Why Do Some Students Choose To Study Abroad2
Why Do Some Students Choose To Study Abroad2
Why Do Some Students Choose To Study Abroad2
Assignment: Write a computer-based essay (6-7 double-spaced pages), Times New Roman,
12, justified, on ONE of the following topics. Give a TITLE to your essay. Pose a clear and
specific critical question raised by the selected topic. Present a clear and specific answer to
that question (thesis). Offer clear and specific evidence in support of your answer. Use of
least FOUR cited sources in support of your argument. Internet resources should be properly
documented, according to the indications given during the lectures. Books and journal articles
are preferred as quoted sources. Use the correct documentation style (MLA, footnotes).
As the world becomes a bigger place to live in, we all become witnesses of its transformation
from a global village in a global city. Along with this change, people begin to evolve too.
Technology, economy, communication build its way into the future as well. But this is
impossible to achieve without knowledge. Not only knowledge already has become
inevitable, but also it has become an important tool that provides students a multicultural
experience. There is no better way to accomplish all this but with studying abroad.
Studying abroad can be thrilling and overwhelming at the same time. It can provide a
experience with long-lasting memories. However, the transition from living home to living
abroad can bring an onslaught of worries too. Coping with the environment, managing
studies and meeting new people can all easily become stressful situations. It is quite a
Firstly, studying abroad gives the possibility to experience the world. Whenever you
have free time from the university you can always start crossing off things from your bucket
list like traveling. This is one of the many ways to suppress our comfort zone, to dive into the
unknown and to seek for our happiness. Being courageous and visiting unknown places can
open our mindset to the whole universe. Traveling enlivens our spontaneous and adventurous
This experience it is not all about studying, but also about awakening our wanderlust.
Often these two things go together. In fact, Frank Herbert says, " The beginning of
knowledge is the discovery of something that we do not understand ".1 In other words,
Secondly, the cultural benefits are boundless. The time spent in a foreign country can
open our eyes to the wider world. It can leave you fascinated by the urban environment and
the diverse cultural perspectives. Likewise, you will be amazed by the new cuisine, religion,
traditions and the social atmosphere. You will learn about stereotypes and laugh about the
presumptions that others have about your country and people. “ Paradoxically, you’ll learn as
well that people are more alike. This openness to different approaches should make you a
education is essential and can be found only in the global environment. It is necessary to
cross our paths with the language barriers and the national borders in order to be able to get a
greater understanding of the world. The American Association Society of University and
College comments,
in a business and social milieu of great cultural, economic and linguistic diversity. If
cultures, they must have the advantage of a global education. They should be exposed
to other languages so that they can respect other tongues and abandon the arrogance
that claims everyone knows or should know English. They must spend time with
people of other races.” No matter what profession they choose, understanding other
essay.php?cref=1>. "A Report On Study Abroad English Language Essay." UKessays.com. 11 2013. All Answers
Ltd. 12.2017
Berdan,Stacie.“A student guide to study abroad“.Institute of international education,New York(2013).p.143
countries and ways of thought will make them more effective problem solvers and
leaders. “3
To put it another way, the massive cultural exchange and international education
global level such as overpopulation, global warming, racism, terrorism etc. “ The more you
raise global awareness, the richer the global knowledge will be. “4
Not only studying abroad awakens the respect for the multicultural environment, but
also helps strengthen and boost your skills that are needed in today's highly competitive job
market. This experience demonstrates to the employers that you are capable and well
qualified for the globalized workplace. For instance, before an interview for a certain job, the
employer always goes through the resume first. The resume reflects the candidates potential
and capacity to work for the firm. Those candidates that have listed studying abroad will have
In the light of the research that has been made in 2013 in the USA, the statistics
indicate that 97% of study abroad students found employment within 12 months of
graduation and 100% had a greater improvement in the development of their interpersonal
qualities. That is to say, skills like communication flexibility, adaptability, responsibility and
many others gained through an international education are a valuable asset for your career
Another benefit from studying abroad is expanding your social network. Many
students find this terrifying and extremely stressful. Good-byes with friends and family are
hard enough, but not having with whom to share this incredible experience is even harder.
< http://globaled.us/now/fullstatementaascu.html#15>.”AASCU”.
areness/>.”Global Awareness: Study Abroad Benefits”.BestPlaceToStudy.com(2016)
From personal experience, classmates can be intimidating especially if there is a language
barrier. But this shouldn't stop you in any way of making friends.
students. This automatically will initiate building new relationships. For instance, just by
exploring the new environment or going to a bar or a mall you can find yourself bonding with
people. You will be surprised at the amount of the newly developed friendships. These can be
friends that you can visit, and therefore they can be the reason to travel more often. The favor
also can be returned by inviting them to your country. That way you can open their
cherish. You never know if among your foreign friends is the future Elon Musk. That is to
say, it is always an advantage to have contacts around the world which can help you develop
your potential and therefore to develop your career. Wherever life takes you, all these
students meet other students they become aware of the diverse cultures and races. This
teaches them to live in peace and harmony, and for that reason it has a major influence on
their personal growth. Nothing can compare with being alone in a foreign country. Thus, to
be able to be flexible enough is another thing which will only make us braver.
as confidence, independence, and maturity. Building confidence is all about facing challenges
and breaking barriers. “Strenght and growth come through continuous effort and
struggle.“5.For instance, in the beginning, you will have no sense of direction. You will
probably won't have a clue how the public transport works, hence you will be forced to talk
to strangers and ask for help. This is only one of the many ways to gain the confidence that
Independence is a powerful tool that shapes our personality. It steers us in the right
direction toward realizing our dreams and visions. Students can often find themselves in
difficult situations in which critical thinking is crucial. Did you get on the wrong bus and
found yourself in a completely unfamiliar environment? You shouldn't panic. These kinds of
circumstances will teach you how to conquer any type of problem. As a result of this, they
Independence allows us to master a variety of skills too which can actually sound
silly but most of the students don't develop them until they are off to college. For example,
living on a budget will certainly teach us how to save money and be more responsible.
Furthermore, you won't be able to afford fast food all the time. On one hand, it can be
expensive while, on the other hand, it is extremely unhealthy. As a result, you are going to
The third and most important quality is maturity. Scientifically it is defined as a state
of our mind in which we have fully developed our personality. It is often said that maturity
doesn't come with age but it depends on the individual's actions. Psychology defines maturity
instinctive but it is learned through time. But how can studying abroad helps us in the
< https://www.noobpreneur.com/2015/02/20/strength-and-growth-come-only-through-continuous-effort-
and-struggle-a-must-have-mindset-for-every-small-business-owner/>.”Strength and Growth Come Only
Through Continuous Effort and Struggle: A Must-have Mindset for Every Small Business
Maturity emphasizes the ability to be aware of the society we live in and what
surrounds us. When we are in our home country we have already been introduced to the usual
behavior and we act natural. However, when living abroad we have to think differently. We
must start adjusting to the new culture and start adopting our host country. A lot of actions
can have a different meaning in diverse environments. Should I great people by shaking
hands or a hug is enough? Is it polite to ask for another cup of coffee or I had enough? As a
consequence of this, we need to think twice before making a decision. All of these things are
Another key thing to remember is that “ maturity is intercultural. It's not about
memorizing one set of social rules, but about learning how to adapt to new situations and
environments with ease.“ 6In other words, we build maturity by educating ourselves about the
< http://www.thebestplacestostudyabroad.com/build-maturity-during-study-abroad-6-ways-to-maximize-
growth/>.”Build Maturity During Study Abroad: 6 Ways to Maximize