Tuning of PID Controllers For Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors
Tuning of PID Controllers For Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors
Tuning of PID Controllers For Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors
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To cite this article: D. Krishna , K. Suryanarayana , G. Aparna & R. Padma Sree (2012): Tuning of PID
Controllers for Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors, Indian Chemical Engineer, 54:3, 157-179
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INDIAN CHEMICAL ENGINEER – 2012 Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers
Vol. 54 No. 3 September 2012, pp. 157179
Print ISSN: 0019-4506, Online ISSN: 0975-007X, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00194506.2012.766005
Abstract: Tuning of proportional integral and derivative (PID) controllers for stable SOPTDZ
(second order plus time delay with a zero) systems is proposed. The PID controller was
designed based on internal model control and stability analysis principles. The proposed
controllers were applied to the various stable transfer function models of jacketed CSTR,
isothermal CSTR carrying out Van de Vusse reaction and a bioreactor. Simulation results on
various transfer function models and on non-linear model equations of jacketed CSTR carrying
first-order exothermic reaction, isothermal constant volume CSTR carrying out Van de Vusse
reaction and a bioreactor are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed PID controllers.
The performance under model uncertainty is also studied considering perturbation in one
parameter at a time. The performance of the proposed controllers is compared with the
controller designed by direct synthesis method.
Keywords: Internal model controller, Stability analysis method, Direct synthesis method,
CSTR, Bioreactor, PID controller, Second order plus time delay system with a zero (SOPTDZ)
Proportional integral and derivative (PID) controllers give satisfactory performance for
many control processes. Owing to their simplicity and usefulness, the PID controller has
become a powerful solution to control a large number of industrial processes.
Performance of the control systems is complicated by the numerator dynamics
(presence of a zero) of the process. Several processes exhibit the second-order plus
time delay system with a zero (SOPTDZ) transfer function model. Examples of such processes are the
transfer function model relating concentration of the product to the feed flow rate in isothermal
Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) carrying out the Van de Vusse reaction [1], the transfer
function model relating the reactor temperature to jacket temperature in jacketed CSTR [1], the
transfer function model relating concentration of the cells to the dilution rate in bioreactors [2] and the
transfer function relating the temperature of an incinerator to the inlet load rate in a municipal waste
incinerator [3]. Many recycle processes where energy and mass recycle take place are represented by
the SOPTDZ transfer function model [4].
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Many methods of designing PID controllers are available in the literature. There are methods
based on stability analysis [510], extension of the Halmann method [11], modified gain and phase
margin method [12], optimization method using artificial neural networks [13], gain and phase
margin methods [14], extension of smith predictor using modern H control theory [10], simple
method [15], etc.
Chien et al. [16] have proposed a direct synthesis method of designing PID controllers for
SOPTDZ systems. They have equated the integral time and derivative time of the series type of
controller to two time constants of the system and the resulting closed loop characteristic equation is
compared with the desired characteristic equation to calculate the controller gain. In the present
work, the performance of the proposed controllers is compared with the direct synthesis method
In the present work, a simple method for designing PID controllers based on internal model
control principles and stability analysis is proposed. The PID tuning parameters are given as a
function of process model parameters. Simulation results on various transfer function models and
non-linear models are given to show the efficiency of the proposed controllers.
Proposed Methods
IMC Method
The process transfer function for SOPTD with a zero is given by
Kp ð1 psÞeLs
Gp ðsÞ ¼ (1)
a1 s2 þ a2 s þ 1
In Equation (1), the sign represents negative zero and the sign represents positive zero. The
process transfer function is split into two parts
Gp ðsÞ ¼ Gpþ ðsÞGp ðsÞ (2)
where Gpþ ðsÞ is the invertible part and Gp ðsÞ is the non-invertible part.
The IMC controller for this system is given as:
Q ¼ ½Gpþ ðsÞ :f (3)
The order (n) of the denominator is selected in such a way to make controller realizable
(the controller numerator order should be less than or equal to that of the order of denominator).
The variable l is the Internal Model Control (IMC) filter time constant, which is a tuning parameter,
and l is selected by trial and error procedure in such a way that the maximum magnitude of
complementary sensitivity function is between 1 and 1.5 [17]. The equivalent PID controller is
obtained using the following equation:
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Gc ðsÞ ¼ (4)
ð1 Gp QÞ
1 ð1 þ a0 sÞ
Gc ðsÞ ¼ Kc ½1 þ þ sd s (5)
sI s ða1 s2 þ a2 s þ 1Þ
The combined transfer function model of the process and the controller is given by:
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Kp ð1 psÞeLs 1 1
Gc ðsÞGp ðsÞ ¼ Kc 1 þ þ sD s (7)
a1 s2 þ a2 s þ 1 sI s as þ 1
tI, tD and a parameters are selected in such a way that the numerator of PID controller is equal to
the denominator of the process transfer function and a is set equal to p if the transfer function is
SOPTD with negative zero, otherwise it is made equal to zero.
The phase angle criterion for GpGc is written and solved for vc using fsolve of Matlab. Using
amplitude criteria, Kc,max is obtained. From Kc,max, the design value of Kc is calculated as:
Kc ¼ (8)
xc sI px c sI
Kc,max Kp Kp 1 þ p2 x2c
Kc;max Kc;max
Kc Gm Gm
Gm is selected between 1.5 to 4 Gm is selected between 1.5 to 4
tI a2 a2
a1 a1
tD a2 a2
a p 0
where Gm is gain margin, which is the tuning parameter. For this transfer function model, Chien
et al. [16] selected tI and tD in a similar manner, but the selection of Kc was based on the desired
closed loop characteristic equation and this leads to a value of Kc which is a function of the closed
loop time constant. The closed loop time constant is derived as the function of process parameters.
In the present method, Gm is used as tuning parameter which is selected between 1.5 and 4 in such
way that a good performance is obtained.
Using the above procedure, the PID controller parameters for the SOPTD transfer function
model with a positive zero and a negative zero are derived and given in Table 2.
Simulation Results
An IMC-PID controller (PID controller designed by the proposed IMC method) and an SA-PID
controller (PID controller designed by the proposed stability analysis method) were applied to
various CSTR transfer function models and non-linear models to show the efficiency of the
proposed controllers. The PID controller parameters designed by the proposed methods and direct
synthesis method for all the case studies are reported in Table 3. The performance of the
proposed controllers in terms of integral time weighted absolute error (ITAE) was compared with
the DS-PID controller (PID controller designed by direct synthesis method [16]), and is reported
in Table 4.
Performance, ITAE
Case Study 1
Consider a jacketed CSTR carrying a first-order irreversible exothermic reaction. The heat of
reaction is removed by a coolant in the jacket to maintain the temperature of reaction. The model
equations of jacketed CSTR without jacket dynamics [1] are:
Response 1
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0.6 SA-PID
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 1. Servo and regulatory performance of jacketed CSTR for linear model (case study 1).
dCA F Ea
¼ ðCAf CA Þ K0 exp CA (9)
dt V RT
¼ ðTf T Þ þ K0 exp CA ðT Tj Þ (10)
dt V qCp RT V qCp
The above non-linear model equations are linearized around a stable operating point, CA 0.0644
lb mol/ft3, T560.778R and Tj 539.678R. The values of the process parameters are given in
Table 5. The process transfer function relating the reactor temperature to the jacket temperature
along with a measurement delay of 0.02 h is given by
The servo and regulatory response with these controllers is shown in Fig. 1. The servo performance
of the three controllers was almost the same, but the regulatory response of the proposed controllers
was better than that of the DS-PID controller [16]. The simulation of non-linear model equations
(Equations (9) and (10)) of the jacketed CSTR with the proposed IMC-PID, SA-PID and DS-PID
controllers [16] for servo response (change in reactor temperature 560.77562.778R) is shown in
Fig. 2. The regulatory response of jacketed CSTR for the change in feed temperature from 519.67
to 521.678R, change in feed concentration from 0.132 to 0.134 lb mol/ft3, change in jacket
temperature from 539.67 to 541.678R and change in ratio F/V from 4 to 4.2/h are shown in
Response 562.5
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur] at 03:12 26 April 2013
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Fig. 2. Servo performance of jacketed CSTR (T560.77562.778R) for non-linear model (case study 1).
Figs 36, respectively. The proposed controllers performed better than the DS-PID controller [16]
(refer to Table 6).
The robustness of the proposed IMC-PID, SA-PID and DS-PID controllers [16] was studied for
the model uncertainties considering 920% perturbation in process parameters (DH, K0, U)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Fig. 3. Regulatory performance of jacketed CSTR for change in feed temperature (Tf 519.67521.678R) for
non-linear model (case study 1).
560.85 IMC-PID
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0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Fig. 4. Regulatory performance of jacketed CSTR for change in feed concentration (CAf 0.1320.134 lbmol/
ft3) for non-linear model (case study 1).
considering one parameter at a time for regulatory problem (TJ). The performance is reported in
terms of ITAE values in Table 7. The controllers were designed based on nominal model parameters
and applied to the process with perturbed parameters. The robustness of the proposed IMC-PID
controller was better for model uncertainty considering one parameter at a time when compared
with SA-PID and DS-PID controllers [16].
Case Study 2
Consider a jacketed CSTR carrying a first-order irreversible exothermic reaction. The heat of
reaction is removed by a coolant in the jacket to maintain the temperature of reaction. The model
equations of jacketed CSTR without jacket dynamics [18] are given by:
dCA q Ea
¼ ðCA0 CA Þ K0 CA exp (12)
dt V RT
! " !#
dT q ðDHÞK0 CA Ea qC CPC qC hA
¼ ðT0 T Þ þ exp þ 1 exp ðTC0 T Þ
dt V qCp RT qCP V qC qCp
The above non-linear model equations were linearized around stable operating point CA 0.1 mol/l
and T 438.5417 K. The values of the parameters are given in Table 8. The transfer function
560.85 DS-PID
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0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Fig. 5. Regulatory performance of jacketed CSTR for change in jacket temperature (Tj 539.6342
541.63428R) for non-linear model (case study 1).
relating the reactor temperature to the coolant flow rate along with a measurement time delay of
0.0302 h is given by
The servo and regulatory responses of IMC-PID, SA-PID and DS-PID controllers [16] for a linear
model are shown in Fig. 7. The performance of all controllers was almost the same for both servo
and regulatory problems (refer to Table 4). The simulation of non-linear model equations
(Equations (12) and (13)) of jacketed CSTR with IMC-PID, SA-PID and DS-PID controllers [16]
for the servo problem (change in reactor temperature from 438.541 to 440 K) is shown in Fig. 8.
The regulatory problem of the jacketed CSTR for a change in feed temperature from 350 to 355 K is
shown in Fig. 9. The regulatory problem of the jacketed CSTR for a change in initial concentration
from 1 to 1.1 mol/l, change in feed flow rate from 100 to 110 l/mol, change in coolant temperature
from 350 to 355 K and change in coolant flow rate from 103.41 to 105 l/min was also studied. For
both servo and regulatory problems, the IMC-PID controller gave a better response compared with
560.8 IMC-PID
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0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Fig. 6. Regulatory performance of jacketed CSTR for change in feed rate to volume of reactor (F/V 44.2/
min) for non-linear model (case study 1).
the SA-PID and DS-PID controllers [16] (refer to Table 6). The proposed controllers are robust
(refer to Table 7) for 920% uncertainty in DH, K0 and hA for the regulatory problem (qC).
Case Study 3
The following transfer function model was considered [12]:
ð1 1:6sÞe0:2s
Gp ðsÞ ¼ (15)
s2 þ 2s þ 1
The servo and regulatory response of the process transfer function model with IMC-PID, SA-PID
and DS-PID controllers [16] is shown in Fig. 10. The performances of the servo and regulatory
problem of IMC-PID and SA-PID controllers were better than those of the DS-PID controller [16]
(refer to Table 4).
Case Study 4
Consider a continuous stirred tank reactor where in the following isothermal seriesparallel (Van de
Vusse) reactions takes place [1]. Here the product B is the desired one:
K1 K2
A ! B ! C
2A ! D
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Table 6. Performance comparison in terms of ITAE for non-linear models
Case study 1 T560.77562.770 R Tf 519.67521.670 R CAf 0.1320.134 Tj 539.63541.630 R F/V 44.2 min 1
IMC-PID 0.1630 0.1817 0.0372 0.0304 0.1759
SA-PID 0.1659 0.1981 0.0404 0.0331 0.1917
DS-PID 0.1743 0.2167 0.0452 0.0366 0.2092
Case study 2 T438.54440 K Tf 350355 K CAf 11.1 mol/l q 100110 l/min Tc0 350355 K
IMC-PID 0.5899 0.2722 1.0097 0.4973 0.2985
SA-PID 0.6122 0.4095 1.4850 0.7428 0.4493
DS-PID 0.6161 0.4431 1.5996 0.8022 0.4858
Case study 4 CB from 1.117 F/V from 0.5714 CAf from 10
to 1.2 mol/l) to 0.6/min to 12 mol/l
IMC-PID 0.087 0.0320 0.1274
SA-PID 0.0922 0.0325 0.1309
DS-PID 0.0881 0.0322 0.1280
Case study 5 X from 0.3018 D from 0.15
to 0.308 g/l to 0.16/h
IMC-PID 0.3715 0.2888
Vol. 54 No. 3 September 2012
Table 7. Regulatory performance comparison under model uncertainty in terms of ITAE for non-linear model
¼ ðCAf CA Þ K1 CA K3 CA2 (16)
dt V
¼ CB þ K1 CA K2 CB (17)
dt V
The above non-linear equations were linearized around stable operating point CA 3 g mol/l and
CB 1.1170 g mol/l. The process parameters are given in Table 9. The transfer function relating the
1.2 SA-PID
Response 1
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0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 7. Servo and regulatory performance of jacketed CSTR for linear model (case study 2).
desired concentration (CB) to the ratio flow rate and volume of the reactor along with a
measurement time delay of 0.1 min is given by
The servo and regulatory problem of the process transfer function model with IMC-PID,
SA-PID and DS-PID controller is shown in Fig. 11. The performances of servo and regulatory
problems were almost the same for all the controllers (refer to Table 4). The simulation of non-
linear model equations with the IMC-PID, SA-PID and DS-PID controllers [16] for the servo
problem (change in product concentration CB from 1.117 to 1.2 g mol/l) is shown in Fig. 12. The
regulatory problem of constant volume CSTR for the change in flow rate (F/V) from 0.5714 to
0.6/min is shown in Fig. 13. For the servo problem, all the controllers gave similar responses, but
for the regulatory problem the SA-PID controller was superior compared with the IMC-PID and
DS-PID controller (refer to Table 6).
Case Study 5
The mathematical model of a fermenter is given by the following equations [2] where the microbial
growth is assumed to follow Monod kinetics:
¼ ðl Kd ÞX Xu (19)
dS l
¼ m X ðS Sf Þu (20)
dt Y
441 DS-PID
Reactor temperature
(Degress Rankine) 440.5
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur] at 03:12 26 April 2013
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (minutes)
Fig. 8. Servo performance of jacketed CSTR for change in reactor temperature (T438.54440 K) for non-
linear model (case study 2).
439.2 DS-PID
Reactor Temperature
(Degrees Rankine)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Time (Minutes)
Fig. 9. Regulatory performance of jacketed CSTR for change in feed temperature (T0 350355 K) for non-
linear model (case study 2).
lmax S
l¼ (21)
km þ S
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur] at 03:12 26 April 2013
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
where X is cell concentration and S is substrate concentration. The above non-linear model
equations are linearized around stable operating point X 0.3018 g/l and S0.0452 g/l. The values
of parameters are given in Table 10. The transfer function model relating cell concentration and
dilution rate along with a measurement time delay of 0.3 h is given by
X ðsÞ 0:2803ð1 3:4063sÞe0:3s
¼ (22)
uðsÞ ð3:1638s2 þ 5:7382s þ 1Þ
The servo and regulatory problems of the process transfer function model with IMC-PID, SA-PID
and DS-PID controllers [16] are shown in Fig. 14. The servo and regulatory performances of IMC-
PID and SA-PID controllers were better than that of the DS-PID controller [16] (refer to Table 4).
The simulation of non-linear model equations with IMC-PID, SA-PID and DS-PID controllers [16]
for the servo problem (change in cell concentration X from 0.3018 to 0.308 g/l) is shown in Fig. 15.
For the servo problem, the IMC-PID and SA-PID controllers stabilized the bioreactor but the
DS-PID controller [16] could not stabilize it (refer to Table 6). The regulatory problem for the
1.2 DS- PID
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0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Fig. 11. Servo and regulatory performance of constant volume CSTR carrying out Van de Vusse reaction for
linear model (case study 4).
0 5 10 15
Fig. 12. Servo performance of constant volume CSTR carrying out Van de Vusse reaction for change in
product concentration CB from 1.117 to 1.2 gmol/l for non-linear model (case study 4).
change in dilution rate D from 0.15 to 0.16/h is shown in Fig. 16. The performance and the
robustness of the proposed controllers for 10% uncertainty in mmax and Y (regulatory problem) in
terms of ITAE are given in Table 7.
1.126 SA -PID
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fig. 13. Servo and regulatory performance of constant volume CSTR carrying out Van de Vusse reaction for
change in ratio of feed flow rate to volume of reactor (F/V0.57140.6/min) for non-linear model
(case study 4).
Case Study 6
The non-linear model equations (Equations (19) and (20)) are linearized around stable operating
point X 0.379 g/l and S 0.019 g/l. The values of parameters are given in Table 10. The transfer
function model relating cell concentration and dilution rate along with a measurement time delay of
0.3 h is given by
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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fig. 14. Servo and regulatory performance of fermenter for linear model (case study).
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fig. 15. Servo performance of bioreactor for change in cell concentration from X0.30180.308 g/l for non-
linear model (case study 5).
The servo and regulatory problems of the process transfer function model with IMC-PID, SA-PID
and DS-PID controllers [16] are shown in Fig. 17. The servo and regulatory performances of IMC-
PID and SA-PID controllers were better than that of the DS-PID controller [16] (refer to Table 4).
0.304 DS-PID
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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fig. 16. Regulatory performance of bioreactor for change in dilution rate (D0.150.16 h) for non-linear
model (case study 5).
-0.5 SA-PID
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig. 17. Servo and regulatory performance of bioreactor for linear model (case study 6).
The simulations of non-linear model equations with IMC-PID, SA-PID and DS-PID controllers [16]
for the servo problem (change in cell concentration X from 0.379 to 0.36 g/l) and for the regulatory
problem (change in dilution rate D from 0.11 to 0.115/hr) are shown in Figs 18 and 19, respectively.
0.39 SA-PID
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur] at 03:12 26 April 2013
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fig. 18. Servo performance of bioreactor for change in cell concentration (X0.3790.36 g/l) for non-linear
model (case study 6).
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Fig. 19. Regulatory performance of bioreactor for change in dilution rate (D 0.110.115/h) for non-linear
model (case study 6).
For the regulatory response, IMC-PID and SA-PID controllers stabilized the bioreactor but the
DS-PID controller [16] could not stabilize it (refer to Table 6). The performance and the
robustness of the proposed controllers for 10% uncertainty in mmax and Y (regulatory problem)
in terms of ITAE are given in Table 7. The proposed controllers were robust for 10% variation
in mmax and Y.
Two PID controller design methods based on internal model control principles and the stability
analysis method for a stable second-order system with time delay and with a zero is proposed. The
zero may be a positive or a negative. The proposed IMC-PID and SA-PID controllers were applied
to control jacketed CSTR carrying out first-order irreversible exothermic reaction, an isothermal
Downloaded by [Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur] at 03:12 26 April 2013
constant volume reactor carrying out Van de Vusse reaction and a bioreactor. The performance of
the proposed IMC-PID and SA-PID controllers was compared with the DS-PID controller [16] and
the IMC-PID controller gave the best performance for both servo and regulatory problems. The
performance of the proposed IMC-PID and SA-PID controllers for uncertainty in parameters
considering one parameter at a time was studied and compared with the performance of PID
controller designed by the DS-PID controller [16]. The IMC-PID and SA-PID controllers gave
robust performance compared with the DS-PID controller [16]. The servo and regulatory
performance comparison is given in terms of ITAE for both linear and non-linear linear models.
Simulation results on non-linear model equations of jacketed CSTR carrying out irreversible first-
order chemical reaction, constant volume CSTR carrying out Van de Vusse reaction and bioreactor
show that the proposed IMC-PID and SA-PID controllers perform better than the DS-PID controller
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Gc Control transfer function
Gp Process transfer function
Gm Gain margin
Kc Controller gain
Kc,max Ultimate controller gain
tI Integral time
Kp Process gain
L Time delay
p Numerator time constant
t Time
t Time constant
tD Derivative time
a0, a1, a2 PID Filter time constants
a1. a2 Denominator constants
vc Phase cross over frequency
l IMC filter time constant
ITAE Integral time absolute error
DS-PID Proportional integral and derivative controller designed by direct synthesis method [16]
SA-PID Proportional integral and derivative controller designed by stability analysis method
IMC-PID Proportional integral and derivative controller designed by internal model control method