Part2 Advanced EMC
Part2 Advanced EMC
Part2 Advanced EMC
Part 2
Global Approach
Schematic Design for EMC - RF Immunity Countermeasures
Schematic Design for EMC - RF Emissions Countermeasures
Schematic Design for EMC – ESD Countermeasures
Slew Rate Control
Coupling Mechanisms
PCB Layout – EMC overview Layout – EMC overview
Schematic Design for EMC
Global Approach
Understand the types of EMC issues that can occur based on product content
<XXX> Training
Schematic Design for EMC
RF Immunity Countermeasures – Operational Amplifier
Bad Good
result result
= +
- = +-
Shift registers are used to control many LEDs / Telltales with few uC ports
Usually traces routed between uC and shift registers are long
2 layer and silver strap boards typically do not allow solid ground guard traces
Avoid placing a
series resistor on
this line
Series resistance
makes the signal
weak in the
presence of
Schematic Design for EMC
RF Immunity Countermeasures – ADC inputs I
Not every EMC problem can be corrected at the HW level always check the
software acquisition algorithms on ADCs
Raw Low Level Filtering / Application
duration / # Decision
Voltage Acquisition Windowing level
of samples
<XXX> Training
Schematic Design for EMC
RF Emissions Countermeasures – SMPS Input CMC Filter
Common-mode choke forces noise currents on both power and ground lines to
be cancelled in a toroid shaped core or ferrite block core
Circuit example: implemented on the front end power connections to product
Schematic Design for EMC
RF Emissions Countermeasures – Power Integrity
Input filter “PI” filter is used to reduce dv/dt & di/dt on vehicle harness wires:
Provide series
terminations for all
Keep in mind there
may be multiple
devices in parallel
(eg. Flash +
Termination value
maybe limited by
requirements of the
Schematic Design for EMC
RF Emissions Countermeasures – Memory BUS
Indigo IC
Shematic design – EMC overview
<XXX> Training
Schematic Design for EMC
ESD Countermeasures – Overview
Sometimes capacitors can add too much capacitance on the line for the function to
operate correctly (eg. CAN, LIN, APIX, LVDS, etc..)
Alternatively use low capacitance clamping diodes
Slew Rate Control
<XXX> Training
What Does ‘Slew Rate’ Mean?
∆V = 5 V
∆V/∆T = 1V/ms
∆T = 5 ms
5 Volts
5 ms
How do Slew Rate Controls Work?
<XXX> Training
Coupling Mechanisms
2 Capacitive Coupling
(Electric Field Coupling) dV/dt 2 surfaces
3 Inductive Coupling
(Magnetic Field Coupling) dI/dt 2 loops
Circuit 1 Circuit 2
Inductive Coupling
Inductive Coupling Mitigation
Weakest points
Op-amp inputs pins 10 & 12 of
U6403 IC
Capacitive Coupling Example: Immunity
BMW Cluster Backlighting Pulsing Issue On Vehicle
A 100pf capacitor was added here
Improvements made between pins 9 and 10
Add 100pf capacitors to both op-
amp inputs
All traces leading up to op-amp
input lines reduced length, area
and vias
Moved voltage divider circuit close
A 100pf capacitor was added here
to op-amp inputs
between pins 12 and 13
RF level increased from 2.5Watts of
near-field radiation to 9Watts
BCI and vehicle level became full pass
Capacitive Coupling Example: Immunity
BMW Cluster Backlighting Pulsing Issue On Vehicle
Noise amplified
Mutual in head unit
Capacitance and heard over
–Audio circuit is connected to operational amplifier (inputs: AGND and Audio signal)
–AGND and Audio net acted as capacitive coupling ‘antenna’
–Improved Layout
Reduced copper area connected to AGND (analog ground)
Made AGND ‘mesh area’ instead of filled copper
Added by-pass capacitor directly at the input to op-amp between AGND and
Audio Net
Where A is the
overlaping area
between two
Capacitive Coupling Example: Emissions
Cluster – Boost Power Supply
dV/dt 2 surfaces
Inductive Coupling Example: Emissions
Cluster – Boost Power Supply
Noisy loop
Ground loop
– Lm = mutual inductance
– L1 = Loop 1 self inductance
– L2 = Loop 2 self inductance
– K = coupling factor
RF current flowing in the noisy loop can
produce a common mode voltage in the
second loop
• L1 = 50nH
• L2 = 270nH
• K = 0.45 (represents poor coupling between loops; where 1 = perfect coupling)
dI/dt 2 loops
EMC Guidelines Summary
How to reduce coupling problems
<XXX> Training
Decoupling Basics
The Concept of Power Bus Decoupling
board V supply
Power Supply
Printed Circuit Board
board supply
Power Supply
L trace
Cd Cd
Ld Ld b
trace trace
PCB Decoupling for 2 Layer PCBs or Single Layer PCBs
On PCBs with no power planes: To provide adequate charge to the clocked IC at
a rate required to reducing integrated circuit power supply emissions from
simultaneous switching noise (SSN).
– Make connections with short trace lengths and avoid vias
– Place bulk capacitor close to supply
– In general 2 decoupling capacitors of the same value is better than one
capacitor with the same total value of capacitance
Single Layer
PCB Decoupling for multilayer PCBs < 250um Thickness
= Other
= Power = Ground
< 250um
Capacitor should
be placed on the
side of the board
most near the
power and
ground plane pair
< 250um
Loop area should be
minimized and
connections should be
made to the ground
layers that make the
power and ground
plane pair capacitance
PCB Decoupling for multilayer PCBs < 250um Thickness
Objective: On PCBs with power or ground planes located adjacent to one another in the PCB stack-up
and separated less than 250um: To provide adequate charge to the clocked IC at a rate required to
reducing integrated circuit power supply emissions from simultaneous switching noise (SSN). Good
capacitor decoupling is one part of a power distribution network (PDN).
– In the first few nano-seconds of IC switching most of the current is drawn from
the power and ground plane capacitance. Therefore connect microcontroller
PWR and GND pins to the planes directly with two vias (one for each pin)
located close to each other
– Location of physical decoupling capacitors is NOT critical. Locate capacitors in
general area of IC (flexibility!!)
– Decoupling capacitors recharge the plane capacitance. Therefore connect
capacitors directly to the planes with two vias (one for each pin) located close
to each other
– Mount all capacitors on the side of the board that is closest to the power and
ground plane pair in the stack-up
PCB Decoupling for multilayer PCBs > 250um Thickness
> 250um
> 250um
PCB Decoupling for multilayer PCBs > 250um Thickness
Objective: On PCBs with power or ground planes located adjacent to one another in the PCB stackup
and separated by more than 250um: To provide adequate charge to the clocked IC at a rate required to
reducing integrated circuit power supply emissions from simultaneous switching noise (SSN). Good
capacitor decoupling is one part of a power distribution network (PDN).
– Location of decoupling capacitor is critical. Locate the capacitor near the pin of
the active device that will connect to the most distant plane
– It’s optimal if vias can be shared (between cap and IC connection to plane)
– Connection inductance between IC and decoupling capacitor is critical. Orient
the decoupling capacitor so that the pad connected to the most distant plane is
near the corresponding active device pin
– Avoid long trace connections. Inductance is lower by using vias directly
– For non-BGA ICs, mount all capacitors on the same side of the board as the IC
PCB Grounding Strategy
Use Full Ground Planes in Multi-Layer Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
• Keep surface area between FET drain, diode and the inductor as small as acceptable from the
thermal point of view.
• Keep the input and output loop areas as small as possible.
• Maintain continuous ground connections from the input through the regulator or FET to the output.
• Keep the diode, snubber, FET, controller, regulator and decoupling capacitors on same side of
PCB. Do not use vias.
Switch Mode Power Supply
Layout and Placement of Boost Converter