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List of Irregular Verbs: Infinitive Past Tense - F2 Past Participle - F3 Translation 1

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Nr. Past tense Past participle

Infinitive Translation
– F2 – F3
1. to arise arose arisen a se ridica, a se înălţa
2. to awake awoke; awaked awoken; awaked a se trezi
3. to be was, were been a fi
4. to bear bore born a se naşte, a purta, a suporta
5. to beat beat beaten a bate
6. to become became become a deveni
7. to begin began begun a începe
8. to bend bent bent a îndoi, a curba
9. to build built built a construi
10. to bet bet bet a paria
11. to bind bound bound a lega
12. to bite bit bitten a muşca
13. to bleed bled bled a sângera
14. to blow blew blown a sufla
15. to break broke broken a sparge
16. to breed bred bred a creşte
17. to bring brought brought a aduce
18. to broadcast broadcast broadcast a transmite, a difuza
19. to burn burnt (burned) burnt (burned) a arde
20. to burst burst burst a izbucni
21. to buy bought bought a cumpăra
22. to cast cast cast a arunca
23. to catch caught caught a prinde
24. to choose chose chosen a alege
25. to come came come a veni
26. to cost cost cost a costa
27. to creep crept crept a se târî
28. to cut cut cut a taia
29. to deal dealt dealt a se ocupa, a face afaceri
30. to dig dug dug a săpa
31. to do did done a face
32. to draw drew drawn a desena
33. to dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) a visa
34. to drink drank drunk a bea
35. to drive drove driven a conduce maşina
36. to dwell dwelt dwelt a locui
37. to eat ate eaten a mânca
38. to fall fell fallen a cădea
39. to feed fed fed a hrăni
40. to feel felt felt a simţi
41. to fight fought fought a (se) lupta, a se certa
42. to find found found a găsi
43. to fly flew flown a zbura
44. to forbid forbade forbidden a interzice
45. to forecast forecast forecast a anticipa, a prognostica
46. to foresee foresaw foreseen a prevedea

Nr. Past tense Past participle

Infinitive Translation
– F2 – F3
47. to foretell foretold foretold a prezice
48. to forget forgot forgotten a uita
49. to forgive forgave forgiven a ierta
50. to freeze froze frozen a îngheţa
51. to get got got a primi
52. to give gave given a da
53. to go went gone a merge
54. to grind ground ground a măcina
55. to grow grew grown a creşte
56. to hang hung/hanged hung/hanged a agăţa/a (se) spânzura,
57. to have had had a avea
58. to hear heard heard a auzi
59. to hide hid hidden a ascunde
60. to hit hit hit a lovi
61. to hold held held a ţine
62. to hurt hurt hurt a răni
63. to keep kept kept a păstra
64. to kneel knelt knelt a îngenunchia
65. to knit knit knit a tricota
66. to know knew known a şti, a cunoaşte
67. to lay laid laid a pune, a aşeza
68. to lead led led a conduce la
69. to lean leant leant a se sprijini de
70. to learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) a învăţa
71. to leave left left a părăsi
72. to lend lent lent a da cu împrumut
73. to let let let a permite
74. to lie lay lain a sta culcat, a zăcea
75. to light lit lit a aprinde
76. to lose lost lost a pierde
77. to make made made a face
78. to mean meant meant a însemna
79. to meet met met a întâlni
80. to pay paid paid a plăti
81. to put put put a pune
82. to read read read a citi
83. to ride rode ridden a călări
84. to ring rang rung a suna
85. to rise rose risen a se ridica
86. to run ran run a alerga
87. to say said said a spune
88. to see saw seen a vedea
89. to sell sold sold a vinde
90. to send sent sent a trimite
91. to set set set a regla, a fixa
92. to shake shook shaken a scutura, a clătina

Nr. Past tense Past participle

Infinitive Translation
– F2 – F3
93. to shine shone shone a străluci
94. to shoot shot shot a împuşca
95. to show showed shown a arăta
96. to shut shut shut a închide
97. to sing sang sung a cânta
98. to sink sank sunk a se scufunda
99. to sit sat sat a sta (pe ceva)
100. to sleep slept slept a dormi
101. to smell smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled) a mirosi
102. to speak spoke spoken a vorbi
103. to speed sped sped a accelera
104. to spell spelt (spelled) spelt (spelled) a pronunţa literă cu literă
105. to spend spent spent a cheltui
106. to spill spilt spilt a vărsa
107. to spoil spoilt spoilt a strica, a răsfăţa
108. to spread spread spread a întinde
109. to stand stood stood a sta în picioare
110. to steal stole stolen a fura
111. to stick stuck stuck a înfige, a se lipi
112. to sting stung stung a întepa
113. to strike struck struck a lovi
114. to swear swore sworn a jura
115. to sweep swept swept a mătura
116. to swim swam swum a înota
117. to take took taken a lua
118. to teach taught taught a învăţa, a preda
119. to tear tore torn a rupe, a sfâşia
120. to tell told told a spune
121. to think thought thought a gândi, a crede
122. to throw threw thrown a arunca
123. to understand understood understood a înţelge
124. to wake woke woken a se trezi
125. to wear wore worn a purta
126. to win won won a câştiga
127. to write wrote written a scrie

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