Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks
Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks
Candidates Are Required To Give Their Answers in Their Own Words As Far As Practicable. The Figures in The Margin Indicate Full Marks
6. a) Derive the equation for the force exerted by the flowing fluid in a 8
pipe bend.
b) Find the expression for drag force on smooth sphere of diameter D, 7
moving with a uniform velocity V, in a fluid of density ρ and
dynamic viscosity µ.
7. Write short notes on (Any Two) 2×5
a) Drag and lift forces
b) Boundary layer Theory
c) Hydraulic Coefficients