Hindu Marriage Act

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Hindu Marriage Act

Hindu Marriages
Restitution of Conjugal Rights
Judicial Separation
Nullity of Marriage
Jurisdiction and Procedure

Notes/summary of these chapters/parts (don't need to reproduce the sections)

Chart of sections and a gist of the provisions in above chapters

Landmark judgements on sections

9 to 14, 21A, 22, 24, 25, 26

(Judgements preferably Supreme court, Bombay High Court and then Other High courts, in
this sequence preferable. If SC and BOM HC Judgement not available, then other HC
Judgements. Prepare a short note about the Judgements talking about facts, law/question
of law involved and ratio).

Specific Judgements on
1. S. 14
2. Quantum of Maintenance
3. Cruelty - mental cruelty
4. Courts power to do away with the 1 year period / 6 months period

All In a word file. Take 2 days time for this.

Special Marriage Act

Solemnization of special Marriages
Registration of Marriages celebrated in other forms
Consequences of Marriage under this Act
Restitution of Conjugal Rights
Judicial Seperation
Nullity of Marriage
Jurisdiction and Procedure
Notes/summary of these chapters/parts (don't need to reproduce the sections)

Chart of sections and a gist of the provisions in above chapters

Landmark judgements on sections

4, 22 to 25, 27, 28, 29, 33, 35 to 38, 40A,

(Judgements preferably Supreme court, Bombay High Court and then Other High courts, in
this sequence preferable. If SC and BOM HC Judgement not available, then other HC
Judgements. Prepare a short note about the Judgements talking about facts, law/qn of law
involved and ratio).

Specific Judgements on
1. Quantum of Maintenance
2. Cruelty - mental cruelty
3. Courts power to do away with the 1 year period / 6 months period

All In a word file. Take 2 days time for this.

Family Courts Act

Family Courts

Notes/summary of these chapters/parts (don't need to reproduce the sections)

Chart of sections and a gist of the provisions in above chapters/parts

All In a word file. Take 1 day time for this.

Total 3 assignments.
You could send all at once after 5-6 days.

Or one by one as per the time stated in each Assignment

Hindu Marriage Act
Applicable to any person who belongs to Hindu religion including Virashavia, a Lingayat;
follower of Brahmo, Prarthana or Arya samaj; Buddhist, Jain, Sikh religion; all other people
domiciled in the territories to which the act extends who are not Muslim, Christian, Parsi or
Jew by religion.

Also applicable to all or any legitimate or illegitimate children of both parents who belong,
either parents belong and the child has been raised as above mentioned religion, any person
converted to above mentioned religion.


Full Blood
Half Blood
Uterine Blood
Sapinda Relationship

Prohibited relationship as per the act:

 Lineal ascendant or descendant
 Wife or husband of lineal ascendant or descendant
 Wife of the brother or father or mother or grandfather or grandmother’s
brother of the other;
 Brother - sister; uncle-niece; aunt- nephew; children of brother or sister;
These relationships include legitimate, illegitimate, half blood, uterine blood, adoption as
well as by blood.

Hindu Marriages
Conditions for Valid marriage

1. Neither party has a living spouse

2. Capable of valid consent and of sound mind
3. Not suffering from mental disorder that’s extents as to of unfit for marriage
and procreation of children.
4. Groom over age 21 and 18 for bride.
5. Parties not within prohibited relationship

Marriage to be solemnized as per custom and ceremonies like saptapadi.

Registration of Hindu marriage as per state government.

Restitution of Conjugal Rights and Judicial Separation
When either husband or wife without reasonable case refuses to live with the other party,
the aggrieved party may apply, for restitution of conjugal rights. It will be on the party
refusing to live together to prove reasonable cause.

Judicial separation grounds as per act Section 13 (1). After decree for judicial separation
passed, no need for cohabitation.

Nullity of Marriage and Divorce

Any marriage not according to conditions for valid marriage is void.
Voidable marriages according to the act may be annulled by a decree of nullity based on,
 marriage has not been consummated due to respondent
 not a valid marriage
 consent obtained by force
 respondent was at the time of the marriage pregnant by some other person
 petition presented before lapse of 1 year after force or fraud discovered.
 at the time of the marriage ignorant of the facts alleged
 marital intercourse with the consent of the petitioner has not taken place
since the discovery by the petitioner of the existence of the said ground.

Section 13 Grounds for Divorce

 infidelity
 cruelty
 deserted
 converted religion
 mental disorder
 psychopathic disorder
 venereal disease
 renounced the world by entering any religious order
 not been heard of as being alive for a period of seven years or more
 Judicial separation
 Divorce by mutual consent

Section 14 no dissolution of a marriage by a decree of divorce

Section 15 divorced and no right

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