131 To 230 Question Bank
131 To 230 Question Bank
131 To 230 Question Bank
a) Retroviruses b) Reoviruses
c) Poxviruses d) Parvoviruses
a) O b) A
c) C d) All of above
a) IgM b) IgG
c) IgA d) All of above
a) Tuberculin b) Johnin
c) Mallein d) All of above
a) FAT b) AGPT
c) Agglutination d) ELISA
140. T lymphocytes get maturity in
a) Liver b) Spleen
c) Thymus d) Bursa of Fabricius
141. Viruses that exist in cells and cause recurrent disease are considered
a) Oncogenic b) Cytopathic
c) Latent d) Resisitant
a) Aedes b) Culicoides
c) Anopheles d) House fly
145. Double stranded segmented RNA virus with 10-12 segments is the features of
a) Reoviridae b) Retroviridae
c) Orthomyxoviridae d) Paramyxoviridae
a) Elution b) HA
c) HI d) Eclipse
150. The viral agent produces diaphagic fever, respiratory distress, nervous
symptoms and hard pad disease in dog
a) H1N1 b) H2N2
c) H3N2 d) H5N1
a) Order b) Phylum
c) Family d) Genus
156. Sanger was awarded Nobel Prize for developing a revolutionary technique
known as
a) Cloning b) ELISA
c) PCR d) Sequencing
a) H1N1 b) H5N1
c) H2N3 d) None of above
a) Chloramphenicol b) Acyclovir
c) Cephalexin d) Fluoroquinolones
163. Which of the following viruses has been provisionally eradicated from India
a) Polio b) FMD
c) Rinderpest d) Bluetongue
164. Which one of the following viruses do not cause skin infection
a) Blood b) Lymph
c) Nerves d) Muscles
a) Saliva b) Faeces
c) Urine d) Nasal Discharge
169. EDS-76 is caused by
a) Adenovirus b) Circovirus
c) Herpees virus d) Paramyxovirus
a) 2 segements b) 3 segements
c) 4 segements d) No segments
172. You will preferably attempt to isolate Marek’s Disease Virus from a diseased
bird from
a) Poxviridae b) Adenoviridae
c) Asfarviridae d) Papovaviridae
175. Which one of the following consists of SS plus stand Linear RNA
a) Picornaviridae b) Parvoviridae
c) Paramyxoviride d) Reoviridae
176. Which of the following statements about Marek’s Disease is not True
a) Herpesviridae b) Rhabdoviridae
c) Flaviridae d) None of above
180. Which one of the following consist of double stranded RNA as genome
a) 11 b) 12
c) 10 d) 13
182. Which one of the following is not antigenically related to other three viruses
a) Rinderpest b) Measles
c) Canine distemper d) Mumps
183. Corona and Rota virus are associated with which of the following disease
a) Diarrhoea b) Abortion
c) Tracheal infection d) Skin infection
185. The largest RNA genome is contained in which of the following viruses
a) gag b) pol
c) em d) sre
187. Cell free virus in Marek’s Disease is found in
188. Hard pad disease occurs due to virus belonging to the family
a) Herpesviridae b) Paramyxoviridae
c) Parvoviridae d) Adenoviridae
a) Orthomyxoviridae b) Paramyxoviridae
c) Parvoviridae d) Adenoviridae
a) CAM b) Allontoic
c) Yolk sac d) Intraembryonic
a) Herpesviridae b) Reoviridae
c) Retroviridae d)Togaviridae
197. Fowl pox virus is antigenically similar to
a) Pig b) Horse
c) Cow d) All of the above
a) Chicken b) Turkey
c) Ducks d) None of the above
a) Saliva b) Milk
c) Urine d) Occulo nasal discharge
204. Most sensitive technique for antigen detection in adeno virus infection is
a) ELISA b) Immunofluorescence
c) PCR d) AGID
a) Respiratory b) Enteric
c) Genital d) All of the above
a) Contact b) Inhalation
c) Vertical d) Both A and C
207. The number of segments present in the genome of rota virus is
a) 10 b) 11
c) 12 d) none of the above
a) Adenoviridae b) Herpesviridae
c) Poxviridae d) Iridoviridae
a) Viscerotropic b) Neurotropic
c) Dermotropic d) None
a) IBV b) IBDV
c) ILTV d) MDV
a) Duckplague b) SV-40
c) Epidemic tremor d) Mad-itch
217. The largest and most complex of all animal viruses are
a) Arbovirus b) Poxviruses
c) Picornavirus d) Herpesviruses
a) Lyophilization b) - 200 C
c) - 800 C d) - 1960 C
a) 162 b) 240
c) 440 d) 252
a) Capsule b) Flagella
c) Negribodies d) Metachromatic granules
a) Glycoprotein b) Lipid
c) Polysaccharide d) All of above
a) CFT b) HA
c) FAT d) AGPT
a) Poxviridae b) Herpesviridae
c) Paramyxoviridae d) Orthomyxoviridae
227. The property of elution of RBCs is found in
a) Myxovirus b) Togavirus
c) Parvovirus d) Adenovirus
a) Cattle b) Sheep
c) Pig d) dog
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