3.noun PHR & STC Pattern
3.noun PHR & STC Pattern
3.noun PHR & STC Pattern
Noun Phrase is a group of words ending with a noun which gives an idea or
one meaning.
I. Modifier + Headword
II. Headword + Modifier
III. Combination I and II ( Mod + HW + Mod )
I. Modifier + Headword :
1. Determiner + Headword
a tree, the bridge, his ability, that ship, much water, one year,
another meeting, Darwin’s theory,
2. Adjective + Headword
a good university, our important problems, the beautiful island,
observable facts,
2. Headword + Adjective
someone special , something important, a village nearby, anything
5. Headword + To Infinitive
the food to eat today, several books to read, the applicants to
interview, the cargo to discharge at this port,
Exercise: Find out some Noun Phrases in the passage or text (min. 10)
2. - All the crew were very happy during the party ( C = Adj. )
S to be C A
- I am a maritime college student (C = N)
- The master is in his cabin right now ( C = Adv. )
Exercises :
Indicate the Subject, Verb and other elements / parts of the sentences below
according to the four Basic Sentence Patterns and then try to translate them.
1. To love is to sacrifice.
10. It will be a great day for you when you are graduated from this
Find out 10 sentences in the textbook and indicate the types of the
Basic Sentence Pattern being discussed.
Created by A. CHALID PASYAH, M.Pd. Dip.Tesl.
Created by A. CHALID PASYAH, M.Pd. Dip.Tesl.