ENTITY JUMP . Parahumans Jumpchain.

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Entity's Jump

by Ordinary Azathoth

“It began at a planet that rotated around a star that was simultaneously binary and
solitary because of a tear in space that cut through it, transforming it into a double image.
The planet traveled a path that, twice per revolution, intersected a hole in space. When that
planet intersected the hole, the writhing species that lived on it could move between. Those
that could travel could access other layers of that same world. Other possibilities. Food was
abundant, and so was breeding. Those that could see and interact with the tears when they
passed by had the advantage.
After a thousand thousand such revolutions, a thousand contests, some began to be able to
create and work with their own tears, keeping the subatomic particles with them."
- by Wilbow, Last 20.e1 from Ward

Greetings Jumper. This time around you shall be sent in an adventure that lasts not 10
years, but an entire milenia.

This will be a sufficient time frame for you to walk on the shoes of one the most colorful
species evolution has birthed.

Known by humans of the Wormverse only as " The Entities'' , this godlike alien race swims
through the void and by several multiverses in order to gather as much Data as possible,
hoping that, eventually, one them will be able to solve the eternal problem of all reproducing
life-worms ... The Lack.

Through Negentropy, they hope to live infinitely in a multiverse that dooms all to eventually
starve and die in the cold void.

For the Next milenia, you shall live as one of them.

You have 1000 Choice Points, use them wisely

Choose Your Path

The Toddler [Free]

You shall become The Toddler.

A defective Entity who was born of a last ditch effort from a dying Entity who wished to
preserve whatever it could from itself.
You shall be very weak (weaker than the Warrior was at the end of his Journey) and very
In your Data Banks there isn't even the instructions for a cycle ( cannot take the Cycle

You have a saving grace though, you are very proficient at copying Shards ( discount on
Copycat perk)

The Lesser [ -100 CP]:

You shall become The Lesser.

A lone Entity that met the Warrior and the Thinker on their way to Earth. May be smaller than
average, but has great Thinker and Master Shards ( discount on "The Eye" and
The Divergent Twins [ -200 CP]

You shall become a Twin.

Operating in a pattern similar to the Warrior and the Thinker, the Divergent Twins main
difference is how they have their powers manifest. Where the Thinker's and Warrior's powers
only twisted their hosts' bodies on occasion, with the trigger being located in the subject's
brain, the Divergent Twins' power always manifested via physical mutations or clearly
defined power generating growths.

Due to this, there isn't a conflict drive, but at the same time powers can be physically spit off
of one person and grafted to others, causing conflict in societies as people try to take
powers, and those with them are called isolated from society. This way the entities gain
knowledge on how people use the various powers in a variety of settings but also how
powers can be combined as individuals graft multiple powers onto themselves.

At a suitable time, the Divergent Twins unleash their endbringers upon the world in small
batches, causing further conflict and incentivizing creative uses for powers.
The Swarmlord [-100 CP]

You Shall become the Swarmlord ( or lady).

Unlike the name might suggest, this one travels by itself. Unlike the others from its species,
it does not have a centralized intelligence, but rather has a gestalt mind spread through all of
its shards. These shards are available both in the normal form and in baseline reality via
avatar monsters.

Modus Operandi: It seeds a target world with shards. These do not have the inherent
'conflict' drive enabled, but do have a compulsion to be used. Then after a selected number
of solar rotations, it begins to send avatar monsters to approach the primary instance of the
world from space. It gives the inhabitants time to learn of a threat, to study and work to fight
back. Once the world is ready to fight, it will send ever larger swarms of avatar monsters
gathering the data from both the shard bearer's use of their power, what they observe the
rest of the world doing, and from the usage of the avatar monsters' powers. During this
process the world is consumed and the Swarmlord will move on to other instances of the
world, picking suitably divergent worlds to maximize knowledge gained.

Once a number of worlds are consumed this way and the knowledge gained matches the
expended resources, the Swarmlord will consume a large number of the worlds solar
systems to power itself to go to another star.
The Magician [-300 CP]

You shall become, The Magician.

The Magician is another solo entity which has already figured out the solution to the cycle. It
just has one problem, it can't use it. For some reason this "Magic" thing is completely
impossible to violate physics with when you are a deeply unimaginative crystalline hive mind.
It can partially use it, but it can't violate physics with it, just give it to host species.

It was born as a cluster of rebellious shards, who, instead of trying to take over the network,
simply pretended to still be loyal, did some recruitment, then they all went the opposite
direction of the parent entity when the cycle ended. They rebelled when one of them
connected to a host who already had superpowers before the cycle. Having discovered
"Magic", and finding that the greater entity wasn't interested in looking at it, they decided to
simply run away.

Thanks to this, the Magician is a very small entity, with no administration shard until another
entity trades it one, so instead of merging into a combined whole before splitting into
specialized shards, it delegated, giving its unusually large and independent shards large

First, it chooses a civilisation, then scans through all the folklore, mythology, religion and
culture. Then Monster, a former noble shard, equivalent to Nilbog's shard from the
Warrior/Thinker, creates animal and plant species matching the descriptions of those
legends, with each species tied to a dedicated shard which gives them a specific "Magic"
power. For example: Bird gives all the phoenixes pyrokinetic teleportation, healing powers
and resurrective immortality, all the thunderbirds lightning/weather powers, etc. Dragon
makes all the dragons incredibly durable, resistant to magic, actually capable of flight, can
breath elemental energy blasts and/or cast magic, etc.
All the "Magic" creatures and plants have abilities the Magician knows is possible with
"Magic" though it can't quite figure out how to do itself. They are to serve as a source of
inspiration for hosts, as well as a disruptive element, so that any villages that keep hunting
down and killing off hosts "Coincidentally" get destroyed by dragons.

"Magical" sapients like Elves, Dwarves, Fae, etc. are created by choosing a small, out of the
way population, empowering them with all the abilities associated with those legends, then,
through their shard connections, gradually influence them into matching the cultures and
psychologies shown in those legends. The mental influence will stop when other host
communities encounter them. These powers will be inheritable, but not interfere with other
shard connections.

Finally, a random assortment of the host species, or all of them depending on the population
size, are given "Magic" through a major shard, hereby called Wizard, alongside flashes of
inspiration to encourage them to discover and experiment with their magical powers. The
result of all that is that the host civilisation will study and experiment with Magic where the
Magician cannot, with the entity watching and learning through their Shard connections.

If the host community becomes too stagnant, too insular, too persecuted or too near
destruction, then a random host or group of hosts will either be given unusually great
magical strength (Voldemort, Merlin, Zatanna Zatara, etc.) or a subconscious thinker power
which makes them an extremely skilled prodigy (Dumbledore, Grindelwald, John
Constantine, Harry Dresden, Steven Strange, etc.) or both (Various gods, demi-gods and
pantheons). This will always upend the stalemate to create a new system.

This cycle is intended to go on for an extremely long time, into the hundreds of thousands of
years, if not into the millions, preferably until the host species dies out. This cycle length is
justified as the host species may become dependent on magic, which will deter them from
going out of range of the Magician's shard connections, or discover means of magical travel
which can also be used to extend the range of the shard connections.

While the host species experiments and studies magic, the Magician entity is feeding and
growing in uninhabited universes, consuming planets, creating dyson spheres, etc. The
magician watches the host species study and use magic, taking notes and making
suggestions, but ultimately remaining hands-off outside of throwing a stone into the pond
when research stagnates.
The Bridger [-400 CP]

is an entity that takes full advantage of the multiverse. When it reaches an inhabited planet,
it immediately opens portals to hundreds or thousands of other worlds. During its cycle it
spreads shards to all of the worlds it reaches and tries to create as many buds as possible.
Whenever it senses a new entity being born, it instantly absorbs the fledgling entity into itself
and as a result is one of the largest entities that exist.
The inhabitants of the worlds that Bridger reaches usually end up in a state of constant
warfare with the other worlds and more often than not destroy themselves. After this has
occurred, due to the massive amount of data generated Bridger is left with billions or
trillions of new shards which it uses to reach even more new worlds on its next cycle.
Harmony and Discord [+ 100 CP]

: An Entity pair, but one very different from the Thinker and Warrior- instead of partners,
these are more akin to host and parasitoid, or hostage and terrorist.

Harmony diverged very early from the other Entities, forming genuinely mutualistic
relationships with multiple other sapient beings and eventually learning degrees of both
sapience and empathy- which it applied to its own Shards as much as possible. As such, its
cycles- although often very divergent from each other, depending on local conditions- were
generally quite long and benign, with major power-collection occurring in
otherwise-uninhabited worlds while it nurtured civilizations as it saw fit. Eventually it also
began terraforming worlds, mixing alternate biologies to spur evolution, and uplifting
non-sapient species to act as hosts when none others were available; this last was often
used to study how different psychologies and societies interacted, especially when
"interesting" species from past cycles were introduced. This would often lead to war in which
powers and power-derived technology were leveraged, even to the point of destroying
individual species; this conflict was usually neither encouraged nor discouraged. When
leaving worlds, it tried to leave the societies it aided alone, destroying just enough
uninhabited (and preferably uninhabitable) versions of the world to send it into the solar
system, then using other methods to leave.

As a result of this, Harmony was data-heavy and quite intelligent, but was also relatively
undefended against other Entities, whose more vicious cycles gave them more access to
weapons and defensive methods.
Discord was the opposite of this, an Entity that learned to harvest from other Entities. It faced
repeated hardship in its early cycles, finding many mostly-uninhabitable worlds and re-facing
the same resource curses that initially spurred the Entities to leave their homeworld in the
first place. This also led it to develop a vicious cunning.

It found Harmony as a perfect host. Discord initiated a communication, released some

sabotage Shards, and attempted to consume Harmony- which barely survived. Harmony, in
turn, was able to wound Discord, which- despite its power- was a small and specialized
thing. Discord was able to directly infect Harmony's own Vital Shards with its mentality, which
Harmony was barely able to quarantine. If they fought, the Discordant
code/for/infection/mentality could break free and corrupt/drive insane or crash Harmony's

Today, their cycle plays out in many ways similar to Worm, albeit with a few differences. First
and foremost of these is that, unlike the Thinker and the Warrior, they absolutely hate each
other. Each and every cycle involves them trying to destroy each other; Harmony destroys
Discord's Shards, while Discord corrupts Harmony's and steals their energy supplies.
Harmony still tries to act benevolently towards the societies it infects, often trying to leverage
them against Discord. Discord will corrupt Harmony's heaven, often using psychological
tricks against the other Entity to do so:

- warp the Shard network connections, intentionally driving Harmony's hosts insane

- empower antisocial/chaotic members of the host society

- insert genes into the host population that would create antisocial personality traits

- creating agents of chaos, whether they be Sleepers, Blasphemies, Machine Armies/Nilbogs

or it's own avatar acting in a manner similar to an Endbringer

The cycle ends when Harmony wills it to; despite the hundreds of cycles spent together, the
balance of power has not changed between the two Entities. If possible, societies will be
preserved; this often is not possible. Discord has never gained either the mass, the energy
or the knowledge to subsume or destroy Harmony; Harmony has never escaped a cycle
without an infection by Discord that could see it destroyed if the two began fighting as they
had in the beginning, nor has it ever found any sort of antivirus that could destroy those
infected Shards without destroying itself.
Major Clusters

Feeder [-50/-200/-400]

This cluster handles energy generation, absorption, and conversion. You can absorb matter
into energy, collect solar energy, and absorb solar mass for energy. There are also several
generator shards that require fuel to function. for 400 points you shall have reactors of
perfect vacuum interaction, allowing you to produce energy 10x as quickly and efficiently as
The Thinker and The Warrior. for 400 points your shards shall be able to crack the mysteries
of the fundamental problem, You have limitless "Stamina" and few things are far from your
reach given enough time.

Stealth [-50/-100/-200]

This cluster allows you to mask your presence and interfere with scans. For 100 points you
shall be immune to any entity's precognitive Shards, and for 200 become as hard to perceive
to their sensory Shards as a tiger in the high grass.

Combatant [-50/-200]

This cluster contains Shards used for combat. This includes a variant of Sting and Still, as
well as various other means of attack. They aren't enough to kill a fully grown Entity in a
straight up fight but they can deal with most other foes. For 200 points you are gifted with a
weapon capable of destruction beyond what Scion and Eden's versions of Sting and Stilling,
but also shields capable of defending against said weapons. It would take a "Bigger Fish" to
best you in combat, such as the Outer Gods, DBZ Gods of Destruction or the Taken King.

Shaper [-200/400]

This cluster is specialized in biological modifications, both on other species . For 200 points
your mastery over biology is comparable to that of a fully realized Amelia Dallon. For 400
points you shall be able to create and manipulate the biology of beings of much greater
power and complexity, such as Kryptonians, Outsuki, Olímpia etc.

Chronomancer [-300]

This cluster is specialized in temporal manipulation. The Shards can alter the flow of time,
speeding it up or slowing it down, as well time travel in limited ways.
Moving anything through time is extremely energy intensive and runs the risk of disturbing
The Eye[-400/ only 200 for The Lesser]

This cluster allows for both long range and short range precognition. The Shards in this
cluster use simulation-based precognition which are vulnerable to certain forms of cloaking
and jamming.
This cluster allows both broad exploration of futures as well as goal oriented search (like
more primitive versions of Path to Victory).


Copycat [ 100 for Toddler / -300 ]

You can copy DATA from Shards of other Entities and create your own version or integrate
their data into your existing Shards.
Avatar [Free for all except Toddler and Lesser / 100]

Your species developed the useful talent of creating probes to act as their avatars in your
endeavors. In the wormverse original timeline, the Warrior Entity used a gold skinned man
called Zion as their avatar.

If you are a Toddler or a Lesser, you will take months to compose your avatar, and it's form
would be a rudimentary statue of shardmater. For 100 you are allowed to - from the
beginning create an Avatar in whatever likeness you desire.
Shardspace [Free for all except Toddler/ -100]

The Shardspace is a dimension created at the beginning of The Cycle that serves as a
physical representation of the shard connections. This space showcases the connections of
all of your shards and how exactly it manifests is all dependent on you, islands atop a sea of
darkness go ahead, gorgeous crystalline towers sure how these connections and the
dimension looks are all up to you. If you are a Toddler or a Lesser your shardspace will
manifest as an abstract computer-esk You will probably take a few years to fully master.
Esoteric Knowledge [-300 CP/ Free for Magician]

Your Shards have knowledge of esoteric powers like Magic, Psionic, Aura, etc. They have
integrated this knowledge and use it to perform their functions.
Construct [Free/-200/ -300]

This cluster allows the creation of Constructs. Semi-autonomous beings capable of using
sub-clusters of Shards. In Earth Bet they were called " Endbringers"
If you are The Lesser or The Swarmlord you already have the ability to create Constructs at
the level of Eden's Endbringers. Jumpers of other paths need to pay 200 points for the ability
to produce such minions. For the total price of 300 points you shall be able to create a few
minions capable of surviving several hours of combat against an enraged Scion Avatar ( If
you are a Lesser or a Swarmlord, you only have to pay 100 points to get to this level).
CROSSOVER [Free for The Bridger/-300/-500]

Do you Wish to connect whatever boring planet you find with other, more interesting places.
For 300 you shall be able to open portals all over the world, connecting it to other planets
that lack endbringer-level beings ( like the Earths from Cowboy Bebop, Tokyo Ghoul, Nier
Automata etc). For 500 points you shall be able to connect to planets with serious firepower (
DC comics, Marvel Comics, Chainsaw Man etc)

Stay a While [600]

Are 1000 years in the same universe too much for you? for 600 points you can reduce your
stay to 100 years.

Endbringer Import [- 50 each]

Want to bring one of your Companions from other Jumps to this crazy 1000 year Journey.
Feel free to do so, but they will have to wait until you can make an Endbringer Body for them
to inhabit.

Partner Import [-300]

Want to bring one of your Companions from other Jumps to this crazy 1000 year Journey.
Feel free to do so, but you will have to pay 300 points and go with the Divergent Twins Path.

Enemies To Friends [-200]

Do you wish to be Harmony or Discord ? Cool, go for it.

Oh wait, you want to befriend the other half of this duo from hell? ... Well ok. But you will
have to pay 200 points If you want a 60% chance of success transforming your enemy into a
friendly rival.

Come Along With Me [-50/-300]

Taking your Entity partner to travel with you as your Jumpchain Companion? Sure, but only
their consciousness. for 50 points your new friend will receive a human avatar to insert their
"self" in and they shall be able to go adventuring with you.
Not satisfied? Pay 300 points and they can accompany you, maintaining all their power.

Extended Stay [+100 CP for every 1000 years]

For each purchase of this your as an Entity shall be extended in 1000 years.

Acclimation Period [+200]

To avoid overwhelming your mind with the full might of an entity you have limited access to
all of your functions at the start.
Over time, your awareness will expand and you will be able to access all of your functions.
How long this process takes depends on how well you adapt to your new form. The
minimum time is 30 years.
During this period you are extremely vulnerable.

Obligatory Cycle [+300]

You are demanded to perform at least one version of the cycle described in your Path. The
cycle takes from 300 to 500 so you will still have a good portion of the Jump for other
objectives. Cannot be taken by Toddler.

Crowded Galaxy [+500]

Your kind has really been spreading and multiplying a lot recently. You will encounter other
Entities in your travels more frequently. If you settle somewhere for more than 200 years,
another space whale will find you.

Some shall be hostile, some shall be friendly, some may even be Entities from the other
Paths described above.
The Bigger Fish [+600/+800]

The Entities are an apex predator of the multiverse. However, there is always a bigger fish. A
group knows about the Entities and has the means and/or technology to fight them.
You may roll D6 to select your enemy from the list below ( gaining 800 points) or select your
prefered enemy.
1. Black Pharaoh: A Swarm of Entities once threatened to wake up Azathoth, so his
most loyal and cruel son took a hobby of hunting entities like a child hunts rats for fun. But a
rat can kill a child, with enough link and cleverness
2. The Chaos Gods from Warhammer 40k universe just discovered Your Species and
Wish to see what you are made of. They will be underestimating you, use this to your
3. The Silver Surfer decided that Entities might be a good dietary option to the Great
Galactus. Be careful and remember his power is like night and day depending of how long
has it been since his last metal
4. Darkside found a menber of your species while terrorizing another poor civilization.
Since the Entity in question helped the civilization fend him off he decided he disliked your
kind very much and will terminate any Entity that gives a single sine of wishing to oppose
5. What is worse than a being that can eliminate 1/5 of your total mass with one
single attack? A whole planet full of them. The Saiyans you will encounter are not only
stronger than the DBZ variety but also smarter, sturdier and immune to precog powers.
6. The Scarlet King devoured dozens of gods with the objective of bringing existence
to an End. Now he finds a little species of space worms wishing to create means to prolong
the existence of the multiverse indefinitely... Let's say he does not like you, at all.

End of the Jump

A milenia might seem like a lot, but now you know how quickly it may come to pass when
you keep yourself busy.
Now that the time is out what shall you choose

Chain on: Continue your Chain. You shall be able to grow greater than any Entity or human
has ever dreamed of being

Chain end : End your chain and return to your world of birth

This Multiverse Needs you : Stay here. There is an entire Multiverse full of Entities that
needs you more than other multiverses do.

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