Brick Properties
Brick Properties
Brick Properties
1 Brick Properties
Bricks & Pavers Technical Manual
1 Masonry Units. This information is provided as a guide only to the properties of interest to a masonry designer
or builder.
Brick Dimensions
The work size of a standard brick is: 76 mm high x 230 mm long x 110 mm wide.
Some bricks are made with different work sizes. For example brick heights of 119 mm and 162 mm to match 1.5
and 2 standard size brick heights, including mortar joint, respectively. 50 mm and 90 mm high bricks, 90 mm wide
bricks and 290 mm long bricks are made for different structural and aesthetic effect. Larger bricks are often used
for more economical laying and as a design feature either on their own or combined with smaller bricks.
In cyclonic areas larger (140 mm wide x 90 mm high x 290 mm long) hollow bricks are used to allow for
reinforcement and grouting in the wall. Wider (150 mm wide) bricks can also be used in walls requiring lower
sound transmission, higher fire resistance levels and higher load bearing capacity depending on the specific brick
Clay brick sizes may vary after they are fired but size variation between units averages out when blended properly
during laying. Brick dimensions are measured by dry stacking 20 units, measuring the total length, width and
Bricks are classified according to how much 20 bricks together deviate from 20 times the work size.
• For standard bricks, Dimensional Category DW1 means the height and width will differ by less than plus or
minus 50 mm from 20 times the work size, and the length will differ less than plus or minus 90 mm.
• For standard bricks, Dimensional Category DW2 means the height and width will differ by less than plus or
minus 40 mm from 20 times the work size, and the length will differ less than plus or minus 60 mm.
• Dimensional Category, DW0 means there are no requirements. This is usually reserved for non-standard
shaped bricks and bricks that have been rumbled or otherwise distorted during the manufacturing process
Bricks & Pavers Technical Manual
Brick strength is defined as resistance to load per unit area and is expressed in mega Pascals (MPa).
The characteristic unconfined compressive strength is used by engineers in the design of masonry to calculate
the strength of a wall. Bricks in any one batch have a range of strengths that would usually follow a normal
distribution. In a wall the different strength bricks contribute to the strength of the whole and the weakest brick
does not determine the strength of the wall. For safety, engineering practice has been to use characteristic
unconfined compressive strength. This is the strength 95% of the bricks will exceed and is typically 0.86 times
the lowest unconfined compressive strength found when measuring the compressive strengths of 10 samples.
Boral bricks usually have characteristic unconfined compressive strengths in the range 15 to 35 MPa.
The unconfined compressive strength is a calculated number based on the compressive strength. To measure the
compressive strength of a brick, steel platens are used above and below. This constrains the surface and where
all other factors are equal, a shorter brick will have a higher compressive strength than a taller brick. To remove
this test effect, the compressive strength is multiplied by a factor, which varies with the height of the brick. The
resulting number is called the unconfined compressive strength and reflects the performance of the brick in a
wall. Theoretically, bricks which are identical except for their height should produce the same unconfined
compressive strength. This figure is not now used in masonry design, but is used to calculate Characteristic
Brick strength is measured according to AS4456.4 Determining Compressive Strength of Masonry Units.
Individually crushing 10 bricks gives the compressive strength of each brick and the mean compressive strength
of the lot. These figures are not used in masonry design, but are used to calculate Unconfined Compressive
Strength. ■
Bricks & Pavers Technical Manual
The amount of water that a brick can absorb is measured by the cold water absorption test. There is no distinct
relationship between water absorption and the water-tightness of walls. The results of water absorption tests
The initial rate of absorption (IRA) is the amount of water absorbed in one minute through the bed face of the
brick. It is a measure of the brick’s ‘suction’ and can be used as a factor in the design of mortars that will bond
strongly with units. As mortars other than the ‘deemed to comply’ mortars are rarely used, the impact of the IRA
is primarily on the bricklayer. Bricklayers, through practical experience, adjust the mortar, the height of a wall
built in a day and the length of time before ironing the joints, according to the suction.
The bond between the masonry unit and mortar is largely influenced by the capacity of the brick to absorb water
and the ability of the mortar to retain the water that is needed for the proper hydration of cement. If the brick
sucks the water too quickly from the mortar, the next course may not be properly bedded. If the mortar retains
too much water, the units tend to float on the mortar bed, making it difficult to lay plumb walls at a reasonable
The optimum value of IRA is considered to be between 0.5 and 1.5 kg/m2/min. However, IRAs can exceed
these limits. The mortar’s water retentivity should be matched to the brick type where good bond strength is
critical. ■
Bricks & Pavers Technical Manual
Salt attack is the most common durability problem affecting bricks. In the form of a solution, salt can be absorbed
into masonry. As the water evaporates, the salt is drawn towards the outside face. The evaporating water leaves
the solution super-saturated so salt crystals begin to form. The salt crystals grow in the pores just below the
surface and depending on the texture of the brick, the amount of salt, the rate of drying and the temperature, the
salt may fill the pores, exerting very high pressures on the matrix. The energy in the constrained salt crystal
increases and if sufficient ‘pops’ a piece of the outer surface off and salt attack has begun.
Bricks are assessed and classed into three grades according to AS/NZS4456.10 Resistance to Salt Attack. In
summary the three grades of brick that can be used are as follows:
Suitable for use in elements above the damp-proof course in non-marine exterior environments. Elements
above the damp-proof course in all exterior environments, with a waterproof coating, properly flashed
junctions with other building elements and a top covering (roof or coping) protecting the masonry.
Suitable for use in an external wall, excluding walls in severe marine environments or in contact with
aggressive soils and environments (see AS3700 Appendix E). General purpose grade bricks can also be used
in PRO applications.
Suitable for use in external walls exposed to severe marine environments, i.e. up to one kilometre from a
surf coast or up to 100 metres from a non-surf coast or in contact with aggressive soils and environments.
The distances are specified from mean high water mark. Exposure grade bricks can also be used in PRO and
GP applications.
Bricks & Pavers Technical Manual
Clay products expand over time as they absorb water into their structure. This is well known and documented
and must be consider when designing brickwork. The expansion is not uniform (it is logarithmic) over time. In the
first six months one quarter of the expansion occurs, one half in the first two years and three quarters in the first
5 years. The Characteristic Expansion is estimated from an accelerated test and expressed as a coefficient of
expansion (em) that for Boral bricks is usually between 0.8 and 1.2 mm/m/15 years. ■
Bricks may contain soluble salts that come to the surface when the brick dries. The source of these soluble salts
Brick efflorescence should not be confused with the efflorescence that is seen on masonry walls after
construction. This form of efflorescence is caused mainly from the raw materials and water used in the wall
Brick efflorescence is usually white but there is a special form of efflorescence (known as vanadium staining) that
is coloured yellow, green or reddish-brown and is therefore particularly visible on light coloured bricks.
All efflorescence is more or less visible depending on the colour and surface texture of the brick.
If brickmaking raw materials contain particles of calcium carbonate, these will be converted into quicklime in the
kiln. Water subsequently combines with the quicklime to form hydrated lime and in the process expands. If lime
particles are sufficiently large and sufficiently near the surface they ‘pop’ off a piece of the brick, leaving a