Government High School 293 GB Toba Tek Singh

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Government High School 293 GB Toba Tek Singh

(Test # 1) for 10th Class

Name of student……………………………………. Roll No……….……. Total Marks 75 Obt. Marks…….
Choose the correct options (19)

1. The sun…….in the west. 3. The antonym of win is;

Set sets will set had set
2. They…. their work regularly. Get Give Take Lose
Has not done do not do 4. The synonym of firm is;
is not doing shall not do
3. She…… her cat very much. Expensive Powerful Base Persistent
Loving Loves Has loved Loves 5. Their ancestors killed our member of
4. All students for prizes. family.
Competes Compete Is competing Competing
5. They tea very morning. Successors Relative Brothers Forefathers
Takes Take Took Will take
Choose the correct part of speech
Choose the correct spellings 1. The accident was due to his ruthlessness.
Reputation Rapetation Repeutation Raipetation Abstract Concrete Material Collective
model Modle Modale Moodla 2. Sermad ate a lot of sweets. The tense is?
judgement Judgemant Judgmint Judgemant Past Past perfect Present future
equipment Iquipment Equapment Equepment 3. He is famous for his bravery.
Abstract Material Collective Concrete
choose the correct synonym or antonym
4. We are good team. We is noun?
1. Magnitude means;
Personal Reciprocal Relative Reflexive
Enemy Ugly Fair Importance
5. They showed ………. patience.
2. The synonym of preserves;
Much More Many Few
Important Critical Verge Persist

Answer any five of the following Qs. (10) Translate the following passage into Urdu. (8)
1. How does Quran describe the personality of Handling minor accidents at home or on the road
the Rasool SAWW? develops a sense of crisis management. This may
2. How were people of Makkah convinced of prepare people to tackle with unexpected
the Rasool’s SAWW justice even before His
emergencies with great confidence. Minor cuts and
3. If we strive, it is not a disgrace. How? scrapes usually do not need to go to emergency
4. What can we learn from failure? room. Yet proper care is essential to avoid infection
5. You should not keep checking if the or other complication.
bleeding has stopped. Why?
6. How is an antibiotic cream good in healing Write down the summary on “Try Again”. (5)
the wound? Write an essay on “Sports and Games”. (15)
Make sentences of the five P.O.W. (5) Change any five direct into indirect narration. (5)
Alter, Alter Bail, Bale Beside, Besides 1. He says, “I do not recognize you”.
Angle, Angel Cell, Sell, Birth, Berth 2. They say, “We have done our duty”.
3. She says, “I am unwell”.
4. She says to me, “you are a lazy boy”.
5. He says, “She will go there”.
Translate into English. (8)

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