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Article · March 2023

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2 authors:

Olalekan Alausa Oluwayemisi Adaradohun

The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro


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Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.




alausaolalekan11@gmail.com & yemtoks26@gmail.com


Infrastructural development is one of the most important development any school should have, Akufo High
school is no different, this has increased the need for topographic data to enhance a proper decision-making
process. Creating a topographic information system will further serve as a tool for impactful planning and
management of land matters. This paper is focuses on the creation of Topographical Information System
(TIS) for Akufo High School, Ibadan, Oyo state.The methodology adopted to gather the topographic data was
the Ground Survey technique used to create a topographic database, a kolida total station was used for the
spatial data acquisition, while attribute data where acquired by questioning on site, AutoCAD 2018 software,
surfer 10 and ArcGIS 10.3 were used for data processing, a database was also created in order to carrying
out several analysis and queries on the data captured whenever the need arises. Map showing the 3d
wireframe, 3d surface & slope was produced, this alongside queries produced will support decision making
policy needed by the school authority, Land surveyors, Architects, Engineers, Urban and Regional planners
to plan, design and carryout important infrastructural projects in the study area.

KEYWORDS: TIS, Infrastructural, database, spatial data and attribute data.

1.0 INTRODUCTION spacious planning of power supply, road

construction, planning of flood control and more. All
Infrastructural changes are in the basic essential these areas of use will always need an up-to-date
services or amenities put in place for development to digital topographic database.
occur. The need for building more structure in a
developing country keep increasing, this Topography of an area describes the terrain
automatically has caused increasing demand for geo- characteristics of relief features of such area as
information about the topographical features on the depicted by hills, valleys and plains. It can be used
landscape which is multiplying continuously, as the to study and represent as a surface, any characteristic
precise and on time informative details about land that has a continuously changing value other than
dynamic changes is important to the update and elevation, for instance, population, geo-magnetic
management of topographic features on map (Zhang data and geo-chemical data (Odo et al., 2016).
and Li, 2018). Vital areas of application include Topographical surveying involves the capturing of

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

spatial and non-spatial data of the terrain features on accuracy and precision i.e. quality of the existing
the topographic surface, both man-made and natural map of the study area.
in three-dimensional form (x y z).
Need for erecting more buildings has continually
Ndukwe (2001), said topographic information increased in the akufo high school, having the
system (TIS) is the combination of topographic knowledge that no meaningful development can
survey and geographic information system (GIS). It occur without the topography data of the area.
can be defined as a GIS database of topographic Therefore, this study shows the topographic
features and other related data. information system created for the study area by
acquiring the spatial value of the controls nearby,
According to Uluocha (2007), the implementation of which serve as the base in which the spatial data
GIS into the planning aspect to enhance decision acquired rely, the attribute data was acquired, the
making has continued at an impressive rate. This is processing of this data was done using the necessary
because GIS manage large spatial and attribute data software such as AutoCAD 2018 software, surfer 10
with a distinct valuable application for policy makers and ArcGIS 10.3, a database was also created which
in area of planning. A geographical information relate both spatial data and attribute data and maps
system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data such as digital terrain model (DTM), water flow map
(spatial and attribute) for capturing, managing, where produced to serve as reliable data which
analyzing manipulating and displaying all forms of should guide decision making for the development
geographically referenced information. GIS allows of the school.
one to view, understand, question, interpret and
visualize data in many ways that reveals 2.0 STUDY AREA
relationship, patterns and trends of form of maps,
globes, reports and charts. Emakoji,and Otah (2018), The study area is Akufo High school located along
also explains GIS as a tool to solve enquires and Awotan / Opawole road, Ibadan, Ido Local
produce solution to arising problems which are Government of Oyo State. It is a government owned
related to earth by viewing the database in quick school which is situated between latitude 7 30'
understandable manner and related. 37.30'' to 7 30' 19.8''and longitude 3 47' 45.18'' to 3
47' 44.73''. The total area of the study area is
Several methods are applied in topographic 125169.122 square meters and 12.517 hectare. The
surveying. Some include, ground surveying, study area is an area with features such as
photogrammetry, aerial imagery and satellite residential, administrative and academic buildings,
imagery, remote sensing. Olaniyi, (2013), said the street light, roads, electric poles and power line etc.
most appropriate method to be used on a project at
hand depends on the location of interest (size), scale,
purpose etc. Furthermore, it‟s based on availability,

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.


Source: GOOGLE EARTH (Imagery date- 21-01-2018)


The method used for this study is depict in fig 2.0 below;

Fig.2.0: Methodology adopted Flowchart

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

3.1 DATA ACQUISITION database table in relationship to the details. Surfer 10

was used to produce the 3D surface map and the 3D
This involves collection of data that can be wireframe map using the X, Y, Z value obtained on
processed for the required information needed for site. These data table was queried to provide useful
decision making. The spatial database creation most cadastral information.
important aspect is the acquisition of geometric data.
In this research, spatial data were acquired using 3.3 Database Design
digital equipment like total station. This geometric
data acquisition was in three phases namely; This is the arrangement of data in-line with the
perimeter traversing which involve measurement on database model. The designer determines what data
the points that forms the study area boundary, must be stored and how the data elements interrelate,
detailing includes the measurement details within the with this information, we can begin to fit the data to
boundary such as footpaths, walkway, buildings, the database model. A database is designed to meet
electric poles, borehole, car park and sport facilities, the rising needs of users everywhere. The first step
which were identified with unique code during in database design is to carry out user‟s requirement
observation to have a distinguished entity and the studies, consider the available database and relevant
spot heightening was done at an interval of 10m hardware and software, before going ahead to
based on the topography of the study area. database creation. The design phase of any database
design involves three stages namely (Kufoniyi,
The attribute data include the characteristics of 1998):
features especially man-made features, this were
obtained through a physical contact survey (social a) Conceptual design
survey) which made it possible to get information b) Logical design
such as; object name, object use and related data c) Physical design
about features from the students and staffs in the
school. All these data formed the non-spatial aspect 3.3.1 Conceptual Design
of the feature are specifically for the database
creation. Example of these is: building‟s name, It is the first stage in database design that involves
building‟s purpose, building colour etc. an arrangement and the presentation of the view of
reality by presenting the view in a simply form
3.2 Data Downloading and Processing which can still give the information needed for the
topography (Ojiako & Jimoh, 2017). The realities in
The spatial data obtained during the field work was this paper refer to the boundary, building, road, spot
saved in the total station SD, and the data were height, as found in the study area. The reality was
downloaded into computer system for manipulation conceptualized as points, lines and polygons as X, Y
purpose. These data were processed using AutoCAD and Z with positional coordinates. The entities of
2018 where the acquired coordinate where plotted, preference for Topographic Information System
details fixed to depict the study area, after which were identified and analyzed to produce a conceptual
were exported to ArcGIS 10.3 where digitizing was data model. The relationship among entities and the
done, and the attribute data was used to create a attributes of each entity were also identified.

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

Ido local Govt. Area

Akufo High School

Arc Point Polygon

Color Building ID
Road Walkway Node – Coord. X, Y,
poles Z Condition
Name Good Abandoned

Name ID Length

Status Tarred Purpose

Un-tarred Admin Classroom Commercial

Power House Office Park Laboratory


3.3.2 LOGICAL DESIGN table name and was arranged in turples (rows) and
attribute (columns). The table was populated with
This is the phase that translated the conceptual fields. Each column has a unique name identifier. In
design into data structure. It is the representation of this project, conceptual data was developed and later
data model designed to display the recording of the translated into a data structure in a single uniform
data into a personal computer. The data structure manner in form of relation (tables). The conceptual
organizes data in a single uniform manner in tables model was translated into schemas as stated below:
(relations). Each table was recognized by a distinct

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

Electric pole Table (EP_ID, EP_E, EP_N, EP_NAME, EP_H).

Road Table (R_ID, R_N, R_NAME, R_L).

3.3.3 PHYSICAL DESIGN was used for contour, spot height and DTM
generation and finally ArcGIS 10.3 version was used
At this stage of the design, the data type and the for database design and analysis. The physical
attributes domain constraint (width) were well design was done to cover all investigated entities. In
defined to be recognized by the implementation other, word, relationship that exist between each
software. This marked the first stage of database point features (i.e. electric pole, bole -hole and spot
creation. In this case, the capacity of available height), each line features (i.e. road and walk ways)
hardware and software was considered. In this and each area features (i.e. Building, Sport facilities,
project, Microsoft excel was used for editing and Car park, and boundary) was established. The table
saved as script file. AutoCAD 2018 was used for 1.1 below shows the building entities;
plotting & final embellishment, Surfer 10 version



Bd_Id Building Identity Short Integer Yes 5
Bd_Name Building Name Text Yes 30
Bd_Use Building Use Text Yes 30
Bd_Type Building Type Text Yes 25
Bd_Conditn Building Condition Text Yes 25
Bd_Colour Building Colour Text Yes 25

3.4 DATABASE CREATION the database. Following the successful design of the
database for each feature class (layer) in Arc Map,
The AutoCAD plotted file were exported to Arc the tables created were filled using the obtained non-
MAP environs of ArcGIS 10.3 to allow table spatial data. Each column in the table contained
creation for analysis purpose. In Arc MAP environs attribute values for each field, while each row
the graphic form was converted to shape files and contained records of a particular feature. The table
then added as a theme. The creation of table for each 1.2 below shows samples of table created and their
feature was done and this assisted in carrying out records during this operation.
spatial analysis such as querying and buffering from

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.


4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS of the area of study are shown in figures below.
These spatial queries were classified as single and
The maps produced, spatial and non-spatial results multiple criteria queries.

Fig. 4.1: 3D Surface Map/ DTM of the Study Area

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

Ndukwe, (2001) defined digital terrain model weight of all cells flowing into each down slope cell
(DTM) as a topographic model of the terrain relief in the output raster. If no weight raster is provided, a
that can be manipulated by computer programs. This weight of one is applied to each cell, and the value
map shows the nature and configuration of the of cells in the output raster will be the number of
terrain in a pictorial form, make obvious the water cells that flow into each cell.
possible flow pattern and to calculates accumulated

Fig. 4.2: 3D Wireframe map of the Study Area

The three-dimensional wireframe map gives an Multiple Ring Buffer (Analysis)

impressive 3D display of the study area. The
wireframes are created by connecting Z values of The study area is without a library structure that can
defined X and Y. This map can be used in designing serve the student, this analysis can be performed on
drainage network, terrain analysis, line of sight the base map of structures in the school to specify a
analysis, and also for creating relief maps of the good place for sitting of the proposed library to
study area. avoid distraction for the users of the library. i.e.,
having the school library located in an area void of
noise pollution and distraction from other structures.

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

Therefore, this analysis was done to avoid the buildings etc.). Hence multiple point with 100
propagation of noise pollution, this means the library meters buffering radius were place at the edges of all
should be sited not less than 100 meters to other the buildings where the structure should not be sited,
structures (classrooms, offices, commercial hence a common point to them all will be selected.

Fig. 4.3: Multiple Ring Buffer Analysis Result for the Suitable Library Location (100 Meters Away
from Other Structures)

The yellow portions indicate where the library can from other structure.
be sited to avoid the propagation of noise pollution

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

QUERY ONE: determine the height points where water reservoir to be used for water distribution can be
located. i.e., determine heights that are lesser than or equal to 232.58 meters within the project area which is
the height at the borehole point.

Syntax: "HEIGHT" <= 232.58

FIG 4.4: Result Showing Spot Heights Query Which Are Lesser Than or Equal To 232.58m within the
Project Area

The blue like colour point in figure 4.3 above The query result will further allow the school
indicates spot height that has height that is equal to authority to make decision based on the terrain
or greater than 232.58m which can be applied in nature and the pattern infrastructure should take in
application area below. every area of the study area, giving careful look at
the topography of the study area. Other application
This shows the school management the low points of this query may include sitting of
prominent for flood within their environment so as telecommunication mast, construction of towel for
to establish water reservoir for water distribution security purpose, etc.
purposes and give the right channel to the drainages.
A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

QUERY TWO: Show buildings which their purpose is for academic work


Fig. 4.5: Result of Query Showing Buildings Which Their Purpose Is for Academic Work

In Figure 4.5 above, the blue like colour portion This will aid the school authority in considering if
indicates the buildings that are used for academic more academic buildings need to be built, it can also
purposes within the school area with indicate a total be used as guide when distributing academic
number of sixteen (16) buildings in the database materials in the school environment or any other
table. related purpose.

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

QUERY THREE: Show Buildings with bungalow structure with yellow paint colour which are used for
practical purposes.



Fig. 4.6: Result Showing Buildings Query with Bungalow Building Structure Having Yellow Paint
Colour Which Their Purpose Is for Practical

In Figure 4.6 above, the blue like colour portion This can be used to locate the position of bungalow
indicates the buildings that are used for practical buildings used for practical purposes so that it can be
purposes having bungalow building structure and used as guide when distributing practical materials in
painted in yellow colour within the school area with the school environment.
indicate a total number of five (5) buildings in the
database table.

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

QUERY FOUR: To show building that has the highest height within the project area

Syntax: "Elevation" = 14.856

Fig. 4.7: Result of Query Showing Building with the Highest Height in the Study Area

Figure 4.7 above, the blue like colour portion „Administrative Building‟. Visibility shading is one
indicates the building with highest height within the of the major problems affecting the distribution of
school area with indicates in the database table as internet satellite dish signal to various receivers and

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

to avoid this visibility shading, the dish must be sited a matter of taking some measurements of the few
on the highest structure within the environment so developments and updating the database to give a
that the signal can be available to various receivers. new map due to continuous topography change.
Hence this query provides solution to this problem Also, the reliability of the data was ascertained by
as it indicates the highest structure in the school achieving the required accuracy and precision, using
environment. a tested digital equipment, the principle of whole to
part was employed by relying on a higher order
5.0 CONCLUSION control.

In a developing country like Nigeria, the progress 5.1 RECOMMENDATIONS

has been very slow in adopting Topographic
Information System as a basis for the planning and Having completely done this study successfully, I
decision making. This is hardly surprising given the recommend the following:
prevailing environment of low technology capability
whereas, Topographic Information System (TIS) is 1. The data obtained from this project can be used
essential to economic planning and development in enhancing physical planning, future
such as the transportation network, agriculture, the development and decision making in the
health care system, telecommunications just to school.
mention a few should be accorded the same level of 2. From the spatial database designed and created
support and priority. in this paper, several questions about the
school could be provided with prompt assist
Topographic Information System developed in this able answers when query functions and
paper would go a long way in enhancing physical buffering are performed.
planning, future development and decision making 3. Digital terrain model/ 3D surface map and 3D
in the school as shown in FIG 4.3 – FIG 4.6. The wireframe map generated can serve as guide to
spatial database designed and created in this paper, decision making.
showed several query functions and buffering which 4. The database created can serve as model for
were performed, a digital terrain model/ 3D surface future work within the area that will involve
map and 3D wireframe map were produced, which the use of GIS basic analytic functions such as
serve as guide to decision making where buffering, query or overlay.
infrastructural development is concerned FIG 4.1 5. Due to the flexibility of the database created,
and FIG 4.2 shows this. Furthermore, the database accommodating new changes within the area
created can serve as model for future work within will be easily carried out that is, updating the
the study area that will include the use of GIS basic information system and map will not be a
analysis functions such as query or overlay and difficult task in the future, all it would take is
buffering. The database created to entertain just a matter of taking some measurements of
developments within the area, it‟s capable of being the few developments and updating the
updated. Updating of the information system and database to give a new map due to continuous
map will not be a problem in future because it is just topography change.

A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.
Ilaro Journal of Environmental Research & Development (2020) (4), (1) 54 – 68 Alausa, O. A., &
ISSN: 2736-0814 Adaradohun, O. S.

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A Publication of the School of Environmental Studies, The Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Nigeria.

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