Civil / Structural Engineering Vertical Vessel Foundations: Design Guideline

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Civil / Structural Engineering DG-CSE-20301

Vertical Vessel Foundations

Document No.
Design Guideline Rev. 1


Rev. Date Description By Chkd Appd
0 25MAY11 Initial Issue (formerly EG-1903) DM DM CS
1 23JAN12 Revised Per Tech. Review DM DM CS

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Vertical Vessel Foundations
Rev. 1

1.0 SCOPE / OVERVIEW................................................................................................................. 4
2.0 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Wood Group Mustang Documents .................................................................................. 4
2.2 Codes and Standards ..................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Other............................................................................................................................... 4
3.0 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Clarification of Terms ...................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Abbreviations and Acronyms .......................................................................................... 4
4.0 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................ 5
4.1 Civil / Structural Engineering Lead .................................................................................. 5
4.2 Civil / Structural Engineering Staff................................................................................... 5
4.3 Vessel Engineering Lead ................................................................................................ 5
5.0 DESIGN DATA........................................................................................................................... 5
5.1 Design Criteria ................................................................................................................ 5
5.2 Vessel Drawings ............................................................................................................. 6
5.3 Plot Plan and Equipment Layout Drawings ..................................................................... 6
5.4 Project Team .................................................................................................................. 6
5.5 Construction Department ................................................................................................ 6
6.0 DESIGN CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 6
6.1 Vertical Loads ................................................................................................................. 6
6.2 Wind Loads ..................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Seismic Loads .............................................................................................................. 11
6.4 Piping Loads ................................................................................................................. 12
7.0 LOAD COMBINATIONS .......................................................................................................... 13
7.1 Allowable Stress Design Load Combinations ................................................................ 13
7.2 Load and Resistance Factor Design Load Combinations .............................................. 13
8.0 ANCHOR BOLTS..................................................................................................................... 14
8.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 14
8.2 Steel Strength of Anchor Bolts in Tension ..................................................................... 15
8.3 Steel Strength of Anchor Bolts in Shear ........................................................................ 15
8.4 Anchorage in Concrete ................................................................................................. 17
8.5 Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces........................................................................ 19
8.6 Seismic Requirements .................................................................................................. 19
9.0 PEDESTAL DESIGN................................................................................................................ 20
9.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 20
9.2 Sizing ............................................................................................................................ 20
9.3 Reinforcing.................................................................................................................... 20

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10.0 FOOTING DESIGN .................................................................................................................. 22

10.1 Sizing ............................................................................................................................ 22
10.2 Stability Ratio ................................................................................................................ 22
10.3 Soil Bearing .................................................................................................................. 23
10.4 Loads on Piles .............................................................................................................. 24
10.5 Reinforcing and Stresses .............................................................................................. 25
11.0 AVAILABLE SOFTWARE........................................................................................................ 26
APPENDICES...................................................................................................................................... 27
Appendix 1 - Foundation Charts ............................................................................................... 27
Appendix 2 - Standard Drawings and Details............................................................................ 34
Appendix 3 - Design Example .................................................................................................. 41

Figure 1 - Typical Anchor Bolt Layout When Forces are Transferred to Vertical Reinforcement ........... 18
Figure 2 - Typical Reinforcement Layouts to Tie Pedestal to the Footing ............................................. 21
Figure 3 - Soil Pressure for Octagonal Footings ................................................................................... 27
Figure 4 - Soil Pressure for Square Diagonal ....................................................................................... 28
Figure 5 - Soil Pressure for Square Flats ............................................................................................. 29
Figure 6 - Biaxial Soil Bearing Pressure for Rectangular Footings ( 1 of 2 ) ......................................... 30
Figure 7 - Biaxial Soil Bearing Pressure for Rectangular Footings ( 2 of 2 ) ......................................... 31
Figure 8 - Footing Thickness Required With No Top Steel ( f’c= 3000 psi ) .......................................... 32
Figure 9 - Footing Thickness Required With No Top Steel ( f’c= 4000 psi ) .......................................... 33
Figure 10 - Elements of Octagons - Even Side Dimensions ( 1 of 4 ) ................................................... 34
Figure 11 - Elements of Octagons - Even Side Dimensions ( 2 of 4 ) ................................................... 35
Figure 12 - Elements of Octagons - Even Side Dimensions ( 3 of 4 ) ................................................... 36
Figure 13 - Elements of Octagons - Even Side Dimensions ( 4 of 4 ) ................................................... 37
Figure 14 - Vertical Vessel Anchor and Base Ring Details (1 of 3 ) ...................................................... 38
Figure 15 - Vertical Vessel Anchor and Base Ring Details ( 2 of 3 ) ..................................................... 39
Figure 16 - Vertical Vessel Anchor and Base Ring Details ( 3 of 3 ) ..................................................... 40

Table 1 - Classification of Vertical Vessel............................................................................................... 8
Table 2 - Factor Cp ................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 3 - Typical Size of Platforms for Vertical Vessels........................................................................ 10
Table 4 - Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Combination Loads.............................................................. 13
Table 5 - Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Load Combinations .......................................... 13
Table 6 - Minimum Pedestal Reinforcement ......................................................................................... 22
Table 7 - Bearing Pressure Equations.................................................................................................. 24

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This guideline is for use in the analysis and design of foundations for vertical vessels. It shall be
used in conjunction with Engineering Guidelines: “Civil / Structural Engineering Onshore Design
Philosophy” and “Civil / Structural Engineering Onshore Engineering, found on myMustang®.
When there is a discrepancy between this document and Project Design Criteria or job
specifications, the latter shall govern.

2.1 Wood Group Mustang Documents
DPG-CSE-20101 Civil / Structural Engineering Onshore Design Philosophy
DPG-CSE-20102 Civil / Structural Engineering Onshore Engineering
2.2 Codes and Standards
The recommendations in this guideline are based on the following documents:
• American Concrete Institute (ACI). “Building Code Requirements for Structural
Concrete and Commentary”, ACI 318-08, 2008
• American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings
and Other Structures”, ASCE 7-05, 2005
2.3 Other
MathCAD template,, found on the Civil / Structural Engineering

3.1 Clarification of Terms
This section is not applicable to this document.
3.2 Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACI American Concrete Institute
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASD Allowable Stress Design
De effective vessel diameter
° Degree
> Equal to or greater than
ft foot / feet
ft square foot
< less than
H/D height-to-diameter
IBC International Building Code
in. inch / inches
in square inch
kip 1,000 pounds

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Rev. 1

ksf 1,000 pounds per square foot

ksi 1,000 pounds per square inch
LRFD Load and Resistance Factor Design
max. maximum
mph miles per hour
# number
O.D. outside diameter
% percent
sec. second / seconds


4.1 Civil / Structural Engineering Lead
The Civil / Structural Engineering Lead is responsible for the interpretation of all the
project documents (geotechnical report, client design criteria, codes, and design
guideline). The Civil / Structural Engineering Lead is also responsible for the definition of
the type of foundation, elevations, and general criteria. The Civil / Structural Engineering
Lead assigns work to Civil / Structural Engineering Staff to meet the project schedule.
4.2 Civil / Structural Engineering Staff
The Civil / Structural Engineering Staff is accountable for the quality of deliverables in
accordance with applicable standards, specifications, project design criteria, and
equipment drawings. Deliverables including calculations and sketches shall be
completed as directed by the Civil / Structural Engineering Lead.
4.3 Vessel Engineering Lead
The Vessel Engineering Lead is responsible to provide the vessel drawings, complete
with base reactions; general dimensions; and anchor bolt diameter, type, and layout.


The Civil / Structural Engineering Staff shall review and obtain the following information prior to
analyzing and designing the footings:
5.1 Design Criteria
• Concrete and reinforcing strength
• Allowable soil bearing pressure, friction factor, and coefficient of passive pressure
• Allowable pile capacities
• Groundwater table elevation for buoyancy
• Bottom of foundation elevation
• Frost depth
• Wind and seismic design parameters

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Rev. 1

5.2 Vessel Drawings

• Basic vessel dimensions
• Empty and operating weights
• Ladder and platform locations
• Wind and seismic shear and moment at base of vessel (for comparison)
• Number, size, location, and tensile strength (grade) of anchor bolts
• Bolt circle diameter
• Base plate or anchor chair detail
5.3 Plot Plan and Equipment Layout Drawings
• Orientation of vessel
• Location of vessel (centerline coordinates)
• Top of grout elevation
5.4 Project Team
• Existing or new foundations around the vessel
• Existing or new underground piping
• Existing or new electrical and instrument underground duct banks
• Existing or new above ground drainage including trenches, ditches, catch basins,
and manholes
• Other interferences such as extent of adjacent new structures and ribs for weather
barrier, not otherwise shown on the vessel drawing
5.5 Construction Department
Additional loading on foundation due to erection method, such as gin poles.


6.1 Vertical Loads
6.1.1 Erected Weight
The erected weight is the fabricated weight of the vessel plus all of the
removable internals, ladders, platforms, and pipe supports and all the items that
are intended to be erected with the vessel.
6.1.2 Empty Weight
The empty weight is the weight of the vessel plus all of the removable internals,
ladders, platforms, insulation, and fireproofing. The weight does not include any
liquid contents, catalyst contents, or platform live loads.

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Rev. 1

6.1.3 Operating Weight

The operating weight is the weight of the vessel plus all of the removable
internals, ladders, platforms, insulation, fireproofing, design liquid level, catalyst
contents, and attached piping weight and pipe supports. Normally 3 percent (%)
of the fabricated weight is added by Wood Group Mustang’s Vessel Group to
account for the attached piping. An additional 10 to 20% allowance may be
included for attached piping where the weight is provided by vendor and not by
the Vessel Group. When preliminary vessel information is being used, an
additional 5 to 15% contingency, based on engineering judgment, may also be
added to account for changes in the vessel weight. The operating weight does
not include live or snow load.
6.1.4 Field Test Weight
The field test weight is the operating weight of the vessel including the water
required for hydrostatic test in lieu of the design liquid level and catalyst contents.
6.1.5 Foundation Weight
The foundation weight is the weight of the foundation and weight of the soil
above the foundation.
6.1.6 Others
• Any eccentric loads, such as reboiler or other equipment supported on the
side of the vessel, shall also be evaluated.
• All of the above loads shall be considered as dead load for application of
concrete design load factors.
• Live loads or snow loads will typically not control any part of foundation
design and may be ignored.
6.2 Wind Loads
6.2.1 General
The results from this section shall be compared to the Vessel Group calculations
to insure consistency within the company.
Vertical vessels with a total height-to-diameter (H/D) ratio >10 may vibrate due to
vortex shedding effect. In this case, forces should be obtained from the Vessel
Contact the Vessel Group to verify banding thickness around insulation. This is
normally ignored in calculations, but shall be checked when clearances are

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Rev. 1

6.2.2 Gust Effect Factor

This factor can be calculated based on the following table. The vessel shall be
classified first as flexible or rigid depending on the period of vibration.

Table 1 - Classification of Vertical Vessel

Criteria Period ≥1.0 sec. Period <1.0 sec.

Classification Flexible Rigid

Calculate per ASCE 7, Section (use a critical damping
Gf 0.85
ratio β = 0.01) or obtain from
Vessel Group

6.2.3 Uniform Vertical Vessels

The natural period of vibration may be calculated using the ASCE “Guidelines for
Seismic Evaluation and Design of Petrochemical Facilities” in accordance with
the following formula:

12000 ⋅ wD
7.78  H 
T= 6   Equation 1
10  D  t

T Period, sec
w Distributed Operating or Empty Weight, kip/ft.
H Total Height, ft.
D Outside diameter of vessel, ft.
t Skirt thickness, in.

For more precise calculations and for non-uniform vertical vessels, STAAD Pro
may be used for generation of natural period and seismic force. If available, the
period may be obtained from the Vessel Group.
6.2.4 Simplified Procedure
Calculate wind loads in accordance with ASCE 7 (or project design criteria), as

pz = qzG f Equation 2

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p Design wind pressure, ksf.
qz Velocity pressure, equal to q z = 2.56 ⋅10 −6 K z K zt K d V 2 I
V Basic wind speed, from design criteria, mph.
Kd Wind directional factor, generally 0.95
I Importance factor, generally 1.15 unless Client Specifications or
Civil / Structural Engineering Lead dictate a different value.
Kz Velocity pressure exposure coefficient. Based on the Exposure
Category, Kz shall be determined from table or equations on ASCE
7, Table 6-3.
Kzt Topographic factor, from Design Criteria.
Gf Gust effect factor (see Section 6.2.2).

Compute wind loads using an effective vessel diameter (De) which approximates
the effect of all projections such as piping, ladders, and platforms.

De = C f D0 + 0.8D p + C L + C p Equation 3

De Effective vessel diameter, ft.
Cf Force coefficient (shape factor) sees ASCE 7, Figure 6-21.
(use Cf = 0.8)
Do Outside diameter of vessel insulation, ft.
Dp Diameter of largest vertical pipe with insulation, ft.
CL Ladder projected area (1.5-ft. with cage, 1.0-ft. without cage)
Cp Additional width for platform areas, ft. (see Table 2)
B Platform width, ft.
S Average vertical platform spacing, ft.

Table 2 - Factor Cp

Cp (ft)
B = 3-ft B = 4-ft
S = 30-ft 0.55-ft 0.8-ft

S = 15-ft 1.10-ft 1.6-ft

Wind shear forces and moments may be calculated using this effective diameter.
If these calculations compare favorably with the Vessel Group’s computer
results, the shears and moments can then be used for the foundation design.

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6.2.5 Detailed Procedure

When more accurate loads are required or the previous method is deemed to be
unacceptable, wind loads may be calculated using vessel orientation, platform
drawings, and the following criteria:
• Wind pressure on projected area of insulated vessel times a cylindrical shape
• Flat surface wind pressure on platform plan area times 0.5-factor applied at
each platform (this will account for all framing and hand railing.). To
approximate the effect of shielding, the degree of platform used in
determining platform plan area shall not exceed 180-degrees (°) for any
platform except the platform at the top of the vessel.
• Wind pressure on ladder with cage (assume tributary width of 1.5-ft.) with a
1.0-shape factor.
• Wind pressure on largest vertical pipe (including insulation) with a shape
factor of 0.8.
When vessel orientation drawings are not available, the following criteria shall be
used for estimating platforms:
• A minimum of one (1) 3-ft, 0-in. wide platform, 2-ft, 6-in. below each man-
way, 15-ft or greater above grade shall be considered.
• One (1) square platform at the top of the vessel when job requirements
dictate (size depends on vessel diameter).
• A minimum of one (1) platform every 30-ft shall be taken into consideration.
• Platforms are sized based on Table 3 below:

Table 3 - Typical Size of Platforms for Vertical Vessels

Vessel Diameter Degree of Platform

(D) (°)

D ≤ 48-in. 180
48-in. < D ≤ 96-in. 135
96-in. < D ≤ 144-in. 90
144-in. < D 60

6.2.6 Forces at the Base of the Vessel

Shear and moment due to wind may be calculated as follows:

Vw = ∑ p z ⋅ Az Equation 4

M w = ∑ V z ⋅ hz Equation 5

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Vw Wind shear force at the base of the vessel, kip
Mw Wind overturning moment at the base of the vessel, kip-ft
pz Design wind pressure at elevation ‘z’, ksf
Az Projected area of vessel at elevation ‘z’, ft
Az = ∆hz ⋅ De
hz Distance from the bottom of vessel to elevation z, ft
∆hz Length of stack section under consideration, ft
Vz Horizontal force at elevation ‘z’, kip
De Effective diameter at elevation ‘z’, ft (see Section 6.2.4)
6.3 Seismic Loads
The results from this section shall be compared to the Vessel Group calculations to
insure consistency within the company.
Calculate seismic base shear using the equivalent lateral force procedure of ASCE 7,
Section 12.8, as follows:
Vs = C sWt Equation 6

Cs =
R Equation 7

Cs need not exceed:

S D1
Cs = for T < TL
R Equation 8
T 

Cs = for T ≥ TL
R Equation 9
T 2 

Cs shall not be less than 0.01. In addition, where S1 is greater than or equal to 0.6, Cs
shall not be less than:

Cs = ≥ 0.01
  Equation 10

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Wt Weight of vessel (empty and operating condition should be checked), kip.
Cs Seismic response coefficient.
SDS Design spectral response acceleration parameter in the short period
R Response modification factor (Design Criteria or ASCE 7, Table 15.4-2;
generally taken as 3.0).
I Importance factor (Design Criteria or ASCE 7, Table 11.5-1).
SD1 Design spectral response acceleration parameter at a period of 1.0-sec.
S1 Mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration
parameter at a period of 1.0-sec.
T Fundamental period of the structure (see Section 6.2.3).
TL Long-period transition period (see ASCE 7 Figure 22-15 to 22-20).

The overturning moment for vessels with uniformly distributed weight may be taken as:

2 
M s = Vs  H  Equation 11
3 

Ms Seismic overturning moment at the base of the vessel, kip-ft
Vs Seismic shear force at the base of the vessel, kip.
H Total height of vessel, ft

The computed seismic force using the above procedure is based on the strength level,
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD). The shear and moment results presented
on the vessels drawing are normally based on working stress level, Allowable Stress
Design (ASD). When working with the strength level, the Vessel Group’s seismic shear
and moment shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.4 in order to convert from allowable
stress level to strength level.
The results shall be compared to the Vessel Group calculations to insure consistency
within the company.
6.4 Piping Loads
Forces due to thermal expansion of piping shall be included in load combinations when
judged significant. For concrete design, piping thermal loads shall be considered as
dead load. Thermal loads will not normally be added to wind loads. Overturning need
not be checked for thermal loading.

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7.1 Allowable Stress Design Load Combinations
The following ASD load combinations shall apply for soil bearing and pile capacities,
unless job specifications dictate otherwise. Factors shown are per ASCE 7, modified per
industry practice, and are given as an example. Specific job criteria may result in
different load combinations. Because these combinations do not include the 0.6DE +
1.0W combination shown in ASCE 7-05, 2.4.1 (see footnote below the following table),
an overturning factor of safety of 1.5 must be satisfied for all combinations.

Table 4 - Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Combination Loads

Description Load Combination

Operating weight 1.0DO

Operating weight + wind or seismic 1.0DO+1.0W or (0.7EO +0.14SDSDo)

(operating) 0.9DO + 0.7EO
0.9DE + 1.0W
Empty weight + wind or seismic (empty)
0.9DE + 0.7EE
1.0DTEST + 0.33W
Test or Erection weight + partial wind
1.0DEREC + 0.33W
Note: That the 0.6 dead load factor does not apply for vertical vessel foundation uplift
combinations since the dead loads for non-building structures are known to a
higher degree of accuracy than dead loads for buildings.

7.2 Load and Resistance Factor Design Load Combinations

The following LRFD (strength design) load combinations shall apply for reinforced
concrete design unless job specifications dictate otherwise. Factors shown are per
ASCE 7, modified per industry practice, and are given as an example. Specific job
criteria may result in different load combinations.

Table 5 - Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Load Combinations

Description Load Combination

Operating weight 1.4DO

1.2DO + 1.6W or(1.0EO + 0.2SDSDO)
Operating weight + wind or seismic (operating)
0.9DO + 1.0EO - 0.2SDSDO
0.9DE + 1.6W
Empty weight + wind or seismic (empty)
0.9DE + 1.0EE - 0.2SDSDE
Test weight 1.4DTEST
1.2DTEST + 0.53W
Test or erection weight + partial wind
0.9DERECT + 0.53W

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DE Vessel empty weight and foundation weight.
DEREC Vessel erection weight.
DO Vessel operating weight.
DTEST Vessel test weight.
W Wind Load.
EO Horizontal Earthquake Load during normal operation.
EE Horizontal Earthquake Load during an empty condition.
SDS Design Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration for short periods.

If spectral short-period acceleration, SDS, is <0.125, the vertical component of seismic

effects (+/- 0.2 SDS) can be taken as zero.
When applicable, all of the above combinations shall also be evaluated for a buoyant
condition (high groundwater table).


8.1 General
Anchor bolt diameters selected by the Vessel Group shall be checked by the Civil /
Structural Engineering Lead for tensile and shear strength on the steel and concrete.
It is desirable to select an appropriate anchorage system to keep bolts out of the mat.
The Vessel Group often figures anchor bolt tension using the Brownell-Young method
(ASD), which commonly produces smaller tension forces. This method may be utilized to
avoid discrepancies. The Wood Group Mustang MathCAD template
“” is available on the Civil / Structural Engineering page on
myMustang® and can be used to quickly calculate the anchor bolt tension of a skirted
vertical vessel. The calculated factored anchor bolt tension shall be converted to ASD
prior to comparing with the Brownell-Young.
For non-galvanized anchor bolts, a corrosion allowance of 3/16-inch (in.) shall be
subtracted from the bolt diameter. The corroded diameter shall be used for calculating
stress in the bolt material. Bolt pullout and shear on concrete will not be affected by
corrosion. Normal Wood Group Mustang procedure is to utilize Galvanized A36 anchor
Neither an anchor bolt template nor anchor bolt sleeves are required for vertical vessels
unless specifically requested by Client.
All pre-tensioned anchor bolts shall be high strength and all high strength anchor bolts
shall be pre-tensioned. Use Anchor Bolt Type PA (Wood Group Mustang A.B. Schedule)
for all pretension bolts. For high strength anchor bolts, initial bolt tension shall be
0.375Fu times the gross area of the bolt as indicated by a required angle of nut rotation
from a snug tight condition, torque, or pretension value. A Wood Group Mustang
MathCAD template “A.B.Pre-tension Vx.x.xmct” is available on the Civil / Structural
Engineering page on myMustang®, can be used to quickly calculate these values.
All pre-tensioned anchor bolts shall be installed with a bond breaker (tape) that will
prevent the grout or concrete from bonding to the bolt throughout its stretched length
(bottom of chair / base plate to 1-in. above the nut). Tape shall be of a non-water

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absorbing material. Vessels over 150-ft in height or with a H/D ratio >10 should have
high strength anchor bolts regardless of the stress in the bolts.
Anchor bolts shall project 2.5-times the bolt diameter above the vessel chair or plate.
Note: Often a plate is provided above the chair, which shall also be cleared.
8.2 Steel Strength of Anchor Bolts in Tension
Anchor bolt tension may be checked using the following procedure and limited to the
LRFD capacity φTn > TAB
Steel Capacity:

φTn ( LRFD) = 0.56 ⋅ Fu ⋅ Ab Equation 12

Wind Load:

1.6 ⋅ 4 ⋅ M w 0.9WE
TAB ( LRFD) = − Equation 13
N ⋅ BC N
Seismic Load:
1.0 ⋅ 4 ⋅ M s  0.9W − 0.2 S DSW 
TAB ( LRFD) = −  Equation 14
N ⋅ BC  N 
Fu Ultimate tensile strength of the anchor bolt, ksi
Ab Nominal (gross) area of the anchor bolt, in
TAB Anchor bolt tension due to seismic or wind, kip
φTn Steel design strength, kip
Mw Wind moment at base of vessel, kip-ft.
Ms Seismic moment at base of vessel (empty or operating), kip-ft
N Number of anchor bolts.
BC Bolt circle diameter, ft.
WE Empty weight of vessel, kip
W Empty or operating weight of vessel, kip

8.3 Steel Strength of Anchor Bolts in Shear

Shear on anchor bolts need not be designed unless applied factored shear force
exceeds the design friction capacity, in which case the anchor bolts shall carry the full
To have no Shear Force on the Anchor Bolts:

φ ⋅ V f ≥ Vu → No shear on anchor bolts Equation 15

Friction Capacity, φVf:

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φV f = 0.75 ⋅ µ ⋅ Pu Equation 16

Factored Compression Force Pu, for Wind Load:

1.6 ⋅ M w
Pu = + 0.9 ⋅ Wo Equation 17
0.67 ⋅ BC

Factored Compression Force Pu, for Seismic Load:

1.0 ⋅ M s
Pu = + 0.9 ⋅ W − 0.2S DS ⋅ W Equation 18
0.67 ⋅ BC

Total Shear Force per Anchor Bolt is:

V AB ( LRFD) = Equation 19

If shear forces are transferred to the anchor bolts, all base shears shall be resisted by
the anchor bolts. Assuming threads are included in the shear plane:
Steel Shear Strength of Anchor Bolt is:

φVn ( LRFD) = 0.65 ⋅ 0.40 ⋅ Fu ⋅ Ab Equation 20

Ab Nominal (gross) area of the anchor bolt, in
Vu Factored wind shear force at base of vessel, kip
Factored seismic (empty or operating) shear force at base of vessel, kip
Fu Ultimate tensile strength of the anchor bolt, ksi
ФVf Nominal frictional force capacity, kip
ФVn Nominal steel strength capacity, kip
Pu Factored compression force at top of pedestal, kip
Mw Wind moment at base of vessel, kip-ft
Ms Seismic moment at base of vessel (empty or operating), kip-ft
µ Coefficient of friction. For the typical case of grout against steel, µ = 0.55.
BC Bolt circle diameter, ft
WE Empty weight of vessel, kip
W Empty or operating weight of vessel, kip
VAB Bolt shear force, kip
N Number of anchor bolts

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8.4 Anchorage in Concrete

8.4.1 Forces Transferred to Concrete ( Method 1 )
Embedment length, edge distance, and distance between anchor bolts may be
defined based on the concrete strength per ACI 318 Appendix D. All following
conditions shall be checked:
• Concrete breakout strength of anchor in tension and shear.
• Pullout strength of anchor in tension.
• Concrete side-face blowout strength of anchor in tension.
• Edge distance, spacing, and thicknesses to preclude splitting failure.
8.4.2 Forces Transferred to Vertical Reinforcing ( Method 2 )
If the anchor bolt tension force is transferred to the reinforcement, vertical dowels
shall be fully developed for the applied tensile forces. Only dowels closer than
1/2 of the embedment length can be used for this purpose.
The selected bolt shall have adequate embedment length to provide enough
development length for the vertical dowels above the bottom of the bolt (see
Figure 1) in accordance with ACI 318 Chapter 12. In some cases, it may be
necessary to hook the dowels at the top of the pedestal to effectively transfer the
anchor bolt tension load into the reinforcement.
Hairpins or a second ring of dowels may be required within a horizontal distance
of 1/2 of the embedment depth of the anchor bolt to transfer tensile forces.
Required Dowel Area:

Adowel =
NB ⋅ 0.75 ⋅ Fy Equation 21

Required Development Length may be calculated as:

Adowel (required )
Ld (required ) = Ld ≥ 12" Equation 22
Adowel ( provided )

If a Hook is used:

Adowel (required )
Ldh (required ) = Ldh ≥ 6" or 8d b Equation 23
Adowel ( provided )

The reduction Adowel(req) / Adowel(prov) cannot be applied in seismic design

categories D, E, and F, nor should it be applied without Engineering Lead

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TAB Anchor bolt tension due to seismic or wind (see Section 0), kip
NB Number of vertical dowels (rebar) within 0.5hef
Fy Rebar yield strength, ksi
Ld Development length in tension of dowel per ACI 318 Chapter 12
Ldh Development length in tension of dowel with a standard hook per
ACI 318 Chapter 12
Adowel Required area of dowels close to the anchor bolt, in

When forces are transferred to additional reinforcing, all following conditions shall
be checked per ACI 318, Appendix D.
• Concrete breakout strength of anchor in shear.
• Pullout strength of anchor in tension.
• Concrete side-face blowout strength of anchor in tension.
• Edge distance, spacing, and thicknesses to preclude splitting failure

Figure 1 - Typical Anchor Bolt Layout When Forces are Transferred to

Vertical Reinforcement

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8.5 Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces

If shear needs to be included, combined shear and tension shall be checked in
accordance with ACI 318 Section D.7 or Project Design Criteria.

If Vu ≤ 0.2φVn
Equation 24
then full strength in Tension shall be permitted: φN n ≥ Tu

If Tu ≤ 0.2φN n
Equation 25
then full strength in Shear shall be permitted: φVn ≥ Vu

If Vu > 0.2φVn and Tu > 0.2φN n ,

 Tu   Vu  Equation 26
then:   +   ≤ 1.2
 φN n   φVn 

Tu Factored tensile force applied to a single anchor or group of anchors, kip
φNn Lowest design strength in tension of anchor governed by steel or
concrete, (see ACI 318, D.4.1), kip
Vu Factored shear force applied to a single anchor or group of anchors, kip
φVn Lowest design strength in shear of anchor governed by steel or concrete,
(see ACI 318, D.4.1), kip

8.6 Seismic Requirements

In Seismic Design Category C, D, E, or F the following requirements shall apply (refer to
ACI 318 Appendix D for additional information):
• The anchor design strength associated with concrete failure modes shall be taken as
0.75φNn and 0.75φVn where φ is given in ACI 318 Chapter D.4.4 or D.4.5 and Nn and
Vn are determined in accordance with D.5.2, D.5.3, D.5.4, D.6.2, and D.6.3.
• Anchors shall be designed to be governed by the steel strength of a ductile steel
element (in tension and shear). Ductile performance during a seismic event may be
accomplished if either of the following criteria is met.
- The capacity of concrete is greater than the capacity of the steel (if Section 8.4.1
of this document is used).
- Actual tension forces from the anchor bolts are transferred to the vertical
reinforcement (dowels) properly anchored in the foundation and seismic splices
and development lengths are used per ACI-318 Chapter 22 (if Section 8.4.2 of
this document is used).
- Utilize only 40% of the design strength capacity using 0.75φNn and 0.75φVn
where φ is given in ACI 318 Chapter D.4.4 or D.4.5.

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9.1 General
Orient drain towards the nearest catch basin. Check for pedestal and vessel ladder
9.2 Sizing
Concrete pedestals supporting vertical vessels shall be sized to provide concrete
coverage for anchor bolts as follows:
• Bolt circle + 8-in.
• Bolt circle + 8-bolt diameters (A36 bolts).
• Bolt circle + 12-bolt diameters (High strength bolts).
• Bolt circle + sleeve diameter + 7-bolt diameters (A36 bolts).
• Bolt circle + sleeve diameter + 11-bolt diameters (High strength A105 bolts).
• Clearance to fit anchor bolts within vertical pedestal reinforcing.
• Outside Diameter (O.D.) base + 2-times grout thickness.
Pedestals 6-ft, 0-in. and over shall be octagonal in shape; under 6-ft, 0-in. may use a
square shape. To facilitate standard forms, octagons may be sized in even 2-in.
increments for the flat dimension and squares in even 2-in. increments out-to-out.
9.3 Reinforcing
The pedestal shall be tied to the footing with sufficient dowels around the pedestal
perimeter to prevent separation of the pedestal and footing. If pedestal height is greater
than 8-ft, 0-in., then consider splicing the dowels.
Dowels may be conservatively sized by computing the maximum tension at the pedestal
perimeter due to overturning moment at the pedestal base using a modified anchor bolt
Wind Load:
1.6 ⋅ 4 ⋅ M PEDwind
Tdowel ( LRFD) = − 0.9 ⋅ W E Equation 27
Seismic Load:
1.0 ⋅ 4 ⋅ M PEDseis
Tdowel ( LRFD) = − 0.9 ⋅ W + 0.2S DS W Equation 28
Required Dowel Area:
Adowel = Equation 29
NB ⋅ 0.9 ⋅ Fy
The required development length may be calculated per Section 8.4.2 above.
The reduction Adowel(req) / Adowel(prov) cannot be applied in seismic design Categories C,
D, E, and F, nor applied without Engineering Lead approval.

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MPEDwind Wind moment at base of pedestal, kip-ft
MPEDseis Seismic moment at base of pedestal (empty or operating), kip-ft.
Tdowel Dowel tension due to seismic or wind, kip
NB Number of vertical dowels (rebar)
RC Reinforcing circle diameter, ft (assume pedestal dimension minus 6-
WE Empty weight of vessel plus pedestal, kip
W Empty or operating weight of vessel plus pedestal, kip
Fy Rebar yield strength, ksi
Adowel Required area of dowel, in
heff Embedment length, in.
Ld Development length in tension of dowel per ACI 318 Chapter 12
Ldh Development length in tension of dowel with a standard hook per ACI
318 Chapter 12

Figure 2 - Typical Reinforcement Layouts to Tie Pedestal to the Footing

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Table 6 - Minimum Pedestal Reinforcement

Type Description
Squares: #4 Vertical Rebar with #3 Ties each at 12-in. max.
up to 6-ft, 0-in. spacing
Octagons: 24 - #5 Vertical Rebar with #4 Ties at 12-in. max.
6-ft., 3/8-in. to 8-ft, 5-3/8-in. spacing
Octagons: 32 - #6 Vertical Rebar with #4 Ties at 12-in. max.
8-ft., 10-1/4-in. to 11-ft-8-in. spacing
Octagons: #6 Vertical Rebar with #4 Ties each at 12-in. max.
larger than 11-ft, 8-in. spacing

Pedestals for vertical vessel foundations need not be designed as columns.

Splice lengths for ties shall be Class "B". The reduction factors from ACI Section 12.2
are not normally applied. The minimum splice length shall be 16-in. A double set of ties
shall be placed at top of pedestal to protect anchor bolts.
Provide minimum temperature top reinforcing steel #4 at 12-in. C/C in orthogonal
directions for pedestals over 8-ft, 0-in.


10.1 Sizing
Square footings are preferable to octagonal footings. Flat dimension on octagons and
overall dimension on squares shall be sized in even 2-in. increments to facilitate the use
of metal forms. Rectangular or combined footings may be required in confined areas, but
shall be avoided where possible. Adjusting the plot plan coordinates in conjunction with
piping layout may be an acceptable solution in confined areas.
The minimum footing thickness for soil supported foundations shall be 15-in. and the
minimum thickness for pile supported foundations shall be 18-in., with 3-in. incremental
increases. The thickness selected shall be checked for shear and tension in the
10.2 Stability Ratio
Stability provisions outlined herein apply to shallow foundations. Footings supported on
piles should utilize the tension capacity of piles. The minimum Stability Ratio for service
loads other than earthquake shall be 1.5 or in accordance with job specifications. For
earthquake service loads, the minimum Stability Ratio shall be 1.2 or in accordance with
job specifications.
For a foundation with symmetrical and concentric pedestal and footing, the overturning
stability ratio may be calculated as:

SR = Equation 30

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b Dimension of the footing in the direction of overturning moment, ft.
e Eccentricity equal to the overturning moment at the base of the footing
divided by the total vertical load, ft.

The stability ratio for sliding is defined as the passive soil resistance plus the frictional
resistance to sliding divided by the maximum horizontal force applied to the foundation,
for any given loading condition.
For estimating purposes, the following values may be used if they are not provided in the
Design Criteria or Geotechnical Report.
• Cohesive Soils:
– Cohesion: 500-ksf (may be taken as zero)
– Adhesion: 250-ksf
• Cohesionless Soils:
– Passive Pressure Coefficient, Kp: 3.0 (may be taken as zero)
– Soil to Concrete Friction: 0.5
10.3 Soil Bearing
Soil bearing values shall be calculated using allowable stress combinations specified in
Section 7.1. The maximum soil bearing pressure shall be checked on the diagonal axis.
Soil bearing pressure used for reinforcing design shall be computed on the normal axis
(on the flat).
When applicable, all load combinations shall be evaluated for a buoyant condition when
a high groundwater table is encountered. The minimum factor of safety for buoyancy
shall be 1.2 under unfactored service loads.
Any increase in allowable soil bearing pressure for wind, seismic, or thermal load
combinations shall be based on Project Design Criteria and recommendation by the
Geotechnical Consultant.
The soil bearing pressure may be computed using Figure 3, when the entire octagonal
footing area is not in compression (e/D > 0.122 on the diagonal and e/D > 0.132 on the
When the entire square footing area is not in compression (e/D > 0.118 on the diagonal
and e/D > 0.167 on the flat), the soil bearing pressure may be computed using Figure 4 -
or using Wood Group Mustang’s MathCAD template (Fdnstd Version x.x.xmcd) located
on the Civil / Structural Engineering page on myMustang®.
When the entire footing area is in compression, the soil bearing pressure shall be
computed using the combined stress formula: S.B. = P/A ± M/S.

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Table 7 - Bearing Pressure Equations

Direction Octagon Square

for e/D ≤ 0.132 : for e/D ≤ 0.167:


for e/C ≤ 0.319:

for e/D ≤ 0.122 : for e/D ≤ 0.118:


for e/D ≤ 0.295 :

P Total vertical load, kip
e Eccentricity (M/P), ft.
D Overall size, ft
C Octagon flat side length, ft.
SB Soil bearing pressure, ksf

M Overturning moment at base of footing, kip-ft.

A Footing area, ft

10.4 Loads on Piles

The maximum pile load shall be calculated using the following formula.

P Mx ⋅ y My ⋅ x
Q= ± ±
n ∑ y2 ∑ x2 Equation-31

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P Total vertical load, kip
n Total number of piles
Mx, My Overturning moment at the base of pile cap about x-axis and y-
axis respectively, kip-ft
x Distance measured from the centroid of the pile group about the y-
axis to any pile, ft.
y Distance measured from the centroid of the pile group about the x-
axis to any pile, ft.

∑x ,∑ y
2 2 Total amount of inertia of the pile group about y-axis and x-axis

10.5 Reinforcing and Stresses

10.5.1 General
Footing reinforcing shall be checked for both minimum shrinkage and
temperature requirements and for minimum flexural reinforcing requirements of
ACI 318 chapter 15.
The minimum bottom (and top, if required) footing reinforcing shall be #5 at 12-in.
Top reinforcing shall be provided for combined foundations. When supporting
two (2) or more vertical vessels on a common mat in a seismic zone, the footing
shall be checked for a possible loading case where the vessels are vibrating out
of phase.
10.5.2 Moment and Shear in Footing
Shear and bending moments shall be computed based on the actual soil bearing
pressure as specified in Section 10.3 of this guideline, then factored by the
appropriate design load factors.
For square pedestals, the critical section for moment and rebar development
shall be at the face of the pedestal and for octagonal pedestals, the critical
section for moment and rebar development shall be at the face of a square of
equivalent area.
Moment and rebar development shall be checked at the face of the equivalent
Beam shear shall be checked at a distance d from the face of the pedestal (use
an equivalent square for octagonal shapes) in accordance with ACI 318, section
11 and 15.
Two-way (punching) shear shall be checked at a distance d/2 from the face of
the pedestal (use an equivalent square for octagonal shape) as applicable per
ACI 318, Section 11.11.
For shear and moment calculations, a unit width strip designed as a simple
cantilever from the equivalent square shall be used. The resulting reinforcing
steel shall be placed continuously across the entire footing width in a grid pattern
with orthogonal rebar for loads along the other axis.

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10.5.3 Top Reinforcement

Top reinforcement in the footing is not necessary if the factored flexural moment
of the footing does not exceed the nominal flexural strength of the structural plain
concrete as follows:





Mn Nominal flexural strength, kip-in.
Mu Factored moment, kip-in. (caused by weight of soil and concrete
acting on a 1-ft. strip in the footing at the face of the equivalent
squared pedestal. Use a load factor of 1.4).
f’c Compressive strength of concrete, ksi
φ Strength reduction factor for structural plain concrete = 0.60
λ Modification factor for lightweight concrete, =1.0 for normal weight
t Design thickness, in.
b Width of section = 12-in.
This equation assumes footing is supported directly on soil and therefore 2-in.
are subtracted from design thickness for analysis. For this reason, the design
thickness (t) may be reduced by 2-in. for concrete cast against seal slab, (See
Figures 8 and 9.
Footings shall either be thickened or reinforcing placed at the top of the footing if
required. Footings greater than 24-inch-thick and pile caps shall have top
reinforcing. Where seismic effects create tensile stresses, provide top


MathCAD templates, Foundation 3D, Mat 3D, and other software may be used for analysis and
design of vertical vessel foundations.

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Appendix 1 - Foundation Charts

Figure 3 - Soil Pressure for Octagonal Footings

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Figure 4 - Soil Pressure for Square Diagonal

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Figure 5 - Soil Pressure for Square Flats

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Figure 6 - Biaxial Soil Bearing Pressure for Rectangular Footings ( 1 of 2 )

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Figure 7 - Biaxial Soil Bearing Pressure for Rectangular Footings ( 2 of 2 )

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Figure 8 - Footing Thickness Required With No Top Steel ( f’c= 3000 psi )
The curves below are for determining the thickness of the footing with no top steel.
Based on weight of concrete and soil acting on a one-foot strip. The thickness selected
shall be reduced by 2-in for concrete placed against seal slab.

11 f'c =3000 psi
soil=100 lb/ft 3
10 concrete=150 lb/ft 3

Length of Cantilever, L







3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Depth of bottom of footing , H

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Figure 9 - Footing Thickness Required With No Top Steel ( f’c= 4000 psi )

11 f'c =4000 psi
soil=100 lb/ft3
10 concrete=150 lb/ft3

Length of Cantilever, L

7 t=40"



4 t=24"


3 t=18"

2 t=12"

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Depth of bottom of footing , H

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Appendix 2 - Standard Drawings and Details

Figure 10 - Elements of Octagons - Even Side Dimensions ( 1 of 4 )

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Figure 11 - Elements of Octagons - Even Side Dimensions ( 2 of 4 )

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Figure 12 - Elements of Octagons - Even Side Dimensions ( 3 of 4 )

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Figure 13 - Elements of Octagons - Even Side Dimensions ( 4 of 4 )

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Figure 14 - Vertical Vessel Anchor and Base Ring Details (1 of 3 )

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Figure 15 - Vertical Vessel Anchor and Base Ring Details ( 2 of 3 )

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Figure 16 - Vertical Vessel Anchor and Base Ring Details ( 3 of 3 )

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Appendix 3 - Design Example

This example is used to illustrate the use of the Design Guideline, “Civil / Strrutural Engineering Vertical Vessel Foundations”, found on myMustang®.
Programs such as Foundation-3D is normally utilized for foundation design of vertical vessel.
Wood Group Mustang assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of this spreadsheet. It is the sole responsibility of the “User” as to the accuracy of all
information included within and derived from use of this spreadsheet.



1.1 From Design Criteria

- Concrete compressive strength fc := 4000psi
- Yield strength of steel fy := 60000psi
- Net allowable soil bearing pressure q a := 3600psf
- Soil weight γ := 110pcf
- Internal friction angle φ := 30deg
- Passive pressure coefficient Kp := 3.0
- Coefficient of horizontal friction µ := tan ( φ ) µ = 0.58
- Min. footing depth below grade due to frost Frost_depth := 3ft
- Ground water table elevation El := 90ft (10 feet below grade)
- Wind speed V := 90mph (based on ASCE 7-05)
- Grout thickness Grout := 1.5in
- Seismic parameters SDS := 0.35 SD1 := 0.133

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Figure 1. Vessel Foundation -general dimensions plan view

- Diameter of pedestal Dped := 16.09375ft

- Height of pedestal Hped := 3ft
- Footing thickness t ftg := 1.5ft
- Overal height of foundation OL := Hped + t ftg = 4.5 ft
- Bearing depth Df := OL − 1ft = 3.5 ft

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1.2 From Vessel Drawings

- Empty weight, De := 170kip

- Operating weight, Do := 350kip
- Test weight, Dt := 625kip
- Design forces for wind or seismic (these forces shall be verified)
- Anchor bolts, 24-1 1/2"φ ASTM F1554 GR 36
Bolt circle = 14'-10 1/2"
No sleeve
- Outside diameter of base ring, ODbase := 184in (assumed, detailed vessel drawing
not available)
- Bolt diameter, d b := 1.5in

- Number of anchor bolts, N := 24

- Bolt circle BC := 14.88ft

- Internal diameter, D := 14ft

- Skirt thickness, t :=
- Height of vessel, Hv := 70ft


The vessel must be classified as rigid or flexible in order to calculate the correct gust factor. Also, the
vessel can be checked for dynamic effects (vortex shedding and ovaling) based on ASME-STS-1-05. (This
is normally done by Vessel Group rather than Civil Group)
2.1 Period Calculation
- For uniform vessels, use the following analytical equation:

Operating mass,
1000⋅ Do
2 ⋅D
7.78⋅ s ⋅ ft
0.5  Hv  Hv
Tuniform := ⋅  ⋅
10 ⋅ kip
0.5  D  t

Tuniform = 0.24 s

- Using a mathematical model in STAAD:

Six nodes
Mass/node of 58.3 kips
Eigen solution
TSTAAD := 0.27sec

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2.2 Wind responses - Vortex Shedding

A rule of thumb to address this problem is provided in the design guideline to classify a vertical
vessel as sensitive to this dymanic effect. If H/D > 10, the vessel needs to be analyzed for vortex
shedding effects in accordance with the procedure on ASME-STS-1.
Using this rule of thumb for this example, H/D=70/14=5 and therefore vortex shedding may need not
be analyzed. This is normally addressed by Vessel Group in an accurate approach.

2.3 Wind Load Calculation (ASCE 7-05)

- Vessel period T = 0.27 seconds < 1.0 seconds, therefore the vessel is rigid.
- For rigid vessels, the gust factor can be 0.85 and ASCE 7-05 procedure can be used.
- See attached MathCAD template for calculations.
Wind overturning moment, M wind := 624kip ⋅ ft
Wind base shear, Vwind := 16.7kip


See attached MathCAD template for calculations.
Seismic overturning moment, M seismic := 1779kip ⋅ ft
Seismic base shear, Vseismic := 38.1kip


4.1 Basic information
Diameter of anchor bolt d b = 1.5⋅ in
2 π
Nominal area of anchor bolt, A b := d b ⋅
Nominal tensile stress of anchor bolt Fnt := 43.5ksi ASTM F1554 gr36
Nominal tensile strength of dowel Fu_d := 90ksi ASTM A615 table 2, Grade 60
Nominal tensile stress of dowel Fnt_d := 0.75⋅ Fu_d

Anchor bolt type H12A (per Standard Mustang Anchor Bolt Schedule)
Note: This chapter is based on the nomenclature of AISC Design Guide #1.

Anchor chair type 2 Hchair := 10in see ED-1102 Vertical Vessel Ring
Minimum projection required h proj.min := Hchair + 2.5⋅ d b = 13.75⋅ in

Anchor bolt design is an iterative process. In this example, a standard anchor bolt is selected and

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Figure 2. Anchor b olt general dimensions

4.2 Maximum Tension on Anchor Bolts

- For wind load (LRFD):

4⋅ 1.6⋅ M wind 0.9⋅ De

TAB_wind := −
N ⋅ BC N

TAB_wind = 4.81 kip

- For seismic load (LRFD):

4⋅ 1.0⋅ M seismic 0.9⋅ Do − 0.2⋅ SDS⋅ Do

TAB_seismic := −
N ⋅ BC N

TAB_seismic = 7.82 kip

NOTE: Tension forces should be calculated for empty condition too (not shown in this
- Maximum ultimate tension force on anchor bolt

TAB := max TAB_seismic , TAB_wind = 7.82 kip )

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4.3 Maximum Shear on Anchor Bolts

This needs to be checked for wind and seismic condition. In this example, shear is checked for
seismic only
For seismic load:
Vu := 1.0⋅ Vseismic

Vu = 38.1 kip

Calculate friction shear resistance between vessel base plate and grout to see if it is greater than V u.

φ v := 0.75
µ v := 0.55 (between steel and grout)

M seismic
Pu := + 0.9⋅ Do − 0.2⋅ SDS⋅ Do
0.67⋅ BC

Pu = 469 kip

Note: 0.67*BC is an approximation of the arm in compression. A detailed calculation can be done.

φV f := φ v ⋅ µ ⋅ Pu

φV f = 203 kip > Vu = 38 kip OK

Therefore, bolts do not need to be designed for shear

4.4 Steel strength of anchor bolts in tension:

Using AISC-LRFD 13th edition, Chapter J:
φN T := 0.75⋅ A b ⋅ Fnt

φN T = 57.65 kip > ( )

max TAB_seismic , TAB_wind = 7.82⋅ kip OK

Note: A b is the nominal area of anchor bolt (not "tensile area"). See table below from AISC Design Guide #1. This result for the
tensile strength should be very similar to ACI-318 App.D, using A se with the net tensile area and the tensile strenght Futa (but
minimum 1.9Fy or 125 ksi). See commentary on ACI 318, section D.5.1.2 for further information

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y ) y

4.5 Steel Strength of Anchor in Shear:

This check is not required in this example because shear is resisted entirely by friction

4.6 Anchorage in Concrete

On pedestals, it is usually better to transfer the forces to the vertical dowels (development length) - see ACI
318 D.5.2.9 - instead of providing enough edge distance and using the effective depth as per ACI 318
D.5.2.3. See EG-1903 Design Guideline for additional information.
- Basic information
Diameter of nut Cnut := 2.75in
Dowel diameter d dowel := in
 Cnut 
3 2
A hex := 3⋅ ⋅  A hex = 4.91⋅ in
2  2 
db 2
A bolt := π ⋅ A bolt = 1.77⋅ in
A brg := A hex − A bolt A brg = 3.14⋅ in

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- Required Area of vertical rebars (dowels)

All tension force will be transfer to the vertical dowels,

Reinforcing circle diameter RC := Dped − 6in Assume pedestal dimension minus 6"
RC = 15.59 ft

Number of dowels closer than ND := 1 For initial design, a conservative

hef/2 from anchor bolt assumption is used

Rebar yield strength Fy := 60ksi

Anchor bolt force TAB = 7.82⋅ kip

Required dowel area A dowel :=
ND ⋅ 0.75⋅ Fy

A dowel = 0.17⋅ in Use min #6 at 12" vertical
π 2 2
Provided dowel area A dowel_prov := ⋅ d dowel = 0.44⋅ in

Use 56 #6 Bars, 7 @ each face

- Required development length of dowel and effective depth (above the anchor bolt)
This is the splice length required to transfer the force from the anchor bolt to
the vertical dowels
α := 1 Reinforcement location factor

β := 1 Coating factor

λ := 1 Lightweight aggregate factor

γ := 0.8 Reinforcement size factor

 3  ⋅ f ⋅ α⋅ β ⋅ γ ⋅ λ ⋅ dowel
Ldt :=   y 2.5 Development length of dowel, [in],
 40  fc⋅ psi (REF 12-1 of ACI 318)

Ldt = 17.08⋅ in

( )
Ld_required := max Ldt , 12in = 17.08⋅ in (Required)

Ld := 23.6in (Provided) OK

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As(req)/As(prov) factor is not normally applied if the design is govern by seismic and ductility is required.

A minimum effective depth of the anchor bolt is checked. Normally 12 times the diameter of the bolt is
h ef_min := 12⋅ d b = 18⋅ in (this is minimum) (Required)

h ef := 29in (Provided) OK

See following table for direct values for development length (for 2" cover)

- Required development length of standard hook in tension (below the anchor bolt)

d dowel
Ldhb := 0.02⋅ fy ⋅ = 14.23⋅ in
1.0 fc⋅ psi

( )
Ldh_required := max Ldhb , 6in = 14.23⋅ in (Required)

Ldh := 21.375in (provided) OK

As(req)/As(prov) factor is not normally applied if the design is governed by seismic and ductility is

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- Concrete side face blowout strength

Assuming the length of the pedestal to be greater than hef

Height of pedestal, Hped = 3 ft

 Dped  BC
Edge distance, ca1 := 1.03⋅  −
 2  2
ca1 = 10.18⋅ in > camin := 4⋅ d b

φN sb := 0.75⋅ 160⋅ ca1⋅ A brg ⋅ 1.0⋅ fc⋅ ( psi)

φN sb = 137 kip > ( )

max TAB_seismic , TAB_wind = 7.82⋅ kip OK

- Minimun spacing and edge distance for anchor bolts

Based on ACI-318 Appendix D.8:

Diameter of bolt, d b = 1.5⋅ in

Spacing: s min := 4⋅ d b (6*BoltDia for torqued)

s min = 6⋅ in
Edge distance: edgemin := 4⋅ d b

edgemin = 6⋅ in OK

4.7 Dimensions checkings

It is preferred to have the anchor bolts above the footing for constructability purposes
Minimum projection is equal to height of chair plus 2.5 times the diameter of the bolt

Length of the anchor Lab := 45in

Actual projection h proj := 14in

Embedment of anchor bolt h em := Lab − h proj

h em = 31⋅ in

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Minimum clearance from bottom of bolt to top of footing, Clear := 1in

Minimum height of pedestal required, Hpedmin := h em + Clear

Hpedmin = 2.67⋅ ft

Height of pedestal Hped = 3 ft OK

Minimum Overall height required, OL_frost := Frost_depth + 1ft = 4 ft

Overal height OL = 4.5 ft OK

Pedestal height and dowels layout
are enough to keep the anchor
bolts above the footing level.

Figure 4. Dimensions checkings

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5.1 Pedestal Sizing
Based on the design guideline, the pedestal shall be the maximum of:
BC + 8in = 186.56⋅ in

BC + 8⋅ d b = 190.56⋅ in (controls)

ODbase + 2⋅ Grout = 187⋅ in

190.5" ~ 15'-10 1/2" (using standard drawing EG-4304-1 thru EG-4304-4)

Use Dped = 16'-1 1/8"

Cped := 6.667ft

5.2 Reinforcing
Minimum vertical reinforcement for pedestals with height to diameter ratio less than 3 do not have to comply
with column requirements per ACI 318.
The pedestal shall be tied to the footing with sufficient dowels around the pedestal perimeter to prevent
separation, following EG-1903,
- Required rebar area

Rebar yield strength Fy = 60⋅ ksi

Reinforcing circle diameter RC = 15.59 ft

Total number of rebars NB := 56

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2 lbf
Pedestal weight Dp := 0.828⋅ Dped ⋅ Hped ⋅ 150
Dp = 96.51 kip

Tension on the dowel

1.6⋅ 4⋅ M wind
Ttiedowel_wind := − 0.9⋅ De − 0.9Dp
1⋅ 4⋅ M seismic
Ttiedowel_seismic :=
( ) ( )
− 0.9⋅ Do + Dp − 0.2⋅ SDS⋅ Do + Dp 
 
Note: This is a conservative method to calculate the tension on the dowels, The
Brownell-Young method may be used if required

( )
Ttiedowel := max Ttiedowel_wind , Ttiedowel_seismic = 85.74⋅ kip

Required dowel area A tiedowel :=
NB⋅ 0.9⋅ Fy

A tiedowel = 0.03⋅ in Use min #6 at 12 in. maximum
π ⋅ d dowel 2
Provided dowel area A tiedowel_prov := = 0.44⋅ in OK

- Required development length of standard hook in tension (to tie the pedestal to the footing)

d dowel⋅ fy
Ldh_tiedowel := 0.7⋅ 0.02⋅ 1⋅ = 9.96⋅ in
1.0⋅ fc⋅ psi

( )
Ldhtiedowel_req := max Ldh_tiedowel , 6in = 9.96⋅ in (Required)

Ldh_tiedowel_prov := t ftg − 6in

Ldh_tiedowel_prov = 12⋅ in (Provided) OK

Ldh is multiplied by 0.7 if the side cover is more than 2.5 in and the cover beyond the 90-degree hook is
more than 2 in.

As(req)/As(prov) factor is not normally applied if the design is governed by seismic and ductility is

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6.1 Stability Ratio

Size of footing is often governed by the stability ratio:

M seismic = 1779⋅ kip ⋅ ft (or wind)

Assuming 20'-0" square, 1'-6" thick footing,

B := 20ft t ftg = 1.5 ft

W footing := B⋅ B⋅ t ftg ⋅ 150 W footing = 90⋅ kip

A soil := B⋅ B − 0.828⋅ Dped

W soil := A soil⋅ Df − t ftg ⋅ 110
) W soil = 40.82⋅ kip
W ped := 0.828⋅ Dped ⋅ Hped ⋅ 150pcf W ped = 96.51⋅ kip

Ptotal := Do + W footing + W ped + W soil

0.7M seismic
ecc := ecc = 2.4 ft
0.9 Ptotal )
SR := = 4.17 > 1.2 OK

The stability ratio for sliding (SRs), SRS = Vn /Vseismic

Vn := µ ⋅ Ptotal

Vn = 333.32⋅ kip

SRs :=

SRs = 12.498 > 1.5 OK

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6.2 Soil bearing

Soil bearing needs to be checked for all load combinations. For this example, only
one case will be checked:
Operating + Seismic (0.9Do + 0.7Eo )

The eccentricity is:

ecc = 2.4 ft < = 3.33 ft

The resultant is within the one third of the footing, thus the following assumption is
For = 0.12 < 0.167
B γ = 0.8

The allowable gross pressure

q a_gross := q a + 110 ⋅ D = 3985⋅ psf
3 f

And the gross pressure at the bottom of the

foundation is:
⋅  1 + 6⋅
ecc 
(For flat) q flat :=  = 2481.06⋅ psf < q a_gross = 3985⋅ psf OK
B⋅ B 
B 

⋅  1 + 8.49⋅
ecc 
(For diagonal) q diag :=  = 2911.73⋅ psf < q a_gross = 3985⋅ psf OK
B⋅ B  B 

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6.3 Concrete design of footing

- Minimum thickness

In previous sections, a preliminary thickness was assumed for bearing pressure and other analysis. This
needs to be checked, and if need it, all calculations must be repeated with the new thickness.

1. Development length of vertical dowels to tie the pedestal to the footing

2. Beam shear force
3. Two way shear (punching)
4. Flexure design
5. Linear distribution of pressures under the footing if elastic equations are used for the
analysis. This can be accomplished if t > (B-Dped )/4.
B − Dped )
t ftg1 := = 0.98 ft < tftg OK
B is the footing width on the flat or diagonal
Dped is the pedestal width,

- Beam shear check (D~diagonal)

2 2
Diagonal Length Dia := B + B = 28.28 ft
For = 0.08 < 0.118

q diag = 2911.73⋅ psf < q a_gross = 3985⋅ psf OK

Because the previous assumption (linear distribution of pressure at the bottom) is conservative, use a
factor of 1.5 to convert the pressure from working stress to LRFD, or calculate the pressure using factored
forces (Pu = 1.2*P, Mu = 1.6Mwind, for example). Using a factor of 1.5 for this example, we have....

q f := 1.5⋅ q flat q f = 3.72⋅

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- Pressure "q" at a distance "d" from the face of an equivalent square:

mA := + ecc mA = 12.4 ft
L := 0.828⋅ Dped L = 14.64 ft

d := t ftg − 3in = 1.25 ft

mA − 0.5( B − L) + d

q d := q f

q d = 3.29⋅

- Shear at a distance "d":

Vd := q d⋅  −d + qf − q d ⋅
( B − L) [ ( B − L) − d]
 2 
( ) 2
Vd = 5.58⋅
φV c := 0.75 ⋅ 2⋅ fc⋅ psi ⋅ d

φV c = 19.35⋅ OK

- Flexure analysis
For the same combination and forces, pressure at the face of the equivalent square:

mA − 0.5( B − L)

q face := q f

q face = 2.92⋅

M u := 0.5( B − L) ⋅ q face⋅ 0.5[ 0.5( B − L) ] + 0.5( B − L) ⋅ 0.5 q f − q face ⋅ 0.5( B − L)
M u = 12.38⋅ kip ⋅

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- Minimum reinforcement per ACI 318

Minimum reinforcement shall the greater of 0.0018*b*h or, the minumum of 0.0033*b*d and 1.33A s(req) but
not less than required by design, A s(req)

t ftg 2
a. A s_min := 0.0018⋅ 12in ⋅ = 0.19⋅ in M u = 12.38 kip

b. fc  7.556M u 
ρreq := ⋅  1.7 − 2.89 − 
2fy 
12 ⋅ d ⋅ fc 
in 2
 ft 

A s_req := ρreq ⋅ 12  ⋅ d
in in
1.33A s_req = 0.25⋅
 ft  ft

0.0033⋅ 12
in  1 2
c.  ⋅ d = 0.59 ft ⋅ in
 ft 
Use the minimum between 'b' and 'c' and then the maximum betwwen MIN(b,c). and 'a'.
but not less than #5@12"

Therefore, provide As(min) = 0.257 in2 /ft

#5 @ 12" each way (0.31 sq. in per foot) at the bottom

- Requirement of Reinforcing at the top

Reinforced is required at the top due to seismic provisions for this example. The use ofFigure 8 and 9 on
EG 1903 is shown here for information only
Using Figure 9 in the DG-CSE-20301, for the following variables, we have

Depth of foundation Depth_H := Df = 3.5ft

Thickness of foundation := tftg − 2in = 16⋅ in (assuming directly on

soil, 2-in substracted)

(Dia − Dped )
Length of cantilever Lcant := = 6.1 ft

Maximum length of cantilever Lmax.notop := 5.5ft (From Figure 9)

with no top reinf.

Therefore, top reinforcement is required (match bottom reinforcement)

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