IBM Optim Installation and Configuration Guide
IBM Optim Installation and Configuration Guide
IBM Optim Installation and Configuration Guide
This edition applies to Version 7, Release 1 of IBM Optim and to all subsequent releases and modifications until
otherwise indicated in new editions.
© IBM Corporation, 1998-2008
IBM Optim
Installation and Configuration Guide
This manual and the software described in it are furnished under a license agreement or
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with the terms of that agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any
purpose without the express written permission of IBM Corporation.
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x Optim 7.1
B.1.2 Credentials to Run Optim Processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .419
B.1.3 Server Privileges for Explicit or Client Credentials . . . . . . . . .422
B.1.4 UNC Network Share Access (Windows) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .422
B.1.5 Registry Access for Process Requests (Windows) . . . . . . . . . .423
B.1.6 Oracle OS Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424
B.1.7 UNIX or Linux File Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .424
B.2 DBMS Logon Credentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425
Appendix C. Command Line Maintenance Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .429
C.1 Syntax and Keywords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .431
C.2 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .438
C.2.1 Create Multiple DB Aliases with one Optim Directory . . . . . .438
C.2.2 Apply Maintenance to Multiple DB Aliases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .439
Appendix D. Optim Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .441
D.1 Access Control Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .447
D.1.1 Access Control Domain Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .450
D.1.2 Role Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .452
D.1.3 Users Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .454
D.1.4 Privileges Tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .457
D.2 Access Control List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .469
D.2.1 Access Control List Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .471
D.3 File Access Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .478
D.3.1 File Access Definition Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .480
D.3.2 Defining Access Permissions for Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .486
D.3.3 File Access Definition Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .492
D.4 Exporting Security Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .496
D.5 Import Security Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500
D.5.1 Import Dialog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500
Appendix E. Security Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .511
E.1 Open the Report Request Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .513
E.1.1 Create a New Report Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .513
E.1.2 Select a Report Request to Edit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .514
E.2 Using the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .515
E.2.1 General Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .517
E.2.2 Security Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .518
E.2.3 Notify Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .522
E.3 Process a Report Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .523
E.3.1 Schedule a Report Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .523
E.3.2 Run a Report Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .523
E.3.3 Report Process Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .524
Appendix F. Open Data Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .527
F.1 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .528
F.1.1 Windows Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .528
F.1.2 UNIX Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .531
F.1.3 UNIX Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .533
F.1.4 Attunity Studio Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .534
7. Maintenance and Other After you configure the first and any
Configuration Tasks additional workstations, you are ready to
start using Optim. However, it may be
necessary to perform other tasks that are
available from the Tasks menu. You can
create, update, or drop DB Aliases and
Optim Directories, Configure Security,
enable or disable the Optim Server or
ODBC interface, apply maintenance,
update the DBMS version, upgrade
Optim software, configure options,
create primary keys, copy IBM DB2
z/OS® relationships, load or drop sample
data, and load or drop data privacy data
tables (if you have an Optim Data
Privacy License).
The following enhancements have been made for release 7.1 of Optim.
• Data Privacy
- Optim data privacy capabilities generate and propagate valid
masked values appropriate for application testing. This release
includes a new parameter, SEED, in the HASH_LOOKUP
function. Use SEED to vary the calculation performed by the
hashing algorithm. The hashed value of the source column and
the SEED value are matched with a sequential number from the
lookup table to obtain the replacement value for the destination
column. You may specify a value from 1 to 2,000,000,000.
The following enhancements have been made for release 6.5 of Optim.
The Optim default exit is shipped with Optim and allows all
requests by all users, within the security limitations defined for
each user or user group using the security functionality included in
• Performance Enhancements
- You can route generated process reports to a .TXT file. The file
will open automatically at the end of processing using an
application such as Notepad.
- Buffersize options allow you to set the buffer size to use when
fetching or deleting rows from the database. Optim multiplies
the buffersize specification by the value set for maximum
database connections. You can select a value from 64K to
1024K, in increments of 32. It is recommended that you use the
default value unless you are processing tables larger than
10,000 rows.
• Data Privacy
Optim data privacy capabilities generate and propagate valid
masked values appropriate for application testing. This release
includes a new parameter, TRIM, in the HASH_LOOKUP
function. Use TRIM to specify a list of characters to be trimmed
from the source value or to convert the source value to uppercase,
before it is hashed. This parameter helps ensure that certain
characters are eliminated so essentially equivalent values will result
in HASH_LOOKUP resolving to the same lookup table row. For
example, if you choose to trim commas from the source value, the
values Smith, John and Smith John will each be hashed to the same
xx Optim 7.1
Summary of Release 6.5
Support for DBMS Optim supports the leading database management systems (Oracle,
Versions IBM DB2 z/OS and DB2 LUW, Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise
(ASE), Microsoft SQL Server and IBM Informix).
Optim 6.5 introduces toleration support for the following new releases
of databases:
• Informix 11
• Support for XML columns in Oracle 10g and later (carried as LOB)
The following enhancements have been made for release 6.4 of Optim.
• Litigation Hold
You can use Optim’s Litigation Hold to protect information in an
Archive File for legal inquiry or investigation. Litigation Hold
prevents deletion of the file and supersedes any retention setting.
This option is available from the Archive Directory Maintenance
dialog for files stored on the Hitachi Content Archive Platform or a
Centera backup device.
• Installation Enhancements
When configuring Optim, steps to create a PST directory or DB
alias have been reworked to make these processes easier to use.
You can now use a task on the configuration menu to drop, load or
refresh data privacy tables or data.
Expanded Support The Optim Server can now be deployed on Red Hat Linux 4.0 AS.
for Optim Server
Support for DBMS Optim now supports DB2 v9 and Sybase ASE v15.
This guide describes the programs used to install and configure the
Optim solution. The Setup program guides you through the installation
process, and the Configuration program prepares your databases and
workstations to use Optim.
Client DBMS
Other Other
Workstations Workstations
All Optim data flows over shared network along with other traffic.
Other Other
Workstation Workstation
2 Optim 7.1
1.1 Conceptual Overview
Client DBMS
Server Server
Other Other
Workstation Workstation
Installation and Regardless of the configuration you choose, you must first install Optim
Configuration on a Windows machine that has connectivity to your database (i.e., the
“First Workstation”). Following this installation, you will Configure
the First Workstation to create the Optim Directory and any DB
Aliases needed to access your databases. If the First Workstation is to
be used as a Server, you can also configure it for this. You can then
install and configure any additional Windows-based workstations or
Servers (using the Configure Additional Workstation task and, if
needed, following the steps for Server configuration).
You begin the installation phase by using the Setup program to load the
application software at the first workstation. In Setup, you must enter
your company name and the identification number indicated in the
email sent when Optim is shipped to you. You must also designate a
destination directory for the application software.
• Move allows you to identify and extract, migrate, and process sets of
relationally intact data. You can create test databases that are
referentially complete subsets of a production database, copy sets of
related data from a production database to a work area before
revising and moving data to the production database, or migrate
subsets of data that require data transformations as part of the
• Edit allows you to edit and browse related data, review logical
application paths, resolve data problems, modify data to test all
possible scenarios, and ensure that one or more related tables contain
expected data.
4 Optim 7.1
1.1 Conceptual Overview
Workstations or You can install Optim on individual workstations or on a file server for
File Server multiple users to share.
Product License The 30-character Product License Key determines the Optim features
Key your company is allowed to use. This key is unique to your company
and is sent to you by E-mail when Optim is shipped. You must use this
6 Optim 7.1
1.1 Conceptual Overview
key when you configure the first workstation and any additional
Note: During the process to configure the first workstation, you can
optionally export the Product License Key and other details
and import this information when configuring additional
Create Optim Although you may use any number of database instances with Optim,
Directory only one is designated to hold the Optim Directory. Typically, the
Directory will share an instance used for other tables. While the Optim
Directory is rarely so large or so heavily accessed as to justify a
dedicated database instance, you can dedicate a database instance solely
to the Optim Directory, if desired.
When you create the Optim Directory, you are prompted for the
following information:
Create DB Alias(es) Optim requires a DB Alias for each database instance it accesses. You
may define one or more DB Aliases at installation or use the
Configuration program to add DB Aliases later.
The same information specified for the Optim Directory is needed for
each DB Alias; that is, DBMS Type and Version, User ID, Password,
Connection String, and Identifier for the packages, plans, or
Create Optim Many Optim processes require primary keys. Often, database tables do
Primary Keys not have DBMS primary keys. In this step, you can create Optim
Primary Keys for any table that does not have one, but does have a
unique index. You may choose this option for each DB Alias.
Load Sample Optim is distributed with a sample database, consisting of several tables
Database Tables (CUSTOMERS, ORDERS, etc.). These sample tables allow you to
experiment while learning how to use Optim and serve as the basis for
Load Data Privacy Data privacy data tables are available to clients who have an Optim Data
Data Tables Privacy License. These tables allow you to mask company and personal
data — such as employee names, customer names, social security
numbers, credit card numbers, and e-mail addresses — to generate
transformed data that is both valid and unique.
Create Product Most installations create and use one Product Configuration File that
Configuration establishes Product Options for your site. As part of this step, you can
File modify the Product Options maintained in the file and edit Personal
Options for the workstation.
You can edit Product and Personal Options from within Optim, although
it is a good idea to establish the directories to store work and temporary
files during the configuration process. These directories are personal in
nature and most users specify a directory on their workstation.
Export Registry When you configure the first workstation, you create the Optim
Data Directory, and the Configuration program creates a registry entry that
allows Optim to connect to the Optim Directory from that workstation.
If you are planning to configure one or more additional workstations,
you can export the Optim Directory registry entries and the Product
License information to a file. You can save time by importing this file
when you configure each additional workstation.
8 Optim 7.1
1.1 Conceptual Overview
Run Setup Even if you decide to install Optim on a file server, you can run Setup
before configuring each additional workstation to create application
shortcuts. Next, select the Configure Additional Workstation option
for each workstation.
Import Registry If you exported registry settings to a file when you configured the first
Data workstation, you can import these settings to configure each additional
workstation. However, if you do not choose to export and import Optim
Directory registry data, you must follow the flow in the configuration
process to create a registry entry.
hosting the Server must have connectivity to the database containing the
Optim Directory as well as the database containing data to be processed.
Control Panel When the installation is complete, select Optim from the Windows
Control Panel to configure the Server. You can provide settings unique
to the server, such as the path and executable file name for each
database loader, connection strings for all defined DB Aliases, and
protocols for access to the server.
Merge Current If desired, you can click Merge Current User to copy the Personal
User Options settings from the registry of the current user to the Server
Maintenance Tasks
The Configuration Tasks menu offers a number of commands that allow
you to maintain the Optim environment. Some tasks are also used to
configure the first and additional workstations.
10 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
Software Requirements
Operating System
Client Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Windows 2000 Professional and Server (Service Pack 4)
Windows 2003 Server
SQL Server 7.0, 8.0 (2000), 9.0 (2005). (SQL Server does not run
on any supported UNIX platforms.) Optim requires
ODBC 3.50 or later to access a SQL Server database.
Oracle 8.1.7 (8i), 9.1 (9i), 9.2 (9i), 10.1 (10g), 10.2 (10g)
You can use Optim to move data to the DB2 z/OS 7.1 or 8.1 mainframe
platform, using an Extract File created either with Optim or the
Optim z/OS Solution. (The Optim z/OS Solution cannot process an
Extract File created with Optim.)
Solaris On Solaris SPARC, Oracle versions 10g and later provide both 64-bit
Considerations and 32-bit libraries. The directory for the 32-bit library needs to be on
the shared library load path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH). Optim does not
support the Solaris x86 architecture.
Solaris and HP-UX You must manually edit the Optim environment setup script rt/rtsetenv,
Considerations and change the RTORACLELIB environment variable definition in that
12 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
Hardware Requirements
Optim requires the following hardware:
Virtual Memory Since Windows is a virtual memory operating system, it can access
more memory than actual physical memory. It does this by writing
pages (sections of memory) that are not currently referenced to a “page
file” on disk. When a page is referenced that is not in memory,
Windows loads it back into physical memory. To do this, it must make
room for the page by “swapping” it with another page, which in turn is
written to the page file. Therefore, the more physical RAM a
workstation has, the less swapping needs to be done and performance
improves greatly.
The amount of virtual memory (page file space) required will depend on
the memory usage of all applications, services, and processes that are
running. Having a small amount of physical memory (RAM) means a
slower system since time is spent swapping to and from a page file.
However, having an insufficient amount of disk space allocated for
virtual memory can cause one or more applications or even Windows
itself to hang or terminate, sometimes with disastrous results.
For the 2000 and XP versions of Windows, the disk drives and amount
of disk space reserved for the paging file (virtual memory) can be
limited by user settings that can impact stability. You can view or
change this value. Go to System Properties > Advanced tab >
Performance Settings button > Advanced tab.
When you use the Configuration program to create the Optim Directory
tables and procedures, create a DB Alias, and load the sample tables for
an Oracle database, the user account must have the following
The above permissions cannot be revoked for the user account once the
Optim Directory or DB Alias is created. Oracle packages are run under
the permissions of the user account that created them. If any of the
required permissions are revoked, the packages become invalid when
When you create the packages for the Optim Directory and the Data
Dictionary, you can specify a grant authorization ID. When this ID is
PUBLIC (the default value), all users are able to run Optim. Optionally,
you can specify a user ID or group name to limit access to specific
14 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
SQL Server
In SQL Server, the user must have a LOGIN at the database server level
and a user account for the database instance being accessed. This is true
for both creating and accessing an Optim Directory and a DB Alias.
If shared (global) stored procedures are used for DB Aliases, the user
account used to create the stored procedures must have database owner
privileges (dbo).
When you catalog the procedures for the Optim Directory and the
system tables, you can specify a grant authorization ID. When this ID is
PUBLIC (the default value), all users are able to run Optim. Optionally,
you can specify a user ID or group name to limit access to specific
Sybase ASE
To create the Optim Directory in Sybase ASE, the following must be
2. The Owner ID for the Optim Directory tables must be a valid user
account for the database and must have a LOGIN to the database
server. If desired, you may specify the special Sybase ID of dbo as
the Owner ID of the Optim Directory tables and related stored
Note: The Owner ID may be different from the ID used to
2. The Owner ID for the procedures used to access the system tables
must be a valid user ID for the database and must have a LOGIN to
the database server. If desired, you can specify the special Sybase
ID of dbo as the Owner ID of the stored procedures.
Note: The Owner ID may be different from the ID used to
3. If the Owner ID for the procedures used to access the system tables
does not have the SA role, then the user account must have the
following permission:
When you catalog the procedures for the Optim Directory and the
system tables, you can specify a grant authorization ID. When this ID is
PUBLIC (the default value), all users are able to run Optim. Optionally,
you can specify a user ID or group name to limit access to specific
The Informix utility program, SELNET 32, includes an environment
variable named IFX_AUTO_FREE. This variable must not be set. If
the IFX_AUTO_FREE variable has a value, the Optim Configuration
program fails during the creation of the Optim Directory with the error, -
481 SQL State 37000 Invalid Statement Name. To avoid or correct the
error, ensure that the IFX_AUTO_FREE variable is not set.
16 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
In some cases, however, Informix requires that the user account used to
create the stored procedures (or tables) match the stored procedure
qualifier (or table owner ID). This is true even if the user account has
DBA privilege. This rule also applies when creating the sample tables
or data privacy tables, since a GRANT is issued as part of the creation
When you catalog procedures for the Optim Directory and the system
tables, you can specify a grant authorization ID. When this ID is
PUBLIC (the default value), all users are able to run Optim. Optionally,
you can specify a user ID or group name to limit access to specific
The DB2 LUW interface used to validate a user account uses restricted
APIs. DB2 LUW for Windows 2000 (or above) provides a Windows
Service called DB2 Security Server (db2sec.exe). This program must
be started on any machine (client or server) on which a user account
must be validated. For client machines, this service is necessary only if
any connected instance requires client authentication. During
installation of a DB2 LUW product, this service is registered with
Windows. It is removed during uninstall.
You can stop the service manually using the Service dialog or you can
enter the following command at the Command Line Interface:
If you want to start the service manually at system startup, use the
Service dialog in the Windows Control Panel to change the service
startup options.
Any version of the DB2 LUW client can connect to a version of the
DB2 LUW database that is one version lower or two versions higher.
To create and load the sample tables or data privacy tables, the
following authorizations are needed:
When the plans are bound for the Optim Directory and the System
Catalog, you can specify a grant authorization ID. When this ID is
PUBLIC (the default value), all users will be able to run Optim.
18 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
DB2 z/OS
To create a DB Alias for DB2 z/OS, the following authorizations are
To create and load the sample tables or data privacy tables for DB2
z/OS, you will need the following authorizations:
• Increase quotas
You must access the Local Security Policy to grant these privileges to
the user. You can access the Local Security Policy as follows.
1. From the Control Panel, access the Local Security Policy applet:
Administrator Tools > Local Security Policy
2. From the Local Security Policy window, select the menu entry:
3. On the User Rights Policy window, select the following entry in the
left pane:
Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignments
4. Repeat the following steps for each of the five privileges listed
• Select a privilege from the right pane of the Local Security
Settings window.
• If the user (or group) is not already listed in the Assign To list
box, select the Add button to add the user (or group) to the list.
• Ensure that the Local Policy Setting check box is checked for
the user (or group).
5. Select the OK button to apply the changes and close the Local
Security Policy Setting window.
UNIX Server
For UNIX, Super-User Server credentials are required to change the
effective user ID and group ID. During startup, if the filelogon
parameter is set to client or server, the effective user ID that started the
daemon must be a Super-User (zero).
20 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
Optim uses the Unicode character set in dialogs and to process data.
Oracle AL16UTF16
22 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
Informix 1252
Directories The names of all directories and files referenced by, generated, or used
and Files with Optim must consist of ASCII characters. This requirement applies
to the installation directories for Optim, as well as the Optim directories
(e.g., Temporary Work Directory, Data Directory, and other directories
that are identified in Personal and Product Options or when configuring
the Server).
All text files generated by Optim are in Unicode format and you can edit
them with a Unicode-compatible text editor such as Microsoft NotePad.
Optim recognizes Byte Order Mark headers in externally generated files
and the following encodings:
• UTF-8
• UTF-16
• UTF-32
• Multi-byte
Also, note that you cannot compare Archive Files created before
Archive for Servers version 6.0 with files created using a current
version of Optim, although you can convert early Archive Files and
compare data in the resulting Extract Files. In addition, Report Files
created with earlier versions of Optim are not accessible using version
Optim Server Every locale (or its translation) that the Server is required to handle
must reside on the Server machine. In other words, the Server must
have access to the locale of the delegating workstation. A utility,
pr0locl.exe, is provided to tell you the locales that are installed on a
machine and the locales with which it is compatible. As an example of
the output in a Windows environment, see the following:
Optim Directories Optim supports storing data in single-byte (ASCII), Unicode, and multi-
and DB Aliases byte character sets. The default character set is single-byte. When you
create an Optim Directory or DB Alias using a database for which
Optim supports Unicode or multi-byte characters, you are prompted to
indicate the character format used for storing data. To use DB Aliases
with different character sets, the Optim Directory must be in Unicode
format. If you indicate that the DB Alias for the Optim Directory
database should share connection information with the Optim Directory,
the DB Alias must use the same character set as the Directory.
Unicode Support
The Optim Directory and DB Aliases can be configured to support
universal character encoding (Unicode), if character data in your
Unicode-enabled database is kept in Unicode format.
Optim supports the Unicode character set for Oracle, Sybase ASE,
Microsoft SQL Server, DB2 LUW, and DB2 z/OS databases.
24 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
Note: Using char semantics from Oracle Unicode Servers for char
type columns (longer than 500) and varchar2 type columns
(longer than 1000) is not supported in this release.
To prevent any loss of data, the character set used by the database client
must be compatible with that of the database server.
• Version 8i Oracle clients. For release 8i, the character set for the
Oracle client is set in the NLS_LANG environment variable, for
2. If the database server does not use a Unicode character set, the
client cannot use one either. The DB Alias for the database
must not be configured for Unicode data.
• Version 9.0 and later Oracle clients. For releases 9.0 and later, the
character set for the Oracle client is set in the NLS_LANG
environment variable, for example:
Microsoft SQL Because SQL Server does not differentiate on the basis of Unicode
Server characteristics, you need not indicate whether an SQL Server Optim
Directory or DB Alias is kept in Unicode format. However, the
following rules apply:
26 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
Sybase ASE To prevent any loss of data, the character set used by the Sybase ASE
database client must be compatible with that of the database server.
Optim enforces this requirement as follows:
DB2 LUW To prevent any loss of data, the character set used by the DB2 LUW
database client must be compatible with that of the database server.
Optim enforces this requirement as follows:
During Load Processing, you can use only one connection, either
Unicode or non-Unicode. You must exit Optim before switching
between a Unicode or non-Unicode connection.
28 Optim 7.1
1.2 Planning for Installation and Configuration
Option (on the Database tab) that determine how to handle round trip
conversion issues when processing data in a multi-byte database.
To prevent any loss of data, the character set used by the database client
must be compatible with that of the database server. Optim enforces
this requirement as follows:
The Optim CD includes several utilities that help you troubleshoot your
installation and configuration activities. You run these utilities from the
Command Line Interface.
If the image is not in the current directory, then it must be fully qualified
with the proper path information. This utility can be used to determine
which DLL could not be loaded when the following Optim System error
30 Optim 7.1
1.3 Troubleshooting Your Installation
32 Optim 7.1
1.3 Troubleshooting Your Installation
For example, to dump the main Toolbox process if that is the one that is
hanging, perform the following steps:
The program will take about 10 or 20 seconds to produce the dump file.
A dump file will be created in the current directory (unless you specified
a target dump file name) with a name similar to PR0TOOL.DMP.
34 Optim 7.1
2. Installation Setup
Installing Optim takes only a few minutes. The Setup program guides
you through the installation process. When Setup completes, use the
Configuration program to prepare your workstations to use Optim.
Note: You can find information needed to install and configure the
Optim Server (Server) feature of Optim on a machine using the
Solaris operating environment, under SPARC; the HP-UX
operating environment; the AIX operating environment; or
Red Hat Application Server in Appendix A. Install and
Configure the Server under UNIX or Linux.
Installing from You can copy the contents of the Optim CD to a network drive and then
a Network Drive run the Setup program from the network drive. To copy to a network
1. From the Start Menu, select Run. In the Run window, enter
CMD.EXE and click OK.
2. If a Full Screen MS-DOS session appears, press Alt+Enter to
convert the session into an MS-DOS Window. (If an MS-DOS
window appears, go to the next step.)
3. Using the mouse, select the C:> icon on the top left corner of the
MS-DOS window to display its System Menu.
4. On the System Menu, select Properties. On the Properties window
make sure that the Window radio button is selected on the Options
tab page. Select OK to save the change.
5. On the Apply Properties window, select the Save properties for
future windows with the same title radio button. Select OK to save
the change.
36 Optim 7.1
2.1 Run Setup
Command Buttons After you read and accept the License Agreement, select Accept to
indicate that your company agrees to its provisions. You must click
Next to continue installing Optim. Other command buttons:
38 Optim 7.1
2.1 Run Setup
Install this In the lower portion of the dialog, indicate whether you would like the
application for workstation to share the Personal Options and other information in the
same registry or use a separate registry for each user. Click Anyone
who uses this computer (all users) to share the registry information, or
click Only for me to allow each user to have a private copy of the
registry information.
The Setup Type dialog prompts you to perform a full install of Optim or
to set up registry entries and shortcuts only.
40 Optim 7.1
2.1 Run Setup
Browse. . . Opens the Choose Folder dialog where you can select
a different folder for installing Optim.
Optim Select Optim to install the product and the online help files.
Optim Online Select Optim Online Documentation to install the Introductions, User
Documentation Manuals, Installation and Configuration Guide, Optim Basic Manual,
and Common Elements Manual in PDF format. Additionally, the latest
release notice and revision history is included.
Optim Archive Select Optim Archive ODBC Interface to install version 3.51 of the
ODBC Interface Open Data Base Connectivity (ODBC) Application Programming
Interface (API). Selecting this component registers the Optim ODBC
Interface driver with ODBC on your workstation.
42 Optim 7.1
2.1 Run Setup
Optim ODM Select Optim ODM Interface to install Open Data Manager (ODM),
Interface which is typically used with integrated applications, such as Optim
Oracle E-Business Suite Solution. ODM requires a product license. If
you select this option, see Appendix F. Open Data Manager for ODM
installation instructions.
Sample Files Select Sample Files to install sample Extract, Visual Basic, and Column
Map Exit files (see Appendix H. Samples for further information).
5.x PST Directory 5.x PST Directory Conversion is selected by default to install files
Conversion required for converting PST Directory objects created using version 5.x
into a format suitable for use with Optim version 6.0 and later. See G.1
Conversion Process for 5.x Optim Directories on page 567 for details.
Clear the check box unless you are upgrading from an earlier version of
Note: If the specified Program Folder does not exist, Setup creates
the folder as part of the installation process.
44 Optim 7.1
2.1 Run Setup
The Start Copying Files dialog displays settings for the current
installation. The dialog allows you to review settings before beginning
the installation.
2.1.8 Installation
Setup shuts down any component of Optim that is running and, during
the installation, displays a progress bar to monitor the process. When
the files are copied, Setup prompts you to install icons on your desktop.
Click Yes to create the desktop icons, or click No to skip this step.
Either choice opens the Setup Complete dialog.
– The Sign Optim Exit dialog allows you to sign the default exit
supplied with Optim or a custom, user-supplied exit of your
own creation, as described in 3.5 The Sign Optim Exit Dialog
on page 56. You must sign the default exit or a user-supplied
exit to continue with the Configuration process and use Optim.
46 Optim 7.1
2.3 Configuration Overview
48 Optim 7.1
3. Signing an Optim Exit
The default exit is intended for clients who do not need to use a user-
supplied exit, although it may also be used temporarily until you create
your own, customized exit. If you use the default exit, Optim user
security functions as it did prior to release 6.5.
Note: A user-supplied exit may also be used for other functions, such
as managing user accounts, monitoring user activity, forcing
inactive sessions to timeout, auditing product use, and
overriding user authorization credentials.
Regardless of the exit you use (i.e., the default exit or your own exit),
you must “sign” that exit before you can use Optim. After the exit is
signed, Optim will invoke the exit at initialization and call it at various
“exit points” in the program to determine whether Optim should
continue with what it was about to do. An exit point is a point within a
program at which an exit routine can take control to do some external
function. The exit allows you to:
• Ensure that the user’s request meets your company standards, and
Optim will call the exit at each exit point to verify that the user’s request
meets your company standards, such as verifying that the user has
permission to run a given executable. The first exit point occurs when
the user launches Optim. If you use the exit to provide external security,
that exit point determines whether the user has permission to access the
product. If the user has the appropriate permissions, the user can
continue; if not, Optim will terminate the user’s session after displaying
an appropriate error message. (See the Optim Initialization Exit
Programmer’s Guide for a complete list of the Optim exit points.)
Beginning with Optim release 6.5, a “signed” exit must exist to use
Optim, whether the exit is the Optim default exit or a user-supplied exit.
To sign an exit, you must enter the “company credentials” supplied to
your organization when you received Optim. Your company credentials
consist of your Optim-supplied company ID, Name, and Password. The
Optim setup process will automatically request these credentials during
installation, so you can sign an exit.
Note: If you have write access to the Optim bin directory and you
have the appropriate company credentials, you can change
from one exit to another at any time following installation by
signing a new exit. You can change from using the default exit
to a user-supplied exit (or vice versa), or you can change from
one user-supplied exit to another. (If you are switching to user-
supplied exit, you must compile, link, and copy that exit to the
bin directory before you can sign it.)
• In a UNIX environment, you can only sign the default exit during
installation (i.e., during the Optim Setup program). If you want to
sign a user-supplied exit, you must run an opmusign script file
50 Optim 7.1
3.1 Writing Your Own Exit
• the person signing the default exit is authorized to make the decision
to use that exit, as opposed to a user-supplied exit. This is important
because the default exit returns a “continue” code at every exit point.
Thus, if the default exit was delivered signed, it would bypass any
security checks and additional functionality included your user-
supplied exit (assuming you already created one).
After you create an exit, you must compile, link, and copy the exit to the
bin directory in which Optim is installed, before you can sign it. The
same is true when you modify an exit. If a signed exit does not exist,
you cannot use Optim. (See the Optim Initialization Exit
Programmer’s Guide for more information on creating a user-supplied
• The exit load linked module name must be appropriate for your
platform, as shown below:
Windows opmexit.dll
• You must copy the exit file to the bin directory before you run the
Configuration program in Windows.
• The exit file must exist in the bin directory and be signed on every
Optim installation. Thus, each time you install Optim in a directory,
a signed exit must exist in the bin directory.
Signing Required Unlike the Optim Security feature, which you must initialize once per
After Each Install Optim Directory, you must sign an exit each time you install Optim on a
machine. Moreover, when you upgrade to a new Optim release, you
must sign a valid exit for each Optim installation, before you can use
Optim. (If you install a new version of Optim over a previous version,
you have to re-copy your exit into the bin directory and resign it, or sign
the default exit.) The same is true if you reinstall Optim.
52 Optim 7.1
3.3 Signing an Exit in Windows
In Windows, you can use the Configuration program to sign either the
default exit or a user-supplied exit, although you may also use the
pr0sign program to sign either exit.
Note: To use Optim, you must sign an exit for each installation of
Optim on a Windows workstation or server. This is also true if
you installed multiple copies of Optim on a single machine.
Moreover, if you copy a signed exit from one installation to
another, you must sign the exit again at the target installation.
Signing an Exit To sign an exit in Windows, you must run the Optim Configuration
during program. You also must run the Configuration program to switch from
using the default exit to a user-supplied exit (or vice versa).
When you install Optim, you can launch the Configuration program
and display the dialog used to sign an exit by selecting the Launch
Optim configuration check box on the Install Complete dialog, as
described in 2.2 Installation Complete on page 46.
If you want to sign a user-supplied exit, you must compile and create the
load library opmexit.dll. You must then copy the DLL to the rt/bin
directory before you run the Configuration program.
Each time you execute the Configuration program, it checks for the
existence of a signed exit. If one is not found, the Sign Optim Exit
dialog displays, and you must sign either the default Optim exit or a
user-supplied exit to use Optim. (See 3.5 The Sign Optim Exit Dialog
on page 56 for further information.)
Note: If you did not previously provide a company Name and ID, the
Specify Company Name dialog will appear before the Sign
Optim Exit dialog. See 3.6 Specifying a Company Name
and ID on page 60 for more information.
54 Optim 7.1
3.4 Changing a Signed Optim Exit
After you sign an exit, you can sign a different exit or switch between
the default exit and a user-supplied exit by selecting Options > Sign
Optim Exit from the Configuration main window.
Selecting this option displays the Sign Optim Exit dialog, described in
3.5 The Sign Optim Exit Dialog on page 56.
Optim will automatically display the Sign Optim Exit dialog anytime
you execute the Configuration program if a signed exit does not exist.
(You also can manually display that dialog by selecting Options > Sign
Optim Exit from the Configuration main window.)
Use this option to leave the currently signed exit in place. You must
have permission to execute the Configuration program to use this
option. This option is available only if an exit was previously signed,
in which case the word Valid will appear to the right of this option,
under State.
If you select this option, the Password field is disabled and clicking
OK or Cancel has the same effect (i.e., the existing exit remains in
56 Optim 7.1
3.5 The Sign Optim Exit Dialog
Signing the default exit will overlay any previously signed exit. If
you are replacing a user-supplied exit, you must have permission in
that exit to sign the new exit.
Before you sign a user-supplied exit, you must copy it to the rt/bin
directory where you installed Optim. This step will overlay any
previously signed exit, rendering Optim unusable until you sign the
new exit.
This display-only entry identifies the current state of your exit.
Code Meaning
Unsigned A signed exit does not exist or was not found. This
is the standard status after the initial installation of
an Optim release. You must sign a valid exit to use
Corrupt The existing, signed exit was not the one expected
by Optim. The two most common reasons for this
status are:
Not Authorized The current user does not have permission to access
the Configuration program, so Optim will
terminate the user’s session after displaying an
appropriate error message. If the user requires
access to the Configuration program, contact your
Optim Administrator to have the user’s access
permissions changed.
Company Information
There are three items listed under this heading: company Name, ID, and
Password. Each company is assigned a unique company Name, ID,
and Password when it receives Optim. These entries are your company
credentials for accessing Optim.
Optim will automatically display the company name assigned to your
organization here. (Your Optim-supplied name may not match the
spelling or punctuation used in your company’s actual name.) You
cannot change this entry.
Optim will automatically display the company ID assigned to your
organization here. You cannot change this entry.
58 Optim 7.1
3.5 The Sign Optim Exit Dialog
You must specify the Password assigned to your company to sign any
exit, whether it be the Optim default exit or a user-supplied exit. This
entry is case sensitive, and you must enter it in the format provided to
you when you received Optim.
This entry is required, unless you selected the Leave the Currently
Signed Exit Intact option.
Click OK to sign After you specify your company password to sign an exit, click OK to
the selected Exit complete the signing process and close the Sign Optim Exit dialog.
Note: You must sign a valid exit to use Optim. If you click Cancel,
instead of OK, and a signed exit does not already exist, Optim
will display a warning message and the Configuration
program will terminate.
If this dialog displays, you must specify your company Name and ID
and click OK to proceed with the signing process. Both entries are case
sensitive, and you must enter both entries in the format provided to you
when you received Optim.
60 Optim 7.1
4. Configuration Window and Menus
This chapter describes the main window for the Optim Configuration
program and certain general configuration functions. The principal
configuration tasks are described in the following chapters.
Note: Before you do any configuration functions, you must sign the
Optim default exit or a user-supplied exit of your own creation.
You cannot continue with the Configuration process or use
Optim until you sign a valid exit using the Sign Optim Exit
dialog, as described in Chapter 3. Signing an Optim Exit
DBMS Terms Optim supports several database management systems. Terms used in a
configuration dialog reflect the DBMS for the database that is being
configured. For example, for an Oracle database, a configuration dialog
may refer to Packages used to access database tables. However, for a
Sybase ASE or SQL Server database, the same dialog refers to
Procedures, and for a DB2 database it refers to Plans. Varying terms
are noted in the discussion of a dialog.
62 Optim 7.1
4.1 Main Window and Menus
4.1.2 Menus
File Menu The File menu in the main window lists commands to view or edit
information regarding the Optim Directory, convert Optim Directory
objects when upgrading, or exit the Configuration program. In
addition, you can select commands to export or import registry data for
a particular Optim Directory.
64 Optim 7.1
4.1 Main Window and Menus
Tasks Menu Select commands from the Tasks menu to configure and maintain the
Optim environment. You can choose to perform these tasks at any time.
66 Optim 7.1
4.1 Main Window and Menus
Update DBMS Use this task when the database for the Optim
Version for an Optim Directory has been upgraded to a new
Directory version.
Create Copies of DB2 Use this task to copy DB2 z/OS relationships
z/OS Relationships into the Optim Directory, which reduces the
run time when accessing DB2 z/OS tables.
Note: Many basic tasks are also available when you select
Configuration Assistant from the Help menu. See 4.1.4
Configuration Assistant for details.
Options Menu Use the Options menu to edit or view license or company name
information, sign a user exit, customize the toolbar, and view or hide the
68 Optim 7.1
4.1 Main Window and Menus
toolbar or status bar by selecting either command from the menu. Select
any of the following commands:
Sign Optim Exit Select this option to display the Sign Optim Exit
dialog to sign and activate a new exit, whether it is
the Optim default exit or a user-supplied exit.
Help Menu Use the Help menu to access online help information or to select the
Configuration Assistant. In addition, if you have internet access, you
can connect directly to the IBM Web site.
(A check mark indicates the toolbar or status bar is selected for display.)
The Processing Log lists the actions performed during the configuration
process or when you select any command on the Tasks menu.
Use this log to review the actions in the configuration process and
determine if additional action is required. The Processing Log shows
the following.
• The sample tables, Optim objects, and data privacy data tables loaded
or dropped.
Note: To keep processing steps in view, you can move the Processing
Log window without regard to other open windows.
70 Optim 7.1
4.1 Main Window and Menus
• You can select individual configuration options from the Tasks menu
in the Configuration program.
After you install Optim, you are prompted to configure the first
workstation. Choosing to continue starts the Configuration Assistant.
If you choose not to configure immediately after installing the software,
you can select Configure First Workstation from the Tasks menu or
select Configuration Assistant from the Help menu.
Configuration Assistant
The Configuration Assistant presents a series of dialogs to guide you
through each step in the configuration process. During the process, you
72 Optim 7.1
4.1 Main Window and Menus
• To perform a task, select the check box and click Proceed to open the
first dialog for the task.
• To skip a task, clear the check box and click Proceed to open the next
Configuration Assistant dialog.
4.1.5 Dialogs
Proceed Perform any tasks initiated by the current dialog using the
information provided, close the dialog, and open the next
dialog in sequence.
Undo Restore the dialog to its initial status. This button is not
present in every dialog.
DBMS Terms Optim supports several database management systems. Terms used in a
configuration dialog reflect the DBMS for the database that is being
configured. For example, when configuring an Oracle database, a
configuration dialog refers to Packages to access database tables.
However, when configuring a Sybase ASE or SQL Server database, the
same dialog refers to Procedures, and for a DB2 database it refers to
Plans. Varying terms are noted in the discussion of a dialog. In some
instances, a particular DBMS may require a unique dialog. When this
happens, both the common dialog and the DBMS-unique dialog are
illustrated and discussed.
74 Optim 7.1
4.1 Main Window and Menus
If you select Display SQL and click Proceed, the Browse SQL dialog
opens, as illustrated in the following figure.
• To display the next DDL statement, select the Display SQL check
box (may be checked when the dialog opens).
76 Optim 7.1
5. Configure Workstations
Tasks Menu Use the Configuration Assistant or commands from the Tasks menu to
configure the Optim environment. You can choose to perform these
tasks at any time.
Note: Before you configure the first workstation and any additional
workstations, you must sign the Optim default exit or a user-
supplied exit of your own creation. You cannot continue with
the Configuration process or use Optim until you sign a valid
exit using the Sign Optim Exit dialog, as described in
Chapter 3. Signing an Optim Exit.
The first time you start the Configuration program after installing
Optim, you are prompted to provide the Product License Key.
To create an Optim Directory, you must provide the Directory name, the
database instance in which the Directory resides, and the information
needed to connect to the database. After creating the Optim Directory
78 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
Specify Optim The first step in creating an Optim Directory is to name it. Use the
Directory Specify Optim Directory dialog to name or select the Optim Directory.
Specify Optim Before you can create Optim Directory tables, the database instance for
Directory DBMS the Optim Directory must exist; that is, it must be configured under a
database management system. To create an Optim Directory, you must
identify the DBMS type and version on the Specify Optim Directory
DBMS dialog.
DBMS Specifications Optim Enter text to explain the purpose of the Optim
Directory Directory (up to 40 characters). The description is
Description especially valuable if you have multiple Optim
80 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
Specify Character Character data such as object names and primary keys are stored in the
Set of Optim Optim Directory in one of these formats: ASCII, Unicode, or multi-
byte. Choose the option that corresponds to the character set of the
database for the Optim Directory.
Select the option and click Proceed to open the next dialog.
Connect to The Configuration program must connect to the database to create the
Database Optim Directory tables and packages, plans, or procedures. To enable
this connection, you must provide a valid User ID, Password, and
Connection String.
The User ID must have the DBMS privilege to create the tables and to
catalog the packages, plans, or procedures under the appropriate table
identifier (Creator ID, Schema Name, or Owner ID) during the
82 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
Note: If you are creating a new Optim Directory and specify a User
ID associated with another Directory in the database, the
following pop-up dialog informs you that another ID must be
specified for the Optim Directory tables schema name.
Create Optim After the workstation is connected to the database, you can create the
Directory Tables Optim Directory. The Configuration program names the tables
automatically, but you can specify the identifier (Creator ID, Owner
ID, or Schema Name) and the database tablespace for each table.
Directory Table Schema Name Enter an identifier for the Optim Directory
Specifications tables. The label is Creator ID when creating
the Optim Directory for a DB2 database,
Schema Name for an Oracle database, and
Owner ID for a Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase
ASE, or Informix database.
Tablespace Grid Directory Table The names of the Optim Directory tables.
84 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
Create/Drop After the Optim Directory tables are created, the Configuration
Packages program automatically creates the packages, plans, or procedures used
to access them. If you are creating the Optim Directory in an Oracle
database the Create/Drop Packages dialog is displayed.
If you are using SQL Server, Sybase ASE, or Informix, the same general
dialog is displayed as Create/Drop Stored Procedures. However, if
DB2 LUW is the DBMS for the Optim Directory, the Configuration
program displays the Bind/Drop Plans dialog, shown and described in
Bind/Drop Plans.
Tables Description of the tables for which packages (plans) or procedures are
being created.
Package Create/Refresh Option to create new or refresh existing Optim
Specifications Directory packages (plans) or procedures. This
option is always available when creating an Optim
Directory and is the default selection when the
dialog opens.
86 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
Bind/Drop Plans When creating an Optim Directory in a DB2 database, the configuration
process prompts for authorization information using the Bind/Drop
Plans dialog.
Always Display Output Select this check box to open the Browse
File dialog to review any errors, warnings,
and information regarding the bind.
Note: If problems or a failure occurs
during the bind, the Browse File
dialog opens whether or not you
select Always Display Output.
Specify Character If you are creating an Optim Directory in a DBMS for which Optim
Set of Optim supports Unicode and multi-byte, you are prompted to indicate the
Directory Data format in which the Directory should store data: single-byte, Unicode,
or multi-byte.
88 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
Note: The character sets of the DBMS client and the database server
must match your selection.
Information on If you select Unicode format in the Specify Character Set of Optim
Unicode Format Directory Data dialog, you are prompted to acknowledge the following
DBMS character set requirements for Unicode:
• Both the DBMS client and database character sets must be Unicode.
• The Optim Directory must be in Unicode format if it includes DB
Aliases for databases of different character sets (a combination of
single-byte, Unicode, or multi-byte).
90 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
Information on If you select multi-byte format in the Specify Character Set of Optim
Multi-byte Format Directory Data dialog, you are prompted to acknowledge the following
DBMS character set requirements for multi-byte:
• Both the DBMS client and database must have the same supported
multi-byte character set.
• An Optim Directory in multi-byte format supports multi-byte DB
Aliases only.
Round Trip Issues After you acknowledge the DBMS character set requirements for an
with Multi-byte Optim Directory in multi-byte format, you are prompted to
acknowledge multi-byte round trip conversion issues.
Optim uses the Unicode character set in dialogs and to process data. In
some multi-byte character sets (such as Oracle JA16SJIS), multiple
characters are mapped to the same Unicode character. When these
characters are converted from Unicode back to multi-byte (a round trip),
the original character may not be returned.
Optim provides a Product Option (on the Database tab) and a Personal
Option (on the Database tab) that determine how to handle round trip
conversion issues when processing data in a multi-byte database.
92 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
Connect to The name of the Optim Directory is displayed and the Connect to
Database Database dialog is populated with values entered when you created the
Optim Directory.
Optim Directory Name of the Optim Directory to which the registry entry applies.
Database Connection User ID Enter the User ID (up to 30 characters) that the
Parameters DBMS requires to allow access to the Optim
Directory database instance.
This completes the process of creating the Optim Directory for the first
workstation. In the next phase of the process, you create DB Aliases
that allow Optim to access each database.
The next step in the process to configure the first workstation involves
creating a DB Alias for each database and creating the packages, plans,
or procedures to access tables in those databases. The Configuration
program prompts you to:
94 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
• Create Optim Primary Keys for tables that have unique indexes, if
DBMS primary keys have not been created.
• Create and load the data privacy data tables, if you have an Optim
Data Privacy License.
Create DB Alias? After you create the Optim Directory, you are prompted to create a DB
Alias for the database in which it resides.
If you plan to access tables (in addition to Optim Directory tables) in the
same database, select the check box to Create/Select DB Alias for this
Database. (After creating the DB Alias you are prompted to share
connection information for the DB Alias and the Optim Directory.) If
you want to create a DB Alias for a different database, clear the check
Create/Select Use the Create/Select DB Alias dialog to create and name a single new
DB Alias DB Alias, create multiple new DB Aliases for a single server, or modify
an existing DB Alias.
DB Alias Create New Select this option to create a new DB Alias. You must
Specifications provide a name for the DB Alias.
96 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
Specify DB Alias You can provide a description to distinguish a new DB Alias from other
DBMS DB Aliases. The configuration process displays the Specify DB Alias
DBMS dialog.
98 Optim 7.1
5.1 Configure the First Workstation
DB Alias The previously entered name for the DB Alias for which packages
(plans) or procedures are being created.
Tables Type of tables (Data Dictionary, Catalog Tables, or System Tables,
depending upon the DBMS) for which packages (plans) or procedures
are being created.
Stored Procedure Create/Refresh Select this option to create new or refresh existing
Specifications packages, plans, or procedures. This option is
always available when creating a new DB Alias
and is the default selection when the dialog opens.
Use One Copy This check box is displayed for Sybase ASE and
for all Databases SQL Server only. Select the check box to use
on this Server common stored procedures for databases on a
single server. For Sybase ASE, stored procedures
are stored in the special Sybase ASE database
sybsysprocs. For SQL Server, stored procedures
are stored in the MASTER database.
Note: Microsoft SQL Server documentation
includes a caution regarding the creation
of stored procedures in the MASTER
database. Consider the implications of
sharing stored procedures for SQL Server
before proceeding.
Display SQL Select this check box to display SQL statements before creating or
dropping packages (plans) or procedures.
Always Require You can choose to require a password on the initial connection to the
a Password database for each session.
If you select this option, a user of Optim must provide a password at the
beginning of each session. Once you select this option, you cannot
change it. To continue, click Proceed.
Share Connection If you wish to conserve the number of database connections and the new
Information DB Alias represents the database in which the Optim Directory resides,
you may want to use only one connection for accessing both the Optim
Directory and the data in the database. For this reason, the
Configuration program displays the Share Connection Information
for Current Database dialog after creating the packages, plans, or
Keep Character If you are creating an Optim Directory in a DBMS for which Optim
Data in Unicode supports Unicode but not multi-byte, you are prompted to indicate
Format whether the DB Alias data is kept in Unicode format.
Specify Character If Optim supports Unicode and multi-byte for the DB Alias DBMS, you
Set of DB Alias are prompted to indicate the format in which the DB Alias should store
data: single-byte, Unicode, or multi-byte.
Note: The character sets of the DBMS client and the database server
must match your selection.
Information on If you select Unicode format in the Specify Character Set of DB Alias
Unicode Format Data dialog, you are prompted to acknowledge that the DBMS client
and database character sets must be Unicode.
Round Trip Issues After you acknowledge the DBMS character set requirements for a DB
with Multi-byte Alias in multi-byte format, or if the Optim Directory is in multi-byte
Format for a DBA
format, you are prompted to acknowledge multi-byte round trip
conversion issues.
Optim uses the Unicode character set in dialogs and to process data. In
some multi-byte character sets (such as Oracle JA16SJIS), multiple
characters are mapped to the same Unicode character. When these
characters are converted from Unicode back to multi-byte (a round trip),
the original character may not be returned.
Optim provides a Product Option (on the Database tab) and a Personal
Option (on the Database tab) that determine how to handle round trip
conversion issues when processing data in a multi-byte database.
Register DB Alias
The Configuration program creates a registry entry for subsequent
access to the database. Unless the connection is shared with the Optim
Directory, you must provide, on the Connect to Database dialog,
information needed for this registry entry.
Connect to When the Connect to Database dialog opens, User ID, Password, and
Database Connection String are populated with any previously entered values.
Always Ask Select this check box to require a password each time
for Password you connect to the database. If you clear this check
box, you need not supply a password on future
attempts to connect to the database.
This completes the steps for creating the DB Aliases. Next, you create
Optim Primary Keys for databases you want to use with Optim.
Use the Create Primary Keys dialog to confirm the DB Alias for the
database tables that require Optim Primary Keys.
Select Tables The Select Tables dialog allows you to select tables for creating Optim
Primary Keys.
When the process completes, you are prompted to load the sample
database tables.
Load/Drop Sample The Load/Drop Sample Tables dialog allows you to provide the
Tables identifier (Creator ID, Schema, or Owner ID) and tablespace for the
sample tables before they are loaded.
DB Alias DB Alias for sample tables. If you do not want to load sample tables
for this DB Alias, click Skip.
Load/Refresh Sample Select this option to load or refresh sample tables. This option is
Tables available and selected when Load/Drop Sample Table opens.
Drop Sample Tables Select this option to drop previously loaded sample tables. This option
is unavailable when not applicable, such as when you are initially
loading those tables.
Sample Table Schema Name Enter an identifier for the sample tables. This
Specifications element is labeled Creator ID for DB2, Schema
Name for Oracle, and Owner ID for an SQL Server,
Sybase ASE, or Informix database.
Drop Tables The Drop Tables dialog allows you to review a list of the sample tables
that are to be dropped within the selected DB Alias.
Use the Drop Tables dialog to ensure that the names of the sample
tables do not conflict with your other table names. If there are conflicts,
click Cancel; otherwise, click OK.
During the process that drops sample tables and loads/refreshes sample
tables, the Configuration program displays the Insert Request
Progress dialog.
Data privacy tables allow you to mask company and personal data —
such as employee names, customer names, social security numbers,
credit card numbers, and e-mail addresses — to generate transformed
data that is both valid and unique. Generally, these data privacy tables
are loaded when you configure the first workstation, but you also can
load or refresh them by selecting Load/Drop Data Privacy Data from
the Tasks menu.
Load/Drop Data The Load/Drop Data Privacy Tables dialog allows you to provide the
Privacy Tables identifier (Creator ID, Schema, or Owner ID) and tablespace for the
data privacy tables before they are loaded.
DB Alias DB Alias for the data privacy tables. If you do not want to load data
privacy tables for this DB Alias, click Skip.
Load/Refresh DP Select this option to load or refresh data privacy tables. This option is
Tables available and selected when Load/Drop Data Privacy Table opens.
Drop DP Tables Select this option to drop previously loaded data privacy tables. This
option is unavailable when not applicable, such as when you are
initially loading those tables.
Table Specifications Schema Name Enter an identifier for the data privacy tables. This
element is labeled Creator ID for DB2, Schema
Name for Oracle, and Owner ID for an SQL Server,
Sybase ASE, or Informix database.
Note: If you are loading or refreshing the data privacy tables, click
Proceed to open the Drop Tables dialog.
Drop Tables The Drop Tables dialog allows you to review the list of the data privacy
tables that are to be dropped within the selected DB Alias.
Use the Drop Tables dialog to ensure that the names of the data privacy
tables do not conflict with your other table names. If there are conflicts,
click Cancel and specify a different schema name for the tables;
otherwise, click OK.
During the process that drops data privacy tables and loads/refreshes
tables, the Configuration program displays the Insert Request
Progress dialog.
Create/Update At this point, the steps for creating a new DB Alias are complete. To
Another DB Alias use Optim with additional databases, you must create corresponding DB
Aliases. After you load the sample tables and the data privacy tables,
the Configuration program prompts you to create another DB Alias.
Your positive response opens the Create/Select DB Alias dialog to
repeat the configuration process for another database.
Note: If the DB Alias you created is for a DB2 z/OS database, the
Create Copies of DB2 MVS Relationships dialog displays,
instead of the prompt to create another DB Alias. That dialog
allows you to copy the DB2 relationships into the Optim
Directory to reduce the run time when accessing DB2 tables, as
described in 7.14 Create Copies of DB2 z/OS Relationships
on page 235. After that task is completed, the Configuration
program will prompt you to create another DB Alias, as
indicated above.
After all DB Aliases are created, you can configure Personal and
Product Options. Refer to 5.1.5 Configure Options.
Although you can select the option to Create New and follow the steps
for each database, the option to Create/Select Multiple saves time by
allowing you to set specifications for each database at the same time.
Note: For SQL Server, the User ID must have database owner (dbo)
privileges to create or select multiple DB Aliases.
For Sybase ASE and SQL Server, you are prompted to share a single
copy of the stored procedures.
If you select the check box to share stored procedures, you are prompted
to convert existing DB Aliases to use the shared procedures.
Click proceed to open the Create Multiple DB Aliases dialog and enter
the database information.
Databases Tab The Databases tab on the Create Multiple DB Aliases dialog allows
you to provide explicit information for each DB Alias.
Sel Select the check box to create a DB Alias for the database. If you do not
want to create a DB Alias, clear the check box. This grid column is
locked in position, so you can scroll to the left or right and still see the
selections for the databases.
Saved Password The password (up to 30 characters) required to logon using the DB
Alias. If blank, the entry on the Saved Logon Defaults tab is used.
Note: You can change the Saved User ID and Saved Password
when you configure options and when you set Personal
Always Ask for Select this check box to require a password each time you connect to the
Password database. If you clear this check box, you need not supply a password
on future attempts to connect to the database.
Create Primary Select this check box to create primary keys, as needed, for the
Keys database.
To create primary keys from within the Configuration program, select
Create Primary Keys from the Tasks menu on the main window.
To create primary keys from within Optim, select New from the File
menu and select Primary Keys from the Definitions submenu on the
main window.
Display SQL Select this check box to display SQL statements before creating or
dropping stored procedures.
Logon Defaults Tab Use the Logon Defaults tab to provide the default User ID and
Password required to create/refresh stored procedures.
The entries on the Logon Defaults tab allow you to connect to the
database while configuring a workstation. You must enter the password
a second time for verification.
Saved Logon Use the Saved Logon Defaults tab to provide the User ID and
Defaults Password needed to access the DB Alias.
The entries on the Saved Logon Defaults tab allow you to save registry
entries to access the databases. You must enter your password a second
time for verification.
Stored Procedure Use the Stored Procedure Defaults tab to provide the procedure
Defaults Qualifier and Grant Auth ID required to create/refresh stored
When you enter the necessary information on each tab and click
Proceed, the Configuration program connects to the database, catalogs
the stored procedures, writes the registry entries, and optionally creates
primary keys. These four steps are repeated automatically for each
selected database. When complete, the next step is to configure
Note: You can also change the Security Administrator using the
Change Security Administrator dialog, available by
selecting Configure Security for an Optim Directory from
the Tasks menu.
Initialize the After identifying the Security Administrator, initialize security for the
Security Feature Directory by selecting Initialize and clicking Proceed. When security
for this Optim is initialized, the Security Administrator is assigned, and a default ACD
and ACL are created for the Directory. For more information about
ACDs and ACLs, see Appendix D. Optim Security.
If you do not wish to establish security for the Directory, click Skip. To
initialize security at a later time, use the Configure Security for an
Optim Directory option. For more information about enabling,
disabling, and configuring the Optim Security features, see 7.4
Configure Security for an Optim Directory on page 192.
enter the user password when you return to the Specify Domain
Connection Information dialog.
Security Users The Security Users dialog allows you to select a user from an available
domain. Select a Server Name and a Domain to list Users in the
domain. After selecting a user, click Select to return to the Specify
• Enable the ODBC interface for the machine (if Archive is licensed).
Note: Both the Product Configuration File and the registry entries are
created during the configuration process.
If the site is not licensed for the Server, Enable is not available. Refer
to Chapter 6. Configure the Optim Server for information needed to
configure the Server.
Specify Product Use the Specify Product Configuration File dialog to provide the
Configuration File complete directory path and name of the configuration file.
Configuration File Create New File Select this option to create a new Product
Specifications Configuration File.
Modify Product Optim is distributed with standard settings for Product Options. The
Options Modify Product Options dialog allows you to customize these settings
to accommodate conditions at your site.
Modify Personal The Modify Personal Options dialog is similar to the Modify Product
Options Options dialog.
File Name Enter the name of the file to which you want to export the registry data.
The file name uses a default .txt extension. To select from your system
directories, click the browse button.
Note: If you do not provide the full directory path and file name, the
file is saved to the Data Directory identified in Personal
Move an item from one list to the other by dragging the name. Also, to
rearrange listed items, drag the line number to the new position.
After you make your selections, click OK to export the registry data.
Complete When you finish, the configuration process opens the Complete dialog.
This dialog describes the files that may be created during the process.
5.1.7 Summary
The tasks for configuring the first workstation are complete, including
the following:
• Create Optim Primary Keys for database tables that did not have
DBMS primary keys but did have a unique index.
• Create and load the data privacy data tables, if you have an Optim
Data Privacy License.
After you configure the first workstation, you can configure any
additional workstations to use Optim. This task uses Optim Directory
and DB Aliases created while configuring the first workstation.
However, you must create a Windows registry entry on each additional
workstation to permit access to the Optim Directory. You may also
configure Personal Options for each workstation.
• If you run Setup for a workstation with the Optim software on a file
server, you must identify the server directory in which Optim is
installed as the Destination Folder.
If you exported registry data after configuring the first workstation, you
can save time by importing it to additional workstations. You are
prompted to import Optim Directory registry data when configuring
each additional workstation. If you choose not to import registry data,
you must first enter the Product License Key and select the option to
Create a new Registry Entry for Existing Optim Directory.
Note: Before you can import registry data, you must export the data
to a file. You can export the data during the process of
configuring the first workstation or you can select Export
Registry Data from the File menu on the Configuration main
File Name Enter the name of the file that contains the Optim Directory registry data
you want to import.
Import License Select this check box to import license information, if available in the
Information specified file.
Excluded List of available Optim Directories not selected for importing registry
from Import data. Move an item from one list to the other by dragging the name.
Also, to rearrange listed items, drag the line number to the new position.
If you elect not to import Optim Directory registry data, you must create
a new registry entry for each workstation to use the Optim Directory.
You must identify the Optim Directory and the associated DBMS, and
provide information to connect to the database.
Specify Optim The opening dialog for configuring an additional workstation is the
Directory Specify Optim Directory dialog. Use this dialog to create a Windows
registry entry.
Specify Optim The next step in creating the Windows registry entry is to Specify
Directory DBMS Optim Directory DBMS.
Connect to On the next dialog, you are prompted to provide the User ID and
Database – Password for subsequent access to the Optim Directory from the
After you create the Windows registry entry for the Optim Directory,
you must identify the Product Configuration File for the workstation.
The configuration process opens the Specify Product Configuration
File dialog.
You create the Product Configuration File when you configure Product
Options for the first workstation. Therefore, when you configure an
additional workstation, select Use Existing File and specify the fully
qualified name of the original Product Configuration File on the Specify
Product Configuration File dialog. For more complete information,
refer to 5.1.5 Configure Options.
5.2.7 Summary
You must repeat these steps for each workstation you want to use with
Control Panel Double-click the Optim icon in the Windows Control Panel to run the
Optim Server Settings applet, which allows you to provide settings
unique to the server, such as the path and executable file name for each
database loader, connection strings for all DB Aliases, and protocols for
access to the server.
Tabs The tabs on the Optim Server Settings dialog are described in the
following paragraphs. Detailed information is provided in the following
As part of the installation process, you create entries in the Current User
Configuration You can keep Local Machine registry entries for the Server separate
from those for the user by entering information in the Optim Server
Settings dialog. Settings on the Optim Configuration dialog pertain
only to the Server component, not to the currently logged on user.
Credentials For information about user credentials required to run the Server, refer
to Appendix B. Server Credentials.
Use the General tab to name the Server and provide paths to required
Optim Server The name (1 to 15 characters) of the Server. If you do not provide a
name, the computer name is the default.
Temporary Work The complete path to the default directory in which you want the Server
Directory to store internal work files and trace files. To select from system
directories, click the browse button. This directory must be unique to
the Server and different from the Temporary Work Directory specified
in Personal Options.
Data Directory The complete path to the default directory in which you want the Server
to store process files for which an explicit directory path is not provided.
To select from your system directories, click the browse button. This
directory must be unique to the Server and different from the Data
Directory specified in Personal Options.
Create Select Create a subdirectory within the Data Directory for clients to
a subdirectory automatically create a subdirectory in the Server data directory, when
within the Data each workstation first connects to the Server. The new subdirectory
Directory for clients
becomes the default data directory for the workstation. The name of the
new subdirectory is determined by the Windows Logon name from the
For example, if this option is selected and the data directory is D:\DATA
when user “JOHN” connects to the Server, the subdirectory
D:\DATA\JOHN becomes the default data directory for JOHN.
Days to keep Trace The number of days (2 to 30) to retain trace files in the temporary work
files directory. The default value is 5.
Trace files are useful for tracking the processing performed using
Optim. Trace file names are prefixed with PR0, followed by letters
indicating the trace file type, ended with a numeric extension (for
example, PR0TOOL.123). The extension on the name of the trace file
distinguishes one trace file of that type from another. Trace files are
sequentially numbered .001 through .999, followed by .A00 through
.Z99, as necessary. If more than 3,599 trace files of a single type are
created and stored within the specified number of days, file names are
reused, beginning with the first.
Use the Errors tab to assign default font information for messages.
The default fonts for message text and data fields are shown in each of
the font message boxes. To open the Windows Font dialog to select
font attributes, click the command buttons for text or fields. To modify
the font for text messages, click Text. To modify the font for data fields
noted in message text, click Field.
Font for Informational messages are not critical; for example, messages that ask
Informational whether information should be saved when a dialog is closed.
Font for Warning Warning messages indicate serious, but not critical conditions. A
Messages warning message does not interrupt an action, but may indicate that you
should reevaluate the current action.
Font for Error Error messages indicate critical conditions and interrupt the current
Messages action. A problem presented in an error message must be addressed
before the attempted action can proceed. Error messages can appear in
pop-up dialogs, but usually display in the message bar at the bottom of a
Display Lines Specify the maximum number of lines (3 to 9) to display in the message
bar for any type of message.
Hide message Select this check box to hide the message bar when no informational,
bar when empty warning, or error messages are displayed. If you clear this check box,
the message bar appears at the bottom of each editor or dialog even
when empty.
Note: You can expedite the configuration of the Load settings for the
Server by clicking Merge Current User. This merges Load
settings for the logged-on user in the Current User registry with
settings for the Server machine in the Local Machine registry.
Optim Directory Select [Default] in the Optim Directory list to enter the path and name
of the Loader executable file for each DBMS type.
If you have more than one version of a particular DBMS type, you can
enter the unique loader specification for each version. Select the
specific Optim Directory and DB Alias, then enter the appropriate path
and name of the Loader executable file for the particular DBMS
Load Specifications Specify the complete path and name of the executable to access each
DBMS Loader that can be used with a Load Request.
Fully Qualified Path Specify the directory path and program name
for DBMS Loaders for the specific DBMS Loader. Consult your
DBMS documentation for the name of the
loader program. To select from your system
directories, click the browse button.
Merge Current Click Merge Current User to merge the settings from the Current User
User registry to the Local Machine registry for the Server machine.
Settings on the Connection tab and the Security tab are related: on the
Security tab, you choose Server or Client to specify the source of the
User ID and Password information for Optim Directory and DB Alias
• If you select Server on the Security tab, the appropriate User ID and
password entered on the Connection tab are used; the User ID and
password from the workstation originating the task are not used.
• If you select Client on the Security tab, the User ID and password
from the workstation originating the task are used.
Optim Directory Select an Optim Directory from the list to display the connection
information for the corresponding DB Aliases.
Grid Details The connection information for the selected Optim Directory includes
the following:
Merge Current User Click Merge Current User to merge the Connection settings from the
Current User registry to the Local Machine registry for the Server
Use the Access tab to restrict access to all Server directories and
subdirectories, except those you specify. Access to the Server data
directory, Archive Directory, and Archive Index Directory is enabled,
by default.
Limit Access... The Limit access to only the Data, Archive, Archive Index and the
following directories and their subdirectories check box is intended
to restrict access to Server files and directories, and is selected by
default. When this check box is selected, access to the Server data
directory, Archive Directory, and Archive Index Directory is enabled.
You can allow access to additional files and directories, by entering each
one in the Directory grid.
Clear the check box to provide access to all Server files and directories.
Start How
Start When
Manual Only the logged-on user can start the Server. (You
can use the Optim Server Settings dialog to start
the Server.)
Service Logon When Start as Service is selected, you must provide service logon
Use Local Select this check box to use the logon information
System account for the local machine, as provided on the Personal
Options Server tab.
If you clear this check box, you must provide
explicit credentials, as follows.
Check Logon Click Check Logon to verify that the Server can log on with the
credentials provided. This button is available if the Use Local System
account check box is cleared.
Start/Stop Service This button is available if Start as Service is selected and applied.
Use the Security tab to choose the source of the logon information for
the Server.
Select options to indicate the source of the logon information when the
Server requires access to Optim Directories, DB Aliases, and Input and
Output files.
Optim Directories
Client Select to use the User ID and password for Server access to
the Optim Directory, as provided in Personal Options for
the delegating workstation. (In Personal Options, you can
also require a password each time, or deny access. Refer to
9.2.9 Server Tab on page 305 for more information.)
DB Aliases
Client Select to use the User ID and password for Server use of
DB Aliases, as provided in Personal Options on the
delegating workstation. (In Personal Options, you can also
require a password each time, or deny access. Refer to
9.2.9 Server Tab on page 305 for more information.)
File Input/Output
Server Select to use the Service Logon on the Startup tab. This
setting applies only when Server credentials are used for
file access.
Client • Select this option to use User ID, password, and domain
specified on the Server tab in Personal Options on the
delegating workstation for Server local disk and network
share access. Refer to 9.2.9 Server Tab on page 305 for
more information.
Use this Logon If files are accessed using Server credentials, you must indicate the
for accessing files source of those credentials.
Only files local Select Only files local to this Server may be
to this Server accessed to restrict Server access to local files.
may be accessed Clear the check box to provide Logon information
needed for Server access to files.
Check Logon Click Check Logon to verify that the Server can log on with the
credentials provided.
You can include all protocols and endpoints available to the Server by
clicking the down arrow in Protocol and selecting Supported
Protocols (All) from the list. Endpoints are created for every available
protocol. When configured this way, workstations must query an RPC
Locator for the endpoints when connecting to the Server. This query
introduces a small delay when the server is first selected and may
compromise security.
Grid Details
Update Product Each workstation to connect to the Server must use a Product
Configuration Files Configuration File that includes Server endpoint information. The
Product Configuration File used by a workstation is specified in
Personal Options.
Enter the name this Enter a name for the Server. The name you enter is added to the list of
server will be available Servers displayed in action request editors that can use a
known to clients Server for remote processing.
Grid Details
Update Click Update to update each selected Product Configuration File with
the new endpoint information.
Use the Archive tab to enter the path to the default Archive, Archive
Index, and Archive Browse Index Directories for the Server.
Archive Directory Specify the complete path to the default directory where you want the
Server to store Archive Files. To select from your system directories,
click the browse button. If you do not specify a directory, the Data
Directory specified on the General tab is used by default.
Archive Index Specify the complete path to the default directory where you want the
Directory Server to store Archive Index Files. To select from your system
directories, click the browse button. If you do not specify a directory,
the Archive Directory is used by default.
Archive Index Specify the complete path to the default directory where you want the
Browse Directory Server to store Archive Index Browse Files. To select from your system
directories, click the browse button. If you do not specify a directory,
the Archive Directory is used by default.
An Archive Index Browse File is created automatically whenever you
join tables while browsing an Archive File. The Archive Index Browse
File stores primary key and foreign key information to expedite the
Activate Archive Select this check box to scan the selected Optim Directories. If you
Retention clear the check box, the Optim Directories are not scanned, but the
parameters on the Retention tab remain.
Allow delete from List of the Backup Devices integrated with Archive. Select the
File Backup Devices appropriate check box(es) to allow the device to delete the Archive File
when the retention policy has elapsed.
Tivoli Options Specify the node name and password that allow the Server to access the
Tivoli tape backup device.
Note: To use a Tivoli device, you must install the Tivoli client and
API support on the machine where the Optim Server runs.
Time of day The time to begin scanning the Optim Directories. Use 24-hour time
to scan format, for example 1:30 p.m. is 13:30.
Optim Directories Optim Directories registered with the Server. Select the Optim
to scan Directories to scan for Archive Files with a retention policy.
All Optim Select to automatically scan all Optim Directories registered with the
Directories Server.
Note: Selecting this option also ensures that any future Optim
Directories registered with the Server are scanned.
Automatically Select this check box to automatically update (refresh) the display
Update Display whenever a connection is established or broken, and update the
Duration column in the grid every minute.
Activate Select this check box to activate email notification. The other options
Administrator on this tab are unavailable unless this check box is selected.
Email Notification
Note: Deselecting the check box does not clear the Email tab
Minimum Severity For each email address you list, select the minimum severity needed to
send a message. The severity levels are ranked from least severe
(Success) to most severe (Exception). Click the down arrow to display
a drop-down list with the following severity levels:
Do not send Specify the number of days (1 to 999) before email notification is resent
duplicates for ... for a persistent error or warning.
Clear send history Select this check box to clear the send history once the Server is started.
when Optim Server When selected, any email notification that took place prior to the
starts starting of the Server is ignored.
Send Test eMail Right-click a grid row and select Send Test eMail to validate the email
Email Transport Click this button to display the Email Transport dialog so that you may
activate and configure the Collaboration Data Object (CDO) transport to
send email. If you don’t click this button, email is sent using the Simple
Mail Protocol Transport (SMTP).
Note: You must use the CDO transport if the email client on the
server requires logon credentials to send an unattended
message or requires user input when SMTP is used to send a
message. Also, select the CDO option if the server uses a
Activate If you use the SMTP email transport, keep this check box cleared
Collaboration Data (default) and select OK. A popup will ask you if you want to connect
Object Transport
without entering a password. If you use the CDO email transport, select
this check box to enable the dialog and continue entering information.
Set from one of Click to select an account from the list and populate the remainder of the
these known Email Email Transport dialog with information for the selected account.
Port (if not Type a port name or leave blank (default port).
Email account Type the password. A blank password is valid if the account allows it; a
password prompt will confirm that you want to connect without entering a
Send Test Email Click this button to send a test email to your mailbox.
Note: It is recommended that you send a test email to ensure that the
information you entered is sufficient to send an email. If you
6.13 Conclusion
The remaining sections explain how to use the various other commands
available from the Tasks menu of the Configuration program.
After you configure the first and any additional workstations, you are
ready to start using Optim. However, periodically, it may be necessary
to perform other tasks that are available from the Tasks menu.
Specify Optim The first step in creating a new DB Alias is to specify the Optim
Directory Directory where you want to store that DB Alias. The Configuration
program displays the Specify Optim Directory dialog.
If you plan to use Optim to access user tables (other than Optim
Directory tables) on the database, select the Create/Update DB Alias
for the Optim Directory Database check box. If you want to create a
DB Alias for another database (or server), clear the check box.
You specify the DB Alias DBMS and then connect to the database
(User ID, Password, and Connection String). You also create or
update the DB Alias, packages, plans, or procedures. The following
guidelines apply:
• If you attempt to create a DB Alias for a database that has the same
signature as an existing DB Alias, the Configuration program
displays a warning message.
After you create the DB Alias, you can create Optim Primary Keys and
Load the Sample Tables included with Optim. If you have a Data
Privacy License, you may also load and drop the Data Privacy Data
Tables provided with Optim. The Configuration program then prompts
you to create or update DB Aliases for other databases and repeats the
process. Otherwise, the process completes and returns to the main
In most cases, a site uses only one Optim Directory that is created when
the first workstation is configured. However, you may create an
additional Optim Directory as a step in re-locating the Optim Directory
or when a new Directory is required by an upgrade to Optim.
Note: You can also initialize Optim Security from the following
Configuration program options: Configure the First
Workstation, Create/Update Optim Directory, and
Configure Options; however, you can both initialize Optim
Security and enable the security features from the Configure
Security for an Optim Directory task only.
When you select Configure Security for an Optim Directory from the
Tasks menu in the Configuration program, the Specify Optim
Directory dialog is displayed. The option to Use Existing Optim
Directory and Registry Entry is selected. Specify the name of the
Optim Directory you want to use. To select from a list, click the down
After clicking Skip or Proceed, the Set Archive File Security Option
dialog is displayed.
Click Cancel to exit the security configuration process and cancel any
changes to the Security Administrator.
The Set Optim Object Security Option dialog allows the Security
Administrator to configure Object Security for the Optim Directory.
Object Security controls access to objects in the Optim Directory such
as Column Maps and Access Definitions.
Configuring Object Use the Set Optim Object Security Option dialog to configure Object
Security Security by doing the following:
Automatically Use the Secure Selected Objects When Saved option to automatically
Assigning an ACL assign an ACL to an object when it is saved. The ACL is modeled after
the Optim Object Template ACL. For more information about using the
Optim Object Template ACL, see Optim Object Template ACL.
Select Optim Object Use the Select Optim Object Types dialog to select object types that
Types are assigned an ACL when saved. Use the check boxes in the Optim
Objects list to select the object types. To exclude an object type, clear
the corresponding check box.
Optim Object ACLs for Optim Objects are modeled after the Optim Object Template
Template ACL ACL. The Optim Object Template ACL does not secure any objects
and can be edited by the Security Administrator only. The Security
Administrator can open the Access Control List Editor and edit the
Optim Object Template ACL from the Configuration program or the
main window:
For information about editing ACLs, see D.2.1 Access Control List
Editor on page 471.
The Set Archive File Security Option dialog allows the Security
Administrator to enable or disable Archive File Security for the Optim
Directory. Archive File Security controls access to tables and columns
in Archive Files. For more information about Archive File Security, see
Archive File Security on page 446.
Specify Optim The Configuration program displays the Specify Optim Directory
Directory dialog. The option to Use Existing Optim Directory and Registry
Entry is selected. Specify the name of the Optim Directory you want to
use. To select from a list, click the down arrow. To continue, click
If the site is not licensed for the Server, Enable is not available. Refer
to Chapter 6. Configure the Optim Server for configuration
Specify Optim The Configuration program displays the Specify Optim Directory
Directory dialog. The Use Existing Optim Directory and Registry Entry option
is selected. Specify the name of the Optim Directory you want to use.
Click the down arrow to select from a list. Click Proceed to continue.
Specify Optim The first step in applying maintenance for Optim Directory access is to
Directory provide the name of the Optim Directory. The Configuration program
prompts for this information by presenting the Specify Optim
Directory dialog (see page 79). You must select Use Existing Optim
Directory and Registry Entry, select an Optim Directory name, and
click Proceed to open the next dialog.
Add Default Tables After packages, plans, or procedures are created for the Optim
Directory, the Configuration program prompts you to add default
tables to the Optim Directory. If you select the check box, the
Configuration program verifies that default Calendars and Currency
tables are in the Optim Directory. If not found, these tables are loaded
Apply Maintenance Before completing the task to Apply Maintenance for Optim
to Another? Directory Access, the Configuration program prompts you to apply
maintenance for access to another Optim Directory. If you select the
check box, you can repeat the maintenance process. To end the task,
clear the check box and click Proceed.
Specify Optim The first step in applying maintenance for DB Alias access is to Specify
Directory an Optim Directory (see page 185). You must select an Optim
Directory name and click Proceed to open the next dialog.
On the Connect to Database dialog, you must specify the User ID,
Password, and Connection String that allows the workstation to
connect to the database to access Optim Directory tables.
After you specify the Optim Directory and connect to the database, the
Configuration program displays the Query Method to Apply
Maintenance? dialog. Select the level of maintenance to apply.
Drop Old Packages The Configuration program displays the Drop Old Packages (Plans,
or Procedures) dialog. If you select this option and click Proceed, you
can drop old packages, plans, or procedures before creating new ones.
If you do not select this option, you can create/refresh the appropriate
packages, plans, or procedures. The following guidelines apply:
• If you share stored procedures with other users, then any one
authorized user can drop old packages (plans or procedures) for all
• If your qualifier is not used by anyone else, you can safely drop the
old packages (plans or procedures) without affecting other users.
Apply Maintenance After you apply maintenance for a single DB Alias, the Configuration
to Another? program opens the Apply Maintenance to Another DB Alias? dialog
and prompts you to apply maintenance for another DB Alias:
• To apply maintenance for another DB Alias, select the check box and
click Proceed to open the Create/Select DB Alias dialog.
• To end the task, clear the check box and click Proceed to open the
Complete dialog.
Apply Maintenance When you select Apply Maintenance to databases for all DB Aliases,
to DB Alias? the Configuration program prompts you to confirm maintenance for
each DB Alias in the selected Optim Directory one at a time.
• To apply maintenance for the named DB Alias, select the check box
and click Proceed to open the Connect to Database dialog.
• To bypass maintenance for the named DB Alias, clear the check box
and click Proceed. The Configuration program prompts you to
apply maintenance for the next DB Alias.
Apply Maintenance After you apply maintenance for a DB Alias, the Configuration
to Another? program opens the Apply Maintenance to Another DB Alias? dialog
and prompts you to apply maintenance for another DB Alias.
• To apply maintenance for another DB Alias, select the check box and
click Proceed to open the Connect to Database dialog.
• To end the task, clear the check box and click Proceed on each
subsequent dialog until the Complete dialog displays.
Specify DB Alias When you select Apply Maintenance to databases with a specified
DBMS DBMS Type and Version, the Configuration program opens the
Specify DB Alias DBMS dialog.
Specify the DBMS Type and Version, and click Proceed to open the
Apply Maintenance to DB Alias? dialog. To continue, select the DB
Alias, connect to the database, and create/drop packages, plans, or
Note: The steps are the same as those previously described to apply
maintenance for all DB Aliases.
Apply Maintenance After you apply maintenance to the database in the selected DBMS, the
to Another DBMS Configuration program opens the Apply Maintenance to Another
DBMS Type? dialog, and prompts you to confirm maintenance for a
different database DBMS.
• To apply maintenance for another DBMS, select the check box and
click Proceed to open the Specify DB Alias DBMS dialog.
• To end the task, clear the check box and click Proceed on each
subsequent dialog until the Complete dialog displays.
To rename the new Directory, you must replace the name in the
Directory itself and in the Windows registry on each workstation that
accesses the Directory. Select Rename an Optim Directory from the
Tasks menu to change the name in the Optim Directory and workstation
registry or, once the Optim Directory is changed, to re-name a registry
entry or register the re-named Directory on a workstation.
Overview When you select Rename an Optim Directory from the Tasks menu,
the Overview dialog provides an overview of the task. To continue,
click Proceed.
Select a Rename The first step in renaming an Optim Directory is to Select a Rename
Option Option.
Specify Optim After selecting the option to rename an Optim Directory, the Specify
Directory Optim Directory dialog is displayed. The option to Use Existing
Optim Directory and Registry Entry is selected. Specify the Name of
the Directory you want to rename. To select from a list, click the down
Specify New Optim After connecting to the database, the Specify New Optim Directory
Directory Name Name dialog is displayed, allowing you to rename the Optim Directory
and the registry entry.
What to do Next After connection information is updated in the registry, the What to do
Next dialog instructs you to use the Only Rename the Windows
Registry Entry option to update the registry for each workstation that
accesses the Optim Directory. Click Proceed to display the Complete
dialog and complete the process.
Specify Registry After selecting the option to rename a registry entry, the Specify
Entry to Rename Registry Entry to Rename dialog is displayed. The option to Rename
Optim Directory Registry Entry is selected. Specify the Name of the
Confirm the Optim After connecting to the database, a pop-up dialog displays the new
Directory Name Optim Directory name. Click Yes to confirm the new name and rename
the registry entry. Click No to terminate the process.
When you select Update the DBMS Version for an Optim Directory
from the Tasks menu, the first dialog cautions that you should select this
task only when the Optim Directory resides in a database that has been
upgraded to a new version. This task prompts you to:
1. Select the Optim Directory to update and select the new DBMS
2. Drop the old packages, plans, or procedures and create new ones
for the Optim Directory.
Specify Optim The first step in updating the DBMS version for an Optim Directory is
Directory to specify the name of the Directory. Click the down arrow to select
from a list and click Proceed.
Specify Optim You must specify the version of the DBMS you want to use to update
Directory DBMS the Optim Directory.
Click the down arrow to select a version. The version you select must
be different from the current version. If not, an error message displays.
Click Proceed to connect to the database.
Connect to When you update information for the Optim Directory, the
Database Configuration program must connect to the database to access the
Optim Directory Tables. On the Connect to Database dialog (see page
205), you must specify the User ID, Password, and Connection String
that allows the workstation to connect to the database. If the connection
is successful, the next step is to drop the old packages, plans, or
procedures and create new ones for the updated DBMS.
The Drop option is selected when this dialog opens. You can select the
Display SQL check box to browse the DDL statements generated for
the drop process. To continue, click Proceed.
After the Drop process completes, this dialog redisplays with the
Create/Refresh option selected automatically. Click Proceed to create
packages, plans, or procedures to update the DBMS for the Optim
When you select Update DBMS Version for a DB Alias from the
Tasks menu, the first dialog cautions that you should select this task
only when a DB Alias refers to a database that has been upgraded to a
new version. This task prompts you to:
You can update the DBMS version for a single DB alias; however, if
you are using Sybase ASE, SQL Server, or Informix and you have
multiple databases on one server, the Configuration program
automatically directs you to the appropriate dialogs. The initial steps
are the same whether you are updating the DBMS version for one DB
Alias or multiple DB Aliases.
Specify Optim The first step in updating the DBMS version for a DB Alias is to specify
Directory the name of the Optim Directory associated with that DB Alias. Click
the down arrow to select an Optim Directory from a list and click
Proceed to connect to the database.
Connect to The Configuration program must connect to the database to access the
Database Optim Directory Tables. On the Connect to Database dialog (see page
205), you must specify the User ID, Password, and Connection String
that allows the workstation to connect to the database. If the connection
is successful, you can create or select a DB Alias.
Create/Select The next step is to select the DB Alias to update the corresponding
DB Alias DBMS version.
Click the down arrow to select a DB Alias from the list of existing DB
Alias names, then click Proceed to continue.
Note: If you are using SQL Server, Sybase ASE, or Informix, and
have several databases on one server, the Configuration
program automatically selects every DB Alias that resides on
the same server.
Specify DB Alias You must specify the DBMS version to use for the selected DB Alias.
Click the down arrow to select a version from the list. The version you
select must be different from the current version. If not, an error
message displays. To continue, click Proceed.
Connect to If you are updating the DBMS version for only one DB Alias, the
Database Connect to Database dialog opens. You specify the User ID,
Password, and Connection String needed to connect to the selected
Note: If you are updating the DBMS version for Sybase ASE, SQL
Server, or Informix, and you have several databases on one
server, refer to 7.11.2 Update Multiple DB Aliases for
complete details.
The Drop option is selected when this dialog opens. You can select the
Display SQL check box to browse the DDL statements generated for
the process. To continue, click OK.
After the Drop process completes, this dialog redisplays with the
Create/Refresh option selected automatically. Click Proceed to create
the following:
If you are updating the DBMS version for Sybase ASE, SQL Server, or
Informix, you may have several databases on one server. The procedure
to update the DBMS for multiple DB Aliases is similar to the procedure
for updating the DBMS for a single DB Alias.
After you select the DB Alias and specify the new DBMS version, the
Configuration program automatically displays the following dialog
showing all the DB Aliases that reside on a particular server.
Databases Tab Use the Databases tab to review a list of all databases that reside on the
single server. You can also specify explicit details for the DB Aliases
you want to update:
Logon Defaults Tab Use the Logon Defaults tab to specify the User ID and Password
needed to create/refresh stored procedures.
The entries on the Logon Defaults tab allow you to connect to the
database while configuring workstations. Enter your password twice;
the second time is for verification.
Stored Procedure Use the stored procedure Defaults tab to specify the procedure
Defaults Qualifier and Grant Auth ID required to drop and create stored
When you specify the necessary information on each tab and click
Proceed, the Configuration program connects to the first selected
database. If the connection is successful, the update process drops the
old stored packages, plans, or procedures, creates new ones, and updates
the database signature. These steps are repeated for each selected
database. When the process is complete, the Complete dialog displays.
The Product Configuration File contains the Product Options that apply
to all users of Optim at a site. Personal Options are recorded in the
workstation registry. Typically, the Product Configuration File and the
Personal Options registry entries are created when you configure the
first and additional workstations. However, you modify these options
by selecting Configure Options from the Tasks menu.
Specify Optim Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog (see page 185) to select the
Directory name of the Optim Directory. Click Proceed to open the next dialog in
the process.
Connect to You can specify different Personal Options for each database.
Database Therefore, the Configuration program may prompt you to connect to
the database before proceeding. The Connect to Database dialog
prompts for the User ID, Password, and Connection String needed to
connect to the database for which Personal Options are specified.
Initialize Security If Optim Security for the Optim Directory is not initialized, the
Initialize Security dialog is displayed. Use this dialog to assign a
Security Administrator and initialize Optim Security for the Directory.
For more information about this dialog and initializing Optim Security,
see 5.1.4 Optim Security on page 128.
Change Security If Optim Security for the Optim Directory is initialized, the Change
Administrator Security Administrator dialog is displayed. Use this dialog to change
the Security Administrator for the Directory. For more information
about this dialog, see 7.4.2 Initialize Security or Change Security
Enable Disable On the Enable/Disable the Archive ODBC Feature dialog, specify
Archive ODBC whether to enable or disable the ODBC driver. If the site is not licensed
for Archive, Enable is not available.
Specify In order to create the Product Configuration File, you must provide the
Configuration File fully qualified name of the file. The Specify Product Configuration
File dialog prompts for this information. Refer to 5.1.5 Configure
Options on page 132 for additional information.
If you add tables to a database, you may use the Configuration program
to create Optim Primary Keys for tables that do not have DBMS
primary keys, but do have unique indexes. When you create Optim
Primary Keys, you must specify the Optim Directory and the DB Alias
for the database where the tables reside.
Optim Primary Keys are usually created when you configure the first
workstation or when you create a DB Alias. After you install Optim,
you can create these primary keys by selecting Create Primary Keys
from the Tasks menu, or by selecting Configuration Assistant from the
Help menu.
Specify Optim Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog (see page 185) to select the
Directory name of the Optim Directory. Click Proceed to open the next dialog in
the process.
Create/Select Use the Create/Select DB Alias dialog to specify the DB Alias for the
DB Alias database where you want to create Primary Keys.
Create Primary The Create Primary Keys and Select Primary Keys dialogs allow you
Keys to create the Optim Primary Keys. Refer to Create Primary Keys on
page 110.
Create Primary After you create the Optim Primary Keys for tables accessed using a
Keys for Another? particular DB Alias, the Configuration program prompts you to create
Primary Keys for tables accessed using a different DB Alias. To
continue, click Proceed.
To facilitate use of Optim with DB2 z/OS tables, copy the DB2
relationships into the Optim Directory to reduce the run time when
accessing DB2 tables. The Configuration program provides an option
to copy these relationships to the Optim Directory. You can start this
process by selecting Create Copies of DB2 MVS Relationships from
the Tasks menu, or by selecting the Configuration Assistant from the
Help menu.
Specify Optim Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog (see page 185) to select the
Directory name of the Optim Directory. Click Proceed to open the next dialog in
the process.
Create/Select Use the Create/Select DB Alias dialog (see page 207) to specify the DB
DB Alias Alias for the DB2 z/OS database where the relationships are to be
copied. Click Proceed to open the next dialog.
Not a DB2 for MVS If you select a DB Alias for a database that is not a DB2 z/OS database,
Database the Configuration program displays the Not a DB2 for MVS Database
dialog. This dialog prompts you to return to the Create/Select DB
Alias dialog, using Previous, to select another DB Alias. To continue,
click Proceed.
Create Copies If you select a DB Alias for a DB2 z/OS database, the Configuration
of DB2 MVS program prompts you to confirm that relationships are to be copied,
using the Create Copies of DB2 MVS Relationships? dialog. Select
the check box and click Proceed to copy the relationships to the Optim
Create Copies After the DB2 z/OS relationships are copied to the Optim Directory, the
for Another? Configuration program prompts you to copy relationships for another
DB Alias. If so, the Create/Select DB Alias dialog opens, allowing you
to choose another DB Alias. If not, the process completes.
Sample tables are distributed with Optim. Generally, you load this
sample data when you configure the first workstation, however, you can
load it independently or when you configure an additional workstation.
You can load, refresh, or drop sample data by selecting the Load/Drop
Sample Data option, which guides you through the process. You can
start this process by selecting Load/Drop Sample Data from the Tasks
menu, or by selecting the Configuration Assistant from the Help
Specify Optim A DB Alias is required to access the sample tables. The DB Alias, used
Directory as a high-level qualifier for the table names, provides a single-name
association for parameters needed to connect to the database. The DB
Alias and other Optim objects, created when the sample tables are
created, are stored in an Optim Directory.
Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog (see page 185) to select the
name of the Optim Directory. Click Proceed to open the next dialog.
Create/Select Use the Create/Select DB Alias dialog (see page 207) to specify the DB
DB Alias Alias for the sample tables. Click Proceed to open the next dialog.
Load/Drop After you select the DB Alias for the sample tables, the Configuration
Sample Tables program opens the Load/Drop Sample Tables dialog. If you are
creating or refreshing the tables, you must specify an identifier (Creator
ID, Schema Name, or Owner ID) and Tablespace. If you are dropping
sample tables, only the identifier is required. Refer to Load/Drop
Sample Tables on page 112.
Load/Drop Sample After you load or drop sample tables associated with a particular DB
Data for Another Alias, the Configuration program displays the Load/Drop Sample
DB Alias
Data for Another DB Alias dialog and prompt you to load or drop
sample tables associated with a different DB Alias. If so, the Create/
Select DB Alias dialog opens to restart the process. Otherwise, the
process completes and returns to the main window.
Data privacy data tables are available to clients who have an Optim Data
Privacy License. These tables allow you to mask company and personal
data — such as employee names, customer names, social security
numbers, credit card numbers, and e-mail addresses — to generate
transformed data that is both valid and unique. Generally, these data
privacy tables are loaded when you configure the first workstation, but
you also can load them independently or when you configure an
additional workstation.
You can load, refresh, or drop data privacy data by selecting the Load/
Drop Data Privacy Data option, which guides you through the process.
You can start this process by selecting Load/Drop Data Privacy Data
from the Tasks menu, or by selecting the Configuration Assistant from
the Help menu.
Specify Optim A DB Alias is required to access the data privacy tables. The DB Alias,
Directory used as a high-level qualifier for the table names, provides a single-
name association for parameters needed to connect to the database. The
DB Alias and other Optim objects, created when the data privacy tables
are created, are stored in an Optim Directory.
Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog (see page 185) to select the
name of the Optim Directory. Click Proceed to open the next dialog.
Create/Select Use the Create/Select DB Alias dialog (see page 207) to specify the DB
DB Alias Alias for the data privacy tables. Click Proceed to open the next dialog.
Load/Drop Data After you select the DB Alias for the data privacy tables, the
Privacy Tables Configuration program opens the Load/Drop Data Privacy Tables
dialog. If you are creating or refreshing the tables, you must specify an
identifier (Creator ID, Schema Name, or Owner ID) and Tablespace.
If you are dropping data privacy tables, only the identifier is required.
Refer to Load/Drop Data Privacy Tables on page 115.
Load/Drop Data After you load or drop sample data privacy tables associated with a
Privacy Data particular DB Alias, the Configuration program displays the Load/
for Another
Drop Data Privacy Data for Another DB Alias dialog and prompts
DB Alias
you to load or drop the data privacy tables associated with a different
DB Alias. If so, the Create/Select DB Alias dialog opens to restart the
process. Otherwise, the process completes and returns to the main
• When you drop a DB Alias, Optim can no longer access data in that
database, and any Optim objects that refer to the DB Alias are
invalid. However, you can recreate the DB Alias and restore access
to the database and Optim objects.
• When you drop an Optim Directory, the DB Aliases and other Optim
objects stored in the Directory cannot be recovered.
Specify Optim Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog (see page 185) to select the
Directory name of the Optim Directory that stores the DB Alias you want to drop
or to specify the Optim Directory you want to drop. Click Proceed to
open the next dialog.
Connect to Optim must connect to the database to drop the Optim Directory tables
Database and packages, plans, or procedures. Use the Connect to Database
dialog (see page 205) to specify the connection information.
Create/Select Use the Create/Select DB Alias dialog (see page 207) to specify a DB
DB Alias Alias you want to drop. Click Proceed to drop the DB Alias, or click
Skip to open the Drop Optim Directory? dialog, which you can use to
drop the specified Optim Directory, including all DB Aliases and other
objects stored in it.
Load/Drop The Load/Drop Sample Tables dialog prompts you to specify the
Sample Tables identifier (Creator ID, Schema Name, or Owner ID) for the sample
tables to be dropped. Refer to Load/Drop Sample Tables on page 112.
Load/Drop Data If you have an Optim Data Privacy License, the Load/Drop Data
Privacy Tables Privacy Tables dialog prompts you to specify the identifier (Creator
ID, Schema Name, or Owner ID) for the data privacy tables to be
dropped. Refer to Load/Drop Data Privacy Tables on page 115.
Drop Packages Before dropping packages, plans, or procedures used to access the
database, the Configuration program displays the Create/Drop
Packages, Bind/Drop Plans, or Create/Drop Stored Procedures
dialog, as appropriate.
Drop Another After you drop the DB Alias, the Configuration program opens the
DB Alias? Drop Another DB Alias? dialog. Select the check box to open the
Create/Select DB Alias dialog and restart the process for another DB
Disable the Optim The Configuration program opens the Enable/Disable Optim Server
Server Feature Feature dialog next, to allow you to disable the Server feature.
Disable the Archive The Configuration program opens the Enable/Disable Archive
ODBC Feature ODBC Feature dialog next. This dialog allows you to disable the
Archive ODBC interface feature.
Connect to Optim must connect to the database in order to drop the Optim
Database Directory tables and packages, plans, or procedures. Use the Connect
to Database dialog (see page 205) to specify the connection
Drop Optim Before you drop an Optim Directory (and Optim Directory tables), the
Directory Tables Configuration program displays the table identifier and prompts you to
review the generated DDL, using the Drop Optim Directory Tables
To retain the Optim Directory tables and objects in it, click Skip.
Create/Drop When you drop an Optim Directory, all objects stored in that Directory
Packages are deleted. For this reason, the packages, plans, or procedures used to
access the Optim Directory are no longer useful and should be dropped.
The Create/Drop Packages, Bind/Drop Plans, or Create/Drop Stored
Procedures dialog prompts you to do this.
Drop Another After you drop the Optim Directory, the Configuration program opens
Optim Directory? the Drop Another Optim Directory? dialog. Select the check box to
restart the process for another Optim Directory.
For security or other reasons, you may want to purge the Windows
registry entry for an Optim Directory from a workstation, but not drop
the Directory or packages, plans, or procedures used to access that
Directory. For example, when you remove an Optim Directory from a
multi-user environment, you can purge the Optim Directory registry
entry from each workstation. In addition, you can disable Optim for any
workstation, simply by purging the registry entry.
When you select Purge Optim Directory Registry Entry from the
Tasks menu, the Configuration program opens a dialog explaining the
process and prompting you to confirm that you want to purge the
registry entry for access to the Optim Directory rather than drop the
Optim Directory. Select the check box to purge the registry entry.
Purge a Pre-6.0 After you confirm that you want to purge an Optim Directory entry, the
Optim Directory Configuration program prompts you to indicate the version of the
registry entry you want to purge. Select Purge a pre-6.0 Optim
Registry Entry to purge an Optim Directory registry entry created
before version 6.0. To purge an Optim Directory registry entry created
with version 6.0 or later, leave this option blank. Click Proceed to open
the next dialog.
Specify Optim After you confirm the version of the Optim Directory entry you want to
Directory purge, the Configuration program opens the Specify Optim Directory
dialog (see page 185). Use this dialog to provide the name of the Optim
Directory for the Windows registry entry you want to purge. Click
Proceed to open the next dialog.
Confirm Purge After you select the Optim Directory for the registry entry you want to
Optim Registry purge, the Configuration program prompts you to confirm the
Directory name. Select the check box and click Proceed to purge the
registry entry for the named Optim Directory. Next, the Configuration
program opens a query dialog that prompts you to purge the registry
entry for another Optim Directory. To purge another, select the check
box and click Proceed to open the Specify Optim Directory dialog and
select another Optim Directory.
Select Purge DB Alias from the Tasks menu to delete a DB Alias from
an Optim Directory without connecting to the database. This task does
not drop packages, plans, or procedures created with the DB Alias, nor
does it drop sample or other tables accessed using the DB Alias.
You may purge a DB Alias any time you drop a database; for example,
when a database used for testing applications is dropped after testing is
completed. You may also purge a DB Alias to make a database
temporarily inaccessible to the workstations using Optim.
Specify Optim Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog (see page 185) to select the
Directory name of the Optim Directory in which the DB Alias entry you want to
purge is located. Click Proceed to open the next dialog.
Create/Select Use the Create/Select DB Alias dialog (see page 207) to specify a DB
DB Alias Alias to purge. Click Proceed to open the next dialog.
Confirm Purge After you select a DB alias to purge, the Configuration program
DB Alias? prompts you to confirm the selected DB Alias is to be dropped. This
option is selected when the dialog opens. Click Proceed to continue.
Next, the Configuration program opens a query dialog that prompts
you to purge another DB Alias. To purge another DB Alias, select the
check box and click Proceed to open the Create/Select DB Alias dialog
on which you can select another DB Alias.
Within Optim
Tabs The tabs in the Product Options dialog are described briefly in the
following paragraphs. Detailed information is provided in each section
of this chapter.
Use the General tab to establish default fetch and extract limits for
Archive, Compare, Edit, and Extract Processes.
Limits Establish the maximum number of rows in a fetch set for browsing or
editing data or using Point and Shoot, and the maximum number of
rows for extracting or archiving data.
Site Defaults The site-specific, default Calendar used to schedule action requests or to
age data in a Column Map.
Cascade Delete Set options for performing a cascading delete or update on tables that
Rule are not explicitly included in an Access Definition or a process.
Abort Select this check box to abort the process when run
Scheduler from the Scheduler or the Command Line Interface,
or Command and the cascade delete/update affects at least one table
Line that is not explicitly included in the process. (This
check box is selected by default.)
Maximum Commit Specify the maximum number of rows (1 to 999999) inserted, restored,
Frequency or deleted before changes are committed to the database. If you do not
specify a limit, the default value is 200. An Insert, Restore, or Delete
Request can require more frequent commits.
Sybase Unchained Optim normally runs in chained mode. When a trigger in a Sybase ASE
Mode table will be fired as a result of an Insert or Delete Process, and the
trigger calls a stored procedure that must run in unchained mode, the
connection must be in unchained mode for the procedure to work.
Allow User to Lock Select this check box to enable the Lock Tables option in the Insert,
Tables Restore, and Delete Request Editors. Users can then use the option to
lock tables during an Insert, Restore, or Delete Process. Locking tables
ensures that other database activity does not interfere with the process
and prevents other users from accessing tables involved in the process.
Allow Insert Action Select this check box to enable the Delete Options box in the Insert
Delete Option Request Editor. If you clear this check box, the Delete Options box is
unavailable, and the Delete option is set to No Tables, by default.
Enforce DBMS Rel. Select this check box to enforce DBMS restrictions for relationship
Name Lengths name length when creating or importing relationships. This option is
selected by default. Clear this check box to override DBMS naming
restrictions and create or import relationships with names (constraints)
up to 64 characters. After changing this option, you must exit Optim
before the change takes effect. You cannot create a DBMS relationship
based on an Optim relationship with a name that exceeds the DBMS
Use Oracle Array Select Use Oracle Array Delete to use the Oracle array delete feature
Delete during a Delete Process. This option is selected by default.
Allow Optim Select this check box to allow users to define Optim Primary Keys and
PK/Rels on DB Relationships for database views. Default?
Extract using Set an option to enable extracting of uncommitted rows from the
Uncommitted Read database during an Archive or Extract Process. You can extract
uncommitted rows from specific tables in the Access Definition or all
tables. Selecting this option for tables with known performance
problems may increase the speed of your Archive or Extract processes.
Parallel Processing Set options to determine the maximum number of concurrent database
connections allowed. Increasing database connections improves
performance when processing large quantities of data by allowing
multiple threads to process rows in parallel.
MBCS Roundtrip Options for handling characters that could cause round trip conversion
Processing issues in a multi-byte Optim Directory or DB Alias.
Optim uses the Unicode character set in dialogs and to process data. In
some multi-byte character sets (such as Oracle JA16SJIS), multiple
characters are mapped to the same Unicode character. When these
characters are converted from Unicode back to multi-byte (a round trip),
the original character may not be returned.
Select the Ignore all round trip Failures option if the database does
not contain data with characters that could cause an incorrect round trip
conversion, or if columns used to manipulate data in a Column Map
(e.g., a function is used) and columns for which selection criteria are
defined do not contain characters that could cause an incorrect round
trip conversion.
DBMS Buffer Limits Set the buffer size to use when fetching or deleting rows from the
database. Optim multiplies the specification for Fetch Buffer Size or
Delete Buffer Size by the value for Maximum Database Connections.
You can select a value from 64K to 1024K, in increments of 32. Use the
default value unless you are processing tables larger than 10,000 rows.
Fetch Buffer Size of the buffer used when rows are fetched from
Size the database. The default is 512K.
Delete Buffer Size of the buffer used when rows are deleted from
Size the database. The default is 512K.
Use the Configuration File tab to review the path for the current
Configuration File and set new Configuration File preferences.
Current Directory path and name of the Configuration File that Optim is
Configuration File currently using.
Path to New Specify the directory path for a new or different Configuration File. To
Configuration File select an existing Configuration File from your system directories, click
the browse button. To create a new Configuration File, specify the
directory path and file name and then click Create. If you do not
specify a full directory path with the file name, the current drive and
directory are used.
Switch to New File Select this check box to apply the new Configuration File as soon as it is
when Created created. Do not select this check box if you intend to modify the current
Product Options and want to retain the original Configuration File.
Use the Password tab to change the password needed to access Product
Current Password Enter the current password (1 to 8 characters). Passwords are case
sensitive. Initially, this password is optim.
New Password Enter the new password (1 to 8 characters, case-sensitive). For security
reasons, the password is displayed as a series of asterisks (****).
Confirm New Confirm the new password by entering it a second time. For security
Password reasons, the password is displayed as a series of asterisks (****).
Use the Edit tab to select audit preferences for editing data and specify
other site options for using default values.
Auditing Status Activate auditing to record rows that you edit and store images of
unedited rows in an Optim Directory table. You can browse these rows,
establish the period of time for which they are stored rows, and limit the
number of rows retained. When rows of audit information expire, they
are automatically deleted. When the maximum number of rows is
exceeded, the oldest rows are deleted to make space for new rows.
User Supplies Choose whether to require user-supplied values in columns that cannot
Defaults accept default values. This option applies to new rows that a user
inserts while editing a database table.
Note: Optim can provide a default value according to the data type.
Possible values include blank, NULL, zero, current date,
current time, or current timestamp.
User Select this option to allow users to supply a value for any
column that cannot accept a default value. If you select this
option, users can modify this selection in Personal Options (or
Edit Preferences in the Table Editor).
Null as Default Choose whether to use the NULL character as the default value for
nullable columns. This option applies to new rows that a user inserts
while editing a database table.
Note: Optim can provide a default value based on the column data
type. Other than NULL, possible values include blank, zero,
current date, current time, and current timestamp.
Yes Select this option to display the NULL character as the default
value for nullable columns when editing data. If you select this
option, users cannot modify this selection in Personal Options
(or Edit Preferences in the Table Editor). See Display NULL
as Insert Default on page 309 for more information.
No Select this option if your site prefers not to display the NULL
character as the default value for nullable columns while
editing data.
User Select this option to allow users to display the NULL character
as the default value for nullable columns while editing data. If
you select this option, users can modify this selection in
Personal Options (or Edit Preferences in the Table Editor).
Force Browse Only Select this check box to force all new and existing Edit Definitions to be
in Browse Only mode. When you select this check box, edit options on
the Edit tab in Personal Options and the Edit Preferences on the Table
Editor are unavailable. (For example, the option for Undo Levels is
unavailable, because Undo entries are not created in Browse Only
Optim Directory Specify the Optim Directory for which audit parameters are defined. If
your site has more than one Optim Directory, click the down arrow to
select from a list.
Audit results are stored in the PSTAUDIT table, in the Optim Directory.
If authorized, you may browse or edit the PSTAUDIT table in the same
way you browse or edit any other database table. However, Auditing
Status in Product Options must be set to Active or Active/User and you
must have database SELECT authority for the PSTAUDIT table.
Auditing Defaults Specify the defaults for the auditing option at your site:
Table Name/Pattern Tables for which table-specific audit parameters apply. If you select the
List Active/User option for auditing database tables, the Product Options list
supersedes any list users may specify in Personal Options.
Example Default specifications are propagated to new entries in the list of tables
and can be useful when building the list. For example, if your database
includes 100 tables and you want to retain audit information for fifty
tables for a period of 90 days, information for thirty tables for a period
of 1 year, information for 5 tables for an indefinite period, and do not
want to audit processes on the remaining 15 tables, build the list of audit
instructions in the following way:
1. Clear Enabled.
2. Enter, in the grid, names of the 15 tables that are not
audited (select from a list or type names or patterns).
Status is Disabled for each entry.
3. Select Enabled and set Days to Retain to 0.
4. Enter, in the grid, names of the five tables for which audit
information is retained indefinitely (select from a list or
type names or patterns). Status is Enabled and Days to
Retain is 0 for the 5 new entries.
5. Set Days to Retain to 365.
6. Enter names of the thirty tables in the grid (select from a
list or type names or patterns). Status is Enabled and
Days to Retain is 365 for the 30 new entries.
7. Set Days to Retain to 90.
8. The fifty remaining tables are not entered in the grid. The
default status for these tables is Enabled and audit
information for each table is retained for 90 days.
The Select Table to be audited dialog provides a list of tables for the
selected database.
• DB Aliases for available databases are listed on the left. To list tables
in a database, double-click the DB Alias or overtype the DB Alias in
the Pattern box.
Pattern Use a pattern to limit the list of objects in the Select Table to be
audited dialog. After you specify a pattern, click Refresh to redisplay
the list based on your criteria.
Audit Summary
During an Edit Process, Optim audits tables according to the following
If Active Check for the table name on the Product Options list
in the Audit Tables dialog:
• If the table is on the list and Enabled, the table is
• If the table is on the list and Disabled, the table is
not audited.
If the table is not on the list, and the Enabled check
box under Auditing Defaults in Product Options is
selected, the table is audited.
If Active/User Check for the table name on the Product Options list
in the Audit Tables dialog:
• If the table is on the list and Enabled, the table is
• If the table is on the list and Disabled, the table is
not audited.
Server Name Enter the name of each Server (that is, the name given each Server
when it was configured), with the corresponding connection
information, as follows.
Supported Optim generates endpoints for all possible protocols; client machines
Protocols (all) connect via RPC Locator Service, where possible.
Banyan Vines SSP Endpoint: Vines SPP port number from 250 through 511
(ncacn_vns_spp) Example: 500
Network Address: StreetTalk server name of the form
Note: You can specify a dynamic endpoint for any protocol using an
asterisk (*). If Supported Protocols (All) is specified, an
asterisk (*) displays automatically.
Use the Archive tab to allow users to review data to be deleted after it
has been archived, select available backup devices, and set a default
minimum file retention period for supported devices.
Allow User to Select this check box to enable the Review Archive Delete List check
review “Delete box on the Archive and Delete Request Editors. This check box allows
After Archive” list users to display and review the names of tables for which data is to be
deleted as a function of archiving.
Available File Select the appropriate check box(es) to make available one or more
Backup Devices backup devices for use with Archive. (The check boxes are cleared by
Tivoli Options
Centera Minimum Specify the default minimum retention period for protecting Archive
File Retention Files on Centera from deletion. The minimum retention period is
measured from the time the Archive Process copies the file to Centera.
After the minimum retention period expires, the file can be deleted from
Allow User to alter Select this check box to enable the Minimum
Minimum Retention File Retention setting in the Storage Profile
Utility, allowing users to override the default
minimum retention defined in Product Options.
WORM Device Specify the default minimum retention period for protecting Archive
Minimum File Files on a WORM device from deletion. The minimum retention period
Retention is measured from the time the Archive Process copies the file to the
device. After the minimum retention period expires, the file can be
deleted from the device.
Allow User to alter Select this check box to enable the WORM
Minimum File Device Minimum File Retention options in the
Retention Storage Profile Utility, allowing users to
override the default minimum retention defined
in Product Options.
Use the Load tab to customize loader parameters and enforce loader
requirements for your site. This can be particularly helpful when you
have more than one database, or more than one Optim Directory. You
can specify default parameters applicable to all defined DB Aliases, and
as needed, specify unique parameters for each different database, each
instance or version of a database, or each different Optim Directory.
Optim Directory Select the name of the Optim Directory containing the DB Aliases for
which you want to customize loader parameters. If your site has more
than one Optim Directory, and you want to specify loader parameters
DB Alias Click the down arrow to select from the available DB Aliases in the
selected Optim Directory. If you select [Default], the custom loader
parameters you specify apply to all DB Aliases in the selected Optim
Override default Select to define unique loader parameters for a specific DB Alias, when
settings default values are defined for all DB Aliases in a selected Optim
Use Delete, when This check box is applicable to SQL Server and Sybase ASE DB
Truncate fails Aliases only. When Replace is specified in a Load Request, data loaded
to the affected tables is truncated, unless the particular table is
partitioned, in which case the truncate action will fail. Select this check
box to issue the SQL Delete statement when the SQL Truncate
statement fails.
Loader Parameters
Force at Run Time Select to force the use of the additional loader
parameters defined in Product Options in place
of any additional loader parameters specified in
a particular Load Request.
Use to prime New Select to populate new Load Requests with the
Request additional loader parameters defined in Product
Options. These parameters may be edited in the
individual Load Requests, as necessary.
Use the Report tab to set formatting defaults for the Report Process.
Limits Set default limits for the output of the Report Process.
Lines per Page Specify the maximum number of lines per page
(1 to 999) for the report.
Spacing Set default spacing preferences for the output of the Report Process.
You can use Personal Options to customize Optim for use at each
workstation. For example, you can:
• Provide defaults for the Schedule and Create utilities, and the Load,
Edit, and Browse Processes.
Using the
To configure Personal Options using the
Configuration program:
1. Open the Configuration program.
2. In the main window, select Configure Options from the
Tasks menu.
3. Specify a PST Directory and click Proceed.
4. Click Skip on the Initialize Security/Change Security
Administrator, Enable/Disable the Optim Server
Feature, and Enable/Disable the Archive ODBC
Feature dialogs to open the Specify Product
Configuration File dialog.
5. Select Create New File or Use Existing File, verify the
name of the Configuration File, and click Proceed.
6. On the Modify Product Options dialog, click Proceed to
open the Modify Personal Options dialog.
7. Click the Personal Options button to open the Personal
Options dialog.
8. Specify the necessary details on each tab in Personal
9. Choose one of the following:
• To close the Personal Options dialog without saving
your changes, click Cancel.
• To save your changes and continue using the
Personal Options dialog, click Apply.
• To save your changes and close the Personal Options
dialog, click OK to return to the Modify Personal
Options dialog.
10.Click Proceed to complete the process.
Within Optim
The Personal Options dialog allows you to customize Optim for the
Tabs The tabs in the Personal Options dialog are described briefly in the
following paragraphs. Detailed information is provided in each section
of this chapter.
Use the General tab to identify the Temporary Work Directory, Data
Directory, and the directory for the Product Configuration File used by
the workstation, and other defaults.
Use ‘_’ as Select to use the underscore character to represent any single character
SQL LIKE in a pattern. For example, if Use ‘_’ as SQL LIKE Character is
Character selected, you can type PSTDEMO.M _ _ P in the pattern box on the
Open an Access Definition dialog to list only Access Definitions with a
name beginning with M and ending with P for the Identifier
PSTDEMO. If you clear this check box, the underscore represents the
underscore character.
Caps Mode Select to convert all lowercase characters to uppercase when you
specify string literals in selection criteria, relationships, and Column
Maps. If you clear this check box, characters display in uppercase or
lowercase, exactly as entered.
z/OS Code Page In an Optim process, you can use an Extract File created using the
Optim z/OS Solution. Optim uses a code page to convert the
mainframe file format from EBCDIC to ASCII. In the z/OS Code Page
list, select a default value to be used if the Extract File does not contain
a code page number.
Days to keep Specify the number of days (2 to 30) to retain trace files in the
Trace files temporary work directory. The default value is 5.
Trace files are useful for Optim to track processing. Trace file names
are prefixed with PR0, followed by letters indicating the trace file type,
and ended with a numeric extension (for example, PR0TOOL.123). The
extension on the name of the trace file distinguishes one trace file from
another of that type. Trace files are sequentially numbered .001 through
.999, followed by .A00 through .Z99, as necessary. If more than 3,599
trace files of a single type are created and stored within the specified
number of days, file names are reused, beginning with the first.
Temporary Work Specify the complete path to the default directory in which you want to
Directory store internal work files and trace files. To select from your system
directories, click the browse button.
Data Directory Specify the complete path to the default directory in which you want to
store Archive, Extract, Control, Compare, and Export Files, and other
process files. To select from your system directories, click the browse
button. The Data Directory serves as the default; you can specify a
different directory path and file name on any process request.
Product Specify the complete path to the Product Configuration File. The file
Configuration File name has a .cfg extension. To select from your system directories, click
the browse button. The Product Configuration File is created when you
install Optim.
Local Optim Server To improve ODBC response times, select the name of the Server that
(ODBC runs on this machine. The ODBC Server will run locally and the Server
Connections Only)
will not be contacted, if an ODBC connection specifies this Server
name, or if the ODBC interface selects an Archive File with this Server
name in its Archive Directory entry.
Confirm Definition Select to display a confirmation dialog before you delete a definition or
Deletion process request from the Optim Directory. Selecting this check box
helps prevent deleting a request or definition accidentally.
Confirm File Select to display a confirmation dialog before you overwrite an existing
Overwrite file (Archive File, Extract File, Control File, Compare File, or Export
Confirm Loss of Select to display a confirmation dialog during a Convert Process that
DDL in Convert can result in the loss of DDL statements. The confirmation dialog is not
displayed for a scheduled process request.
NULL value Enter a character to represent a NULL value. The question mark (?) is
indicator the default. Although you can choose any character to represent a
NULL value, an infrequently used character is best.
Delimiter for Enter a character to delimit variable length column values that have
variable length trailing blanks. The semi-colon ( ; ) is the default. Although you can
column values
choose any character as a delimiter, an infrequently used character that
differs from the NULL value indicator is best.
Maximum Fetch Specify the maximum number of rows from a single table that can be
Rows displayed when you browse or edit table data or use Point and Shoot.
You can enter a number from 1 through the site maximum, specified on
the Product Options dialog. The default value is 500.
Maximum entries Specify the maximum number of recently selected items (1 to 20)
in History Lists displayed in a drop-down list. For example, the Extract File box in a
request editor, where you can click the down arrow to view a list of the
most recently used Extract Files.
Maximum entries Specify the maximum number of items (1 to 20) displayed below the
in Menu File Lists File menu commands in an editor. For example, a list of the most
recently opened definitions appears on the File menu in the Access
Definition Editor.
Action/Definition Click the down arrow to select the default mode for opening the action
Menu Behavior or definition editors from the Actions or Definitions menu in the main
Appearance Options for displaying tooltips and toolbars on dialogs and editors in
Main Window Options for displaying the list of active dialogs and editors in the main
window. As you open each editor or dialog, the main window expands
to list the active editors and dialogs. To recall an active editor or dialog,
double-click the item in the list.
Default Native Select this check box to set the default for the
LOB Mode Native LOB Mode check box on the Columns
tab of the Table Specifications dialog, available
through the Access Definition Editor. You can
use the check box on the Table Specifications
dialog when preparing an Access Definition for
use with Edit. When editing, the check box
designates whether to start the native application
associated with an LOB, or to process as a
VarChar or VarBinary data type.
Reset Messages Click Reset Messages to reset system messages. Message dialogs
provide information or warnings. You can also choose not to display the
message again. Reset Messages resets the option to display these
message dialogs, when appropriate.
Use the options on the Errors tab to set preferences for the display of
error messages.
The default fonts for message text and data fields are shown in each of
the font message boxes. To open the Windows Font dialog to select
font attributes, click the command buttons for text or fields. To modify
the font for text messages, click Text. To modify the font for data fields
noted in message text, click Field.
Font for Informational messages are not critical; for example, messages that ask
Informational whether information should be saved when a dialog is closed.
Font for Warning Warning messages indicate serious, but not critical conditions. A
Messages warning message does not interrupt an action, but may indicate that you
should reevaluate the current action.
Font for Error Error messages indicate critical conditions and interrupt the current
Messages action. A problem presented in an error message must be addressed
before the attempted action can proceed. Error messages can appear in
pop-up dialogs, but usually display in the message bar at the bottom of a
Display Lines Specify the maximum number of lines (3 to 9) to display in the message
bar for any type of message.
Hide message bar Select this check box to hide the message bar when there are no
when empty informational, warning, or error messages to display. If you clear this
check box, the message bar appears at the bottom of each editor or
dialog at all times.
Use the options on the Scheduling tab to specify a default directory for
Optim to store process requests, and to set options for the Scheduler.
Scheduling Enter the full path to the default directory for schedule files. To select
Directory from your system directories, click the browse button. Each user should
have a unique directory for schedule files.
Scheduling Monitor Select options for using the Scheduling Monitor. The Scheduling
Monitor must be active for scheduled jobs to be processed.
Use the options on the Load tab to set specifications for a Load Process.
Load Specifications Specify the complete path and name of the executable to access each
DBMS Loader that can be used with a Load Request.
Fully Qualified Path Specify the directory path and program name for
for DBMS Loader the specific DBMS Loader. Consult your
DBMS documentation for the name of the
loader program. To select from your system
directories, click the browse button.
z/OS FTP User ID Provide the default user ID for the z/OS FTP
server, used when uploading files to the z/OS
machine during the Load Process. This option is
available when you select the (Default) or a DB2
DB Alias. You can override the user ID in the
Load Request.
z/OS FTP Password Provide the password for the default z/OS FTP
server user ID. This option is available when
you select the (Default) or a DB2 DB Alias.
You can override the password in the Load
Use the options on the Create tab to set defaults for creating objects.
Note that you can establish as many as three layers of default settings
for the creation of database objects, in addition to target system defaults.
The default settings determine the values displayed in the Object List
for the Create Utility and can be overridden at the object level by editing
the list.
Options and DB Alias settings. Use the options on the Create tab to set
second-level defaults for the Create Utility.
DB Alias Specify the DB Alias that identifies the database in which you want to
create database objects. To select from a list, click the down arrow.
Specify default options for creating different types of database objects
on each corresponding tab.
Compile error Drop Select this check box to automatically drop any Oracle object that
causes a compile-type error during the Create Process. If you clear this
check box and compile-type errors occur, you must interrupt the Create
Process to drop the object before continuing.
Replace UDTs Select this check box to replace table-type column references to User
Defined [data] Types with base column data types in any generated
DDL. When you clear this check box, references to UDTs are preserved
in generated DDL. (This check box is available only when you select a
DB Alias for a DB2, Sybase ASE, or SQL Server database.)
Note: Clear this check box if you want UDT references in the
generated DDL.
DB2 OS/390 Select this check box to require the user (i.e., Create and DDL) to create
Current Rules: DB2 and delete LOB tablespaces, AUX tables, and unique Indexes. When
you clear this check box, DB2 OS/390 automatically creates and deletes
LOB tablespaces, AUX tables, and unique Indexes. This check box is
selected by default.
Object Name Select a font color to highlight object name changes in the SQL
Highlighting statements shown on the Review SQL dialog before creating those
objects in the target database. During the Create Process, object names
(specified in the Table Map) are translated to be appropriate for the
target database. This feature applies to creating text type database
objects: functions, packages, package bodies, procedures, triggers, and
Default Database Enter the name of the default database for creating tables. To select
from a list, click the down arrow. This option is available only if you
are using DB2 z/OS. A single DB Alias in Optim can identify more
than one database in DB2 z/OS.
Use default Select this check box to use the default database for creating tables. If
database you clear this check box, the Create Utility attempts to use the source
database from the Source File. However, if the source database does not
exist on the target system, the Create Utility uses the default database.
Use default Select this check box to use the default tablespace (segment, filegroup,
tablespace or dbspace) for creating tables. If you clear this check box, the Create
Utility attempts to use the tablespace (segment, filegroup, or dbspace) in
the Source File. However, if the source does not exist on the target
system, the Create Utility uses the default.
Allocation Percent Enter a percent (0 to 999) to adjust SQL storage-related parameters for
the Create Utility. The default is 100. Allocation percent is available
for creating tables and indexes in Oracle and creating indexes in DB2
Identifier Specify the default identifier for new indexes based on the identifier
from one of the following:
Source Use the identifier from the source index as the default
for new indexes.
Current ID Use the current SQLID (User ID) as the default for new
Allocation Percent Enter a percent (0 to 999) to adjust SQL storage-related parameters for
the Create Utility. The default is 100. Allocation percent is available
for creating tables and indexes in Oracle and creating indexes in DB2
Buffer Pool The buffer pool (e.g., BP1) that is to be used when creating an Index.
You can enter a specific value for the buffer pool or select a value from
the list. (Buffer Pool is displayed only for DB2 z/OS.)
The list displays any index buffer pools already specified for this DB
Alias (i.e., on the Index Defaults tab of the DB Alias Editor), as well as
the following:
<SOURCE> Select to use the same buffer pool as the index for the
source Archive or Extract File.
Identifier Specify the default identifier for new aliases based on the identifier from
one of the following:
Source Use the identifier from the source alias as the default for
new aliases.
Current ID Use the current SQLID (User ID) as the default for new
Identifier Specify the default identifier for new triggers based on the identifier
from one of the following:
Source Use the identifier from the source trigger as the default
for new triggers.
Current ID Use the current SQLID (User ID) as the default for new
Identifier Specify the default identifier for new synonyms based on the identifier
from one of the following:
Current ID Use the current SQLID (User ID) as the default for new
Use the options on the Logon tab to set logon and password
Optim Directory Select the name of the Optim Directory to display the corresponding
logon information. If you have access to more than one Optim
Directory, click to select from a list.
Grid Details The logon information corresponding to the selected Optim Directory
includes the following details:
Always Ask Select to display the logon dialog every time you
For Password access a different Optim Directory or DB Alias. If
selected, the Password and Verify entries are not
If you clear the check box, the logon dialog appears the
first time you access a different Optim Directory or DB
Alias. After you provide a password for an Optim
Directory or DB Alias, it is not necessary to provide a
password again. (This check box also appears on the
Logon dialog.)
Test the You can test the DB Alias connection to verify the validity of the DB
Connection Alias logon information. To perform the test, right-click in a grid cell
and select Test Connection from the shortcut menu. A message
displays in the Status bar at the bottom of the dialog indicating the
success or failure of the test. If you selected the Always Ask For
Password check box, you are prompted to enter the password.
Use the Server tab to provide credentials that may be used when the
optional Server is enabled and tasks are delegated to the Server. The
Server can be configured to use these credentials for access to the Optim
Directory, certain DB Aliases, or the working files.
Server Select the name of the Server for which to enter User ID, Password, and
Domain information. Click the down arrow to select from the list of
Servers configured in Product Options, or select [Default] to use the
same information for all Servers.
User ID Enter the User ID used by the Server when performing tasks.
Domain Enter the Domain name used to run actions remotely, or for remote
input/output files.
Always Ask for Select to display the Server Logon dialog whenever the Server is used
Password for remote processing calls. When selected, Password is not available.
Check Logon Click Check Logon to verify that the Server can log on with the
information provided.
Always Ask for Select to display the Optim Server Logon dialog whenever the Server
Password is used for remote processing calls.
Save as Default If you select the Save as Default Logon check box, the information you
Logon enter in this dialog overrides the default settings specified on the Server
tab in Personal Options.
Use the options on the Edit tab to set preferences for browsing and
editing data.
When you select a row in a table and no related rows exist in the
subordinate table, Optim automatically switches to display the next
table in the stack that has a related row.
Display Column Select to display column attributes (data type, length, and nullable
Attributes attribute) for all columns in a selected table. Column attributes are
useful when you insert a row or modify column data in the Table Editor.
Display Deleted Select to display rows that you delete (in Deleted status) in the Table
Rows Editor. Deleted rows appear dimmed. To hide deleted rows, clear this
check box.
Single View Select to disable the Join capability when the first item in the Table
Editor is a view. Browsing and editing is more efficient using single
Side Label Display Select to show column names and values side by side for a single row.
To show column names and values for multiple rows (Columnar
Display), clear this check box.
Warn on Cascade Select to display a warning that rows in other tables may be deleted, or
column values set to NULL, when you delete rows in a table. The
Delete Confirmation dialog displays the names of affected tables,
including tables that are not shown in the Table Editor. Column values
may be set to NULL if the relationship between the tables is using the
SET NULL delete rule.
Note: Be certain you want to disable this feature before clearing this
check box.
Display NULL Select to specify NULL as the default value for nullable columns when
as Insert Default you insert a new row. If you clear this check box, Optim provides a
value based on the column data type. Other than NULL, possible values
include blank, zero, current date, current time, and current timestamp.
To specify the character for the NULL value indicator, use the Display
tab on the Personal Options dialog.
Note: Site management may set Product Options to restrict the use of
this feature.
User Supplies Select to require a user-supplied value for every column that cannot
Defaults accept a default value. If you clear this check box, Optim provides a
value based on the column data type. Possible values include blank,
zero, current date, current time, or current timestamp.
Note: Site management may set Product Options to restrict use of this
Prompt for Select to request a prompt for default values associated with substitution
Variables variables in an Access Definition. You can use substitution variables in
selection criteria to specify data to browse or edit.
Retain SelCrit Select to apply selection criteria each time a table is self-referenced in
for Self-Ref Rels the Table Editor. Clear the check box to remove, as the default,
selection criteria when the table is self-referenced.
Auditing Active Select to activate the Audit option for tracking database changes when
you edit data. If you select this option, click Audit Tables to specify the
tables you want to audit. If you prefer not to use this option, clear the
check box.
Note: Site management may set Product Options to restrict the use of
this option.
Audit Tables Click to open the Audit Tables dialog on which you can specify a list of
tables to audit.
Display Row Count Specify the default number of rows to display for each joined table in
the Table Editor. Use row count to manage the display area when you
join several tables in the Table Editor.
Undo Levels Specify the default number of times (1 to 20) you can undo a commit to
any row in the Table Editor. You can specify the maximum number of
undo levels (or commit points) per row.
Default Data Select the default mode for adding tables to the Table Editor. Click the
Display down arrow to select Browse, Browse Only, or Edit mode for each
table opened or joined in the Table Editor.
In Browse or Edit mode, a table can appear only once in the Table
Editor. In Browse Only mode, a table can appear more than once in the
Table Editor.
You can switch from Browse Only mode to Browse or Edit mode by
unjoining any duplicate tables, selecting Preferences from the Tools
menu on the Table Editor, and selecting Browse or Edit mode.
Note: If the Force Browse Only check box on the Edit tab in
Product Options is selected, the controls pertaining to editing
data are unavailable.
Optim Directory Select the Optim Directory associated with the tables to audit. If you
have access to more than one Optim Directory and want to specify the
tables to audit for those directories, click the down arrow.
Audit results are stored in the PSTAUDIT table, which is one of the
Optim Directory tables created when you install Optim. If you are
authorized, you can browse or edit the PSTAUDIT table in the same
way you browse or edit any other database table. However, Auditing
Status in Product Options must be set to Active/User, and you must
have database SELECT authority for the PSTAUDIT table.
You can specify a Personal Options list of tables to audit. However, the
list specified in Product Options takes precedence over the list that you
specify in Personal Options.
Use the options on the Browse tab to set preferences for browsing data
and to select font characteristics for browsing a Compare File to quickly
identify changed data.
Display Column Select to display the data type, length, and nullable attributes for all
Attributes columns in a selected table when browsing an Extract File, Archive File,
or a Compare File. To display only column names, clear the check box.
Side Label Display Select to display rows one at a time, with column names and values
side-by-side. To display multiple rows, in a columnar format, clear this
check box.
When you select a row in a table and there are no related rows in the
subordinate table, the display is automatically switched to the next table
in the stack that has a related row.
Display Row Count Specify the default number of rows to display for each joined table. Use
row count to manage the display area when you join several tables.
Maximum Exclude Specify a row limit to improve performance when browsing an Extract,
Rows Archive, or Control File that contains a large number of rows. When
browsing, the Exclude Rows and Only Show Rows in Error features
are unavailable for tables that exceed the specified row limit. (When an
Extract, Archive, or Control File is first opened for browsing, system
resources are allocated for creating a cache for temporary storage of
excluded rows and rows in error. Therefore, browsing a very large file
can consume a large amount of system resources.) This limit is
reevaluated when a table is joined to another table, because the resulting
subset may contain less rows.
Changed Data Select options to identify changed data when browsing a Compare File.
Display Attributes
Use the options on the Archive tab to set preferences for an Archive
Archive Directory Specify the complete path to the default directory where you want to
store Archive Files. To select from your system directories, click the
browse button. If you do not specify a directory, the Data Directory
specified on the General tab is used by default.
Archive Index Specify the complete path to the default directory where you want to
Directory store Archive Index Files. To select from your system directories, click
the browse button. If you do not specify a directory, the Archive
Directory is used by default.
Archive Browse Specify the complete path to the default directory where you want to
Index Directory store Archive Index Browse Files. To select from your system
directories, click the browse button. If you do not specify a directory,
the Archive Directory is used by default.
File stores primary key and foreign key information to expedite the
retrieval of data, and has an .abf extension, by default. Archive Index
Browse Files are dynamically updated. For this reason, it is advisable to
select a directory accessible to any user that may browse an Archive
Directory for Select either Data Directory or Temporary Work Directory to specify
Generated Subset the location in which to store automatically generated subset Extract
Extract Files Files.
Only Use Index to When search criteria is used to locate Archive Files containing specific
Perform Search data, Optim initially searches for matching rows in the corresponding
Archive Index Files. If a match for the search criteria cannot be
determined from the Archive Index information (or index information is
not defined), Optim must check the Archive File to resolve the search.
This check box is cleared by default to direct the Archive Process to
automatically search Archive Files when a match cannot be determined
from Archive Index Files.
When you select this check box, you direct the Archive Process to
search Archive Index Files only. Use shortcut menu commands
Resolve and Resolve All to complete the search when a match cannot
be determined from Archive Index information.
Automatically Trim Select to automatically exclude all files other than possible matches
Search List when you use the Search command to locate and display Archive File
names that contain specific data.
File Backup Device Click the down arrow to select the default backup device from a
drop-down list of available backup devices.
Note: The drop-down list includes the backup devices selected on the
Archive tab in Product Options. If no backup devices are
selected in Product Options, this option is unavailable.
Use options on the Removable Media tab to set default values for
segment size when creating Archive Files, whether or not using a
Storage Profile Definition, and Extract Files. When an Archive or
Extract File is larger than the space limitation for the target media, the
file must be segmented to span more than one volume.
Default Segment
Sizes (MB)
Fixed Enter the segment size (0 - 9999 MB) to use when the
target destination is a fixed drive (i.e. hard disk). To
specify no limit, enter a value of 0 (zero).
• This value also applies to Archive Files copied to
a backup device, because Archive Files are
created on disk before being copied to a backup
Removable Enter the segment size (1 - 9999 MB) to use when the
target destination is a removable device (e.g., zip drive).
Use the options on the Actions tab to select preferences for printing
Column Map procedures, displaying tabs in Action Request Editors,
Column Map
Prefix Output Select the check box to include the name of the
with Name Column Map procedure with the print output
Note: When you choose to include the name of
the Column Map procedure with the print
output, and a Local (i.e. unnamed) Column
Map procedure is used, a name for the
Local Column Map procedure is
automatically generated. The name is
generated using the corresponding table
name, column name, and a unique number
as follows: tablename.columnname.n
The following options allow you to modify parts of the generated name
for a Local Column Map procedure (the full table name and column
name are used by default).
Show Full Table Select this check box to include the full table name
Name When in the generated Local Column Map procedure
Local Proc name.
If you clear this check box, use the From Left and
From Right controls to specify a subset of the table
name. From Left indicates the number of bytes to
use from the beginning of the table name. From
Right indicates the number of bytes to use from the
end of the table name. (For example, if the table
name is CUSTOMERS, and you specify 4 for From
Left and 2 for From Right, the subset of the table
name used is CUSTRS.)
Show Full Select this check box to include the full column
Column Name name in the generated Local Column Map
When Local procedure name.
If you clear this check box, use the From Left and
From Right controls to specify a subset of the
column name. From Left indicates the number of
bytes to use from the beginning of the column name.
From Right indicates the number of bytes to use
from the end of the column name. (For example, if
the column name is SALESMAN_ID, and you
specify 0 for From Left and 2 for From Right, the
subset of the column name used is ID.)
Note: You can specify 0 for From Left and 0 for From Right to
indicate that no part of the name is used. However, you must
use part of either the table name or the column name.
Column Map
Action Display
Show Currency Select to display the Currency tab in the Convert,
Tab Page Insert, and Load Request Editors.
Show Age Tab Select to display the Age Function and Global
Pages Aging tabs in the Convert, Insert, and Load Request
Note: You can override these selections with
commands available from the Options
menu in each Action Request Editor.
Monitor Update
Rows Specify the number of rows (100 to 5000) to
process before updating the status message on the
Progress dialog. The default value is 100.
Format Numeric Select this check box to format numeric values displayed on progress
Values dialogs and in process reports for all actions. Clear this check box to
display numeric values without formatting (e.g., 99888).
For example, if you select this check box and run the Extract Process,
the Extract Request Progress dialog would display 99,888 for the total
number of rows extracted, depending on the numeric format defined for
Note: To view the numeric format for your workstation, select
Regional Options from the Control Panel and review the
Numbers tab.
Report Retention
Use the Printer tab to set printer, font, and language preferences for
printing a request or definition. Note that font and language settings
appropriate to the character set used for a request or definition will
ensure that text prints correctly if the Locale settings for your computer
do not match settings for the computer used to create the object.
The default printer and font information for requests and definitions are
shown in each of the message boxes. To open the Windows Print
Setup dialog to select a printer, click Set Printer. To open the
Windows Font dialog to select font attributes and specify the desired
language script, click Set Font.
Set Printer Click to display the Print Setup dialog. Select a printer
to use as the default when printing requests or
Field Font
Use the options on the Database tab to set preferences for handling
database connections, multi-byte round trip conversion errors, and
cascade deletes. For Sybase ASE, you can specify whether to run in
Unchained mode.
Parallel Processing
MBCS Roundtrip Options for handling characters that could cause round trip conversion
Processing issues in a multi-byte Optim Directory or DB Alias. The availability of
these options is governed by the MBCS Roundtrip Processing settings
on the Product Options Database tab.
Optim uses the Unicode character set in dialogs and to process data. In
some multi-byte character sets (such as Oracle JA16SJIS), multiple
characters are mapped to the same Unicode character. When these
characters are converted from Unicode back to multi-byte (a round trip),
the original character may not be returned.
Select the Ignore all round trip Failures option if the database does
not contain data with characters that could cause round trip errors, or if
columns used to manipulate data in a Column Map (e.g., a function is
used) and columns for which selection criteria are defined do not
contain characters that could cause round trip errors.
Cascade Delete
Sybase Unchained
Use the Notify tab to provide default options and addresses for
automatic email notification of the success or failure of a process. The
process report generated when a process completes is automatically sent
as an attachment.
In an Action Request Editor, you can click Get Site Defaults on the
Notify tab to populate it with the defaults specified in Personal Options.
Send For each email address you list, click to select an option
to send a message as determined by the outcome of the
process. You can select Always, Success, or Failure.
Send Test eMail Right-click a grid row and select Send Test eMail to validate the email
Email Transport Click this button to display the Email Transport dialog so that you may
activate and configure the Collaboration Data Object (CDO) transport to
send email. If you don’t click this button, email is sent using the Simple
Mail Protocol Transport (SMTP).
Note: You must use the CDO transport if the email client on the
server requires logon credentials to send an unattended
message or requires user input when SMTP is used to send a
message. Also, select the CDO option if the server uses a
Microsoft Outlook client (version 2000 or later) to send
messages through a Microsoft Exchange server.
Activate If you use the SMTP email transport, keep this check box cleared
Collaboration Data (default) and select OK. A popup will ask you if you want to connect
Object Transport without entering a password. If you use the CDO email transport, select
this check box to enable the dialog and continue entering information.
Set from one of Click to select an account from the list and populate the remainder of the
these known Email Email Transport dialog with information for the selected account.
Port (if not Type a port name or leave blank (default port).
Email account Type the password. A blank password is valid if the account allows it; a
password prompt will confirm that you want to connect without entering a
Send Test Email Click this button to send a test email to your mailbox.
Note: It is recommended that you send a test email to ensure that the
information you entered is sufficient to send an email. If you
do not receive the test email, make the necessary corrections to
the information you entered.
Reinstalling in IBM When you install Optim 6.5 and sign a user exit, an entry is made in the
AIX environment AIX cache. If you need to reinstall Optim 6.5, you must remove this
entry before reinstalling:
-s /usr/sbin/slibclean
Installing from a You can copy the contents of the Optim Server CD to a network drive
Network Drive and then run the setup program from the network drive. To copy to a
network drive
A.1 Installation
Installing the Server takes only a few minutes and can be performed
using a graphical interface or from the command line.
• The graphical interface option uses the setup program to guide you
through the installation process. To use this option, see A.1.1 Run
Troubleshooting If the InstallShield Wizard or Welcome panel fails to display, check the
Setup following:
• The temporary directory used by the setup program may be full. The
default temporary directory is /var/tmp. To change the temporary
directory, you can run the setup program with the following
If the setup program still fails to start the InstallShield Wizard, you can
run the setup program in console mode with the following parameters:
To change the destination directory in console mode, you can run the
setup program with the following parameters:
To change the temporary directory in console mode, you can run the
setup program with the following parameters:
Command Buttons You must accept the terms of the license agreement in order to enable
the Next button and continue the installation. After you select the
option accepting the licensing agreement, click Next to indicate that
your company agrees to its provisions. Other command buttons:
Directory Name Enter the directory path for installing the Server. To
change the path, type over the path provided, or
click Browse. If you indicate a directory that does
not exist, setup creates it. Setup also creates the
subordinate directories, RT and Bin.
However, if you are installing the Server in the same directory as any
running Server or command line process, or you are running a Server or
a command line process under the same user id that is running setup,
you must stop one or more Optim Servers or Optim command line
Before shutting a Server down, you must log on as the processing user
account for the Server and run the following commands:
• mwcleanup
• mwadm stop.
If the services cannot be stopped because they are in use, you may see a
message. You must then wait until the services end after all Optim
command line processes that use them have exited and all Optim
Servers that use them have been stopped. You can periodically check
the status of the services with the mwadm status command.
If you want to force-stop the services, you can enter the mwadm stop -f
command. However, use this command as the last resort as it will force
terminate all running Optim programs that are using the services being
Select Components
The select components dialog lists the features available for installation.
All components are selected by default.
Optim Server Select this check box to install all files, including shell scripts and
Executable Files configuration files, needed to run the Server in a Solaris, HP-UX, AIX
or Linux operating environment.
Sample Files Select this check box to install sample Extract Files. For more
information about samples, refer to Appendix H. Samples.
Optim - Open Data Select this check box to install Open Data Manager (ODM), which is
Manager Interface used with external applications to access data in Archive Files. ODM
requires a product license and is required for installations of certain
Optim Application Aware Solutions. If ODM is needed, the Installation
Guide for the Optim Application Aware Solution directs you to select
ODM. Refer to Appendix F. Open Data Manager for ODM
installation instructions.
Setup displays the destination location, the features selected for
installation, and the space required for your confirmation. To change
When you click Next, setup displays information about the shell scripts
and configuration files to help you select files to modify. You can scroll
the display to read information about each file.
For upgrade installations, only the sample scripts and files are installed,
and existing samples are automatically renamed with the extension .bak.
This feature prevents overwriting of your working scripts and files, and
allows you to compare existing versions with new sample versions.
When you click Next, you are prompted to edit each shell script and
configuration file.
• The RT4S shell script is used to start or stop the Server from init(1)
processing. This script should be executed only as part of the system
boot procedure. Generally, the script does not need modification,
unless the Server is installed in a directory other than the default
the options that have been installed and the Optim install
directory. If you manually delete the Optim directory, you
should also delete this file.
You must sign the default exit or a custom exit supplied by you to use
Optim, but you can only sign the default exit during setup. (See A.5
The Optim Exit in UNIX for detailed information on the Optim default
exit and user-supplied exits.)
Note: If you want to sign a custom, user-supplied exit, you must run a
script file called opmusign following installation, as described
in A.5.7 Signing a User-Supplied Exit in UNIX.
If you select Yes on the Sign Optim Exit dialog to sign the default exit,
setup will open a separate terminal window to sign the default exit.
Specify your Type your company credentials when prompted for that information.
Company ID, Name Your company credentials consist of the company Id, Name, and
and Password
Password assigned to your organization when you received Optim. All
three entries are case sensitive, and you must enter them in the format
provided to you. Press Enter after each prompt to display the next
prompt. After you specify your company Id, for example, press Enter
to display the Name prompt.
Read Me
After editing and saving the files, you are prompted to view the
readme.txt file, containing installation notes and information.
Select Yes and click Next on the Remove Temporary Files dialog to
delete the temporary .log and .err files stored in the /tmp/softech
directory, as indicated below.
Setup Complete
At the conclusion of the installation, a dialog indicates the Server has
been successfully installed. Click Finish and close the console window
to complete the installation process.
Click Finish and close the console window to complete the installation
To install the Server from the command line, use the setup options file,
setupopts, located on the product CD.
Editing setupopts To install the Server, mount the product CD and copy setupopts from
the root directory to a location for which you have write access. You can
edit the file using an ASCII editor. Enable a keyword by removing the
leading ‘###’ characters from the line. Define a parameter for a
keyword by editing the characters after the ‘=’.
Installation Run the setup process from the command line, using the following
rt/mw/bin/mwadm stop
| Separates options.
–W LicensePanel.selection={ 1 | 2 }
–P installLocation=installdirectory
[ –P[ true | false ] ]
[ –P[ true | false ] ]
[ –P[ true | false ] ]
[ –P[ true | false ] ]
[ –W ConfigureODMPromptPanel.ConfigureODMChoice=[ 1 | 2 ] ]
[ –W ODMLicensePanel.ODMLicenseField=licensepath ]
[ –W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_rtsetenv=[ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ –W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_rtserver= [ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ –W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_rt4s=[ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ –W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_pstserv=[ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ –W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_pstlocal=[ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ –W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_locale=[ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ –W View_Readme.Value=[ 0 | 1 ] ]
–W LicensePanel.selection=
–P installLocation=
–W ConfigureODMPromptPanel.ConfigureODMChoice=
–W ODMLicensePanel.ODMLicenseField=
–W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_rtsetenv=
–W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_rtserver=
–W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_rt4s=
–W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_pstserv=
–W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_pstlocal=
–W UpdateFilesPanel.Update_locale=
–W View_Readme.Value=
-W View_Readme.Value=0
A.2 Configuration
Configuration files and shell scripts are installed with the Executable
Files when you install the Server in a supported UNIX environment.
These objects establish defaults for the Server and must be customized
to reflect your network environment. Use a text editor (e.g., vi, emacs,
CDE Text Editor, textedit, or xedit) to modify these files.
Configuration Files Configuration files are ASCII text files and are installed in the /etc
directory that is subordinate to the PSTHOME directory. PSTHOME is
an environment variable, set during installation, that points to the
directory in which the Server is installed.
Note: Use pr0svce -L (or use pr0svce -L userid from the root
account) to determine if the system is waiting to reload.
Conventions The following conventions are used in shell scripts and .cfg files:
• One parameter per line.
• Blank lines and leading and trailing blanks within a line are ignored.
• Use double quotes or the escape character (\) to pass a special
character to processing:
– Enclose a string that includes ‘# ’ in double quotes (e.g.,
– To include a double quote (") within a quoted string, use the
escape character, \, (e.g., \").
– Precede a special character that is not in a quoted string with the
‘escape’ character, \, (e.g., \#, \\).
• References to environment variables are in the form
${environmentvariablename}. An environment variable that does
not exist equates to a NULL string (“ ”). For example,
AAA${NOT_EXIST}BBB is treated as AAABBB.
• Parameters and keywords are not case sensitive. Directories, file
names, User IDs, and passwords are case sensitive.
• Keywords shown as 0 (zero) in the following text can also be entered
as f, or false, while keywords shown as 1 can be entered as t, or true.
• Comments are allowed after an entry and must begin with ‘# ’.
Syntax The syntax conventions used to describe the configuration files, shell
scripts, and commands are:
<> Delimiter for a choice from which you may select any or
| Separates options.
[ customerid [ n | 000000 ] ]
[ customername [ custname | xxxxx ] ]
[ license [ xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx |
000000-000000-000000-000000-000000] ]
[ rtservername [ servername | localcomputername ] ]
tempdir directory
datadir directory
[ datadirclient [ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ archivedir [ directory | datadir ] ]
[ archivediridx [ directory | archivedir ] ]
[ archivebroidx [ directory | archivedir ] ]
[ maxprocesses [ n | 48 ] ]
[ tracedays [ n | 5 ] ]
[ limitaccess [ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ allowdir path ] ]
[ pstlogon [ client | server ] ]
[ dbaliaslogon [ client | server ] ]
[ delfileinterval [ n | 10 ] ]
[ filelogon {client | local | server ( userid { password | ? } ) } ]
[ filemode < ALL | RUSR | RGRP | ROTH | WUSR | WGRP |
[ endpoint [ tcpportnumber | 1024 ] ]
pstdir ( name dbmstype dbmsver dbqual connectstring
{ dbname | * userid { password | ? } } )
dbalias ( pstdir name { connectstring | * [userid { password | ? }] } )
[ loader ( { ( pstdir dbalias ) | (* dbmstype ) } pathtoloader
excptntblcid ) ]
[ odbcserver [ 0 | ( 1 [ userid { password | ? } ] ) ] ]
[ adminemailnotify ( emailaddress={ success | information |
warning | error | exception } [ n | 7 ] [ 0 | 1 ] [clear] ) ]
[ archiveretentionpolicy ( { hh:mm | * } { pstdirectory | * } ) ]
[ centeraavail [ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ tivoliavail [ 0 | 1 ( nodename password ) ] ]
rtservername The name of the Server daemon as declared to all client machines.
Processes initiated from a client machine and directed to the Server are
executed if this name matches a name in the Product Configuration File
used by the client or, for command line and ODBC processes that
explicitly require the Server, the Server parameter in pstlocal.cfg.
tempdir Temporary Directory for temporary work and trace files. If the directory
referenced by the keyword does not exist, the Shell script creates it.
tempdir ${PSTHOME}/temp
datadir Data Directory for Extract, Compare, Control, Export, and other process
files for which a complete path is not provided. If the directory
referenced by the keyword does not exist, the shell script creates it.
datadir ${PSTHOME}/data
datadirclient Indicator for creating Data subdirectories for client data. Settings are:
archivedir Directory for Archive Files for which the process request does not
provide a complete path. If the directory does not exist, the shell script
creates it. Archive Files are stored in the Data directory (datadir) by
archivedir ${PSTHOME}/archive
archivediridx Archive Index Directory for Archive Index Files for which a complete
path is not provided. If the directory does not exist, the Shell script
creates it. Archive Index Files are stored in the Archive Directory
(archivedir), or the Data directory (datadir), by default.
archivediridx ${PSTHOME}/archiveidx
archivebroidx Archive Browse Index Directory for Archive Browse Index Files for
which a complete path is not provided. If the directory referenced by the
keyword does not exist, the Shell script creates it. To expedite the
retrieval of data, an Archive Browse Index File is created when a user
browses archived data and joins tables. By default, Archive Browse
Index Files are stored in the Archive Directory (archivedir), or the Data
directory (datadir).
archivebroidx ${PSTHOME}/archivebro
48 Default setting.
maxprocesses 48
tracedays Number of days to retain trace files in the temporary work directory.
5 Default setting.
tracedays 5
allowdir Option to add a directory to the limitaccess list. Use allowdir for each
additional directory. A valid entry is:
allowdir /dir/subdir...
pstlogon The source of DBMS User ID and Password for Optim Directory access.
Valid entries are:
dbaliaslogon The source of DBMS User ID and Password for DB Alias access. Valid
entries are:
delfileinterval The interval in minutes for deleting Archive Files with an expired
retention period after being recalled from secondary media.
10 Default setting.
delfileinterval 10
filelogon The source of User ID and Password for file access. Valid entries are:
server userid The provided User ID and Password apply for all
password delegated processes. Specify “?” as the password
when a secure password is supplied in a password file.
(See A.4.2 Securing the Configuration Files for
more information.)
filemode Access permissions for Extract, Archive, and Control Files. Use any
combination of the following:
SYSTEM The system default, typically Read and Write permission for
the User, and Read-Only for Group and Other. (Default)
filemode system
• When filelogon is local, the user account under which the pr0svce
daemon is started is User.
• When filelogon is client, the user that creates a file is User.
• When the filelogon value is server, the explicitly supplied user
account is User.
endpoint The TCP port that pr0svce monitors for RPC connections from clients.
Valid settings are:
pstdir Connection information for an Optim Directory. Use pstdir for each
Optim Directory that can be accessed on behalf of a client. Note that the
Optim Directory is created from a Windows machine using the
Configuration program and that connection to the Directory is not
verified until required by a client.
loader The location of the DBMS loader for a delegated Load Request. You can
identify a loader for a specific Optim Directory and DB Alias, or you can
identify a default loader be used for any DB Alias within a DBMS.
odbcserver Start mode for ODBC Server process. Use this parameter to prevent
your having to start the ODBC Server (pr0coms) separately. Note that
the pstlocal.cfg file governs the ODBC Server; other parameters and
settings in pstserv.cfg do not apply to the ODBC Server.
userid Start the ODBC Server using the specified User ID and
password password.
Specify “?” as the password when a secure password is
supplied in a password file. (See A.4.2 Securing the
Configuration Files for more information.) To use OS
Authentication for Oracle, specify a forward slash (/)
for userid and do not specify a password.
hh:mm The time of day to scan the Optim Directories. Use 24-
hour time format (for example, 1:30 p.m. is 13:30).
Midnight is 00:00. Enter ‘*’ to use the default, 00:01.
tivoliavail Use Tivoli with the Archive Retention Policy. (To use a Tivoli device,
you must install the Tivoli client and API support on the machine where
the Optim Server runs.)
[ centeradays [ 0 | n ] ]
[ centerayears [ 0 | n ] ]
[ networkeravail [ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ tivoliavail [ 0 | 1 [ userid { password | ? } ] ] ]
[ rmfixedsegsize [ 0 | n ] ]
[ rmremsegsize [ 10 | n ] ]
[ scriptmaxlines [ 500 | n ] ]
[ scriptprefixout [ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ scriptshowfullcol [ 0 | 1 4 4 | 1 ln rn ] ]
[ scriptshowfulltbl [ 0 | 1 4 4 | 1 ln rn ] ]
[ scriptwarnmissing [ 0 | 1 ] ]
[ wormdeviceallowaltret { 0 | 1 } ]
[ wormdeviceretention { none | interval | maximum } ]
[ wormdevicedays [ 0 | n ]
[ wormdeviceyears [ 0 | n ]
[ sybaseunchain { active | inactive | defaultactive | defaultinactive } ]
[ uncommittedread { active | inactive | defaultactive |
defaultinactive } ]
tempdir ${PSTHOME}/temp
datadir Directory for Extract, Compare, Control, Export, and other process
files for which a complete path is not provided.
datadir ${PSTHOME}/data
archivedir Directory for Archive Files for which the process request does not
provide a complete path. If the directory does not exist, the shell
script creates it. Archive Files are stored in the Data directory
(datadir) by default.
archivedir ${PSTHOME}/archive
archivediridx Archive Index Directory for Archive Index Files for which a
complete path is not provided. If the directory does not exist, the
Shell script creates it. Archive Index Files are stored in the Archive
Directory (archivedir), or the Data directory (datadir), by default.
archivediridx ${PSTHOME}/archiveidx
archivebroidx Archive Browse Index Directory for Archive Browse Index Files for
which a complete path is not provided. If the directory referenced by
the keyword does not exist, the Shell script creates it. To expedite
the retrieval of data, an Archive Browse Index File is created when a
user browses archived data and joins tables. By default, Archive
Browse Index Files are stored in the Archive Directory (archivedir),
or the Data directory (datadir).
archivebroidx ${PSTHOME}/archivebro
tracedays Number of days to retain trace files in the temporary work directory.
server Connection for Command Line and ODBC processes that are not
executed locally but, instead, are targeted to a Server. You can omit
this keyword if, for the targeted Server, file access is limited to a
specific Windows user account or the filelogon value is server or
pstdir Connection information for an Optim Directory. Use pstdir for each
Optim Directory that can be accessed for processing initiated from
the command line. Note that the Optim Directory is created from a
Windows machine using the Configuration program and that
connection to the Directory is not verified until required by a client.
dbalias DB Alias information. Use dbalias for each DB Alias that the Server
can access for Command Line and ODBC processes. Note that a DB
Aliases is created from a Windows machine using the Configuration
program and the DB Alias information is not verified until a
connection is required in a process.
loader The location of the DBMS loader for a command line process. You
can specify a loader for a specific Optim Directory and DB Alias, or
specify a default loader be used for any DB Alias within a DBMS.
codepgenum Valid code page settings are 37, 273, 277, 278, 280,
284, 285, 297, 500, and 871.
cmmaxshuffleretries Default number of times the Column Map Shuffle Function will
refetch a replacement value until a value that does not match the
source row is found (a “retry”). The Shuffle Function retry
parameter overrides this default.
Using a high retry value with columns that contain many duplicate
values will increase the processing time. For these columns, it may
be best to use a retry value of zero.
orausearraydelete Use the Oracle array delete feature with a Delete Process. When the
feature is used, rows not found are listed as deleted in the Delete
Process Report. Valid entries are:
e Allow users to list rows to be deleted after Archive Process.
reportlevel Maximum number of reports to retain for each type of process (e.g.,
Extract Processes, Archive Processes). Valid entry is 0 - 200. A
value of 0 (default) disables the report retention feature.
centeradays The number of days to retain an Archive File copied to Centera. This
value and the centerayears value determine the retention period
when the centeraretention parameter or overriding Storage Profile
setting indicates an interval for Centera File retention.
rmfixedsegsize The default maximum segment size for Archive Files on fixed drive
(i.e., hard disk).
rmremsegsize The default maximum segment size (in megabytes) for Archive Files
on a removable device (e.g., floppy disk, zip drive).
10 Default
scriptshowfullcol Format for column name used to generate name for local Column
Map Procedure.
scriptshowfulltbl Format for table name used to generate name for local Column Map
wormdeviceallowaltret 1
wormdeviceyears 20
The Run in Unchained Mode check box in
Personal Options is available and cleared, by
default. Insert, Restore, and Delete Processes run in
normal mode unless the Run in Unchained Mode
check box in Personal Options is selected.
sybaseunchain active
uncommittedread inactive
[ PSTINFO=[ directory ] ]
[ ORACLE_HOME=[ directory ] ]
[ TNS_ADMIN=[ directory ] ]
[ RTORACLELIB=[ directory ] ]
[ RTDB2PROFILE=[ directory ] ]
[ SYBASE=[ directory ] ]
[ RTSYBASELIB=[ directory ] ]
[ INFORMIXDIR=[ directory ] ]
[ INFORMIXSQLHOSTS=[ directory ] ]
RTSERVER arguments define the operation to be performed, as
rtserver list List all processes running on the Server. The list
includes the PID of the process, the name of the
computer delegating the process, the Optim
Directory that is active for the process, the type of
process (archive, extract, etc.), the name of the
process request, the time the process started, and
period for which it has been running.
The RT4S shell script is used to start or stop the Server from init(1)
processing, and should be executed as part of the system boot procedure
only. Generally, the RT4S script does not need modification.
Symbolic Links
A symbolic link allows a filename in one directory to point to a file in
another directory. To start up and shut down the Server as part of init
processing, you must create symbolic links to the RT4S script in the
following directories:
Solaris or Linux To start up and shut down the Server during Solaris or Linux init
processing, create symbolic links to the RT4S script in directories /
etc/rc2.d and /etc/rc1.d, as follows:
1. Log in as the root user.
2. From the console, enter the following commands:
• ln -s /opt/IBM/Optim/rt/sbin/rt4s /etc/rc2.d/S99rt4s
• ln -s /opt/IBM/Optim/rt/sbin/rt4s /etc/rc1.d/K07rt4s
HP-UX To start up and shut down the Server during HP-UX init processing,
create symbolic links to the RT4S script in directories /sbin/rc2.d
and /sbin/rc1.d, as follows:
1. Log in as the root user.
2. From the console, enter the following commands:
• ln -s /opt/IBM/Optim/rt/sbin/rt4s /sbin/rc2.d/S99rt4s
• ln -s /opt/IBM/Optim/rt/sbin/rt4s /sbin/rc1.d/K07rt4s
AIX To start up and shut down the Server during AIX init processing, create
symbolic links to the RT4S script in directories /etc/rc.d/rc2.d and
/etc/rc.d/rc1.d, as follows:
1. Log in as the root user.
2. From the console, enter the following commands:
• ln -s /opt/IBM/Optim/rt/sbin/rt4s /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S99rt4s
• ln -s /opt/IBM/Optim/rt/sbin/rt4s /etc/rc.d/rc1.d/K07rt4s
Use the area at the end of this file to provide additional locale
conversion information between or within platforms. Specify locale
conversion information using the following format:
LocaleA LocaleB
A.3.1 Commands
You must shut down all Optim processes before deleting the following
files in the /tmp directory:
Optim requires that these files not be deleted while any Optim process
(for example, pr0svce, pr0cmnd, etc.) is running. Even though some of
these files are of type ‘s,’ they may be safely deleted after all Optim
processes are shut down. In addition, you must shut down all Optim
processes before killing watchdog, mwrpcss, or regss, and before
stopping mwadm.
Optim writes log and error files to the /tmp/softech directory during
installation. These files may contain diagnostic information should the
setup program fail. Once the installation has been deemed successful,
the /tmp/softech directory can be safely deleted.
Installation UNIX allows you to restrict read, write, or execute permission to a user,
members of a group, or members of any other group. Thus, to “fence”
Optim, an administrator might:
• Create a group for user accounts with permission to execute Optim.
• Within that group, create a user account to be the designated “owner”
of Optim, with full access rights.
• Install Optim while logged on as the owner and create the install
directory as a subdirectory of the home directory.
Under this scenario, typical system defaults for the file creation mask
allow only the owner to write to the install directory, the subdirectories,
and files within them, while user accounts within the group can execute
Optim and can write to the temp and data subdirectories that hold data
from processing. Creating the install directory in the home directory
prevents users outside the group from executing Optim.
An alternative method to prevent users outside the group from executing
the software is to change permissions by using the chmod command, as
chmod o-rwx <install--directory>
User Accounts Before any processing occurs, you should establish all user accounts. If
you change user accounts after processes have run, the ability of
processes to access files produced in earlier processing may be affected.
For example, a Restore Process that uses Centera or NetWorker as the
user id in effect when the file is recalled from a backup device and when
the recalled file is deleted from disk after the specified retention period.
Use the following information to help determine which user ids to
specify for each parameter.
The user account under which the pr0svce daemon is started (i.e., the
account that is logged on when pr0svce is started) must have write
access to the Optim temporary directory, and read access to pstserv.cfg.
When setting up user accounts and file permissions, note that both
pr0svce and the user account running pr0svce must be able to access the
file that keeps information on active daemons in order to perform an
action against pr0svce (for example, to shutdown or delete pr0svce).
This file is maintained in the directory designated by the PSTINFO
environment variable. (See A.2.3 RTSETENV Shell Script for more
information regarding the PSTINFO environment variable.)
As a general rule, you will want to avoid running pr0svce under root
authority. However, as noted earlier, you must run the pr0svce daemon
under root authority when certain parameters in pstserv.cfg or
pstlocal.cfg (i.e., the configuration file) are set. The parameters and
settings that require root authority are:
• filelogon client
• filelogon server userid password
• odbcserver true userid password
• tivoliavail true userid password
• webserver true userid password (for Optim-AMD users only)
Before running a process for which one or more of these settings apply,
pr0svce validates the incoming user account and password. The process
is then run under the credentials supplied in the configuration file. If
pr0svce must run a process under root authority, it is advisable to
The user account used to start pr0svce must have read access to the
pstserv.cfg file, while the Command Line Utility (pr0cmnd) and the
ODBC Server (pr0coms) must have read access to the pstlocal.cfg file.
(For details about the configuration files, refer to A.2.1 Pstserv
Configuration File and A.2.2 Pstlocal Configuration File for the
Command Line Utility.)
Password File Parameters in both configuration files may include system user ids (i.e.,
filelogon, odbcserver, webserver, server, and tivoliavail), DBMS logons
(i.e., pstdir and dbalias) with passwords. To secure passwords for
configuration parameters, you can use an encrypted password file,
separate from the configuration files. The pr0pass program maintains
the password file, encrypting passwords for parameters in the
configuration files.
Commands The following command line actions are available to help you edit an
encrypted password file.
Examples The following examples demonstrate using the Add command for the
pr0pass program and indicating encrypted passwords in the
configuration file.
2. To encode the password for the DBALIAS, specify both the Optim
Directory to which it belongs and the DB Alias name:
pr0pass -a dbalias pstdir1:dbalias1 myuserid
And in the configuration file, specify:
dbalias pstdir1 dbalias1 connectstr myuserid ?
Protecting the By default, the owner and the root user have write access to the
Password File password file and can use the commands, pr0pass -a or
pr0pass -d, to update the password file.
To allow other members of the group to update the password file, you
must use the chmod command to change permissions to the password
file. For example, the following command adds write permission to the
group for the pstpass file.
Protecting the It is recommended that you allow only the owner or the root user to
Configuration Files update the configuration files. Maintenance of the configuration file
does not require knowledge of the actual passwords if group members
are allowed to update the password file since the character “?” can be
specified for the passwords.
Note: Group members who can modify the configuration file would
be able to obtain additional privileges to the Optim Directory
or DB Alias, or execute the ODBC Server or client processes
under any identifier.
The default exit is intended for clients who do not need to use a user-
supplied exit, although it may also be used as a temporary solution
while you create your own, customized exit. If you use the default exit,
Optim user security will function as it did prior to release 6.5.
Regardless of which exit you use (i.e., the default exit or your own exit),
you must “sign” that exit before you can use Optim. After the exit is
assigned, Optim will invoke that exit at initialization and call it at
various “exit points” points in the program to determine whether Optim
should continue with what it was about to do. An exit point is a point
within a program at which an exit routine can take control to do some
external function. The exit allows you to:
• Ensure that the user’s request meets your company standards, and
Optim will call the exit at each exit point to verify that the user’s request
meets your company standards, such as verifying that the user has
permission to run a given executable. The first exit point occurs when
the user launches Optim. If you use the exit to provide external security,
that exit point determines whether the user has permission to access the
product. If the user has the appropriate permissions, the user can
continue; if not, Optim will terminate the user’s session after displaying
an appropriate error message. (See the Optim Initialization Exit
Programmer’s Guide for a list of a complete list of the Optim exit
Beginning with Optim release 6.5, a “signed” exit must exist to use
Optim, whether the exit is the Optim default exit or a user-supplied exit.
To sign an exit, you must specify the “company credentials” supplied to
your organization when you received Optim. Your company credentials
consist of your Optim-supplied company ID, Name, and Password. The
Optim setup process will automatically request these credentials during
installation, so you can sign an exit.
Note: If you have write access to the Optim bin directory and you
have the appropriate company credentials, you can change
from one exit to another at any time following installation by
signing a new exit. You can change from using the default exit
to a user-supplied exit (or vice versa), or you can change from
one user-supplied exit to another. (If you are switching to user-
supplied exit, you must compile, link, and copy that exit to the
bin directory before you can sign it.)
In a UNIX environment, you can only sign the default exit during
installation (i.e., during the Optim Setup program). If you want to sign
a user-supplied exit, you must run an opmusign script file following
installation. (Another script file is available to revert to the default exit
from a user-supplied exit, if needed.) See A.5.3 Signing an Exit in
UNIX on page 406 for more information.
• the person signing the default exit is authorized to make the decision
to use that exit, as opposed to a user-supplied exit. This is important
because the default exit returns a “continue” code at every exit point.
Thus, if the default exit was delivered signed, it would bypass any
security checks and additional functionality included your user-
supplied exit (assuming you already created one).
After you create an exit, you must compile, link, and copy the exit to the
bin directory in which Optim is installed, before you can sign it. The
same is true when you modify an exit. If a signed exit does not exist,
you cannot use Optim. (See the Optim Initialization Exit
Programmer’s Guide for more information on creating a user-supplied
• The exit load linked module name must be appropriate for your
platform, as shown below:
Windows opmexit.dll
• You must copy the exit file to the bin directory before you run the
opmusign script in UNIX. (The opmusign script is used to sign a
user-specified exit, while the opmdsign script is used to sign the
default Optim exit.)
• The exit file must exist in the bin directory and be signed on every
Optim installation. Thus, each time you install Optim in a directory,
a signed exit must exist in the bin directory. (If you install a new
version of Optim over a previous version, you have to re-copy your
exit into the bin directory and resign it, or sign the default exit.)
Signing Required Unlike the Optim Security feature, which you must initialize once per
After Each Install Optim Directory, you must sign an exit each time you install Optim on a
machine. Moreover, when you upgrade to a new Optim release, you
must sign a valid exit for each Optim installation, before you can use
Optim. The same is true if you reinstall Optim.
1. The Optim Setup program, which allows you to sign the default
exit as part of the installation process, as described earlier in this
appendix. (If you want to sign a user-supplied exit, you must
manually run a script file after installation is completed.)
2. The opmdsign script file, located in the rt/sbin directory. You can
run this script at any time following installation to switch to the
Optim default exit. (The letter “d” in the script’s name indicates
that it is used to sign the default exit.)
3. The pr0sign program.
1. The opmusign script file, located in the rt/sbin directory. You can
run this script at any time following installation to switch to a user-
supplied exit. (The letter “u” in the script’s name indicates that it is
used to sign a user-specified exit.)
2. The pr0sign program.
As indicated above, you can use the pr0sign program to sign either the
default exit or a user-supplied exit. Before you run the pr0sign
program, however, you must ensure that the environment is set up. The
opmdsign and opmusign scripts will both set up the environment and
call pr0sign.
You must sign an exit for each installation of Optim on a UNIX server.
If you copy a signed exit from one installation to another, you must sign
the exit again at the target installation.
After you sign an exit, if any of the company credentials you specified
are incorrect, an Invalid Credentials Specified dialog will appear. This
usually happens if you typed your company credentials in the wrong
case (i.e., uppercase verses lowercase, or vice versa), or you typed your
company Name in a format other than the one specified for your
It is important to understand that this dialog only notifies you that there
was an unspecified error in the signing process. Detailed information
about the actual error will appear in a separate, text editor window after
you click Next. Optim will extract the appropriate error information
from a pr0sign.txt file, as shown in the following example.
In the above example, the signing process failed because the module
used to challenge the signing is missing. (The information displayed in
the text editor is stored for future reference in the pr0sign.txt file in the
rt/temp directory.)
Optim will display the Sign Optim Exit dialog, along with the text
editor window, so you can do one of the following:
After Optim is installed, there are two options available in UNIX to sign
the default exit (if you did not sign that exit during setup):
• Run the script file opmdsign, located in the rt/sbin directory. (The
letter ‘d’ in the script’s name indicates that it is used to sign the
default exit.)
• Run Setup again, but do not select any components for installation.
Run the opmdsign As part of setup, Optim places the script file opmdsign in the rt/sbin
Script directory. When you use Setup to sign the default exit, it launches this
script file to set up the environment and calls pr0sign.
You may also run the opmdsign script file at any time following setup
to sign the default exit. Before you do that, however, make sure that no
Optim processes are running.
Parameter Identifies
• These parameters are positional, so you must enter them in the order
shown above.
• If you specify a Name, you also must specify the company’s Id.
opmdsign Signing Do the following to sign the default exit after installation:
Example # 1
1. Shut down the Optim server if it is running.
2. Change to the /users/roberts/rtinstalled/rt directory. Notice the
“rt” subdirectory appended to the install directory; this is required.
3. Run the opmdsign script in the rt/sbin subdirectory and specify the
present working directory. In the following example, the user
specified the system variable `pwd` to indicate that /users/roberts/
rtinstalled/rt is the present working directory. (The `pwd` variable
has the same effect as specifying the directory’s full path.)
Note: The Name assigned to your company may not match the
spelling or punctuation used in your company’s actual name.
opmdsign Signing As in Example # 1, shut down the Optim Server if it is running, and then
Example # 2 specify the directories explicitly, as indicated on the first line of the
following example.
opmdsign Signing Do steps 1 and 2 in Example # 1 (i.e., shut down the Optim Server if it is
Example # 3 running and then change to the /users/roberts/rtinstalled/rt directory).
Then run the opmdsign script in the rt/sbin subdirectory, but specify all
of the parameters explicitly, enclosing the company name in double
quotes, as shown below.
Run Setup Again If you have the installation CD or image available, run Setup again.
When the following dialog appears, clear the check boxes for all listed
components, as indicated below, to skip the install step and proceed to
the Sign Optim Exit dialog.
User-Supplied Exit Before you can sign a user-supplied exit, you must do the following:
1. Compile your user-supplied exit and create a load library named (in AIX, Solaris, and Linux) or (in
2. Make sure the Optim Server is not running; if it is, shut it down.
3. Copy the file or to the rt/bin directory,
thereby overwriting the existing file, assuming one already exits.
Run the opmusign As part of setup, Optim places the script file opmusign in the rt/sbin
Script directory. You can run the opmusign script at any time following setup
to sign a user-supplied exit. (The letter “u” in the script’s name
indicates it is used to sign a user-specified exit.)
Parameter Identifies
• These parameters are positional, so you must enter them in the order
shown above.
• If you specify a Name, you also must specify the company’s Id.
opmusign Signing Do the following to sign your user-supplied exit after installation:
Example # 1
1. Shut down the Optim Server if it is running.
2. Change to the /users/roberts/rtinstalled/rt directory. Notice the
“rt” subdirectory appended to the install directory; this is required.
3. Run the opmusign script in the rt/sbin subdirectory and specify the
present working directory. In the following example, the user
specified the system variable `pwd` to indicate that /users/roberts/
rtinstalled/rt is the present working directory. (The `pwd` variable
has the same effect as specifying the directory’s full path.)
Note: The Name assigned to your company may not match the
spelling or punctuation used in your company’s actual name.
opmusign Signing As in Example # 1, shut down the Optim Server if it is running, and then
Example # 2 specify the directories explicitly, as indicated on the first line of the
following example.
opmusign Signing Do steps 1 and 2 in Example # 1 (i.e., shut down the Optim Server if it is
Example # 3 running and then change to the /users/roberts/rtinstalled/rt directory).
Then run the opmusign script in the rt/sbin subdirectory, but specify all
of the parameters explicitly, enclosing the company name in double
quotes, as shown below.
• User ID
• Password
At installation, the default is to run the Server under the Local System
Account and Optim processes under the credentials from the initiating
workstation. The Local System Account is a special account for
Services only that has full access to the local machine. However, the
Local System Account cannot access mapped network drives.
You can provide other Server credentials on the Startup tab and the
Security tab of the Optim Server Settings applet, and the Server tab of
Personal Options. For UNIX or Linux, you can specify Server
credentials using the filelogon parameter of the pstserv configuration
file (pstserv.cfg) and the server parameter of the pstlocal configuration
file (pstlocal.cfg).
Note: For information about the Optim Server Settings applet, see
Chapter 6. Configure the Optim Server; for details about
Personal Options, see 9.2.9 Server Tab on page 305; and for
information about UNIX and Linux configuration files, see
A.2 Configuration on page 358.
After startup, the User ID for the Server may require other privileges,
depending on whether you are using explicit credentials or client
For UNIX or Linux, the user account under which the Server daemon is
started dictates the privileges for the daemon. If the daemon is started
as part of INIT processing, you must log on with the proper User ID
before starting the daemon, or use the SU (substitute user) command.
• Run the process under the user account that was used to start the
These credentials determine the network access allowed for the process,
and, for Oracle OS Authentication or the Informix Loader, the User ID
used for DBMS access.
The credentials are verified by the system and must include a valid User
ID known to the specified security provider. For Windows, an actual
logon for the specified user occurs and the process is started under those
credentials, as if the user logged on from the console directly. For
UNIX or Linux, the effective User ID and Group ID for the process are
changed to the credentials specified for running Optim processes.
Note the following when you use the Server credentials to run
• Oracle OS Authentication will run under the user that started the
service (Windows) or daemon (UNIX or Linux). Oracle requires a
known User ID (established by an administrator); therefore, you
cannot use the Local System Account for Windows. Informix
Loader, which uses credentials for the currently logged on user, also
requires a known User ID. (For more information, see B.1.6 Oracle
OS Authentication.)
• For UNIX or Linux, mount points for networked shares or file access
are allowed according to the effective User or Group accounts for the
process. Therefore, all processes can use files available to the User
account under which the Server daemon is started. (For more
information, see B.1.7 UNIX or Linux File Access.)
You can use the Server to access Optim Directories, DB Aliases, and
network shares that individual clients cannot access, and simply restrict
the users that can log on to the Server machine. You must require that
the credentials in the Optim Server Settings applet (Windows) or
Also, on each initiating machine, you must provide the credentials for
the Server.
Mapped drives cannot be used for file names when processes are run
from the Server, because the drive is mapped only when the user is
logged on to the interactive desktop. Mapping is removed when the
user logs off or disconnects from the share. Thus, a file that is valid
when the request is created may be invalid at run time.
Each file server must specify the User IDs and access rights (read, write,
execute, and so on) for each of its shares. The User ID that is sent to
these file servers is the User ID used to run the process (i.e., using
Server credentials, explicit credentials, or client credentials).
• The share on the file server can specify the User ID from that Domain
(or everyone).
• The share on the file server can specify the Server machine name and
the User ID (or everyone).
The Server component always uses the Local Machine hive in the
registry, which is always available.
The user credentials used to start the process can be the Local System
Account, a local user, or a domain user. Only local users (or domain
users that have previously logged on to the Server machine) have a
current user hive; others use the default user hive,
When using the default user hive, any changes are only cached in
memory for use by the process, and are not recorded to the registry.
Also, you cannot make the default user hive your current user hive if
you log on to the interactive desktop for the Server.
While this is not a problem for the Server processes, this may be
problematic for registry settings needed by the DBMS. For example,
Informix requires certain registry settings that are recorded in the
current user hive for the user logged on at the time that the Informix
utilities are used (SETNET32). To correct this issue, once you set up
the options, you can copy them to the default user hive using the
REGCOPY utility. You must re-run the REGCOPY utility each time
you change the options.
Filemode You may want files created by the Server to be available to other users
Parameter to run the same job and overlay the same file. The filemode parameter
in pstserv.cfg allows you to grant file access to other users. The
filemode parameter changes the default file mode for any file created by
the Server and allows you to limit read or write privileges for a user,
group, or other.
Daemon Startup A directory created during the daemon startup tracks the daemon
Directory system-wide, so that you can shut the daemon down from a different
process. This directory includes a file for each daemon started. (In
production environments, there is usually one file.)
DBMS logon credentials needed to access the Optim Directory and use
the DB Alias include a User ID, Password, and Connection String. If
using the Server, you can provide the DBMS logon credentials in two
Optim Directory To use the Optim Directory information from the Server:
Maintain DBMS The connection string you specify on the Optim Server Settings applet
Logon Credentials (for Windows) or in the configuration file (for UNIX or Linux) is
always used, regardless of whether Server or Client is the source of the
credentials for Optim Directory and DB Alias access. You must specify
a connection string to access an Optim Directory and use a DB Alias;
otherwise, the Optim process will fail.
Command Line You can use the Command Line Interface to:
• Create one or more DB Aliases.
• All keywords must be prefixed by a forward slash (/) or a dash (-) and
separated from one another by one or more spaces. Do not use
• The DBMS type keyword must precede the DBMS version keyword.
All other keywords can be specified in any order.
• If you use a keyword more than once for a task, the last instance
• You can include all keywords and arguments for one or more tasks in
a text file, and reference this parameter file on the command line.
| Separates options.
parameters As follows.
Optim Directory
/PSTDIRNAME= Optim Directory for the task.
the user account must have
the authority, through
System Privileges or Roles,
to create the tables and to
catalog the packages, plans,
or procedures under the
appropriate table identifier.
DB Alias
For Sybase, stored procedures
are stored in the special Sybase
ASE database sybsysprocs.
Optim Directory or The following keywords are interchangeable, and are not DBMS
DB Alias dependent.
C.2 Examples
The first step is to create a text file with the appropriate parameters for
the tasks. For this example, the text file is called C:\Cre_dba.txt:
/PSTDirName=ORA_LOCAL /PSTDirUserID=roberts
/PSTDirPassword=softech /DBAAction=createnew
/ConnectStr=sample /UserID=roberts /Password=robbie
/SPAction=createnew /Description="Local UDB V 6.1 Sample"
/DBAAction=createnew /DBAName=ASYB_LOCAL
/ConnectStr=roberts /UserID=roberts /Password=robbie
/DBQualifier=roberts /SPAction=createnew /SPShare=True
/Description="Local Sybase V 11.9.2 roberts" /Task=DB
/DBAAction=createnew /DBAName=AROBDB3
/DBMSType=SYBASE /DBMSVersion=11.9.2
/UserID=roberts /Password=robbie /DBQualifier=robdb3
/SPAction=Useexisting /SPShare=True /Description="Local
Sybase V 11.9.2 robdb3" /Task=DB
/DBAAction=createnew /DBAName=AROBDB4
/DBMSType=SYBASE /DBMSVersion=11.9.2
/UserID=roberts /Password=robbie /DBQualifier=robdb4
/SPAction=UseExisting /SPShare=True /Description="Local
Sybase V 11.9.2 robdb4" /Task=DB
PR0CNFG /FILE=C:\Cre_dba.txt
The first step is to create a text file with the appropriate parameters for
the tasks. For this example, the text file is called C:\Maint_dba.txt:
/PSTDirName=ORA_LOCAL /PSTDirUserID=roberts
/PSTDirPassword=softech /DBAAction=useexisting
/DBAName=AUDB_LOCAL /UserID=roberts
/DBAAction=useexisting /DBAName=ASYB_LOCAL
/DBAAction=useexisting /DBAName=AROBDB3
/DBAAction=useexisting /DBAName=AROBDB4
/DBAAction=useexisting /DBAName=AORA_LOCAL
/DBAAction=useexisting /DBAName=AMSSQL_LOCAL
/DBAAction=useexisting /DBAName=AIFX_LOCAL
/DBAAction=useexisting /DBAName=AIFX_LOCALNA
/DBAAction=useexisting /DBAName=APSTDSNY
PR0CNFG /FILE=C:\Maint_dba.txt
Optim provides three types of security. For each Optim Directory, you
may establish any or all of the following types of security: Functional
Security, Object Security, and Archive File Security.
Functional Security As the most general level of Optim Security, Functional Security allows
you to control user access to the interface for functions provided by
Optim. For example, for a specialized administrator role that is
intended to create process requests and objects needed to run these
requests, you can grant unlimited access to functions. For members of a
role intended only to run the pre-defined process requests, however, you
can grant more limited access to functions. As a second example, you
might use Functional Security to grant access to the Archive-specific
editors (Archive Request, Delete Request, and Restore Request) as well
as the Archive maintenance utilities to members of a specialized
Archive role while denying access to these editors for developers that
use Optim functions to create test data.
Object Security Object Security allows you to control access to specific objects in the
Optim Directory, using an Access Control List (ACL). Any Optim
object can be secured by associating it with an ACL. An ACL lists roles
and grants or denies privileges for each role to read, update, delete, or
execute (where appropriate) the object and the ACL. For example, you
might define an ACL to allow members of a role to read and execute,
but not edit, a specific Archive Request. Optim can also be configured
to secure objects automatically so that a default ACL (which can be
edited) is defined when the object is saved to the Optim Directory.
The roles in an ACL are defined in an ACD associated with the ACL. If
Functional Security is enabled, a member of a role that is granted an
Object Association Privilege in an ACD for an object type (e.g.,
Associate Access Definition privilege) can use the ACD to define roles
in an ACL for that object type. Object Association Privileges are not
required to use Object Security; however, these privileges must be
defined to secure objects if both Functional and Object Security are
Archive File Archive File Security allows you to control access to data in Archive
Security Files. For example, you might use Archive File Security to prevent any
access to data in a specific table or column for most users while granting
access to members of selected roles for the same data. Each secured
Archive File is associated with a File Access Definition (FAD), which is
a security definition that lists tables and columns for which access
privileges are defined and, for each listed role, grants or denies
privileges to access the archived data.
Access Control The Access Control Domain is a security definition that serves as the
Domains foundation for all levels of Optim Security. Each Optim Directory for
which Optim Security is initialized contains an ACD named (Default)
that cannot be deleted. Depending upon the needs of your facility, you
may create additional ACDs or use only the (Default) ACD. Each ACD
includes a list of roles. Each role represents a logical grouping of user
and group accounts in your network. Typically you might assign names
of roles to convey the capabilities of the accounts represented by the
role. Examples of role names might be “GUEST”, “NORMAL”, and
“SUPER”. User and group accounts are mapped to one or more roles,
as appropriate.
Access Control The Access Control List is an Optim object that serves as the basis for
List Object Security. ACL parameters govern the ability of a role to perform
actions (such as read, update, or delete) on both the object and the ACL
for the object. Each ACD, File Access Definition, and secured Optim
object has a unique ACL.
File Access The File Access Definition is the basis for Archive File Security. All
Definition Archive Files generated by running an Archive Request that references
an FAD are secured by the FAD.
(Default) ACD
Archive File Security
Functional Security
Allow Invoke Archive Request Editor File Access Definition
Allow Create Archive Request
Allow Associate Archive Request
Archive Request Editor
Object Security
R Permissions
Archive Request ACL Archive Request / FAD
Role = Allow Run O Association
Allow Invoke Restore Request Editor
Allow Create Restore Request E
Allow Associate Restore Request
The (Default) ACD, an object in the Optim Directory, is the linchpin for
the three levels of Optim Security. In the (Default) ACD, arbitrarily
named roles are linked to network accounts used as logons when
performing tasks.
Functional Security The (Default) ACD selectively grants and denies Functional Security
privileges for roles in order to provide appropriate access to the
interface and functions. For example, a member of a role expected to
run an Archive Request online must be allowed the Invoke Archive
Request Editor privilege, while a member of a role expected to create a
secured Archive Request must be allowed the Create Archive Request
and Associate Archive Request privileges.
Object Security Secured objects (including ACDs and File Access Definitions) have an
ACL that grants and denies read, update, delete, and execute
permissions to a subset of roles defined in the (Default) ACD. (At your
option, these roles can be defined in a specialized ACD, rather than the
(Default) ACD.) In the illustration, ACLs for the Archive and Restore
Archive File A File Access Definition (FAD) defines the security rules for data in one
Security or more Archive Files created by an Archive Request that references the
FAD. The FAD in the diagram may grant access to archived data in
selected tables and columns and deny access to data in others. The
logon account used to run the Restore Request must be represented by a
role in the FAD that is granted the necessary access to archived data.
Configure Security To use Optim Security, you must initialize security for the Optim
Directory, assign a Security Administrator, and enable the security
features your site will use.
• Configure Options
• Create roles.
• Define ACLs.
• Define FADs.
Use the Access Control Domain Editor to create and maintain Access
Control Domains. There are different ways to open the editor
depending upon whether you want to create a new Access Control
Domain or select an Access Control Domain to edit.
Create a New ACD This section explains how to create or edit an Access Control Domain.
or Select an ACD
to Edit
To create or edit an Access Control Domain:
1. In the main window, select Access Control Domains
from the Security submenu on the Options menu to open
the Access Control Domains dialog.
2. The next step depends on your purpose:
• To create a new ACD, select New ACD from the Tools
menu in the Access Control Domains dialog to open
the Access Control Domain Editor.
• To edit an existing ACD, double-click the grid row to
display the desired ACD in the Access Control
Domain Editor.
3. Optional. In the Access Control Domain Editor, right-
click the Role List and select New or Open from the
shortcut menu to open the Role Specifications dialog
and define or edit roles in the Role Specifications dialog.
4. Save the role.
5. Save the ACD.
6. Optional. Edit the ACL for the ACD.
7. Click OK to save the ACD.
These steps are the minimum required to create an ACD. Refer to D.1.1
Access Control Domain Editor for complete details.
Open Dialog In the main window, select Security from the Options menu. Then
select Access Control Domains from the submenu to open the Access
Control Domains dialog.
The Access Control Domains dialog lists the ACDs in a read-only grid.
Modified By The identifier for the user account used to create or last modify the
Modified Date The date and time the ACD was created or last modified.
To open the Access Control Domain Editor and create a new ACD,
click the New ACD toolbar button, select New ACD from the Tools
menu, or use the shortcut menu. You can also use the shortcut menu to
delete an ACD, list FADs and ACLs that are based upon the ACD, or
open the ACL for the ACD.
Note: Access permissions in the ACL for the ACD determine the
options and actions that are available to you. For example, the
Delete shortcut menu option is not available to roles limited to
read access.
Shortcut Menu Although similar to the Open dialog described in detail in the Common
Commands Elements Manual, the Access Control Domains dialog provides the
following specialized shortcut menu commands:
List Object ACLs Open the Open Object Access Control List
dialog, which lists the ACLs based upon the
selected ACD.
View or Edit ACD To view or edit an ACD in the Access Control Domain Editor, double-
click the grid row or select Open from the shortcut menu.
Create ACD To create an Access Control Domain, a user must be a member of a role
in the (Default) ACD, and:
Open Object Use the Open Object Access Control List dialog to list and display the
Access Control List ACLs associated with an ACD. Open this dialog by selecting List
Object ACLs from the shortcut menu on the Access Control Domains
dialog. This option is not available for the (Default) ACD. The Open
dialog is discussed in detail in the Common Elements Manual, 2.3
Using the Open Dialog.
The Access Control Domain Editor lists roles in the ACD. The name
of the ACD is displayed at the top of the dialog. The Role List displays
the roles in the ACD.
When you open the Access Control Domain Editor by selecting New
ACD from the Tools menu in the Access Control Domains dialog, the
Optim Administrator role is displayed by default. You can also open the
Access Control Domain Editor dialog for an existing ACD by double-
To add, edit, or delete a role, use the shortcut menu to open the Role
Specifications dialog, which is used to create and modify roles for an
ACD and, if Functional or Object Security is used at your facility, to
grant or deny related privileges to those roles.
Role List A grid that displays the roles in the ACD and includes
the following:
Shortcut Menu
Right-click the Role List grid to display the following shortcut menu
Note: The Open and Delete commands are not available for roles
that are denied update access.
The Role Specifications dialog allows you to create or edit a role within
an ACD. From the dialog, you can identify the user and group accounts
that are members of the role and assign access permissions. For roles in
the (Default) ACD, you can also grant or deny access to functions in
Optim for a role.
Note: You must save the ACD in order to save any changes made to
the role, including Functional or Object Association Privileges.
Role Name The role name (up to 30 characters). To create a new role for the ACD,
type the name or select from a history list of role name entries.
• You cannot use the Role Name history list to navigate from role to
role in the ACD. You must open each role from the Access Control
Domain Editor.
You can use a role that is displayed in the Role Specifications dialog as
a model to create a new role or replace another role in the ACD by
typing or selecting a Role Name from the history list.
Allow All Privileges Select the Allow All Functional and Object Association Privileges
for this Role check box to allow the role all Functional (if editing the (Default) ACD)
and Object Association Privileges. When this check box is selected, the
Allow All and Allow check boxes are selected and cannot be cleared.
Also, the Allow All, Deny All, and Clear All command buttons and the
shortcut menus are unavailable. When the check box is cleared, the
Allow All and Allow check boxes remain selected but can be cleared.
Use the Users tab to add and delete user and group accounts in a role.
User/Group A user or group account from a network domain (up to 256 characters
for users and up to 85 characters for groups).
Domain The network domain or UNIX node name that includes the user or
group account.
Type Type of account. If entering the account manually, select the correct
Type to validate the account.
Modified By The identifier for the user account used to create or last modify the
Modified Date The date and time the account was created or last modified.
Shortcut Menu Right-click the grid to display the following shortcut menu commands:
Remove All Remove all user and group accounts from the
Everyone Group
The Everyone group includes all users in all Windows domains and
UNIX nodes in your network. This group is not available in the
Security Users and Groups dialog. To add this group to a role, type
Everyone in User/Group, leave Domain blank, and select the Type
Security Users and Groups dialog to select user and group accounts in
a network domain.
Server Name Select (Local) or the name of the Server with the domain connection
appropriate for the account you want to add to the role. If your site does
not use a Server, (Local) is displayed and cannot be changed.
Domain Select the name of the domain for the user and group accounts you want
to add to the role. The domains are within a network that includes the
designated Server Name.
Users The user accounts in the domain, including the Name, Domain, and
Groups The group accounts in the domain, including the Name, Domain, and
Shortcut Menu Right-click the Users grid to display the following shortcut menu
Command command:
Display Groups for User Display only groups that include the
selected user.
Command Buttons The following command buttons are available on the Security Users
and Groups dialog:
Add Add the selected users and groups to the role and open
the Role Specifications dialog.
To list groups for a specific user, right-click the user name and select
Display Groups for User from the shortcut menu. To redisplay all
group accounts in the domain, click Refresh.
Assigning Privileges
By selecting Allow All or Deny All for a privilege class, you select
corresponding check boxes for the associated privileges. For example,
you can allow accounts in a role to secure action requests by selecting
Allow All for the Associate Action Editors Privilege Class on the
Object Association Privileges tab. Accounts in the role can then
secure an action request with an ACL that uses the ACD.
Note: You can define Functional Privileges from the (Default) ACD
Privilege Classes Use the Privilege Classes grid to display associated privileges in the
Grid Privileges grid. You can also use the Privilege Classes grid to allow or
deny all privileges in either a single class or all classes.
To select a row in the Privilege Classes grid, click a row indicator cell or
either an Allow All or Deny All cell. The grid arrow, , indicates the
class of privileges displayed.
You can also allow or deny all privileges in all privilege classes using
the Allow All and Deny All buttons for the Privilege Classes grid or
selecting corresponding commands from the shortcut menu. To remove
all selections in the Privilege Classes grid, click or select Clear All.
Privileges Grid Use the Privileges grid to allow or deny privileges within a privilege
class. You can allow or deny a privilege by selecting the corresponding
Allow or Deny check box. If both the Allow and Deny check boxes are
cleared, the role is denied the privilege.
You can also allow or deny all privileges in the class using the Allow
All and Deny All buttons for the Privileges grid or selecting
corresponding commands from the shortcut menu. To remove all
selections in the Privileges grid, click Clear All.
Calendar Currency
Archive File Collection Storage Profile
Calendar Currency
Archive File Collection Storage Profile
Use the Access Control List Editor to set access permissions for an
object and the associated ACL. In general, an ACL is based upon a
specific ACD, which defines the roles referenced by the ACL. Roles
that are not in the ACD or not included in the ACL are denied all access
to the object and ACL. However, the owner of the ACL always retains
full access to the ACL, regardless of permissions granted or denied by
the ACL.
Object Association In order to create an ACL when Functional Security is enabled, a user
Privileges must be a member of a role to which the ACD grants Object Association
Privileges for the object type. Object Association Privileges are defined
on the Object Association Privileges tab in the Role Specifications
dialog. Use the tab to identify object types that the role can use with the
ACD. For more information about defining Object Association
Privileges, see Object Association Privileges Tab.
Note: Only the Security Administrator can define the Optim Object
Template ACL, using the Configuration Program or selecting
from the Security submenu to the Options menu in the main
window. See 7.4.4 Set Optim Object Security Option on
page 197 for further information.
Manually Associate You can create an ACL manually by selecting Edit ACL from either the
an Object With Tools menu in the object editor or the shortcut menu in the Open dialog
an ACL to display the Access Control List Editor. You can also use these
options to edit an ACL. Settings in the Optim Object Template ACL, if
the Template ACL exists, are used to populate the Access Control List
Editor. If there is no Optim Object Template ACL, the editor is blank.
Remove an ACL You cannot delete the ACL for an object for which security is required.
To delete an ACL, you must be the ACL owner or in a role that is
allowed Delete permission for the ACL. To remove the ACL for an
object, select Delete ACL from the Tools menu in an object editor, or
right-click the object name in the Open dialog and select Delete ACL
from the shortcut menu. You can also click Delete on the Access
Control List Editor.
Create or Edit This section explains how to create or edit an Access Control List.
an ACL
These steps are the minimum required to create or edit an ACL. Refer
to the following for complete details.
Use the Access Control List Editor to define access permissions for an
object and the associated ACL.
Owner The user account with all access rights to the ACL. The owner can
always read, update, or delete the ACL even if the account is included in
a role that is denied access to these actions. To change the owner, click
Change Owner.
Access Control The ACD that forms the basis for the roles in the ACL. An ACL
Domain references roles in the ACD in order to translate them into network
accounts. Roles not defined in the ACD, or in the ACD but not
referenced in the ACL, are denied access.
ACL Grid The grid allows you to list roles in the ACL and define permissions.
Access Type Allow and Deny identify the check boxes in their
rows. If both the Allow and Deny check boxes are
cleared, accounts in the role are provisionally denied
the privilege but may be granted the privilege as
members of another role.
Object Access Possible access to the object. Use each set of Allow
and Deny check boxes to define access permissions
for the role.
ACL Access Possible access to the ACL. Use each set of Allow
and Deny check boxes to define access permissions
for the role. If both the Allow and Deny check boxes
are cleared, accounts in the role are provisionally
denied the privilege but may be granted the privilege
as members of another role.
Shortcut Menu Right-click the grid to display the following shortcut menu commands:
Clear All Allowed For the role, clear all Allow check boxes for
Object Access, ACL Access, or both.
Clear All Denied For the role, clear all Deny check boxes for Object
Access, ACL Access, or both.
Allow All action Access Allow access to all roles for the selected
Clear All action Access Clear all Allow and Deny check boxes for
all roles for the selected action.
Deny All action Access Deny access to all roles for the selected
Command Buttons The following command buttons are available on the Access Control
List Editor:
Security Users
Click Change Owner to open the Security Users dialog, used to
reassign ACL ownership. Use this dialog to select a user account from a
list of accounts in a specified network domain. To display the list, select
an Optim Server Name and a Domain. To select a network user
account, click the name in the Users grid, and click Select.
Server Name Select the name of a Server. If your site does not use a Server, (Local)
is displayed.
Domain Select the name of the domain for the users you want to list. The
domain is within a network that includes the server in Server Name.
To select an ACL as a model, enter the object Type and Name. To apply
the ACL for the selected object as a model, click OK. The roles and
permissions from the model are then displayed in the Access Control
List Editor.
Existing Access Option to use the ACL as the model Type and
Control List Name.
To populate Type and Name with the current entries each time you open
the Select Access Control List Model dialog, click Set as Default.
After you select an Identifier, ACLs are listed on the right side, below
the type of object. Double-click the desired ACL to select it as a model.
Enter Pattern for Access Control List allows you to limit the ACL list
to names that match the specified criteria. You can use the % (percent)
wild card to represent one or more characters, or use the _ (underscore)
wild card to represent a single character. (The underscore must be
selected as the SQL LIKE character on the General tab of Personal
Options.) After you specify a Pattern, click Refresh to redisplay the
list based on your criteria.
Using Secured You can limit the ability of roles to process or view archived data at the
Archive Files level of table or column. For a Restore Process, members of a role can
insert or update from a table and column in a secured Archive File, if
permitted. If the account is not permitted to access a column that affects
the referential integrity of the data, e.g., a primary key, an error message
is displayed in the Process Report.
For a Delete Process, only an account that is permitted access to data in
a table and column in a secured Archive File can delete database data
from that table and column. If an account is not permitted to access a
column that affects the referential integrity of the data, e.g., a primary
key, an error message is displayed in the Process Report.
Use the File Access Definition Editor to create and maintain File
Access Definitions. You can open the ACL for a File Access Definition
from this dialog or from the File Access Definitions dialog.
Create or Edit This section explains how to create or edit a File Access Definition.
an FAD
These steps are the minimum required to create or edit an FAD. Refer
to the following for complete details.
Access Control Type or select the name of an Access Control Domain (ACD) to use as
Domain the basis for the File Access Definition. The ACD translates the roles
specified in the Table Access Control list into accounts in your
Table List (Default) and names of tables for which the File Access Definition
explicitly controls access. Select an entry in the list to display or define
corresponding access permissions in the Table Access Control list.
The (Default) setting applies to archived data in tables not otherwise
listed and cannot be deleted.
Table The fully qualified table name. You cannot save a File
Access Definition if any table name is not fully qualified.
Shortcut Menu Right-click a row in the Table List to display the following shortcut
Commands menu commands:
Remove Table Remove the table name from the list. This
command is not available for (Default).
Remove All Tables Remove all table names, except (Default), from
the list.
Note: Access permissions in the ACL for the FAD determine the
options and actions that are available to you. For example, the
Remove shortcut menu options are not available to a role that
is limited to read access.
Table Access Use the Table Access Control list to define access permissions for an
Control entry in the Table List. You can assign access permissions to selected
roles in the associated ACD and a default for all user accounts and roles
for which access permissions are not assigned explicitly. If the AC
Type for an entry in the Table List is None, Table Access Control list
is blank and cannot be edited.
Role (Default) and names of roles for which the File Access
Definition explicitly controls access. Role names not
included in the Access Control Domain that serves as the
basis for the FAD are italicized and settings for them have
no effect.
• Unless the AC Type for the Table List entry is None, the
Table Access Control list includes a (Default) setting.
This default cannot be deleted and applies to users for
which no explicit permissions are granted.
Type the name, or use the drop-down list to select the name
of a role defined in the ACD. You can also edit a role
name. To remove a role name, use the Remove commands
in the shortcut menu.
Access The type of access permissions for the role. Select one of
the following:
Shortcut Menu Right-click the Table Access Control list to display the following
Commands shortcut menu commands:
Allow all non-default Allow access for all listed roles, except
Deny all non-default Deny access for all listed roles, except
• DB Aliases for available databases are listed on the left. To list tables
in a database, double-click the DB Alias or overtype the DB Alias in
the Pattern box.
In the Open dialog, select the server on which the file resides and click
Refresh. Use Look In to select the directory or path containing the file,
and then double-click a listed file Name or enter the File Name and
click Open. The names of tables in the selected file are listed in the File
Access Definition Table/Column Selection dialog. Source indicates
the path for the file.
Permissions for columns are defined using a method similar to that for
tables. To define access permissions for one or more columns in a table,
right-click the table name on the Table List and select List Columns
from the shortcut menu. The Table Access Control dialog is displayed.
Table The table for which column access permissions are defined. Use Table
to select other names from the Table List in the File Access Definition
Editor and define column access permissions.
Column List (Default) and names of columns in the Table for which the File Access
Definition explicitly controls access. Select an entry in the list to
display or define corresponding access permissions in the Column
Access Control list. The (Default) setting applies to archived data in
columns not otherwise listed and cannot be deleted.
Column The column name. Type the name, or use Add column
from the shortcut menu to select a column name from a
database or an Archive File. To remove a column name,
select the row number and press Delete or use the Remove
commands in the shortcut menu.
Any security settings for tables or columns that are not in
the secured Archive File have no effect.
Shortcut Menu Right-click a row in Column List to display the following shortcut
Commands menu commands:
Column Access Use the Column Access Control list to define access permissions for
Control the entry in the Column List. You can assign access permissions to
roles in the ACD and a default for all user accounts and roles for which
access permissions are not assigned explicitly. If the AC Type for an
entry in the Column List is None, Column Access Control list is blank
and cannot be edited.
Role (Default) and names of roles for which the File Access
Definition explicitly controls access. Role names not
included in the Access Control Domain that serves as the
basis for the FAD are italicized and settings for them have
no effect.
Type the name, or use the drop-down list to select the name
of a role defined in the ACD. You can also edit a role
name. To remove a role name, use the Remove commands
in the shortcut menu.
Access The type of access permissions for the role. Select one of
the following:
Shortcut Menu Right-click the Column Access Control list to display the following
Commands shortcut menu commands:
Allow all non-default Allow access for all listed roles, except
Deny all non-default Deny access for all listed roles, except
• Select Add column from the shortcut menu and then select From
Database table from the submenu.
• Select Add column from the shortcut menu and then select From
table in Archive File from the submenu to first specify an Archive
File containing the table.
Click a column name to select it. To select multiple columns, hold the
Ctrl or Shift key while clicking the column names. To select all
columns in the table, click Select All. Click OK to add the names of
selected columns to the Column List and re-display the Table Access
Control dialog.
In the Open dialog, select the server on which the file resides and click
Refresh. Use Look In to select the directory or path containing the file,
and double-click a listed file Name or enter the File Name and click
Open. The names of columns in the selected table are listed in the File
Access Definition Table/Column Selection dialog. Source indicates
the fully qualified name of the table.
Note: The selected Archive File must contain a table with a fully
qualified name that matches the name in Table on the Table
Access Control dialog.
Default Access
For the first entry on the Table List, (Default), all roles and users,
except the Guest role, are allowed to access tables in the Archive File
that are not listed in Table List.
• In the Table List, the (Default) setting, for tables not listed, uses the
Default AC Type. The Default AC Type assigns access permissions
to the (Default) setting and any other tables that use Default.
• In the Table Access Control list, the (Default) setting, for users not
included in the ACD and roles not specified in the list, is assigned
Allow access. The Guest role is assigned Deny access.
Restricted Table
For the CUSTOMERS table, only the Optim Administrator role is
allowed access. All other users and roles are denied access.
Restricted Column
For the ORDERS table, all users, except the Guest role, are allowed
access, but one or more columns have separate access permissions, as
indicated by Column Secured setting.
• The AC Type for the ORDERS table is Default, which for this File
Access Definition, allows access to all users and roles, except the
Guest role.
However, only the Optim Administrator role can access the ORDER_ID
column. All other users and roles are denied access.
Export Security When you open the Export Security Definitions dialog, the tree
Definitions Dialog hierarchy on the Definitions pane is populated with the security
definitions in the Optim Directory to which you have read access.
• ACLs that secure ACDs and FADs are not listed but will be
exported with these definitions.
You can select the check box for a security definition type in order to
export all definitions of that type or expand the list and select the
definitions to be exported. Tools menu commands allow you to select
or de-select all definitions.
Secured Output File The name of the Secured Output File. The Secured Output File is a text
file and is given a .txt extension automatically, but other extensions may
be used. The Secured Output File is used as the Secured Input File for
Security Definition Import processing.
Password Password for securing the Secured Output File. This password must be
entered when using the file with the Security Definition Import Process.
Tools Menu The following commands are available from the Tools menu.
Select All Definitions Select check boxes for all listed security
definitions. This command is especially
useful when you want to export all or most
Deselect All Definitions Clear the check boxes for all listed security
definitions, including shaded and/or
selected check boxes.
Run Export
To export security definitions, choose Run from the File menu.
Notes: The Run command will not be available until you have
specified security definitions for export, a Secured Output File,
and a password.
The status bar displays information about the current security definition
that is processed. When Security Definition Export processing is
finished, the status bar displays the message “Ready.”
Export Errors
If errors occur during Security Definition Export processing (for
example, a dropped definition is selected for export), an error message
is displayed. Definitions for which processing errors occur are also
represented visually by a red “X”. Errors and diagnostic information
are written to the Security Export Process Log.
Print Print the log by choosing Print from the File menu. Each execution of
Security Definition Export clears the log file before information for the
current execution is written. Previous log information is not retained.
The Import Security Definitions dialog has three tabs. Each tab and
menu command available on the dialog serves a unique purpose.
File Menu
Tools Menu The following commands are available from the Tools menu.
Select All Definitions Select check boxes for all listed security
definitions. This command is especially
useful when you want to import all or
most security definitions.
Deselect All Definitions Clear the check boxes for all listed
security definitions, including shaded
and/or selected check boxes.
Process Tab
Use the Process tab to identify the Secured Input File, select security
definitions for import, and provide parameters for Security Definition
Import processing. The tab is populated with defaults you have
Definitions The Import Security Definitions Utility populates the list of security
definitions by:
Import Progress Statistics detail the current and total number of security definitions
imported (by definition type) and the current and total number of errors
encountered (the “total” numbers are the composite counts for all
Security Definition Import Processes performed in the session). This
display is updated during processing. The status bar displays
information about the definition being processed.
Secured Input File Specify a Secured Input File generated by the Security Definition
Export Process (for details about creating this file, refer to
D.4 Exporting Security Definitions).
• To select from a list of recent file names, click the down arrow or use
the browse button. You may also copy a name into the box or type a
name directly.
• If you do not provide a fully qualified path, the path from Personal
Options is used.
Allow ACL for Indicate if ACLs can be imported without having corresponding secured
non-existent Optim objects in the Optim Directory. Importing ACLs before corresponding
secured objects allows the objects to be secured when they are imported.
• To import ACLs for secured objects that do not exist in the Optim
Directory, select this check box.
Overwrite existing Indicate the action taken when the name of an imported security
definitions definition matches a definition already in the current Optim Directory:
Continue import Indicate processing if an error occurs. Errors are written to the Security
if error(s) Import Process Log and displayed on the message bar.
Owners Tab
Use the Owners tab to review or change the owner name of ACLs you
want to import.
Current Owner A read-only list of the owners of each ACL in the Secured Input File.
New Owner Specify a new owner name for an ACL in the Secured Input File. Use
the browse button to open the Security Users dialog and select an
owner (see Security Users).
Shortcut Menu Right-click to select from the following shortcut menu commands:
Copy Name Copies the Current Owner name to the New Owner
column for the ACL. Available in the Current Owner
column only.
Objects Tab
Use the Objects tab to review or change the names of security
definitions you want to import.
Object Type Identifies the security definition as an ACD, ACL, or FAD. For ACLs,
the following abbreviations identify the secured object types:
AD Access Definition
CM Column Map
ED Edit Definition
PK Primary Key
REL Relationship
TM Table Map
Object Name The names of the security definitions available for importing.
New Object Name Specify a new name for the security definition. The name must comply
with the naming conventions for the security definition.
Shortcut Menu Right-click to select from the following shortcut menu commands:
Copy Name Copies the Object Name to the New Object Name
column for the security definition. Available in the
Object Name column only.
Run Import
To import security definitions, choose Run from the File menu.
Note: The Run command will not be available until you select at
least one available security definition.
The status bar displays information about the current security definition
that is processed. When Security Definition Import processing is
finished, the status bar displays the message “Ready.”
Import Errors
If the Import Security Definitions Utility encounters errors, processing
continues according to the specification for the Continue import if
error(s) option. Errors are displayed on the message bar and
represented visually by a red “X” beside each security definition in
error. Errors are written to the Security Import Process Log after
Import Processing is finished. You can review and print the Security
Import Process Log for diagnostic information about errors.
Print Print the log by choosing Print from the File menu. Each execution of
the Security Definition Import clears the log before information for the
current execution is written. Previous log information is not retained.
Using the Report Process, you can create a report on the permissions for
Functional or Object Security privileges assigned to user and group
accounts in your network.
Security Reports Security permissions allow or deny roles, which consist of user and
group accounts, privileges such as the ability to open a dialog, run a
process, or modify a specific object. Security Reports allow you to see
which users and groups have permissions for these privileges and the
roles to which the permissions apply. For more information about
security privileges, see Appendix D. Optim Security.
• List the Object Security permissions for specified users and groups
that apply to specified objects and the ACL that secures each object.
Report Process The Report Process runs on the workstation (not on the Optim Server).
Specifications for a Report Process are stored as a Report Request. Use
the Report Request to provide the report criteria and processing options.
The Report Process Report dialog displays the report.
Run or Schedule You can process a Report Request immediately (by selecting Run from
the File menu) or you can schedule the request for processing at a later
time (by selecting Schedule from the File menu).
A logical set of naming conventions can identify the use for each Report
Request and be used to organize them for easy access.
Chapter Contents This chapter explains how to create, maintain and process a Report
Request, including how to:
Use the Report Request Editor to create or edit requests for Security
Reports. You can store these requests in the Optim Directory. There are
different ways to open the editor, depending on whether you want to
create a new Report Request or edit an existing a Report Request.
You can create a Report Request from the main window or from the
Report Request Editor.
These steps are the minimum required to create a Report Request. After
you create a request, you can run the process immediately, or save the
request and schedule it. Because the options to create a Report Request
and to modify a Report Request are similar, refer to E.2 Using the
Editor for complete details.
You can select a Report Request for editing from the main window or
from the Report Request Editor.
When you select the Open command from the File menu in the main
window or an editor, the Open dialog is displayed. For more
information about this dialog, see the Common Elements Manual,
Chapter 2. Main Window, Menus, and Dialogs.
In the Report Request Editor you can create, modify, or delete Report
Requests. You can also save Report Requests to the Optim Directory.
Description Text to describe the purpose of the Report Request (up to 40 characters).
Tabs Use the Report Request Editor tabs to provide parameters and select
options to define Report Requests. Each tab in the editor serves a
unique purpose.
Archive Details Layout and row display options for the report. The
Archive Details tab is available when Report
Type on the General tab is set to File and the
Source File is an Archive File. For more
information, see the Archive User Manual, 7.2.4
Archive Details.
Compare Details Layout and row display options for the report. The
Compare Details tab is available when Report
Type on the General tab is set to File and the
Source File is a Compare File. For more
information, see the Compare User Manual, 6.2.3
Compare Details Tab.
Tools Menu In addition to the standard commands on the File, Edit, and Tools
Commands menus, you can select the following commands from the Tools menu:
Edit Joins Open the Edit Joins dialog to select joined tables
in the report. Available when Show Joins is
selected on the Archive Details tab and the Report
Type on the General tab is set to File.
Report Title The Report Title is not available for Security Reports.
Output Options The Output Options are not available for Security Reports. You can
save and print a report from the Report Process Report dialog.
Server Name For User and Object Security Reports. Select the name of an Optim
Server or the (Local) workstation that the Report Process will use to
verify user and group names. The machine must be part of the domain
or node where the accounts of the user and group names in the report are
User Report
The User Security Report lists Functional Security permissions for
specified users and groups. The report lists each privilege class and
permissions for the associated privileges as well as the role to which a
permission applies. If a user is a member of a group for which
Functional Security is defined, the group is included. You can use
wildcards for criteria.
Domain and User/ Enter user or group names in the format domain\name, or “everyone” to
Group include all group and user names in all domains and nodes. Enter one
name per line.
You can use percent (%) as a wild card character, but the pattern must
use the domain\name format. For example, dom\n% or %\%.
Function Report
The Function Security Report lists Functional Security permissions
assigned to each user and group for selected privileges as well as the
role to which they apply.
The tab is divided into two grids, one for privilege classes and one for
privileges that are included in the selected privilege class. For a
Privilege Classes Use the Privilege Classes grid to display associated privileges in the
Privileges grid. You can also use the Privilege Classes grid to select all
associated privileges for reporting or clear all associated privileges
selected for reporting.
To select a row in the Privilege Classes grid, click a row indicator cell or
either a Report All or Clear All cell. The grid arrow, , indicates the
class of privileges displayed.
Privileges Use the Privileges grid to select privileges to include in the report. To
include a privilege, select Report.
Shortcut Menu Right-click the Privileges Classes grid to display the following shortcut
Commands menu commands:
Report All Classes Select Report All for all privilege classes.
Clear All Classes Select Clear All for all privilege classes.
Object Report
The Object Security Report lists Object Security permissions assigned
to specified users or groups for specified Optim objects and the ACL
that secures each object. You can use wildcards for criteria. The report
is sorted alphabetically by object type.
Note: The Object Security Report allows you to view permissions for
ACLs for which you do not have read access.
Object Name Enter an object name. You can use percent (%) as a wild card character,
but the pattern must match the object name format. For example, if an
object uses a two-part name, enter own%.nam%.
Domain and User/ Enter user or group names in the format domain\name, or “everyone” to
Group include all group and user names in all domains and nodes. Enter one
name per line.
You can use percent (%) as a wild card character, but the pattern must
use the domain\name format. For example, dom\n% or %\%.
Use the Notify tab to specify options and addresses for automatic email
notification of the success or failure of the process. The process report
generated when the process completes is automatically sent as an
• After the Report Request has been verified, the process parameters
are verified. If warnings or errors exist, you can review the details in
the Warnings dialog and choose to continue or cancel the process.
• Name of the Report Request (or “(Untitled)” if you did not save the
Process Summary The Criteria Type indicates the type of Security Report: User,
Functional, or Object. For User and Object Security Reports, the
Server Name is included.
The Security Criteria lists the criteria entered for each Security Report
• For an Object Security Report, each Object Type, Object Name, and
User/Group is listed.
Process Details User Security Reports are sorted by user/group names. Group names
are indicated by a (G). The following details are included:
Object Security Reports are sorted by object type. For each object type,
the report lists object names. If an object is secured, the report includes
the ACD (in parentheses) associated with the ACL that secures the
object, the ACL owner, and the permissions. If an object is not secured,
the report will display “Not Secured” next to the object name.
Following the listed objects, a List of Used ACDs displays the ACDs
listed in the report. The following details are included:
Role The role name that includes the user or group. The
“ACL Owner” is also included.
ACL Access Access privileges for the ACL that secures the
object. Permissions (Allow or Deny) are listed
below each privilege. “None” indicates a
permission is not defined. “Owner” indicates the
user is the ACL owner and allowed the privilege,
overriding a permission set for another role that
includes the user.
F.1 Installation
Install and Select this option to install a primary ODM Server only.
Configure You are prompted for the Attunity License file and both
ODM Now the ODM Server and Attunity Studio are automatically
installed. The ODM Server and Attunity Studio
installation files are also copied to your machine.
Automatic ODM After you choose Install and Configure ODM Now (or Configure
Installation ODM Now) from the Setup program, the Specify Attunity License
File dialog is displayed. Enter the path to the Attunity License file, or
click Browse to select a path.
After you provide the license file path, click Next to display the Select
Program Folder dialog (see 2.1.6 Select Program Folder on page 44)
and continue the Optim installation.
Manual ODM To install a primary ODM Server manually, you must run the ODM
Installation installation script and register the Attunity license. A primary server
installation includes the ODM Server and Attunity Studio.
To install a secondary ODM Server manually, you must run the ODM
Server installation file. A secondary server installation includes the
ODM Server only.
By default, the Attunity daemon runs under the Local System account.
If access to needed resources requires network credentials, the daemon
logon must be changed to an appropriate network account. To change
the logon account, open the Services dialog from the Control
Panel/Administrative Tools, double-click the Attunity Server Daemon
(IRPCD), and specify the account on the Log On tab.
Configure ODM Now This option prompts you for the Attunity
license file and automatically installs the
ODM Server.
Automatic ODM After you choose Configure ODM Now from the Setup program, the
Server Installation next dialog prompts you for the Attunity license. Enter the path to the
Attunity License file, or click Browse to select a path.
After you provide the license file path, click Next to continue the Optim
installation. When the ODM installation is complete, a terminal dialog
is displayed, indicating the ODM installation was successful. Press
Enter to close the dialog.
Manual ODM To install the ODM Server manually, you must run the ODM Server
Installation installation script and register the Attunity license file.
Note: For users of Oracle prior to release 9.2, ODM and the Oracle
Transparent Gateway use different versions of the library. To avoid a conflict, Oracle Transparent
Gateway and ODM must be assigned to different user
accounts. The shared library path environment variable (e.g.,
LIBPATH for AIX) for the Oracle Transparent Gateway
account must reference the library in the Oracle directory
before the library in the Attunity directory.
After ODM is installed, if it has not been done previously, you must
source the RTSETENV file to set up the environment needed to run
ODM. If you have added RTSETENV to your .profile or .login, source
that file instead. If not, change to the directory where Optim is installed
(e.g., /opt/IBM/Optim) and use:
$ . ./rtsetenv
Starting the ODM Once you have set up the required environment, use the following to
Server start the ODM Server.
Stopping the ODM Optim and the ODM Server share common resources. To reinstall or
Server upgrade Optim, you must shut down both Optim and the ODM Server
prior to starting the installation. Use the following procedure to shut
down both Optim and the ODM Server.
$ rtserver stop
$ mwadm stop
Edit the ODM UTF-8 users must edit the ODM Server code page. By default, ODM
Server Code Page first translates archived data to match the workstation code page on the
primary ODM Server. It then translates the code page on the secondary
ODM Server (if one exists). You can use UTF-8 data only if all data
passed to ODM is in UTF-8 format (including SQL statements). To use
UTF-8 format, you must set the code page on the primary and secondary
| Separates options.
5. Select the data source from the list and click Finish.
ODBC Data Source Once the ODM data source shortcut has been created on the secondary
Definition ODM Server, you can define the ODBC data source.
5. Select NAV from the Binding list, select the Use default
security profile check box, and click Next to open the
ODBC Attunity Server Setup – Extended Properties
The ODBC Thin Client is required on each machine that uses ODBC to
connect to ODM. To install the ODBC Thin Client, run the installation file, located in the
ODM\install subdirectory of the Optim installation directory. Refer to
the Attunity ODBC Thin Client Installation and Guide, located in
the ODM\doc subdirectory of the Optim installation directory, for more
detailed information on installing and using the ODBC Thin Client.
The JDBC Thin Client is required on each machine that uses JDBC to
connect to ODM. To install the JDBC Thin Client, run the
ASTH4820-win32.exe installation file, located in the ODM\install
subdirectory of the Optim installation directory.
Providing Archive Archive File Security user credentials for each data source are assigned
File Security to the NAV user profile on the primary server.
You can also provide Archive File Security credentials in an ODBC or
JDBC connection string. For more information, see F.6 Runtime
Connection Information.
Securing the To secure the Attunity daemon, assign machine access and administrator
Attunity Daemon privileges to the daemon. Administrator privileges allow a user to start
or stop the daemon. Machine access privileges determine if a user ID
and password are required to use the daemon. You must also assign
access and administrator privileges to the daemon workspace. These
privileges determine the users that can use and administer the
workspace. Secure the daemon on the primary and secondary servers.
Secondary Server Secondary servers require credentials to access the primary server.
Access to the These credentials are assigned to the NAV user profile on the secondary
Primary Server
Connection The following are special connection parameters that can be used when
Parameters connecting to an ODM data source from ODBC or JDBC:
DSNCONFIG=datasourcename1( [ ARCV_FILE=archivefilename |
ARCV_GUID=gggggg | ARCV_ID=n
| COLLECTION=archivefilecollection ] ,
[ PST_AF_SUBSET={ ‘AF_IN(n,n,...)’ |
(yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss,yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss)’ |
‘AF_ID_RANGE(x,y)’ } ]
[ PSTTRACE=COMP (n n ...) [ COMP (n n ...) ] ] )
& datasourcename2(...)
password & datasourcename2=...
The following data type conversions occur when Archive File data is
accessed by ODM:
Use the Archive File to XML Convertor to convert Archive File data
to XML format. You can identify the data to convert by typing SQL
SELECT statements or using a batch file. You can also create a file that
includes an XML schema describing Archive File data.
The Archive File to XML Convertor requires Java JRE release 1.4 or
later. To open the Archive File to XML Convertor, run the atoxml.jar
executable file, located in the ODM\java subdirectory of the Optim
installation directory.
For batch and command line documentation, refer to the Archive File to
XML Convertor online help, available from the Help menu.
Interactive Tab Use the Interactive tab to type an SQL STATEMENT that specifies the
data to convert.
Batch Tab Use the Batch tab to specify the data to convert by using a batch file or
typing batch parameters.
Conversion Issues The following issues arise in the conversion of archived data to XML:
• Characters that are not legal in XML, including characters less than
x'20' (except for carriage return, linefeed, and tab), are replaced by a
'?'. A diagnostic is written when this occurs.
“ "
& &
‘ '
< <
> >
Unioned Tables Tables with matching creator IDs and names in separate Archive Files
will be unioned. To be processed, a table need not exist in every
Archive File. ODM is not case-sensitive. ODM does not use DB
Aliases; however, an Archive File cannot have two tables with matching
creator IDs and names but different DB Aliases.
Matching tables are not required to have the same columns. The union
will include all column names in the matching tables. Rows from a
table that do not include a column found in another table will use a
default value such as NULL, a default date specified in the Archive File
Collection Editor, or an appropriate data type (spaces, zero, etc.).
Column All columns with the same name that are in tables with matching creator
Compatibility IDs and names must have compatible attributes. If columns have
different but compatible attributes, a compatible attribute will be used
for those columns. The column compatibility rules for the Compare
Process apply to Archive File Collections. For information about
comparison compatibility rules, refer to the Common Elements
Manual, 5.3.1 Comparison Compatibility Rules.
Unioned Indexes Archive Indexes for unioned tables may also be unioned. The following
rules apply to unioned indexes:
• Each Archive File that includes the table must also include the index.
• ODM will use a unioned index until a column with a different name
or attribute is found (compatible attributes are not used). The unique
column and remaining columns in the index will not be processed.
Archive File If Archive File Security denies you access to a table or a column in
Security table, no rows are retrieved from the table.
PST_AF_SUBSET=‘AF_IN(n,n...)’ | ‘AF_ID_RANGE(x,y)’ |
You can use this table to query context data from the Archive Files in
the collection. For example, use the following syntax to find the latest
Archive File ID:
All PST Directories created prior to version 6.0 of the Princeton Softech
products, Archive and the Relational Tools, require a conversion to be
compatible with later versions. Additionally, any Optim Directory
created prior to Optim version 6.2 on an SQL Server database must be
Version 5.x PST PST Directory objects created using version 5.x of Archive or the
Directories Relational Tools must be converted into a format suitable for use with
version 6.0 or later. Use the Conversion Process in the Configuration
program to migrate objects from an old (5.x) PST Directory to a
Directory compatible with version 6.0 or later.
You can convert and migrate the following objects: Access Definitions,
Table Maps, Column Maps, Column Map Procedures, Primary Keys,
DB Aliases, Relationships, Calendars, Currency Definitions, Storage
Profiles, process requests, Archive File Directory entries, and File
Access Definitions.
3. Import objects from the Export File to the new Optim Directory.
You can complete this step from any workstation having access to
the new Optim Directory and Export File.
Version 6.0/6.1 PST PST Directory tables created with the Princeton Softech products
Directories on SQL versions 6.0/6.1 in an SQL Server database must be converted to
accommodate Unicode support in later versions of Optim. The
Directory conversion process will copy data in 6.0/6.1 Directories to
new Directory tables. The new and old Directories will have the same
name and PST object definitions. After the Directory is converted, you
can still use the old Directory tables with the Princeton Softech products
version 6.0/6.1, or you can drop the 6.0/6.1 Directory.
The next dialog prompts you to create a new Optim Directory. This
Directory will store objects exported from the old Directory.
If you created the new Optim Directory earlier, leave the check box
blank and click Proceed to display the Export Data from an Old
Optim Directory? dialog, discussed in G.1.2 Step 2: Export Data
from Old Optim Directory.
From this point, the task is similar to creating an Optim Directory when
configuring the first workstation. These steps are described briefly in
the following paragraphs. For further details, refer to 5.1.2 Create
Optim Directory on page 78.
Specify Optim The first step in creating a new Optim Directory is to provide the name
Directory of the Optim Directory. The Configuration program prompts for this
information by presenting the Specify Optim Directory dialog. You
must select Create New Optim Directory and Registry Entry and
specify a Directory name.
Note: The name of the new Directory must be different from the
name of the old Directory.
Specify Optim You must then specify the database in which to create the new Optim
Directory DBMS Directory tables. On the Specify Optim Directory DBMS dialog,
specify the type and version of DBMS software, and optionally, provide
a description of the Optim Directory.
Create Optim After the workstation is connected to the database, you can create the
Directory Tables Optim Directory. The Configuration program names the tables
automatically, but you can specify the identifier (Creator ID, Owner
ID, or Schema Name) and the database tablespace for each table. The
Create Optim Directory Tables dialog prompts you for the
information needed to create these tables.
Create/Drop Before creating packages, plans, or procedures for the Optim Directory
Packages tables, the Configuration program displays the Create/Drop
Packages, Create/Drop Stored Procedures, or Bind/Drop Plans
dialog, depending on the DBMS selected for the Directory. You can
choose to browse the SQL statements generated to create or refresh the
packages, plans, or procedures.
Keep Optim If you are creating a new Optim Directory in a DBMS for which Optim
Directory Data in provides Unicode support, you are prompted to indicate whether the
Unicode Format DBMS is configured to store unicode data.
After you have created the new Optim Directory, the Conversion
Process displays the Export Data from an Old Directory dialog.
The next step in the process is to export objects from the old Optim
To begin this step, select the Export Data from an Old Optim
Directory check box and click Proceed. To skip this step and display
the Import Data into New Optim Directory? dialog, leave the check
box blank and click Proceed.
Specify Optim Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog to select the name of the
Directory Optim Directory from which objects are exported.
Database dialog are populated with values entered when the old
Directory was created.
Export Old After the workstation is connected to the database, you can export
Directory objects using this dialog.
PST Directory Name of the PST Directory from which objects are exported.
PST Directory Version Version of Configuration program used to create the
Specifications old PST Directory.
Export File Enter the name of the Export File. The Export File is
Name a plain text file and has a .dss extension by default.
Other extensions may be specified, or the file can be
designated without an extension. The Export File is
used as the input for Import Processing.
Always Display Output Select the check box to automatically display the export process log
(PN0EXPT.LOG) for the current process. When the Export Process is complete, the log
is displayed in the Browse File dialog. To display the log only in the
event of an error, clear the check box.
Continue Export if Indicate whether to halt processing if an error occurs. To continue
Errors processing if an error occurs, select the check box. To halt processing
if an error occurs, clear the check box.
Run Export
To start the Export Process, click Proceed. If you specify the name of
an Export File that already exists, a dialog prompts you to confirm that
you want to overwrite the file. During Export Processing, the status bar
displays information about the process.
Browse File The Browse File dialog displays the results of the Export Process, and
includes the following details:
Print the log by choosing Print from the File menu. Each execution of
the Export Process clears the log file before information for the current
execution is written. Previous log information is not retained.
Select Close from the File menu to close the log and return to the
Export dialog. You can redisplay the log for the current process by
clicking Display Output.
The next step in the Conversion Process is to import the objects into the
new Optim Directory.
To begin this step, select the Import Data into a New Optim Directory
check box and click Proceed. To skip this step, leave the check box
blank and click Proceed.
Specify Optim Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog to select the name of the new
Directory Optim Directory into which objects are imported.
Import Optim After the workstation is connected to the database, you can import the
Directory objects using the Import Optim Directory Definitions dialog.
Optim Directory Name of the Optim Directory into which objects are imported.
Export File Name Enter the name of the Export File. The Export File was created during
the Export Process and contains the object definitions to import.
Optim Definitions Identifies the objects in the Export File. You can display a list of
objects of a certain type by clicking the plus (+) sign. Select the check
boxes associated with the objects you want to import. To exclude an
object, clear the corresponding check box. You must select at least one
object definition to run the Import Process.
Continue Import Indicate whether processing should stop if an error occurs. To continue
if Errors processing if an error occurs, select the check box. To halt processing if
an error occurs, clear the check box.
Overwrite Existing Indicate what action is required when the name of an imported object
Definitions matches that of an object already in the current Optim Directory:
Run Import
There are two ways to run the Import Process:
• If you want to import all selected objects at one time (i.e., in one
import process), click Next.
3. After the selected Table Maps are processed, select the Calendars
you want to import, and click Import a third time.
(Alternatively, you can click Next when you are ready to process
the last group of objects you want to import, as discussed in the
Note following step 4.)
4. When you are done importing objects, click Skip to display the
Complete dialog, described under Conversion Complete on
page 582.
Note: When you are ready to process the last group of objects
you want to import, you can click Next, instead of
Import, to complete the import process. If you do that,
you do not have to click Skip to display the Complete
During import processing, the status bar displays information about the
import process. After processing completes, imported objects are
identified by a gray check box.
Conversion When you are finish importing objects, the Conversion Process opens
Complete the Complete dialog. Click Close on that dialog to return to the
Configuration main window, where you can quit the program or
perform other tasks.
Specify Optim Use the Specify Optim Directory dialog to select the name of the
Directory version 6.0/6.1 Optim Directory you want to drop. Click Proceed to
Connect to The Configuration program must connect to the database to drop the
Database Optim Directory tables. Use the Connect to Database dialog to
provide the connection information. Click Proceed to continue.
Create/Select In the Create/Select DB Alias dialog, click Skip to continue the process
DB Alias of dropping the version 6.0/6.1 tables. Do not click Proceed, or the
Configuration program will drop the DB Alias for your new Optim
Drop the 6.0/6.1 In the Drop the 6.0/6.1 Optim Directory Tables? dialog, select Drop
Optim Directory the 6.0/6.1 Optim Directory Tables to make the Directory unavailable
Tables? to the Optim products version 6.0/6.1. Click Proceed to continue.
Connect to The Configuration program must re-connect to the database to drop the
Database Optim Directory tables. Use the Connect to Database dialog to
provide the connection information. Click Proceed to continue.
Drop Optim Before you drop an Optim Directory (and Optim Directory tables), the
Directory Tables Configuration program displays the table identifier and prompts you to
review the generated SQL, using the Drop Directory Tables dialog.
Click Proceed to drop the 6.0/6.1 Directory tables and continue.
Create/Drop Stored Use the Create/Drop Stored Procedures dialog to drop the stored
Procedures procedures SQL Server uses to access tables in the 6.0/6.1 Directory.
Click Proceed to continue.
Drop the Current In the Drop the Current Directory? dialog, select Drop Current
Directory? Directory to drop all DB Aliases and object definitions in the 6.0/6.1
Directory. Click Proceed to continue.
Both the Optim sample database and the samples in the Samples
subdirectory are described in this Appendix.
CUST_ID C(5) C(14)
CITY C(15)
ZIP C(5) EMAIL C(62)
CITY C(15)
ZIP C(6)
RCO Restrict
CITY C(15) Partial
Cascade ORDER_ID N
LEGEND Restrict
DBMS Relationship
Optim Relationship ITEM_DESCRIPTION C(72)
Optim Extended UNIT_PRICE N
• Data is provided for all tables in the sample database shown in the
Tables in the additional set do not contain data. They are used to
demonstrate the facilities in Optim.
Primary Keys The ORDER_ID and ITEM_ID columns are the primary key.
Primary Keys The OPTIM_STATE_LOOKUP table does not have a primary key.
Note: Column Map Exits must be compiled and linked, and must
conform to C programming language calling conventions.
Sample Standard A Standard Exit routine is called to derive the value for a destination
Exit column in a Column Map. This sample performs two operations on the
sample database table OPTIM_CUSTOMERS, as follows:
Sample Source A Source Format Exit is typically called to format the source column,
Format Exit for example, for an Age Function that otherwise would not be supported
in a Column Map.
The sample performs the following operations on the sample database
To use this sample, you must specify the exit routine as part of the Age
Function in the ORDER_DATE source column of the Column Map as
Sample Destination A Destination Format Exit is typically called to format the destination
Format Exit column, for example, for an Age Function that otherwise would not be
supported in a Column Map.
To use this sample, you must specify the exit routine as part of the Age
Function in the ORDER_SHIP_DATE source column of the Column
Map as follows:
Sample Standard A Standard procedure is called to derive the value for a destination
Procedure column in a Column Map. This sample Column Map procedure is
created from the CMExit.bas file provided, as described above. This
procedure performs two operations on the sample database table
OPTIM_CUSTOMERS, as follows:
Sample Table The sample table information Column Map procedure is created from
Information the TBLINFO.BAS file as described above. This sample is provided to
demonstrate the Optim Basic Column Map procedures that you can use
to retrieve data about a process, product or database table. This
procedure moves unchanged source data to the destination, and
demonstrates how to output the following:
The sample JCL file (LOADDB2.jcl) for running the DB2 z/OS loader
from an Optim Server is included in the Samples\JCL subdirectory.
Data privacy data tables are available to clients who have an Optim Data
Privacy License. These tables allow you to mask company and personal
data — such as employee names, customer names, social security
numbers, credit card numbers, and e-mail addresses — to generate
transformed data that is both unique and valid within the context of the
application. Generally, these data privacy tables are loaded when you
configure the first workstation, but you also can load them
independently or when you configure an additional DB Alias.
If you have an Optim Data Privacy License, the data privacy data tables
are available on the installation CD in a privacy.xf extract file that is
loaded during the configuration process. (See Load/Drop Data
Privacy Tables on page 115.)
The Privacy Extract file, privacy.xf, includes the tables described in this
section. The tables include lookup information on companies and
individuals that can be used for data masking or data privacy
processing. Minor differences in data types exist, depending upon the
DBMS you use to install the data privacy tables.
PERSON Table The PERSON table contains the following columns and data:
ADDRESS The ADDRESS table contains the following columns and data:
COMPANY The COMPANY table has the following columns and data:
FIRSTNAME The FIRSTNAME table has the following columns and data:
FIRSTNAME_F The FIRSTNAME_F table has the following columns and data for
Table females:
FIRSTNAME_M The FIRSTNAME_M table has the following columns and data for
Table males:
LASTNAME The LASTNAME table has the following columns and data:
When you select this option, and click Proceed, you are prompted to
confirm the deletion of each object. After all objects have been
dropped, you are asked to confirm deletion of the Optim Archive ODBC
Interface driver.
Refer to 7.17 Drop DB Alias or Optim Tables on page 238 for the
sequence in which you are asked to confirm the deletion of Optim
created database objects.
When you select this option, and click Proceed, you are cautioned that
every Optim Directory and DB Alias accessible from the workstation
will be dropped without further prompting.
Select the check box on the Are You Sure dialog and click Proceed to
drop all Optim objects. Click Cancel to abort the uninstall process.
When you select this option, and click Proceed, all Optim created
database objects remain unchanged and intact, but the Optim software is
removed from the workstation.
• Click Yes to close the confirmation dialog and continue the uninstall
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