SITXHRM004 Assessment 2 - Project
SITXHRM004 Assessment 2 - Project
SITXHRM004 Assessment 2 - Project
Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITXHRM004 Recruit, select and induct staff
Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required
Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:
Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date
administer the recruitment, selection and induction process for each of the following recruitment needs at least
o casual, contract or temporary
o full time or part-time permanent
o volunteer
develop selection criteria for each of the above recruitment needs
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
SSH to complete
Resource Requirements
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Group Mapping Document located in the teacher support
tools folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.
For Part A and B of this assessment, a full set of organisational policies and procedures relevant to all HR
aspects, including WHS and induction must be made available.
For Part A sufficient staff must be available to cover the requirements to plan for and establish an interview
panel and associated preparation requirements for the interviews to be conducted in assessment 3.
Part B requires you to develop an induction program for the advertised positions in Part A. This program
needs to include all relevant information for each job role as well as a time schedule and programmed
activities to conduct the induction with staff.
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201
This assessment:
First Attempt 2nd Attempt 3nd Attempt Extension – Date: / /
Feedback to Student:
Date: / /
Student Signature Date: / /
Assessment 2
Your task:
Following a restructure of the Food and Beverage services provided by the Ocean Breeze Hotel, an audit has
identified that there is a shortage of staff to deliver the quality of service expected from an operation at this
level. As a result, in your position as the Human Resources Manager, you are required to recruit, select and
induct staff for three additional new food and beverage positions, and a volunteer to support events and
seminar. The recruitment needs to include consultation with relevant colleagues like the Food and Beverage
Manager, the Head Chef, the Events manager and the Hotel Manager. You have already obtained approval for
recruitment as per your organisational recruitment policies from the head office in relation to these positions.
a. Chef de Partie Room Service Kitchen, 11.00pm – 7.30am night shift (full-time position)
b. Room Service Attendant, breakfast shift (casual position 2 days per weekend)
c. Restaurant Manager, breakfast shift (part-time position 20 hours per week)
d. Volunteer, event and seminar support (Thursday and Friday 10 hours per week)
In order to get recruitment processes organised you are required to develop the following documentation and
1. Establish the job descriptions for each position based on feedback from colleagues in each department, and
develop a set of selection criteria for each position which must include expected levels of experience and
the customer service attitude required to work at Ocean Breeze. To assist you in creating job descriptions
you may use the following links as a reference for positions a-c :
2. Design the advertisements to attract the appropriate candidates for each of the above jobs. Include
selection criteria in the advertisements in order to narrow the field of applicants. Provide 3 options you
could use to advertise these positions for maximum reach, and include a basic overview of approximate
3. Write a detailed account of how you will process applications as per your organisational policy; review
applications against the criteria; and choose people to progress to an interview. Which types of background
checks might you undertake in general and what would these require?
4. Outline the procedures you will put in place to inform successful candidates and arrange for their
attendance at interview, including accommodating potential special needs. Provide a sample letter you
would send to unsuccessful applicants.
5. Develop a set of interview questions for each position based on the selection criteria and desired customer
service expectations. Explain how these must be administered to ensure fairness, and meet EEO
requirements including the provisions for people with special needs.
6. Outline the process of selecting and organising an interview panel. Include the instructions and basic
documentation you will provide for each panel member so they can evaluate candidate responses to each
question you have developed in Question 5 (do this for each position).
7. You and the panel have interviewed all selected candidates and narrowed the selection to 2 candidates per
position. Explain the process to make the final selection for each position. What needs to occur following the
interviews if neither candidate meets the criteria desired for the job? Which legal aspects must be
considered? What is the importance of merit in this process?
8. You and the panel have agreed on the final candidate for each position and need to make an employment
offer to each candidate. What would this involve and which aspects must be considered in terms of budget
and awards? Design and attach a template for a letter of appointment, and use this to write one letter to any
of the applicants with all details for remuneration based on the current awards, conditions etc.
9. Provide an overview of the legal obligations for all documents required as part of recruitment processes.
Which information needs to be filed?
PART B – Planning and organising a induction program
Develop the induction program for the 4 new employees detailed in Part A. Please use all the relevant
information as necessary from PART A (planning document) as necessary. The following documentations needs
to be included:
1. The Induction program needs to include provisions to introduce the employees to the business, their
colleagues, their job. The induction needs to be structured logically, from general information covering
information about the business, its practices and its culture to specific information about the
employees’ different jobs.
2. The orientation should be designed featuring a brief agenda which outlines the activities that will be
undertaken, who will be conducting these activities, where these will happen and timeframes for each
activity of the induction program. Additional information could include the provision for handouts
relating to industrial relations, unions, contacts, etc.