Classical Poetry-Assignment
Classical Poetry-Assignment
Classical Poetry-Assignment
Semester: 5th
Canto 9
Stanza Analysis
This epic poem “The Faerie Queene” was penned down by Edmund Spenser (1552-1599). His
brought up was vague. He was one of the greatest poets of the history. He spends a great deal
of time at Queene Elizabeth’s court. He was a protestant. His life events immensely reflected in
his works.
The allegorical poem “The Faerie Queene” is setup in fairy land that symbolizes England. The
central character “Faerie Queene” represents Queen Elizabeth. The book 1 Canto 9 opens,
where Aurther, Redcrosse and Una talked about the reasons why they were on a journey. Later
Aurther leaves Redcrosse and Una remain there to rest. While resting Knight Rushes towards
them. They both asked the Knight that what was the story? Why he was so worried? After
hearing the Knight, Redcrosse decided to strike Duessa and test his will….
After the last event Aurther, Redcrosse and Una were resting. Now was the time to know about
their journey fellows before leaving. This is where Una questioned Aurther about his origin. On
which he replied confusedly. He knew nothing of his real identity. He just knew that he was
raised by a man; Timon and a wizard; Merlin. He was told that he was of royal birth. For the first
time here Una regards the Royal by his name Aurther, and asked that why was he on a journey.
(But it is confusing how she knew his name) Aurther replied that this is all God’s will. He told
that he had a dream when he stopped by a forest to take a nap. In the dream he had wonderful
conversation with a beautiful woman lying near him and she called herself “The Queen of
Faeries”. He sadly expressed that before this he was never interested in love. But after that
dream he could never forget her face; he was in love. Ever since then he is on a journey to find
her. On this Una said how lucky the queen will be to have Aurther. And Redcrosse speaks in
praise of Una and stated that their love matches the Aurther’s love for Queen.
The time had arrived upon which they had too part their ways. Aurther and Redcrosse pledge
their friendship and exchanged gifts; Aurther gave
Una and Redcrosse began their journey to fight the dragon, but before they were able to go too
far they came across a knight riding on a winged horse. It seems he was running from
something as he was missing his armor and had a rope around his neck. Redcrosse marches
towards the knight who was revealed to be known as Trevisan (a knight). He asked the knight
what was going on but he was too terrified to speak. Finally he stuttered the words saying
Redcrosse should leave as somebody was following him. Instead of going away he comforted
him and encouraged him to tell the story. He told then he was travelling with his fellow knight,
who had bad luck in love. While travelling they came across a villain named Duessa who after
hearing his story convinced them to kill themselves. He handed a Terwin a knife and he slit his
chest open on the spot. Whereas he gave narrator (Trevisan) a rope but he ran away in fear.
Redcrosse was amazed how just by speaking can it be so dangerous, on which Trevisan
explained that Duessa has magical abilities.
Then and there Redcrosse vowed to kill him and test his own will. After this they set towards
where Duessa was inhabitant. It was a dark place where nothing ever grew. There they saw
Terwin body lying dead in a pool of blood. And despair was there looking devilish. When
Redcrosse attempted to charge over him Duessa questioned him that why he is so upset over
the knight’s death when he is actually in a better place. The villain said;
But he should die, who merits not to live?
There is no good in living, and it is always better to die sooner than later as to make sure that
you want sin anymore that you already did, said Duessa. After this Duessa handed Redcrosse a
knife and made him remember all the horrible mistakes and all his faults which finally
convinced Redcrosse that it is useless to live. Just as Redcrosse was about to kill himself Una
rushed in and stopped him. She yelled at him for being silly and weak watching all this to be a
failure Duessa hangs him to death. But the cruel reality strikes in that Duessa (Despair) will
remain till the end of the world.
Main idea
The main idea on which this Epic Canto dwells on is about protestant ideas and contradicting
Catholicism. The religious virtues of truthfulness strong will against falsehood and to live a
righteous life are promoted. It shows the reformation of religion through truthfulness and
strong will.
Other than religious aspect, Love is what unified the tale of Faerie Queene. Every character
whether be it a Knight, male or female, good or bad human or a villain is derived by the
emotion of love. As at the start of the Canto Aurther expresses his desire about the beautiful
woman The Faerie Queene that he loves her. Love is the central sentiment of the Canto.
Likewise, Una and Redcrosse both are in love and related their love as deep as the love of
Aurther for his Faerie Queene. However, the knight Terwin who had a bad luck in love and was
ditched by a haughty lady. Some characters blossomed and some turned to dust all because of
Poetic devices
Allegory: story and characters have specific symbolic meaning. The characters are depicting
religious reformation. At that time although religion was declining, it was corrupt and
Protestantism was growing so the characters righteousness and truthfulness are promoting
protestant virtues.
Spenserian stanza; Spenser varied existing epic stanza forms. A 9-line stanza is often referred
to as a “Spenserian stanza” after Edmund Spencer, which uses the rhyme scheme ababbcbcc.
9As this good Prince redeemd the Redcrosse knight from bands.