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Wowool Workshop - April 2021

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NLP toolkit for data science

wowool Eyeontext
Part of Eyeonid Group
Purpose of presentation
● Natural Language Processing (NLP) and text mining
● Linguistic concepts
● Wowool
● Wowool python API

● Goodies: SDK, walkthrough some examples and a free testing

account of our (future) portal.

Part of Eyeonid Group

What we do is
called Text Mining:
mining text for high
quality information
and rendered it in a
structured format.

Part of Eyeonid Group
Data Analysis
Data Analysis has become an essential part of companies and
organizations’ decision making process.

Some data is structured: that means that they are in databases,

spreadsheets or any other format that can be easily consumed by
other programs for processing of visualization purposes.

Part of Eyeonid Group
Part of Eyeonid Group
Data Analysis
Nevertheless, most information is what we called unstructured, in
the form of news, reports, blogs, papers, essays, etc.

Part of Eyeonid Group
Text mining

texts process data

Part of Eyeonid Group
Text mining

Finding "high value" information -> customer-centric

Part of Eyeonid Group
● Begin and End offset
● Label
● Sub-annotations

(Demo playground)

Part of Eyeonid Group

Part of Eyeonid Group
Before Starting
● The question: what kind of information do you want to
extract? If the text would be printed, would you be able
to signal what you want with a marker?

● Does the data that you have or can get access to

contain answers to that question?

Part of Eyeonid Group
Corpus analysis
● Run a simple rule such as:
wow -l en -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e "Nn Nn"
● Find mentions of coronavirus:
wow -l en -f ~/corpus/english/3_2020/ -e " 'coronavirus' "
● Run entities of interest:
wow -l en -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e "Event" --domain
english-entity --reindex

Part of Eyeonid Group
Use cases
● Fluid - learning community:
○ Texts - Chats, papers, publications
○ Questions - relations, field of knowledge, questions/answers
● Healthcare:
○ Text: drug forum web site
○ Questions - health issues, drugs, dosages, addiction
● Identity Theft protection:
○ Text: leaked data from breaches.
○ Questions: emails, passwords, credit card numbers, pins

Part of Eyeonid Group
Wowool SDK
Basic Linguistic Analysis

Wowool language:
● Lexicons: like vocabulary
● Rules: like grammar

Part of Eyeonid Group
Command line -input
wow -l <language> -i "my sentence"
wow -l english -i "The play is a disaster"

wow -l <language> -f ../path/folder

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies

wow -l <language> -f ../path/folder/file.txt

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies/Matrix.txt

Part of Eyeonid Group
Command line -e "expression"

wow -l <language> -f ../path/folder -e " 'eat' Nn "

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e " 'eat' Nn "

Part of Eyeonid Group
Basic Linguistic Analysis
Make sentences, words, punctuation

Lemmatization or stemming:
Find dictionary form

POS Tagging:
Noun (Nn), Proper Noun (Prop), Adjective (Adj), Punctuation (Punct)

Part of Eyeonid Group
Basic linguistic analysis

wow -l english -i "The blue-eyed monster saw the men. "

Part of Eyeonid Group
Basic linguistic analysis - results
"The" Init-Cap, Init-Token, 'the' Det-Def
"blue" 'blue' Nn-Sg
"-" '-' Punct
"eyed" 'eyed' Adj-Std
"monster" 'monster' Nn-Sg
"saw" 'see' V-Past
"the" 'the' Det-Def
"men" 'man' Nn-Pl
"." '.' Punct

"literal" +Token-Property 'lemma' Pos

"men" ’man’ Nn

Part of Eyeonid Group
Stems - what's the point
● Generalization:

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/healthline -e " 'eat' Nn"

● Compounding: "oogziekte" -> ‘oog#ziekte’

wow -l dutch -f ~/corpus/dutch/nieuwsblad-Nov18/ -e '

"(.)*(o)?og(en)?(.)*" ' --reindex
wow -l dutch -f ~/corpus/dutch/nieuwsblad-Nov18/ -e " c'oog' "
wow -l dutch -f ~/corpus/dutch/nieuwsblad-Nov18/ -e " h'ziekte' "
Part of Eyeonid Group
POS - What is it?
wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e "Nn"
e.g. "house"

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e "Adj"

e.g. "beautiful"

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e "V"

e.g. "discover"

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e "Prop"

e.g. "Trump"

Part of Eyeonid Group
Basic linguistics - Abstraction
● Tokenization:
wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e " +Init-Cap "

● Stemming
wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e " 'be' "

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e " V "

Part of Eyeonid Group
Basic linguistics - Structure

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e " 'kill' <>{1,3}"


wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e " 'kill' (Det)? (Adj)?


Part of Eyeonid Group
Basic linguistics - Meaning
Ambiguity: when a word can mean different things:

stem: "he left" ( 'leave' )

pos: "my left foot" ( 'left',Adj )

Ambiguity can be more complex (need more context):

"They are selling coke at the school"
"I want to make people like me"

Part of Eyeonid Group
Wowool language




Part of Eyeonid Group
A domain is a collection of wow files (rules and lexicons) that are
group for a single purpose (healthcare, finance)

Compiled domain: --domain english-entity.dom

Folder with *.wow files: --domain myrules_folder

You can list more than one domain:

--domain english-entity.dom,myrules_folder
Part of Eyeonid Group
Existing Domains
<language>-entity.dom: City, Country, Company, Facility, Event,
Person, Position, Organization, WorldRegion, ..

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/3_2020/ --domain english-entity -e "Company"


<language>-syntax.dom: NP, VP

<language>-sentiment.dom (not included in package):

PositiveSentiment, NegativeSentiment, Gratitude, Threat, …
Part of Eyeonid Group
Lexicons - easy annotation
● Easiest way to annotate,
lexicon: (input="stem")
just matching literal or {
stems corona(virus)?,
corona flu,
● Add knowledge of the world covid( )?19,
● Simplify rule writing } = Disease@(type="infectious");

lexicon: (input="stem")
} = Buy;

Part of Eyeonid Group
Lexicons - easy annotation
lexicon: (input="normalized_stem")
be beyond helpful,
believe in i,
beyond my expectation,
cover my back,
they do everything they can,
(have )?be a life saver,
(give|grant) (i|you|we) a chance,
} = Gratitude;

Part of Eyeonid Group
Rules vs Lexicons

lexicon : (input="stem") { apple, kiwi, passion fruit } = Fruit;

rule : { ('apple' | 'kiwi' | 'passion' 'fruit') } = Fruit;

But with rules:

You can use POS (Prop, Nn, etc)

You can use Token Properties (+Init-Cap, abbrev)
You can use other annotations (Person, Date, Fruit, Buy)
You can use the context to tag something
You can create sub annotations (Person, GivenName, FamilyName)

Part of Eyeonid Group
Rule Syntax
With no context: With no context:

rule : { rule : {
.. Expression .. (Prop)+ "Inc"
} = Annotation; } = Company;

With context: With context:

rule: { rule:
Context {
{ Expression } = "Mr\."
Annotation {(Prop){1,3} } = Person
}; };

Part of Eyeonid Group
Rule Elements
Tokens "literal",'stem',pos

example: "Northup is a free African"

rule : { Prop 'be' 'a' (Adj)? (Nn)+ } = Definition;

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e " Prop 'be' 'a' (Adj)? (Nn)+"

Other annotations:

"John bought an apple. Mary purchased a pinneaple"

rule: {Buy 'a' {Fruit}= HealthyPurchase };


rule: {Person .. Event@(type="crime") } = PersonCrime;

Part of Eyeonid Group
Rule Special Operatos
Kleene: ? + *

rule : { (Det)? (Adj)* (Nn|Prop)+ } = NounPhrase;

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies -e "(Det)? (Adj)* (Nn|Prop)+"

Range: (<>){0,4}

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies --domain rules -e "'kill' (<>){0,4} Prop" --reindex

Shortest/Longest Match

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies --domain rules -e "'kill' .. Prop" --reindex

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies --domain rules -e "'kill' (<>)* Prop"

--reindex Eyeontext
Part of Eyeonid Group
Rule Containers and attributes

rule : { Harm NP[ {(Prop)+} = Victim ] } ;

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies --domain english-syntax.dom -e " 'kill' NP[

{(Prop)+} = Victim ]" --reindex


wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies --domain english-entity.dom -e

"Event@(type=\"crime\")" --reindex

Part of Eyeonid Group
Rule Files
We are going to create a domain to deal with crime victims in the movie directory.

On your bin directory create a folder for your rules:

mkdir rules

With a plain text editor (notepad, sublime, visual studio code) create a file in that
directory called "murder.wow"

Part of Eyeonid Group
Murder rules
lexicon : (input="stem") rule:
{ {
assasinate, Harm {(Prop)+} = Victim
kill, };
point a gun,
} = Harm;

wow -l english -f ~/corpus/english/movies --domain rules -e "Victim" --reindex

Part of Eyeonid Group
Setup Docker Playground.
Start your docker demo_server:
docker run -p 5000:5000 -it eyeontext/ubuntu_20_04:2.0.2 demo_server

Then open the uri :

From the dropdown basic select

the domain you want to use.
Enter your text , and click Wow-it

Part of Eyeonid Group
Python Setup
Requirement: The wowool sdk, Python 3.9, 64bit AMD
Run ‘pip list -v’ to know the location of your installation,
and add that [folder]\eot\wowool\package\lib to your PATH environment.
Default: c:\python39\lib\site-packages\eot\wowool\package\lib
Windows from the CMD (console):
set PATH="%PATH%;c:\python39\lib\site-packages\eot\wowool\package\lib"

pip list -v | grep eot
export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/eot/wowool/package/lib"

Site: https://github.com/phforesteot/eot-wowool-samples.git
Download: git clone https://github.com/phforesteot/eot-wowool-samples.git

Part of Eyeonid Group
Python Analyzer
from eot.wowool.native import Analyzer, Domain
from eot.wowool.error import Error

dutch = Analyzer(language="dutch")
entities = Domain( "dutch-entity" )
# run the basic dutch analysis
doc = dutch("Jan Van Den Berg werkte als hoofdarts bij Omega Pharma.")
# run the dutch entities
doc = entities(doc)

except Error as ex:


Part of Eyeonid Group
Python Analyzer (Results)
C:( 0, 16): Person,@(family='van den berg' gender='male' given='jan' icanonical='jan van den berg' )
C:( 0, 3): PersonGiv
C:( 0, 3): GivenName,@(gender='male' )
T:( 0, 3): Jan,{+Giv, +Init-Cap, +Init-Token},[Jan:Prop-Std]
C:( 4, 16): PersonFam
T:( 4, 7): Van,{+Init-Cap, +NF},[Van:Prop-Std]
T:( 8, 11): Den,{+Init-Cap, +NF, +NF-Lex},[Den:Prop-Std]
C:( 12, 16): City,@(country='Belgium' )
T:( 12, 16): Berg,{+Init-Cap, +NF},[Berg:Prop-Std]
T:( 17, 23): werkte,[werken:V-Past]
T:( 24, 27): als,[als:Conj-Sub]
C:( 28, 37): PersonMention
C:( 28, 37): Position,@(theme='health' )
T:( 28, 37): hoofdarts,[hoofd#arts:Nn-Sg]
T:( 38, 41): bij,[bij:Prep-Std]
C:( 42, 54): Company,@(country='Belgium' sector='pharma' )
T:( 42, 47): Omega,{+Init-Cap, +NF},[Omega:Prop-Std]
T:( 48, 54): Pharma,{+Init-Cap, +NF, +NF-Lex},[Pharma:Prop-Std]
T:( 54, 55): .,[.:Punct-Sent]

Part of Eyeonid Group
Python Iterate Concepts
from eot.wowool.native import Analyzer, Domain
from eot.wowool.annotation import Concept
from eot.wowool.error import Error
dutch = Analyzer(language="dutch")
entities = Domain( "dutch-entity" )
doc = entities( dutch("Jan Van Den Berg werkte als hoofdarts bij Omega Pharma."))
# filter some concepts
requested_concepts = set(['Person','Position','Company'])
concept_filter = lambda concept : concept.uri in requested_concepts
for concept in Concept.iter(doc, concept_filter) :
print( f"literal: {concept.literal:<20}, stem={concept.stem}" )
except Error as ex:

Part of Eyeonid Group
Custom Domains (runtime_domain.py)
doc = entities(dutch("Jan Van Den Berg werkte als hoofdarts bij Omega Pharma."))
mydomain = Domain( source = r"""
rule:{ Person .. 'werken' .. Company }= PersonWorkCompany@(verb="work");
rule:{ Person .. Company }= PersonCompany;
doc = mydomain(doc)

# filter some concepts

requested_concepts = set(['Person','Company','PersonWorkCompany','PersonCompany'])
concept_filter = lambda concept : concept.uri in requested_concepts
for concept in Concept.iter(doc, concept_filter) :
print( f"{concept.uri} -> {concept.literal}" )

PersonCompany -> Jan Van Den Berg werkte als hoofdarts bij Omega Pharma
PersonWorkCompany -> Jan Van Den Berg werkte als hoofdarts bij Omega Pharma
Person -> Jan Van Den Berg
Company -> Omega Pharma Eyeontext
Part of Eyeonid Group
Compounds (dutch_compound.py)
compounds = Domain( source="""
lexicon:(input="component"){verzekering } = INSURANCE_COMP;
lexicon:(input="head"){verzekering } = INSURANCE_HEAD;
rule:{ h'verzekering' { <+currency> } = INSURANCE_PRICE };
analyzer = Analyzer(language="dutch")
input = "Er zijn verzekeringsmaatschapijen €40.000.000 en verzekeringen: autoverzekeringen €100, fietsverzekering €10"
doc = compounds(analyzer(input))

Er zijn verzekeringsmaatschapijen €40.000.000 en verzekeringen: autoverzekeringen €100, fietsverzekering €10

uri | literal | stem
INSURANCE_COMP | verzekeringsmaatschapijen | verzekeringsmaatschapij
INSURANCE_COMP | verzekeringen | verzekering
INSURANCE_HEAD | verzekeringen | verzekering
INSURANCE_COMP | autoverzekeringen | autoverzekering
INSURANCE_HEAD | autoverzekeringen | autoverzekering
INSURANCE_PRICE | €100 | €100
INSURANCE_COMP | fietsverzekering | fietsverzekering
INSURANCE_HEAD | fietsverzekering | fietsverzekering Eyeontext
INSURANCE_PRICE | €10 | €10 Part of Eyeonid Group
Topic_Identifier Custom model
- topic_identifier : testing tool.
- toc : topic model compiler is use to build custom models.

topic_identifier -i "I saw black cars and a green bird and green house."
green bird: 1.0, black car: 1.0, green house: -0.00086
echo "i have green house gasses in my yellow house." > in.txt
toc -f in.txt -l english -o dummy.topic_model --stats
cat stats.md
## Nr of files: 1
|term | freq
|------------------------------ | ----
|green | 1
|green house | 1
|yellow house | 1

topic_identifier -i "I saw black cars and a green bird and green house." -t dummy.topic_model
green bird: 1.0, black car: 1.0, green house: -0.00086
Part of Eyeonid Group
Topic_Identifier (topics.py)
from eot.wowool.error import Error
from eot.wowool.topic_identifier import TopicIdentifier


model = TopicIdentifier(language="english", topic_model="english.topic_model")

topics = model.get_topics("I saw black cars and a green bird and green house.", 5)

except Error as ex:


('green bird', 1.0),
('black car', 1.0),
('green house', 0.6)

Part of Eyeonid Group
- The entity graph is a tool that has an API that returns a panda dataframe
- Converted to cypher to build a graph database out of text data.
- It creates node and relations at runtime.
- Keeps Slots, slots are thing you want to remember
- You can also add topic to nodes.

Part of Eyeonid Group
EntityGraph (entity_graph_panda.py)
from eot.wowool.native import Analyzer, Domain
from eot.wowool.annotation import Concept
from eot.wowool.error import Error
from eot.wowool.tool import EntityGraph

graph_config = { … }

english = Analyzer(language="dutch")
entities = Domain( "dutch-entity" )
myrule = Domain( source = """ rule:{ 'user' '\:' {(<>)+}=USER }; """)
doc = english("user:John \n\nJan Van Den Berg werkte als hoofdarts bij Omega Pharma.")
doc = entities(doc)
doc = myrule(doc)
graphit = EntityGraph( graph_config )
# returns a panda dataframe.
graphit.slots['Document'] = {"data":"file1.txt"}
results = graphit(doc)

print( results )

except Error as ex:


Part of Eyeonid Group
EntityGraph (entity_graph_panda.py)
graph_config = {

"slots" :{ "USER" :{ "expr":"USER" } },

‘Jan Van Den Berg’(gender=male) -> P2C ->
"links" :[
{ "from" :{ "expr" : "Person" ,"attributes":["gender"]}, ‘Omega Pharma’(country=Belgium)
"to" :{ "expr" : "Company","attributes":["country"]},
"relation" :{ "label": "P2C" }
{ "from" :{ "expr" : "Person" }, Jan Van Den Berg -> hoofdards -> Omega Pharma
"to" :{ "expr" : "Company"},
"relation" :{ "expr" : "Position" , "label" :"stem" }
{ "from" : { "slot" : "USER" , "label": "USER"},
"to" :{ "expr" : "Person"}, John-> Article -> Jan Van Den Berg
"relation" :{ "label": "Article" }
{ "from" :{ "expr" : "USER" },
"to" :{ "slot" : "Document", "label": "Document"}, John-> Article -> file1.txt
"relation" :{ "label": "Article" }

Part of Eyeonid Group
EntityGraph (entity_graph_panda.py)
--- From: results.df_from ------------------------------
label name gender
0 USER John NaN
1 Person Jan Van Den Berg NaN
2 Person Jan Van Den Berg male
3 USER John NaN
--- Relation: results.df_relation ----------------------
0 Mentions
1 hoofdarts
2 P2C
3 Mentions
--- To: results.df_to ----------------------------------
label name country
0 Document file1.txt NaN
1 Company Omega Pharma NaN
2 Company Omega Pharma Belgium
3 Person Jan Van Den Berg NaN
--- Merged: results ------------------------------------
from_label from_name from_gender rel_label to_label to_name to_country
0 USER John NaN Mentions Document file1.txt NaN
1 Person Jan Van Den Berg NaN hoofdarts Company Omega Pharma NaN
2 Person Jan Van Den Berg male P2C Company Omega Pharma Belgium
3 USER John NaN Mentions Person Jan Van Den Berg NaN

Part of Eyeonid Group
EntityGraph/Neo4j (entity_graph_cypher.py)
from eot.wowool.tool.entity_graph.cypher import CypherStream

# result from the entity graph.

results = graphit(doc)
cypher_it = CypherStream("EOT")
for neo4j_query in cypher_it(results):

MERGE ( o:EOT:USER { name : 'John' }) RETURN id(o)

MERGE ( o:EOT:Document { name : 'hello' }) RETURN id(o)
MATCH (from:EOT:USER{name:'John'}),(to:EOT:Document {name:'hello'}) MERGE (from)-[:MENTIONS]->(to)
MERGE ( o:EOT:Person { name : 'Jan Van Den Berg' }) RETURN id(o)

Part of Eyeonid Group
Prerequisite : pip install neo4j-connector
The neo4jdriver is a tool to store your text to a neo4jdatabase.

Usage: neo4jdriver --help

neo4jdriver -f corpus/english/movies/drama -l en -x links/movies.lnk --domain rules/movies/ -n

-f is the location of the data:

-l the language code
-x the json link file. See the EntityGraph.
--domain a comma delimited list of domains.
Note the a domain can be a folder name with wowoolian file in it.
-n Perform a dryrun, this will display the cypher query on screen but not execute it.

Part of Eyeonid Group
Neo4jDriver / Docker
Using Neo4j on your host, to do this you need to open the ports on the docker session to access the neo4j

docker run -v /home/.../shared:/shared -it eyeontext/ubuntu_20_04:2.0.2 bash

Inside the docker, this will create the lines you need to pass the neo4j database
neo4jdriver -f corpus/english/movies/drama -l en -x links/movies.lnk --domain rules/movies/ -o /shared/out.cypher -n

Push the script locally:

import neo4j
neo4jdb = neo4j.Connector( "http://localhost:7474" , ("test" , "test" ))
with open( "out.cypher" ) as fh:
lines = fh.readlines()
for cypher_query in lines:
Part of Eyeonid Group
Build-in Testing (domains/helloworld.wow)
// domains/helloworld.dom
Build in testing functionality in the woc compiler using the keyword. lexicon:{ greetings, hello }= GREETING;
- @test: [input data]
lexicon:{ world , earthling }= PLACE;
- @expected: [capture data]=[uri] (this one is optional)
@test: he says, hello worlds
@expected: hello worlds=TEST
woc -o helloworld.dom helloworld.wow -t -l en --verbose debug

test: [.../domains/helloworld.wow]
@test[failed]: eot-wowool-samples/domains/helloworld.wow:6: he says, hello worlds
@expected[failed]: { hello world } = TEST;
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
eot-wowool-samples/domains/helloworld.wow:6: rule:{ GREETING PLACE }= TEST
t(0,2) "he" (Init-Token)['he':Pron-Pers, +3P, +Sg]
t(3,7) "says" ['say':V-Pres-3-Sg, +that]
t(7,8) "," [',':Punct-Comma]
t(9,14) "hello" ['hello':Nn-Sg, +Interj]
Missing the PLACE Concept (world)
t(15,21) "worlds" ['world':Nn-Pl]
TestResult: 1 rules, 1 tests, 1 failed Eyeontext
Output file:"/Users/phforest/dev/eot-wowool-samples/domains/helloworld.dom" Part of Eyeonid Group
Remark from: rudy van belkom:
How do you control the validity of the results ? This question rises when mainly
with ML, where questions like accuracy and explainability are an issue. while with
rule based approach your rule control the results: There is a human implementing the
thinking behind the rules, so the accuracy can be very high. The linguistics behind
Wowool makes it that there is a theory of language behind the text. Things that many
system remove, the so called stop words: determiners, prepositions and conjunctions,
are crucial in understanding the relation between words and the whole meaning of a

Part of Eyeonid Group

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