Sir Pitos Requiremets
Sir Pitos Requiremets
Sir Pitos Requiremets
Submitted by:
Submitted to:
Geneboy Pitos
Republic of the Philippines
Surigao del Sur State University
Lianga Surigao del Sur, 8307
Provided with the option of purchasing products and services directly from the seller,
electronic commerce. From the business perspective, customers usually find the
Products more attractive, on websites, as they get all the details available there.
People in large number are doing online shopping today, and it is not only
Because it is convenient as one can shop from home, but also because there is an
Ample number of varieties available, with a high competition of prices, and also it is
Easy to navigate for searching regarding any particular item. Customers do not have
to stand in queues in cash counters to pay for the products that have been
purchased by them. They can shop from their home or workplace and do not have to
exclusive to those who can afford, it gave more people the chance to experience the
benefits of using this product at a very affordable price and made the possibility of
1.To create a prototype web site focusing on one of many problems that
Conceptual Framework
Customer Information:
-First name:
-List of rejuvenating set
-Last name:
-Address: products
-Email Address: -List of orders
-Phone number:
Order Information: -List of employees
-Amount: -List of sales
Web Application for online
-List of suppliers
Product Information: Shopping of rejuvenating set
-Name: -Customer account
-Price: Product.
-Expiration date: -Employee account
Supplier Information:
-Name: -Product details
-Address: -Order details
-Phone number:
Employee Information: -Delivery status
-First name:
-Last name: -Profit
-Email Address:
-Phone number:
This study uses software such as Php, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS and HTML to
Developed the online rejuvenating shopping system. This software uses entity
Relationship diagram (ERD’s data models) to graphically design databases and
Automatically generate the most popular databases.
Php programming language used to develop dynamic and interactive
Websites. It was among the first server-side languages that could be embedded into
HTML, making it easier to add functionality to web pages without needing to call
External files for data.
My SQL is a relational database management based on structured Query
Language (SQL). The application is used for a wide range of purposes.
JavaScript is used to create dynamic and interactive web content like
Applications and browsers.
CSS is used to styles for the web pages, including the design, layout and
Variations in display for different devices and screen sizes.
HyperText Markup Language allows web users to create and structure
Sections, paragraphs, and links using elements, tags and attributes.
The scope of the study is to understand that the internet is the latest medium
through which consumers demand for their needs and wants that’s why the online
sellers should know what are the factors that influence the online consumers and
also there are some factors according to which consumers buy their products online
and it is very important for the online sellers to take that factors in to action so that
they can satisfy the consumers needs and wants and enter in to the online market
competition easily.
Definition of Terms