Pyeloplasty (Anderson-Hynes)
Pyeloplasty (Anderson-Hynes)
Pyeloplasty (Anderson-Hynes)
Surgical Atlas
PyeloplastyT.W. HENSLE and A. SHABSIGH
Surgery Illustrated
Pyeloplasty (Anderson-Hynes)
Children’s Hospital of New York, NY-Presbyterian Medical Center, Department of Paediatric
Urology, 3959 Broadway, New York, NY 10032, USA
© 2 0 0 4 B J U I N T E R N A T I O N A L | 9 3 , 11 2 3 – 11 3 4 | doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2004.04878.x 11 2 3
T. W. H E N S L E a n d A . S H A B S I G H
PREPARATION AND POSITIONING A Foley catheter is placed in the bladder and SURGICAL STEPS
the patient positioned with the affected side
A decision about the need for preoperative up and tipped up slightly, so the incision can Adherence to rigid principles of surgical
retrograde pyelography has to be made be made anteriorly just beneath the 12th rib. technique offers the best chance for
individually. A retrograde pyelogram is not An empty intravenous fluid bag is placed obtaining favourable results in PUJ repair no
routinely taken, or necessary, in neonates and under the patient and inflated to extend the matter what technique is selected. The
infants having the PUJ repaired. However, subcostal space. Anderson-Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty,
there are individuals who have simultaneous because it is simple, is the preferred technique
obstruction at the PUJ and vesico-ureteric at most paediatric centres around the world.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
TROUBLE SHOOTING and Foley catheter are usually removed on the anastomoses is when the lower pole of the
first day after surgery and the patient kidney is elevated into the wound and then
If there is a question about the adequacy of discharged 2 days after. replaced into the retroperitoneum. The
the anastomoses a needle can be placed in the anastomoses are best done in situ rather than
anterior portion of the renal pelvis and the elevating the kidney into the wound.
pelvis infused with fluid to test the potency of ‘SURGEON TO SURGEON’
the anastomoses. Stents and nephrostomy The worst thing that can happen during the
tubes are not routinely used. There are several key issues that make this procedure is when placing the temporary
operation proceed smoothly. The first is to stent down the ureter, as it is possible that the
make sure enough redundant renal pelvis is vesico-ureteric junction cannot be traversed
POSTOPERATIVE CARE removed to provide good drainage and avoid with a fine feeding tube or wire and access
stasis. The second issue is to make a wide gained to the bladder. This usually indicates
The patient has a Telfa and Tegaderm dressing enough incision into the recipient ureter to some problem at this junction and at that
applied with absorbing gauze over the area of provide an open anastomosis. The third is to point the surgeon should consider leaving a
the Penrose drain, which has been brought ensure that the anastomoses are not twisted. nephrostomy tube for postoperative
out through the end of the incision. The drain The most common cause for torsion of the management.
insert Figure 1 near hereinsert Figure 2 near hereinsert Figure 3 near hereinsert Figure 4 near hereinsert Figure 5 near hereinsert
Figure 6 near hereinsert Figure 7 near hereinsert Figure 8 near hereinsert Figure 9 near here