Philcomsat v. Globe Telecom - Case Digest
Philcomsat v. Globe Telecom - Case Digest
Philcomsat v. Globe Telecom - Case Digest
Globe Telecom
430 SCRA (2004)
1. Whether the termination of the RP-US Military Base Agreement, the non-
ratification of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Security, and the
consequent withdrawal of US military forces and personnel from Cubi Point
constitute force majeure which would exempt Globe from complying with its
obligation to pay rentals under its Agreement with Philcomsat.
Yes. Philcomsat and Globe had no control over the non-renewal of the term
of the RP-US Military Base Agreement when the same expired in 1991,
because the prerogative to ratify the treaty extending the life thereof
belonged to the Senate. Neither did the parties have control over the
subsequent withdrawal of the US military forces and personnel from Cubi
Point in December 1992.
Events made impossible the continuation of the Agreement until the end of
its five-year term without fault on the part of either party. Such fortuitous
events rendered Globe exempt from payment of rentals for the remainder of
the term of the Agreement.
Philcomsat would like to charge globe rentals for the balance of the lease
term without being any corresponding telecommunications service subject of
the lease. It will be grossly unfair and iniquitous to hold globe liable for lease
charges for a service that was not and could not have been rendered due to
an act of the government which was clearly beyond globes control