KML Pathway Tutorial

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FME® Desktop KML Pathway Tutorial

FME Desktop 2012 Edition

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Documentation Information
Document Name: FME Desktop KML Pathway Tutorial
Version: FME 2012
Updated: October 2011
FME Desktop KML Tutorial

Using KML
Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 4 
KML Pathway ........................................................................................................................................... 4 
FME Version ............................................................................................................................................ 4 
Sample Data ............................................................................................................................................ 4 
Introduction to FME .......................................................................................................................... 5 
What is FME? .......................................................................................................................................... 5 
KML Basics ...................................................................................................................................... 6 
What is KML? .......................................................................................................................................... 6 
KML and FME .......................................................................................................................................... 7 
Reading KML Data ........................................................................................................................... 8 
Exercise 1: Read KML Data ..................................................................................................................... 8 
Exercise 2: Translate KML with FME Workbench .................................................................................. 10 
Writing KML Data ........................................................................................................................... 13 
KML Writing Requirements .................................................................................................................... 13 
Exercise 3: Translate to KML with FME Workbench .............................................................................. 14 
KML Data Transformation .............................................................................................................. 16 
Exercise 4: Style KML Data with FME Workbench ................................................................................ 16 
Exercise 5: Add a Point Dataset ............................................................................................................ 19 
Exercise 6: Regionate KML Data with FME Workbench ........................................................................ 22 
Exercise 7: Create 3D KML Data with FME Workbench ........................................................................ 24 
What’s Next? .................................................................................................................................. 27 
Next Step ............................................................................................................................................... 27 

Introduction Page 3
FME Desktop KML Tutorial


Welcome to the FME Desktop KML Pathway Tutorial

KML Pathway
This tutorial is an introduction to using
KML data with FME. It is the first part of
the FME Training KML Pathway.

It is assumed that you will already be

familiar with the concepts and
techniques described in the FME
Desktop Tutorial.

NB: You can find the FME Desktop

Tutorial either online or on the FME
Desktop installation DVD. It includes
both PDF documents and a set of
movies which cover each chapter of
the tutorial.

FME Version
This tutorial specifically covers the use of FME Desktop® 2012 edition. Older versions of FME
may not have some of the functionality described in this tutorial.

Sample Data
The sample data required to carry out the examples in this document can be obtained from:

Introduction Page 4
FME Desktop KML Tutorial

Introduction to FME

Here’s a quick one-page reminder on what FME is

What is FME?
FME is a spatial data transformation platform that helps
organizations more easily overcome a range of spatial data
interoperability challenges. It is available in both desktop and
server solutions.

FME is classified as a Spatial ETL (Extract-Transform-Load)

tool, designed to help users master more spatial data
transformation challenges than any other technology.

 Extract is the ability to read any format of spatial data.

 Transform is the ability to manipulate data during the

translation process.

 Load is the ability to write the data in any other format.

With Data Transformation, the output from an FME process can be tailored to match a required
structure, and can even be greater than the sum of the inputs.

The key FME Desktop application is FME Workbench, an intuitive point and click interface for
graphically defining translations and transformations as a flow of data.

FME Quick Translator is an application for carrying out basic, non-customized translations.

FME Universal Viewer is an application for visually inspecting spatial data.

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

KML Basics

If you are new to KML data, then here are some basic facts and

What is KML?
KML stands for Keyhole Markup Language. It is an XML-based format (or language if you prefer)
intended to store data for use within the Google Earth™ and Google Maps™ applications.

The name “Keyhole” comes from the name of the original developers of the KML format and
Google Earth product.

KMZ is an alternate form for a KML format dataset. A KMZ dataset is simply a KML dataset
compressed by a ZIP type program and renamed with a new file extension. KMZ is most
frequently used as a means to store a set of raster images; the KMZ (zip) folder stores the raster
files (as JPEG or GeoTIFF) plus a KML file that references them.

What do KML Datasets Look Like?

A KML dataset looks similar to an XML or HTML document. In fact the analogy that Google uses
is that Google Earth is to KML data what Internet Explorer is to an HTML document: simply a
browser that permits a user to visualize the content of the dataset.

Google Maps is also a KML browser, but – at the time of writing – only supports a subset of KML.
There are other KML viewers, but for this module we will stick to using Google Earth.

Like HTML, KML has tags that affect how specific features are displayed. Since KML stores data
of a spatial nature – whereas HTML tends to be non-spatial information – the tags are those that
relate to spatial data symbology; for example, line styles, point symbols and area fill colors.

After cleaning up the data (by removing various style tags), a sample KML dataset looks like this:

<Placemark id="kml_1">
<name>Safe Software HQ</name>
<description><![CDATA[Safe Software's HQ]]></description>
<coordinates>-132,45,0 </coordinates>

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As with any FME supported format it is important to be aware of how the format’s structure
relates to FME, and how FME defines that structure as a schema.

Feature Types and Datasets

KML is a file-based dataset, meaning each KML file is counted as an FME dataset. Each file can
contain “Folder id” sections representing FME feature types.

For example, if the FME dataset name is planning and the feature type name is ROADS, then the
output would be a KML file called planning.kml containing a section beginning:

<Folder id="kml_ft_ROADS">

KML and Coordinate Systems

KML stores coordinates as latitude and longitude values based on the WGS84 datum. This is the
only coordinate system that KML supports.

The FME equivalent coordinate systems are LL84 and EPSG:4326

Data sent to the KML writer must be tagged with a coordinate system – either from within the
source data or using a CoordinateSystemSetter transformer. Then FME will automatically convert
the data to LL84.

When the data is untagged, and FME is unable to ascertain the source coordinate system, the
translation will be terminated.

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Reading KML Data

FME’s support for KML includes the ability to read KML datasets
and to convert them into other GIS data formats

FME’s ability to read KML datasets includes all of the spatial components, but also items like
document properties, folders, and timestamp attributes.

Exercise 1: Read KML Data

Follow these steps to open a KML dataset for inspection.

1. Start FME Universal Viewer. Select Start > All Programs > FME Desktop 2012 >
FME Universal Viewer from the Windows Start menu.

2. Select File > Open Dataset from the menu bar to open the dataset selection dialog.

Fill in these fields:

Reader Format: Google Earth KML

Reader Dataset: C:\FMEData\Data\Properties\Properties.kml

3. Click OK to accept the selection and open the dataset:

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

Now that there is some data open in the FME Universal Viewer, it can be queried.

4. Click the Select Features tool to make it active (denoted by a

small “i” character on the cursor). Click on any parcel in the
dataset to query it.

The feature is queried and the information window of the FME Universal Viewer shows the results
of the query:

Notice how the window shows:

 The data type/folder (LandParcels)

 The coordinate system of the data (LL84)
 KML information such as scale and style
 Attributes like Street Name and Type

Use the other tools in this part of the toolbar to

measure distances, pan, and zoom.

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Exercise 2: Translate KML with FME Workbench

Follow these steps to set up a conversion from KML format data to a different format. In this
example the chosen output format is MapInfo TAB.

1. Start FME Workbench. In the Start tab, choose the option to Generate workspace.

2. When the New Workspace dialog opens, fill in these fields:

Format: Google Earth KML
Dataset: C:\FMEData\Data\Properties\Properties.kml

Format: MapInfo TAB (MFAL)
Dataset: C:\FMEData\Output\TutorialOutput

Do not click OK yet.

NB: for MapInfo TAB, the writer dataset

requires a folder to be selected, not a file
or filename.

3. Click the Parameters button in the Reader


A new dialog will open displaying all of the

parameters that can be used to control reading of the KML data.

Notice how there are parameters to control

aspects such as the reading of raster data,
the traversal of network links, and the
transformation of KML models (3D objects
stored in an associated Collada file).

Now click OK to close the dialog and again

to accept the selection.

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

4. The Select Feature Types dialog appears.

Press the Clear All button to deselect all types. Place a check mark next to the
LandParcels feature type in order to select it for translation. Click OK.

5. A workspace will now be created. Click the expand icon on each feature type object, in
order to reveal the attributes being translated. The workspace will now look like this:

6. Run the translation. Click the green play button to start the translation.

The translation will now run. It may take one or two minutes to complete. A dialog and log
message may warn of “Unexpected Input”, but it is not really unexpected, since we turned
off several feature types in step 4. Therefore the warning can be ignored.

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7. To inspect the output, right-click on the writer feature type and choose the option Inspect.

The FME Universal Viewer will start up, and a pre-filled dialog will be displayed:

Click OK. The newly created MapInfo dataset will be opened and can be inspected to
prove the translation functioned correctly.

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

Writing KML Data

FME allows users to translate other spatial datasets into the KML
format widely used in today’s society

Writing a basic KML dataset, with no concern about complex node types or feature styling, is as
simple as choosing KML as the output format and running the translation. Where there is styling
(symbology) present on the source data, FME will attempt to preserve it when writing KML output.

KML Writing Requirements

For the most part if there are any peculiarities about the KML format, FME takes care of them

 KML requires all features to be three-dimensional; if necessary FME will force compliance to
this rule by setting a Z value (third dimension) of zero on all two-dimensional features.

 All nodes must have a unique ID. By default FME uses the format attribute kml_id, but if this
is unset then FME will automatically create an id number in order to comply with this rule.

 As noted, KML requires all features to be held in the LL84 coordinate system.
FME will automatically convert your data to LL84 provided that it knows the source coordinate
system used. If it cannot deduce this information, and you do not provide it in the dataset
parameters, then the translation will be stopped with an error.

FME’s KML writer provides the capability to write the output data as either a KML or a KMZ
dataset. The type of dataset created depends upon the file extension you provide within the
output dataset name; for example, name your output myData.kml to create an uncompressed
dataset, or myData.kmz to create it in compressed form.

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

Exercise 3: Translate to KML with FME Workbench

Follow these steps to set up a conversion of GIS data to KML format. In this example the source
data format is again MapInfo TAB.

1. Start FME Workbench. In the Start tab choose the option to Generate workspace.

2. When the New Workspace dialog opens, fill in these fields:

Format: MapInfo TAB (MFAL)
Dataset: C:\FMEData\Data\Parks\

Format: Google Earth KML
Dataset: C:\FMEData\Output\TutorialOutput\Parks.kml

There are no available parameters for the KML writer at this point, so go ahead and click

3. Run the translation. Click the green play button to start the translation.

The translation will now run and will be completed in a few seconds.

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4. Inspect the output. To locate the output folder, right-click on the writer feature type.
Choose the option Open Containing Folder.

5. Windows Explorer will now open and display the correct location for the
output dataset.

Right-click the file Parks.kml and choose Open with > Google Earth.

Notice how the parks data

retains the same color as it
did in the source data (you
can open the source
MapInfo in the FME
Universal Viewer to check)
and that querying a feature
returns a list of attribute

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

KML Data Transformation

Much of the KML-specific transformation in FME is related to

feature symbology and styling

KML format supports tags that define the style and symbology of the features within a dataset.
In FME these tags can be set using a series of writer parameters and KML-specific transformers.

Exercise 4: Style KML Data with FME Workbench

Follow these steps to transform and style data as it is converted to KML.

1. Start FME Workbench. Open, or re-create, the workspace from the previous exercise.

2. Place the KMLStyler transformer. Click on the connection between the reader and writer
feature types. Type the characters KML. A list of KML-related transformers will appear.

Select KMLStyler from the list. A KMLStyler transformer will be added between the reader
and writer.

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3. Click on the yellow parameters button on the KMLStyler to open up the parameters dialog
for this transformer.

To set a fill color for the parks, click on the browse button to the right of the Fill Color field:

In the color-picker dialog, choose a shade of green and click OK.

4. Back in the KMLStyler parameters dialog, click on the browse button to the right of the
Color field, and set the Color value for the polygon outline to black or to the same green
as the fill color.

Set the value for Fill Opacity to 0.7

Click OK.

5. Run the translation and inspect the output.

6. Back in Google Earth, choose the File > Revert menu item (or right-click the object in the
“Places” window and choose Revert) to reload the data.

The park features will now all be the same shade of semi-transparent green, with a
common border color.

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Notice that, in Google Earth, features are given

a default name, such as kml_10

7. To use the park name as the name for the

feature, click on the connection between
KMLStyler and writer feature type, then type
KMLPropertySetter to place this transformer.

8. Open the parameters dialog for the KMLPropertySetter. Fill in these fields:

Name: click the button to select Set To Attribute Value > name
Summary: A park in the city of Interopolis

9. Run the translation and back in Google Earth use

the File > Revert menu item to reload the data.

Now querying a feature will show the feature

name, and the Places dialog will show both the
name and the description of the feature.

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

Exercise 5: Add a Point Dataset

Point features are points of interest that have a location but no size, such as mountain peaks or
historical markers. Point features in KML are assigned an icon as a map symbol. FME includes a
set of built-in icons specifically designed for KML format translations and viewing. The KMLStyler
transformer is used to set point feature parameters including icon type, color, size and opacity.

1. In FME Workbench, open or continue with the workspace from the previous exercise.

2. Click Readers > Add Reader on the menu bar. When the Add Reader dialog opens, fill
in these fields:

Format: MapInfo MIF/MID
Dataset: C:\FMEData\Data\BirdSociety\BirdNestPoints.mif

Click OK to add the new reader.

3. Select the previously placed KMLStyler and KMLPropertySetter transformers.

Right-click and choose the Duplicate option.

Connect the BirdNestPoints feature type to the new transformers.

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4. Right-click the BirdNestPoints reader feature type, and choose Duplicate (On Writer).
Delete the connection that will automatically be created, and connect the
KMLPropertySetter transformer to the new writer feature type.

5. Click on the yellow parameters button on KMLStyler to open up the parameters dialog.

To set an icon for the bird nests, click on the browse button to the right of the Name field.
In the icon-picker dialog, choose icon C2 and click OK.

Set icon scale to 0.4

Click OK again to close the KMLStyler parameters dialog.

NB: An image URL can be entered into the name field instead of picking an FME icon.
For example, try with an icon scale of 1.0

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6. Set the properties for these bird nest features. Click on the red parameters button on the
KMLPropertySetter to open up its parameters dialog. Fill in these fields:

Name: set to the attribute value NEST_ID

Summary: Bird nest in the city of Interopolis

7. Run the translation.

Back in Google Earth, reload the data.

8. Problem! Google opens the data in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. There must be a
problem with the bird nest coordinate system.

In the Navigator windows, locate the Coordinate System parameter for the
BirdNestPoints reader. Double-click the parameter. When prompted enter a coordinate
system of TX83-CF and click OK.

9. Re-run the translation.

Back in Google Earth, reload the data.

You will now see the bird nests represented by


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Exercise 6: Regionate KML Data with FME Workbench

Follow these steps to create regions that set Level Of Detail bounds within KML.

1. Start FME Workbench. Open or recreate the workspace from the previous exercise.

2. Place a KMLRegionSetter transformer. Click on the connection between the

KMLPropertySetter transformer and the writer feature type.

Type the characters KML. Select KMLRegionSetter from the list.

3. Click on the red parameters button on the KMLRegionSetter. Fill in these fields:

Bounding Box Calculate: Yes

Display Criteria Minimum Display Size: 20
Display Criteria Maximum Display Size: 1000

4. Run the translation.

Back in Google Earth, reload the data.

You will now see that city parks appear and disappear as you zoom in and out.

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

5. Place a second KMLRegionSetter transformer in the connection between the

KMLPropertySetter transformer and the birds nests writer feature type.

Bounding Box Calculate: No

Minimum X: -97.7
Minimum Y: 30.2
Maximum X: -97.5
Maximum Y: 30.4
Display Criteria Minimum Display Size: 5000
Maximum Display Size: -1

NB: It’s better to set an explicit bounding box for point features and not use the option to
calculate it. That’s because point features produce an infinitely small bounding box and
would never show in the output. The numbers above cover a good area of the data.

6. Run the translation and reload Google Earth.

You will now see that bird nests also appear as you zoom in and out, but because
Maximum Display Size = -1, will never disappear because you have zoomed in too close.

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

Exercise 7: Create 3D KML Data with FME Workbench

Follow these steps to create 3D building features within KML.

1. Start FME Workbench. In the Start tab choose the option to Generate workspace.

2. When the New Workspace dialog opens, fill in these fields:

Format: Esri Geodatabase (File Geodatabase API)
Dataset: C:\FMEData\Data\Properties\Buildings.gdb

Format: Google Earth KML
Dataset: C:\FMEData\Output\TutorialOutput\Buildings.kml

Click OK to create the workspace.

3. Click on the connection between the reader and writer feature types.
Type the characters 3DF. Select 3DForcer from the list of transformers.

A 3DForcer transformer will be added between the reader and writer.

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4. Open up the parameters dialog for the 3DForcer transformer. This transformer gives a Z
value to the coordinates of 2D features.

Select the attribute Elevation as the source for the Z values. This attribute contains a
building height for each feature.

5. Place a KMLPropertySetter transformer between the 3DForcer and the writer feature type.

Open the properties dialog. Fill in these fields:

Altitude Mode: Relative to Ground

Extrude: Yes

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6. Run the translation and inspect the output.

Change the view aspect and you will now see three-dimensional building features.

NB: This 3D forcing technique can be used in many scenarios, even for thematic mapping
data such as earthquake intensity:

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FME Desktop KML Tutorial

What’s Next?

This document is a basic introduction to using KML data with FME

Next Step
The next step in the FME KML Pathway
is to take a basic FME Desktop training
course, in preparation for the full FME
KML Training Course.

Further information on all training options is available on the Safe Software web site at

Many other resources for FME Desktop technical information can be located through the
FMEpedia knowledgebase at

What’s Next? Page 27

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