Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks

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Level: Bachelor Semester – Fall Year : 2009

Programme: BE Full Marks: 100
Course: Fluid Mechanics Time : 3hrs.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far
as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt all the questions.

1. a) Define the absolute, gauge and atmospheric pressure with appropriate 7

diagram. Find the expression for pressure height relationship.
b) A cylinder of 0.3m diameter rotates concentrically inside the fixed 8
cylinder of 0.31m diameter. Both the cylinder are 0.3m long.
Determine the viscosity of liquid which fills the space between the
cylinders if the torque of 0.98 Nm is required to maintain the angular
velocity of 2 pi rad/s.
2. a) Derive the expression for total pressure force and center of pressure 8
for an inclined plane submerged in water.
b) The uniform body of size 3m × 2m × 1m deep floats in water. What 7
is the weight of the body if the depth of the immersion is 0.8m.
Determine the metacentric height also.
3. a) Derive the equation of continuity equation in Cartesian co-ordinates. 8
b) Derive an expression for metacentric height by theoretical method. 7
4. a) Derive the Bernoulli's equation using the Euler's equation of motion. 8
States all the required assumptions.
b) Using the Rayligh's method of dimensional analysis show that the 7
resistance R to the motion of sphere of diameter D falling through the
fluid of viscosity "µ" and density "ρ" with velocity "v" is given by
R = ρD2v2  ( µ/ ρvD)
5. a) Differentiate between notches and weirs. Derive an expression for 7
free discharge through triangular notch with considering approach
b) Find the time required to lower the water level from 3m to 2m in a 8
reservoir of dimension 80m × 80m, by a notch of 1.5m length. Take
value of discharge coefficient equals to 0.62.

6. a) Derive the equation for the force exerted by the flowing fluid in a 8
pipe bend.
b) Find the expression for drag force on smooth sphere of diameter D, 7
moving with a uniform velocity V, in a fluid of density ρ and
dynamic viscosity µ.
7. Write short notes on (Any Two) 2×5
a) Drag and lift forces
b) Boundary layer Theory
c) Hydraulic Coefficients

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