Examiners' Report June 2016 GCE Biology 8BN0 01
Examiners' Report June 2016 GCE Biology 8BN0 01
Examiners' Report June 2016 GCE Biology 8BN0 01
June 2016
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June 2016
This response has clearly identified the parental To demonstrate that you understand genetic
genotypes and carried out the genetic cross crosses it is always good practice to fully
correctly using a Punnett square to show the label everything.
genotypes of the offspring to gain the first mark.
They have gone on to give the correct answer and
gained the second mark.
Examiner Comments
Examiner Comments
This is an example of an incorrect response.
Examiner Comments
This response scores the most common marking point - that the
test increased the risk of miscarriage.
Examiner Comments
This is an example of an answer which gain If the answer line does not give a unit then it
1 mark for the correct answer but does not is always a good idea to write the correct unit
give the correct unit. Therefore the second next to your answer.
mark is not awarded.
Examiner Comments
Examiner Comments
Question 2 (b)
This question required candidates to analyse the data provided in order to write an answer
which linked the data about thrombin production to the effect on blood clotting in the stem
of the question.
Nearly all candidates were able to identify that there was increased thrombin production
as CVX concentration increases and therefore gained the first mark. However, not many
candidates were able to link this to increased fibrin production or increased blood clotting
and therefore did not gain the fifth or sixth marking point.
A large number of candidates were able to identify that there was no significant difference
between the control and 0.5ng cm-3 as the error bars overlapped.
This response identifies the effect of increasing the concentration of CVX on the rate of thrombin
production and successfully links this to the effect on rate of blood clotting and therefore gains the
first and last marking points.
They also identify that there was little difference between the control and 0.5 ng cm-3 and state that
the SD bars are overlapping.
Therefore this response scores 4 marks.
This is an example of a response where the candidate Read your answer and check if it fully
links increased CVX concentrations to increased answers the question asked.
thrombin production. They are not able to make the
link between the rate of thrombin production and the
rate of blood clotting to answer the question more fully.
This is an example of the most common reason Be specific about the terminology you use to
why candidates did not gain the third marking answer questions.
This response gains marking points one and three. Although they know that the
bonding could change they do not relate this back to a change in the primary
structure. They also do not link the fact that the active site would change to a possible
role in the blood clotting cascade.
This is a well written and concise response which When describing the function you need to
covered every marking point to gain full marks. describe what they do and how they do it.
This is an example of a response where the If a question is worth 4 marks like this one
candidate has only recognised the role of carrier think if you should be writing about more
proteins in facilitated diffusion of large molecules. than one function.
They have not mentioned active transport or
concentration gradients and therefore gain 2
Examiner Comments
This response gains all three possible marking points for facilitated diffusion.
As they do not describe the role of carrier proteins in active transport, they
gain 3 marks overall.
This is an example of a response where the candidate Look at the context of the question and
has not related the core practical to the context of the relate your knowledge to it.
question and refers to beetroot and not cabbage.
They are also not specific about the range for the IV or
how variables have been controlled.
This is an example of where the candidate has not Always check if the question states how
read the question correctly and has given their many decimal places to give answers to.
answer to an incorrect number of decimal places. Sometimes it is stated but sometimes it
Therefore they do not gain the second mark. can be inferred, e.g. in tables this can be
However, they gain the first mark for inserting the shown by the format of other numbers.
given numbers correctly into the equation.
Examiner Comments
This response does not answer the question Make sure you answer the question being
asked and scores 0 marks. asked. This question was asking about the role
of drugs and not diet.
This response does not gain either of the first two marking points as they do not state
the effect on blood pressure or the endothelium of the artery. However, they correctly
identify a reduced risk of an inflammatory response and formation of an atheroma and
therefore score 2 marks.
This clearly written and succinct answer gains Comparing and contrasting means you need to
2 marks for comparing the overall shape and make comparative statements. Make sure you
bonds found in the molecules. They gain a say similarities and differences.
further mark for correctly stating that fibrous
have secondary structures whereas globular
have tertiary.
This is an example of a response where the Check what specific part of your
candidate states some comparative features of knowledge you should use to answer a
globular and fibrous proteins but does not link these question.
characteristics to the molecular structures. They also
name some proteins which is also not credit worthy.
This response gains 0 marks.
This answer gains 2 marks for comparing the overall structures and bonding of the
two types of proteins.
Although the candidate comments on the properties of solubility and insolubility,
they do not relate this to the molecular structure and where the hydrophilic/
hydrophobic groups could be found.
This is a good answer which scores 4 marks Underlining key parts of the question can help
for a detailed description of transcription and you to focus on what is needed to answer the
translation. However they do not relate these question.
processes enough to the synthesis of the
protein from the stem of the question to gain
the fifth marking point.
Examiner Comments
Examiner Comments
Examiner Comments
Examiner Comments
This candidate has failed to state that the Always remember to set the scene and state
triglyceride was saturated and so does not gain the obvious.
marking point 1. However they correctly go on to
say that an LDL would be produced and that the
blood cholesterol level would rise. They also give a
correct explanation as to why the level would rise
and gain 3 marks.
Examiner Comments
This is an example where a candidate either Read the question and make sure you are
does not read the information above the table, extracting the correct data from the table.
or does not understand the question. They
have calculated the ratio of amylose to the
percentage of starch hydrolysed after 4 hours.
Therefore they score 0 marks.
This is an example of a response where the candidate works out that if 20% of the
starch is amylose, then 80% must be amylopectin. They then simplify the ratio
correctly to 1:4 to gain the mark.
Examiner Comments
This is an example of a response which gains full marks. The candidate correctly identifies the trend
in the data and explains it using correct biological knowledge.
This is an example of a type of response given Read the question with care and decide what
by nearly a fifth of candidates. They correctly aspects of your knowledge would be relevant
identify the trend shown by the data to gain the to apply.
first marking point but do not go on to explain
this relationship.
Examiner Comments
This is an example of a response which has all Learn the meanings of terms as stated in the
the required components and therefore scores specification.
full marks.
Examiner Comments
This response does not gain the mark as they do not refer to a
polypeptide or protein.
Examiner Comments
This is an example of a response where the Make sure you are explaining information you
candidate gains just 1 mark for correctly stating have been given and not just repeating it.
that deletion of a base could cause a frameshift.
They have just repeated information from the
question stem for the substitution concept and
therefore gain no additional marks.
Examiner Comments
Examiner Comments
The mark is awarded here for recognising that the aorta and
pulmonary arteries are connected to the wrong ventricles,
although the terminology isn't as precise as it should be.
Examiner Comments
This response shows no evidence that the candidate analyses the data provided as there
is no mention of oxygen concentration in either the alveoli or the blood entering the lungs.
They incorrectly state that the surface area has decreased and relate this to the rate of
diffusion instead. Therefore it scores 0 marks.
Examiner Comments
This candidate analyses the data provided to be able to make correct conclusions
as to the effect on the rate of diffusion between the alveoli and the blood in the
capillaries. They correctly use the data to calculate the concentration gradient
difference between the alveoli and the blood delivered from the two different
The explanation does not show all the linkages and lines of scientific reasoning
that could be provided, e.g. Fick’s Law, and is therefore awarded the lower mark
in the band
Examiner Tip
Use all the information you have been provided with, both
quantitative and qualitative.
This response uses all of the information provided to explain why the
hole in the heart would result in a lower rate of diffusion. The candidate
accesses Level 3 and 5 marks as they are able to recognise that the
concentration difference is the only factor that is affecting the rate of
diffusion as the surface area and distance for diffusion are not affected.