Indian Maritime University
Indian Maritime University
Indian Maritime University
c) What are the conditions of equilibrium of a floating body and submerged body?
e) Where the following devices are used: i) Pitot tube ii) Venturimeter.
g) What is the condition for maximum transmission of power through pipe and corresponding
efficiency of transmission?
h) Define the terms: Kinetic Energy Correction Factor and Momentum Correction Factor.
i) Draw the sketch of i) velocity distribution and ii) shear stress distribution across a section
of a pipe when the flow is viscous.
b) A solid cylinder of diameter 4.0 m has a height of 4.0 m. Find the meta-centric
height of the cylinder if the specific gravity of the material of cylinder is 0.6 and
it is floating in water with its axis vertical. State whether the equilibrium is stable
or unstable. (8+6)
3. Each gate of a Lock gate is 9m high. When the gates are closed, they make an angle of
120 degree. The width of the lock is 10m. Each gate is supported by two hinges located
at 1m and 6 m above the bottom of the lock. The depths of water on the two sides are
8m and 4m respectively. Find (i) Resultant water force on each gate
(ii) Reaction between the gates (iii) Force on each hinge, considering the reaction
of the gate acting in the same horizontal plane as resultant water pressure. (14)
4. a) A circular tank of diameter 1.25 m contains water upto a height of 5m. An orifice of
50 mm diameter is provided at its bottom. If Cd=0.62, find the height of water above
the orifice after 1.5 minutes.
6. a) Derive from the first principles, Chezy’s formula for loss of head due to friction in pipe.
b) For water supply, a main pipeline of diameter 0.4 m is required. As pipes more than
0.35 m diameter are not readily available, two parallel pipes of the same diameter
were used for water supply. If the total discharge in the parallel pipes is same as in
the single main pipes, find the diameter of the parallel pipe. Assume coefficient
of friction same for all pipes. (6+8)
7. a) Prove that the loss of pressure head for the viscous flow through a circular pipe
32 µ uL
is given by hf = , where ω specific weight, u = average velocity.
ωd 2
8. a) Derive an expression for the depth of paraboloid formed by the surface of a liquid
contained in a cylindrical tank which is rotated at a constant angular velocity ( ω )
about its vertical axis.