Carpark Celebrations: Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783
Carpark Celebrations: Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783
Carpark Celebrations: Student Absent Hot Line Number 5964 7783
Carpark Celebrations
Its time to celebrate as our car park was officially opened last Thursday. After much hard
work in bringing our dream of a new car park into fruition, it was a very exciting time
when the first car drove in to park. It seemed fitting that this honour was reserved for
Andrew Smith who has worked tirelessly over a long period of time to ensure that this
project was completed.
Important Dates:
Our school captains, Mason and Tahlia joined Casey MP, Tony Smith, Yarra Ranges Mayor,
Cr Maria McCarthy, Cr Jim Child, Amanda Pitts and Andrew Smith for the official opening.
School Council 7pm
Our new car park will provide 26 spaces, helping to alleviate traffic congestion
End of Term 3
2.30pm finish
Term 4 start 9am
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increasing understanding and awareness between schools, business and the wider community
promoting the great work that schools do
Thank You
Thanks For All the Help!
I would just like to thank all the families who were able to help with the preparation of the tiered area above the netball courts before they were asphalted. (The tiers, not
the families)
A massive thanks, in no particular order, to Steve, Annette, Jack, Rob, Andrew T, Guo, Mitch, Josh, Anthony, Kristina, Kirsty, Paul, Clint and Kelly.
Sometimes at short notice, sometimes raining, sometimes sweaty, but always in good humour and willing to chip in and work hard! Actually that should read always
Stand by for the next working bee which will probably be a week or so before the twilight fair. If youve ever wondered what its like to spread 30cubic metres of mulch,
then have I got the job for you!
Thanks again,
Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email
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Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply school or Department of Education and Early Childhood Development endorsement.
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Kira F
Prep N
Shae B
Prep N
Taite G
1/2 B
Juliet P
1/2 C
Brayden H
1/2 C
William H
1/2 K
Lincoln L
1/2 K
Brock C
1/2 K
Zac F
1/2 T
Reminder for any earn and learn stickers you may have at home, Launching place Primary School would love for you to bring to them to
School this week so the School can finalise the count.
Jayla D
1/2 T
Thank You to everyone who has collected the stickers and returned them to School.
Luke H
3/4 B
Your support will help provide the School with many Learning Resourses for our Students.
Jayden D
3/4 B
Tahnee H
3/4 K
Kasie P
3/4 K
Archie P
3/4 K
Chloe C
3/4 M
Brodie H
3/4 M
Bree T
5/6 C
Paige H
5/6 C
Mitchel H
5/6 F
Maeryn B
5/6 L
Angus H
5/6 L
Zoe M
5/6 L
Kimberley D
5/6 L
Jack A
5/6 L
Country Fair
There is a 'New' Fair newsletter attached to this one with details and listings of activities. Please have a look and keep updated with all the
planning. We will be needing helpers on many areas , so keep an eye out for up coming lists and spread the word for lots of families to
Next meeting Mon 14th Sept in GP room after assembly.
P&F Team
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Chaplains Corner
Calligraphy Competition
Recently our grade 5/6 students
participated in the JLTAV
(Japanese Language Teachers
Association of Victoria) State-wide
Pencil Calligraphy Competition.
Everyone tried their best to write
this years required script and six
of the best works representing
our school were submitted for
final judging.
The judges are looking for
balance, shape and neatness of
the hand writing and will award
1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in the
coming weeks. As two years ago
our former student Trent H.
successfully received the 2nd prize
in this competition, Im hoping
this might happen again at
Launching Place.
Here are the 6 students who
presented with beautiful writing
this year.
Darcy D. (5/6J), Aidan N. (5/6J),
Bridie S (5/6J), Jaimie D. (5/6F),
Mitchel H. (5/6F), Maeryn B.
Well, this term is coming to a close and hopefully some warmer weather is on the way! As we come up to school holidays I
always like to touch on activities we do as a family, and how powerful they can be for self esteem, cohesion and making
memories. They don't need to be expensive! Our family used to buy a bag of apples and feed the possums at Stevenson's Falls in
Marysville, or cook hot cross buns on the fireplace up Mt Donna Buang at Easter time. I love seeing families from our school
riding their bikes on the trail or walking their dogs together - we can all do these small things which make a big difference.
Rituals that work best are those that emphasise celebration and involve fun and enjoyment. Events like weddings and funerals
help children find their place in the wider family tribe, even though they're not very frequent. It is the rituals and traditions that
set each family apart.
Here are a few ideas:
Do something special or different with children the day before they return to school each term.
Celebrate birthdays in a particular way, like taking a silly family photo or wearing funny hats.
Mark special ages with a 'coming of age' style celebration which younger siblings can look forward to too.
Feed the ducks in Warburton some evenings during daylight savings.
Even making daily interactions special can be very worthwhile, such as making sure family members acknowledge one
another and say: "good morning" or "goodnight" each day.
See how you go! We all love our families, even when they drive us crazy, and it's nice to spend time doing things together.
Take care and enjoy the break!
Roster for the rest of term 3
Thank you,
A Reminder that Thursday 17th September is Footy Special Lunch Order day.
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