CH 6701 Cre Ii
CH 6701 Cre Ii
CH 6701 Cre Ii
Nature of catalysts, surface area and pore-volume distribution, catalyst preparation.
1.Define the following and give an example: Catalyst support and Promoter.(Nov/Dec 2017)
Catalyst support is the material, usually a solid with a high surface area, to which a catalyst is affixed.
The activityof heterogeneous catalysts and nanomaterial-based catalysts occurs at the surface atoms.
Consequently, great effort is made to maximize the surface area of a catalyst by distributing it over the
support. The support may be inert or participate in the catalytic reactions. Typical supports include
various kinds of carbon, alumina, and silica.
Catalyst promoters (or) activator are substances which do not act as catalyst but enhance the efficiency
or activity or selectivity or stability of catalyst and prolong catalyst life. For example, the catalytic
activity of V2O5 in oxidation of SO2 is enhanced appreciably when sulphates of alkali metals are added
in small amounts.
2. List the general characteristics of catalysts. (Nov/Dec 2017)
The important characteristics of a catalyst are:
(i) Activity
(ii) Kindling point
(iii) Specificity
(iv) Porous and crystalline structure of a catalyst.
Activity of a catalyst indicates its usefulness and is a measure of the accelerating effect it can have on the
rate of reaction. The choice of a catalyst is done on the basis of its activity.
Kindling point indicates the minimum temperature at which a catalytic process proceeds on a rate
sufficient for commercial operation. The catalyst needs to have low kindling point so that less energy is
required to preheat the reaction mixture.
Specificity also means selectivity of the catalyst. Specificity is a property of a catalyst and its indicates
its property to speed up the main reaction by suppressing other side reactions.
Porous structure is an important quality of the catalyst. A commercial catalyst needs to have an
extended external surface for maximum rate of reaction. Crystalline structure of the same catalyst
strongly reduces the catalyst activity. For example conversion of - Al2O3 to α - Al2O3 reduces its
activity by several orders of magnitude as a dehydrogenation catalyst.
3. What are the importance of pores in a catalyst particle?(Apr/May 2017) (or) Write about an
importance of surface area in catalyst. (Nov/Dec 2016)
(a)Porous structure is an important quality of the catalyst. A commercial catalyst needs to
have an extended external surface for maximum rate of reaction. Crystalline structure of the same
catalyst strongly reduces the catalyst activity. For example conversion of - Al2O3 to α - Al2O3
reduces its activity by several orders of magnitude as a dehydrogenation catalyst.
(b)The pores in a catalyst particle have a large surface area available for solid-fluid
interaction is highly useful in attaining a significant reaction rate.
(c)When the pores are considerably large and the gas is relatively dense or if the pores are
filled with liquid. If free cross section of the porous mass is θ, then diffusion flux per unit total cross
section of the porous catalyst is θ times the diffusion flux under similar conditions with no solid
For Example,
(i)Alumina-silica cracking catalyst. It has a pore volume 0.6 cm3/gm. The average pore radius is
4nm. The corresponding surface area is around 300m2/gm.
(ii)Raney Nickel catalyst in the hydrogenation of vegetable and animal oils and platinum-on-alumina
catalyst in reforming of petroleum naptha to produce high octane rating are other good example of
porous and high surface area catalysts.
For macropores materials with pore diameter greater than 50 nm, the mercury intrusion method is
preferred. Due to non-wetting nature of mercury on oxide supports, intrusion is met with resistance
and mercury is forced to enter the pores of material under pressure. The pore radius ‘r' is related to
the applied pressure P as
The wetting or contact θ angle between mercury and solid is on average lies in the range 130-1400and surface
tension of mercury is 0.48 N/m2. p is in atm and r in nanometers.
Determination of surface area and pore distribution of catalysts is important to understand the extent of
dispersion possible for the active metals. Higher surface area of support results in higher dispersion of the
active metals. Hence supports of higher surface area are desirable. Pores are usually formed during drying or
calcination of hydroxides precipitates or gel. The size and number of pores determines the internal surface
area. Pore size also determines the accessibility of reactants to the active sites and the ability of diffusion of
products back to the bulk fluid. Hence pore structure and surface area must be optimized to provide
maximum utilization of active sites for a given feed stock.
Working principle and instrumentation
The basic components of volumetric physical adsorption analyzer as shown in Fig. 1 are:
1) Analysis manifold of accurately known volume and temperature
2) Vacuum system with valve to manifold
3) Source of adsorptive gas (typically, N2) with valve to manifold
4) Pressure transducer and temperature sensor
5) Sample tube connected to analysis manifold
6) Liquid nitrogen bath
Determination of internal surface area is based on adsorption and condensation of N2 at liquid N2temperature,
77K. Initially, the sample is e vacuated at 293-523 K (120-250°C) followed by c ooling to 77 K by liquid N2.
Then gradually the partial pressure of nitrogen above the sample is increased. S ome quantity of gas will be
adsorbed by the sample and removed from the gas phase. After stabilization the equilibrated pressure is
recorded and a mount of nitrogen adsorbed at each equilibrated pressure is noted. The isotherm, volume
adsorbed as function of relative pressure p/po, is plotted from the data. The pressure over the sample is
gradually increased until pressure reaches near saturation pressure, by when the complete adsorption
isotherm is developed. The desorption isotherm is measured by a step-wise reduction in pressure until a low
pressure over the sample is achieved. Although the volumes are adsorbed at different conditions, the values
are reported at STP conditions. Fig. 2 shows a typical N2 adsorption and desorption isotherm at 77 K for
The plot is linear in the range of relative pressures = 0.05 - 0.3. At higher relative pressure p/po, the BET
plot deviates from linearity as non-ideality or pore condensation was not accounted for the derivation of BET
Slope and intercept of this linear plot is used for determination of monolayer capacity vm.
The intercept and slope from the plot is given as
Now each adsorbed N2 molecule occupies an area of surface comparable to its cross section area 0.162 nm2.
Pore size
Pore size and pore size distribution can be determined using Kelvin equation. Kelvin equation relates
equilibrium vapor pressure (P) of a liquid contained in a capillary to equilibrium pressure of the same liquid
over a free surface (Po) :
At any equilibrium pressure, P, pore of radius less than ‘r' will be filled with the condensed vapor.
Application of Kelvin equation to all points of an isotherm at relative pressure greater than that
corresponding to monolayer volume where capillary condensation begins to occur, will yield information
concerning the volume of gas adsorbed in pores of different radii. For nitrogen as adsorbate and substituting
values of various constants the Kelvin equation can be written as
or -------------------------------(2)
The ‘rk' is the radius into which condensation occurs at the required relative pressure. This radius is called
Kelvin radius. However, Kelvin radius is not the actual pore radius since some adsorption has already
occurred on the pore wall prior to condensation leaving a central core of radius rk. Conversely an adsorbed
film remains on the wall when evaporation of the centre core takes place.
Fig. 3. Schematic showing Kelvin radius and actual pore radius during pore condensation
Then if ‘r' is the actual pore radius and the thickness of the adsorbed film is t ( Fig 4) then
Pore size distribution can be obtained by the analysis of either adsorption or desorption isotherm branches.
Kelvin equations as described is applied to the desorption branch of hysteresis loop as it is more appropriates
to assign wetting angle to a pore filled with liquid that possess a well defined meniscus. If ‘ h ' is the effective
height of a monolayer then thickness of adsorbed layer ‘ t ' is given as . Here ‘V' is the volume of
gas adsorbed and ‘Vm' is the volume of adsorbed monolayer. When the packing of adsorbate is in hexagonal
mode then for nitrogen h = 3.6A0 and for cubic packing h= 4.3 A0 = 0.43 nm . The ‘t ' at a given relative
pressure can also be calculated using Halsey equation
Most common method for determination of pore size distribution is BJH (Barrett-Joyner-Halenda) method.
Assumptions are:
(i) Condensation occurs in pores when a critical relative pressure is reached corresponding to the Kelvin
radius ‘rk'
(ii) When evaporation or condensation occurs, a multilayer of adsorbed film exist on the pore wall and this
film has same depth/thickness as the adsorbed film on a non porous surface
(iii) Actual pore volume evaporation is composed of the volume evaporated out of the central core plus the
volume desorbed from the film left on the pore walls
1. P/P0 and Vgas (STP, cm3/g) data obtained directly from isotherm
2. Then Kelvin radius ‘rk' is calculated from Kelvin equation using zero wetting angle for N2 from
3. Then the film thickness t calculated from Halsey equation(4) at each P/P0
5. Mean values of rk and rp in each decrement are calculated from successive entries
7. Then ΔVgas, that is the change in adsorbed volume between successive P/P0 values, is determined by
subtracting successive values
8. Thereafter ΔVliq that is the volume of liquid corresponding to ΔVgas is calculated as follows
9. Then ΔtΣS is determined. This represents the volume change of the adsorbed film remaining on the walls
of the pores from which the central core has previously evaporated. This volume is the product of the film
area ∑S and the decrease in film depth Δt
10. Actual pore volume evaporated, Vp. is then determined. Actual pore volume evaporated is composed of
the volume evaporated out of the centre core plus the volume desorbed from the film left on the pore walls,
Now , By combining
11. The surface area of the pores walls can be calculated from pore volume by:
Vp in cm3/g and r in A0
An elaborate example of pore size distribution work table can be seen in Lowell et al. for more
Pore size distribution can be represented both in differential and cumulative ways. The Fig. 4(a) shows the
differential BJH pore distribution of titania sample calcined at 4000C. The figure shows that for the given
sample pores were in the range of 2-10 nm. The corresponding cumulative pore distribution is shown in Fig.
The wetting or contact θ angle between mercury and solid is on average lies in the range 130-1400and surface
tension of mercury is 0.48 N/m2. p is in atm and r in nanometers.
As can be observed from equation (5) smaller the pore radius higher is the pressure needed for mercury to
intrude in the pore. At low pressure of 0-2 atm, mercury penetrates voids between particles. At moderate
pressure range of 3-500 atm large macro pores are filled. At further higher pressure range of 500-2000 atm,
smaller macro pores and large mesopores are progressively filled. This technique is satisfactory for pores
down to 3-5 nm dia. Maximum diameter that can be measured is usually 105 nm. Mercury intrusion method
is carried out in the instrument known as mercury porosimeter. In a typical mercury porosimeter data,
volume of mercury penetrating into pores is plotted as a function of applied pressures.
Fig. 5. Intrusion of mercury into pores of various sizes. Here ‘r' represents the radius of pores.
The pressure required for filling up the pores as a function of pore size is schematically shown in Fig.5. As
pore radius decreases in the order r1> r2> r3, requried pressure for filling the pores increases in order of
Pressure 1< Pressure 2 < Pressure 3. The available instruments can measure pore size up to 2 nm using a
maximum operating pressure of about 400 MPa.
3) 4. Explain in detail the method of preparation of catalysts with relevant examples. (Nov/Dec
2017, Apr/May 2017) (16 marks)(or) Discuss in detail the catalyst preparation. (Nov/Dec2015)
(10 marks) (or)Explain in detail about the Preparation of Catalyst.
Preparation of solid catalyst
The catalyst preparation methods can broadly categorized as follows:
1. Bulk preparation process:
Bulk catalysts and supports are prepared by this method. Bulk preparation is mainly done by the following
a. Precipitation process
b. Solgel process
2. Impregnation process:
Supports are first prepared by bulk preparation methods and then impregnated with the catalytically active
material. The active materials can be deposited on the supports by various methods. Most of the methods
involve aqueous solutions and liquid solid interface. In some cases, deposition is done from the gas phase
and involve s gas- solid interface.
3. Physical mixing :
Mixed agglomerated catalysts are prepared by this method. These catalysts are prepared by physically
mixing the active substances with a powdered support or precursors of support in ball mill. The final mixture
is then agglomerated and activated.
Basic unit operations involved in preparation of solid catalyst is shown in Fig 11. Each step is discussed in
details in the following sections.
During precipitation, several processes occurs and the major steps are :
1. liquid mixing/supersatuartion
2. nucleation
3. crystal growth to form primary products
4. aggregation of the primary particles
Initial mixing or interdispersing of components in the solution has a significant effect on the precipitation.
Good mixing result in a more homogeneous product particularly in case of co- precipitation. Rate of stirring
primarily affects the nucleation whereas growth rate is much less influenced by this factor. Stirring rate also
affect the aggregation. Aggregate size can be influenced by changing the stirring rate and the manner of
For nucleation to occur the solution must be super saturated with respect to the components which is to be
precipitated. Parameters affecting supersaturation is shown in Fig. 1. In supersaturated region the system is
unstable and precipitation occurs with any small disturbance. The supersaturaton region is approached either
by increasing the concentration through evaporation, lowering the temperature or by increasing pH. The
solubility of a component increases with temperature as shown in Fig. 1. The solubility curve is also function
of pH. As pH increases solubility decrease and curve shift from 1 to position 2. Then the point which was
initially in solution region becomes in supersatured region. The increase in pH is the most convenient method
where β is the pre-exponential term, σ is solid –fluid interfacial energy, is solid molecular volume and T is
the temperature. The super saturation ‘s’ is defined as the ratio of actual concentration to solubility;
The encapsulated liquid can be removed from a gel by either evaporative drying or with supercritical drying
/extraction. The resulting solid products are known as xerogel and aerogel respectively. When gels are dried
by evaporation, the dried product is called xerogel. When the gels are dried by supercritical drying, the dried
gel is called aerogels. The aerogel retains high porosity and has very high pore volume.
several MPa when r<100 nm as a result of young Laplace law, , where γ is the liquid gas
interfacial tension. Considerable forces will thus be exerted on the portions of the pore walls in contact with
these bubbles. The walls that are not strong enough may break down causing a degradation of the mechanical
properties. Occasionally, even bursting of the catalyst grains occurs. However, the development of the high
pressure is a transitory phenomenon. Under highly compressed conditions, air dissolves and progressively
escapes from the solid.
Wet / diffusional impregnation
In this method the pore space of the support is first filled with the same solvent as used in the impregnating
precursor solution. The wetted support is then treated with the impregnating precursor solution. Here the
actual impregnation takes place in diffusional condition when solvent filled support is dipped in the precursor
The first phase of saturation of the support by solvent involves the characteristics of the dry impregnation.
But in the second phase, when solvent saturated support is added to the impregnating solution, high pressure
is not developed within the pores. The precursor salt migrates progressively from the solution into the pores
of the support. The driving force at all times is the concentration gradients between the bulk solution and the
solution with in the pores. The impregnation time is much longer than for dry impregnation.
Wet impregnation should be avoided when the interaction between the precursors and the support is too
weak to guarantee the deposition of the former.
Mechanism of impregnations: The mechanism of wet impregnation is simpler compared to dry
impregnation. In wet impregnation the distribution of the solute inside the pores is assumed to be governed
by two phenomena (Fig. 1):
1. Diffusion of the solutes within the pores. It is described by Fick’s law
2. Adsorption of the solute onto the support. This depends on the adsorption capacity of the surface and on the
adsorption equilibrium constant.
The distribution of the precursors within the pellets depends on the balance between these diffusion and
adsorption phenomenon.
8. What is catalyst deactivation? How and why it occurs? What are the factors that are responsible for
deactivating a porous catalyst pellet? (May 2014)
Mechanism of catalyst Deactivation:
6. What is the overall rate of the heterogeneous reaction of the reaction consists of parallel steps.
If a heterogeneous reaction consists of parallel steps, then the overall rate is equal to the sum of all the individual
7. What is the overall rate of the heterogeneous reaction consists of steps in series.
If, on the other hand, a heterogeneous reaction consists of several consecutive steps (i.e., if the overall change
results from a number of steps that take place in series), then at steady-state conditions, the rate of the individual
steps in series are all the same and equal to the overall rate of reaction:
10. Give the expression for overall rate equation for a heterogeneous reaction.
11. What are the various contacting patterns for heterogeneous reaction?
In heterogeneous reactions, contacting patterns affect both physical and chemical rate processes. There are many
ways in which two phases can be contacted. Each of the contacting pattern is having unique design equation. In
ideal contacting of the phases, each phase may be in one of the two ideal flow patterns,
12. What do you mean by rate controlling step in heterogeneous reactions?
The slowest possible step in the sequence of steps involved in heterogeneous processes is said to be rate
controlling step. Note: The sequence of steps involved in heterogeneous processes is;
Transport of reactants from the bulk fluid to the fluid-solid interface.
Intraparticle transport of reactants into the catalyst particle (if it is porous).
Adsorption of reactants at interior sites of the catalyst.
Chemical reaction of adsorbed reactants to adsorbed products (surface reaction - the intrinsic chemical step.
Desorption of adsorbed products.
Transport of products from the interior sites to the outer surface of the catalyst particle.
Transport of products from the fluid-solid interface into the bulk-fluid stream. (Mostly the reaction step is the
rate controlling one)
21. A non-porous catalyst particle is of size 2 microns and density is 2 g/cm3. Calculate the external
surface area per gram of the particle.
The external surface area per gram of the particle, Sg = 6 / [(Size of the particle, dp) (Density of the particle, ρp)]
= 6 / {[2 x 10-4 (cm)] [2 (g/cm3)]} Or Sg = 1.5 x 104 cm2/g
22. Explain the principle of mercury-penetration method for the determination of pore-size distribution in
a catalyst particle.
The mercury-penetration method for the determination of pore size distribution in a catalyst particle depends on
the fact that mercury has a significant surface tension and does not wet most catalytic surfaces. This means that
the pressure required to force mercury into the pores depends on the pore radius.
23. List the advantages of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood method in developing rate equations.
The advantages of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood method are;
✓ The resultant rate equation may be extrapolated more accurately to concentrations beyond the range of
experimental measurements used.
✓ The method does take into account adsorption and surface reactions (which must occur) in a consistent
26. Difference between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption (May 2015) & (Nov. 2013)
27. Write the Freundlich Isotherm.
Freundlich gave an empirical expression representing the isothermal variation of adsorption of a quantity of gas
adsorbed by unit mass of solid adsorbent with pressure. This equation is known as Freundlich Adsorption
Isotherm or Freundlich Adsorption equation or simply Freundlich Isotherm.
x/m = K P1/n
Where x is the mass of the gas adsorbed on mass m of the adsorbent at pressure p and k, n are constants whose
values depend upon adsorbent and gas at particular temperature. Though Freundlich Isotherm correctly
established the relationship of adsorption with pressure at lower values, it failed to predict value of adsorption at
higher pressure.
Where A(g) is unadsorbed gaseous molecule, B(s) is unoccupied metal surface and AB is Adsorbed gaseous
molecule. Based on his theory, he derived Langmuir Equation which depicted a relationship between the number
of active sites of the surface undergoing adsorption and pressure.
Where θ the number of sites of the surface which are covered with gaseous molecule, P represents pressure and
K is the equilibrium constant for distribution of adsorbate between the surface and the gas phase.
A(g) + B(s) R(g) first order with respect to and takes place on a flat surface
an shown in figure below. Dilute A diffuses through stagnant gas film onto a plain
surface consisting of B. On the surface A reacts with B to give R which diffuses back
to surface. Develop a rate expression for above reaction.
is in mole/m2.h), CAg is in mol/m3.
Kg is in m/s [m3 gas/(m2 surface . s)] – mass transfer coefficient of the gas film.
CAg is the coefficient of A in the main gas stream, mol/m3.
(ii) Reaction step: The reaction is first order with respect to A. The rate of reaction
based on unit surface is given by,
1 dN A
k " C As -
S dt
is in mol A/(m2 surface . time), k” is in m/s and CAs is in mol/m3.
Now, we will obtain the overall rate of reaction in terms of kAg, k” and CAg (as
the concentration of A on the surface i.e. CAs cannot be measured).
As both steps – diffusion and reaction are taking place in series, at steady
state, these steps will proceed at the same rate. Thus
kg (C Ag C As ) k " C As
kg C Ag C As (kg k ")
C As C Ag
kg k "
Putting value of CAs from equation (1) into equation (2), we get
k " kg
rA2 rA"
k g k " Ag
rA1 rA2 rA
" " "
C Ag
1 1
kg k "
Let, k overall
1 1
kg k "
rA" C Ag k overall C Ag
1 1
kg k "
This is the overall rate expression accounting for both the mass transfer and
reaction steps.
2. Dilute A diffuses through a stagnant liquid film onto plane surface of solid B.
On this plain surface A and B react to field liquid product B which diffuses leak.
Develop the overall rate of expression.
A(l) B(s) A(l) second order with respect to A – all else remain
1 dNA
kg (C Ag C As )
S dt
Reaction step: The reaction at the surface is second order with respect to A.
1 dN A
k " C As
S dt
-rA" rA1
Putting the value of CAs (as it cannot be measured from equation (3) into
equation (1), we get the following overall rate expression:
kg kg2 4k " kg C Ag
rA1 k g C As
2k "
kg kg2 4k " kg C Ag
r r
" "
r kg CAg
A1 A2 A
2k " 2k "
rA" 2k " CAg kg kg2 4k " kg C Ag
2k "
Equation is the desired overall rate expression that takes into account both the
transfer and reaction steps.
3. The slurry reactors pure reactant gas is bubbled through liquid containing
suspended catalyst particles. In term of the two-film theory, these kinetics can be
viewed as shown in figure. Hence, to reach the surface of solid, the reactant must
diffuse the catalyst particle. At the surface of the catalyst particle, reactant gives
product according to first order kinetics. Develop an expression for the rate of
reaction in terms of these resistances.
Solution: Here three resistances act in series – liquid film surrounding gas bubble,
liquid film surrounding the catalyst particle and reaction. [As pure A is used there is
no gas film resistance (and for this CAg = CAi)]
The rate of transfer of A from gas to the surface of the catalyst particle is given
by the rate expressions:
kAl – liquid film mass transfer coefficient in m3 liquid/(m2 surface . s) i.e. in m/s. kAl ai
is in m3 liquid/(m3 reactor’s)
Where kAc is the film coefficient about catalyst particle in m3 liquid/(m2 cat.s)
rA"" k1a c C As
k1 is in m3 of liquid/(m2 cat.s).
At steady state:
rA"" k Al a i (C Ai C Al ) k Aca c (C Al C As ) k 1a c C As
C Ai C As
k Ala i
C Al C As
k Ac a c
C As
k1a c
Equation is the desired rate expression for the rate of reaction in terms of
three resistances in series.
C Co (C Co )2
f(C) f(Co ) f '(Co ) f "(Co ) ...........
1! 2!
r1" kg (Cg Cs )
2. Reaction step:
Now, we will make the Taylor expansion about C0 and retain linear terms.
C Co (C Co )2
f(C) f(Co ) f '(C o ) f "(C o ) ...........
1! 2!
C Co (C Co )2
r2" k " Co2 s (2k " Co ) s (2k ") ...........
1 1 2
Ignoring the third term on the RHS of the above equation, we get the linear
approximation to the non-linear rate expression
r2" k " C 02 2k " C o (C s C o )
= k"Co2 +2k"Co C s -2k"C o2 = 2k" C o C s k " C o2
r2" k " C o (2C s C o )
r1" r2"
kg (Cg Cs ) k " Co (2Cs Co )
kg Cg kg Cs 2k " Co Cs k " Co2
Cs (k g 2k " C o ) k g Cg k " C o2
kg Cg k " C o2
kg 2k " Co
2Cg Co
1 2
k " Co kg
r1" r2" r " (2Cg C o )
2 1
kg k " Co
5. What are the characteristics of catalyzed reaction?
The steps involved in solid catalysed fluid-phase reactions (in converting the
reactants into products) are as follows:
1. Diffusion of the reactant(s) (e.g., species A) from the bulk fluid phase to the
external surface of the catalyst through the fluid film external or surface
diffusion step.
2. Diffusion of the reactant from the pore mouth into the catalyst pores.
The greater proportion of reactant molecules diffuse inside the pores of the
catalyst ………. The pore diffusion step.
3. Adsorption of reactant A onto the catalyst surface (external and pore
4. Chemical reaction of the adsorbed reactant on the surface of the catalyst (e.g.
A R) to form product (surface reaction).
5. Desorption of the products (e.g., R) from the surface (to the fluid phase near
the surface)
6. Diffusion of the desorbed products from the interior of the catalyst (pores) to
the pore mouth at the external surface, i.e., to the external surface
………reverses pore diffusion.
7. Diffusion of the products from the external surface into the bulk fluid phase
through the fluid film surrounding the catalyst …………… reverse external
1. Surface kinetics
2. Pore (diffusion) resistance. This resistance may cause the interior of the
particle to be starved for reactant. We can reduce the resistance to pore
diffusion by reducing the catalyst particle size, which thus shortens the
diffusion path.
3. Particle T – temperature gradient within the catalyst particle (internal
temperature gradient). This is caused by evolution or absorption of large
amount of heat during reaction. It causes the reaction rate of vary inside the
catalyst (i.e., with position).
4. Film T – temperature differences between the outer surface of the catalyst
particle and the bulk gas stream (external temperature gradient) – resistance
to heat transfer is within the gas film enveloping the catalyst particle.
5. Film (diffusion) resistance – external diffusion resistance – concentration
gradient across the gas film surrounding the catalyst particle.
In the majority of cases with porous catalyst particle the rate is influenced by
surface reaction and pore diffusion. Therefore, here we will consider surface kinetics
and pore diffusion resistance. Also, we will use a simple empirical rate expression –
first order of nth – order rate expression, which adequately fits the data, to represent
the surface reaction.
The langumir treatment of adsorption: The derivations may be carried out by using
as a measure of the amount adsorbed either the fraction of the surface covered or the
concentration of the gas adsorbed on the surface. Both procedures will be
illustrated, although the second is the more useful for kinetic developments. The
important assumptions are as follows:
All the surface of the catalyst has the same activity for adsorption; i.e., it is
energetically uniform. The concept of nonuniform surface with active centers
can be employed if it is assumed that all the active centers have the same
activity for adsorption and that the rest of the surface has none, or that an
average activity can be used.
There is no interaction between adsorbed molecules. This means that the
amount adsorbed has no effect on the rate of adsorption per site.
All the adsorption occurs by the same mechanism and each adsorbed complex
has the same structure.
The extent of adsorption is less than one complete monomolecular layer on
the surface.
In the system of solid surface and gas, the molecules of gas will be continually
striking the surface and a fraction of these will adhere. However, because of their
kinetic, rotational, and vibrational energy, the more energetic molecules will be
continually leaving the surface. Equilibrium will be established such that the rate at
which molecules strike the surface, and remain for an appreciable length of time,
will be exactly balanced by the rate at which molecules leaves the surface.
ra kp(1 )
rd k'
kp kp
k' kp 1 Kp m
Where K = k/k’ is the adsorption equilibrium constant, expressed in units of
(pressure)-1. The fraction is proportional to volume of gas adsorbed, v, since the
adsorption is less than a monomolecular layer. Hence equation may be regarded as
a relationship between the pressure of the gas and the volume adsorbed. This is
induced by writing = /m, where m is the volume of adsorbed when all the active
sites are covered, i.e., when there is a complete monomolecular layer.
Where kc is the rate constant for the catalyst and Cg is the concentration of
adsorbable component in the gas. Similarly equation becomes.
rd k 'c C
K c C m Cg
1 K c Cg
Equation predicts that adsorption data should have the general form shown
in figure. Note that at low values of C g (or low surface coverages ) the expression
becomes a straight line with a slope equal to Kc C m . The data points in figure are for
the physical adsorption of n-butane on silica gels (Sg = 832 m2/g) at 50C. The solid
line represents equation, where
K c 4.1 10 5 cm 3 / g mol
For this instance of physical adsorption equation fits the data rather well. The
measurements were made on mixtures of n-butane in helium (at 1 atm total
pressure) to vary Cg. The percentage of n-butane in the gas corresponding to the
concentration Cg is shown as a second abscissa in the figure. Also, is shown as a
second ordinate. This was calculated from = C / C m . It is interesting to note that the
isotherm is linear up to about = C / C m . It is interesting to note that the isotherm is
linear up to about = 0.10, or a gas concentration of 1% n-butane in He. This means
that the denominator in equation is nearly unity at low concentrations. The region of
linearity depends upon the adsorbent-adsorbate system. For example, for the same
silica gel at 50C, the linear isotherm was applicable up to 2% for adsorption of
propane and to more than 4% for ethane.
Chemisorption data often do not fit equation. However, the basic concepts on
which the Langmuir isotherm is based (the ideas of a dynamic equilibrium, between
rates of adsorption and desorption and a finite adsorption time) are sound and of
great value in developing the kinetics of fluid-solid catalytic reactions. Equations
form the basis for the rate equations presented.
8. How will you determine the surface area of a catalyst pellet. Explain?
The standard method for measuring catalyst areas is based on the physical
adsorption of a gas on the solid surface. Usually the amount of nitrogen adsorbed at
equilibrium at the normal boiling point (-195.8C) is measured over a range of
nitrogen pressures below 1 atm. Under these conditions several layers of molecules
may be adsorbed on top of each other on the surface. The amount adsorbed when
one molecular layer is attained must be identified in order to determine the area.
The historical steps in the development of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller whether the
values given by this method correspond exactly to the surface area. However, this is
relatively unimportant, since the procedure is standardized and the results are
reproducible. It should be noted that the surface are so measured may not be the
area effective for catalysis. Only certain parts of the surface, the active centers, may
be active for chemisorption of a reactant, while nitrogen may be physically adsorbed
on much more of the surface. When the catalyst is dispersed on a large-area support,
only part of the support area may be covered by catalytic active forms and this area
may be several atoms in depth. Thus, the active atoms may be together in clusters so
that the catalytic surface is less than if the atoms may be together in clusters so that
the catalytic surface is less than if the atoms were more completely dispersed or
separated. For example a nickel-on-kieselguhr catalyst was found to have a surface
of 205 m2/s as measured by nitrogen is adsorption. To determine the area covered by
nickel atoms was calculated to be about 40 m2/g. It would be useful to know surface
areas for chemisorption of the reactant at reaction conditions. However this would
require measurement of relatively small amounts of chemisorption at different, and
often troublesome, conditions (high temperature and/or pressure), for each reaction
system. In contrast, nitrogen can be absorbed easily and rapidly in a routine fashion
with standard equipment.
Figure: Adsorption isotherms for various gases on a 0.606-g sample of silica gel
[by permission from P.H. Emmett (e.d), “Catalysis,” vol. I, Reinhold Publishing
Corporation, New York, 1954]
The apparatus operates at a low pressure which can be varied from near zero
up to about 1 atm. The operating temperature is in the range of the normal boiling
point. The data obtained are gas volumes are normally corrected to cubic
centimeters at 0C and 1 atm (standard temperature and pressure) and plotted
against the pressure in millimeters, or as the ratio of the pressure to the vapor
pressure at the operating temperature. Typical results from Brunauer and Emmett’s
work are shown in figure for the adsorption of several gases on a 0.606 – g sample of
silica gel. To simplify the classical experimental procedure a flow method has been
developed in which a mixture of helium (or other nonadsorbed gas) and the gas to
be adsorbed is passed continuously over the sample of solid. The operating total
pressure is constant, and the partial pressure of adsorbable gas is varied by changing
the composition of the mixture. The procedure is to pass a mixture of known
composition over the sample until equilibrium is reached, that is, until the solid has
adsorbed an amount of adsorbable component corresponding to equilibrium at its
partial pressure in the mixture. Then the gas is desorbed by heating the sample
while a stream of pure helium flows over it. The amount desorbed is measured with
a thermal-conductivity cell or other detector. This gives one point on an isotherm,
such as shown in figure. Then the process is repeated at successively different
composition of the mixture until the whole isotherm is obtained.
The curves in figure are similar to the extent that at low pressures they rise
more or less sleepy and then flatten out for a linear section at intermediate pressures.
After careful analysis of much data it was concluded that the lower part of the linear
section at intermediate pressures. After careful analysis of much data it was
concluded that the lower part of the linear region corresponded to complete
monomolecular adsorption. If this point could be located with precision, the volume
of one monomolecular layer of gas, m, could then be read from the curve and the
surface area evaluated. The Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method locates this pint from
an equation obtained by extending the Langmuir isotherm to apply to multilayer
adsorption. The development is briefly summarized as follows: Equation can be
rearranged to the form
p 1 p
Km m
Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller adapted this equation for multilayer adsorption and
arrived at the result.
p 1 (c 1)p
(p0 p) m c cm p0
Where p0 is the saturation or vapor pressure and c is a constant for the particular
temperature and gas-solid system.
According to equation a plot of p/v(p0-p) vs. p/p0 should give a straight line.
The data of figure are replotted in this fashion in figure. Of additional significance is
the fact that such straight lines can be accurately extrapolated to p/p 0 = 0. The
intercept I obtained from this extrapolation, along with the slope s of the straight
lines, gives two equations from which m can be obtained.
I at p/p0 0
m c
c 1
m c
Sg m 0
9. How will you determine the pore volume distribution of a catalyst pellet?
We shall that the effectiveness of the internal surface for catalytic reactions
can depend not only on the volume of the void spaces (Vg), but also on the radius of
the void regions. Therefore it is desirable to know the distribution of void volume in
a catalyst according to size of the pore. This is a difficult problem because the void
spaces in a given particle are nonuniform in size, shape, and length and normally are
interconnected. Further, these characteristics can change from one type of catalyst
particle to another. Figure shows electron-microscope (Scanning type) photographs
of porous silver particles (Sg = 19.7 m2/g). The material was prepared by reducing a
precipitate of silver fumarate by heating at 350C in a stream of nitrogen. The larger
darker regions probably represent void space between individual particles, and the
smaller dark spaces are intraparticle voids. The light portions are solid silver. The
complex and random geometry shows that it is not realistic to describe the void
spaces as pores. It is anticipated than other highly porous materials such as alumina
and silica would have similar continuous and complex void phases. For a material
such as Vycor, with its relatively low porosity and continuous solid phase, the
concept of void spaces as pores is more reasonable.
There are two established methods for measuring the distribution of pore
volumes. The mercury-penetration method depends on the fact that mercury has a
significant surface tension and does not wet most catalytic surfaces. This means that
the pressure required to force mercury into the pores depends on the pore required
to fill pores for which a = 10,000 A , and 10,000 lb/in2 (approximately) is a = 100 A .
Simple techniques and equipment are satisfactory for evaluating the pore-volume
distribution down to 100 to 200 A , but special high-pressure apparatus is necessary
to go below a = 100 A , where much of the surface resides. In the second method, the
nitrogen-adsorption experiment for surface area measurement) is continued until the
nitrogen pressure approaches the saturation value (1 atm of the normal boiling
point). At p/p0 1.0, where p0 is the saturation pressure, all the void volume is
filled with adsorbed and condensed nitrogen. Then the desorption isotherm is filled
with adsorbed and condensed nitrogen. Then the desorption isotherm is established
by lowering the pressure in increment and measuring the amount of nitrogen
evaporated and desorbed for each increment. Since the vapor pressure of a liquid
evaporating from a capillary desorbed vs. pore radius. Thus this procedure also
gives the distribution of pore volumes. The vapor pressure is not affected
significantly by radii of curvature greater than about 200 A . Hence, this method is
not suitable for pores larger than 200 A .
a 2 p 2 a cos
2 cos
Or a
Where is the contact angle between the mercury and pore wall. While probably
varies somewhat with the nature of the solid surface, 140 appears to be a good
average value. Then the working equation for evaluating the radius corresponding
to a given pressure is
8.75 105
a(A) .
p(lb / in.2 )
Nitrogen desorption method: As the low-temperature nitrogen-adsorption
experiment is continued to higher pressures multilayer adsorption occurs, and
ultimately the adsorbed films are thick enough to bridge the pore. Then further
uptake of nitrogen will result in capillary condensation. Since the vapor pressure
decreases as the capillary size decreases, such condensation will occur first in the
smaller pores. Condensation will be complete, as p/p0 1.0, when the entire void
region is filled with condensed nitrogen. Now, if the pressure is reduced by a small
increment, a small amount of nitrogen will evaporate from the meniscus formed at
the ends of the largest pores. Pores which are emptied of condensate in this way will
be those in which the vapor pressure of nitrogen is greater than the chosen pressure.
The Kelvin equation gives the relationship between vapor pressure and radius of the
concave surface of the meniscus of the liquid. Since some of the nitrogen is adsorbed
on the surface, and therefore not present because of capillary condensation, the
Kelvin relationship must be corrected for the thickness of the adsorbed layers.
With this correction, the pore radius is related to the saturation-pressure ratio (vapor
pressure p in the pore divided by the normal vapor pressure p0) by
2V1 cos
R g T ln(p/p0 )
(A) 9.52 log 0 1/ n
Is generally used.
a 9.52 log 0
Figure shows the result of applying the method to a sample of Vycor (porous
glass). This material, which contained only microprocessor, had the properties.
p 1.46 g/cm 3
Vg 0.208 cm 3 / g
p 0.304
S g 90 m 2 / g
The surface area was determined from nitrogen-adsorption data in the low
p/p0 range, as described in section, while the distribution results in figure were
established from the desorption curve in the capillary-condensation (high p/p0)
Notes: Volume and surface area refer to mass of Al2O3 obtained by ignition of
boehmite. The pore volume distribution is given in figure. Average particle size
from which pellets were made was 85 microns.
Which requires only surface-area and pore-volume measurement. Suppose, all the
pores in a hypothetical particle are straight, cylindrical, not interconnected, and have
the same radius a and length L . The average pore radius may be found by writing
equations for the total surface and volume in the hypothetical particle and equating
these quantities to the surface mpSg and volume mpVg in the actual particle; i.e.
m pSg (2 aL)n
m p Vg ( a 2 L)n
Where mp and n are the mass and number of pores per particle. Dividing the two
equations gives the average pore radius,
This expression agrees well with volume-average values obtained from the
distribution curve from monodisperse pore system. For example, from the data for
the Vycor sample equation gives
a 46 10 8 cm or A
90 10 4
The volume-average value is calculated from the pore volume data used to
obtain the distribution curve and the expression.
a dV
By this method a = 45 A .
Catalyst preparation
The nature of the support can affect catalyst activity and selectivity. This
effect presumably arises because the support can influence the surface structure of
the atoms of dispersed catalytic agent. For example, changing from a silica to
alumina carrier may change the electronic structure of deposited platinum atoms.
This question is related to the optimum amount of catalyst that should be deposited
on a carrier. When only a fraction of a monomolecular layer is added, increases in
amount of catalyst should increase the rate. However, it may not be helpful to add
large amounts to the carrier. For example, the conversation rate of the ortho to para
hydrogen with a NiO catalyst deposited on alumina was found to be less for 5.0 wt%
NiO than for 0.5 wt% NiO. The dispersion of the catalyst on the carrier may also be
an important factor in such cases. The nickel atoms were deposited from a much
more concentrated NiNO3 solution to make the catalyst containing 5.0 wt% NiO.
This may have led to larger clusters of nickel atoms. That is, many more nickel
atoms were deposited on top of each other, so that the dispersion of nickel on the
surface was less uniform than with the 0.5 wt% catalyst. It is interesting to note that
a 5.0 wt% NiO catalyst prepared by 10 individual depositions of 0.5 wt% was much
more active (by a factor of 11) than the 5.0 wt% added in a single treatment. The
multiple deposition method presumably gave a much larger active nickel surface,
because of better dispersion of the nickel atoms on the Al2O3 surface. Since the total
amount of nickel was the same for the two preparations, one would conclude that
the individual particles of nickel were smaller in the 10-application catalyst. These
kinds of data indicate the importance of measuring surface areas for chemisorption
of the reactants involved. A technique based on the chemisorption of H 2 and CO has
been developed to study the effect of dispersion of a catalyst on its activities and the
effect of interaction between catalyst and support on activity.
C.S k S
............... surface reaction
[surface reaction forms adsorbed benzene and propylene in the gas phase]
B.S k D
...............desorption of benzene from surface
[while writing rate expressions for these steps we will consider each step as
an elementary reaction and we will replace the species concentration in the gas
phase by their respective partial pressures].
k A
C.S, [C(g) .......use PC ]
The rate of attachment of molecules (C) is proportional to (i) partial pressure
of C in the gas phase, PC and (ii) the concentration of vacant sites,
The net rate of adsorption of cumene (the rate expression for the adsorption of
cumene is)
KC the adsorption equilibrium constant for C
S – represents active site.
C.S – means one unit of C is adsorbed on the site S
Pi – partial pressure of species I in the gas phase
Ci.s – surface concentration of sites occupied by species i in mol/g
CC.S – surface concentration of sites occupied by species C
(surface concentration of adsorbed species i) in mol/g cat.
CV – molar concentration of vacant sites per unit mass of catalyst
divided by Avogdro’s number (mol/g cat)
rAD k A PCCV C.S , as K C k A / k A
If rAD has units of mol/(g cat.s) and CC.S has units of mol cumene adsorbed/g cat then
(2) Surface reaction : The rate expression for the surface reaction step yielding
adsorbed benzene and propylene in the gas phase (surface reaction is a single site
mechanism) is
rS k S CC.S k S PP C B.S
rS k S CC.S P B.S
KS surface reaction equilibrium constant
(3) Desorption:
B S,
B.S k D
[B(g) ...... use PB ]
The rate of benzene desorption is
RD = kD CB.S – k-D PB CV
and KDB =
rD k D CB.S B V
Units of kS (and kD) and KS and (KDB) are s-1 and atm or kPa respectively.
KB = 1/KDB
k A
When surface reaction is rate controlling kD is very large and therefore the
ratio rD/kD is very small (approximately zero).
B.S k D
rD k D (CB.S K B PB CV )
(C B.S K B PB CV ) 0
rS k S K C PC C V P B B V
rS k S PC K C B P B C V
Ct Cv C B.S CC.S
k S K C C t (PC PP PB / K P )
Let, k = kSKCCt
The rate law for the catalytic decomposition of cumene, assuming the surface
reaction as the rate limiting step, is
k(PC PC PB / K P )
rC' rS
Where k = kSKCCt
and Ct – total molar concentration of active sites per unit mass of catalyst and is
equal to the number of active sites per unit mass divided by Avogadro’s number
12. The mechanism of decomposition of cumene on the catalyst surface is given
C6 H5CH CH 3 2 C 6 H 6 C 3H 6
C g B g P g
Where the last step represents adsorption of an inhibitor I present along with
reactant in the feed (I is an adsorbing inert in the feed that occupies sites on the
catalyst surface). Find the rate expression nif surface reaction controls.
C6 H 5 CH CH 3 2 C6 H6 C 3H 6
C g B g P g
[While writing rate expressions for these steps we will consider each step as
an elementary reaction and we will replace species concentrations in the gas phase
by partial pressures of respective species].
1. Adsorption of benzene:
k A
K C k A / k A 2
2. Surface reaction to form adsorbed benzene and propylene in the gas phase
C.S k s
K S kS / k s
rs ks CC.S P B.S
PP is the partial pressure of species P in the gas phase and C B.S is the surface
concentration of sites occupied by species B (surface concentration of adsorbed B) in
mol/g cat.
B.S k D
And K DB k D / k D
rD k D CB.S B v 9
k AI
rADI k AI PI Cv I.S 13
Now we will obtain rate equation for decomposition of cumene for the case of
– surface reaction controls.
rs ks CC.S P B.S 14
For doing this we have to make use of rate expressions for adsorption of C
and desorption of B and the fact that for surface reaction as rate limiting step both k A
and kD are very large compared with kS.
We have:
rAD k A PC Cv C.S
PC Cv C.S 0....when surface reaction controls
Substituting CC.S and CB.S from Equations (15) and (16) into Equation (14), we get
rS k s K C PC C v P B B v
rs k s Pc K C B P B C V 17
KP 18
rs ks K C PC B P B Cv
rS ks K C PC P P Cv 19
We can not measure Cv so we will eliminate it from the above expression by
performing a site balance.
In the present case a site balance is (the total concentration of sites is)
Where Ct is the total molar concentration of active sites per unit mass of
catalyst and is equal to the number of active sites per unit mass divided by
Avogadro’s number (mol/g cat).
Now we will determine the concentration of sites occupied by the inert (C I.S)
to make use of Equation (20) to eliminate Cv from Equation (19).
We have, rADI k AI PIC v I.S
When surface reaction is rate controlling kAI is very large compared to kA and
therefore the ratio rADI/kAI is very small (approximately zero).
rADI / k AI PI C v 0
CI.S KI PI Cv 21
Putting values of CC.S, CB.S and CI.S from Equation (15), (16) and (21) into
Equatio n(20), we get
Cv 22
rs kS K C PC P B
kk K C P P P / K P
rS S C t C P B
Let, k = k s K C Ct
The rate law (rate expression) for the catalytic decomposition of cumene
(with an inhibitor in the feed), assuming the surface reaction as the rate controlling
step, is
k PC PP PB / K P
rC' rs 23
Equation (23) is the desired rate expression for the catalytic decomposition of
To answer this question we shall assume that the adsorption of cumene is indeed
rate-limiting, derive the corresponding rate law, and then check to see if it is
consistent with experimental observation. By assuming that this (or any other) step
is rate-limiting, we are considering that the reaction rate constant of this step (in the
case kA) is small with respect to the specific rates of the other steps (in this case k S
and kD)Strictly speaking one should compare the product K APc with ks and kD. (See
Summary Notes for Lecture 19 on CD-ROM. The end result is the same however.
The rate of adsorption is
C .s
rC' rAD k A PC Cv c
Since we cannot measure either Cv or Cc,s . We must replace these variable in the rate
law with measurable quantities for the equation to be meaningful.
rC' rAD rs rD
For adsorption limited reactions, KA is small and ks and kD are large. Consequently,
the ratios rs/ks and rD/kD are very small (approximately zero), whereas the ratio r AD/kA
is relatively large. The surface reaction rate expression is
rS ks Cc.s B.S p
For adsorptions limited reactions the surface specific reaction rate kg is large
by comparison and we can set
And solve Equations for Cc,s
CB.s Pp
To be able to express Cc solely in terms of the partial pressures of the species present,
we must evaluate CB-s. the rate of desorption of benzene is
rD kD CB.s K B PBCv
However, for adsorption limited reactions, kD is large by comparison and we can set.
rs r
Using 0 D to find CB.s and Cc.s in terms of partial pressures.
ks KD
And then solve Equation for CB.s:
After combining Equations , we have
Cc.s K B C
Replacing Cc.s in the rate equation and then factoring C
We obtain
rAD k A PC C k A PC C
K s KC Kp
Observe that by setting rAD =0, the term (KSKC/KB) is simply the overall partial
pressure equilibrium constant, Kp for the reaction
K s KC
The equilibrium constant can be determined from thermodynamic data and is
related to the change in the Gibbs free energy G , by the equation .
Where R is the ideal gas constant and T is the absolute temperature
The concentration of vacant sites, C, can now be eliminated from equation by
utilizing the site balance to give the total concentration of sites C t,which is assumed
Since cumene and benzene are adsorbed on the surface, the concentration of
occupied sites is (Cc.s+ CB.s), and the total concentration of sites is
Solving for C, we have
PB PP K B / K s K B PB
Combining Equations we find that the rate law for the catalytic decomposition of
cumene, assuming that the adsorption of cumene is the rate-limiting step, is
C1k A ( PC Pp PB / K p )
rC' rAD
1 K B Pp PB / K s K B PB
We nowwish to sketch a plot of the initial rate as a function of the partial
pressure of cumene, Pco. Initially, no product are present, consequently, Pp= PB =0.
the initial rate is given by
If adsorption were rate-limitn , the data should show r0' increasing linearly with Pco
rD kD CB.s K B PBC
For desorption limited reactions, both kAD and ks are very large compared with kD,
which is small
To obtain
CB.s K s C .s
Similarly, for the adsorption step, Equation we set
kA 0
To obtain
Cc.s Kc PcC
Then substitute for Cc.s in Equation
Kc K s PcC
CB . s
rD k B K c K s c B C
p p
After substituting for the respective surface concentrations, we solve the site balance
for C
1 Kc K s Pc / Pp Kc Pc
Replacing C in Equation by Equation and multiplying the numerator and
denominator by obtain the rate expression for desorption control
kDC1 K s KC Pc PB Pp / K p
rX' rD
Pp PC KC K s K c Pp PC
To determine the dependence of the initial rate on partial pressure of cumene,
we again set PP =PB=0; and the rate law reduces to
rCo' k D Ct
With the corresponding plot of rCo' shown in figure. If desorption were controlling.
We would see that the initial would be independent of the initial partial pressure of
15. Derive the equation of rate of reaction of cumene with surface reaction as rate
limiting step?
rs ks Cc.s p B.s
Since we cannot readily measure the concentration of the adsorbed species, we must
utilize the adsorption and desorption steps to eliminate CC.s and CB.s from this
From the adsorption rate expression in Equation and the conditions that k A is
large by comparison when surface reaction is controlling (i.e. rAD / k A 0). We obtain
a relationship for the surface concentration for adsorbed cumene.
CC .s Kc PcC
rAD r
Using 0 D to find CB.s and Cc.s in terms of partial pressures.
kA kD
When 0 then C B.s K B PB C
rs ks PC KC B B P C ks Kc Pc B p C
The only variable left to eliminate is C:
Substituting for concentrations of the adsorbed species, CB.s and CC.s yields
ks Ct K C PC Pp PB / K p
rC' rs
1 KC PCo
And we observe that the initial rate will increase linearly with the initial partial
pressure of cumene.
rCo' kPCo
At high partial pressures
Kc PCO 1
K PCo k
K C Pco kc
And the rate is independent of the partial pressure of cumene. Figure shows the
intial rate of reaction as a function of initial partial pressure of cumene for the case of
surface reaction controlling.
If surface reaction were rate-limiting, the data would show this behaviour
8. Define Thiele modulus. Give its significance. (May/June 2014) (Nov/Dec 2016)
It is a dimensionless number (denoted by ‘MT or Ф’), defined as the ratio of the intrinsic chemical
reaction rate in the absence of mass transfer limitation to the rate of diffusion through the particle. Thiele
Modulus is useful in predicting the reactor behavior from known kinetic information.
The Thiele modulus was developed by Ernest Thiele in his paper 'Relation between catalytic
activity and size of particle' in 1939. Thiele reasoned that with a large enough particle, the reaction rate is so
rapid that diffusion forces are only able to carry product away from the surface of the catalyst particle.
Therefore, only the surface of the catalyst would be experiencing any reaction. The Thiele Modulus was
then developed to describe the relationship between diffusion and reaction rate in porous catalyst pellets with
no mass transfer limitations. This value is generally used in determining the effectiveness factor for catalyst
Thiele modulus = Reaction rate / Diffusion rate
9. Define Effectiveness factor. (May 2015) & (NOV/DEC 2014) (Nov/Dec 2016)
The effectiveness factor (denoted by ‘η’) is defined as the ratio of actual rate for the whole pellet to
the rate evaluated at outer surface conditions. (OR) It is the ratio of reaction rate with diffusion to the rate
without diffusion resistance.
The effectiveness factor η relates the diffusive reaction rate with the rate of reaction in the bulk
stream. For a first order reaction in a slab geometry,this is:
η = tan hT / hT
10. Explain the significance of effectiveness factor.
For diffusion in single cylindrical pore, follows a first order kinetics, the effectiveness factor is η =
tanh (ФL) / ФL Where ‘ФL’ is the Thiele modulus and is given by ФL = L / (k ρp / De)1/2
‘L’ is the thickness of cylindrical pore.
For small ФL (ФL < 0.4), η ≈ 1, the concentration of reactant does not drop appreciably within the
pore; thus pore diffusion offers negligible resistance. For large ФL (ФL > 4), η = 1/ФL, the reactant
concentration drops rapidly to zero on moving into the pore, hence diffusion strongly influences the rate of
11. What is the effect of catalyst pellet size on the effectiveness factor?
In the regime of strong diffusion resistance, the rate (thus the effectiveness factor) varies inversely
proportional to the catalyst pellet size. So, Increase in pellet size will decrease the value of effectiveness
factor and vice-versa.
channels through the catalyst bed, the phenomena is called as Channeling of fluidized bed.
21. What is effective diffusivity?(Nov/Dec 2016) (or) Express the relationship between diffusion
coefficient and effective diffusivity with units. (Nov/Dec 2017)
The pores in the pellet are not straight and cylindrical; rather, they are a series of tortuous,
interconnecting paths of pore bodies and pore throats with varying cross-sectional areas. It would not be
fruitful to describe diffusion within each and every one of the tortuous pathways individually; consequently,
we shall define an effective diffusion coefficient so as to describe the average diffusion taking place at any
position r in the pellet. Consider only radial variations in the concentration; the radial flux WAr will be based
on the total area (voids and solid) normal to diffusion transport (i.e., 4πr2) rather than void area alone. This
basis for WAr is made possible by proper definition of the effective diffusivity De .
1. Not all of the area normal to the direction of the flux is available (i.e., the area occupied by solids) for the
molecules to diffuse.
2. The paths are tortuous.
3. The pores are of varying cross-sectional areas. An equation that relates De to either the bulk or the
Knudsen diffusivity is
The constriction factor, accounts for the variation in the cross-sectional area that is normal to diffusion. It is a
function of the ratio of maximum to minimum pore areas
The effective thermal conductivity of each layer is the weighted arithmetic mean of solid and
fluid conductivities as follows:
24. Differentiate fluidized bed and Mixed flow reactor. (Apr/May 2017)
25. Define effectiveness factor for diffusion through the catalyst pores.
The magnitude of the effectiveness factor (ranging from 0 to 1) indicates the relative importance of diffusion and
reaction limitations. The internal effectiveness factor is defined as
1. With a neat sketch explain how to obtain the diffusivity of a catalyst pellet?
dCA dy
N A e De De A …(1)
dr RgT dr
yA 2 yA 1
N A e De …(2)
RgT r
Where r is the length of the pellet. If the flow rates and concentrations are
measured for the experiment pictured in figure. (NA)e can be calculated. Then this
flux and the measured concentrations and pellet length are substituted in eq. to
obtain an experimental effective diffusivity.
A- Mixing chambers
C-Detector for determining composition of N2 , in H2 stream
D- Detector for determining composition of H2 in N2 stream
E- Flow meters
P- Catalyst pellet
G- Pressure equalization gauge
Dynamic methods have also been used to measure De. for example, a pulse
input of diffusing component A can be inserted into a stream of helium flowing
through the upper chamber as indicated in figure. Pure helium also flows through
the lower chamber. Some of the pulse of A diffuses through the pellet and is
measured as a response pulse at the detector in the lower steam. For high flow rates
of a nonadsorbing component, the effective is given by
De …(3)
6 1
Here , 1 is the first moment (retention time) of the diffusing component in the pellet.
It is obtained from the measured response pulse CA (t) by the equation.
C t t dt
0 A
C t dt
0 A
p = porosity of pellet
Other equations have been developed, both for adsorbing components and
for lower flow rates across the pellet faces .
The Parallel-pore Model Wheeler proposed a model, based on the first three of
these properties, to represent the monodisperse pore-size distribution in the catalyst
pellet. From s and V the porosity p is obtained from equation. Then a mean pore
radius a is evaluated by writing equations for the total pore volume and total pore
surface in a pellet. The result, developed as Equation, is
a …(1)
By using V, S and s, Wheeler replaced the complex porous pellet with an assembly
(having a porosity, ) of cylindrical pores of radius a . To predict De from the model
the only other property necessary is the length xL of the diffusion path. If we assume
that, on the average, the pore make an angle of 45 with the coordinate r in the
resultant direction of diffusion (for exmple, the radial direction in a spherical pellet),
xL = 2 r. Owing to pore interconnections and non-cylindrical shape, this value of xL
is not very satisfactory. Hence, it is customary to define x L in terms of an adjustable
parameter, the tortuosity factory , as follows:
XL =r
D dyA
N A e …(2)
RgT dr
Comparison with Eq. shows that the effective diffusivity is
De …(3)
Where D is given (in the absence of surface diffusion) by Eq. The use of Equation to
predict De is somewhat limited because of the uncertainty about . Comparison of
De from equation with values obtained from experimental data for various catalysts
using Eq. shows that varies from less than unity to more than 6.
This model was originally developed for pellets containing a bidisperse pore
system, such as the alumina described in chapter. It is supposed that the pellet
consists of an assembly of small particles. When the particles themselves contain
pores (micropores). There exists both a macro and a micro void-volume distribution.
The voids re not imagined as capillaries, but more as an assembly of short void
regions surrounding and between individual particles, as indicated in figure. The
nature of the interconnection of macro and micro void regions is the essence of the
model. Transport in the pellet is a assumed to occur by a combination of diffusion
through the macro regions (of void fraction M)., the micro regions (of void fraction
), and a series contribution involving both regions. It is supposed that both macro
and macro regions can be represented as straight, short cylindrical pores of average
radii a M and a . The magnitude of the individual contributions is dependent on
their effective cross-sectional areas (perpendicular to the direction of diffusion). The
details of the development are given elsewhere, but in general these area are
evaluated from the probability of pore interconnections. The resultant expression
for De may be written.
2 1 3 M
De D M M2 D ...(4)
1 M
Here D M and D are obtained by applying Eq. to macro and micro regions Thus
1 1 1
1 1 1
No tortuosity factor is involved in the mode. The actual path length is equal to the
distance coordinate in the direction of diffusion. To apply Equation requires void
fractions and mean pore radii for both macro and micro regions. The mean pore
radii can be evaluated for the micro region by applying Equation to this region.
However, a M must be obtained from the pore-volume distribution as described in
sec. The mean pore radii are necessary in order to calculate (DK)M and (DK)µ from
Equation . Thus the random-pore model does not involve an adjustable parameter
De DM M2 …(7)
Similarly, for a material such as silica gel, where M =0, the effective diffusivity is
De D 2 …(8)
Comparison of these last two equations with Eq. indicates that 1/ . The
significance of the random-pore model is that the effective diffusivity is proportional
to the square of the porosity. This has also been proposed by Weisz and Schwartz.
Johnson and Stewart have developed another method for predicating De that utilizes
the pore-volume distribution. Evaluation of their model and random-pore model
with extensive experimental data has been carried out by Satterfield and Cadles and
Brown et al.
Surface Diffusion
N S Ds ...(1)
Where Ns is the molal rate per unit perimeter of pore surface. In order to combine
surface and pore-volume contributions in a catalyst pellet, the surface flux should be
based on the total area of the catalyst perpendicular to diffusion and on the
coordinate r. If this flux is (Ns)e , then
N s e Ds p …(2)
Where r is the density of the catalyst and C now represents the moles adsorbed per
gram of catalyst. To be useful, Equation must be expressed in terms of the
concentrations in the gas phase. If the adsorption step is fast with respect to surface
transfer from site to site on the catalyst, we may safety assume equilibrium between
gas and surface concentration. Otherwise the relation between the two
concentrations depends on the intrinsic rates of the two processes. If equilibrium is
assumed, and if the isotherm is linear, then
C A K A C m Cg K ' A
Where the subscript A refers to the adsorbate and K’ is the linear form of the
equilibrium constant, in cubic centimeters per gram. The latter is obtained from the
Langmuir isotherm. Equation, when adsorption is small enough that the linear form
is valid. Now, applying Equatin to component A.
dy A
N s e p K ' A Ds .... 4
ReT dr
Equation gives the surface diffusion of A in the same form as Eq. applied earlier to
transport in the gas phase of the pores. From these equations the total flux and total
effective diffusivity are given by
N A t
D e p K ' A Ds
dy A
De t De p K 'A DS ...(7)
If the density of the catalyst and the adsorption equilibrium constant are
known. Equation permits the evaluation of a total effective diffusivity from D s, Data
for Ds have been reported in the literature in a variety of ways, depending on the
definitions of adsorbed concentrations and equilibrium constants. Schneider has
summarized much of the information for light hydrocarbons on various catalysts in
the form defined by Eq. such Ds values ranged from 10-3 to 10-6, depending on the
nature of the adsorbent and the amount adsorbed. Most values were in the interval
10-4 to 10-5 cm2/s. Data for other adsorbates have similar magnitudes and show that
the variation with adsorbed concentration can be large.
Ds Ae Es / RsT
Where Es is the activation energy for surface diffusion. The variation of K’ A with
temperature is given by van’t Hoff equation.
d In K 'A H
dT RgT 2
K'A Ae' H / RgT
The observed rate of surface diffusion, according to Eq. will be proportional to the
product K’A Ds. Substituting the above expression for K’A and DS in Equation.
p AA ' e
1/ R H E dy A
N s e g s
RgT dr
The exponential term express a much stronger temperature dependency than the
coefficient 1/T. If we neglect the latter ,we may express the temperature effect on the
rate as
N s e A "e
1/ Rg T H Es
dy A
where A"= AA' p
dr Rg T
This equation shows that the observed or apparent activation energy for surface
diffusion is related to Es by
E’=H+Es ..(8)
From a available data it appears that Es is only a few kilocalories per mole. The heat
of adsorption H is generally greater than this, particularly for chemisorption, and is
always negative. Therefore the observed effect is a decrease in rate of surface
diffusion with increase in temperature. Note that H is negative.
The pressure and nature of the fluid in the pores has an effect on the effective
thermal conductivity. With liquids the effect of pressure is negligible and k e is of the
same magnitude as the true conductivity of the liquid. For gases at low pressures,
where the mean free path is the same or larger than the pore size free molecule
conduction controls the energy transfer. In this region ke increases with pressure. At
higher pressures ke is about independent of pressure. The transition pressure
depends on the gas as well as on the pore size. For air the transition pressure is
about 470 mm in a silver pellet with mean pore diameter of 1500 A. For helium the
value would be above 760 mm. For alumina pellets, at 120F and a macropore void
fraction of M= 0.40, ke was 0.050 in vacuum, 0.082 with pores filled with air, and
0.104 Btu /(h) (ft) (F)with helium, at atmospheric pressure. Temperature does not
have a strong influence. The effect is about what would be expected for the
combination of variations of thermal conductivity with temperature for the solid and
fluid phases.
5. What are the reasons for not able to predict diffusion rates by correcting bulk
phase diffusivities?
Basic Equations: For many catalysts and reaction conditions (especially pressure)
both bulk and Knudsen diffusion contribute to the mass-transport rate within the
pore volume. For some years the proper combination of the two mechanisms was in
doubt. About 1961 three independent investigations proposed identical equations
for the rate of diffusion (in a binary mixture of A and B) in terms of bulk diffusivity
DAB and Knudsen diffusivity Dk. If NA is the molal flux of A, it is convenient to
represent the result as
t dy A
NA D ...(1)
RgT dx
Where yA is the mole fraction of A,x is the coordinate in the direction of diffusion
and D is a combined diffusivity diffusivity given by
D ..(2)
1 yA / DAB 1/ Dk A
The quantity is related to the ratio of the diffusion of A and B by
1 …(3)
D ...(4)
1/ DAB 1/ DK A
When the pore radius is large, Eqs reduce to the conventional constant-
pressure form for bulk diffusion. For this condition (Dk)A . then combining
Equations gives
t dy A
NA DAB yA N A N B …(5)
RgT dx
When the pore radius is large, Equs. (1) and (2) reduce to the conventional constant-
pressure form form for bulk diffusion. For the condition (DK)A . Then combining
Eqs. (1) and (3) gives
t dy A
NA D AB yA N A N B …(6)
RgT dx
t dy
NA DAB A ....(7)
RgT dx
If the pore radius is very small, collisions will occur primarily between gas
molecules and pore wall, rather than between molecules. Then the Knudsen
diffusivity becomes very low, and Equation(1) and (2) reduce to
t dy A
NA Dk lA …..(8)
RgT dx
This equatinis the usual one expressing Knudsen diffusion in a lon capillary.
Although Equation is the proper one to use for regins where both Knudsen
and bulk diffusion are important, it has a serious disadvantage: the combined
diffusivity D is a function of gas composition y A in the pore. This dependency on
composition carries over to the effective diffusivity in porous catalysts and makes it
difficult later to integrate the combined diffusion and transport equations. The
variation of D with yA is usually not strong (see example) Therefore it has been
almost in assessing the importance of intrapellet resistances, to use a composition –
independent form for D, for example equation. In fact, the concept of a single
effective diffusivity loses its value if he composition dependency must be retained.
Note also that the problem disappear when the reaction stoichimetry in such that
diffusion is countercurrent and equimolal.
or ..(9)
=1 -
Diffusion in Liquids
The mean free path in liquids is to small that Knudsen diffusion is not
significant, Thus the diffusion rate is unaffected by a pore diameter and pressure (in
the absence or surface diffusion). The effective diffusivity is determined by the
molecular diffusivity and the pore structure of the catalyst pellet. Since the
molecules in liquids are close together, the diffusion of one component is strongly
affected by the force fields of nearby molecules and at the pore wall. As a result,
diffusivities are concentrations dependent and difficult to predict. As an
approximation, we may express the diffusion flux of component A in a single
cylindrical pore as:
dC A
N A DAB ...(1)
Values of DAB are much les than those for gases and are, in general, of the
order of 1 ×10-5 cm2 /s. for gases (for example, hydrogen) dissolved in liquids the
diffusivity can be an order of magnitude larger, as noted in Examples. Several
correlations are available for estimating diffusivities in liquids at low concentrations
(infinite dilution). These may be used as approximation values in reactor problems
but he uncertain and sometimes large effect of concentrations on DAB should not be
Surface Diffusion:
N s Ds ..(1)
Where N, is the molal rate per unit perimeter of pores surface. In order to combine
surface and pore-volume contributions in a catalyst pellet, the surface flux should be
based on the total area of the catalyst perpendicular to diffusion and on the
coordinate r. If the flux is (Ns)e, then
N s Ds p (2)
Where p is the density of he catalyst and C now represents the moels adsorbed per
gram of catalyst. To be useful, equation must be expressed in terms of the
concentration in the gas phase. If the adsorption step is fast with respect to surface
transfer from site to site to the catalyst. We may safely assume equilibrium between
gas and surface concentration. Otherwise the relation between the two
concentrations depends on the intrinsic rates of the two processes. If equilibrium is
assumed, and if the isotherm is linear, then
C A K A C m Cg K ' A
Where the subscript A refers to the adsorbate and K’ is the linear from fo the
equilibrium constant, in cubic centimeters per gram. The latter is obtained from the
Langmuir isotherm. Equation, when adsorption is small enough that the linear form
is valid. Now, applying Equation to component A.
dy A
Ns e p K 'A ...(2)
RgT dr
Equation gives the surface diffusion of A in the same form as Equation applied
earlier to transport in the gas phase of the pores. From these equation the total flux
and total effective diffusivity are given by
N A t
D e p K ' A Ds
dy A
De t De p K 'A Ds ...(4)
If the density of the catalyst and the adsorption equilibrium constant are
known, equation permits the evaluation of a total effective diffusivity from D s, Data
for Ds have been reported in the literature in a variety of ways. Depending on the
definition of adsorbed concentrations and equilibrium constants. Schneider’s has
summarized much of the information for light hydrocarbons on various catalysts in
the form defined by Equation. Such Ds values ranged from 10-3 to 10-6, depending on
the nature of the adsorbent and the amount adsorbed. Most values were in the
interval 10-4 to 10-5 cm2/s. Data for other adsorbates have similar magnitudes and
show that the variations with adsorbed concentration can be large.
Es / Rg T
Ds Ae
Where Es is the activation energy for surface diffusion. The variation of K’ A with
temperatue is given by van’t Hoff equation
d In K 'A H
dT Rg T 2
H / RgT
K A' A ' e
1/ Rg T H Es
dy A
N s e p AA ' e dr
Rg T
The exponential term expresses a much stronger temperature dependency than the
coefficient 1/T. If we neglect the latter, we may express the temperature effect on
the rate as
N s e A " e
1/ R g T H Es
dy A
where A" =AA' p
dr RgT
This equation shows that the observed or apparent activation energy for surface
diffusion is related to Es by
From available data it appears that Es is onlya few kilocalories per mole. The heat of
adsorption H is generally greater than this, particularly for chemisorption, and is
always negative. Therefore the observed effect is a decease in rate of surface
diffusion with increase in temperature. Note that H is negative.
Effectiveness Factors
rp = k1 (CA)s
We want to evaluate in terms of Ds and k1. The first step is to determine the
concentrations profile of A in the pellet. This is shown schematically in figure for a
spherical pellet (also shown is the external profile from Cb to Cs). The differential
equation expressing CA vs. r is obtained by writing a mass balance over the spherical
shell volume of thickness r. According to Equation at steady state the rate of
diffusion into the element less the rate of diffusion out will equal the rate of
disappearance of reactant within the element. This rate will be pk1 CA per unit
volume, where p is the density of the pellet Hence the balance may be written,
omitting subscript A on C.
dC dC
4 r 2 De 4 De
4 r 2 rp k1C
dr r dr r r
The diffusive flux into the element is given by Equation. Note that for Ab there is
equimolal counter diffusion of A and B (=0). The rate of diffusion is the product of
the flux and the area. 4 r 2 . If we take the limits as r 0 assume that the effective
diffusivity in independent of the concentration of reactant (see sec), this difference
equation becomes.
d 2C 2dC k1 p
C 0
dr 2 rdr De
At the center of the pellet symmetry requires
0 at r=0
And at the outer surface
C=Cs at r= rs
Linear differential equation with boundary conditions (11-47) and (11-48) may be
solved by conventional methods to yield
C rs sinh 3 s r / rs
Cs sin h 3s
rs k1 p
3 De
The second step is to use the concentrations profile given by Equation, to evaluate
the rate of reaction rp for the whole pellet. We have two choices for doing this:
calculating the diffusion rate of reactant into the pellet at rs, integrating the local rate
over the whole pellet, Choosing the first approach.
1 dC 3 dC
rp 4 rs2 De De
mp dr r rs rs p dr r rs
4 2
Where the mass of the pellet is mp = rs p . Then from Equation
3De dC
rs p k1Cs dr r rs
Differentiating equation evaluating the derivative at r=rs, and substituting this into
Eq. gives
1 1 1
s tan h 3s 3 s
If this equation for the effectiveness factor is used in Equatin, the desired rate for the
whole pellet in terms of the concentrations at the outer surface is
1 1 1
rp k1Cs
tan h 3s 3 s
10. Derive the equation for diffusion and reaction in a catalyst pellet?
We now proceed to perform our shell balance on A. The area that appears in
the balance equation is the total area (void and solids) normal to the direction of the
molar flux.
rate of
generation of
rate of reaction mass catalyst volume of shell
A withing a shell mass of catalyst volume
thickness of r
= rA' c 4 rm2 r
Mole balance for diffusion and reaction inside the catalyst pellet
Where rm is some mean radius between r and r that is used to approximate the
volume Vof the shell.
W Ar 4 r 2 r W Ar 4 r 2 r r r '
A c 4 rm2 r 0
After dividing by (-4r) and taking the limit as r 0, We obtain the
following differential equation.
d WAr r 2
rA' c r 2 0
dy A dC A
WAr cDe De
dr dr
Where CA is the number of moles of A per dm3 of open pore volume (i.e.,
volume of gas) as opposed to (mol/vol of gas and solids). In systems where we do
not have EMCD in catalyst pores, it may still be possible to use Equation if the
reactant gases are present in dilute concentration.
d De dC A / dr r 2
r 2 c rA' 0
We now need to incorporate the rate law. In the past we have based the rate
of reaction in terms of either per unit volume.
rA [] mol / dm3 .s
Inside the pellet
-rA = c (-rA’)
-rA’=Sa (-rA”)
-rA = c Sa _rA”)
As a result , the surface area of the catalyst per unit mass of catalyst.
Is an important property of the catalyst. The rate of reaction per unit mass of
catalyst – rA’ and the rate of reaction per unit surface area of catalyst are related
through the equation.
Sa: 10 grams of catalyst may cover as much surface area as a football field
-rA’ =- r”A Sa
The rate law- As mentioned previously at high temperature, the denominator of the
catalytic rate law approaches 1: Consequently, for the moment, it is reasonable to
assume that the surface reaction is nth order in the gas-phase concentration of A
within the pellet.
rA" k nC An
n 1
m3 m
r :
A k n
kmol s
n 1
For a first catalystic reaction m3 m3
Sa kn
per unit surface Area : k1 m / s A
kmol kg.s
Per unit Mass of catalyst k' k1Sa [m 2 / kg.s] m3
n 1
rA : c S a kn
Per unit volume k=k1Sa pc s 1
kmol s
d r 2 De dcA / dr
r 2 kn Sa cC An 0
By differentiating the first terms and dividing through by –r2 D2, Equation becomes
d 2CA 2 dC A kn Sa c n
CA 0
dr 2 r dr De
11. Derive the equation for effectiveness factors for a first order reaction?
1 dN A
A Pr oduct rA" k "CA
S dt
Figure: A straight cylindrical pore and reactant concentration distribution along
pore length
Figure: shows the elementary section of the catalyst pore of length x. A steady state
material balance for a reactant A across this elementary section is
dN dC
r 2 D A r 2 cross - sectinal area of the section
dt in dx In
Reactant A leaving by diffusion (at xout, i.e. , at x+x):
dN A dC
r D
dt out dt out
Disappearance of reactant A on surface by reaction:
rate of dissappearance of A
Disappearance of A by reaction= surface
unit surface
1 dN A
=- surface
S dt
=k"C A (2 r.x)
The surface on which reaction is occurring = S= D .x= 2r x
dC dCA
r 2 D r CD k " CA 2 r x 0
dx out dx in
Changing sign and dividing by r2 D x throughout gives
dC A dC A
dx out dx In 2k "
CA 0
x Dr
[For any quantity Q which is a smooth continuous function of x
Q2 Q1 Q dQ
x1 lim ]
x2 x1 x 0 x dx
So taking the limit as x 0, we obtain the following second order
differential equation.
d 2 C A 2k "
CA 0
dx 2 Dr
Here as the rate is based on unit surface area of the wall of the catalyst pore k” has
the unit of length per time (m/s)
d 2C A k
CA 0
dx 2 D
Let k/D =m 2
d 2C A
m 2C A 0
dx 2
We seek the particular solutions of the above equation in the form:
C A e Ax
dCA d 2C A
then Ae Ax and A2e Ax
dx dx 2
So equation becomes
A2 eAx – m2 eAx =0
Hence , A= ±m
CA = M1 emx + M2 e-mx
Where, m= k / D = 2k"/Dr
CA =CAs at x=0
(ii) There is no flux or movement of material through the interior end of he pore
dC A
0 at x=L
With CA = CAs as x=0 Equation becomes
CAs = M1 + M2
dC A
m M1e mx m M 2 e mx
With dCA/dx =0 at x=L the above becomes
M 1emL C As M 1 e mL 0
M 1 emL e mL C As e mL 0
C As emL
e mL e mL
C emL
Similary, M 2 mL As mL
e e
C A e m L x e m L x cosh m L-x
C As e mL e mL cosh mL
emL e mL
[As cosh mL =
m L x m L x
e e
Cosh m(L-x) =
e x e x
cosh x= ]
Figure shows the concentrations profile of reactant within the pore and it is seen to
be dependent on the dimensionaless quantity mL, or MT, called the Thiele modulus.
Now, we define the quantity called the effectiveness factor to measure how
much the reaction rate is lowered due to the resistance of pore diffusiom.
It is defined as the ratio of actual average reaction rate within the pore to the
reaction rate in the absence of pore diffusion resistance.
For first order reactions as the rate is proportional to the concentration, the
effectiveness factors is given by
first order C A / CAs
Evaluating the average rate in the pore from Equation yields the following
C A tanh mL
first order
C As mL
Let us obtain the realtinship given by Equations
For first-order reactions:
kC A C A
first order
kC As C As
C A is given by
C dx A
L 0
CA 0
C A dx
LC As 0
first order C A dx
We have,
C A cosh m L-x
C AS cosh mL
Cosh m L-x
cosh mL
C As cosh m( L x)dx
first order
cosh mL
C As
cosh m L-x dx
LC As cosh mL 0
cosh m L x dx
L cosh mL 0
= sinh m L-x
Lcosh mL m
= 0 shin mL
mL cosh mL
sin h mL
mL cosh mL
tanh mL
first order
12. What is the effect of heat transfer during reaction for a catalyst pellet?
In faster reactions, there heat released (or absorbed) in the pellet can not be
removed rapidly enough to keep the pellet close to the temperature of the
surrounding fluid and consequently non-thermal conditions prevail. In such cases,
the following types of temperature effects may he encountered.
(i) particle T: A temperature gradient may exist within the pellet –
temperature varies within the catalyst pellet.
(ii) Film T: A temperature gradient may exist across the fluid film (between
the outer surface of pellet and main gas stream). The whole pellet may be
hotter (or colder) than the surrounding fluid, though uniform in
In case of exothermic reactions, heat is generated and particles are hotter tan the
surrounding fluid. Consequently, the non-isothermal rate (of reaction) is higher
than the isothermal rate which is based on the bulk stream condition conditions. On
the other hand, in case of endothermic reactions, heat is absorbed and the particles
are cooler than the surrounding fluid. Consequently, the non-isothermal rate is
lower than the isothermal rate.
(i) Film T: To find maximum T across the film, the rate of heat generation by
reaction within the pellet is set equal to the rate of heat removal through the film.
=Q generated V pellet rA""obs Hr
[V pellet . rAobs
. H r ] m3 cat 's molkJ A kJ / s
-r observed reaction rate
Qremoved = Q generated
L rAobs
H r
Tfilm Tg Ts K
(ii) Particle T: In steady state, the heat flux within an elementary thickness of the
particle is balanced by the heat generated by chemical reaction. At any point in the
dT dC A
K eff De H r
dx dx
For the pellet as w whole, integrating above equation from the exterior surface
where T=TB and Ca = CAs to the centre of the particle where say T= Tcentre and CA = CA
centre we obtain.
De C As C Acentre H r
Tparticle = Tcentre Ts
Where keff is the effective thermal conductivity of the particle, J/
When Thiele modulus is large, CAcentre is zero and consequently the maximum
temperature difference between the centre and exterior surface of the particle is DE (-
Hr) CAs / Keff.
W, kg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
XA 0.12 0.20 0.27 0.33 0.37 0.41 0.44
(i) Finding the reaction rate at 40% conversion in an experimental packed bed
The kinetic data provided at fixed feed rate (FA0 = 10 kmol/h) are:
W dX
FA0 rA
dW dX A
dFAo rA'
In differential form, it becomes
dW dX A
dFA0 rA'
W dx A
d '
RAo rA
dX A
If we construct a plot of XA v / s from the given kinetic data then
dX A
rA' is the slope of the curve
So plot XA v/s and find the slope of the curve at 40% conversion to get the
reaction rate rA' at 40% conversion
W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
W 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70
XA 0.12 0.20 0.27 0.33 0.37 0.41 0.44
Draw tangent to the curve at a point P i.e. at XA = 0.40 and measure the slope
From figure.
kmol converted
rA' slope at a point P=0.38
kg catalyst.h
kmol converted
The reaction rate=-rA' at 40%conversion 0.38 ...(i)
kg catalyst.h
(ii) Determination of amount of catalyst needed in a packed bed reactor for FA0 = 400
kmol/h to achieve 40% conversion.
Refer fig (b)
Read x- coordinate of a point P i.e. for XA = 0.40 [ 40 % convension]
0.57 at 40% conversion
FA0 400kmol / h
W 0.57 FA0
=0.57 400 =228 kg
Amount of catalyst needed in the large scale packed bed reactor = 228 …(ii)
(iii) Find the amount of catalyst needed in a packed bed reactor employing a very
large recycle of product stream.
With a very large recycle of product stream (i.e large recycle ration) mixed flow is
approached so here we will use the performance equation for mixed flow.
' A
FA0 rAout
rA' out at X A 0.40 = 0.38
kg catalyst.h
X A 0.40
FA0 400 kmol/h
FA0 . X A
rA' out
400 0.40
= 421 kg
Amount of catalyst needed in a packed bed reactor employing a very large recycle of
product stream = 421 kg
Figure (b)
14. The following kinetic data are obtained in a basket type mixed reactor. The
catalyst is porous. Assuming isothermal behaviours interpret the data interms of
controlling resistances.
1 1 1 High 3
2 3 1 Low 1
3 3 1 High 1
These two runs use different spinning rates but have the same reaction rate.
For diffusion to control higher the spinning rate higher will be the kg and hence rate.
But for run-3 though the spinning rate is higher compared to run-2 the measured
reaction rate is same as that for run-2 (not higher than that for run-2). Therefore ,
film diffusion is not controlling resistance for large particles.
Since the film diffusion is not controlling for a large pellets, it will not
controlling in case of small pellets (run-1)
First conclusion: Film diffusion resistance is not controlling i.e. film diffusion
resistance does not influence the rate.
Now we will check for pore diffusion resistance (to be controlling resistance)
In the regime of strong pore diffusion resistance
-rA1 R
i.e. 2 .................should be satisfied for particles of sizes R1and R 2
-rA2 R1
rA' 1 3 R1
rA' 2 1 R2
rA' 1 3
rA' 2 1
R2 2
and 3
R1 1
And 2
-rA1 R2
' satisfied
-rA2 R1
Same result in obtained by comparing run - with run -3
rA' 1 3 R3 2
3 and 3
rA' 3 1 R1 1
L= 0.333cm
K "'
We have MT = L ... first order reaction
K'" 0.5
k "' C As tanh L
-rA"' 0.5
Given :
rA"' 103 mol /( s.cm3 cat)
L= 0.333 cm, De 0.01cm 2 / s
C As 2 104 mol / cm3
3.33 k '"
We can obtain value of k”’ by trial and error procedure. Assume k”’ and check for
As tanh [ 3.33 (k”)0.5 for k “’ > 2.3 is 1, we can use easy approach (for getting k”’) as
given below
r L"'
k "'
0.50 A
C As De0.50
-r"' L 1
k"'= A
C As De
10-3 0.333 1
= 4
2 10 0.01
= 277.2 s -1
2. Give two examples of fluid-solid reaction in which the particles do not change their size on reaction.
form crushed and sized magnetic ore in continuous-countercurrent, three stage, fluidized bed
reactors according to the reaction
Fe3O4 (s) + 4 H2 (g) → 3 Fe (s) + 4 H2O (g)
4. Briefly explain the Progressive Conversion Model for the gas-solid non-catalytic reactions.
Solid reactant is converted continuously and progressively throughout the particle.
The reaction rates are different at different locations within the particle.
This model does not match with the real situations.
6. In the ‘Shrinking Core Model’ for gas-solid non-catalytic reactions, explain the term ‘Shrinking Core’.
Shrinking Core means, at any time, there exists an unreacted core of material which shrinks in size during
8. What are the limitations of Shrinking Core Model? (May 2015) (NOV/DEC 2014) (May June 2014)
It is the best simple representation for the majority of reacting gas-solid systems. However, there are two broad
exceptions to this statement;
First, Slow reaction of a gas with a very porous solid will not fit to the reality.
Second, when solid is converted by the action of heat and without needing contact with gas – Such as
baking bread, roasting chickens are mouth watering examples of such reactions.
10. Bring out the differences between ‘Progressive Conversion Model’ and ‘Shrinking Core Model’ used in
gas-solid non-catalytic reactions.
Progressive-conversion model:
converted continuously and progressively throughout the particle.
Shrinking-core model:
nreacted core of material which shrinks in size during reaction.
model approximately
matches with reality.
usion of A through the blanket of ash to the surface of the unreacted core.
13. State all the assumptions made in the Shrinking Core Model used for gas-solid non-catalytic reactions.
The assumptions made in the Shrinking Core Model used for gas-solid non-catalytic reactions are;
The pellet retains its shape during reaction.
There is no gaseous region between the pellet and the product layer.
The temperature is uniform throughout the heterogeneous region.
The densities of the porous product and the reactant (solid) are the same, so that the total radius of the
pellet does not change with time.
14. Explain the resistances that would encountered during the burning of coal.
The resistance that would be encountered during the burning of coal are;
Diffusion resistance offered by the gas film surrounding the surface of the solid (coal) particle.
Diffusion resistance offered by the blanket of ash surrounding the unreacted core of the (coal) particle.
Reaction resistance on the surface of the unreacted core (coal).
15. Explain how the rate determining step is calculated in gas-solid non-catalytic reactions.
The kinetic runs with different sizes of particles can distinguish between reactions in the chemical and physical
steps control (for gas-solid non-catalytic reactions) as,
t α R1.5 to 2.0 for film diffusion controlling
t α R2 for ash layer diffusion controlling
t α R chemical reaction controlling.
16. In a gas-solid non-catalytic reaction, a 4mm solid is 7/8th converted. What is the diameter of the
shrinking core?
Solution: Given D = 4 mm and XB = 7/8 or 0.875.
We know, the fraction unconverted is 1 – xB = (dc/D)3
Where ‘dc’ & ‘D’ are the diameters of the unreacted (shrinking) core and the original diameter of the solid
particle. Substituting the given data into the above equation,
we get 1 – 0.875 = (dc/4)3
On solving the above, we get dc = 2 mm
17. Sketch the concentration profile for the gas-solid non-catalytic reaction in which the resistance through
the ash layer is rate controlling.
18. Find the rate controlling mechanism, form the following data
Solution: Since ‘dp’ is same for the two given data’s, we try to find the rate controlling mechanism by
considering the time‘t’ and conversion ‘XB’. By assuming G-film surrounding the particles is rate controlling, we
have t/T = XB Where ‘T’ is the time for complete conversion. Sub. the given first data into the above, we get T1 =
2/0.3 = 6.6667 hr Sub. the given second data into the above, we get T2 = 5/0.75 = 6.6667 hr Since T1 = T2, our
assumption is correct. That is, G-film surrounding the particles controls this reaction.
19. A gas-solid non-catalytic reaction taking place in a constant environment. It was found that the time for
complete conversion of 2mm particle is four times the time for complete conversion of 1mm particle. What
resistance is rate controlling?
Solution: Given D1 = 1mm, D2 = 2 mm and T2 = 4 T1. From the given data, it was observed that
(Or) T α R2.
Thus, Diffusion through ash layer controls this reaction.
20. State how to reduce the gas film resistance for non-catalytic chemical reaction.
By increasing the mass transfer coefficient (kg), the gas film resistance (1/kg) can be reduced for non-catalytic
chemical reaction.
22. What are the 2 cases to be considered for fluid particle reactions?
The particle size remains unchanged during reaction. In fluid-solid reactions this will happen when.
(a) Solid particles contain large amount of inert material which remain as a non flaking ash. Or
(b) a firm product material is formed by the reactions of equation
23. Give examples of fluid-solid reaction in which solid does not appreciably change during reaction?
(i) The roasting of sulphide ores in air to yield metal oxides.
(ii) The reduction of metal oxides to corresponding metals. The reduction of magnetite, by hydrogen.
Fe3O4 , by hydrogen.
24. Give some examples of fluid solid reaction in which particle size changes.
Example of fluid-solid reactions in which the size of solid changes are:
(i) The production of carbon disulphide from the elements
(ii) The production of water gas by the action of steam on coal (with low ash content).
25. When will the particle size change in the case of fluid solid reaction?
In fluid-particle reactions this w3ill happen when-
(a) a flaking ash or product material is formed or
(b) pure B is used in the reaction
26. What are the factors one has to consider before selecting a kinetic model?
Every conceptual picture of model describing the progress of reaction has its own mathematical
representation, its rate equation. Therefore, if we select a model we have to accept its rate equation and vice versa.
27. What are the two models to describe kinetics of non catalytic reaction of particles with surrounding
Progressive conversion model, surrounding model.
30. Sketch the concentration profile for a solid reactant according to SCM.
Figure: Sketch of a solid particle and concentration profile of solid reaction-unchanging size-the shrinking-
core model
32. What is the expression for time taken for the product size to reach rc according to SCM when diffusion
through gas film controls?
33. What is the expression for conversion for the above case?
34. What is the expression for time for time taken for complete conversion when diffusion through ash
layer controls?
36. What is the expression for time required for complete conversion when chemical reaction controls?
37. Give the expression for conversion in the above case.
39. What steps occur in reactions when no ash layer for SCM?
In case of such reactions as no ash layer is present, the following three steps occur in succession:
I. Diffusion of gaseous reactant A through the gas film to the surface of the solid from the main body of gas.
II. Reaction on the surface between gaseous reactant A and solid reactant B.
III. Diffusion of reaction products from the surface of the solid back into the main body of gas through the gas
Here the rate controlling step may be gas film diffusion or chemical reaction.
40. Give the expression for conversion when chemical reaction controls for particles of changing size.
41. One what parameters does the film resistance of a particle depend.
I. Size of particle,
II. Properties of fluid,
III. Relative velocity between particle and solid.
45. Give expression SCM, for cylindrical particles of unchanging size/fired size for diffusion through gas
film controls.
46. Give expression for cylindrical particles under chemical reaction controls.
48. What is the overall late expression for the reaction when all the resistance act together?
55. What is the conversion in case of under fluid film resistance controls?
56. Give the expression for conversion when chemical reaction control the rate of reaction.
57. Give the expression for conversion under ash layer resistance controls.
58. Give the expression for conversion for mixed flow of solids under diffusion through gas film controls.
62. Give the expression for mean conversion under chemical reaction controls for the above case.
65. Give examples of process under fixed bed reactors are used.
Consider first a fixed bed in which the solid particles constitute or contain one of the reactants, while a second
reactant is in the fluid phase. In the general case the reactant concentration in the bulk fluid will decrease along
the reactor length z.
Absorption combined with chemical reactions; mass transfer coefficients and kinetic constants; application
of film, penetration and surface renewal theories; Hatta number and enhancement factor for first order
reaction, tower reactor design.
4. ‘Enhancement factor is always greater than or equal to one’. Justify this statement.
Since the rate of take up of „A‟ when reaction occurs is greater than or equal to the rate of take up of „A‟ for
straight mass transfer, the enhancement factor is always greater than or equal to one.
7. Does the enhancement factor decrease or increase with Hatta number? Explain.
Yes, Enhancement factor (E) decrease or increases with Hatta number (MH). Because the evaluation of „E‟ depends on two
The enhancement factor for an infinitely fast reaction (Ei)
Maximum possible conversion in the film compared with maximum transport through the film (MH2).
12. In a gas-liquid reaction, it was observed that the reaction occurs on a plane with in the liquid film. Is the reaction
slow, fast or instantaneous? Explain.
The reaction is either instantaneous of fast, with low concentration of liquid.
14. Brief the mechanism of Surface renewal theory. (May 2015) & [Dec 2012]
This approach tries to apply the mathematics of the penetration theory to be more plausible physical picture. The
liquid is pictured as two regions, a large well mixed bulk and an interfacial region that is renewed so fast that it behaves as a
thick film. The surface renewal theory is caused by liquid flow.
15. What are the various resistances involved in developing rate equations for gas-liquid reactions?
The various resistances involved in developing rate equations for gas-liquid reactions are;
16. Sketch the concentration profile for an instantaneous gas-liquid non-catalytic reaction
17. Write short notes on slurry reactors.
solid catalyst particles. The solution may be either a reactant or a product or an inert.
is that temperature control and heat recovery are easily achieved. In addition, constant overall catalytic activity
can be maintained by the addition of small amounts of catalyst with each reuse during batch operation or with
constant feeding during continuous operation.
alyst, hydro-
formation of CO with high-molecular-weight olefins on either a cobalt or ruthenium complex bound to polymers,
18. What are the advantages of slurry reactors over fixed beds?
The advantages of slurry reactors over fixed beds are
a. It usually has a higher rate
b. It holds good for fast reactions on porous catalyst
Note: Slurry reactors can use very fine particles, and this lead to problems of separating catalyst from liquid.
(Only disadvantage of slurry reactor)
19. Explain Film penetration theory. (May 2015), [Dec 2012] (May/June 2014)
The penetration theory for mass transfer. Here the interfacial region is imagined to be very thick continuously generated by
flow. Mass transfer now involves diffusion in to this film. In this and other theories the interfacial concentration in the liquid
is assumed to be in equilibrium with that in the gas
20. Write short notes on trickle bed reactors.
c. A trickle bed reactor is a three-phase version in which gas and liquid reactants are brought into contact with solid catalyst
d. In this gas and liquid flow counter-currently downward over a fixed-bed of catalyst particles contained in a tubular
e. These reactors are widely used for hydro-desulphurization of liquid petroleum fractions and hydro-treating of lubricating
21. List the types of flow regime that are possible in trickle bed reactors.
In trickle bed reactor, four types of flow regimes are possible;
e bubbles.
This model assumes that the reactant gas enters and throughout the particle
at all times (reaction proceeds continuously throughout the particle). The rate of
reaction is different at different locations within the particle.
Figure: Sketch of a solid particle and concentration profile of solid reactant (B)
with progress of reaction – unchanging size – progressive-conversion model.
2. Describe shrinking core model with example.
This model assumes that the reaction first begins at the outer surface of the
solid particle and the deeper layers do not take part in the reaction until all the outer
layer has transformed into solid or gaseous product. Gradually, the reaction zone
then moves inward (into the solid), constantly reducing the size of core of unreacted
solid and leaving behind completely converted solid (solid product) and inert
material (inert constituent of the solid reactant).
We refer to converted solid (i.e. solid product) and inert material as ash. An
unreacted core of solid continuously decreases in size / shrinks in size during
reaction until it is entirely consumed (Here the amount of solid material to be
consumed by reaction is shrinking with the time).
The shrinking of size of unreacted core of solid with reaction time is shown in
Shrinking – Core Model (SCM) for Spherical of Unchanging Size / Fixed Size:
According to this model, the following five steps occur in succession during
i Diffusion of the gaseous reactant A through the gas film surrounding the
particle to the surface of solid particle… reactant A diffuses to the external
surface of the solid particle from the bulk gas phase through the gas film…..
external diffusion.
ii Penetration of A by diffusion through pores and cracks in the blanket (layer)
of ash to the surface of the unreacted core…. Pore or internal diffusion.
iii Reaction of gaseous A with solid B at the surface of the unreacted core
(reaction surface).
iv Diffusion of any gaseous products back to the exterior surface of solid
through the ash (ash layer)…. Reverse internal diffusion.
v Diffusion of gaseous products through the gas film back into the body of gas
…. Reverse external diffusion.
Whenever the resistance of the gas film controls the overall reaction rate, the
concentration profile for gaseous reactant A will be as shown in Fig.
As the rate of mass transfer is defined as the rate of flow of material normal to
a unit surface, we base the rate on the unchaning exterior surface of a particle. The
rate of reaction of A per unit surface is equal to the molar flux of A from the main
body of gas (the bulk gas phase) to the surface of the particle.
1 dN A
S ex dt
1 dN A
4R 2 ft
kg CAg CAs kg C Ag cons tan t 1
A g bB s products
dN A 1 dN B 1 dN B
dt b dt b dt
dN B dN A
- b 2
dt dt
Combining Equations (1) and (2), we get
1 dN B 1 dN B b dN A
bkg C Ag cons tan t 3
S ex dt 4 R dt
4 R 2 dt
N B B V 4
Putting value of – dNB from Equation (5) in Equation (3) we get an expression
for the rate of reaction in terms of the shrinking radius of unreacted core:
B 2
rc drc bkg CAg dt
Integrate the above equation between the limits:
B rc2 R 3 B R 3 2
R rc
R 2 3 3 3R 3
B R rc
1 bkg CAg t
3 R
B R rc 3
t 1 7
3bkg CAg R
Equation (7) give us idea regarding how the unreacted core shrinks with time.
B R 0 3
3bkg CAg R
= 8
3bkg CAg
1 c
t r
Equation (9) expresses the radius of unreacted core in terms of fractional time
for complete conversion.
3 rc
4 3 R
1 c X B
t r
Equation (11) expresses the relationship of time with the radius of unreacted
core and fractional conversion of B.
Whenever the resistance of the ash layer controls the overall rate of reaction,
the concentration profile of the gaseous reactant A will be as shown in Fig.
4r 2 QA 4R 2 Q As 4rc2 Q Ac cons tan t 1
Where QA is the flux of A through a spherical surface of any radius r in the ash layer,
QAs is the flux of A through the exterior surface of particle and Q Ac is the flux of A to
the reaction surface.
The flux of A through the ash layer may be represented by Fick’s law:
dC A
Q A De 2
dN A dC A
4r 2 De cons tan t 3
dt dr
Limits of integration:
r 0
dN A c dr
dt R r 2
4De dC A
C Ag
1 1
dN A
4De C Ag
dt R rc
dN A 1 1
4Dc C Ag 4
dt rc R
1 dN B 1 1
4De C Ag
b dt rc R
1 1
dN B 4 bDe C Ag dt 5
rc R
1 1
4B rc2drc 4bDe C Ag dt 6
rc R
1 1
B rc2drc bDe CAg dt
rc R
B rc c drc bDe C Ag dt
rc t
B rc drc bDe C Ag dt
R 0
r2 r3
B c c bDe C Ag t
2 3R
rc2 R 2 rc3 R 3 R 2 rc2 rc3
B B bDe C Ag t
2 2 3R 3R 6 2 3R
R 2 r2 r2
B c c bDe C Ag t
6 2 3R
B R 2 rc2 rc3
t 6 2 3R
bDe C Ag
t 1 3 2 7
6bDe CAg R R
Equation (7) relates the radius of unreacted core with time when the diffusion
through ash layer controls the overall reaction rate.
The time required for the complete conversion of a particle () is obtained by
putting rc 0 in Equation (7) as for the complete conversion of a particle rc = 0.
BR 2 0
1 3 2
6bDe C Ag R R
BR 2
6bDe C Ag
2 3
1 3 c 2 c
t r r
Equation (8) gives idea regarding the progress of reaction in terms of the time
required for complete conversion.
1 X B c
We have,
1 X B
1 3 1 X B 3 2 1 X B
6. Derieue the equation for SCM under chemical reaction controls?
Whenever the resistance of chemical reaction step controls the overall rate of
reaction, the concentration profile for gaseous reactant A will be as shown in Fig. In
this case, diffusion steps – diffusion of A through the gas film and the ash layer – are
rapid with respect to the surface reaction (slow reaction) and thus virtually no
concentration gradients exit in the gas film and in the ash layer i.e. as neither the gas
film nor the ash layer offers any significant resistance to mass transfer, the
concentration of A at the reaction surface at the radial position r c will be CAg, the
same as in the bulk of the gas.
1 dN A
k " C Ag
4rc2 dt
1 dN B b dN A
bk " C Ag
4rc dt
4 rc2 dt
Where k” is the first order rate constant for the surface reaction, m/s.
Also we have
dN B dr
4B rc2 c
dt dt
1 dr dr
4B rc2 c B c bk " CAg
dt dt
rc t
B drc bk " C Ag dt
R 0
B rc R B R rc bk " C Ag t
t R rc
bk " C Ag
The time required for complete conversion corresponds to r c = 0 (zero radius
of the unreacted core) and is obtained by replacing t by and putting rc = 0 in
bk " C Ag
t R rc r
1 c
1 X B c
We have
1 X B
t r
1 c 1 1 X B 3
Equation gives the time t at which the core has a radius r c and the fractional
conversion XB for the particle in terms of .
7. Derive the expression for SCM for particle of varying size under diffusion
through gas film controls.
When diffusion through the gas film controls, the situation becomes more
involved because of the changing particle size in turn changing the film resistance.
Film resistance at the surface of a particle depends upon the following parameters:
i Size of particle.
ii Properties of fluid,
iii Relative velocity between particle and solid.
Figure: Concentration profile of a gaseous reactant A for the reaction between a
shrinking solid particle and gaseous reactant A as per the stoichiometry: A (g) +
bB (s) rR (g)
The parameters have been correlated for various ways of contacting fluid with solid.
The correlation for mass transfer of a component with mole fraction y in a fluid to
free falling solids is:
kg dpy 1
2 0.6NRe2
Nsc ....Schmidt number
NRe ....Reynolds number
1 1
kg dpy 3 dpu 2
2 0.6
kg ... for small dp and low u
u 2
kg 1 ... for large dp and high u
d p2
Equation represents particles in the Stokes law regime 0.3
At the time when a particle of original size Ro has shrunk to size R, we can
dN B d B d B V BdV
Bd R 3 4 BR 2dR
1 dN B 1 dR
4B R 2
S ex dt 4R dt
B bkg CAg
2D D
dp R
dR bDCAg
dt R
Integrating, we get
dR bCAg D
dt BR
bCAg D
Limits of integration:
bC Ag Dt
2 2
B R 2 R 02
bC Ag D 2 2
2bC Ag D
R 02 R 2
B R 02 R
t= 1
2bC Ag D R 0
BR 02
2bCAg D
t R
1 XB
1 X B 3
t R
1 1 X B
Therefore 1 3
Equation expresses the relationship of size with time for shrinking particles in
the Stokes regime. The relationship is given by Equation well represents small
burning solid particles as well as small burning liquid droplets.
1 dN B
bk " CAc
4rc2 dt
C Ac C Ae C Ac as C Ae 0 for irreversible reaction
1 dN B 4brc2 k " C Ac
S ex dt S ex
1 dN B 4bk " rc2 CAc bk " rc2 C Ac
S ex dt 4 R 2 R2
1 R2 b
2 CAc
rc k "/ R 2
rc k " 1 dN B
S ex dt
1 R R rc R 2 b CA C As b C As C Ac bCAc bCAc
kg De rc rc k " 1 dN B 1 dN B 1 dN B 1 dN B
. . . .
S ex dt S ex dt S ex dt S ex dt
1 R R rc R 2 b C A C As b C As C Ac bC Ac
kg De rc rc k " 1 dN B 1 dN B 1 dN B
. . .
S ex dt S ex dt S ex dt
1 R R rc R 2 b
2 CA CAs CAs CAc CAc
kg De rc rc k " 1 dN B
S ex dt
1 R R rc R 2 bC A
kg De rc rc k " 1 . dN B
S ex dt
Rearranging above equation, we get
1 dN B bC A
S ex dt 1 R R rc R 2
kg De rc rc k "
10. Calculate the time required for complete burning of particles of graplute (size
R0=5mm, eB = 2.2g/cm3) in an 8% oxygen stream at 900oC and 1 am for the high gas
velocity used assume film diffusion does not offer any resistance to transfer and
reaction. Data: k”20cm/s.
Calculate the time required for complete burning of particles of graphite (size:
R0 = 5 mm, density: B = 2.2 g/cm3) in an 8% oxygen stream at 900oC and 1 atm.
For the high gas velocity used assume that film diffusion does not offer any
resistance to transfer and reaction.
But we are provided with: film diffusion does not offer any resistance.
For small spherical particles when chemical reaction controls rate the time
required for complete conversion (i.e. time required for complete burning of particle
of graphite) is given by
BR 0
bk " C Ag
Combustion Reaction:
A in gas stream – 8% by volume, total pressure = 1 atm.
Pressure % A 8 100
pAg 0.08 atm.
T 900 o C 1173K
R 82.06 cm 3atm / mol.K
C Ag 8.31 10 7 mol / cm 3
82.06 1173
B 2.2 g/cm 3 convert this mass density into molar density mol/cm 3
B 0.183 mol/cm 3 , At.Wt.C 12
0.183 0.50
1 20 8.31 10 7
For constant size spherical particles the possible mechanisms controlling the
rate are:
Data given:
R,mm t,h XB
4 1 X B1 0.578
R1 2
2 1 X B2 0.875
R2 1
(i) For film diffusion controlling we have for constant size spherical particles:
And R
X B1 ....... 1 .....for 4 mm particle
X B2 ...... 2 .....for 2 mm particle
1 R 1 1 cR 1 , c = constant
2 R 2 2 cR 2
t X B1 1 X B2 2
X B1 c R 1 = X B2 c R 2
X B1 R 1 X B2 R 2 ......this should be satisfied
X B1 R 1 0.578 2 1.158
X B2 R 2 0.875 1 0.875
X B1 R 1 X B2 R 2 ......
We have:
X B1
X B2
2 X B1
t X B2
t cR 1 R 2 X B1
1 t R 1 X B2
t cR 2
R2 1
R1 2
X B1 0.578
X B2 0.875
2 B1 ........
R 1 X B2 film diffusion does not control the rate.
1 3 1 X B 3 2 1 X B
And R2
1 2 1 X B 3 2 1 X B1 ........4mm particle
1R 12 1 cR 12
1 3 1 X B2 3 2 1 X B2 .......2 mm particle
2 R 22 2 cR 22
t t
1 cR 12 R 22 1 3 1 X B1 3 2 1 X B1
t t R 1 1 3 1 X B2 2 3 2 1 X B2
2 cR 22
R 22 1
2 0.25
R1 2
1 3 1 X B1 3 2 1 X B1
1 3 1 0.578 3 2 1 0.578
1 3 1 X B2 3 2 1 X B2 1 3 1 0.875 3 2 1 0.875
2 2
0.25 0.312
1 3 1 X B1 3 1 X B1
1 R 22
t R 1 1 3 1 X B2 2 3 2 1 X B2
1 1 X B 3
And R
1 1 X B1 3 ...... 1 .....4mm particles
1R 1 1 cR 1
1 1 X B2 3 ..... 2 .....2 mm particles
2 R 2 2 cR 2
From equations (1) and (2) we get:
cR 1 1 1 X B1 3 = cR 2 1 1 X B2 3
1 1
R 1 1 1 X B1 3 = R 2 1 1 X B2 3
1 1
LHS : R 1 1 1 X B1 3 2 1 1 0.578 3
1 1
As LHS = RHS ..... Chemical reaction controls the rate
t t
1 cR 1 R 2 1 1 X B1 3
t t R 1 1 1 X B2 1 3
2 cR 2
R2 1
LHS : 0.50
R1 2
1 1 X B1
1 1 0.578
3 3
1 1 X B2 1 1 0.875
1 1
3 3
So chemical reaction controls the rate
t 1h, X B 0.875
1 1 0.875 3
= 2h
Now we have to find out the time required for complete conversion of 1 mm
12. Spherical particles of Zns (R = 1 mm) are reasted in 8% oxygen stream at 900oC
and 1 atm. The reaction that proceeds as per SCM is as follows.
2ZnS 2O 2 2ZnO+2SO 2
B 4.13 g/cm 3 0.0425 mol/cm 3
k " 2.2 cm 2 / s
De 0.08cm 2 / s
Film resistance can safely be neglected as long as growing ash layer is present.
2 2 2
Specific: ZnS O2 ZnO SO2
3 3 3
R 1mm 0.10cm
B 4.13g / cm 3
T 900o C 1173K, P=1 atm
k"=2.2 cm/s, De 0.08 cm 2 / s
In our case : A = O2
Volume % of O2 in gas stream = 8
Mole % O2 = Volume % O2 (for ideal gas mixture)
Mole % O2 = 8
Mole % O2 = 8
Mole fraction O2 = 0.08
P 1 atm
BR 2
6bDe C Ag
0.0425 0.1
6 0.08 8.31 10 7
reaction , B 0.0425 mol/m 3
bk " CAg
0.0425 0.10
2 8.31 10 7
total 1598 3836 5434s
13. Solid particles of uniform size are 80% converted, according to the shrinking
core model (SCM) with ash diffusion step as rate as rte controlling, on passing
through a reactor with uniform gas environment. What would be the conversion
of solids if the reactor is made twice as large – all else remaining unchanged?
1 3 1 X B
2 1 X B
t 1 3 1 X 2 3 2 1 X .....ash diffusion controls
Given: XB 0.80
1 3 1 0.80 3 2 1 0.80
0.374.....for original reactor
The size of the new reactor is twice that of the original reactor. This is the only
difference between these reactors.
For the new reactor with all other parameters except size remaining
tp tp
new original
2 0.374 0.748
1 3 1 X B 3 2 1 X B
0.748 1 3 1 X B 3 2 X B
LHS = 0.748
Conversion of solids in the new reactor of size twice as large for the solids
in plug flow = 0.9648 or 96.48%
Given: ash diffusion step is rate controlling. For mixed flow of particles of
single unchanging size, uniform gas composition and ash resistance controlling we
1 19 41
2 3
1 XB .......
5 t 420 t 4620 t
1 19 41
2 3
1 0.2
5 t 420 t 4620 t
LHS 0.20
1 19 41
2 3
5 t 420 t 4620 t
Let x
x=1 … RHS = 0.1636 , x = 1.3 … RHS = 0.203
x = 1.5 … RHS = 0.228 , x = 1.29 … RHS = 0.2017
x = 1.4 … RHS = 0.2157 , x = 1.28 … RHS = 0.20 =
LHS = RHS for x 1.28
x 1.28......for original reactor
t 1
0.78125....for original reactor.
Wnew 2Woriginal
And t , F is same in both cases
t t
new original
= 2 x 0.78125 = 1.5625
for the new reactor = 0.64
t 1.5625
Conversion in the new reactor (for ash resistance controlling):
1 19 41
2 3
1 XB
5 t 420 t 4620 t
1 19 41
1 X B 0.64 0.64 0.64
2 3
5 420 4620
X B 0.9362
14. In a fluidized bed reactor, particles of iron sulphide of uniform size are to be
roasted. The time required for complete conversion is 20 min. The mean
residence time of particles in the fluidized bed is 60 min. The particles remained
as hard solids during reaction. and R relationship found to be R 1.5 .
As hard material is formed during reaction we can rule out safely the
possibility of film diffusion to be the controlling resistance.
As the given relationship between and R lies between 1 and 2, both these
mechanisms offer resistance to conversion.
20 t 60
0.333 and 3 l arg e value
t 60 20
1 1 1
2 3
1 X B .....
4 t 20 t 120 t
1 1 1
0.333 0.333 0.333 3
4 20 120
0.078 i.e 7.8%
1 19 41
2 3
1 X B ....
5 t 420 t 4620 t
1 19 41
0.333 0.333 2 0.333 3
5 420 4620
0.0619 0.062 i.e. 6.2%
0.062 0.078
Average of fraction remaining unconverted = 0.07
The fluidizing gas is in the gas phase reactant and has uniform composition.
The time required for complete conversion is 5, 10 and 20 minutes for three sizes of
feed under planned operating conditions. The feed rate to the reactor is 1 kg
solid/min and fluidsed bed contains 10 kg of solids.
The solids are hard and remain unchanged in size and weight during reaction.
The change in gas phase composition in the bed is negligible.
Here we have mixed flow of a size mixture of unchanging size and uniform
gas composition.
For mixed flow of solids, the mean residence time t R i of material of any
size Ri is equal to the mean residence time of all solids in the bed.
W 10
t t Ri 10 min
F 1
F R i Wt. fraction of particles of size R i F
1 XB
4 t 20 t 120 t F
1 50 1 50 2 1 50 F 50
4 t 20 t 120 t F
1 100 1 100 2 1 100 F 100
4 20 120 t F
1 200 1 200 2 1 200 F 200
4 t 20 t 120 t F
1 5 1 5
1 5 0.3
1 XB
4 10 20 10 120 10 1
1 10 1 10 2 1 10 0.40
4 10 20 10 120 10 1
1 20 1 20 2 1 20 0.30
4 10 20 10 120 10 1
4. ‘Enhancement factor is always greater than or equal to one’. Justify this statement.
Since the rate of take up of „A‟ when reaction occurs is greater than or equal to the rate of take up of „A‟ for
straight mass transfer, the enhancement factor is always greater than or equal to one.
7. Does the enhancement factor decrease or increase with Hatta number? Explain.
Yes, Enhancement factor (E) decrease or increases with Hatta number (MH). Because the evaluation of „E‟ depends on two
The enhancement factor for an infinitely fast reaction (Ei)
Maximum possible conversion in the film compared with maximum transport through the film (MH2).
12. In a gas-liquid reaction, it was observed that the reaction occurs on a plane with in the liquid film. Is the reaction
slow, fast or instantaneous? Explain.
The reaction is either instantaneous of fast, with low concentration of liquid.
14. Brief the mechanism of Surface renewal theory. (May 2015) & [Dec 2012]
This approach tries to apply the mathematics of the penetration theory to be more plausible physical picture. The
liquid is pictured as two regions, a large well mixed bulk and an interfacial region that is renewed so fast that it behaves as a
thick film. The surface renewal theory is caused by liquid flow.
15. What are the various resistances involved in developing rate equations for gas-liquid reactions?
The various resistances involved in developing rate equations for gas-liquid reactions are;
16. Sketch the concentration profile for an instantaneous gas-liquid non-catalytic reaction
17. Write short notes on slurry reactors.
solid catalyst particles. The solution may be either a reactant or a product or an inert.
is that temperature control and heat recovery are easily achieved. In addition, constant overall catalytic activity
can be maintained by the addition of small amounts of catalyst with each reuse during batch operation or with
constant feeding during continuous operation.
alyst, hydro-
formation of CO with high-molecular-weight olefins on either a cobalt or ruthenium complex bound to polymers,
18. What are the advantages of slurry reactors over fixed beds?
The advantages of slurry reactors over fixed beds are
a. It usually has a higher rate
b. It holds good for fast reactions on porous catalyst
Note: Slurry reactors can use very fine particles, and this lead to problems of separating catalyst from liquid.
(Only disadvantage of slurry reactor)
19. Explain Film penetration theory. (May 2015), [Dec 2012] (May/June 2014)
The penetration theory for mass transfer. Here the interfacial region is imagined to be very thick continuously generated by
flow. Mass transfer now involves diffusion in to this film. In this and other theories the interfacial concentration in the liquid
is assumed to be in equilibrium with that in the gas
20. Write short notes on trickle bed reactors.
c. A trickle bed reactor is a three-phase version in which gas and liquid reactants are brought into contact with solid catalyst
d. In this gas and liquid flow counter-currently downward over a fixed-bed of catalyst particles contained in a tubular
e. These reactors are widely used for hydro-desulphurization of liquid petroleum fractions and hydro-treating of lubricating
21. List the types of flow regime that are possible in trickle bed reactors.
In trickle bed reactor, four types of flow regimes are possible;
e bubbles.
Total resistance to mass transfer = R R g Rl
1.25 120
121.25(Pa.m 3 .h)mol
Resistance in the gas film = 100 1.03%
Resistance in the gas film = 100 98.97%
So 1.03% of the resistance is offered by the gas film and 98.97% of the resistance is
offered by the liquid film.
… Ans. (i)
Relative resistance:
120 96
Re sis tan ce of the liquid film relative to that of gas film =
1.25 1
… Ans. (i)
Here the gas film resistance is very very small (1.03%) in comparison with
that of the liquid film (98.97%). As the main resistance is in the liquid film (and with
little error ignoring the gas film resistance-being very very small), we can safely say
that the absorption is liquid film controlling with rate equation:
[With negligible gas phase resistance with little error, PAi PAand CAi PAi / H A ].
Since the major resistance resides in the liquid film, the rate of transfer of A is
liquid film resistance controlled. So anything which lowers this resistance would be
helpful. The reaction in the liquid phase lowers this resistance and hence can speed
up the absorption of A.
2. CO 2 is to be removed from air. We plan to use NaOH solution to hasten (speed
up) the removal of CO 2 from air at 250C (instead of pure water).
(i) Suggest and form of rate equation that we would use when
Pco 2 1000Pa and the solution is 2N.
(ii) How much can absorption be speeded compared to physical absorption
using water /
We have,
Concentration is g/l = Normality Equivalent weight
For NaOH, valence = 1
So equivalent weight = molecular weight = 40
Concentration = 240 = 80 g/l
Concentration of NaOH
Concentration in g/l
Solution (in molar units)
Molecular weight of NaOH
CB 2 mol/ = 2000 mol/m 3
Pco 2 = PA=1000 Pa
1 dN A
rA" = - = k Ag PA …Ans.
S dt
For removal of CO 2 (A) using pure water for a case of straight mass transfer
of A, the rate of transfer of A across the gas and liquid films is given by,
pA H A C A
Rate for straight mass transfer ( rA" " )
1 H
k Ag a k Al a
Maximum rate for straight mass transfer
1 HA
k Ag a k Al a
1 3000
0.8 25
By using 2N NaOH solution, the rate increases by 97 times than it for pure
water. By using 2N NaOH solution, the absorption is speeded 97 times compared
to physical absorption using pure water.
… Ans. (ii)
H 1.0 (Pa.m 3 ) / s
H 105 (Pa.m 3 ) / s
Give justification
It is a straight mass transfer (ahbsorption) of A across the gas and liquid films.
So there are two resistance (of gas film and liquid film) for mass transfer of A.
The rate expression for straight mass transfer of A across the gas and liquid
films is :
1 dNA 1
rA" PA
S dt 1 HA
k Ag k Al
1 1
Gas film resistance
k Ag a kg
1 H
Liquid film resistance =
k Al kl
Gas film resistance
23529.4(Pa.m 2s) / mol
4.25 10 5
Liquid film resistance
5 10 5 (Pa.m 2 .s) / mol
Relative resistance :
Liquid film resistance relative to the gas film resistance for highly soluble gas
H / kl
1/ kg
10 5
Liquid film resistance
1010 (Pa.m 2 .s) / mol
Relative Resistance :
Liquid film resistance relative to the gas film resistance for sparingly soluble gas
H / kl
1/ kg
4.25 105
…Ans. (i)
Referring to the above values (cited in %), it is clear that the gas film
resistance is almost zero i.e. it does not offer resistance to mass transfer. The liquid
film resistance is almost 100%. Hence, the entire resistance to mass transfer is
offered by the liquid film. So for this case, liquid phase resistance controls the
absorption process, It is a liquid film controlling process.
As here we have to take into account both the resistances, the form of rate
expression for straight mass transfer for this case is :
rA" PA
1 HA
k Ag k Al
… (Ans. (iii)
kg k Ag and kl k Al
Or rA" C A overall
1 1
Hk Ag k Al
Here the entire resistance is the resistance offered by the liquid film. No gas
phase resistance. So the form or rate expression to be used is :
rA" kAl (CAi CA ) Ai CA
… Ans. (iii)
No gas phase resistance - PAi PA
rA" k Al A CA
… Ans. (iii)
or -rA" =-r" =kl Cl
For sparingly soluble gas (slightly soluble gas) absorbed by water we have
rA" k Al A CA
k Al PA
rA" , C A very low.
.......... ...........
Solution :
A bB products, b = 1
In order to suggest a appropriate form equation for give situation we have to find
out whether this instantaneous reaction is with low C B or with high C B / b
For high CB : k Ag a pA k Bl a CB / b
For low CB : k Ag a pA k Bl a CB / b
pA = mole fraction H 2 S P
2 10 2000 Pa
Diffusivity of MEA (B) in solution is 0.64 times that H 2 S (A)
D Bl 0.64 D Al
D Bl
k Al a D Al
k Bl a D Bl
k Bl a = k Al a Bl
0.03(0.64) 0.0192s1
kAg a Pa = 6 10-4 2000 1.2 mol/(m3 .s)
k Bl a C B 0.0192 250
= 4.8 mol/(m 3 .s)
b 1
Referring to above two calculated values :
k a CB
k Ag a Pa < Bl
1 dN A
rA" k Ag pA
s dt
…Ans. (i)
pA H A C A
Rate for straight mass transfer rA" "
1 H
k Ag a k Al a
with C A = 0
Rate for straight mass transfer rA""
1 HA
k Ag a k Al a
1 10
6 10 -4
= 1 mol/(m 3 .s)
… Ans. (iii)
k Ag a
1 H
k Ag a k Al a
1 H
k Ag a A
k Ag a k Al a
1 3000
0.8 25
5. Gaseous A absorbs and reacts with B in liquid according to
A g l B l R l ,rAl kCACB in packed bed.
k 10 8 m liquid /(mol.h)
H A 1.0 (pa.m 3 liquid )/mol
k Ag a 0.10 mol/h.m 3 of reactor pa)
k Al a 100 m 3 liquid/(m 3 reactor.h)
fl = 0.01 m 3liqui / m 3 reactor
a = 100 m 2 / m 3reator
D Al D Bl = 10 -6 m 2 / h
Solution : A + bB product, b = 1
k Al a 100
k Al =1.0m.h
a 100
DAl DBl = 10-6 m 2 / h
PA = PAi = 100 Pa
CB = 100 mol/m 3
Evaluate E i and M H
DAl k C B
k Al
10 6 10 8 100
= 100
Ei 1+
b DAl PAi
10-6 100 1
= 1+ 2
1 10 6 100
Ei < MH / 5 E = Ei (Given)
1 dN A
rA" = - k Ag PA
S dt
rA" = a -rA"
rA" = k Ag a PA
= 0.1 100=10 mol/(h.m 3 reactor)
The general rate expression is
rA"" =
k Ag a k Al a E k C Bfl
1 HA 1
0.10 100 2 10 100 0.01
10 5 10 3 1 10 8
9.995 10 mol/(h.m 3 reactor)
Gas film resistance 100 99.95%
5 103
Liquid film resistance 100 0.0499 0.05%
Solution :
A bB R, -rA k CACB, b 1
a = 100 m 2 / m 3reator
DAl DBl = 10-6 m 2 / h
First we have to determine whether it is very fast, fast, slow or very slow
reaction. For this we have to evaluate HM and Ei
MH = (DAl k CB ) 2
DAl = 10-6 m2 / h, k = 10 m 3 /(mol.h), C B 1 mol/m 3
k a 100
k Al Al 1.0m/h
a 100
(10 6 10 1)0.5
MH 0.00316
E i = 1+ Bl B A
b D Al pAi
pAi pA 100 Pa, D Bl DAl 10 6 m 2 / h, H A 10 5 (Pa.m) / mol
10-6 1 105 3
Ei = 1+ 10
1 106 100
For infinitely slow reaction, the rate is determined by kinetics alone. The form
of rate expression for this case is
rA"" pA CB k fl CACB
rA"" = pA … (1)
k Ag a k Al a E k C Bfl
k fl
rA"" pA C B = k fl C A C B
` 1
= pA
k fl C B
Comparing Equation (2) and with Equation (1), there is no mass transfer resistance.
Liquid bulk resistance =
k fl CB
10 0.01 1
dc A
(N A ) rA 0
-d dc
(D AB A kc A 0
dz dz
d2c A
DAB kc A 0
k k
C A C1Cosh z c 2 sin h z
At z= 0, C A C Ao , z s C A 0
C1 C AO and C 2
tan h z
sin h z
CA C AO Cos h z C AO
tanh z
d CA
at z= o
NA / z o
tan h
tan h
8. The concentration of an underscrable impursety a in air at 10 5 pa is to be
reduced from 0.1% (100pa) to (0.02%) 20pa by absorptum in pure water. Estimate
the height of tower needed fro counter current operation.
The flow rates of gas and liquid per m2 of tower cross-section are:
CT 56000 mol/m3
We will wriyte first material balance for dilute solutions to find C A2 in the exit
water stream and then we will determine tower height.
Fl / A cs
pA pA1 CA CA1
F / A C
g cs T
CT = 56000 mol/m3
Fl / A cs 7 10 5 mol / h.m 2
Fg / A cs 7 10 5 mol / h.m 2
7 10 5 10 5
pA 20 CA 0
1 10 5 56000
pA 20 12.5C A
CA 0.08pA 1.6
pA2 100Pa
pA2 10 5 100Pa
The concentration of A in air leaving the tower is 0.02%
pA1 10 5 20Pa
pA 2
Fg dpA
Vr hAcs
K Ag a pA1 pA p*A
pA 2
Fg / Acs dpA
K Ag a pA1 pA p*A
Select a few values of pA in the tower, usually pA1 ,pA2 and one or two
intermediate values are sufficient.
CA = 0.08 pA – 1.6
1 1 HA
K Ag a k Ag a k Al a
1 12.5
0.32 0.10
3.125 125 128.125
1/ K Aga 128.125
pA 2
Fg / A cs dpA
K Ag a pA1 pA p*A
, pA1 20pA2 100Pa
Fg / A cs
K Ag apA dp
1 10 5
10 5 0.0078 20 dp
1 10 5
100 20
10 0.0078 20
512.82 513m
Here we are concerned with – straight mass transfer/physical absorption of A and
dilute system.
Now select a few values of pA in addition to pA1 and pA2 in the tower and determine
C A p*A (pA p*A )
C A 0.05556 pA 5.5556
Here we have constant pA so graphical procedure is not required (as is constant
it can be taken out of the integral sign).
Next evaluate K Ag a :
1 1 1
k Ag a 0.36mol / 0 k Al a=72 h -1
K Ag a k Ag a k Al a
1 18
0.36 72
2.78 0.25
K Ag a = 1/3.03=0.33 mol/(h.m 3 Pa)
pA 2
Fg dpA
K Ag a pA
K Ag a pA
(1000 100)
10 0.33 100
5 (1000 100)
10 0.33 100
24.54 m 3
Solution :
CA 0.05556 pA 5.5556
and CA2 50 mol/m3
Now select few values of pA in addition to pA1 and pA2 and determine
CA PA* (pA p*A )
For pA 275 Pa
CA 0.05556(275) 5.5556 9.7234 mol/m 3
p*A 1.8 9.7234
= 17.5 Pa
For PA 800 Pa
CA 0.5556(8000) 5.5556
= 38.89 mol/m 3
pA 2
Fg dpA
PA1 -rA""
-rA"" K Ag a (pA PA* )
v / s pA . The area under the curve between pAl and ---- integral and is equal to
( rA"" )
Vr / Fg .
= area under curve scale x-axis scale y-axis.
Now evaluate rA"" for each pA and tabulate.
For pA 100 pa , p*A P 0 and pA 100 Pa
1/(-rA"" ) 0.0303 (h.m 3 ) / mol
Plot v/s pA
(-rA"" )
Volume of tower = 6.64 m
Figure: E.33
Fg / A cs 1 10 5 mol/(h.m 2 )
Fl / A cs 10.6 10 5 mol/(h.m 2 )
k Ag a 0.60 mol/(h.m 3 .Pa)
k Al a = n0.5 h -1
Molar density of liquid, assumed constant, is
CT = 56000 mol/m3
And HA 15(Pa.m3 )/ mol
Here we are concerned with – straight mass transfer of A an---------------------
(Fl / Acs )
(pA pAl ) (CA CA1 )
(Fg / Acs )CT
pAl 100 Pa, CA1 0, -10 5 Pa
CT = 56000 mol/m3
Fl / Acs 10.6 10 5 mol /
pA 100 18.928 CA
or CA 0.05283 pA 5.283
… (1)
HA 15 (Pa.m 3 ) / mol
pA 300 Pa
CA 0.05283 pA 5.283
Take CA 0.05283(300) 5.283 10.566 mol/m 3
= 15 10.566 = 158.49 158.5 Pa
pA pA p*A 300 158.5 141.5 Pa
Here PA is not constant so we will adopt a graphical procedure for the
determination of height of the tower.
We have :
PA 2
Fg dpA
VR h A cs
PA1 rA""
(Fg A cs ) PA1 rA""
k Ag Ea 0.60mol /(h.m 3Pa)
k Al a = 0.5h -1
HA 15(Pa.m 3 ) / mol
1 1 HA
K Ag a k Ag a K Al a
1 15
0.6 0.5
1.667 30 31.667
K ag a = 0.0316 mol/(h.m 3 .Pa)
(Fg A cs ) PA1 rA""
= Area under the curve scale y-axis scale x-axis
Plot v/s pA and measure area under curve between pA1 100 Pa and
(-rA"" )
pA2 500 Pa.
Refer Figure. E 3.4 (b):
12. We plan to remove about 80% of the A present in a gas stream by absorption
in water containing reactant B. Material B reacts with A as per the following
pA in = 100 Pa
k Ag a = 0.32 mol/(h.m 3 .Pa)
k Al a = 0.10 h -1
C B = concentration of reactant B in water entering the tower = 800 mol/ m 3 .
800 mol/m3 .
Figure: E 3.6
First find CB2 with the help of material balance.
C B2 is the concentration of B in exit stream from the tower.
CBl 800mol / m 3
Fl / Acs 7 10 5 mol(h.m 2 )
Fg / Acs 1 105 mol(h.m 2 )
PA -20 =10020-12.5 CB
or C B = 801.6-0.08 PA
pA pA2 = 100 Pa
CB2 = 801.6 - 0.08 pA2
k Al a k Bl a
We have
As k Ag pA k Bl a we have:
Instantaneous reaction with high C B . Gas phase resistance controls. Reaction zone
is at the interface and so the form of rate equation is
rA"" ( rA" ) a k Ag a k Ag a PA
rA"" = 0.32 pA
The height of tower is given by
F /A PA 2
g cs
F /A 100
g cs
(0.32) 20
1 10 5
ln (100/20)
1 10 5 0.32
= 5.03 m
For low C B we have the situation as shown in Fig. 2.4. Here an element of liquid
contains either A or B not both. Consequently, reaction will occur at a plane
between A- containing and B- containing liquid (in the liquid film). As reactants A
and B must diffuse to this reaction plane for reaction to occur, the general rate will
be decided by ithe rate of diffusion A and B to this reaction plane.
At steady state, the flow rate of B toward the reaction zone will be b times that
of A. Thus the rate of disappearance of A and B based on the unit interfacial surface
are given by
rB"" Xo Xo
kAg (pA pAi ) = k Al (CAi 0) (CB0 ) ...(2.17)
b X Xo x
Where , k Ag gas film mass transfer coefficient for A, mol /(m 2 .Pa.s)
The liquid side coefficients are based of flow through the whole will of thickness x o .
The equilibrium relationship between pA and CA at the interface is given by Henry’s
According to the two-film theory the liquid phase mass transfer coefficients
for A and B are given by
k Al and k Bl = Bl
xo xo
k Al D Al x o D
= Al …(2.19)
k Bl D Bl /x o D Bl
Now we will eliminate the unknowns x, x o , C Ai , and pAi from the above
equations to obtain desired rate equation is terms of known quantities.
rA"" P P
A Ai
H A k Ag H A H A
rA"" k Al (C Ai 0)
rA"" x
CAi o …(2.12)
k Al x
xo k Bl x
Also, k Al (C Ai 0) (C B 0) o
x b xo x
CAi k Bl C B
x b k Al (x o x)
CAi xo CAi x Bl C B x
b k Al
CAi xo Bl C B CAi x
b k Al
k Bl
b k C B CAi
x CAi
rA" k
k Al b k Al
rA" k
Bl CB CAi …(2.23)
kAl b k Al
Henry’s law is
PAi H A C Ai
CAi Ai …(2.24)
rA" k Bl P
k Al b k Al HA
rA"" r "" P P k P
A A Ai Bl C B Ai
H k Ag k Al H A H A b k Al HA
1 1 PA k
rA"" Bl C B
H k Ag k Al HA b k Al
We have,
k Al DAi / xo
k Bl DBl / xo
k Bl DBl
k Al DAl
Replacing kBl / kAl by DBl / DAl in Equation (2.26) gives
1 1 PA DBl C B
HA k Ag k Al HA DAl b
1 dN A DAl b HA
S dt 1 1
HA k Ag k Al
k Bl C B
…….for k Ag pA
…. Reaction takes place within the liquid film ……….liquid film controls.
14. Derive the rate expression for slow reaction with respect to mass transfer?
Here all reaction occurs in the main body of the liquid with the liquid film still
offering a resistance to transfer of A into the main body of liquid. So the gas film,
the liquid film and the main body of he liquid act as resistance in series and all the
resistances will enter into the overall rate expression.
1 dN A
(c) Main body of liquid: rAl kC A C B
Vl dt
but ( rA"" )Vr ( rAl )Vl
( rA"" ) ( rAl ) l
(-rA"" ) kCACBfl , fl Vl / Vr
pA pAi ...step (a) ......... dividing by HA we get
rA"" p p p
A Ai A C Ai , as pAi H A C Ai
H k Ag a H A H A H A
C Ai C A ......... step (b)
k Ala
CA ......... step (c)
k C B fl
1 1 1 pA p
( rA"" ) C Ai C Ai C Al A
H A k Ag a k Ala k C Bfl H A HA
1 1 1 p
(rA"" ) . A
H A k Ag a k Ala k C Bfl H A
1 1 1
(rA"" ) pA
H A k Ag a k Ala k C Bfl
15. Derive the equation for volume of tower required for mass transfer with
‘A’ lost by gas = (' B' lost by liquid)
Fg dYA l (X B1 X B2 )
Composition at any point in the tower from point 1 is given by
Fg (YA YA1 )
(X B1 X B )
For dilute systems (for the case where all participants in the reaction are dilute)
pU and CU CT .
dilute dpA
dYA d(pA / pU )
and CU CT dXA = dCA/CT
Fg Fl
dpA dCA
Fg Fl
(pA pA1 ) (CB1 CB )
The volume of tower or the height of tower is found by combining the
material balance and the rate equation for a differential element of tower volume
rA"" a dVr
Fg dYA l B
YA 2 X
dYA Fl B1 dX B
Vr hAcs Fg (rA" )a b X (rA" )a
Fg FdC
l B
( rA" )dVr ( rA" )a dVr
Integrating equation, we get
pA 2 C B1
Fg dpA F dC B
Vr hAcs l
pA1 ( rA )a bCT
CB 2
( rA" )a