Technology and Livelihood: Education

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Home Economics
Beauty/Nail Care Services

Quarter 1 - Module 2


Treatment (1)
Home Economics
Beauty/ Nail Care Services

Quarter 1 - Module 2
Apply Hand Treatment (1)



Nail Diseases and Disorders

Nail diseases are conditions of the nails which lead to bacterial, fungal, and viral
infections. They are more serious and if not treated, can result in severe infection and
permanent damage to the nail.

Nail disorders, on the other hand, are conditions of the nail that can be treated.
They can be caused by internal and external factors and most people will experience
one of these conditions at some point. Many disorders can affect the nails. These
disorders can affect any part of the nail unit and can impact the appearance of the nail
plate itself.

Given below are the lists of the few important nail diseases and disorders and
their characteristics.

It is an infectious disease caused by a

1. Onychomycosis vegetable parasite. The onset of the
disease takes about two to three
months and the attack is rarely on more
than one or two nails. The appearance
of the nail is frayed (worn out), brittle
with the furrowed surface, opaque,
grayish, or yellowish in color and is
lifted-up by an accumulation of
epidermis underneath.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​1

is a term applicable to chronic

inflammation of the nail fold and nail
2. Onychia bed (matrix).It results from the
introduction of the microscopic
pathogen through small wounds.

3. Onychocryptosis It is referred to as ingrown nails that

affect the fingers and toenails. It is
marked by nail growth into surrounding
tissues and may cause infection.
Incorrect trimming a shaping of nails
are often responsible for ingrown nails.
It is the periodic shedding of one or
4. Onychoptosis more nails, either in the whole or in
part. This condition may be a symptom
of a more alarm disease such as
syphilis or can result from fever, trauma
systematic upset or adverse reaction to
the drug.
It refers to the detachment of the nail
5. Onycholysis from the nail bed, starting at its distal
and/or lateral attachment. The most
common cause of onycholysis is

6. It pertains to the extreme thickening

Onychogryphosi curvature of the nails, usually, it is
s or claw nails caused by varying degrees of
hyperkeratosis (a skin disease in which
the skin gets thicker) on the distal
portion of the nail bed that detaches
and lifts the plate off the bed.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​2

Nail Characteristics

1. Blue nails It is bluish in color, may be attributed

to poor blood circulation or heart

2. Brittle nails It is a vertical splitting or separation of

the nail plate layers at the distal (free)
edge of the nail plate. Overexposure to
detergent soap and other chemical

may attribute to the effect.

3. Bruised nails It shows dark purplish (almost black or

brown) spots in the nail. This is usually
due to injury and bleeding of the nail
bed. As the nail grows, dried blood in
the nail bed will also go out.

4. Eggshell nails The nail plate separates from the nail-

bed and curves at the free edge. It may
be caused by the chronic illness of
systemic or nervous origin.

5. Furrows These are long ridges that run either

lengthwise or across the nail. Some
lengthwise ridges are normal in adults.
These ridges increase with age and can
also be caused by psoriasis, poor
circulation, and frostbite. Ridges that run
across the nail are caused by high
fevers, pregnancy & measles.

6. Hangnails It is a condition in which the cuticle

splits around the nail. Carelessness in
removing the cuticle, dryness, cutting off
too much may result in hangnails. It
may cause infection if not treated.

7. Leconychia or A white spot appears frequently in the

white spot nails. They may be caused by injury to
the base of the nail. As the nail
continues to grow, these white spots
eventually disappear

8. Pterygium It is an overgrowth of the cuticle which
sticks to the surfaces of the nail plate.
Carefully remove the adhering growth
by means of a cuticle nipper.

9. Onychatrophia It is described as wasting away of the

nail. The nail loses its luster, shrinks and
falls This can be caused by injury to the
nail matrix or by internal disease.

10. Onychauxis It is an overgrowth of the nail usually

or in thickness rather than length. It is
hypertrophy caused by an internal imbalance, such
as local infection or heredity.

11. Onychophagy It is a deformity of a nail plate caused

or bitten nail by biting nails. It is an acquired nervous
habit which prompts the individual to
chew the nail or the hardened cuticle.

12.Onychorrhexis It refers to a split or brittle nails

or split or brittle caused by an injury to the finger,
nails careless filing of the nails, excessive
use of cuticle solvents and nail polish
removers. The nails may be extremely
dry because of some granular disorder.

13. Ridges It is caused by the uneven growth of

the nails, usually resulting from illness.
Buffing the nails with paste polish will
help remove ridges.

14.Treating cuts
It is caused by an accident during
manicure service. Apply an antiseptic
immediately. Do not apply nail polish
on the affected area

​Learners! Are you amazed with the different nail diseases and disorders? Yes,
there are lots of them. Some may have difficult names but one thing for sure, no one
would like to have them. So, take good care of your hands and nails to avoid unpleasant
Try the activity on the next page to test your understanding.

Directions. Identify what kind of nail disease or disorder the nail condition is of
the picture below. Then, opposite to the nail disease or disorder,
cite your own opinion on whether each condition can be allowed to
have a nail care treatment or not. Write your reasons briefly.

1. - ______________ - ______________________________
2. - ______________ - ______________________________

3. - ______________ - ______________________________

4. - ______________ - ______________________________

​ ​ ​ ​ ​5

5. - ______________ - _____________________________

What’s More

As a future nail technician, you must be able to identify any condition on a client’s
nails that should not be treated and cannot be treated in the salon. You must be able to
identify infectious conditions that may pose danger for contamination, in order for you to
take the appropriate steps to protect yourself and your clients from the spread of
disease or infections.

You should know, a normal, healthy nail is strong but flexible. The surface is
smooth, shiny, and unstained with no curvy ridges or splits. A healthy nail also is whitish
and glowing in appearance, with the pinkish color of the nail bed.

Taking care of one’s nail is essential. Experts say that more infections are spread
through the nails and hands than any other area of the body. Nails are one of the
important parts of our body, which serve as an effective indicator of a person’s health. If
ever, you will detect an abnormal appearance of the nails, especially nail infections,
then never perform the nail services and refer the client to a physician.

Disorders or Diseases

Directions. Identify the kind of nail disorders or nail diseases being referred to
by each word below. Answer DISORDER for nail disorders and
DISEASE for nail diseases.

_____________ 1. Bruised nails ​ ​_____________ 8. Onychia

_____________ 2. Onycholysis ​ ​_____________ 9. Onychorrhexis
_____________ 3. Onychogryphosis ​_____________ 11. Furrows
_____________ 4. Ridges ​ ​ ​_____________ 12. Onychoptosis
_____________ 5. Onychauxis ​ ​_____________ 13. Treating cuts ​
_____________ 6. Blue nails ​ ​_____________ 14. Onychocryptosis
_____________ 7. Bruised nails ​ ​_____________ 15. Onychophagy
_____________10. Leconychia

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