GRP 5 Authoritarian Theory 191001110951

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• It is the idea that placed all forms of communication
under the control of a governing elites or
• It is a normative theory of mass communication
where mass media is influenced and overpowered
by power and authority in the nations.
• The press and media cannot work independently
and their works are suspected to censorship.
• Originated from the philosophy of Plato (407-327
• The English monarchs used this approach when
the printing press was invented by censoring,
licensing, taxation and making laws.
• Media is influenced and overpowered by power
and authority in the nations
• Authoritarians are necessary to control the
• The press is an instrument to enhance the
ruler's power in the country.
• The authorities have all rights to permit any
media and control it by providing license to
the media and make certain censorship.
Historical background
• it is recognized in 1956 by three professors of
1. fred S. siebert
2. theodore peterson
3. wilbur schramm.
• developed in the 16th and 17th century in England
• Who owns the media in an authoritarian system?
• History provides us with many examples.
Two stand out: “Germany under Hitler and Italy under
• Censorship is a suppression of any
communication which may consider
as harmful to the people, King,
government and its nation.
• In some other cases, the censorship
helps to protect the rulers and
authorities from sensitive issues.
• Especially these censorship methods
are much familiar in press which
against the freedom of speech and
freedom of expression
Types of censors
• Political censor
• Moral censor
• Religious censor
• Military censor
• Corporate censor
Political Censor
• Political censorship exists
when a government attempts to
conceal, fake, distort, or falsify
information that its citizens
receive by suppressing or
crowding out political news that
the public might receive through
news outlets.
Moral censor
• the suppression of materials
that the public considers
obscene or offensive.
• Child pornography is
restricted in many countries
because it is seen as
being morally wrong.
Religious censor
• a form of censorship where
freedom of expression is
controlled or limited using
religious authority or on the
basis of the teachings of the
Military censor
• refers to requirements imposed
by military officials upon
journalists that the latter submit
their dispatches to military
censors so that the dispatches
can be reviewed for material
the content of which
the military does not want to
see published.
Corporate censor
• Corporate
censorship is censorship by c
orporations. It is when a
spokesperson, employer,
or business associate
sanctions a speaker's speech
by threat of monetary loss,
employment loss, or loss of
access to the marketplace.
Concepts of Authoritarian Theory of Press
• Press is taken as a weapon of the powerful. It is
used to increase the power of the rulers.
• The authorities can also cancel the license
• Authoritarian theory is taken as a theory used by
the dictatorship governments, but can also be
seen in democratic as well as dictatorial nations.
Concepts of Authoritarian Theory of Press
• Information, when distributed, might put
security at risk and cause to be a national
threat. Thus, the theory is justified by saying
that state is greater than individual rights where
state controls the media, especially in the time
of emergencies like wars and conflicts.
Example of authoritarian theory
King is the authority, who has all rights to control the
communication and no one can question against the

Dictatorship During the world war II Hitler and Mussolini
are the two major authorities who controlled the press in
Strengths of Authoritarian Theory of
• This approach is sometimes better for resolving social
and cultural conflicts.
• It is also better sometimes because it motivates people
to work for the country and its people.
• This theory can act as a gatekeeper and prevent the
media that act irresponsibly.
• The theory can be used for establishing propaganda.
Weakness of Authoritarian Theory of
• Common people are taken as less
intelligent and as an easy target to
• The ruling class uses the media only for
their own benefits.
• The freedom of expression and information
of normal people is attacked.

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