The bearing capacity is governed by the short-term (undrained) behaviour. The allowable
bearing capacity for footings of various sizes (1m to 2.5m), embedded 1.5m below ground
surface based on boreholes are summarised in Tables 5.1. The undrained shear strength
of the soil layer within the stress influence zone equal to two times the footing width
beneath the footing is considered.
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5.2. Settlement
Settlement in Clay
Settlement in clay is estimated out using Terzaghi’s conventional consolidation theory:
For final effective stress less than pre-consolidation pressure (Po’ + dP’ < Pc),
Sc = CRr log [(Po’+dP’)/Po’] x H
For final effective stress greater than pre-consolidation pressure (Po’ + dP’ > Pc),
Sc = {CRr log [Pc/Po’] + CRc log [(Po’+dP’)/Pc]} x H
Settlement in Sand
Immediate settlement of the sandy material is estimated using de Beer and Martens’s
method based on piezocone cone resistance:
S = [Po’/(1.9xqc)] x ln[(Po’+dP’)/Po’] x H
Calculation for the footing allowable pressures corresponding to 25mm for various sizes
of rigid foundation are presented in Appendix G. Generally, the settlement calculation
shows that the footing allowable pressure is governed by settlement rather than bearing
capacity. Footing settlement analyses are summarised in Table 5.2. Based on both the
bearing capacity and settlement considerations, the recommended allowable footing
pressures, for footing embedded 1.5m below ground level are presented in Table 5.3.
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Two plate load test (PLT-1 and PLT-2) were carried out at the location as shown in
Figure 2A. PLT-1 was conducted near BH1 whereas PLT-2 was carried out next to BH5.
Safe bearing pressure of the soil was determined using the plate load test by measuring
the settlement under working pressure (1st cycle), twice the working pressure (2nd cycle)
and three times the working pressure (3rd cycle). The design pressure is taken as
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200kPa. Modulus of subgrade reaction can also be calculated using Westergaard method
which is defined as the ratio of the bearing pressure over settlement for the 1st cycle
loading. A plate size of 300mm diameter and a working pressure of 200kN/m2 were
adopted for the tests. The plate load tests were carried out at 0.5m below existing ground
level. The results of the plate load tests are presented in Appendix G and summarised in
Table 5.4.
Based on the the plate load test carried out on 300mm diameter plate, the allowable
bearing pressure of the soil is more than 200kPa with factor of safety of 2. The settlement
due to three times the working load is less then 25mm. The safe bearing pressure
determined from the 300mm diameter plate load test is relatively higher than that
summarised in Tables 5.3 and 5.4 for 1m to 2.5m width footings.
5.4. Conclusion
Settlement analyses are conducted to estimate the allowable load on various footing
sizes corresponding to 25mm settlement. The calculated safe bearing pressures without
considering settlement are much higher than the allowable footing pressure in Tables 5.3
and 5.4. Hence, the allowable footing pressure is governed by settlement.
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6. Deep Foundation
Based on the soil condition, the most economical deep foundation type is driven piles.
Installation of piles by means of impact driving will result in the inevitable vibration. The
vibrations may result in settlement or damage to adjacent facility. Therefore, jacked-in pile
which will cause lesser disturbances to the surrounding environment is recommended.
This method of pile installation involves the use of hydraulic jacking system, support
frame, lateral movement mechanism and counter weights. The maximum jack-in force
can be up to 7,000kN with machine width of 13.5m, and the required clearance for piling
works is up to 6.9m. For relatively smaller jack-in force of 1,500kN, the corresponding
size of the machine is 6.6mx5.0m.
During pile installation, the jack-in force for every 300mm penetration is recorded. The
pile termination criteria or “set” is taken when the jack-in force increases indicating that
the pile has reached a bearing stratum. Generally, the pile is jacked to at least two times
the working load and maintain for at least 30 seconds. This set criteria will be repeated a
minimum of two cycles. This set criteria adopted shall be verified by static load tests.
The installation mechanism of jack-in pile is similar to an accelerated static load test. As
every pile is jacked to sustain a minimum force of up to two times the design load, the
capacity of each pile is verified in a manner similar to a static load test. The problem of
pile deviation and damages due to hard driving experienced by pile driving are
significantly reduced. The advantages of the jack-in piles are low noise and vibration.
The allowable geotechnical capacity of the jack-in piles can be estimated based on the
SPT-N values using empirical correlation by Meyerhof:
Pall = Ps / FOSs + Pb / FOSb
n f si Asi f b Ab
= ∑ +
i =1 FS s FSb
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A factor of safety of 2.0 is adopted for both skin friction and end bearing. Jack-in piles
have significant residual pressures which are locked in at the pile base during installation.
As a result, higher end-bearing can be mobilised at working load. Jacked-in piles have a
high base stiffness which will result in less settlement at similar imposed load as
compared to driven piles and bored piles.
Table 6.1: Estimated Lengths of Pre-Cast Concrete Spun Piles and Allowable Working Loads in
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Table 6.2: Estimated Lengths of Pre-Cast Concrete Spun Piles and Allowable Working Loads in
The lateral capacity of pile is calculated using the procedure established by Broms. The
first step involves determination of whether the pile will behave as a short rigid unit or as
an infinitely long flexible member. The stiffness factor R, is governed by the stiffness of
the pile (Young’s modulus, Ep and moment of inertia, Ip) and the soil modulus, K. K is
related to the undrained shear strength of the clay, Cu as summarised in Table 6.3.
R = 4 EP I P K
K = k1/5B
k1 = Terzaghi’s subgrade modulus
Cu is taken as 40 kPa and the corresponding soil modulus is 3 MN/m2. The resulted
stiffness factor, R is 1.755. The criteria for behaviour as a short rigid pile or as a long
elastic pile are related to the embedded length Lp,
Lp ≤ 2R pile will behave as a rigid unit
Lp ≥ 3.5R pile will behave as an elastic member
The minimum pile length will be 20m and therefore will behave as an infinitely long elastic
pile. For an infinitely long pile, the soil passive resistance to yielding is infinite and thus
the lateral capacity is governed by the ultimate moment of resistance, Mult of the pile. The
ultimate lateral capacity of pile in cohesive soil,
Hult = 2 x Mult / (1.5B+0.5f) (fixed-headed piles)
f = Hult / (9xcuxB)
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The lateral capacity of pile is predominantly affected by the soil from ground surface to
the point of virtual fixity. The undrained shear strength is taken as 40kPa. Hult can then be
obtained by trial and error until the two equations matches. Broms has also established a
graphical relationship for Hult /cuB2 and Mult / cuB3, from which Hult can be determined.
Table 6.4: Allowable Lateral Capacity for 250mm Dia. Concrete Spun Piles at Service Condition
Bending Moment Allowable Lateral Capacity (kN)
Axial Load (kN)
(kNm) Free-Headed Fixed-Headed
620 0 0 0
600 0.6 1.6 3.1
400 9.3 19.3 33.2
200 18.1 32.6 53.7
134.5 20.6 35.9 58.7
0 14.9 28.1 46.9
-100 10.8 21.8 37.2
-200 6.5 14.3 25.2
-300 2 5.0 9.4
-350.9 0 0 0
Table 6.5: Allowable Lateral Capacity for 300mm Dia. Concrete Spun Piles at Service Condition
Bending Moment Allowable Lateral Capacity (kN)
Axial Load (kN)
(kNm) Free-Headed Fixed-Headed
841.45 0 0 0
800 1.98 4.2 8.1
600 12.57 22.7 39.7
400 23 37.0 62.3
203.02 33.64 49.5 81.4
0 22.94 36.9 62.2
-100 17.16 29.3 50.3
-200 12.33 22.3 39.1
-300 6.8 13.3 24.2
-400 1.98 4.2 8.1
-435.41 0 0 0
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Table 6.6: Allowable Lateral Capacity for 350mm Dia. Concrete Spun Piles at Service Condition
Bending Moment Allowable Lateral Capacity (kN)
Axial Load (kN)
(kNm) Free-Headed Fixed-Headed
1148.57 0 0 0
1000 8.95 15.3 28.1
800 21.69 33.1 57.6
600 33.48 47.0 79.6
400 45.6 59.8 99.3
284.49 53.02 67.0 110.2
200 48 62.2 102.9
0 35.56 49.3 83.2
-200 23.48 35.3 61.2
-400 11.06 18.5 33.6
-579.59 0 0 0
Table 6.7: Allowable Lateral Capacity for 400mm Dia. Concrete Spun Piles at Service Condition
Bending Moment Allowable Lateral Capacity (kN)
Axial Load (kN)
(kNm) Free-Headed Fixed-Headed
1498.19 0 0 0
1250 17.34 25.2 45.7
1000 34.29 45.3 78.6
750 51.81 63.2 106.8
500 70.09 79.9 132.3
366.63 79.4 87.8 144.3
250 71.22 80.9 133.3
0 53.67 65.0 109.5
-250 35.8 46.9 81.2
-500 18.47 26.7 48.2
-764.93 0 0 0
Settlement at pile head is the sum of the elastic shortening of the shaft and the
compression of the soil beneath the pile base given by:
ρ = (W s + 2W b)Lp / 2AsEp + 0.5W b/BEb
The estimated settlements of a single pile at working load are summarised in Table 6.8.
The deformation modulus of the soil beneath the pile base is assumed to be 200MPa and
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300MPa as summarised in in Table 2.2, where the piles are expected to terminate at soil
layer with SPT N value exceeding 50.
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6.5. Conclusion
Jack in concrete spun pile is recommended considering that the proposed development is
located within existing facilities. Installation of piles by means of impact driving will result
in the inevitable vibration. The vibrations may result in settlement or damage to adjacent
facility. Therefore, jacked-in pile which will cause lesser disturbances to the surrounding
environment is recommended.
Grade 80 Type B concrete spun pile is recommended. The allowable working loads in
compression and tension and the corresponding pile length for spun piles of varying
diameters are summarised in Tables 6.1 and 6.2. The load interaction curves (plots of
pile axial load versus allowable lateral capacity) for spun piles are presented in Appendix
H. The anticipated settlement of the piled foundation is less than 25mm.
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The choice of foundation types for vibrating equipment is governed by its loading. The
functions of the shallow foundation for vibrating equipment include the following:
1. To prevent excessive total and differential settlement of the foundation relative to
other fixed installations.
2. To prevent excessive bending under heavy concentrated loads or by unbalanced
rotating or reciprocating equipment.
3. To prevent damage to adjacent installations. For equipment with unbalanced
moving parts, the vibration may be transmitted to the ground. These vibrations
may result in settlement of the foundation and damage the adjacent installation.
The foundation bearing capacity, settlement and centre of gravity is relatively straight
forward. To absorb the vibrations within the foundation, the foundation mass must be
equal to or greater than the equipment weight (typically 3 times for centrifugal and 5 times
for reciprocating).
If the equipment loading is excessive and result in settlement beyond the tolerable limit of
the installation, deep foundation shall be adopted. Similarly, the centre of gravity of the
combination of pile cap and piles shall be as close as that of the pile group in plan view.
The effect of vibrations for piles in clay is relatively less than that in sand. For piles in
clay, the skin friction, end bearing and ultimate pile capacity will be reduced due to the
vibrations. The reduction increases with the ratio of applied stress to the ultimate stress of
the soil. For piles bearing on loose to medium dense sands, the vibrations will reduce the
skin friction and transfer the load to the toe, thus causing compaction of sand and result
in settlement. As a result of the settlement, the end bearing resistance may be increased.
The risks of settlement are much greater in the base of bored and cast-in-place piles than
with driven piles. This is due to the fact that the bored pile does not compact the soil and
the effect of boring may result in loosening of the sand.
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2. A higher safety factor shall be adopted for skin friction and end bearing of piles
subject to cyclic loading. The recommended safety factors for static case are 2
and 3 for skin and end bearing, respectively. For vibrating equipment, the
recommended safety factors are 2.5 and 4, corresponding to skin and end
bearing. Thus, the percentages of allowable skin friction and end bearing
resistance for vibrating machinery are 80% and 75%, respectively.
3. The piles shall be driven to a dense to very dense sand layer or stiff clay layer.
4. Limit the end bearing resistance.
5. Quantify the lateral loads on piled foundation due to the torque of reciprocating
equipment. The pile deflection due to vibrating lateral load is assumed to be
double of that caused by static lateral load.
The selection criteria for building foundation is based on the allowable pressure of the soil
and the anticipated loadings. For relatively lightly loaded building, shallow footing is
recommended, whilst deep foundation shall be adopted if the loading exceed the
allowable bearing pressure of the soil.
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The top soil shall be stripped off to a suitable depth below ground level. It is
recommended that at least 150mm of top soil to be removed. However, the extent of top
soil removal shall be determined at site during construction. Top soil removal shall include
the turf, vegetations, roots, other deleterious materials and localised unsuitable soil
deteriorated due to water ponding, etc. These top soils shall be removed from site and
not to be reused as fill material. The freshly prepared sub-grade shall be inspected
immediately prior to backfilling of 300mm minimum thick suitable material.
8.2. Excavation
Formation Surfaces
The final 500mm of excavation directly above the formation surface for footing, pile caps
or concrete basin shall not be completed until immediately before the laying of blinding
materials, lean concrete etc. Excavation to formation shall be performed by suitable
machineries and shall be such that the blinding operations to be carried out immediately
and completed in one go. The work shall be planned properly, preventing opening up the
final formation surface too large an area and cannot complete the blinding in one go. If
rains, temporary cover/protection and drainage must be provided to the exposed final
formation surface that blinding has not been carried out.
The base of all excavations after being trimmed and leveled shall be well rammed and
compacted to form a solid formation. The prepared formation shall be prevented from
weathering, trampling by workmen and other construction activities. The base of
excavation shall consist of sound material with adequate bearing capacity and coefficient
of sub-grade modulus to supporting the superimposed loading.
Where tests show that the original soils encountered at or below formation level are soft,
loose or unstable, the excavation shall be carried down to suitable depths and
dimensions until sound materials complying with the requirements of these specifications
is reached. The excess excavation shall be made good with approved granular fill and
compacted accordingly.
If over excavation into original sound material occur beyond or below the designated lines
or levels, or if the prepared formation deteriorate and become soft or unstable, excess
excavation and softened formation shall be replaced with approved granular fill.
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The excavated suitable materials shall be stockpiled at a safe distance from the
excavation, in order not to compromise the stability of slope and excavation. If fill material
is stockpiled within the site, the height of the stockpile should be controlled in order not to
result in heaving of existing ground due to the stockpile. The height of the stockpile shall
not be greater than 5m at a slope of 1V:2H. Vehicles and equipment also shall not be
placed alongside the banks of the excavation.
8.3. Dewatering
According to the available soil investigation for the two previous projects, water levels in
the boreholes varied from 0.4m to 2.2m below ground level.
The recommended formation level for the footing is about 1.5m below ground level, which
is below the design ground water table. For the excavation of the pile cap and shallow
foundation, dewatering is required and the excavation need to be kept well drained and
dry by means of temporary drains, sumps, temporary earthwork surface sloping towards
the drains or sumps, etc. and by pumping.
All temporary drains shall be directed to the nearest water course or to sumps which are
pumped out to the roadside drain. The roadside drain shall have an adequately large
section so that no mud or water will spill onto the roads or pavements. The effluent
discharge system shall comply with the requirements of the local authorities. The
roadside drains in the vicinity of the site shall be kept free of silt due to site effluent. A
desilting basin of adequate size for this purpose shall be provided to remove silt from the
effluent before discharging it into the roadside drain.
Fill Material
Adequate samples of the proposed imported fill material shall be taken and tested in the
laboratory prior to backfillig. The laboratory testing shall include classification tests
including Atterberg limits and particle size distribution. Suitable fill shall ideally consist of
soil free of organic and other deleterious materials, or rock lumps greater than 100mm.
The residual soil encountered at the Project site fulfils the above-mentioned requirements
and can therefore be used as suitable fill material. During backfilling, random samples
shall also be taken and tested.
The optimum moisture content and dry density of the fill material shall also be determined
prior to the commencement of filling operations. The compacted fill shall have dry density
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of not less than 90% of its maximum dry density determined in the B.S. 1377 Compaction
Test (4.5kg rammer method).
The safety of workmen, ease of placement and compaction are primary considerations
when carrying out filling operations in narrow, confined spaces. Under these conditions,
only well graded granular soil will be permitted for use as fill material.
The fill material should be placed and spread uniformly in loose lift of not more than
300mm per layer, and uniformly compacted by approved rollers before the next layer is
applied. Each layer should be carefully inspected; soil or rock lumps shall be broken
down prior to compaction and any organic material shall be removed. Fill shall be built up
evenly over the full width of the area with a sloping surface sufficient to allow efficient
drainage of rain water and to prevent ponding.
Where the fill materials are transported by tippers, each load shall be subsequently
buldozed, spread and leveled in layers, and compacted accordingly.
Compaction trials shall be carried out for each type of imported fill, in order to determine
the required compaction effort for the proposed equipment to obtain optimum compaction
for a given soil moisture contents. These trials shall also be used to determine the
variability of the proposed fill material for different weather conditions.
Prior to compaction, the moisture content of the fill material shall be controlled to within
±2% of the optimum moisture content. Compaction shall not be carried out when the fill is
too dry to achieve the satisfactory degree of compaction. In the case of dry fill, the
moisture content shall be increased by spraying with water from travelling water tanks or
by other approved means as the compaction proceeds.
Compaction of fill shall be controlled and carried out with sufficient passes of the
mechanical rammers to obtain at least 90% of the maximum dry density at optimum
moisture content compared with standard Proctor laboratory test results. Compliance field
tests shall be carried out to check the degree of compaction attained on Site. Where each
layer fails to obtain sufficient compaction according to the specification, filling shall not be
allowed to proceed with the next layer.
Where undue movement occurs in the course of compaction due to soft, unstable
foundation conditions under the fill, the area affected shall be excavated to appropriate
depths and dimensions and be run to spoil. The resultant excavation shall be backfilled
with suitable and approved materials deposited in layers, each not exceeding 300mm
thick in loose form, and compacted as hereinbefore specified, or with suitable
compressed air compactors or mechanical rammers where the excavation work is limited.
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Apart from the top soil consisting of turf, roots, vegetation and other deleterious materials,
the in-situ soil comprises residual soil is suitable to be used as general fill material.
However, these in-situ soils cannot be used as structural backfill as it consists of inter-
bedded layers of clayey SILT / sandy SILT with up to about 30% of fines.
Structural fill shall comprise medium to well-graded, clean, non-plastic sand. The
structural fill shall not contain more than 10% fines (material passing the 75µm sieve).
The sand shall not contain organic matter and material corrosive to steel.
Generally, the general backfill material including the road shoulder shall be compacted to
at least 90% MDD. The top 300mm of road sub-grade and below the footings shall be
compacted to a minimum of 95% MDD.
For the road, the prepared sub-grade shall be followed by 50mm of coarse sand sub-
base material. Locally available materials should be utilised for sub-base materials, from
an economic point of view. For maximum utilisation of suitable local materials, no
gradation is specified. However, the materials shall not include a deleterious amount of
organic materials, soft particles, clay lumps, etc. The nominal size shall not be greater
than 1/3 of the compacted layer thickness. Standard properties of sub-base material are
indicated in Table 8.1.
The sub-base shall be followed by a minimum of 250mm thick crushed rock base course.
This base course material shall be angular crusher run which is free of fines with
individual particles not large than 100mm. The proposed gradation of base course
materials is summarised in Table 8.2.
Table 8.1: Standard Properties for Sub-Base and Base Course Material
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The Project consists of Toluene Tank at Terminal 3 Area and process equipment at K-
COT Area. The objective of the investigation is to finalise the foundation type for these
structures and to provide a basis for the implementation of the Project. The site consists
of relatively flat ground. It is assumed that the existing ground level is the final platform
level for the proposed project. The borehole levels indicate that the existing ground level
varies from +4.4m RL to +4.9m RL for the K-COT Area, whereas the ground level for the
Terminal 3 Area: Toluene Tank is approximately +5.5m RL.
The regional bedrock geology of this area is the granite, acid intrusives rocks of the
Quarternary age. The Project site is directly underlain by recently filled material which is
in turn underlain by alluvium. The alluvium is then underlain by residual soil and further
underlain by granite bedrock.
Generally, the site is directly underlain by firm sandy CLAY, except of BH1 where soft
sandy CLAY is encountered. This soft soil layer may be critical in terms of settlement and
stability. The soft to firm sandy CLAY is in turn underlain by stiff to very stiff sandy SILT
with increasing stiffness before encountering hard sandy SILT. The ground water
monitoring records during field works indicate ground water level varies from 0.4m to
2.2m. The borehole logs indicate that there appears to be negligible risk from seismically
induced liquefaction. The assessment for liquefaction potential indicates that the factor of
safety against liquefaction is generally exceeding 1.
The measured soil resistivity indicates that the soil can be classified as mildly aggressive
to unlikely to be aggressive to steel. Based on the sulphate content of ground water and
soil, as well as the pH values, the degree of severity can be classified as sulphate class 1
condition. For mix design, Normal Portland cement conforming to BS 12 is
The FOS for bearing capacity is 4.1, which is higher than the targeted FOS of 3. Stability
analyses indicate that the FOS against circular slip failure through the underlying firm soil
is adequate. The predicted total settlement at the tank centre is 235mm, whilst the total
settlement at the tank perimeter is 125mm. The predicted settlement shall be acceptable
to the tank. However, if the predicted settlement is beyond the tolerable limit of the tank,
piled foundation shall be adopted. The center to edge bottom settlement estimated using
conventional consolidation theory is 115mm which is less than the allowable differential
settlement of 274mm.
Settlement analyses are conducted to estimate the allowable load on various footing
sizes corresponding to 25mm settlement. The calculated safe bearing pressures without
considering settlement are much higher than the allowable footing pressure in Tables 5.3
and 5.4. Hence, the allowable footing pressure is governed by settlement.
Jack in concrete spun pile is recommended considering that the proposed development is
located within existing facilities. Installation of piles by means of impact driving will result
in the inevitable vibration. The vibrations may result in settlement or damage to adjacent
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facility. Therefore, jacked-in pile which will cause lesser disturbances to the surrounding
environment is recommended.
Grade 80 Type B concrete spun pile is recommended. The allowable working loads in
compression and tension and the corresponding pile length for spun piles of varying
diameters are summarised in Tables 6.1 and 6.2. The load interaction curves (plots of
pile axial load versus allowable lateral capacity) for spun piles are presented in Appendix
H. The anticipated settlement of the piled foundation is less than 25mm.
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10. References
[1] Robertson P.K. and Cabal K.L. (2009), “Guide to Cone Penetration Testing for
Geotechnical Engineering”.
[3] Seed R.B., and Idriss I.M. (1971), “Simplified Procedure for Evaluating Soil
Liquefaction Potential”, Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division,
ASCE, Vol.97, No.9, pp. 1249 – 1274.
[4] Seed R.B., Cetin K.O., Moss R.E.S., Kammerer A., Wu J., Pestana J., Riemer M.,
Sancio R.B., Bray J.D., Kayen R.E., and Faris A. (2003), "Recent Advances in Soil
Liquefaction Engineering: A Unified and Consistent Framework", White Paper for
Keynote Presentation, 26th Annual ASCE Los Angeles Geotechnical Spring
Seminar, Long Beach.
[5] Robertson P.K. and Wride C.E. (1998), “Cyclic Liquefaction and Its Evaluation
Based on the CPT”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, August, 1998, Vol. 35.
Terminal 3 Area:
Toluene Tank
B B'
Figure MAP
: Geological Map
Geotechnical Interpretative Report
TE-3 Project at Pasir Gudang
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-1
Pages 1 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 06/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.463 m Coordinate, E : 317.259 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 06/05/2015 Final Depth : 27.25 m N: 289.976 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-1
Pages 2 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 06/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.463 m Coordinate, E : 317.259 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 06/05/2015 Final Depth : 27.25 m N: 289.976 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P8/ 12.00 300/450 2 3 4 5 6 5 20
Very stiff, light brownish grey, sandy SILT. D9 to
Sand is medium grained. 12.45
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-1
Pages 3 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 06/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.463 m Coordinate, E : 317.259 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 06/05/2015 Final Depth : 27.25 m N: 289.976 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P16/ 24.00 200/370 6 7 12 16 22/ 50/
Hard, light brownish grey, sandy SILT. Sand is 70mm
D17 to 220mm
fine grained. 24.37
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-2
Pages 1 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 29/04/2015 Reduced Level : 4.438 m Coordinate, E : 239.591 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 30/04/2015 Final Depth : 21.31 m N: 270.746 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-2
Pages 2 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 29/04/2015 Reduced Level : 4.438 m Coordinate, E : 239.591 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 30/04/2015 Final Depth : 21.31 m N: 270.746 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P8/ 12.00 400/450 2 3 4 4 5 4 17
Very stiff, pale brownish grey, sandy SILT.
D9 to
Sand is medium grained. 12.45
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-3
Pages 1 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 30/04/2015 Reduced Level : 4.636 m Coordinate, E : 328.067 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 30/04/2015 Final Depth : 25.77 m N: 246.286 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-3
Pages 2 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 30/04/2015 Reduced Level : 4.636 m Coordinate, E : 328.067 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 30/04/2015 Final Depth : 25.77 m N: 246.286 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P8/ 12.00 400/450 2 2 3 4 4 3 14
Stiff, light brownish grey, sandy SILT. Sand is D9 to
medium grained. 12.45
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-3
Pages 3 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 30/04/2015 Reduced Level : 4.636 m Coordinate, E : 328.067 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 30/04/2015 Final Depth : 25.77 m N: 246.286 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P16/ 24.00 250/295 17 24 23 27/ 50/
Hard, light brownish grey, sandy SILT. Sand is D17 to 70mm 145mm
fine grained. 24.30
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-4
Pages 1 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 16/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.520 m Coordinate, E : 248.131 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 16/05/2015 Final Depth : 22.75 m N: 215.451 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-4
Pages 2 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 16/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.520 m Coordinate, E : 248.131 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 16/05/2015 Final Depth : 22.75 m N: 215.451 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P8/ 12.00 350/450 2 3 5 5 6 5 21
Very stiff, medium reddish brown with medium D9 to
grey mottled, sandy SILT. Sand is medium 12.45
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-5
Pages 1 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 11/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.882 m Coordinate, E : 291.619 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 12/05/2015 Final Depth : 24.31 m N: 191.009 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-5
Pages 2 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 11/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.882 m Coordinate, E : 291.619 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 12/05/2015 Final Depth : 24.31 m N: 191.009 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P8/ 12.00 300/450 2 3 4 5 6 5 20
Very stiff, light brownish grey with medium red D9 to
mottled, slightly sandy CLAY. 12.45
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-5
Pages 3 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 11/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.882 m Coordinate, E : 291.619 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 12/05/2015 Final Depth : 24.31 m N: 191.009 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P16/ 24.00 200/310 7 10 15 20 15/ 50/
Hard, light brownish grey, sandy SILT. Sand is D17 to 10mm 160mm
fine grained. 24.31
END OF BH-5 AT 24.31 m
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-6
Pages 1 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 12/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.548 m Coordinate, E : 240.081 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 13/05/2015 Final Depth : 19.70 m N: 177.158 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-6
Pages 2 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 12/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.548 m Coordinate, E : 240.081 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 13/05/2015 Final Depth : 19.70 m N: 177.158 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P8/ 12.00 400/450 2 3 4 4 4 5 17
Very stiff, medium reddish brown, slightly D9 to
sandy SILT. 12.45
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-7
Pages 1 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 15/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.746 m Coordinate, E : 303.918 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 15/05/2015 Final Depth : 22.70 m N: 147.685 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-7
Pages 2 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 15/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.746 m Coordinate, E : 303.918 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 15/05/2015 Final Depth : 22.70 m N: 147.685 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P8/ 12.00 320/450 3 2 3 4 5 6 18
Very stiff, light brownish grey, sandy SILT. D9 to
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-8
Pages 1 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 14/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.710 m Coordinate, E : 316.875 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 14/05/2015 Final Depth : 22.80 m N: 104.442 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-8
Pages 2 of 2
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 14/05/2015 Reduced Level : 4.710 m Coordinate, E : 316.875 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 14/05/2015 Final Depth : 22.80 m N: 104.442 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P8/ 12.00 300/450 2 3 3 4 4 3 14
Stiff, light greyish yellow, sandy SILT. Sand is D9 to
medium grained. 12.45
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-9
Pages 1 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 22/05/2015 Reduced Level : 5.552 m Coordinate, E : 96.252 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 24/05/2015 Final Depth : 28.80 m N: -193.996 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-9
Pages 2 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 22/05/2015 Reduced Level : 5.552 m Coordinate, E : 96.252 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 24/05/2015 Final Depth : 28.80 m N: -193.996 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P8/ 12.00 400/450 2 3 3 3 4 4 14
Stiff, pale grey, sandy SILT. Sand is medium D9 to
grained. 12.45
Project : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Borehole No. : BH-9
Pages 3 of 3
Customer : Messrs. GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Job No. : GLSB/SI/2824-036/2015
Date Started : 22/05/2015 Reduced Level : 5.552 m Coordinate, E : 96.252 Type of Boring : Rotary Boring
Date Completed : 24/05/2015 Final Depth : 28.80 m N: -193.996 Boring Diameter : 75mm to 125mm
Depth Sample Standard Penetration Test
Soil Description
& Sample Depth Recovery 75 75 75 75 75 75 'N' Remarks
(m) Lithology Ref. (m) Ratio mm mm mm mm mm mm Value
P16/ 24.00 300/450 5 6 7 10 13 20/ 50/
Hard, light brownish grey, sandy SILT. Sand is D17 to 25mm 250mm
medium grained. 24.45
PROJECT : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time (min)
PROJECT : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (min)
PROJECT : Soil Investigation Works For TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (min)
Client : GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Gauge Height : 0.6m Operator : Tajuddin / Iwan
Project : Soil Investigation Works for TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Probe : BX (58 mm)
Borehole : BH 9 Date Tested : 24/05/2015 Ground Level : - Method of testing : ASTM : D 4719
Test depth : 6.0 - 7.0 m
Volume (cm3)
1.12 2.00 0.94 211 213 217 4 9
Creep (cm3)
1.04 2.25 1.27 229 233 237 4 20
400 40
1.10 2.50 1.46 243 246 250 4 13
1.13 2.75 1.68 259 260 262 2 12 350 v02 vf2 35
1.14 3.00 1.92 269 270 272 2 10
1.18 3.25 2.13 284 286 288 2 16 300 30
1.22 3.50 2.34 306 308 311 3 23 vf
250 25
1.21 3.25 2.10 309 309 309 0 -2
1.20 3.00 1.86 306 306 306 0 -3 200 20
1.19 2.75 1.62 303 303 303 0 -3 v0
1.18 2.50 1.38 300 300 300 0 -3 150 15
1.19 2.75 1.62 303 303 303 0 3
100 10
1.20 3.00 1.86 306 306 306 0 3
1.21 3.25 2.10 309 309 309 0 3 50 5
1.24 3.50 2.32 311 312 313 1 4
1.26 3.75 2.55 325 330 336 6 23 0 0
1.30 4.00 2.76 346 350 357 7 21 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
1.39 4.50 3.17 402 410 419 9 62 Corrected Pressure (bar)
1.55 5.00 3.51 476 484 495 11 76
1.70 5.50 3.86 566 578 590 12 95 Log-volume Vs Pressure (Wilson 1988) v0 = 208 cm3 v02 = 300 cm3
10000 vf = 288 cm3 vf2 = 313 cm3
p0 = 0.85 bar p02 = 1.38
pf = 2.13 bar pf2 = 2.32
Vc = 535 cm3 (Initial volume of measuring cell)
y = 99.484e0.4587x
VL = 2 v0 + Vc (Injected volume at the limit pressure)
1000 VL = 951 cc VL = 951 cm3
VL > maximum injected volume
Therefore, PL, limit pressure need to extrapolate fr Log-vol vs Pr Graph
Dp Dp
EPMT = 2 (1 + ns) V =K
Dv Dv
100 EPMT = Deformation modulus (Pressuremeter Test)
ns = Poission's ratio = 0.33
V = Cavity volume during pseudo-elastic phase = Vc + vm
vm = Mean volume of pseudo-elastic phase = (vo + vf)/2
(bar) (cm3) (bar) (cm3) (bar)
Client : GS Engineering & Construction Corp. Gauge Height : 0.6m Operator : Tajuddin / Iwan
Project : Soil Investigation Works for TE-3 Project In Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. Probe : BX (58 mm)
Borehole : BH 9 Date Tested : 24/05/2015 Ground Level : - Method of testing : ASTM : D 4719
Test depth : 12.0 - 13.0 m
Volume (cm3)
1.21 5.00 3.85 291 295 300 5 45
Creep (cm3)
1.21 4.00 2.85 300 300 300 0 0
400 40
1.20 3.00 1.86 229 299 299 0 -1
1.19 2.00 0.87 298 298 298 0 -1 350 35
v02 vf2
1.18 1.50 0.38 297 297 297 0 -1
1.19 2.00 0.87 298 298 298 0 1 300 30
1.20 3.00 1.86 299 299 299 0 1 vf
250 25
1.21 4.00 2.85 300 300 300 0 1
1.25 5.00 3.81 305 306 307 1 7 200 20
1.29 6.00 4.77 325 331 340 9 33
1.38 7.00 5.68 380 388 398 10 58 150 15
1.44 8.00 6.62 426 435 445 10 47 v0
100 10
1.54 9.00 7.52 476 485 496 11 51
1.65 10.00 8.41 547 558 570 12 74 50 5
1.81 11.00 9.25 642 656 672 16 102
0 0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0
Corrected Pressure (bar)
(bar) (cm3) (bar) (cm3) (bar)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Depth (m)
50 100
Depth (m)
1400 460
1700 560
1.00 1200 400 9.81 1.6 2609.58 0.256 0.438 7,502.55 0.736 2 Soft CLAY with sand
2.00 1200 400 9.81 1.6 2609.58 0.256 0.438 7,502.55 0.736 Ditto
3.00 1200 400 9.81 1.6 2,609.58 0.256 0.438 7,502.55 0.736 4 Ditto
4.00 1200 400 9.81 1.6 2,609.58 0.256 0.438 7,502.55 0.736 6 Ditto
5.00 1200 400 9.81 1.6 2,609.58 0.256 0.438 7,502.55 0.736 Ditto
6.00 1400 460 9.81 1.6 3,451.17 0.338 0.439 9,935.84 0.974 6 Stiff CLAY with sand
7.00 1400 460 9.81 1.6 3,451.17 0.338 0.439 9,935.84 0.974 7 Ditto
8.00 1400 460 9.81 1.6 3,451.17 0.338 0.439 9,935.84 0.974
9.00 1400 460 9.81 1.6 3,451.17 0.338 0.439 9,935.84 0.974 17 Stiff SILT with sand
10.00 1700 560 9.81 1.6 5,114.78 0.502 0.439 14,721.77 1.444 21 Ditto
11.00 1700 560 9.81 1.6 5,114.78 0.502 0.439 14,721.77 1.444
12.00 1700 560 9.81 1.6 5,114.78 0.502 0.439 14,721.77 1.444 20 Very stiff SILT with sand
Remarks: Refer to BH-1
Analysis Result of Downhole PS-Logging DH1 1.0m interval
Project Name: SI Works For TE-3 Project in Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. BH No.: DH1
Page 1 of 1
Depth Soil Column P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity
(m) Symbol ( : G.L) N-Value (m/sec) Elastic Constant
Vp: 1200m/s
__ 2 –– Rigidity,
Vs: 400m/s
2 2
_ – G: 2610 kgf/cm2
_ 2.00 –– Ditto
_ –
_ Young's Modulus,
__ 3 3 3
E: 7503 kgf/cm2
_ ––
_ 3.00 – Ditto
(Assume ρ: 1.6 g/cm3)
__ 4 4 4
_ ––
_ 4.50 – Ditto
__ 5 –– 5 5
_ –
_ 5.00 –– Ditto
_ –
__ 6 6 6
Poisson' s Ratio,
6.00 ––
Stiff CLAY with sand u : 0.44
_ –
Vp: 1400m/s
Vs: 460m/s
_ Rigidity,
__ 7 7 7 G: 3451 kgf/cm2
_ –– Young's Modulus,
_ 7.50 – Ditto E: 9936 kgf/cm2
__ 8 –– 8 8
_ (Assume ρ: 1.6 g/cm3)
__ 9 9 9
_ x x x
9.00 x x
Stiff SILT with sand
_ Poisson' s Ratio,
u : 0.44
Vp: 1700m/s
__ 10
Vs: 560m/s
10 10
_ x x x
_ 10.50 x x Ditto G: 5115 kgf/cm2
__ 11 x x x
11 11
_ Young's Modulus,
_ E: 14722 kgf/cm2
__ 12 12 12 (Assume ρ: 1.6 g/cm3)
_ 12.00 x x x
_ x x
Very stiff SILT with sand
End of Downhole Test
__ 13 13 13
__ 14 14 14
__ 15 15 15
__ 16 16 16
__ 17
17 17
__ 18 18 18
__ 19 19 19
__ 20 20 20
Time (msec)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Depth (m)
50 100
Depth (m)
1300 430
1600 530
1800 590
1.00 1300 430 9.81 1.6 3015.70 0.296 0.439 8,676.62 0.851 8 Stiff SILT with traces of sand and gravel
2.00 1300 430 9.81 1.6 3015.70 0.296 0.439 8,676.62 0.851 CLAY with traces of sand
3.00 1300 430 9.81 1.6 3,015.70 0.296 0.439 8,676.62 0.851 8 Stiff CLAY with traces of sand
4.00 1300 430 9.81 1.6 3,015.70 0.296 0.439 8,676.62 0.851 7 Ditto
5.00 1300 430 9.81 1.6 3,015.70 0.296 0.439 8,676.62 0.851
6.00 1300 430 9.81 1.6 3,015.70 0.296 0.439 8,676.62 0.851 7 Stiff SILT with traces of sand
7.00 1600 530 9.81 1.6 4,581.45 0.449 0.438 13,179.68 1.292 17 Ditto
8.00 1600 530 9.81 1.6 4,581.45 0.449 0.438 13,179.68 1.292
9.00 1600 530 9.81 1.6 4,581.45 0.449 0.438 13,179.68 1.292 17 Very stiff SILT with sand
10.00 1600 530 9.81 1.6 4,581.45 0.449 0.438 13,179.68 1.292 18 Ditto
11.00 1600 530 9.81 1.6 4,581.45 0.449 0.438 13,179.68 1.292
12.00 1600 530 9.81 1.6 4,581.45 0.449 0.438 13,179.68 1.292 20 Ditto
13.00 1600 530 9.81 1.6 4,581.45 0.449 0.438 13,179.68 1.292 20 Ditto
14.00 1600 530 9.81 1.6 4,581.45 0.449 0.438 13,179.68 1.292
15.00 1600 530 9.81 1.6 4,581.45 0.449 0.438 13,179.68 1.292 17 Ditto
16.00 1800 570 9.81 1.6 5,299.08 0.520 0.444 15,306.64 1.501 19 Ditto
17.00 1800 570 9.81 1.6 5,299.08 0.520 0.444 15,306.64 1.501
18.00 1800 570 9.81 1.6 5,299.08 0.520 0.444 15,306.64 1.501 35 Hard SILT with sand
Remarks: Refer to BH-5
Analysis Result of Downhole PS-Logging DH2 1.0m interval
Project Name: SI Works For TE-3 Project in Pasir Gudang, Johor Darul Takzim. BH No.: DH2
Page 1 of 1
Depth Soil Column P-Wave and S-Wave Velocity
(m) Symbol ( : G.L) N-Value (m/sec) Elastic Constant
Vp: 1300m/s
_ 2.00 – CLAY with traces of sand Rigidity,
Vs: 430m/s
_ –– G: 3016 kgf/cm2
__ 3 3 3
_ –– Young's Modulus,
_ 3.00 – Stiff CLAY with traces of sand
E: 8677 kgf/cm2
__ 4 4
(Assume ρ: 1.6 g/cm3)
_ ––
_ 4.50 – Ditto
__ 5 –– 5 5
__ 6 6 6
_ x x x
_ 6.00 x x
Stiff SILT with traces of sand
__ 7 7 7
_ x x x
_ 7.50 x x Ditto
__ 8 8 8
__ 9 9 9
_ x x x
Poisson' s Ratio,
9.00 x x
Very stiff SILT with sand u : 0.44
__ 10 Rigidity,
10 10
_ G: 4581 kgf/cm2
Vp: 1600m/s
Vs: 530m/s
_ x x x
_ 10.50 x x Ditto
Young's Modulus,
__ 11 11 11
E: 13180 kgf/cm2
_ (Assume ρ: 1.6 g/cm3)
__ 12 12 12
_ 12.00 x x x
_ x x
__ 13 13 13
_ x x x
_ 13.50 x x Ditto
__ 14 14 14
__ 15 15 15
_ x x x
_ 15.00 x x
Poisson' s Ratio,
_ u : 0.44
__ 16 16 16
_ Rigidity,
Vp: 1800m/s
Vs: 570m/s
_ x x x G: 5299 kgf/cm2
_ 16.50 x x Ditto
__ 17 17 Young's Modulus,
_ E: 15307 kgf/cm2
_ (Assume ρ: 1.6 g/cm3)
__ 18 18 18
_ x x x
18.00 x x
Hard SILT with sand
_ End of Downhole Test
__ 19 19 19
__ 20 20 20
Geotechnical Interpretative Report
TE-3 Project at Pasir Gudang
Compression Test
Moisture Content
Depth Particle Size Distribution Atterberg Limit Triaxial Compression Test 1-D Consolidation Test
Chloride Content
Sulphate Content
Organic Content
Linear Shinkage
Specific Gravity
Dry Density
Borehole No.
Plastic Index
Liquid Limit
Plastic Limit
Void Pre-con. Comp.
Sample No.
Ratio Pressure Index
From To
C Cu Cd e Pc Cc
metre % Mg/m Mg/m3 % % % % % % % % 2 2 2
kN/m deg. kN/m deg. kN/m deg. kN/m
MPa MPa % % %
Compression Test
Moisture Content
Depth Particle Size Distribution Atterberg Limit Triaxial Compression Test 1-D Consolidation Test
Chloride Content
Sulphate Content
Organic Content
Linear Shinkage
Specific Gravity
Dry Density
Borehole No.
Plastic Index
Liquid Limit
Plastic Limit
Void Pre-con. Comp.
Sample No.
Ratio Pressure Index
From To
C Cu Cd e Pc Cc
2 2 2 2
metre % Mg/m % % % % % % % % kN/m deg. kN/m deg. kN/m deg. kN/m MPa MPa % % %
BH 9 UD1 2.00 2.70 29 2.60 0 42 32 26 0 0.543 420.0 0.130 4.8 0.06 0.01
SPT2 3.00 3.45 30 2.64 0 11 19 70 62 18 44
SPT6 9.00 9.45 38 2.61 0 28 23 49 42 27 15
SPT11 16.50 16.95 30 2.64 0 38 33 29 39 22 17
Sample Details
Test Results
Pre-Consolidation Pressure, Pc' (kPa) : 395 Compression Index, Cc : 0.283
Notes :
3 100 0.408 0.061 25.0 0.829 0.815 53.012 0.152 47.226 2.225
4 200 0.691 0.090 25.0 0.805 1.128 37.518 0.129 33.423 1.337
5 400 1.153 0.123 25.0 0.765 0.990 41.268 0.111 36.764 1.265
6 800 1.891 0.164 25.0 0.700 1.269 30.333 0.092 27.023 0.771
7 1600 2.859 0.212 26.0 0.615 0.921 38.242 0.063 33.304 0.650
Page 1 of 2
Void Ratio
52.00 0.32
44.00 0.24
□ - Mv (m2/MN)
○ - Cv 20°° (m2/yr)
36.00 0.16
28.00 0.08
20.00 0.00
0.0040 100
◊ - Kv 20°° (10-9 m/s)
0.0030 10
Δ - Cα
0.0020 1
0.0010 0.1
0.0000 0.01
1 10 100 1000 10000
Load (kPa)
Page 2 of 2
Sample Details
Test Results
Pre-Consolidation Pressure, Pc' (kPa) : 230 Compression Index, Cc : 0.181
Notes :
3 100 0.435 0.078 26.0 0.644 1.873 23.156 0.248 20.166 1.550
4 200 0.728 0.108 26.0 0.622 1.462 28.905 0.134 25.173 1.046
5 400 1.216 0.143 26.0 0.584 2.616 15.567 0.117 13.557 0.492
6 800 1.838 0.184 26.0 0.536 3.755 10.268 0.077 8.942 0.213
7 1600 2.530 0.220 26.0 0.481 3.755 9.597 0.045 8.358 0.117
Page 1 of 2
Void Ratio
28.0 0.32
22.5 0.24
□ - Mv (m2/MN)
○ - Cv 20°° (m2/yr)
17.0 0.16
11.5 0.08
6.0 0.00
0.0040 10
◊ - Kv 20°° (10-9 m/s)
0.0030 1
Δ - Cα
0.0020 0.1
0.0010 0.01
0.0000 0.001
1 10 100 1000 10000
Load (kPa)
Page 2 of 2
Sample Details
Test Results
Pre-Consolidation Pressure, Pc' (kPa) : 385 Compression Index, Cc : 0.280
Notes :
3 100 0.641 0.086 26.0 0.773 0.501 84.610 0.198 73.686 4.523
4 200 0.982 0.125 26.0 0.746 0.498 82.973 0.155 72.260 3.472
5 400 1.511 0.174 26.0 0.702 0.498 79.644 0.125 69.361 2.688
6 800 2.284 0.234 26.0 0.637 0.608 61.186 0.096 53.286 1.586
7 1600 3.264 0.300 26.0 0.554 0.498 68.206 0.064 59.400 1.178
Page 1 of 2
Void Ratio
82.00 0.60
74.00 0.45
□ - Mv (m2/MN)
○ - Cv 20°° (m2/yr)
66.00 0.30
58.00 0.15
50.00 0.00
0.0040 100
◊ - Kv 20°° (10-9 m/s)
0.0030 10
Δ - Cα
0.0020 1
0.0010 0.1
0.0000 0.01
1 10 100 1000 10000
Load (kPa)
Page 2 of 2
Sample Details
Test Results
Pre-Consolidation Pressure, Pc' (kPa) : 495 Compression Index, Cc : 0.200
Notes :
2 100 0.237 0.064 26.0 0.667 0.935 44.565 0.098 38.811 1.179
3 200 0.462 0.089 25.0 0.650 1.093 37.543 0.103 33.446 1.068
4 400 0.889 0.119 25.0 0.616 1.274 31.218 0.104 27.811 0.897
5 800 1.346 0.156 25.0 0.579 0.967 39.371 0.056 35.074 0.609
6 1600 1.966 0.203 25.0 0.530 1.226 29.413 0.039 26.203 0.317
7 3200 2.732 0.276 26.0 0.470 1.044 32.157 0.024 28.005 0.208
Page 1 of 2
Void Ratio
60.0 0.12
50.0 0.09
□ - Mv (m2/MN)
○ - Cv 20°° (m2/yr)
40.0 0.06
30.0 0.03
20.0 0.00
0.0040 10
◊ - Kv 20°° (10-9 m/s)
0.0030 1
Δ - Cα
0.0020 0.1
0.0010 0.01
0.0000 0.001
1 10 100 1000 10000
Load (kPa)
Page 2 of 2
Sample Details
Test Results
Pre-Consolidation Pressure, Pc' (kPa) : 250 Compression Index, Cc : 0.257
Notes :
3 100 0.726 0.104 26.0 0.778 0.646 65.350 0.253 56.913 4.464
4 200 1.163 0.143 26.0 0.741 0.647 63.106 0.205 54.958 3.493
5 400 1.779 0.191 26.0 0.689 0.608 63.814 0.150 55.575 2.584
6 800 2.550 0.262 26.0 0.625 0.687 52.711 0.095 45.905 1.352
7 1600 3.404 0.289 26.0 0.549 0.464 71.589 0.058 62.346 1.121
Page 1 of 2
Void Ratio
70.00 0.56
63.00 0.42
□ - Mv (m2/MN)
○ - Cv 20°° (m2/yr)
56.00 0.28
49.00 0.14
42.00 0.00
0.0040 100
◊ - Kv 20°° (10-9 m/s)
0.0030 10
Δ - Cα
0.0020 1
0.0010 0.1
0.0000 0.01
1 10 100 1000 10000
Load (kPa)
Page 2 of 2
Sample Details
Test Results
Pre-Consolidation Pressure, Pc' (kPa) : 420 Compression Index, Cc : 0.130
Notes :
2 100 0.260 0.063 26.0 0.527 2.129 19.531 0.106 17.009 0.559
3 200 0.457 0.090 25.0 0.514 12.452 3.292 0.088 2.933 0.080
4 400 0.760 0.124 25.0 0.493 14.066 2.848 0.070 2.537 0.055
5 800 1.164 0.166 25.0 0.464 16.546 2.342 0.048 2.086 0.031
6 1600 1.658 0.206 25.0 0.428 13.681 2.710 0.031 2.414 0.023
7 3200 2.215 0.267 26.0 0.389 9.173 3.834 0.017 3.339 0.018
Page 1 of 2
Void Ratio
32.00 0.12
24.00 0.09
□ - Mv (m2/MN)
○ - Cv 20°° (m2/yr)
16.00 0.06
8.00 0.03
0.00 0.00
0.0040 10
◊ - Kv 20°° (10-9 m/s)
0.0030 1
Δ - Cα
0.0020 0.1
0.0010 0.01
0.0000 0.001
1 10 100 1000 10000
Load (kPa)
Page 2 of 2
Date 15-05-15
ERT -2 Remarks
Test No. 1 2 3 Average
Depth from surface (m) 0 0.00 0.00 0
Thermal Resistivity (°C m/W) 1.23 1.23 1.25 1.24
Thermal Conductivity (W/°C m) 0.81 0.81 0.80 0.81
Temperature (°C) 28.7 28.7 28.7 28.7
Date 15-05-15
ERT-3 Remarks
Test No. 1 2 3 Average
Depth from surface (m) 0 0.00 0.00 0
Thermal Resistivity (°C m/W) 1.02 1.04 1.18 1.08
Thermal Conductivity (W/°C m) 0.98 0.96 0.85 0.93
Temperature (°C) 24.7 27.2 27.3 26.4
Date 28-05-15
ERT-4 Remarks
Test No. 1 2 3 Average
Depth from surface (m) 0 0.00 0.00 0
Thermal Resistivity (°C m/W) 1.02 1.05 1.06 1.04
Thermal Conductivity (W/°C m) 0.98 0.95 0.94 0.96
Temperature (°C) 29.2 29.3 29.3 29.3
Geotechnical Interpretative Report
TE-3 Project at Pasir Gudang
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01 23456780999
Geotechnical Interpretative Report
TE-3 Project at Pasir Gudang
SP T data gr aph Shear str ess r atio Factor of safety Settlements (cm)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
7.00 7.00
7.00 7.00
8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00
9.00 9.00
9.00 9.00
10.00 10.00
10.00 10.00
11.00 11.00
11.00 11.00
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
12.00 12.00
13.00 13.00 13.00
14.00 14.00 14.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
17.00 17.00 17.00
18.00 18.00 18.00
19.00 19.00 19.00
20.00 20.00 20.00
21.00 21.00 21.00
23.00 22.00 22.00 22.00
24.00 23.00 23.00 23.00
25.00 24.00 24.00 24.00
26.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
27.00 26.00 26.00 26.00
0 10 20 30 40 50 27.00 27.00 27.00
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.00
F ield S P T N 1(60)
N1(60)cs C SR C RR F .S . F .S .=1 Total P oint
2 43
1 9 116108 12 7
0.1 1314 18
No Liquefaction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Field SPT : SPT blows measured at field (blows/30 cm)
Unit weight : Bulk unit weight of soil at test depth (kN/m³)
Fines content : Percentage of fines in soil (%)
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Sigma : Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
u: Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
Sigma' : Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (kPa)
rd : Nonlinear shear mass factor
CSR : Cyclic Stress Ratio
MSF : Magnitude Scaling Factor
CSReq,M=7.5 CSR adjusted for M=7.5
Ksigma Effective overburden stress factor
CSR* CSR fully adjusted
1 3.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.75 1.00 3.44 5.69 9.13 0.10
2 4.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.80 1.00 4.90 5.98 10.88 0.12
3 6.00 1.67 0.90 1.00 0.85 1.00 7.68 6.54 14.21 0.15
4 6.00 1.44 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 7.40 6.48 13.88 0.15
5 7.00 1.29 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 7.71 6.54 14.25 0.16
6 17.00 1.16 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 16.88 8.38 25.26 0.29
7 21.00 1.07 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 20.16 9.03 29.19 0.39
8 20.00 0.99 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.85 8.57 26.42 0.31
9 19.00 0.93 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.91 8.18 24.10 0.27
10 22.00 0.88 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.42 8.48 25.90 0.30
11 22.00 0.84 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.56 8.31 24.87 0.28
12 26.00 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 18.69 8.74 27.42 0.33
13 25.00 0.77 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.23 8.45 25.67 0.30
14 27.00 0.74 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.90 8.58 26.47 0.31
15 50.00 0.71 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 31.85 11.37 43.21 2.00
16 50.00 0.68 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 30.69 11.14 41.83 2.00
17 50.00 0.66 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 29.66 10.93 40.59 2.00
18 50.00 0.64 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 28.72 10.74 39.46 2.00
Point ID F wz IL
IL = 0.00 - No liquefaction
IL between 0.00 and 5 - Liquefaction not probable
IL between 5 and 15 - Liquefaction probable
IL > 15 - Liquefaction certain
SP T data gr aph Shear str ess r atio Factor of safety Settlements (cm)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
6.00 6.00
6.00 6.00
7.00 7.00
7.00 7.00
8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00
9.00 9.00 9.00
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
10.00 10.00 10.00
11.00 11.00 11.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
13.00 13.00 13.00
14.00 14.00 14.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
17.00 17.00 17.00
18.00 18.00 18.00
19.00 19.00 19.00
20.00 20.00 20.00
0 10 20 30 40 50 21.00 21.00 21.00
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.00
F ield S P T N 1(60)
N1(60)cs C SR C RR F .S . F .S .=1 Total P oint
2 65983 74
0.1 1
No Liquefaction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Field SPT : SPT blows measured at field (blows/30 cm)
Unit weight : Bulk unit weight of soil at test depth (kN/m³)
Fines content : Percentage of fines in soil (%)
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Sigma : Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
u: Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
Sigma' : Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (kPa)
rd : Nonlinear shear mass factor
CSR : Cyclic Stress Ratio
MSF : Magnitude Scaling Factor
CSReq,M=7.5 CSR adjusted for M=7.5
Ksigma Effective overburden stress factor
CSR* CSR fully adjusted
1 9.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.75 1.00 10.33 7.07 17.39 0.19
2 11.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.80 1.00 13.46 7.69 21.16 0.23
3 13.00 1.55 0.90 1.00 0.85 1.00 15.39 8.08 23.47 0.26
4 14.00 1.36 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 16.28 8.26 24.54 0.28
5 14.00 1.23 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 14.70 7.94 22.64 0.25
6 15.00 1.13 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 14.46 7.89 22.36 0.25
7 17.00 1.05 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.05 8.21 24.26 0.27
8 17.00 0.98 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.06 8.01 23.07 0.26
9 18.00 0.92 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 14.98 8.00 22.97 0.25
10 17.00 0.87 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 13.38 7.68 21.06 0.23
11 18.00 0.83 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 13.47 7.69 21.17 0.23
12 50.00 0.79 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 35.76 12.15 47.92 2.00
13 50.00 0.76 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 34.30 11.86 46.16 2.00
14 50.00 0.73 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 32.87 11.57 44.45 2.00
Point ID F wz IL
Point ID F wz IL
IL = 0.00 - No liquefaction
IL between 0.00 and 5 - Liquefaction not probable
IL between 5 and 15 - Liquefaction probable
IL > 15 - Liquefaction certain
SP T data gr aph Shear str ess r atio Factor of safety Settlements (cm)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00
9.00 9.00
9.00 9.00
10.00 10.00 10.00
Depth (m)
11.00 11.00
Depth (m)
12.00 12.00 12.00
13.00 13.00 13.00
14.00 14.00 14.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
17.00 17.00 17.00
18.00 18.00 18.00
19.00 19.00 19.00
20.00 20.00 20.00
22.00 21.00 21.00 21.00
23.00 22.00 22.00 22.00
2 3 4 785 96 11
1 10 12 13
No Liquefaction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Field SPT : SPT blows measured at field (blows/30 cm)
Unit weight : Bulk unit weight of soil at test depth (kN/m³)
Fines content : Percentage of fines in soil (%)
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Sigma : Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
u: Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
Sigma' : Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (kPa)
rd : Nonlinear shear mass factor
CSR : Cyclic Stress Ratio
MSF : Magnitude Scaling Factor
CSReq,M=7.5 CSR adjusted for M=7.5
Ksigma Effective overburden stress factor
CSR* CSR fully adjusted
1 8.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.75 1.00 9.18 6.84 16.02 0.17
2 5.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.80 1.00 6.12 6.22 12.34 0.13
3 6.00 1.55 0.90 1.00 0.85 1.00 7.10 6.42 13.52 0.15
4 8.00 1.36 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 9.30 6.86 16.17 0.18
5 12.00 1.23 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 12.60 7.52 20.12 0.22
6 15.00 1.13 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 14.46 7.89 22.36 0.25
7 13.00 1.05 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.27 7.45 19.73 0.21
8 14.00 0.98 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.40 7.48 19.88 0.22
9 17.00 0.92 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 14.15 7.83 21.98 0.24
10 18.00 0.87 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 14.17 7.83 22.00 0.24
11 21.00 0.83 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.72 8.14 23.86 0.27
12 26.00 0.79 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 18.60 8.72 27.32 0.33
13 30.00 0.76 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 20.58 9.12 29.70 0.43
14 50.00 0.73 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 32.87 11.57 44.45 2.00
15 50.00 0.70 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 31.61 11.32 42.93 2.00
16 50.00 0.68 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 30.48 11.10 41.58 2.00
17 50.00 0.65 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 29.46 10.89 40.36 2.00
Point ID F wz IL
Point ID F wz IL
IL = 0.00 - No liquefaction
IL between 0.00 and 5 - Liquefaction not probable
IL between 5 and 15 - Liquefaction probable
IL > 15 - Liquefaction certain
SP T data gr aph Shear str ess r atio Factor of safety Settlements (cm)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
7.00 7.00
7.00 7.00
8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00
9.00 9.00 9.00
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
10.00 10.00
11.00 11.00 11.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
13.00 13.00 13.00
14.00 14.00 14.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
17.00 17.00 17.00
18.00 18.00 18.00
19.00 19.00 19.00
20.00 20.00 20.00
21.00 21.00 21.00
22.00 22.00 22.00
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.00
F ield S P T N 1(60)
N1(60)cs C SR C RR F .S . F .S .=1 Total P oint
2 3 645 7 8 9 10 11
0.1 1
No Liquefaction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Field SPT : SPT blows measured at field (blows/30 cm)
Unit weight : Bulk unit weight of soil at test depth (kN/m³)
Fines content : Percentage of fines in soil (%)
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Sigma : Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
u: Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
Sigma' : Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (kPa)
rd : Nonlinear shear mass factor
CSR : Cyclic Stress Ratio
MSF : Magnitude Scaling Factor
CSReq,M=7.5 CSR adjusted for M=7.5
Ksigma Effective overburden stress factor
CSR* CSR fully adjusted
1 6.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.75 1.00 6.88 6.38 13.26 0.14
2 7.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.80 1.00 8.57 6.71 15.28 0.17
3 8.00 1.55 0.90 1.00 0.85 1.00 9.47 6.89 16.36 0.18
4 14.00 1.36 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 16.28 8.26 24.54 0.28
5 16.00 1.21 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 16.61 8.32 24.93 0.28
6 17.00 1.11 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 16.09 8.22 24.31 0.27
7 19.00 1.02 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.51 8.50 26.01 0.30
8 21.00 0.96 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 18.09 8.62 26.71 0.32
9 24.00 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 19.48 8.90 28.37 0.36
10 28.00 0.86 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 21.55 9.31 30.86 2.00
11 31.00 0.82 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 22.74 9.55 32.29 2.00
12 50.00 0.78 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 34.95 11.99 46.93 2.00
13 50.00 0.74 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 33.44 11.69 45.13 2.00
14 50.00 0.71 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 32.11 11.42 43.53 2.00
15 50.00 0.69 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 30.93 11.19 42.12 2.00
Point ID F wz IL
Point ID F wz IL
IL = 0.00 - No liquefaction
IL between 0.00 and 5 - Liquefaction not probable
IL between 5 and 15 - Liquefaction probable
IL > 15 - Liquefaction certain
SP T data gr aph Shear str ess r atio Factor of safety Settlements (cm)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00
8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00
9.00 9.00 9.00
10.00 10.00 10.00
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
43 2 697 85
1 10 11 12
No Liquefaction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Field SPT : SPT blows measured at field (blows/30 cm)
Unit weight : Bulk unit weight of soil at test depth (kN/m³)
Fines content : Percentage of fines in soil (%)
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Sigma : Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
u: Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
Sigma' : Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (kPa)
rd : Nonlinear shear mass factor
CSR : Cyclic Stress Ratio
MSF : Magnitude Scaling Factor
CSReq,M=7.5 CSR adjusted for M=7.5
Ksigma Effective overburden stress factor
CSR* CSR fully adjusted
1 8.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.75 1.00 9.18 6.84 16.02 0.17
2 8.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.80 1.00 9.79 6.96 16.75 0.18
3 7.00 1.55 0.90 1.00 0.85 1.00 8.29 6.66 14.94 0.16
4 7.00 1.36 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 8.14 6.63 14.77 0.16
5 17.00 1.21 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 17.65 8.53 26.18 0.31
6 17.00 1.11 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 16.09 8.22 24.31 0.27
7 18.00 1.02 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.59 8.32 24.90 0.28
8 20.00 0.96 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.23 8.45 25.67 0.30
9 20.00 0.90 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.23 8.25 24.48 0.28
10 17.00 0.86 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 13.08 7.62 20.70 0.23
11 19.00 0.82 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 13.94 7.79 21.72 0.24
12 35.00 0.78 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 24.46 9.89 34.35 2.00
13 50.00 0.74 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 33.44 11.69 45.13 2.00
14 50.00 0.71 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 32.11 11.42 43.53 2.00
15 50.00 0.69 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 30.93 11.19 42.12 2.00
16 50.00 0.66 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 29.87 10.97 40.84 2.00
Point ID F wz IL
Point ID F wz IL
IL = 0.00 - No liquefaction
IL between 0.00 and 5 - Liquefaction not probable
IL between 5 and 15 - Liquefaction probable
IL > 15 - Liquefaction certain
SP T data gr aph Shear str ess r atio Factor of safety Settlements (cm)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Depth (m)
9.00 9.00 9.00
10.00 10.00 10.00
11.00 11.00 11.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
13.00 13.00 13.00
14.00 14.00 14.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
17.00 17.00 17.00
18.00 18.00 18.00
19.00 19.00 19.00
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.00
F ield S P T N 1(60)
N1(60)cs C SR C RR F .S . F .S .=1 Total P oint
3 26 584 7 9 11 10
0.1 1 13 12
No Liquefaction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Field SPT : SPT blows measured at field (blows/30 cm)
Unit weight : Bulk unit weight of soil at test depth (kN/m³)
Fines content : Percentage of fines in soil (%)
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Sigma : Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
u: Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
Sigma' : Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (kPa)
rd : Nonlinear shear mass factor
CSR : Cyclic Stress Ratio
MSF : Magnitude Scaling Factor
CSReq,M=7.5 CSR adjusted for M=7.5
Ksigma Effective overburden stress factor
CSR* CSR fully adjusted
1 9.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.75 1.00 10.33 7.07 17.39 0.19
2 10.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.80 1.00 12.24 7.45 19.69 0.21
3 8.00 1.55 0.90 1.00 0.85 1.00 9.47 6.89 16.36 0.18
4 13.00 1.36 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 15.12 8.02 23.14 0.26
5 14.00 1.23 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 14.70 7.94 22.64 0.25
6 13.00 1.13 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 12.54 7.51 20.04 0.22
7 19.00 1.04 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.79 8.56 26.35 0.31
8 17.00 0.97 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 14.85 7.97 22.82 0.25
9 29.00 0.91 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 23.83 9.77 33.59 2.00
10 50.00 0.86 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 38.69 0.00 38.69 2.00
11 50.00 0.82 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 36.68 0.00 36.68 2.00
12 50.00 0.78 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 34.95 0.00 34.95 2.00
13 50.00 0.74 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 33.44 0.00 33.44 2.00
Point ID F wz IL
Point ID F wz IL
IL = 0.00 - No liquefaction
IL between 0.00 and 5 - Liquefaction not probable
IL between 5 and 15 - Liquefaction probable
IL > 15 - Liquefaction certain
SP T data gr aph Shear str ess r atio Factor of safety Settlements (cm)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
7.00 7.00
7.00 7.00
8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00
9.00 9.00 9.00
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
10.00 10.00
11.00 11.00 11.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
13.00 13.00 13.00
14.00 14.00 14.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
17.00 17.00 17.00
18.00 18.00 18.00
19.00 19.00 19.00
20.00 20.00 20.00
21.00 21.00 21.00
22.00 22.00 22.00
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.00
F ield S P T N 1(60)
N1(60)cs C SR C RR F .S . F .S .=1 Total P oint
2 35 4 87 6 9
10 11
0.1 1
No Liquefaction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Field SPT : SPT blows measured at field (blows/30 cm)
Unit weight : Bulk unit weight of soil at test depth (kN/m³)
Fines content : Percentage of fines in soil (%)
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Sigma : Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
u: Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
Sigma' : Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (kPa)
rd : Nonlinear shear mass factor
CSR : Cyclic Stress Ratio
MSF : Magnitude Scaling Factor
CSReq,M=7.5 CSR adjusted for M=7.5
Ksigma Effective overburden stress factor
CSR* CSR fully adjusted
1 6.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.75 1.00 6.88 6.38 13.26 0.14
2 8.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.80 1.00 9.79 6.96 16.75 0.18
3 11.00 1.55 0.90 1.00 0.85 1.00 13.02 7.60 20.63 0.22
4 13.00 1.36 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 15.12 8.02 23.14 0.26
5 13.00 1.23 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 13.65 7.73 21.38 0.23
6 17.00 1.12 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 16.24 8.25 24.49 0.28
7 17.00 1.03 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.79 8.16 23.95 0.27
8 18.00 0.96 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.61 8.12 23.73 0.27
9 21.00 0.91 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.15 8.43 25.58 0.29
10 20.00 0.86 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.48 8.10 23.57 0.26
11 23.00 0.82 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.96 8.39 25.35 0.29
12 50.00 0.78 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 35.10 12.02 47.13 2.00
13 50.00 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 33.58 11.72 45.29 2.00
14 50.00 0.72 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 32.23 11.45 43.68 2.00
15 50.00 0.69 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 31.04 11.21 42.25 2.00
Point ID F wz IL
Point ID F wz IL
IL = 0.00 - No liquefaction
IL between 0.00 and 5 - Liquefaction not probable
IL between 5 and 15 - Liquefaction probable
IL > 15 - Liquefaction certain
SP T data gr aph Shear str ess r atio Factor of safety Settlements (cm)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
7.00 7.00
7.00 7.00
8.00 8.00
8.00 8.00
9.00 9.00 9.00
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
10.00 10.00
11.00 11.00 11.00
12.00 12.00 12.00
13.00 13.00 13.00
14.00 14.00 14.00
15.00 15.00 15.00
16.00 16.00 16.00
17.00 17.00 17.00
18.00 18.00 18.00
19.00 19.00 19.00
20.00 20.00 20.00
21.00 21.00 21.00
22.00 22.00 22.00
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.00
F ield S P T N 1(60)
N1(60)cs C SR C RR F .S . F .S .=1 Total P oint
4 32 56 78 9
1 10 11
No Liquefaction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Field SPT : SPT blows measured at field (blows/30 cm)
Unit weight : Bulk unit weight of soil at test depth (kN/m³)
Fines content : Percentage of fines in soil (%)
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Sigma : Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
u: Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
Sigma' : Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (kPa)
rd : Nonlinear shear mass factor
CSR : Cyclic Stress Ratio
MSF : Magnitude Scaling Factor
CSReq,M=7.5 CSR adjusted for M=7.5
Ksigma Effective overburden stress factor
CSR* CSR fully adjusted
1 7.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.75 1.00 8.03 6.61 14.64 0.16
2 8.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.80 1.00 9.79 6.96 16.75 0.18
3 8.00 1.55 0.90 1.00 0.85 1.00 9.47 6.89 16.36 0.18
4 7.00 1.36 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 8.14 6.63 14.77 0.16
5 10.00 1.23 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 10.50 7.10 17.60 0.19
6 11.00 1.13 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 10.61 7.12 17.73 0.19
7 13.00 1.05 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.27 7.45 19.73 0.21
8 14.00 0.98 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.40 7.48 19.88 0.22
9 20.00 0.92 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.64 8.33 24.97 0.28
10 24.00 0.87 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 18.89 8.78 27.67 0.34
11 33.00 0.83 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 24.58 9.92 34.49 2.00
12 50.00 0.79 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 35.43 12.09 47.52 2.00
13 50.00 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 33.86 11.77 45.63 2.00
14 50.00 0.72 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 32.48 11.50 43.98 2.00
15 50.00 0.69 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 31.26 11.25 42.52 2.00
Point ID F wz IL
Point ID F wz IL
IL = 0.00 - No liquefaction
IL between 0.00 and 5 - Liquefaction not probable
IL between 5 and 15 - Liquefaction probable
IL > 15 - Liquefaction certain
SP T data gr aph Shear str ess r atio Factor of safety Settlements (cm)
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
7.00 7.00
7.00 7.00
8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
9.00 9.00
9.00 9.00
10.00 10.00
10.00 10.00
11.00 11.00 11.00
12.00 12.00
12.00 12.00
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
2 435 6 8 7 9 11
0.1 1 141513 19 18
No Liquefaction
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Field SPT : SPT blows measured at field (blows/30 cm)
Unit weight : Bulk unit weight of soil at test depth (kN/m³)
Fines content : Percentage of fines in soil (%)
Depth : Depth from free surface, at which SPT was performed (m)
Sigma : Total overburden pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
u: Water pressure at test point, during earthquake (kPa)
Sigma' : Effective overburden pressure, during earthquake (kPa)
rd : Nonlinear shear mass factor
CSR : Cyclic Stress Ratio
MSF : Magnitude Scaling Factor
CSReq,M=7.5 CSR adjusted for M=7.5
Ksigma Effective overburden stress factor
CSR* CSR fully adjusted
1 7.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.75 1.00 8.03 6.61 14.64 0.16
2 6.00 1.70 0.90 1.00 0.80 1.00 7.34 6.47 13.81 0.15
3 7.00 1.55 0.90 1.00 0.85 1.00 8.29 6.66 14.94 0.16
4 7.00 1.36 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 8.14 6.63 14.77 0.16
5 8.00 1.23 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 8.40 6.68 15.08 0.16
6 12.00 1.13 0.90 1.00 0.95 1.00 11.57 7.31 18.89 0.21
7 15.00 1.05 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 14.16 7.83 21.99 0.24
8 14.00 0.98 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 12.40 7.48 19.88 0.22
9 19.00 0.92 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 15.81 8.16 23.97 0.27
10 21.00 0.87 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.53 8.31 24.83 0.28
11 22.00 0.83 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.47 8.29 24.76 0.28
12 23.00 0.79 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.45 8.29 24.74 0.28
13 26.00 0.76 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.84 8.57 26.40 0.31
14 25.00 0.73 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 16.50 8.30 24.80 0.28
15 27.00 0.71 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 17.20 8.44 25.64 0.30
16 50.00 0.68 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 30.69 11.14 41.83 2.00
17 50.00 0.66 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 29.66 10.93 40.59 2.00
18 50.00 0.64 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 28.72 10.74 39.46 2.00
19 50.00 0.62 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.00 27.86 10.57 38.44 2.00
Point ID F wz IL
IL = 0.00 - No liquefaction
IL between 0.00 and 5 - Liquefaction not probable
IL between 5 and 15 - Liquefaction probable
IL > 15 - Liquefaction certain
ϕ c γ pw
10 Soil Designation
[°] [kN/m²] [kN/m³] [-]
38.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Crush ROCK 1.7 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4
35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Sand Fill
0.00 45.00 18.00 0.00 Firm sandy CLAY
8 35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Compacted SAND 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3
0.00 70.00 18.00 0.00 Stiff Sandy SILT
0.00 130.00 19.00 0.00 Very Stiff Sandy SILT
0.00 250.00 20.00 0.00 Very Hard Sandy SILT 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3
35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Compacted SAND
6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3
Undrained Static
Basic calculation data
η min = 1.3 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3
xm = 17.72 m
4 ym = 3.43 m 1.8 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3
R = 6.75 m
ps = 180.00
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ϕ c γ pw
10 Soil Designation
[°] [kN/m²] [kN/m³] [-]
38.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Crush ROCK 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Sand Fill
0.00 45.00 18.00 0.00 Firm sandy CLAY
8 35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Compacted SAND 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
0.00 70.00 18.00 0.00 Stiff Sandy SILT
0.00 130.00 19.00 0.00 Very Stiff Sandy SILT
0.00 250.00 20.00 0.00 Very Hard Sandy SILT 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Compacted SAND
6 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Undrained Seismic
Basic calculation data
η min = 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
xm = 18.85 m
4 ym = 5.61 m 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2
R = 11.17 m
Horizontal eh/g = 0.0920 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2
Vertical ev/g = 0.0000
2 Formula from Kuntsche
ps = 180.00
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ϕ c γ pw
10 Soil Designation
[°] [kN/m²] [kN/m³] [-]
3.9 3.3 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0
38.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Crush ROCK
35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Sand Fill
28.00 0.00 18.00 0.00 Firm sandy CLAY 3.8 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 2.0
Drained Static 3.5 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.9
Basic calculation data
η min = 1.8 3.4 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8
xm = 18.07 m
4 ym = 2.38 m
3.3 3.2 3.0 2.7 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.8
R = 5.01 m
ps = 180.00
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
ϕ c γ pw
10 Soil Designation
[°] [kN/m²] [kN/m³] [-]
38.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Crush ROCK
35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Sand Fill 3.0 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.7
28.00 0.00 18.00 0.00 Firm sandy CLAY
8 35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Compacted SAND
2.9 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.7
30.00 0.00 18.00 0.00 Stiff Sandy SILT
35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Very Stiff Sandy SILT
40.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 Very Hard Sandy SILT 2.9 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7
35.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 Compacted SAND
6 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.7
Drained Seismic
Basic calculation data 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.6
η min = 1.6
xm = 18.26 m 2.9 2.7 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.6
4 ym = 2.97 m
R = 6.43 m
2.8 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6
Horizontal eh/g = 0.0920
Vertical ev/g = 0.0000 2.9 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6
2 Formula from Kuntsche
ps = 180.00
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
(Settlements calculated for sands & clays in layers)
1 0.0 1.5 19.0 4000 35.15 198.82 233.97 0.75 13.2 104.9 65.0 65.9
2 1.5 2.0 18.0 1.000 270 0.040 0.170 53.9 197.88 251.78 1.75 6.7 91.7 56.9 57.6
3 2.0 3.0 8.0 1.000 312 0.040 0.170 62.4 196.06 258.46 2.5 12.3 85.0 52.7 53.4
4 3.0 4.0 8.0 1.000 352 0.040 0.170 70.4 191.73 262.13 3.5 11.4 72.7 45.1 45.7
5 4.0 5.0 8.0 1.000 392 0.040 0.170 78.4 185.16 263.56 4.5 10.5 61.2 38.0 38.5
6 5.0 6.0 8.0 1.000 432 0.040 0.170 86.4 176.64 263.04 5.5 9.7 50.7 31.4 31.9
7 6.0 7.0 8.0 1.000 472 0.040 0.170 94.4 166.70 261.10 6.5 8.8 41.0 25.4 25.8
8 7.0 8.0 8.0 1.000 512 0.040 0.170 102.4 155.94 258.34 7.5 8.0 32.2 20.0 20.2
9 8.0 9.0 8.0 1.000 552 0.040 0.170 110.4 144.87 255.27 8.5 7.3 24.2 15.0 15.2
10 9.0 10.0 8.0 1.000 592 0.015 0.100 118.4 133.91 252.31 9.5 2.5 16.9 10.5 10.6
11 10.0 11.0 8.0 1.000 632 0.015 0.100 126.4 123.37 249.77 10.5 2.2 14.4 8.9 9.1
12 11.0 12.0 8.0 1.000 672 0.015 0.100 134.4 113.43 247.83 11.5 2.0 12.2 7.6 7.7
13 12.0 13.0 8.0 1.000 712 0.015 0.100 142.4 104.20 246.60 12.5 1.8 10.2 6.3 6.4
14 13.0 18.0 9.0 1.000 845 0.012 0.060 168.9 80.89 249.79 15.5 5.1 8.4 5.2 5.3
15 18.0 24.0 10.0 1.000 1107 0.012 0.060 221.4 52.51 273.91 21 3.3 3.3 2.1 2.1
Layer Soil Depth Depth Sand Sand/ Depth Depth/ Centre of Foundation Edge of Foundation
No: Thick from to /Clay E Clay from radius, A' B' Vertical Layer Total A' B' Vertical Layer Total
(m) (m) (m) (kPa) ν surface,z z/b s/b=0 s/b=0 strain, Settlement Settlement s/b=1 s/b=1 strain, Settlement Settlement
(m) ∈z, (mm) (mm) ∈z, (mm) (mm)
1 1.5 0.0 1.5 25000 0.3 0.75 0.1 1.0000 0.0000 0.0041 6.2 127.7 0.5000 0.0000 0.0021 3.1 58.9
2 0.5 1.5 2.0 10000 0.3 1.75 0.2 0.9005 0.0985 0.0119 5.9 121.5 0.4302 0.0539 0.0058 2.9 55.8
3 1.0 2.0 3.0 10000 0.3 2.5 0.3 0.8039 0.1886 0.0132 13.2 115.5 0.3827 0.0851 0.0062 6.2 52.9
4 1.0 3.0 4.0 10000 0.3 3.5 0.4 0.7127 0.2636 0.0142 14.2 102.3 0.3438 0.1076 0.0063 6.3 46.8
5 1.0 4.0 5.0 10000 0.3 4.5 0.5 0.6286 0.3202 0.0148 14.8 88.2 0.3105 0.1240 0.0064 6.4 40.4
6 1.0 5.0 6.0 10000 0.3 5.5 0.6 0.5528 0.3578 0.0150 15.0 73.4 0.2816 0.1359 0.0064 6.4 34.0
7 1.0 6.0 7.0 10000 0.3 6.5 0.7 0.4855 0.3783 0.0148 14.8 58.4 0.2559 0.1444 0.0064 6.4 27.6
8 1.0 7.0 8.0 10000 0.3 7.5 0.8 0.4265 0.3849 0.0144 14.4 43.6 0.2173 0.1499 0.0061 6.1 21.2
9 1.0 8.0 9.0 10000 0.3 8.5 0.9 0.3753 0.3809 0.0137 13.7 29.2 0.2130 0.1529 0.0062 6.2 15.1
10 1.0 9.0 10.0 75000 0.3 9.5 1.0 0.3310 0.3696 0.0017 1.7 15.5 0.1949 0.1540 0.0008 0.8 8.9
11 1.0 10.0 11.0 75000 0.3 10.5 1.1 0.2929 0.3536 0.0016 1.6 13.8 0.1787 0.1536 0.0008 0.8 8.1
12 1.0 11.0 12.0 75000 0.3 11.5 1.2 0.2929 0.3536 0.0016 1.6 12.2 0.1787 0.1536 0.0008 0.8 7.3
13 1.0 12.0 13.0 75000 0.3 12.5 1.3 0.2318 0.3149 0.0014 1.4 10.5 0.1510 0.1492 0.0007 0.7 6.6
14 2.0 13.0 15.0 100000 0.3 14 1.4 0.1955 0.2756 0.0009 1.8 9.1 0.1302 0.1413 0.0005 1.0 5.9
15 5.0 15.0 20.0 100000 0.3 17.5 1.8 0.1430 0.2252 0.0007 3.7 7.3 0.1105 0.1277 0.0004 2.2 4.9
16 4.0 20.0 24.0 100000 0.3 22 2.2 0.0920 0.1586 0.0005 2.0 3.6 0.0735 0.1045 0.0003 1.4 2.6
17 6.0 24.0 30.0 200000 0.3 27 2.7 0.0634 0.1214 0.0002 1.1 1.6 0.0538 0.0877 0.0001 0.8 1.2
18 5.0 30.0 35.0 500000 0.3 32.5 3.3 0.0470 0.0873 0.0001 0.3 0.5 0.0414 0.0681 0.0000 0.2 0.4
19 5.0 35.0 40.0 500000 0.3 37.5 3.8 0.0363 0.0684 0.0000 0.2 0.2 0.0327 0.0554 0.0000 0.2 0.2
Program CONSOL- Version 5.91 (MS-DOS)
.100 .0468
.200 .0596
.500 .0809
1.000 .0973
2.000 .1115
4.000 .1214
10.000 .1263
20.000 .1266
50.000 .1266
Geotechnical Interpretative Report
TE-3 Project at Pasir Gudang
%5#$5$&'( ) 86* !7 8
%5#$5+$'( ) 7 8 86* 6* 5!!7 9
%5#$5,'( ) 7 8 86* 6*
5$5-5#$5(./) 7 96 *69 69 969
5 (-01) 7 86 862 86 868
5 (!,$) 7 *69 *68 *68 26
34567 89:; <6=>? <6=>? @AA6B>:C6 D9:EF74>:9 G76B9HI9;J K;45 K;45 LH:>:4; LHB764I6 M9>4;F@AAJ<6=>?FA79N 34567 OPI6>>;6N6H>F OPI6>>;6N6H>F OPI6>>;6N6H>F OPI6>>;6N6H>F
8 96* 969 96*
69 86999 8 969`9 96299 8*6* `68a 26
a 96* 96 86 862 86 868
869 96* 86*
69 86999 29 969`9 96299 9 8968` 968` 8 a68 8962 8262 8a6 862
869 86* 6*
69 86999 * 969`9 96299
6a 6a 68 6 *62 a62 6
2 869 6* 6* `69 86999 8
* 969
9 9699 86*2 26*2 96
86 68 69 269
* 869 6* 26* `69 86999 9* 969
9 9699 28 96̀` 286̀` 2 96 96
869 86
869 26* *6* `69 86999 2* 969
9 9699 2 96*a 26*a * 96 96 96* 96̀ 868
a 869 *6*
6* `69 86999 `* 969
9 9699 *a 9629 *a629
968 968 96 962 96
` 869
6* a6* `69 86999 * 969
9 9699
* 96
*6 a 968 968 968 96 96
012456 7 89
0124 7 5
114 7
%5#$5$&'( ) 86* !7 8
%5#$5+$'( ) 7 8 86* 6* 5!!7 9
%5#$5,'( ) 7 8 86* 6*
5$5-5#$5(./) 7 8*6* 8969 0*6* 16*
5 (-23) 7 86 864 86 86
5 (!,$) 7 *69 *68 *69 *69
56789 :;<= >8?@A >8?@A BCC8D@<E8 F;<GH96@<; I98D;JK;=L M=67 M=67 NJ<@<6= NJD986K8 O;@6=HBCCL>8?@AHC9;P 56789 QRK8@@=8P8J@H QRK8@@=8P8J@H QRK8@@=8P8J@H QRK8@@=8P8J@H
S;T OA<DU C9;P @; VJ<@HW@L X8;Y ?98KKV98 M9 MD K@98KK <JHK@98KK K@98KK KV9C6D8 K8@@=8P8J@ ZP[ZP ZL\P[ZL\P ]P[]P ]L\P[]L\P
8 96* 969 96* 069 86999 * 96949 9699 8 8
699 84*699 96* 8
6 86 864 86 86
869 96* 86* 069 86999 8* 96949 9699 * 4*6*4 196*4 8 69 8*68 864 64 464
869 86* 6* 069 86999 8
* 96949 9699 846
* 416
* 6
68 68 8860 86
4 869 6* 6* 069 86999 9* 96949 9699 48
601 41601 86 6 46
6 16
* 869 6* 46* 069 86999 4* 96949 9699 4 64 *64 4 961 86* 6* 6
869 46* *6* 069 86999 0* 96949 9699 *1 6** *6** * 964 96 86* 68 61
1 869 *6*
6* 069 86999 * 96949 9699
* 8610
96 96* 960 86 86
0 869
6* 16* 069 86999
* 96949 9699 1 868 1468 1 96 96 964 96
869 16* 06* 069 86999 49* 96949 9699 08 8699 0699 0 968 968 96 96 96
012456 7 89
0124 7 5
114 7
%5#$5$&'( ) 86* !7 8
%5#$5+$'( ) 7 8 86* 6* 5!!7 9
%5#$5,'( ) 7 8 86* 6*
5$5-5#$5(./) 7 069
169 *869 086*
5 (-23) 7 86 868 86 86
5 (!,$) 7 *68 06 *69 *69
45678 9:;< =7>?@ =7>?@ ABB7C?;D7 E:;FG85?;: H87C:IJ:<K L<56 L<56 MI;?;5< MIC875J7 N:?5<GABBK=7>?@GB8:O 45678 PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G
R:S N@;CT B8:O ?: UI;?GV?K W7:X >87JJU87 L8 LC J?87JJ ;IGJ?87JJ J?87JJ JU8B5C7 J7??<7O7I? YOZYO YK[OZYK[O \OZ\O \K[OZ\K[O
8 96* 969 96* 169 86999 * 969
9 9699 8 1a608 89
608 96* 806 86 868 86 86
869 96* 86* 169 86999 8* 969
9 9699 * 86* *
6* 8 896
8a68 860 61 6a
869 86* 6* 169 86999 8
* 969
9 9699 8968
6* 6* 886 86a
0 869 6* 6* 169 86999 9* 969
9 9699 08 06aa 0*6aa 860 69 06
* 869 6* 06* 169 86999 0* 969
9 9699 0 6a *86a 0 96a 86
6* 6 6
869 06* *6* 169 86999 1* 969
9 9699 *a 86aa *16aa * 960 96 860 861 6
a 869 *6*
6* 169 86999 * 96909 9699
* 86
96 96* 961 869 86
1 869
6* a6* 169 86999
* 96909 9699 a 968 a68 a 968 96 96* 96
869 a6* 16* 169 86999 09* 96909 9699 18 96a9 186a9 1 968 96 96 960 96*
89 869 16* 6* 169 86999 00* 96909 9699 1 96** 16** 968 968 96 96 96
88 869 6* 896* 169 86999 01* 96909 9699 a 960* a60* 89 969 968 968 96 96
8 869 896* 886* 169 86999 ** 96909 9699 89* 96a 89*6a 88 969 969 969 968 968
012456 7 89
0124 7 5
114 7
%5#$5$&'( ) 86* !7 8
%5#$5+$'( ) 7 8 86* 6* 5!!7 9
%5#$5,'( ) 7 8 86* 6*
5$5-5#$5(./) 7
6* 016* *
6* 1069
5 (-23) 7 86 86 86 86
5 (!,$) 7 *69 *69 *69 *69
45678 9:;< =7>?@ =7>?@ ABB7C?;D7 E:;FG85?;: H87C:IJ:<K L<56 L<56 MI;?;5< MIC875J7 N:?5<GABBK=7>?@GB8:O 45678 PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G
R:S N@;CT B8:O ?: UI;?GV?K W7:X >87JJU87 L8 LC J?87JJ ;IGJ?87JJ J?87JJ JU8B5C7 J7??<7O7I? YOZYO YK[OZYK[O \OZ\O \K[OZ\K[O
8 96* 969 96* a69 86999 * 969
9 9699 8 a60 89a60 96* 816 86 86 86 86
869 96* 86* a69 86999 8* 969
9 9699 * 61 *061 8 896a 8
61 869 6 68
869 86* 6* a69 86999 8
* 969
9 9699 8961 161 6
a61 6 886
1 869 6* 6* a69 86999 9* 969
9 9699 18 16a 1*6a 86* 69 6 169 160
* 869 6* 16* 69 86999 1a 9699 96899 16* 6a8 *68 1 96 96* 96a 868 861
869 16* *6* 69 86999 9699 96899 *a6* 86a8
968 * 968 96 96* 96
0 869 *6*
6* 69 86999 a 9699 96899
06* 860
968 968 96 96 961
a 869
6* 06* 69 86999 a 9699 96899 0
6* 96 0061 0 968 968 968 968 96
012456 7 89
0124 7 5
114 7
%5#$5$&'( ) 86* !7 8
%5#$5+$'( ) 7 8 86* 6* 5!!7 9
%5#$5,'( ) 7 8 86* 6*
5$5-5#$5(./) 7 *69 0869 *69
5 (-12) 7 86 86 868 86
5 (!,$) 7 *69 *69 36 *68
45678 9:;< =7>?@ =7>?@ ABB7C?;D7 E:;FG85?;: H87C:IJ:<K L<56 L<56 MI;?;5< MIC875J7 N:?5<GABBK=7>?@GB8:O 45678 PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G
R:S N@;CT B8:O ?: UI;?GV?K W7:X >87JJU87 L8 LC J?87JJ ;IGJ?87JJ J?87JJ JU8B5C7 J7??<7O7I? YOZYO YK[OZYK[O \OZ\O \K[OZ\K[O
8 96* 969 96* a69 86999 * 969
9 9699 8 aa63 89063 96* 836* 86 86 868 86
869 96* 86* a69 86999 8* 969
9 9699 * 86 *
6 8 8960 8
6a 86 6* 6*
869 86* 6* a69 86999 8
* 969
9 9699 8960 360 6*
68 69 896
3 869 6* 6* a69 86999 9* 969
9 9699 38 36a 3*6a 863 6
369 *69
* 869 6* 36* a69 86999 3* 969
9 9699 3 60
3 960 868 86a 6 6a
869 36* *6* a69 86999 a* 969
9 9699 *0 860a *a60a * 963 963 960 96a 869
Program CONSOL- Version 5.91 (MS-DOS)
.100 .0562
.200 .0734
.500 .1057
1.000 .1395
2.000 .1687
4.000 .1872
10.000 .1932
20.000 .1933
50.000 .1933
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012456 7 89
0124 7 5
114 7
%5#$5$&'( ) 86* !7 8
%5#$5+$'( ) 7 8 86* 6* 5!!7 9
%5#$5,'( ) 7 8 86* 6*
5$5-5#$5(./) 7 069 1969 *69 06*
5 (-23) 7 868 860 86 86
5 (!,$) 7 06 *68 *69 *69
45678 9:;< =7>?@ =7>?@ ABB7C?;D7 E:;FG85?;: H87C:IJ:<K L<56 L<56 MI;?;5< MIC875J7 N:?5<GABBK=7>?@GB8:O 45678 PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G
R:S N@;CT B8:O ?: UI;?GV?K W7:X >87JJU87 L8 LC J?87JJ ;IGJ?87JJ J?87JJ JU8B5C7 J7??<7O7I? YOZYO YK[OZYK[O \OZ\O \K[OZ\K[O
8 96* 969 96* a69 86999 * 969
9 9699 8 a1608 89
608 96* 806 868 860 86 86
869 96* 86* a69 86999 8* 969
9 9699 * 86* *
6* 8 896
6 86* 61 6
869 86* 6* a69 86999 8
* 969
9 9699 8968
6 6 8869 860
0 869 6* 6* a69 86999 9* 969
9 9699 08 0611 0*611 860 6a 060 *60
* 869 6* 06* a69 86999 0* 969
9 9699 0 61 *861 0 961 86 6 6a 60
869 06* *6* a69 86999 a* 96909 9699 *1 8611 *a611 * 96 96
869 86 861
1 869 *6*
6* a69 86999 * 96909 9699
* 86
96 960 96
96a 869
a 869
6* 16* a69 86999
* 96909 9699 1 968 168 1 968 96 96 96* 96
869 16* a6* a69 86999 09* 96909 9699 a8 9619 a8619 a 968 968 96 96 96
89 96* a6* 69 a69 86999 0* 96909 9699 a1 96*a a16*a a61* 969 969 969 968 968
012456 7 89
0124 7 5
114 7
%5#$5$&'( ) 86* !7 8
%5#$5+$'( ) 7 8 86* 6* 5!!7 9
%5#$5,'( ) 7 8 86* 6*
5$5-5#$5(./) 7
69 0169 *
69 1
5 (-23) 7 868 86 86 86
5 (!,$) 7 16 *69 *69 *69
45678 9:;< =7>?@ =7>?@ ABB7C?;D7 E:;FG85?;: H87C:IJ:<K L<56 L<56 MI;?;5< MIC875J7 N:?5<GABBK=7>?@GB8:O 45678 PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G
R:S N@;CT B8:O ?: UI;?GV?K W7:X >87JJU87 L8 LC J?87JJ ;IGJ?87JJ J?87JJ JU8B5C7 J7??<7O7I? YOZYO YK[OZYK[O \OZ\O \K[OZ\K[O
8 96* 969 96* a69 86999 * 969
9 9699 8 a60 89a60 96* 8160 868 86 86 86
869 96* 86* a69 86999 8* 969
9 9699 * 60 *060 8 896a 8
61 869 6 6
869 86* 6* a69 86999 8
* 969
9 9699 896a 16a 6
a61 8969 8861
1 869 6* 6* a69 86999 9* 96919 9699 18 16a0 1*6a0 869 69 6 168 *69
* 869 6* 16* a69 86999 1* 96919 9699 1 60 *860 1 96* 869 860 6 60
869 16* *6* a69 86999 a* 96919 9699 *0 86a9 *a6a9 * 96 96* 96 86 86*
0 869 *6*
6* a69 86999 * 96919 9699
* 86
96 96 96* 96
a 869
6* 06* a69 86999
* 96919 9699 0 96 06 0 968 968 96 96 96
012456 7 89
0124 7 5
114 7
%5#$5$&'( ) 86* !7 8
%5#$5+$'( ) 7 8 86* 6* 5!!7 9
%5#$5,'( ) 7 8 86* 6*
5$5-5#$5(./) 7 069
169 *869 086*
5 (-23) 7 86 868 86 86
5 (!,$) 7 *68 06 *69 *69
45678 9:;< =7>?@ =7>?@ ABB7C?;D7 E:;FG85?;: H87C:IJ:<K L<56 L<56 MI;?;5< MIC875J7 N:?5<GABBK=7>?@GB8:O 45678 PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G PQJ7??<7O7I?G
R:S N@;CT B8:O ?: UI;?GV?K W7:X >87JJU87 L8 LC J?87JJ ;IGJ?87JJ J?87JJ JU8B5C7 J7??<7O7I? YOZYO YK[OZYK[O \OZ\O \K[OZ\K[O
8 96* 969 96* 169 86999 * 969
9 9699 8 1a608 89
608 96* 806 86 868 86 86
869 96* 86* 169 86999 8* 969
9 9699 * 86* *
6* 8 896
8a68 860 61 6a
869 86* 6* 169 86999 8
* 969
9 9699 8968
6* 6* 886 86a
0 869 6* 6* 169 86999 9* 969
9 9699 08 06aa 0*6aa 860 69 06
* 869 6* 06* 169 86999 0* 969
9 9699 0 6a *86a 0 96a 86
6* 6 6
869 06* *6* 169 86999 1* 969
9 9699 *a 86aa *16aa * 960 96 860 861 6
a 869 *6*
6* 169 86999 * 96909 9699
* 86
96 96* 961 869 86
1 869
6* a6* 169 86999
* 96909 9699 a 968 a68 a 968 96 96* 96
869 a6* 16* 169 86999 09* 96909 9699 18 96a9 186a9 1 968 96 96 960 96*
89 869 16* 6* 169 86999 00* 96909 9699 1 96** 16** 968 968 96 96 96
88 869 6* 896* 169 86999 01* 96909 9699 a 960* a60* 89 969 968 968 96 96
8 869 896* 886* 169 86999 ** 96909 9699 89* 96a 89*6a 88 969 969 969 968 968
012456 7 89
0124 7 5
114 7
%5#$5$&'( ) 86* !7 8
%5#$5+$'( ) 7 8 86* 6* 5!!7 9
%5#$5,'( ) 7 -6*
5$5/5#$5(01) 7 -6 869 8262 8.6-
5 (/34) 7 86 86 86 86
5 (!,$) 7 *69 *68 *69 -6
56789 :;<= >8?@A >8?@A BCC8D@<E8 F;<GH96@<; I98D;JK;=L M=67 M=67 NJ<@<6= NJD986K8 O;@6=HBCCL>8?@AHC9;P 56789 QRK8@@=8P8J@H QRK8@@=8P8J@H QRK8@@=8P8J@H QRK8@@=8P8J@H
S;T OA<DU C9;P @; VJ<@HW@L X8;Y ?98KKV98 M9 MD K@98KK <JHK@98KK K@98KK KV9C6D8 K8@@=8P8J@ ZP[ZP ZL\P[ZL\P ]P[]P ]L\P[]L\P
8 96* 969 96*
69 86999 8 96929 96-99 8*6* 62. 6. 96* 8
6- 86 86 86 86
869 96* 86*
69 86999 -9 96929 96-99 9 8692 692 8 26. 8-6 826
96 6
869 86* 6*
69 86999 * 96929 96-99
699 699 6
68 26 8868 862
- 869 6* 6* 269 86999 8
* 969
9 9699 6-
6- 86 6* -68 *6*
* 869 6* -6* 269 86999 9* 969
9 9699 -8 862 -62 - 96
86 6 68 -69
869 -6* *6* 269 86999 -* 969
9 9699 - 86 *96 * 96 96. 86 862 6
. 869 *6*
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2 869
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012456 7 89
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012456 7 89
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* 969
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a 869
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88 968 968 968 968 96
012456 7 89
0124 7 5
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62 8 869 86 62 6. -6
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* 969
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012456 7 89
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* 969
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* 869 6* -6* 269 86999 -* 969
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9 9699 *. 6
9 * 962 962 868 86- 86.
012456 7 89
0124 7 5
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. a6
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6 -6 -6
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* 969
9 9699 8
699 -699 *6 896 86* 8-68 8*6
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- -6
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6a a68 68
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-6* *6
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* 969-9 9699 . 86a
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012456 7 89
0124 7 5
114 7
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869 86* 6* a69 86999 8
* 969
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6 .6
* 869 6* -6* a69 86999 -* 969-9 9699 - *6
. *-6
. - 869 68 69 6a -6-
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868 86. 6 6
. 869 *6*
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* 6
96- 96
96 86 86-
a 869
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* 969-9 9699 . 699 .*699 . 96 96 96- 96* 96
012456 7 89
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8 96* 969 96* a69 86999 * 969
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869 86* 6* a69 86999 8
* 969
9 9699 8*6
. -a6
. *68 896* 86a 8-6* 86.
- 869 6* 6* a69 86999 9* 969
9 9699 -8 a6-* -6-* 6- *6- .6 a6
* 869 6* -6* a69 86999 -* 969
9 9699 - *68
- 86 69 -6 *6 6
869 -6* *6* a69 86999 a* 969
9 9699 *. 6--
96-- * 96a 86. 6- 68 6
. 869 *6*
6* a69 86999 * 969-9 9699
* 6-*
96 96 86- 86a 86
a 869
6* .6* a69 86999
* 969-9 9699 . 86a .-6a . 96 96
96 86 96a
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96a 96*
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88 869 6* 896* a69 86999 -a* 969-9 9699 . 968 .68 89 968 968 96 96 96
8 869 896* 886* a69 86999 ** 969-9 9699 89* 96.
88 968 968 968 968 968
Table 1 : Summary of Test Results for Point No. : PLT-1
Figure 1 : - Mean Bearing Pressure vs. Mean Settlement for Point PLT-1
Table 1 : Summary of Test Results for Point No. : PLT-2 (On The Road)
0.12 Cycle
Figure 1 : - Mean Bearing Pressure vs. Mean Settlement for Point PLT-2 (On The Road)
Geotechnical Interpretative Report
TE-3 Project at Pasir Gudang
3 633 733 833 933 5333 5633 5733 5833
3 633 833 933
33 5333 5633 5833 5933 5
4 2!
3 633 733 833 933 5333 5633 5733 5833 5933
3 633 833 933
33 5333 5633 5833 5933 5
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3 633 833 933
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