Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 07-94

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February 18, 1994


SUBJECT : Value-Added Tax (VAT) on Sale of Water

TO : All Internal Revenue Officers and Others Concerned

In BIR Ruling No. 017-88, dated February 1, 1988, it was held that sale of fresh
water is exempted from the 10% VAT, pursuant to Section 103(b) of the National
Internal Revenue Code, as amended by Executive Order No. 273, otherwise known as
the VAT Law, the pertinent portion of which reads as follows:
"In reply, please be informed that fresh water comes within the purview of
agricultural food products; hence, the sale thereof in all stages of distribution is
exempt from the value-added tax pursuant to Section 103(b) of the Tax Code as
amended by Executive Order No. 273."

In view of the criticisms against the validity of the aforementioned BIR Ruling
017-88 and in light of the policy to strengthen and to improve enforcement of the
national internal revenue tax laws, a re-study thereof is imperative. cd i

Section 103(d), NIRC, provides:

"Sale or importation in their original state of agricultural . . . food products .
. ." shall be exempted from VAT.

Water is not agricultural product. Rather, it is a mineral. Thus -

De nition of minerals . — "The term 'minerals' shall mean all naturally
occurring inorganic substances (found in nature) whether in solid, liquid, gaseous,
or any intermediate state." (Sec. 257(b), NIRC, as amended by Batas Pambansa
Blg. 84).
De nition of mineral products . — "The term 'mineral products' shall mean
things produced and prepared in a marketable state by simple treatment such as
washing or drying, but without undergoing any chemical change or process or
manufacturing, by the lessee, concessionaire or owner of mineral lands." (ibid).

Definition of agriculture. — "The cultivation of soil for food products or any

other useful or valuable growths of the eld or garden . . ." (Bouvier's Law
Dictionary, p. 167)
De nition of agricultural product . — "That which is the direct result of
husbandry and the cultivation of the soil. . . ." (ibid) cdasia

It is clear from the foregoing that the term agricultural product pertains to
organic products through cultivation of the soil, whereas the term mineral product
pertains to inorganic substances naturally occurring in nature. It follows that water,
being a substance naturally occurring in nature, is mineral rather than agricultural
product. Accordingly, water, may not legally be classi ed as agricultural food product
within the purview of Section 103(b), NIRC. Hence, sale of water, whether in the form of
bottled mineral water or water delivered/supplied to inter-island and ocean-going
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vessels by persons engaged in the business of supplying water to the aforesaid inter-
island and ocean-going vessels, shall be subject to 10% VAT, pursuant to Section
100(a), NIRC.
This Circular revokes VAT Ruling No. 017-88, dated February 1, 1988.


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