Degree-Transcript - SGS-Provisional Form (Form H)

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Application for: Latest Passport
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Semester Grade Sheet For Semester(s) _________ (with Name, Father Name Application No. ________________
Reg. No on the back)
Transcript of Awards (Complete / Incomplete)
Dated: ________________
Provisional Certificate
Receiving Date: ________________
Degree / PGD Diploma for MSc

Certificate (Percentage, Bonafide, Merit, Distinction etc.) Due Date: ________________

Duplicate (Degree/Transcript/Provisional Certificate/SGS) etc.

Dealing Assistant: _______________

Note: -Please read the overleaf Instructions carefully before filling this form.

1. Registration No.___________________________________ Department ______________________________

2. Applicant’s Name:__________________________________________________________________________
(As per Matric Certificate - IN BLOCK LETTERS)
3. Father’s Name: __________________________________________________________________________
(As per Matric Certificate - IN BLOCK LETTERS)

4. CNIC No: ____________________________________________ 5. Passport No (if any): _______________________________

6. Nationality: ______________________ 7. Mobile No: ____________________ 8. email: ______________________________

9. Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________


10. Complete Name of degree Program: ________________________ 11. Year of Passing / Last Attempted: __________________

12. Challan No. _______________________ 13. Date: ________________________14. Amount: Rs. ______________________
(Please attach the Original Challan – Counter foil-II)
15. Complete Details of Additional Courses Attempted with course Code, Subject name and Semester etc.

Sr. No. Course Code Name of Subject Semester attended Department Grade Obtained

i. ----------------- --------------------- Fall/Spring --------------------------- ---------------------

ii. ----------------- --------------------- Fall/Spring --------------------------- ---------------------
iii. ----------------- --------------------- Fall/Spring --------------------------- ---------------------
iv. ----------------- --------------------- Fall/Spring --------------------------- ---------------------

Declaration: I solemnly declare that the particulars given above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In case any
discrepancy found I shall be ready for due punishment.
Signature of the applicant


Name: ____________________________________ Registration No: ____________________________ App No.___________

Application For (Degree/ Transcript/DMC/Provisional Certificate/PGD) received on _______________ due Date: __________
Note: This receipt is valid if all necessary documents are attached with application. The due date will be considered after
notification of results
Signature of Dealing Assistant
1. All entries must be legible, clear and preferably be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting.
2. Forms complete in all respect (i.e. duly signed and attached with necessary receipts & other documentary evidences) will be accepted.
3. Candidates applying for Semester Grade Sheets (SGS) should use one form for more than one Semester. All fees should either be
deposited in HBL, UET, Taxila Branch or be sent by Postal Order in the name of University of Engineering and Technology Taxila. The
nature of Certificate/ Degree must be indicated in Postal Order and the Bank Challan. THE FEE ONCE PAID SHALL NOT BE REFUNDABLE.
4. Degree/ Transcript/ SGS/Certificate shall not be issued to any person other than the candidate himself. It can, however, be handed
over to an authorized person on production of a Letter of authority from the candidate, on a stamped paper worth Rs. 100/- duly
testified by the first-class magistrate or class-I officer or Oath Commissioner.
5. A DUPLICATE degree, Provisional Certificate or Transcript of Awards Can Only be Issued if Supported by;
a. An affidavit on a stamped paper worth Rs. 100/- duly testified by the first-class magistrate or class-i officer or oath commissioner.

b. A press cutting of ABC certified newspaper for the loss/damage.

c. A copy of an FIR / Police Report duly attested by the relevant officer.

6. Please Ensure following Attachments:
a. Original Bank Challan (counterfoil-2)

b. Attested Copy of SSC certificate.

c. Copy of CNIC.
7. For Provisional Certificate, Transcript of Awards. Original Clearance Certificate issued by the Registrar.

8. The amount of fee to be deposited by the candidate for a degree, certificate or a duplicate copy thereof, is as under:
a. Semester Grade Sheet. Rs d. Provisional Certificate. Rs
250/- 1000/-

b. Transcript of Awards (BSc) Rs e. Degree in Absentia / Degree before Convocation. Rs.2000/-

1500/- f. Any Other Certificate Rs 250/-
c. Transcript of Awards (PhD/MSc) Rs g. Duplicate Double of the Normal Fee
500/- Per Semester

9. Verification Fee Local:

i. Degree/Transcript of Awards Rs 500/-

ii. Semester Grade Sheet/Provisional Certificate/ Any Other Certificate Rs 250/-
10. Verification Fee Foreign: (These rates are subject to revision by University Authorities from time to time.)

i. Degree/ Transcript of Awards 10 US Dollar/- per copy

ii. Provisional Certificate / Any other Certificate : 10 US Dollar/- per copy

For online Deposit of Fee Details are as under;

Bank Name:                  Habib Bank Limited
Branch:                          University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Punjab , Pakistan
City:                               Taxila, Punjab, Pakistan
Branch Code:                1915
Account Title:               UET Recurring
Account Number:         19157900213501
IBAN:                            PK91 HABB  0019157900213501
Swift Code:                   HABBPKKA 170
NTN/FTN NO               9001022-6

a) The Certificate or Duplicate copy except degree shall ordinarily be issued within FIFTEEN Working Days from the receipt of
Application, provided that the relevant result has already been notified and the Application Form is complete in all respects.

b) In case a duplicate copy of certificate/Transcript is required within 48 hours, the candidate shall deposit double fee prescribed
for such certificate, except degree.

c) A Degree will normally be issued within Two Months of receipt of the application form, complete in all respects. Any request for
URGENT issuance of degree shall not be entertained in any case.
d) The issuance of Revised/duplicate degree may take more than two months after the submission of the application form.


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