LA Mara Salvatrucha MS 13 Prophecies For The World To Come
LA Mara Salvatrucha MS 13 Prophecies For The World To Come
LA Mara Salvatrucha MS 13 Prophecies For The World To Come
La Mara Salvatrucha MS 13 is the real MABUS or the third Anti-Christ. Mabus's Army is a Coded Name
for La Mara Salvatrucha (MS 13). It is also expanding around the World with Brutality and Avengence.
Don't ignore them!!!!MS 13 is the most powerful, deadliest, most dangerous, largest, most brutal, and
fastest expanding of all gang and other groups in the WORLD!!!MS 13 is more powerful than Climate
Changes, Global Orders, Crises, Wars and etc. One day, MS 13 will control many and all nations around
the world. It has many members of several backgrounds and all walks of life that will bind in one
purpose to conquer the world as Satan and Antichrist will do at the end of all ages of everything. And
spark a third 3rd World War!!!
The two ends of the word MABUS, M and S are the initials of MS 13. The number 13 is the number of
Evil or Satan. The letters of MABUS are embedded in Mara Salvatrucha, Please change the letter B into
V. Mara Salvatrucha founders were Salvadorians from the 12 year El Salvadorian Civil War during the
Cold War in El Salvador in Latin, Latino, Hispanic Central America, and they founded the Gang in LA or
Los Angeles (City of Angeles), California in United States of America (USA). The Salvadorians are the
descendants of the Maya who predicted the Apocalypse, Armageddon and the end of the World in
2012. El Salvador was a part of the Mayan Empire before the Spanaish of Spain colonized it. The initials
LA means Los Angeles (City of the Angeles) or Lucifer (Satan) the Fallen Light or Angel. The name Salva in
Salvatrucha means Salvador or Savior but it's False Savior. Their Gang Signs (La Garra or Hand of the
Devil) represent the letter M means Mabus and W means World and the Horn like Sign, the Demon
itself. Therefore, the La Mara Salvatrucha or MS 13 had Demonic powers to conquer the WORLD by War
and surpass the other powers before him. The word Mara (Gang) means Maria or Mary, the mother who
made a miracle at the May 13 at Fatima. MS 13 are the initials of a book called "My Struggle" or "Mein
Kampf" of Nazi German Fuhrer or Leader Adolf HITLER. Sieg Heil!!! They are the Children of the War or
Hijos dela Guerra.
The Mara Salvatrucha's Predictions and Prophecies for the Dark and Doom Future:
2) They (MS 13) will conquer and Control Russia, America, Europe and Other powerful countries
Worldwide and Other Sacred places of all Religions to make an EMPIRE worldwide to gain control to all
5) They (MS 13) will amplify Islamic Jihad, Terrorism, Violence, Anarchy, Crimes, and Extremism
6) They (MS 13) will give respect to Napoleon, Hitler and Bin Laden and other infamous persons.
7) They (MS 13) will Kill and Rape 13 Million Jews worldwide and repeat the Holocaust for the final time.
8) They (MS 13) spark a 3rd World War to kill every nation.
9) They (MS 13) will kill every leader worldwide politically and religously.
10) They (MS 13) will make holes in all Nations' Borders worldwide.
11) They (MS 13) will fulfill the doom prophecies for 2012 and beyond.
12) They (MS 13) will become a force of EVIL and the force of the 3rd and Last Antichrist (MABUS).
13) They (MS 13) put the End of the World and Everything.
Mara Salvatrucha is more powerful than Nazis, SS, Neo Nazis ,Communists, Terrorists, Freemasons,
Gangs, Politicians, Governments, nationalists, mysteries, conspiracy theorists, Criminals, Rebels, Islamic
and Hindu Extremist, Fundamentalists, and etc. MS 13 is the usher to the end of everything
MS 13 influence in media like music news, tv, internet and more are more powerful than other
gangs. Many nations were failed to destroy MS 13. The foundation of MS 13 is never an accident
because to destroy the world. MS 13 will come suddenly like a blue comet from the sky. MS 13 is the evil
sign to initiate the beginning of the end and the end of the world. The MS 13 handsign means the Satan
and evil for the world power for MS 13 for the years to come in the future.
MS 13 is a Powerful and Influencial Global (Worldwide) Supergang even America and other Nations
were diffcult to destroying them. MS 13 will lead to the END. The Devil is in MS 13 Gang. MS 13 invaded
Russia which Napoleon and Hitler failed to invade it and invade more nations and countries in the whole
world like the nations of Americas, America, Asia, Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Pacific. And Other
gangs, organized cime groups, Syndicates, Fraternities, Neo Nazis, Secret Societies and Even Terrorist
like Al Queda of Osama bin Laden want MS 13 as their ally because of MS 13 brutality and satanic
potential to conquer the WORLD . Mara Salvatrucha called also as The Scourge of Satan or the Devil. It
also symbolizes all world religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and others (Freemasons and
They will never be destroy until the mission and destiny at the end of TIME. MS 13 will rule every
language, religion, race, nation, culture, ideology of the WORLD!!! Kill, Rape and Control is the MS 13
gang motto.To all MS 13 members, "Be proud to our destiny and fulfill it to the World in the Future with
Avengence, oath, anthem, motto, and DIE with pride FOREVER!!!!!!!".