Heat & Mass Transfer

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The objectives of the course are:

• To introduce the various modes of heat transfer and to develop methodologies for solving a
wide variety of practical heat transfer problems

• To provide useful information concerning the performance and design of simple heat transfer

• Conceive the energy balance in any thermal practical situation involving heat transfer

• To introduce mass transfer.

Prerequisite: MET203 Mechanics of Fluids, MET202 Engineering Thermodynamics

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO 1 Apply principles of heat and mass transfer to engineering problems

CO 2 Analyse and obtain solutions to problems involving various modes of heat transfer
CO 3 Design heat transfer systems such as heat exchangers, fins, radiation shields etc.
CO 4 Define laminar and turbulent boundary layers and ability to formulate energy equation in
flow systems.

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO PO PO
10 11 12
CO 1 3 3 2 1

CO 2 3 3 3 2

CO 3 3 3 3 2

CO 4 3 3 3 2

Assessment Pattern

Bloom’s Category Continuous Assessment Tests End Semester Examination

1 2
Remember 10 10 10
Understand 20 10 20
Apply 10 20 50
Analyse 10 10 20

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Mark distribution

Total CIE ESE ESE Duration


150 50 100 3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 10marks
Continuous Assessment Test(2numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15marks

End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain 10
questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students should answer
all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which student should answer any one.
Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14 marks.

Course Level Assessment Questions

Course Outcome 1 (CO1):

1. A furnace wall is made up of three layers of thicknesses 250 mm, 100 mm and 150 mm with
thermal conductivities of 1.65 W/m.K and 9.2 W/m.K respectively. The inside is exposed to
gases at 1250 oC with a convection coefficient of 25 W/m2.K. and the inside surface is at 1100
C, the outside surface is exposed to air at 25 oC with convection coefficient of 12 W/m2.K.
Determine (a) the unknown thermal conductivity K (b) the overall heat transfer coefficient (c)
all the intermediate temperatures?

2. Derive an expression for steady state temperature distribution in a slab with internal heat

3. Dry air at 300 0C and 1 atm flows over a wet flat plate 600 mm. long at a velocity of 50 m/s.
Calculate the mass transfer co-efficient of water vapour in air at the end of the plate. Take the
diffusion co-efficient of water vapour in air, D = 0.26 x 10 -4 m2/s.

Course Outcome 2 (CO2)

1. Discuss the importance of non-dimensional numbers in heat transfer problems.

2. A hollow sphere (k = 65 W/m.K) of 120 mm inner diameter and 350 mm outer diameter is
covered 10 mm layer of insulation (k =10 W/m.K). The inside and outside temperatures are
500 °C and 50 °C respectively. Calculate the rate of heat flow through this sphere.

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3. A steel ball (specific heat =0.46 kJ/kg.K, and thermal conductivity 35W/m.K) having 5 cm
diameter and initially at a uniform temperature of 450 oC is suddenly placed in a control
environment in which the temperature is maintained at 100 oC. Calculate the time required for
the ball to attain a temperature of150 oC.

Course Outcome 3(CO3):

1. Water at the rate of 4 kg/s is heated from 40 oC to 55oC in a shell and tube heat exchanger. On
the shell side one pass is used with water as the heating fluid and at a mass flow rate of 2 kg/s,
and entering the heat exchanger at 95 oC. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 1500 W/m2K.
and the average water velocity in the 2 cm diameter tubes is 0.5 m/s. Because of space
limitations, the tube length must not exceed 3 m. Calculate the number of tube passes, the
number of tubes per pass and the length of the tubes, keeping in mind the design constraints.

2. Two large plates, one at 800 K and other at 600 K have emissivities 0.5 and 0.8 respectively.
A radiation shield having an emissivity 0.1 on one side and emissivity 0.05 on the other side
is placed between the plates. Calculate the heat transfer by radiation per square meter with
and without the radiation shield.

3. A rectangular aluminum fin of thermal conductivity 200 W/m.K, 3mm. thick and 7.5 cm long
protrudes out from a wall. The fin base is maintained at a temperature of 300 oC and the
ambient temperature is 50 oC with heat transfer coefficient 10W/m2K. The tip of the fin is
insulated. Calculate the heat transfer from the fin per unit depth of material.

Course Outcome 4 (CO4):

1. Explain velocity boundary layer and thermal boundary layer with neat sketches.

2. Air at 40 oC flows over a tube with a velocity of 30 m/s. The tube surface temperature is 120
C. Calculate the heat transfer coefficient for the following cases:
(i) Tube is square with a side of6 cm
(ii) Tube is circular cylinder with a diameter of6 cm.

3. Air at 20 °C at atmospheric pressure flows over a flat plate at a velocity of 3 m/s. If the plate
is 1 m wide and at 80 °C, calculate the following at x = 300mm.
i. Hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness
ii. Thermal boundary layer thickness
iii. Local friction coefficient
iv. Average heat transfer coefficient
v. Heat transfer rate

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Heat and Mass Transfer-MET302

Maximum:100Marks Duration: 3 hours

Answer all questions. Each question carries 3 marks

1. Discuss about the application of Heisler chart and Schmidt plot in heat transfer

2. How does a numerical solution method differ from analytical one? Explain.

3. What are the characteristics of a boundary layer?

4. Write the significance of Nusselt number.

5. What is meant by condensation heat transfer? How it differs from drop wise heat

6. What are the main factors to be considered for a heat exchanger design?

7. Explain about radiation shape factor.

8. What are the properties of blackbody?

9. Give two examples of mass transfer in day-to-day life.

10. Explain Ficks law of diffusion with suitable assumptions.

(10 X 3 = 30 Marks)

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Answer one full question from each module


a) Derive 3-dimensional unsteady state heat conduction equation with heat generation, in
Cartesian co-ordinate system for anisotropic material. (7Marks)

b) A 3 mm diameter and 5m long electric wire is tightly wrapped with a 2 mm thick

plastic cover whose thermal conductivity is k = 0.15 W/m-K. Electrical measurements
indicate that a current of 10 A passes through the wire and there is a voltage drop of 8 V
along the wire. If the insulated wire is exposed to a medium at T∞ = 30°C with a heat
transfer coefficient of h = 12 W/m²-K, determine the temperature at the interface of the
wire and the plastic cover in steady operation. Also state with reason, whether doubling
the thickness of the plastic cover will increase or decrease heat transfer.

(7 Marks)


a) Derive an expression for temperature distribution for 1-dimensional slab with varying
thermal conductivity. Assume the variation of thermal conductivity of slab as k = k₀

(7 Marks)

b) A square plate heater 15 cm x 15 cm is inserted between two slabs. Slab A is 2 cm

thick (k = 50W/m-K) and Slab B is 1cm thick (k = 0.2W/m-K). The outside heat transfer
coefficients on side A and side B are 200W/m²-K and 50W/m²-K respectively. The
temperature of surrounding air is 25 °C. If rating of heater is 1 KW, find (a) Maximum
temperature in the system, and (b) outer surface temperature of the two slabs. (7Marks)



a) Saturated propane at 300 K with a velocity of 25 cm/s flows over a flat plate of length
L=2 m. and width w=1 m. maintained at uniform temperature of 400 K. Calculate the
local heat transfer coefficient at 1 m. length and the average heat transfer coefficient from
L=0 m. to L=2 m. Also find the heat transfer. (7Marks)

b) Hot air at atmospheric pressure and 80°C enters an 8 m. long uninsulated square duct
of cross section 0.2 m. x 0.2 m. that passes through the attic of a house at a rate of
0.15m³/s. The duct is observed to be nearly isothermal at 60°C. Determine the exit
temperature of the air. (7Marks)

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a) Air at 15oC, 35 m/s, flows through a hollow cylinder of 4 cm. inner diameter and 6
cm. outer diameter and leaves at 45oC. The tube passes through a room where the room
temperature is 65oC and tube wall is maintained at 60oC. Calculate the heat transfer
coefficient between the air and the inner tube. (7Marks)

b) Consider a 0.6 m. x 0.6 m. thin square plate in a room at 30°C. One side of the plate is
maintained at a temperature of 90°C, while the other side is insulated. Determine the rate
of heat transfer from the plate by natural convection. If the emissivity of the surface is
1.0, calculate the heat loss by radiation. Also calculate the percentage of heat loss by
convection. (7Marks)



a) A counter flow double pipe heat exchanger is to heat water from 20°C to 80°C at a rate
of 1.2kg/s. The heating is to be accomplished by geothermal water available at 170°C at a
mass flow rate of 2 kg/s. The inner tube is thin walled and has a diameter of 1.5 cm. If the
overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger is 640 W/m²-K, determine the
length of the heat exchanger required to achieve the desired heating. Use ε-NTU method.

(8 Marks)

b) Derive an expression for LMTD of double pipe, parallel flow heat exchanger.

(6 Marks)

a) Steam in the condenser of a power plant is to be condensed at a temperature of 30°C

with cooling water from a nearby lake, which enters the tubes of the condenser at 14°C
and leaves at 22°C. The surface area of the tubes is 45 m2and the overall heat transfer
coefficient is 2100 W/m2 · °C. Determine the mass flow rate of the cooling water
needed and the rate of condensation of the steam in the condenser. (7Marks)

b) In a double pipe heat exchanger, hot fluid with a specific heat of 2300 J/kg enters at
380oC and leaves at 300oC. Cold fluid enters at 25oC and leaves at 210oC. Calculate the
heat exchanger area required for (i) Counter flow and (ii) Parallel flow. Take overall heat
transfer coefficient as 750 W/m2 K and mass flow rate of hot fluid is 1 kg/s. (7Marks)

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a) A 70 mm. thick metal plate with a circular hole of 35 mm. diameter along the thickness is
maintained at a uniform temperature 250 oC. Find the loss of energy to the surroundings at 27
C, assuming the two ends of the hole to be as parallel discs and the metallic surfaces and
surroundings have blackbody characteristics. (6Marks)

b) Two large parallel planes with emissivities of 0.3 and 0.5 are maintained at temperatures
of 527 0C and 127 0C respectively. A radiation shield having emissivities of 0.05 on both
sides is placed between them. Calculate,

(i) Heat transfer rate between them without shield.

(ii) Heat transfer rate between them with shield.

(8 Marks)


a) Two parallel plates of size 1.0 m. by 1.0 m. spaced 0.5 m apart are located in a very large
room, the walls of which are maintained at a temperature of 270C. One plate is maintained
atatemperatureof900 0Candotherat400 0C.theiremissivity’sare0.2and 0.5 respectively. If the
plates exchange heat between themselves and the surroundings, find the net heat transfer to
each plate and to the room. Consider only the plate surface facing each other.
(8 Marks)

b) Two rectangular surfaces are perpendicular to each other with a common edge of 2 m. The
horizontal plane is 2 m. long and vertical plane is 3 m long. Vertical plane is at 1200 K and
has an emissivity of 0.4. the horizontal plane is 18 0C and has an emissivity of 0.3.
Determine the net heat exchange between the planes. ( 6 marks)

a) Explain the analogy between heat and mass transfer. (6 Marks)

b) Dry air at 300C and 1 atm flows over a wet flat plate 600 mm. long at a velocity of
50 m/s. Calculate the mass transfer co-efficient of water vapour in air at the end of the
plate. Take the diffusion co-efficient of water vapour in air, D = 0.26 x 10 -4 m2/s.


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a) Gaseous hydrogen is stored at elevated pressure in a rectangular steel container of 10 mm.

wall thickness. The molar concentration of hydrogen in steel at the inner surface is 2 kg
mol/m3, while the concentration of hydrogen in steel at the outer surface is 0.5 kg mol/m3. The
binary diffusion coefficient for hydrogen in steel is 0.26 x 10-12 m2/s. What is the mass flux of
hydrogen through the steel? (8 Marks)
b) Explain the phenomenon of equimolar counter diffusion. Derive an
expression for equimolar counter diffusion between two gases or liquids.
(6 Marks)


Module 1-

Introduction to heat transfer- thermodynamics and heat transfer-typical heat transfer situations- modes
of heat transfer- mechanism of heat transfer- basic laws of heat transfer- thermal conductivity-effect
of temperature on thermal conductivity- combined heat transfer mechanism-real life situations of
combined heat transfer.

Differential equations of heat conduction-boundary conditions and initial conditions, one dimensional
steady state situations – plane wall, cylinder, sphere -concept of thermal resistance, critical radius,
conduction with heat generation- Two-dimensional steady state situations, transient conduction,
Lumped capacitance model, concept of Heisler chart and Schmidt Plot-Conduction shape factor-
Numerical methods of analysis-thermal analysis of rectangular fins.
Module 2

Fundamentals, order of magnitude analysis of momentum and energy equations; hydrodynamic and
thermal boundary Layers-Relation between fluid friction and heat transfer-Concepts of fluid
mechanics, Differential equation of heat convection, Laminar flow heat transfer in circular pipe –
constant heat flux and constant wall temperature, thermal entrance region, Turbulent flow heat
transfer in circular pipe, pipes of other cross sections, Heat transfer in laminar flow and turbulent flow
over a flat plate, Reynolds analogy, Flow across a cylinder and sphere- Natural convection- basics-
free convection heat transfer on a vertical flat plate-empirical relations for free convection heat

Module 3


Condensation heat transfer phenomena- the condensation Number-Boiling heat transfer Phenomena-
Simplified relations for boiling heat transfer-Introduction to heat exchangers-types of heat
exchangers-the overall heat transfer coefficient-Fouling factor-LMTD analysis of heat exchangers-
effectiveness-NTU method-Analysis of variable properties-compact heat exchangers-heat exchanger
design considerations.

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Module 4


Physical mechanism of radiation heat transfer-Radiation properties-; Black body radiation Planck’s
law, Wein’s displacement law, Stefan Boltzmann law, Kirchoff’s law; Gray body Radiation shape
factors-heat exchange between non -black bodies-Infinite parallel planes-Radiation combined with
conduction and convection.

Module 5


Introduction to mass transfer- Molecular diffusion in fluids- Steady state molecular diffusion in fluids
under stagnant and laminar flow conditions - Fick’s law of diffusion-Types of solid diffusion- mass
transfer coefficients in laminar and turbulent flows- Introduction to mass transfer coefficient-
Equimolar counter-diffusion- Correlation for convective mass transfer coefficient- Correlation of
mass transfer coefficients for single cylinder- Theories of mass transfer- Overall mass transfer

Text Books

1. Sachdeva R.C., Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, New Age Science
Limited, 2009

2. R.K.Rajput. Heat and mass transfer, S.Chand &Co., 2015

3. Nag P.K., Heat and Mass Transfer, McGrawHill, 2011

4. Kothandaraman C.P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, New Age International, New

Data Book

Heat and Mass Transfer data book: C.P. Kothandaraman, S. Subramanya, New age International

Reference Books

2. Holman J.P, “Heat transfer”, Mc Graw-Hill, 10th. Ed.,2009.

3. Yunus A. Cengel, “Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications” McGraw-Hill
Higher Education; 6th edition,2019.

4. Frank P. Incropera and David P. Dewitt, Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley and sons,2011

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Introduction to heat transfer- thermodynamics and heat transfer-

typical heat transfer situations- modes of heat transfer- mechanism
of heat transfer- basic laws of heat transfer- thermal conductivity- 2-0-0
thermal conductivity-effect of temperature on thermal conductivity-
combined heat transfer mechanism-real life situations of combined
1 heat transfer.

Differential equations of heat conduction-boundary conditions and

initial conditions, one dimensional steady state situations – plane
wall, cylinder, sphere -concept of thermal resistance, critical radius,
conduction with heat generation- Two-dimensional steady state
situations, transient conduction, Lumped capacitance model, concept
of Heisler chart and Schmidt Plot-Conduction shape factor-
Numerical methods of analysis- thermal analysis of rectangularfins.

Fundamentals, order of magnitude analysis of momentum and

energy equations; hydrodynamic and thermal boundary Layers-
Relation between fluid friction and heat transfer-Concepts of fluid
mechanics, Differential equation of heat convection, Laminar flow
heat transfer in circular pipe – constant heat flux and constant wall
2 temperature, thermal entrance region, Turbulent flow heat transfer
in circular pipe, pipes of other cross sections, Heat transfer in
laminar flow and turbulent flow over a flat plate, Reynolds analogy,
Flow across a cylinder and sphere- Natural convection- basics- free
convection heat transfer on a vertical flat plate- empirical relations
for free convection heattransfer.

Condensation heat transfer phenomena- the condensation Number-

Boiling heat transfer Phenomena-Simplified relations for boiling
heat transfer-Introduction to heat exchangers-types of heat
exchangers-the overall heat transfer coefficient-Fouling factor-
3 5-2-0
LMTD analysis of heat exchangers-effectiveness-NTU method-
Analysis of variable properties- compact heat exchangers-heat
exchanger design considerations.
Physical mechanism of radiation heat transfer-Radiation properties-;
Black body radiation Planck’s law, Wein’s displacement law, Stefan
4 Boltzmann law, Kirchoff’s law; Gray body Radiation shape factors- 5-2-0
heat exchange between non -black bodies-Infinite parallel planes-
Radiation combined with conduction and convection.

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Introduction to mass transfer- Molecular diffusion in fluids- Steady state
molecular diffusion in fluids under stagnant and laminar flow conditions -
Fick’s law of diffusion-Types of solid diffusion- mass transfer
5 coefficients in laminar and turbulent flows- Introduction to mass transfer 7-2-0
coefficient- Equimolar counter-diffusion- Correlation for convective
mass transfer coefficient- Correlation of mass transfer coefficients for
single cylinder- Theories of mass transfer- Overall mass transfer

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