Leader 3

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October, 2013




October, 2013






___________________________ ___________________
Dean, Graduate Studies Signature & Date

______________________________ _____________________
Advisor Signature & Date

______________________________ _____________________
External Examiner Signature & Date

______________________________ _____________________
Internal Examiner Signature & Date

Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................VI
List of Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................................................................... VII
List of Appendices................................................................................................................ VIII
List of Charts ...........................................................................................................................IX
List of Tables............................................................................................................................ X
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................XI

CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Background of the Study.............................................................................................1
1.2. Statements of the Problem...........................................................................................3
1.3. Research Questions .....................................................................................................4
1.4. Objectives of the Study ...............................................................................................4
1.4.1. General Objectives ......................................................................................................5
1.4.2. Specific Objective .......................................................................................................5
1.5. Significance of the Study ............................................................................................5
1.6. Scope of the Study.......................................................................................................6
1.7. Limitation of the Study ...............................................................................................6
1.8. Organization of the Study ...........................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Definition of Leadership .............................................................................................8
2.2. Leadership Theory.......................................................................................................9
2.3. Leadership Style........................................................................................................10
2.4. Leadership Effectiveness...........................................................................................11
2.5. Factors Affecting Leadership Effectiveness .............................................................12
2.6. Measuring Leadership Effectiveness ........................................................................16
2.7. Studies on Leadership Effectiveness in Different Parts of the World.......................17
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................. 19
3.1. Research Design........................................................................................................19
3.2. Population and Sampling Techniques .......................................................................20
3.3. Instruments of Data Collection .................................................................................20
3.4. Procedures of Data Collection...................................................................................20

3.5. Methods of Data Analysis .........................................................................................21
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................... 22
4.1. Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents.....................................................22
4.2. Discussion and Analysis of Data...............................................................................24
4.2.1. Survey Response .......................................................................................................24
4.2.2. Leadership Style........................................................................................................25
4.2.3. Strategic Vision Sharing............................................................................................26
4.2.4. Building Relationship, Experience, and Support ......................................................28
4.2.5. Influencing Subordinates before giving Assignment ................................................28
4.2.6. Empowering Subordinates ........................................................................................29
4.2.7. Motivation and Inspiration ........................................................................................30
4.2.8. Feedback Collection about Leadership Style ............................................................31
4.2.9. Leadership Role to the Best of Gift’s Interest...........................................................31
4.2.10. Satisfaction Level on Leadership Effectiveness in Gift.....................................32
4.2.11. Expressing Leadership Effectiveness in Gift.....................................................33
4.2.12. Most Affecting Leadership Effectiveness in Gift ..............................................34
4.2.13. Advice to Improve Leadership Effectiveness in Gift ........................................35
CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................................... 37
5.1. Summary of Findings ................................................................................................37
5.2. Conclusions ...............................................................................................................38
5.3. Recommendations .....................................................................................................38
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 40-42
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................... 43-54

“To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent O Lord my God, I will
give thanks unto thee forever”.

Psalms 30.12

A lot of people assisted me directly or indirectly to accomplish this study. First and foremost,
I would like to acknowledge my advisor Shoa Jemal (Asst. Professor) for his professional
support and very constructive comments in relation to my research work. It was real pleasure
and knowledge acquisition process to do this research with his assistance.

My heartfelt thank goes to the founder and Managing Director of Gift Group of Companies,
Ato Gebreyesus Igata for giving me permission to work this study on the group of companies.
At the same time, I would like to express my gratitude to staff of Gift Group of Companies
not only for providing me important response to my research; but also their assistance in
coordinating the distribution and collection of the questionnaires.

On the other hand, had it not been the encouragement and assistance in sharing the rest of my
family responsibility was done by my lovely wife Wzo. Wubayehu Mekonnen and the three
daughters Edom, Nardos, and Arsema Hailu; it would have been very challenging to produce
this research paper. You managed your day to day life in my absence accepting the situation,
while I spent most of my time in front of my laptop. Thus, I would like to take this
opportunity to say thank you my lovely family for your usual assistance. You were my
energy, while I drive to win in my academic performance. Thank you so much. I am
extremely fortunate and blessed to have you around me.

Finally, I would like to thank my employer, African Based Consultants for Development
[ABCD] PLC for sponsoring the full cost of resource required for this study. And last but not
least, I would like to thank my work colleagues Wzt. Selamawit Belete and Ato Million
Gashaw for all support during this assignment.

God bless you all!


GC - Gift Construction Private Limited Company

GGC - Gift Group of Companies
GNM - Gift Nails Manufacturing Industry Private Limited Company
GRE - Gift Real Estate Private Limited Company
GT - Gift Trading Private Limited Company
MLLM - Middle and Lower Level Managers
PLC - Private Limited Company
TLM - Top Level Managers
USA - United States of America

Appendix 1: Questionnaire for MLLM ………………….………………………… 43-46
Appendix 2: Questionnaire for Employees…………………………………………. 47-50
Appendix 3: Questionnaire for Employees –Amharic version……………………... 51-53
Appendix 4: Interview Questions for TLM………………………………………… 54

Chart 1: MLLM and Managers’ Response on Leadership Style they Follow…...... 25
Chart 2: Employees’ Response on Leadership Style their Bosses follow………….. 26

Chart 3: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Gift’s Vision Sharing……………... 27

Chart 4: MLLM & Employees’ Response on Building Relationship and Support… 28

Chart 5: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Influence before Assignment……... 29

Chart 6: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Empowering Subordinates………... 29

Chart 7: MLLM Response on Frequency of Motivating and Inspiring Subordinates 30

Chart 8: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Feedback Collection …………...... 31

Chart 9: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Leadership to Gift’s Interest……… 32

Chart 10: MLLM and Employees Response on Leadership Effectiveness ………… 33

Chart 11: MLLM and Employees’ Response in terms of Leadership Effectiveness. 33

Chart 12: MLLM and Employees’ Response on mostly Affecting Leadership

Effectiveness................................................................................................. 35
Chart 13: MLLM and Employees Response on Improvement of Leadership
Effectiveness…………………………………………………………….. 35

Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of Research Respondents.……………….... 22
Table 2: Educational Background of the Respondents ………………................... 23
Table 3: Work Experience of the Respondents…………………………………….. 24
Table 4: Summary of Questionnaire Distribution and Response Rate…………….. 25


The purpose of this study was to assess factors affecting leadership effectiveness at Gift
Group of Companies. Gift Group of Companies comprise four interrelated companies
working as a sister company; i.e., Gift Trading, Gift Nails Manufacturing Industry, Gift
Construction and Gift Real Estate PLC. In the process of the study data was acquired by
taking one hundred thirteen samples from three hundred eighteen populations using instance
sampling. Each sample is taken from different group which comprise top level, middle and
lower level managers and employees. To achieve the objectives of the study and enable the
researcher to answer the research questions explicitly as possible, the descriptive statistics
method selected as the means to identify factors affecting leadership effectiveness. The
reason to follow this approach is to answer the research questions using qualitative analysis.
This will depict an accurate profile of demographic information, situations and enable to
explain the relationship between independent variable-factors affecting leadership
effectiveness and dependent variable-leadership effectiveness. In the study data collection
has been conducted by preparing structured interview questions for top level management
group; English version questionnaire for middle and lower level management group and
Amharic version questionnaire for employees. Further, observation is made in certain part
of the business operation. In general, empowerment, transparency, relationship building,
vision sharing, leadership style, and motivating of staffs are found to be the major factors
affecting leadership effectiveness at GGC. Accordingly short term training and best practice
sharing with empowering employees, transparency, relationship building, vision sharing,
accountability, influencing subordinates and working on leadership style are areas for


1.1. Background of the Study

Leadership is a becoming a common phenomenon in our day to day life. The importance and
application is not limited to specific area of business, rather goes to in every sector, any society or
nation. If leadership is having such horizon, what is leadership? Leadership is the process of
creating influence on others towards goal (Burton and Thakur, 2008).

According to this definition the word influence has great bondage with leadership. This influence
is not something related with punishment or force rather it is related with own inspiration and
willing fullness to do something.

The formation of group in order to accomplish goal is the point where people have been interested
in leadership. Early stage of the twentieth century was a time where researchers began to study
leadership. During this time of the study, leadership theories emphasized on the leader (trait
theory) and how the leader works together with his or her team (behavioral theory).

Current view of leadership focuses on transformational, and charismatic. A person who can
arouse and inspire group to achieve extraordinary outcome is exercising transformational
leadership; while passionate and self confident leader having influence due to his or her
personality and action can influence people to behave in certain ways is called charismatic

In the twenty-first century leading effectively in today’s turbulent environment and existing stiff
business competition is becoming the challenge. As result of this fast changing phenomena how
to mobilize others in a passionate manner in order to get things done is the existing challenge of
leadership. Andrew (2005) showed the depth and width of leadership by indicating as most of the
organizational challenges are believed to be resolved with effective leadership.

Losey, Meisinger, and Ulrich (2005) stressed as leadership is energy management of own and
then in those around. They emphasized as the energy is person’s engagement at work physically,
mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. This is because a few brings their best effort at
work. Further they emphasized as not to mean people are not working rather it is because of
global competition “good enough” is no longer enough. Accordingly, they further emphasized as
managing energy will be major challenges facing leaders over the next twenty years.
This dissertation is all about identifying factors affecting leadership effectiveness at Gift Group of
Companies. Gift Group of Companies comprise four inter related companies working as a sister
companies; i.e., Gift Trading, Gift Nails Manufacturing Industry, Gift Construction and Gift Real
Estate Private Limited Companies.

Gift Trading is a trading company established on 1990 as PLC involved in import and wholesale,
distribution, export and related business. In import business the company is involved in importing
many trading items including construction input items. Accordingly, besides availing the
imported product to the public at large; it also supplies as an input to the other sister company Gift
Construction PLC for the construction business.

Gift Nails Manufacturing Industry PLC is established on May 2000 in order to manufacture
strong and quality nails and different related types of steel products. Similarly, the company avail
the product to its sister company Gift Construction besides availing its products to the public at

Gift Real Estate PLC is a company selling the products of Gift Construction offering
comprehensive real estate development services by availing different types of houses in the ideal
location of the town.

In such highly interrelated business where trading and nails manufacturing avails construction
inputs materials for the construction company and ultimately the real estate sales the product to
ultimate users; the importance of leadership effectiveness is very critical for the success of the
whole Gift Group of Companies.

Thus, the companies need effective leadership, which can turn this challenging situation in to
opportunity. In line with this, the researcher believes identifying factors affecting leadership will
help to improve leadership style, which is the solution to the most of organizational challenge as
indicated by Andrew above.

Accordingly, in the process of identifying factors affecting leadership effectiveness, the study
tried to identify major factors creating influence on the effectiveness of the leadership. Based on
the finding, the study proposed suggestions for the betterment of the existing leadership
effectiveness at the companies.

Studies are made in relation to leadership effectiveness in different parts of the world. Among
these four are taken by the researcher from USA, Indonesia, Ghana and Ethiopia. However when

it comes to leadership effectiveness in case of real estate developers, it is found to be difficult to
find study addressing similar topic in the same sector.

Considering the non availability of relevant study in similar sector and the real estate sector
mushrooming in the country despite existing many challenges; this study is believed as it will
contribute it’s part in terms of knowledge contribution for further research and also for effort to be
done in improving the leadership effectiveness in the similar sector.

On the other hand, based on this study when Gift Group of Companies start implementing the
suggestions, the researcher has firm believe as it will benefit from different direction towards
improving leadership effectiveness in the companies. The major one is in creating impact in
changing leadership behavior and style of managers resulting in improving employees’
productivity. As result, the amalgamation of these two bodies in terms of playing their respective
role effectively will have direct positive contribution on profitability of Gift Group of Companies.

1.2. Statements of the Problem

Now a days the importance of leadership is magnificent to business success. More exemplary
leaders are needed more than ever, not because of the existence of so much extraordinary work,
rather leaders who can unite and ignite us is needed (Kouzes and Posner, 2008).

Paradoxically, in most of the cases we don’t find a lot of leaders enforcing their followers
willingly than forcefully. At the same time, in case of Gift the business challenge is more
aggravated mainly because of the delay in one sister company service for example the delay in
importing iron bar will result in affecting the ultimate output of the real estate business in terms of
house delivery and customer satisfaction.

This is more aggravated because of existence of serious customers’ dissatisfaction and the
entrance of new giant international competitors in the real estate sector. Thus, highly effective
leadership to create team spirit, motivation, vision, customer orientation and other is very critical.
The researcher being having experience in Gift Real Estate PLC while he took leading
responsibility since the inception of the company for three consecutive years, he used to notice the
importance of leadership effectiveness for real estate and construction company business success.

At the same time, the existing challenging situations in the sector because of loss of customers’
confidence and other challenges made the importance more serious. Accordingly, the researcher
believes that leadership is the most fundamental issue for business success and this reason that

interests him to choose the study topic in order to contribute his part for the effectiveness of
leadership in GGC where he has a foot print.

This study therefore identifies major factors affecting leadership effectiveness in Gift Group of
Companies. Accordingly, the study discuss on how to improve the effectiveness of the existing
leadership in Gift Group of Companies.

In general, in the existing critical and stiff competition in real estate sector; working to improve
leadership effectiveness is believed to be very important for the success of the business.

1.3. Research Questions

In order to find solution to the issues raised in the statement of the problem as highlighted above,
the following basic research questions were raised to staffs of Gift Group of Companies:

1.3.1. Which style of leadership is exercised most?

1.3.2. What is the practice of sharing strategic vision of Gift Group of Companies to
1.3.3. What is the extent of building relationship, experience and support to
1.3.4. What is the frequency of influencing subordinates before giving assignment?
1.3.5. To what extent Gift Leaders are motivating and inspiring their
1.3.6. What is affecting leadership most in Gift?

1.4. Objectives of the Study

The reason for selecting Gift Group of Companies to study factors affecting leadership
effectiveness has three dimensions.

Firstly, private sector is expected to become the backbone of the Ethiopian economy which
presently is at an infant stage, requiring a lot of improvement and support. Secondly, the real
estate sector is the most lucrative business in the world and it is at the development stage in the
country with a lot of challenges. Thirdly, in the real estate sector, customer dissatisfaction in the
country is reaching in it’s climax stage where the interference of the Government is needed to
resolve the issue.

As a result, the researcher firmly believes as leadership effectiveness is one of the area which
needs due attention in order to resolve most of the issues raised and benefit from the business at
an investor and country level. Thus, this paper has managed to indicate some of the factors
affecting leadership effectiveness considering GGC. In line with this the general and specific
objectives are stated below.

1.4.1. General Objectives

The general objective of this paper is to find the major factors affecting leadership effectiveness in
Gift Group of Companies.

1.4.2. Specific Objective

In the process of achieving the general objectives, the specific objectives to be achieved during
this research are the following:

 To identify most affecting factor in relation to leadership effectiveness in case of Gift

Group of companies.
 To know the major identified factors extent of existence in Gift Group of Companies.
 To collect opinion for further leadership effectiveness improvement.

1.5. Significance of the Study

The study focuses on one of the most important and sensitive part of business management related
to human resource leadership issue. Leadership is becoming very important concept in today’s
business management.

Thus, by analyzing the factors affecting leadership effectiveness, the study tries to propose
internal reform and betterment which will help Gift Group of Companies to utilize its resources to
the best of its capacity and stand in a better position than the existing competitors in the sector by
fulfilling satisfaction to its customers.

Further knowing the factors which affect leadership effectiveness most will assist other interested
party on leadership effectives to use it as input for the betterment of their business leadership

As the same time, since the researcher is working in consultancy and training service, it is
believed as this study will give an in depth knowledge in the area of leadership. Accordingly, this

knowledge will directly transfer to participants in value adding manner during different short term
training facilitation by the researcher.

Further, the researcher believes as this study will be an input for subsequent study in the area.

1.6. Scope of the Study

Leadership is applicable to Military, United Nation Organization, Public Organization, Non-

Governmental Organization and many others. However, this study tries to identify factors
affecting leadership effectiveness in the context of Gift Group of Companies, which is private
Limited company only. Accordingly, the study doesn’t cover other areas.

At the same time, the scope of the study assesses top, middle and lower level management of Gift
Group of Companies and the research doesn’t limit to specific period of time.

Finally all the findings in this study are based on the respondents’ response and observation made
by the researcher.

1.7. Limitation of the Study

In actual fact, leadership effectiveness is affected by many factors, which is not covered by this
study. Thus, this study does not attempt to cover all the factors like cultural, time and other
differences which are external factors.

On the other hand, the existence of limited reference material and research works in relation to
leadership is another area of limitation to this study. The situation becomes more serious when it
comes to real estate sector leadership effectiveness in Ethiopia.

In addition, data collection was a bit difficult mainly because most of the staffs were not in office
because of their nature of work. Further, time shortage and not giving due attention to finalize the
questionnaire as promised was noticed from the respondents side. Time shortage by the
researcher because of other responsibilities in office was a challenge for the researcher.

At the same time, existence of acceptable level of sampling error is expected.

Finally, this research limited data collection to permanent employees and do not included
temporary employees and out sourced service provider employees of Gift Group of Companies

1.8. Organization of the Study

The paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter is introduction. The second unit devoted to
review of related literature. The third unit concerned with research design and methodology. The
fourth unit focuses on results and discussion. The fifth chapter, which is the closing chapter
devoted to summary, conclusion and recommendation.


The literature review on the research topic-Factors Affecting Leadership Effectiveness at Gift
Group of Companies depict and explore the supporting theories that are related to the research
problem. At the same time, the definition to the concept of leadership has been examined and
factors affecting leadership effectiveness are identified.

2.1. Definition of Leadership

“Leadership is inspiring others to follow your vision/direction/dream. In business, this means

getting people aligned and moving in one direction-the direction that makes the business fly.”
Stever Robbins, motivational speaker and entrepreneur

Till now different writers have defined leadership in different ways. Books and Google search
gives about 533 million entries about leadership (Andrew, 2008). Michael Armstrong defined to
lead and leadership as; to lead is to inspire influence and guide; while Leadership is a process of
getting people to do their best to achieve a desired result. It involves developing and
communicating a vision for the future, motivating people and gaining their engagement
(Armstrong, 2009).

On the other hand, Carolyn (2004) indicated as leadership is not something related with position
or role; rather it is a process. As he emphasized, being the CEO, Four-Star General, Pope or
Prime Minister doesn’t make someone a leader. As the common complaint about such positions
is that they ‘lack Leadership’.

Charney (2008) defining leadership by defying leaders, as leaders are people to influence.

Both Carolyn (2004) and Thomas (2007) emphasized as leadership is a multifaceted serious of
interaction amongst the leader, the followers and the situation. The leader deals with qualities of
personality and character; the followers’ address need and values; while the situation deals with
partly constant and partly varying.

Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy (2007) viewed as people who did a research on leadership disagree
more than you might think what leadership is. They further extended as the major disagreement
comes from the multifaceted phenomenon connecting the leader, the followers and the situation.

Adair (2007) working as international consultant on leadership and management development,
who has been listed among the forty men and women by doing most to change the face of
management today confirmed as, depending up on the situation one person may emerge as a
leader in another situation he or she may not. He took Winston Churchill as an example,
mentioning as he was great leader in war time, but not so successful leader in peace.

The above fact takes us to think as leadership is not determined by our position but the type of
role we are playing in our different responsibility we carry. Thus, everyone is playing his/her
leadership role depending upon how we manage the above three complex situation.

Therefore from the above different definitions, we can conclude that leadership is a style which
creates working environment where people around will work and support passionately in the
process of achieving established common goal. Thus, a person exercising his/her leadership role
is the one who has to create enabling environment for others.

2.2. Leadership Theory

In order to understand how to effectively lead, understanding leadership theories and apply their
significance in today’s leadership requirement is found to be worth.

According to Donna and Deborah (2009) suggestion the initial view of leadership depends as
leaders were born not made. As result, this thinking encouraged research to isolate the physical
and mental characteristics of leaders. Palestini (2009) supported the above idea by indicating as
some leaders will be superior to others because of genetics but he stressed as the fundamental
leadership skills can be educated, developed and improved. Further, he described as researchers
have done different researches to find out one best leadership style that will be most effective.

Palestini (2009) traced the development of leadership theory as follow:

2.2.1. The Trait Theory – This theory proposes as leading effectively depends on individual
possessesion of certain personality social, and physical traits. Matthew and Gilbert (2009)
called this theory is also called Great Man (Person) model. Individuals become leader
because they are born with superior qualities that make different from others. They agreed
as this theory depends more on who the leader is i.e., the capacity, talent of the leader.
2.2.2. The Behavioral Theory – It view a person’s behavior rather than considering as leadership
effectiveness depends on individuals’ personal traits. It focuses on what the leader does,
which is behavioral in nature. The theory justifies as concentrating on observable

behavior is more useful than focusing on traits. This theory paved the way for situational
2.2.3. Situational Theory – This theory emphasized as there is no single way of leading works in
all situations rather emphasizes as it depends on the conditions at a given time considering
internal and external forces.
2.2.4. Path-Goal Theory – This theory indicates as the leader try to influence subordinates
awareness of goals and the path to achieve them and choose the styles (directive,
supportive, participative, and achievement oriented) fitting to the situation. Dubrin (2008)
indicated as this theory is developed by Robert House and specifies as leader has to do in
order to improve productivity and moral of employees. Accordingly, the dual purpose of
the theory is harmonizing the leadership style to the situation and action to be taken by the
leader to arouse performance and satisfaction.
2.2.5. The Vroom–Yetton Model Theory – This theory emphasizes on a procedure determining
subordinates involvement in the decision making process.
2.2.6. Transformational Leadership – Such type of leadership change an organization by
identifying opportunity, establish vision, build trust and work for the achievement of the
vision through motivation.

In general, a description of leadership theories enables to have multidimensional knowledge in

order to understand more about leadership.

2.3. Leadership Style

Nowadays, Timothy, Andy, Victoria and Idown (2011) indicated as leadership styles may differ
from person to person and situation to situation. Further, they elaborated as the word has been
used in different parts of human activity for instance in politics, business, academics, social
works, etc.

Now a day’s leaders use different types of leadership style. Each leadership style indicates
leaders’ behavior that describes their leadership manner.

As Armstrong (2009) indicated, there are different types of leaders indicated below:

2.3.1. Transactional Leaders/Transformational Leaders - Transactional leaders are identifying

their followers and act by establishing a link between effort and reward. They are
dependent on corrective action by monitoring mistakes, errors or any deviations from
standards. On the other hand, Transformational Leaders, provide motivation and support

to followers, guide them on their career path development and give them trust and respect
for them as individual. Such leadership style is encouraging people for higher stage goals.
2.3.2. Charismatic /Non charismatic Leaders - Charismatic leaders have convincing personality
and the ability to influence followers through creating impression to them and motivation.
There is a similarity between the charismatic and the transformational leader. On
contrary, non charismatic leaders depend on their knowledge and their systematic
approach in order to solve problems.
2.3.3. Autocratic/Democratic Leaders - Autocratic leaders enforce their decision using their
position power; while democratic leaders support people’s participation and involvement
in decision making.
2.3.4. Enabler/Controller Leaders - Enabler encourages people to have vision and work for team
goal accomplishment; whereas controllers ensure fulfillment of rules and regulations.
2.3.5. Situational Leaders - Situational leaders are leaders who can adopt various types of
leadership styles depending upon the situation.

The point here is which style of leadership is more appropriate to exercise effective leadership?
Effective leaders are required to be flexible in being able to move between the different styles
depending upon the situation. This tells us, as there is no one style of leadership fitting to the
entire situation. Thus, leaders are required to exercise most preferred style of leadership and
should understand the style which fits to the specific situation and time without compromising the
common objective to be achieved.

2.4. Leadership Effectiveness

Effective leaders have their style changing depending upon the situation. This can be justified by
taking democratic or participative leadership style how should act in case of crises, where they are
required to play a directive leadership style. On contrary poor leaders change their leadership
style randomly where their followers get confused to speculate their leadership style.

Further effective leaders also change their leadership style depending upon team members’
characteristics. This assists to consider and act according to the real situation of the followers.
Some prefer to be part of decision making while others need direction.

Thus, it is possible to deduce the importance of looking the kind of leadership style depending on
the task and the followers in to consideration. Since effective leadership is the key for business
success, finding what makes a successful leader is an issue that has been argued for decades.
Robbins, Coulter, and Vohra (2010) indicated as organizations want effective leaders.
Horngren, Sundem, Stratton, Burgstahler, and Schazberg (2012) mentioned as effectiveness
depends upon the target. Palestini (2009) specified his seven principles of effective leadership has
to follow to be successful in his/her effectiveness.

 Can adjust their leadership style depending up on the situation.

 Eagerly aware of the business structure and culture of the organization.
 Create a sense of trust and respect in their followers.
 Constantly improve the organization and, as a result, must be agents for change.
 Be having a vision and prepared and innovative.
 Able to communicate well.
 Know how to inspire followers and be gifted to manage conflicts that arise.

In general, based on the above facts effectiveness is a measure of different interrelated factors.
Accordingly, the researcher believes as these factors have the power in creating influence in the
minds of followers and result in making the leadership to be effective or not to be.

2.5. Factors Affecting Leadership Effectiveness

Leadership effectiveness is all about attaining desirable outcomes like more output with less input
which implies high productivity, quality and result in satisfaction.

As per Dubrin (2008) an effective leader is required to walk the talk, where what he deed and
what he talks in wording is consistent. It is during this time, where the subordinate develop trust
on their leader. As result, once the confidence is build on the leader then the support, motivation
and adherence to the leadership will develop resulting in effectiveness.

Identifying and internalizing factors affecting leadership effectiveness is important for the
successful leader of any organization. When we talk of effectiveness, question comes to our
mind is why does one person rather than another preferred by followers as a leader? It is the
answer to this question, the preferred qualities makes a leader effective than the other leader.

As per Kouzes and Posner (2008) survey over 75,000 people around the globe for more than two
decades in identifying what people look for from their leaders honest, forward looking, competent
and inspiring took the major share. This is because a leader exercising these qualities can play
strong influencing role on his followers. This goes to the extent of establishing strong bondage
between the employee and the leader which will ultimately play its part in bringing attitudinal
change of employee towards their work and fulfilling what is required by their bosses.

Williams (2005) indicated the important role of emotional intelligence in leadership effectiveness
and without it as leaders expected to be less than successful. Fulmer, Robert, Bleak and Jared
(2008) stressed as leaders who teach are more effective than those who tell.

In general, as per the different literature, the following are found to be the major factors affecting
leadership effectiveness.

2.5.1. Vision

“Vision, conviction, and courage made the difference – for all of us.”

Lindsay Levin

The best leader need to have vision and communicate the vision to all concerned ones. Leaders
have to specify what kind of organization they want to see in the future, what kind of attention
would like to give to their customers, how much money they want to generate in terms of revenue
/profit to shareholders in their vision. By doing so, they will easily create attraction towards the
achievement of the vision.

Whetten and Cameron (2010) stressed the importance of leaders’ to assist employees to commit to
the vision, to take the vision as their own, and to work towards its achievement after the
establishment of vision. At the same time, it is also indicated as the overall purpose of vision is to
mobilize energy and human potential towards the achievement of the objective.

2.5.2. Motivation

“A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops; while on the contrary, an
incapable leader can demoralize the best of troops.”

General of the Armies John J. Pershing

Horngren et al. (2012) defined motivation as force directed to the achievement of established goal
by brining action and effort together. Donna and Deborah (2009) indicated a few principles have
been found to be true for everyone in relation to motivation. These principles are: people respect,
non-negative reinforcement, immediate feedback is more workable and incentives have impact on
bringing change.

Freemantle (2004) also supported the importance of motivation in order to make a difference to
perform exceptionally well and achieve the result on immediate and in the long term. As per
Charan (2009) now a day the importance of the ability to inspire is emphasized in relation to its
critical nature. Inspiration is coming from making decisions and result in incremental success.
Morgan, Harkins, and Goldsmith (2005) point out as leaders visualize the future by stimulating
potentials and recruit others to common objectives.

2.5.3. Team Building



Stephen Covey

Ivancevich (2008) described team building as a development method that assists organization
members to perform more efficiently and effectively in group. Adair and Allen (2004) indicated
as a leader has a responsibility to the team to lead, support, develop and motivate them to achieve
the organization goal with team and individual goal.

Burton and Thakur (2008) stressed as team building uses to foster team spirit, cooperation and
dedication to group success. Martin (2006) emphasized the importance of individual to the group

2.5.4. Communication

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Martin Luther King

A very nice vision can’t be achieved without effective way of communication. Justin and Gail
(2007) emphasized the importance of business objectives clear communication by indicating as
clear communication of organization’s vision and goal would be a significant leadership behavior
during team leadership.

Armstrong (2006) also highlighted as good communication is compulsory to achieve harmonized

results. Further he emphasized the importance of communication as the only tool to communicate
reason and implication of change for understanding and acceptance in the existing continuous and
fast business change.

Sargent (2005) showed the importance of communication and its relation with other responsibility
in leadership by saying, as no one can organize, manage, and motivate a team without effective
2.5.5. Feedback

“If you don’t get feedback from your performers and your audience, you are going to be working
in a vacuum.”

Peter Maxwell Davies

Feedback is a method where information is conveyed to employees in order to indicate how well
or how bad they are working. At the same time, it also indicates perception of bosses in terms of
employees’ capabilities and their future company demand of employees’ career development.
One of the sources of this is performance appraisal and career development conversation to be
made between employees and their leader (Mathis, and Jackson, 2010).

Goel (2009) showed as employees are motivated when they are aware of what is going in the
organization and showed the importance of employee information awareness program in order to
give a chance for employees to know more about the company strategy, performance and related.

2.5.6. Credibility

“The more you are willing to accept responsibility for your actions, the more credibility you will
Brain Koslow

Credibility is another important factor in effective leadership. One thing to note about credibility
is once it is lost it is very difficult and may never be recovered in most of the cases.

2.5.7. Empowering

Dubrin (2008) defined empowerment as decision making authority and responsibility shared from
leaders to group members. The writer further explained as a form of participative management,
shared decision making, and delegation can be considered as empowerment. Empowering is
believed as it will give a chance to group members to develop internal commitment.

However, as Liker (2006) stressed based on his witness of Toyota facility launch at Ontario,
California, empowering employees very rapidly is found to be premature and needs to wait until
individuals and teams understand more. Accordingly, gradual implementation of workers’
autonomy is more advisable than immediate basis in particular to new business.

The researcher believes as these factors are highly interconnected each other. For example if once
vision is established, communicating the vision is required next action. As the same time, in order
to achieve the vision, team building, motivating, and empowering staff is required. In the process,
collecting about the progress and deviation from objective is mandatory. In this entire journey,
the credibility of the leader in the eyes of employees is important for adherence of what the leader
says and acts. Accordingly, working in enriching all these factor interconnected will make result
more effective.

2.6. Measuring Leadership Effectiveness

Effective leaders result from experience, hard work, intelligence and host of other factors (Burke
and Cooper, 2006). It is the ability to improve productivity in the work place through ability to
influence employees. Accordingly, an effective leader is one who inspires others to give
maximum contribution to achieve the business goal. In the process, effective leaders are not using
force to influence others in doing their jobs, rather inspire them to do what is needed to be done.
Mark (2006) described effectiveness as the ability to achieve high productivity.

Hughes et al. (2007) indicated admitting leader’s behavior or personality traits play key role in
examining the consequences or impact of these behaviors to make judgments about the relative
success of a leader. They further noted as out of the vast number of measures to demark
successful and unsuccessful leaders the commonly used as a superior’s effectiveness or promotion
ratings, subordinates ratings of their job satisfaction and moral or of their leaders’ effectiveness,
and different work-unit performance indices. Superior rate their leader on different measurement
considered by the organization as important, namely integrity, leadership administrative skills,
communication impact and so forth.

What are the characteristics of effective leaders all have in common? Donna and Deborah (2009)
agree as successful leaders come from every walk of life and what connects them is their ability to
arouse others to achieve beyond expectation. There is no universally agreed one professional path
to create a leader. However, all good leaders agree the need of working on business objective and
people around them – believing as both are mandatory to their effectiveness and achieve the
required result.

Dubrin (2008) defined leadership effectiveness as achieving targeted outcomes in terms of

productivity, quality, and satisfaction in a given situation, and indicated as leadership
effectiveness depends on four sets of variables as follow:

Leaders’ characteristics and traits indicating inner qualities of the leader, like self confidence and
problem solving ability which assist the leader to perform effectively in different situations.

Leaders’ behavior and style, which refers the activities, leaders’ approach relating to his or her

All in all measuring the overall effectiveness of leadership in terms of achieving the objective of
the organization seems logical. This is because since leadership is to achieve the vision of the
organization and all leadership effectiveness has to contribute positively towards profit
maximization which is the ultimate objectives of owners.

2.7. Studies on Leadership Effectiveness in Different Parts of the World

In order to see leadership effectiveness studies in different parts of the world, the researcher took
a study conducted in different parts of the world from USA, by Akins, Bright, Brunson, and
Wortham (2013); from Indonesia by Bempah, Addison, and Ade (2013); from Ethiopia by
Yenenew (2012); and Ghana by Boateng (2012).

The research of Akins, Bright, Brunson, and Wortham (2013) is done on effective leadership for
sustainable development by involving thirteen organizational leaders, executives, and business
owners who are third year Doctoral students from the University of Phoenix in the USA. The
study tried to identify leadership qualities required for effective leadership. In the process the
leaders’ showed as social, economic, or environmental problems affect their capacity to lead in
the organization.

As the same time, the result of the study identified ten effective leadership qualities essential for
sustainable development. These qualities are learn, empower, adapt, develop, engage, reflect,
sustain, humility, integrity, and practice.

Bempah, Addison, and Ade (2013) study disclosed very interesting finding; identifying effective
behaviors and unacceptable or ineffective leader behaviors. The effective leadership attributes
rewarding, open appreciation by leaders for job well done, inspiring followers, supportive and
considerate nature of leadership, showing sympathy and carrying for followers, looking all
employees as one family is taken as major factor for the effectiveness.

On the other hand the study identified from the response as there are ineffective leaders
demonstrating passive and uncaring situation not exercising leadership at all.

Yenenew (2012) tried to uncover factors that affect leadership effectiveness in the preparatory
experience as department leader, instructional resource fund availability, professional norm and

leaders’ participation in material development, and larger size teaching staff contributed for the

Boateng’s (2012) research tried to assess the leadership styles and effectiveness of vocational
technical institutions in Ghana. According to the research, the general performance of their
leadership role is a mixture of transformational and transactional leadership styles in their day to
day business leadership role. The study further identified as they are not doing enough in
exercising their power and empowering others. As the same time, the leadership style is found to
be more transactional than transformational in nature.

Out of the four studies at different parts of the world, the study in USA, Indonesia and Ethiopia
tried to identify some of the factors like, empowering, trust, participation, appreciation,
rewarding, integrity, and others. On the other hand the study done in Ghana indicated as
transformational and transactional leadership is exercised and much transactional style is done
than transformational. From the above study made in different parts of the world, we can learn
that as leadership effectiveness is dependent on various interrelated factors which are common to
different parts of the world.

In general, the researcher understood from the different literature reviewed as leadership is
inspiring others willingly than forcefully in accomplishing common responsibility. In doing so,
adjusting leadership style depending on the situation, trust, vision, ability to communicate, inspire
and support followers, consistency with what the leader deed and talks are the major ones.


This chapter of the study describes the type and design of the research, population and sampling
techniques used, instruments of data collection, procedure followed in order to collect the data,
and methods used to analyze in the study of factors affecting leadership effectiveness at Gift
Group of Companies.

The researcher used descriptive type of research in order to identify and descript factors affecting
leadership effectiveness at Gift Group of Companies. A research design and methodology
indicates the methods to be followed in designing a research project in the process of gathering
required information for the study (Tayie, 2005). In the designing of the research questionnaire
and structured interview questions for the data collection of the study, the reviewed literature
relevant to the topic of the study was used as a back bone.

3.1. Research Design

A research design is the overall plan of deciding on how to address the research questions in the
process of looking for the research finding (Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill, 2009). It answers a
question on how to collect data and do the analysis relevant to the research topic.

To achieve the objectives stated above and enable the researcher to answer the research questions
explicitly as possible, the multiple research method selected as the best means to identify factors
affecting leadership effectiveness in case of Gift Group of Companies. Accordingly, this paper is
predominantly dependent on primary and secondary data. Thus, the researcher reviewed and
analyzed various literatures for the specified type of research and expands the required knowledge

The reason to follow this approach is to answer the research questions using quantitative and
qualitative analysis. This will depict an accurate profile of demographic information, situations
and casual relationship and enable to explain the relationship between independent variable-
factors affecting leadership effectiveness and dependent variable-leadership effectiveness.
Accordingly, this method is believed to give better trusted research finding.

3.2. Population and Sampling Techniques

Gift Group of Companies is working with three hundred eighteen permanent employees and
management team based in Addis Ababa. The research has been conducted using instance
sampling method, where available staffs are taken from all the population.

In the process, one hundred thirteen samples are taken from three hundred eighteen populations.
Each sample is taken from the entire population of the different group which was top level,
middle and lower level managers, and employees.

By using instance sampling representatives of each group of management and employees from all
Gift Group of Companies have been given the chance. By doing so, the representation of the
population by the sample taken will be very much logical and it is believed as the ultimate finding
will result in credible finding.

3.3. Instruments of Data Collection

This research study is mainly based on two major sources of data, i.e., primary and secondary
data. The primary data, collected from the respondents’ answer based on the questionnaire,
structured interviews and observation. The secondary data of the research collected from web
sites, books, journals, thesis and company profile sources providing skeleton for the study and
backing the significant contribution to the research in terms of academic and organizational

Amalgamation of primary data and secondary data collection believed to enable the study to
collect a wide range of relevant information to support the validity of the generalizations and
conclusion of the study result.

3.4. Procedures of Data Collection

The study data collection has been accomplished by preparing questionnaire and structured
interview question. Accordingly, structured interview is made with top level management group.
As the same time, questionnaire for middle and lower level management group-English version
and for employees- Amharic version questionnaire is distributed and collected.

In the discussion questions note taking is used during the discussion because of not allowing
video recording by top level managers. During the discussion, the researcher was not only
interested on what is said rather; the way the respondents’ said was noted.
After the interview question, a summary of the key points were re-written by the researcher in
order to change unorganized sentences into brief statements to incorporate main sense and what
has been said or observed during the discussion.

3.5. Methods of Data Analysis

In order to find out current conditions or attitudes describing what appears in Gift Group of
Companies in relation to factors affecting leadership effectiveness, the researcher used descriptive
statistics in order to analyze and interpret the data collected. Accordingly excel is used to analyze
the data using, tables, charts, percentage, and graphs in relation to the research topic. This main
advantage of this method allowed analyzing and using all inputs collected from primary,
secondary, and literature review.


This chapter of the research briefly discuss and asses the findings of the survey results and
interpretation of the analysis of the findings. The study bases on three separate sources, i.e., the
questionnaire, and structured interview.

4.1. Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

This section gives overview on the demographic and personal information of the respondents
taken as a sample.

Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

Gift Real Estate Middle and Lower Level Manager 5 22
PLC (21%) Employee 18 78
Gift Nails Middle and Lower Level Manager 2 14
Manufacturing Employee 12 86
1 Current Employer PLC (14%)
Gift Trading PLC Middle and Lower Level Manager 4 40
(9%) Employee 6 60

Gift Construction Middle and Lower Level Manager 14 22

PLC (56%) Employee 49 78
Middle and Lower Level Manager 20 18
Male (68%)
Employee 55 50
2 Gender Middle and Lower Level Manager 5 5
Female (32%)
Employee 30 27
Middle and Lower Level Manager 1 6
Below 26 (15%)
Employee 15 94
Middle and Lower Level Manager 6 10
26 - 35 (56%)
Employee 56 90
Middle and Lower Level Manager 12 48
3 Age Group in years 36-45 (22%)
Employee 13 52
Middle and Lower Level Manager 5 100
46-55 (5%)
Employee 0 0
Middle and Lower Level Manager 1 50
Above 55 (2%)
Employee 1 50
SOURCE: Compiled from survey research

As indicated in Table One majorities of the respondents (68%) are male, while the remaining
(32%) are female. The big share of the respondents found in the age group of 25 – 35 years range
taking 56%. This shows as Gift companies have young and energetic human resource to
contribute a lot in the future. However, on the other hand this indicates as most of the employees
are with few years experience.

In regard to educational background most of the respondents (64%) have certificate. All having
certificates are found in employee category and that is why the researcher translated the
questionnaire for employees in Amharic version. Accordingly, it is believed as the
understandability problem is reduced to the very minimal (see Table Two).

Table 2: Educational Background of the Respondents

Below Certificate Middle and Lower Level Manager 0 0
(0%) Employee 0 0
Certificate (64%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 0 0
Employee 70 100
Diploma (4%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 2 50
Educational Employee 2 50
1 Backgroun
BA/BSC Degree Middle and Lower Level Manager 16 55
(26%) Employee 13 45
MA/MBA/MSC Middle and Lower Level Manager 7 100
Degree (6%) Employee 0 0
PhD (0) Middle and Lower Level Manager 0 0
Employee 0 0
SOURCE: Data compiled from survey research

On the other hand, most of the respondents (33%) have total experience of 6 - 10 years. At the
same time, 41% of the staffs have only 2 – 5 years service in Gift and this brings 75% of the
employees have five and less than five years experience in Gift. This implies as the employees
have very limited experience in terms of acquainting themselves with Gift operation.

On the contrary, since most of the respondents served the company at least more than six months,
it indicates as the respondents have sufficient knowledge about Gift. As result the researcher
believes as the inputs by the respondents will contribute positively in terms of relevance,
reliability, validity and conclusion of the study.

Table 3: Work Experience of the Respondents

Less than 2 (13%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 1 7
Employee 13 93
2 - 5 (23%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 0 0
Employee 25 100
6 - 10 (33%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 2 6
Total Employee 34 94
1 Experience
11 - 15 (21%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 11 48
in years
Employee 12 52
16 - 20 (6%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 5 71
Employee 2 29
Above 20 (4%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 5 100
Employee 0 0
Less than 2 (34%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 7 19
Employee 30 81
2 - 5 (41%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 7 16
Employee 38 84
6 - 10 (17%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 7 37
Service Employee 12 63
2 Year in
11 - 15 (6%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 3 43
Employee 4 57
16 - 20 (2%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 1 50
Employee 1 50
Above 20 (0%) Middle and Lower Level Manager 0 0
Employee 0 0
SOURCE: Data compiled from survey research

4.2. Discussion and Analysis of Data

4.2.1. Survey Response

A total of one hundred thirteen questionnaires were distributed to middle and lower level
managers (twenty five questionnaires) and employees (eighty eight questionnaires); while twenty
five and eighty five questionnaires are responded respectively.

Accordingly, the total response rate for middle and lower level managers is 100% and 97% for
employees. Hence, the findings and the discussion is focused on the one hundred ten respondents,
as indicated in Table Four.

Table 4: Summary of Questionnaire Distribution and Response Rate


Top Level Management 5 5 3 60

Middle and Lower Level Managers 32 25 25 100.0
Employees 281 88 85 97
TOTAL 318 118 113 96
SOURCE: Compiled from survey research

On the other hand, the open ended questionnaire were planned to be done with five top level
managers, while the discussion was held with three of them because of one is vacant and the other
one is out of the country for long business trip. This type of data collection method is selected for
top level managers mainly to have an opportunity to have more discussion and observe from non-
verbal communication.

4.2.2. Leadership Style

In this survey questions both middle and lower level managers are asked to indicate their
leadership style they follow.
Chart 1: Middle and Lower Level Managers’ Response on Leadership Style they Follow

Consultative Authoritarian
& Democratic 8%


SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

As indicated in Chart One, majority of middle and lower level managers responded as they are
following Democratic (44%) and Consultative Leadership Style (40%) in most of the time.

At the same time, employees are also asked to choose style of leadership their bosses experience
in their day to day business leadership. As Chart Two indicates the response from employees for

the same issue, indicated as their bosses are following Consultative (46%) and Democratic (23%)
leadership style in their responsibility.

This implies the existence of employee participation in forwarding idea or decision making as far
as the leadership style is concerned based on the majority of the response which is a total of 84%
for managers and 69% for employees. This is also supported based on the discussion made during
structured interview question response.

These styles are more participatory and engaging employees’ participation and involvement as
Armstrong (2009) indicated.

Chart 2: Employees’ Response on Leadership Style their Bosses Follow

Not responded
6% Consultative
& Democratic
Laissez-faire 1% Authoritarian
6% 18%



SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

From this we can deduce as both managers and employees agree by indicating as consultative and
democratic leadership style is taking the major part of the response. Thus this has to continue.
However, management has to see the situational requirements of leadership style instead of fully
depending on the two types of leadership style only.

4.2.3. Strategic Vision Sharing

Both management and employees are asked whether Leaders are sharing Gift’s strategic vision to
their subordinates. Accordingly, 48% of the managers’ responded as they are sharing on average
while 28% of them indicated as they are sharing much. On the other hand, 32% of employees
indicated as their managers are not doing it at all; while 28% of them witnessed as they are doing
it on average (see Chart Three).

This implies as there is a big difference between what the employees and managers responded
regarding vision sharing in the Group of Companies. In the discussion made with top level
managers, existence of yearly meeting to communicate vision and directional issues is indicated.
However, as Chart three below indicates most of the employees are not happy or not satisfied with
the existing vision sharing mechanism.

As stressed by Whetten and Cameron (2010) leaders’ assistance to employees to take vision as
their own in order to mobilize energy towards the achievement is indicated.

Chart 3: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Gift Vision Sharing

30 27

20 17
15 12 11
10 7
3 3 4
5 2
0 0
Not at All Not Much Average Much Very Much Not Responded

SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

Accordingly, the researcher did not believe once in a year meeting will suffice for the purpose,
rather a lot has to be done in order to embed in the minds of employees and create unconscious
force which will push them towards the achievement knowingly and unknowingly. At the same
time, the researcher did not noticed Gift’s vision posted at head office.

Thus in order to bring the satisfaction level of employees higher, there has to be different
mechanism of vision sharing by the management.

4.2.4. Building Relationship, Experience, and Support

Chart 4: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Building Relationship Experience & Support

20 17 20
10 16
10 4 11
1 5
0 1


SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

As indicated in Chart Four, managers were asked if their boss build relationship, experience and
support in their leadership style and 44% of them responded as it is always while 20% of them
indicated sometimes. At the same time, employees were asked the same if their leaders are
focusing on the above issues and 25% of them indicated rarely, while 24% of them indicated

This indicates different version of the same thing in the eyes of the two bodies. Thus managers
are expected to do more to improve the existing relationship, experience and support building
mechanism. This will give for managers a positive lubrication in creating influence to employees.
As indicated by Kouzes and Pasner (2008) relation building nurture to establish more honest
relation with employees, which is one of the key people are looking from their leaders as per two
decades study around the globe indicates.

4.2.5. Influencing Subordinates before giving Assignment

Managers were asked if they are influencing subordinates before giving assignment and 44%
responded much while 24% responded average. At the same time, employees are asked the
importance of influencing before giving assignment and they responded 29% as average while
27% responded very much.

This implies as influencing is very important in assigning work to staffs and managers as per the
response collected. However, the response indicates as there is a need for further work in order
to satisfy employees’ expectation from management. All respondents indicated the importance of
influencing subordinates in the process of assignment giving.

Chart 5: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Influence before Giving Assignment

10 17
10 11
10 6
1 1
0 5
1 0


SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

4.2.6. Empowering Subordinates

At the same time, managers were asked if they are empowering their subordinates and 36% of the
managers responded as they are doing it always, while 28% of them responded sometimes and
often equally. On the other hand, employees are asked if their bosses are empowering them and
26% of them responded rarely, while 24% of them indicated sometimes. As to empowerment,
theoretically they admitted the existence, but practically they have reservation.

Chart 6: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Empowering Subordinates



7 9 9
0 1 7

1 2

SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

As per Akins et al. (2013) out of the ten effective leadership qualities empowering is one of it. In
case of Gift both parties have different view in relation to empowering, most of the managers are
claiming as they are empowering while employees are not confirming. This means employees are
expecting more empowerment from managers than what is happening now.

On the other hand as Liker (2006) indicated based on Toyota’s experience empowering might
need gradual implementation. However in case of Gift since the company is not newly launched
in the business it is rather advisable to speed up in working more on empowerment.

4.2.7. Motivation and Inspiration

Both managers and employees of Gift Group of Companies are asked about the frequency of
motivating and inspiring subordinates. As indicated in Chart Seven, a total of 72% of the
managers responded as it is often (36%) and always (36%); while 27% and 26% of employees
responded never and rarely respectively.

The majority of the employees indicated opposite to what the management responded in regard to
existence of motivation and inspiration of staffs. Thus, this indicates as the existing motivation
and inspiration work is not to the level of satisfying employees. Accordingly, managers has to
work for further improvement in regard to motivating and inspiring employees by collecting
feedback from employees instead of being satisfied with what they think.

As Horngren et al. (2007) indicated motivation is a force towards the achievement of goals.
However in case of Gift as responded by employees, it is not yet noticed by employees. Thus it
needs fast improvement and management action to exercise in a noticeable way to employees.

Chart 7: MLLM Response on Frequency of Motivating and Inspiring Subordinates


10 9 13
0 2 5 9 MANAGERS


SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

4.2.8. Feedback Collection about Leadership Style

Managers and employees were asked if there is a culture of feedback collection about their
leadership style. As Chart Eight, below shows, most of the managers (32%) indicated as it exists
on average basis; while 39% of the employees indicated not at all.

This response implies as there is quite big difference between what managers said and employees
responded in regard to feedback collection about the leadership style managers follow.

Thus, based on the employees response it is not confirmed what is claimed by management as it
exists. This is mainly because of the existence of a gap for improvement demanding involvement
of employees in order to improve leadership styles of managers.

Based on the discussion made with top level managers, they indicated as they are more focused on
giving feedback to employees on their performance. However, the other way round of feedback
in regard to leadership style is also more constructive for further improvement and employee
confidence on management.

Chart 8: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Feedback Collection by Managers

40 33
30 25

20 14
10 6 5 5 5
4 4
1 0
Not at All Not Much Average Much Very Much Not

SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

4.2.9. Leadership Role to the Best of Gift’s Interest

As Chart Nine indicates, management and employees are asked if the leaders are playing the
leadership role to the best of the employer’s interest and both parties responded no 60% and 58%

Chart 9: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Leadership Role to the Best of Gift’s Interest





YES NO Not Responded

SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

In regard to the question asking if not why, majority 45% of both respondent groups were not
interested to indicate the reason. This shows the problem of transparency in the companies.
However, lack of belongingness and dissatisfaction with payment was the other answer in
addition to combined reasons indicated.

Both Management and employees indicated the non-existence of playing to the best of Gift’s
interest because of different reasons. The same thing is confirmed in the discussion as they are
not playing to the best of Gift’s interest. In general, if the management is not playing to the best
of Gift’s interest this is a key issue which affects all other interrelated leadership factors. Thus,
addressing this issue as a priority and aligning all others to the organization objective is very
crucial. Accordingly, the issue of how both parties can contribute more to the best of Gift interest
is very fundamental and needs immediate improvement.

4.2.10. Satisfaction Level on Leadership Effectiveness in Gift

The satisfaction level is requested with the existing leadership effectiveness and 56% of the
managers responded satisfied while 33% of employees indicated dissatisfied.

Chart 10: MLLM and Employee’s Response on Leadership Effectiveness


5 4 4
5 1 0 1 0
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither Dissatisfied Very Not
Dissatisfied Responded

SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

As per the response in item 4.2.9 above, if staffs’ are not playing to the best of Gift’s interest;
claiming as existing leadership role is effective might looks like contradictory. This is mainly
because the effectiveness of leadership ultimate goal is to fulfill Gift’s interest, which is
maximizing profit. Thus, even if the study do not reviewed the financial performance of Gift, if
the respondents responded as they are not playing to the best of Gift’s interest, this by itself has
got indirect negative impact on leadership role. Thus, the employees’ response looks more logical
than managers as based on the survey response.

As the same time, the discussion indicated as the dissatisfaction is emanated because of existing
mixed role. Even if the managers are claiming as they are satisfied with their leadership the
employees are indicating as they are not satisfied.

The other issue is if the leaders are not playing to the best of Gift’s interest, how leadership will
be effective without fulfilling the major direction issue of the company. Thus, working hard in
order to satisfy employees’ dissatisfaction on leadership effectiveness is one area which need
action by managers.

4.2.11. Expressing Leadership Effectiveness in Gift

In order to crosscheck the response on leadership effectiveness the respondents were required to
indicate their satisfaction level in terms of existing leadership effectiveness towards achieving the
overall Gift purpose and they responded as dissatisfied (29%). This proves the true need of
leadership improvement. Accordingly, Gift has to work hard in order to improve the leadership

Chart 11: MLLM and Employees’ Response in terms of Leadership Effectiveness in Gift

30 8 10

20 22 21

1 1
3 0
Very Good Good Neutral Poor Very Poor Not Responded

SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

Finally, both managers and employees are asked their overall expression of Gift Leadership
effectiveness and 40% of the managers indicated as it is poor; while 39% of the employees
indicated as neutral. Further, 32% of Managers and 26% of Employees indicated both good.

This indicates as both parties have almost similar view of accepting poor nature of leadership
effectiveness in Gift. Based on this response more work to improve leadership effectiveness is
expected from Gift.

4.2.12. Most Affecting Leadership Effectiveness in Gift

Managers were asked to indicate what affects most leadership effectiveness in case of Gift and
indicated as employee motivation (28%), and attention to human resource (28%). In case of
employees, 29% of them indicated as it is employee motivation while 18% of them indicating
honesty and trust worthiness.

Here both parties indicated as motivation is affecting leadership effectiveness most. These
responses indicate the need for more work in employee motivation, attention to human resource
and working on honesty in the company is very important.

This is related with the discussion input indicating the importance of transparency in Gift
whenever possible. The more management follows transparent way of leadership the more the
honesty environment will be created resulting on more influence and acceptance by followers. By
doing so as Dubrin (2008) indicated, this will give chance for followers to enhance internal

Chart 12: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Mostly Affecting Leadership Effectiveness


Not Responded 0 4 EMPLOYEES

Multiple 2 12 MANAGERS
Attention to Human Resource 78
Honesty and Trustworthiness 3 15
Knowledge of Job 2 12
Employee Motivation 7 25
Vision 4 9


SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

4.2.13. Advice to Improve Leadership Effectiveness in Gift

As Chart Thirteen indicates, in order to improve Gift Leadership effectiveness both managers and
employees in total responded (37%) as best practice sharing will be the priority while 24%
indicated as short term training will by the second solution.

Accordingly, working on this and further transparent system establishment and feedback
collection to improve leadership effectiveness is advisable. This implies as best practice sharing
and short term training is required.

Chart 13: MLLM and Employees’ Response on Improvement of Leadership Effectiveness


3 26
11 12 0
1 2
Formal Short Term Best Similar Multiple Not Any Other
Training Training Practice Company Response Responded
Sharing Visit

SOURCE: Data compiled from survey response

In general, regarding factors affecting leadership effectiveness, relating performance with

profitability, experience sharing, resource allocation, empowering authority, accountability,
source of finance creating capacity of leaders, short term training, inter aligned management team
are the major ones raised as factors and solution for the effectiveness.

On the other hand, during the discussion the nonverbal communication was conveying message as
the team has passion and energy in their leadership but the issue of resource limitation, lack of
accountability is indicated in the faces of the expression hindering the inertia to move in the
required direction.

In the process of survey questionnaire distribution and collection delegation of subordinates in

certain work units was observed.

Finally, the existing competitive nature of business indicated the importance of leadership.
Accordingly, in order to implement effective leadership owners’ and managers segregation is
suggested as another area for improvement in addition to creating open and free discussion venue
to employees.


This chapter indicates summary of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations. Accordingly
the analysis of the findings, answer to the research questions, factors affecting researchers
conclusions and recommendations in order to improve leadership effectiveness in Gift group of
companies are presented below.

5.1. Summary of Findings

Currently the real estate business in Ethiopia is in a very challenging situation mainly because of
high customer dissatisfaction, long delay in delivery by developers, high cost of input materials
and others.

As a result, currently real estate customers’ are taking the issue to the attention of government in
order to involve in the sector by issuing strict regulation. These being the fact of the sector Gift
Group of Companies are working; the analysis of the sample data collected from management and
employees of the same company prevail the following facts.

 Gift leadership is following Democratic and Consultative leadership style in most of the
cases as confirmed by both management and employees.

 Non existence of that much feedback collection mechanism on existing leadership style.

 Motivation and inspiration does not exist that much as expected by employees.

 Both parties indicated Gift strategic vision is shared on average basis.

 Leadership role is not played to the best of Gift’s interest in the companies .

 Gift employees are not satisfied by leadership effectiveness in Gift.

 Employees of Gift indicated as empowerment is rarely exercised.

 In regard to factors affecting leadership effectiveness managers and employees of Gift

indicated as employee motivation, attention to human beings, and honesty and trust
worthiness is very important.

 Employees indicated as managers are building relationship, experience and support to

employees in their leadership style rarely.

 Majority of managers and employees indicated as leadership effectiveness in Gift is poor.
Accordingly, importance of best practice sharing, and short term training in order to
improve leadership effectiveness is recommended. As the same time, transparency,
accountability, and influencing subordinates before assignment are indicated as tools for

5.2. Conclusions

In general, empowerment, transparency, relationship building, vision sharing, and working on

leadership style are found to be the major factors affecting leadership effectiveness at GGC.

In the existing GGC leadership style, strategic vision sharing, collecting feedback on leadership
style, building relationship, empowerment, motivation and inspiration, and leaders’ role to the
best of Gift’s vision is found to be not that much as expected by employees.

5.3. Recommendations

In line with the data presented and analysis made on factors affecting leadership effectiveness in
Gift Group of Companies, the researcher made the following suggestion for the top level
management body of Gift group of Companies:

1. Gift Management has to ensure the implementation of proper leadership style, which
enhance two way communication, transparent, supportive, listening, friendly leaders habits
when comes to working environment. At the same time the management has to have a
system in order to collect feedback on leadership style. This can be done during
performance evaluation individual meeting and others.
2. The management has to establish a sense of reward by selecting leader of the quarter
among managers and employees based on their extra ordinary and role model contribution
in terms of their leadership. The selection has to give certain weight for employees input
in the nomination process.
3. The management has to design and establish demanding performance target for managers
which will enable to play the best of Gift’s interest. This performance target has to be
cascaded down to followers accordingly by managers. At the same time, the achievement
has to be rewarded and accountability also to be attached. The system can be established
by external consultant with the involvement of internal key and relevant staffs like human

4. Top management has to take for the development of strategic plan and management
(SPM) in order to gear the overall achievement of Gift Group of Companies objectives. In
the process the company has to align to respond with the current Government requirement
in relation to real estate development and customers’ complaints.
5. The management of Gift Group of Companies is advised to develop annual employee
development plan based on past annual year performance evaluation and training need
assessment required to be done by the external consultant. Accordingly, based on the
identified improvement area short term training has to be scheduled for annum and
implemented accordingly.
6. Gift management has to establish internal experience sharing mechanism where best
practices of internal and external resources in particular in relation to real estate business
are shared through electronically in head office and using notice board at project site.
7. The management has to develop a mechanism to embed Gift’s vision, mission and value
statement to all staffs. This can be done like on posting on visible location, printing on
publications, preaching about the statement during meeting opening, etc.
8. Arrange family party program where out of working environment employees and
managers can build good relationship and share their personal problem to understand more
during work as well. This event can be used to recognize leader of the quarter and good


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Appendix 1፡ Questionnaire for MLLM

St. Mary’s University College

School of Graduate Studies
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program

Dear Respondents,
First of all, thank you in advance for your valuable time and cooperation.
The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data for a MBA Thesis entitled “Factors Affecting
Leadership Effectiveness at Gift Group of Companies.” It is purely for academic research
purpose, and for the partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree.
Accordingly, please be informed that this will be confidential and to be used for the above
mentioned purpose only.

Therefore, you are kindly requested to respond each one of the questions carefully.

 Do not write your name.
 Read each question carefully.
 Be frank and honest in giving a true picture of your feeling about each question.
 Please put tick mark (√ ) in the box that describes your response most.

Your assistance is highly appreciated.


1. Your current employer
Gift Real Estate PLC Gift Trading PLC
Gift Nails Manufacturing PLC Gift Construction PLC

2. Gender Male Female

3. Age Group in years
Below 26 36-45 Above 55
26-35 46-55
4. Educational Background
Below Certificate BA/BSC Degree
Certificate MA/MBA/MSC Degree
College Diploma PhD

5. Total year of work experiences in years
Less than 2 11-15
2- 5 16-20
6-10 Above 20
6. Number of years you stayed in Gift
Less than 2 11-15
2- 5 16-20
6-10 Above 20

7. Please indicate your position during this research?

Middle Level Management
Lower Level Management


8. Which style of leadership do you personally use in most of the time in your business
leadership responsibility?
Authoritarian /decision by him/her self and down ward communication
Consultative /consult others and made final decision by him/her self
Democratic/group makes decision and uses two way communication
Laissez-faire/very little downward communication and no leaders support
Any other, please specify ________________________________________

9. Did you collect feedback about your leadership style from your subordinates?
Not at all Much
Not much Very much

10. How frequent are you motivating and inspiring your subordinates?
Never Often
Rarely Always

11. In your opinion, do Gift leaders are playing their leadership role to the best of the
employer’s interest?
Yes No

12. If no, why? (Multiple response is possible)
Lack of knowledge Dissatisfaction with the environment
Lack of belongingness Any other, please specify____________
Dissatisfaction with the payment


13. How satisfied are you with the existing leadership effectiveness towards achieving the
overall purpose of Gift?
Very satisfied Neither Very dissatisfied
Satisfied Dissatisfied

14. Do you share Gift’s strategic vision to your subordinates?

Not at all Average Very much
Not much Much

15. Do you influence subordinates before giving assignment?

Not at all Average Very much
Not much Much

16. Do you empower your subordinates in the process of doing their jobs?
Never Sometimes Always
Rarely Often

17. In your opinion, which one is mostly affecting leadership effectiveness in Gift?
Vision/Forward looking Honesty and trust worthiness
Employee motivation Attention to human resource
Knowledge of the job Any other, please specify ____________


18. Does your boss leadership style build relationship, experience and support to you?
Never Sometimes Always
Rarely Often

19. What do you advice in order to improve the existing leadership effectiveness in Gift?
Formal training Best practice sharing
Short term training Similar company visit

Any other, please specify, ________________________________________


20. How do you express the leadership effectiveness in Gift?

Very good Neutral Very poor
Good Poor

21. Additional comments



Appendix 2፡ Questionnaire for Employees

St. Mary’s University College

School of Graduate Studies
Master of Business Administration (MBA) Program

Dear Respondents,
First of all, thank you in advance for your valuable time and cooperation.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data for a MBA Thesis entitled “Factors Affecting
Leadership Effectiveness at Gift Group of Companies.” It is purely for academic research
purpose, and for the partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree.
Accordingly, please be informed that this will be confidential and to be used for the above
mentioned purpose only.

Therefore, you are kindly requested to respond each one of the questions carefully.

 Do not write your name.
 Read each question carefully.
 Be frank and honest in giving a true picture of your feeling about each question.
 Please put tick mark (√ ) in the box that describes your response most.
Your assistance is highly appreciated.


1. Your current employer
Gift Real Estate PLC Gift Trading PLC
Gift Nails Manufacturing PLC Gift Construction PLC
2. Gender Male Female
3. Age Group in years
Below 26 36-45 Above 55
26-35 46-55
4. Educational Background
Below Certificate BA/BSC Degree
Certificate MA/MBA/MSC Degree
College Diploma PhD

5. Total year of work experiences in years
Less than 2 11-15
2- 5 16-20
6-10 Above 20

6. Number of years you stayed in Gift

Less than 2 11-15
2- 5 16-20
6-10 Above 20

7. Please indicate your position during this research is conducted________________


8. Which style of leadership does your immediate boss use in most of the time in Gift?
Authoritarian /decision by him/her self and down ward communication
Consultative /consult others and made final decision by him/her self
Democratic/group makes decision and uses two way communication
Laissez-faire/very little downward communication and no leaders support
Any other, please specify ________________________________________
9. Did your boss collect feedback about his/her leadership style from you?
Not at all Much
Not much Very much

10. How frequent your boss motivates and inspires you?

Never Often
Rarely Always

11. In your opinion, do Gift leaders are playing their leadership role to the best of the
employer’s interest?
Yes No

12. If no, why? (Multiple response is possible)

Lack of knowledge Dissatisfaction with the environment
Lack of belongingness Any other, please specify_____________

Dissatisfaction with the payment _________________________________


13. How satisfied are you with the existing leadership effectiveness towards achieving the
overall purpose of Gift?
Very satisfied Neither Very dissatisfied
Satisfied Dissatisfied

14. Does your boss share Gift’s strategic vision to you?

Not at all Average Very much
Not much Much

15. Do you think influencing subordinates before giving assignment is required?

Not required Required Very highly required
Somewhat required Highly required
16. Does your boss empower you in the process of doing your jobs?
Not at all Average Very much
Not much Much

17. In your opinion, which one is mostly affecting leadership effectiveness in Gift?
Vision/Forward looking Honesty and trust worthiness
Employee motivation Attention to human resource
Knowledge of the job Any other, please specify ____________

18. Does your boss leadership style build relationship, experience and support to you?
Never Sometimes Always
Rarely Often

19. What do you advice in order to improve the existing leadership effectiveness in Gift in a
better condition?
Formal training Best practice sharing
Short term training Similar company visit
Any other, please specify, ________________________________________

20. How do you express the leadership effectiveness in Gift?
Very good Neutral Very poor
Good Poor

21. Additional comments



Appendix 3፡ Questionnaire for Employees – Amharic Version

ቅድስት ማርያም ዩኒቨርስቲ ኮሌጅ

የድህረ ምረቃ ትምህርት ቤት
የማስተርስ ኦፍ ቢዝነስ አድሚኒስትኔሽን ዲኘርትመንት

ውድ መላሾች!

በቅድሚያ ለውድ ጊዜያችሁና ትብብራችሁ አመሰግናለሁ::

የዚህ መጠይቅ አላማ በጊፍት ግሩኘ ኩባንያዎች ውስጥ የመሪነትን ውጤታማነት የሚወሰኑ ነገሮች በተመለከተ መረጃ
ለማሰባሰብ ነው፡፡ ይሀ መረጃ የሚሰበሰበው አጥኝው ስለሚያካሂዱት የማስተርስ ኦፍ ቢዝነስ አድሚኒስትሬሽን ትምህርት
ለማሟያ የሚሆን የምርምር ጥናት ለማቅረብ ነው፡፡ በዚህም መሰረት የሚሰጡትን ምላሽ ሚስጥር የሚጠበቅ ሲሆን
የሚውለውም ከላይ ለተጠቀሰው አላማ ብቻ ነው፡፡

ስለሆነም የሚከተሉትን ጥያቄዎች በጥንቃቄ እንዲሞሉ በትህትና ይጠየቃሉ፡፡

ጠቅላላ መመሪያ
 ስምዎን አይፃፋ፣
 እያንዳንዱን ጥያቄ በጥንቃቄ ያንብቡ፣
 ለእያንዳንዱ ጥያቄ ግልጽና ታማኝ በመሆን ትክክለኛ ስሜትዎን ይስጡ፣
 ምላሽዎን በበለጠ የሚገልጸው ሳጥን ውስጥ ምልክት () ያድርጉ ፡፡

ክፍል 1 የግል መረጃ

1. የአሁኑ ቀጣሪዎ ድርጅት

ጊፍት ሪል እስቴት ኃ.የተ.የግ.ማህበር
ጊፍት ሚስማር ማምረቻ ኢንዱስትሪ ኃ.የተ.የግ.ማህበር
ጊፍት ትሬዲንግ ኃ.የተ.የግ.ማህበር
ጊፍት ኮንስትራክሽን ኃ.የተ.የግ.ማህበር

2. ፆታ
ወንድ ሴት

3. የእድሜ ክልል በዓመታት

ከ 26 በታች 36-45 ከ 55 በላይ
26-35 46-55

4. የትምህር ደረጃ
ከ ሰርተፍኬት በታች ሰርተፍኬት የኮሌጅ ዲኘሎማ
ቢኤ/ቢኤስ-ሲ ድግሪ ኤምቢኤ/ኤምኤስስ ዲግሪ ዶክትሬት
5. ጠቅላላ የአገልግሎት ዘመን በዓመታት
ከ 2 በታች 6 – 10 16 – 20
2-5 11 – 15 ከ 20 በላይ

6. ጊፍት የቆዩበት ዘመን በአመታት
ከ 2 በታች 6 – 10 16 – 20
2-5 11 – 15 ከ 20 በላይ

7. ይህ መጠይቅ በሚሞላበት ወቅት ያለዎትን የስራ ኃላፊነት ይግለፁ ----------------------------------------

ክፍል 2 የመሪነት እይታ

8. የቅርብ አለቃዎ የሚጠቀሙት የመሪነት ክህሎት የትኛው ነው?

የፈላጭ ቆራጭነት ውሳኔ አሰጣጥ ሲሆን በአብዛኛዉ ትዕዛዝ ማስተላለፍ
ሌሎችን በማማከር የራስ ውሳኔን መስጠት
ሰራተኛው ውሳኔ እንዲሰጥ ማድረግና ወደ ሁለቱም አቅጣጫ ሀሳብን ማስተላለፍ
በጣም ጥቂት ከላይ ወደ ታች የሚመጣ ሀሳብና የኃላፊ እገዛ የሌለበት
ሌላ ሀሳብዎን ይግለፁ ---------------------------------------------------------------

9. አለቃዎ ስለሚከተሉት አመራር ክህሎት ከርስዎ ግብር መልስ አሰባስበው ያውቃሉ?

በፍፁም ያን ይህል አይደለም ብዙ
በአማካኝ በጣም ብዙ

10. አለቃዎ በምን ያህል ጊዜ ያበረታታዎታል?

በፍጹም ያን ያህል አይደለም ብዙ
በአማካኝ በጣም ብዙ

11. በእርስዎ አስተሳሰብ የጊፍት ኃላፊዎች ሰራተኛው በሚፈልገው መልኩ ኃላፊነታቸውን እየተወጡ ነው?
አዎ አይደለም

12. ከላይ ምላሽዎ አይደለም ከሆነ ለምን ? (ከአንድ በላይ ምላሽ መስጠትይቻላል)
የዕውቀት ማነስ የራስነት ስሜት አለመኖር
በስራው አካባቢ አለመርካት በክፍያው አለመርካት
ሌላ ሀሳብዎን ይግለፁ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ክፍል 3 የመሪነት ክህሎት ውጤታማነት ላይ ተጽዕኖ የሚፈጥር

13. የጊፍትን አጠቃላይ አላማ ከማሳካት አንጻር ባለው የመሪነት ውጤታማነት ምን ያህል ረክተዋል?
በጣም ረክቻለሁ ከሁለቱም አይደለሁም በጣም አረካሁም
ረክቻለሁ አልረካሁም

14. አለቃዎ የጊፍትን ረጅም ጊዜ ራዕይ ያሳውቆታል?

በፍፁም በአማካኝ በጣም ብዙ
ያን ያህል አይደለም ብዙ

15. ሰራተኞችን ስራ ከመስጠት በፊት ማግባባት አስፈላጊ ይመስልዎታል?
አያስፈልግም ያስፈልጋል እጅግ በጣም ያስፈልጋል
ያን ያህል አያስፈልግም በጣም ያስፈልጋል

16. አለቅዎ ስራዎን በሚሰሩበት ወቅት ተገቢውን ስልጠና ይሰጥዎታል?

በፍፁም በአማካኝ በጣም ብዙ
ያን ያህል አይደለም ብዙ

17. በርስዎ አስተያየት ከሚከተሉተ ውስጥ የትኛውን የጊፍት የመሪነት ክህሎት ላይ በበለጠ ተጽኖ ይፈጥራሉ?
ራዕይ መኖሩ አርቆ ማሰብ እውነተኝነትና ታማኝነት
ሰራተኛን ማበረታታት ለሰው ሃይል ትኩረት መስጠት
ስራን ማወቅ

ሌላ ሀሳብዎነ ይገለፁ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

18. የአለቃዎ የመሪነት ክህሎት ከርስዎ ጋር መልካም ግንኙነት ፣ ልምድና እርስዎን እገዛ ላይ ያተኩራል?
በፍጹም አንዳንድ ጊዜ ሁል ጊዜ
አልፎ አልፎ ብዙ ጊዜ

19. ያለው የጊፍት የመሪነት ክህሎት እንዲሻሻል ምን ይመክራሉ?

መደበኛ ስልጠና መልካም ተሞክሮ ማካፈል
አጫጭር ስልጠና ተመሳሳይ ድርጅቶችን የልምድ ልውውጥ

ሌላ ሃሳብዎን ይግለፁ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

20. የጊፍትን የመሪነት ክህሎት እንዴት ይገልፁታል?
በጣም ጥሩ መካከለኛ በጣም አነስተኛ
ጥሩ አነስተኛ

21. ተጨማሪ ሀሳብ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

በድጋሚ አመሰግናለሁ !

Appendix 4፡ Interview Questionnaire for TLM

St. Mary’s University College

School of Graduate Studies
Department of Master of Business Administration (MBA)

1. [Hint: As you know out of the different types of leadership style; Authoritarian –
decision by him/her, Consultative – consult others and made final decision; Democratic-
group makes decision; Laissez-fair – very little leaders’ support; and others are the
common leadership styles] out of this, which style of leadership do you personally use in
most of the time in your business leadership responsibility?
2. Did you collect feedback about your leadership style from company staffs?
3. How frequent are you motivating and inspiring your subordinates?
4. In your opinion, do Gift leaders are playing their leadership role to the best of the
employer’s interest? If no, why?
5. How satisfied are you with your existing leadership effectiveness towards achieving the
overall purpose of Gift?
6. Do you share Gift’s strategic vision to your subordinates?
7. Do you think influencing followers before giving assignment is required?
8. Do you agree the importance of empowerment of subordinates in order to do jobs
9. In your opinion, what are the factors affecting leadership effectiveness in Gift?
10. Does your leadership style build relationship, experience and support to your followers?
11. What do you advice in order to improve the existing leadership effectiveness in Gift in a
better condition?
12. Additional comments?



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