Effects of Employees Promotion: The Case of Some Selected Woredas in Kolfekeraniyo Sub-City
Effects of Employees Promotion: The Case of Some Selected Woredas in Kolfekeraniyo Sub-City
Effects of Employees Promotion: The Case of Some Selected Woredas in Kolfekeraniyo Sub-City
MARCH, 2021
Addis Ababa
I, hereby, declare that this thesis entitled “practice of employee promotion the case of
some selected woredas in kolfa keranyoo sub- city” is original work of my own, and has
not been presented by anyone for any degree in any other university. And all the sources
of materials used for the thesis have been duly acknowledged.
This thesis certifies that the above declaration made by the candidate is correct to
the best of my knowledge.
This is to certify that the thesis prepared by Mulugeta Birhanu Tareke entitled “practice
of employee promotion the case of some selected woredas in kolfe keranyoo sub-city”
which is submitted in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Master in Public Management
complies with the regulation of the University and meets the accepted standard with
respect to originality and quality.
Primarily, I would like to thank God for his grace helped me go through all possible steps
in fulfilling the requirement and completing this study. Without his support, I would not
have been able to complete this task.
I would like to thank my advisor Dr. Henok Seyoum, for his commitment and advice to
helping me and his leadership during the study. This thesis would not have been possible
without his support and patience.
I am greatly thankful of the support from my brother Mekibib Fiseha for unreserved help
and encouragements.
Great thank goes to my wife, Marta Abera, for her courage and continuous support during
my study. I dedicate this work to my children; Natanim Mulugeta and Edina Mulugeta.
I am also thankful to individual working in k/k/ sub-city woreda 02 Addis Ababa city
administration employees for making available all the information necessary for the
completion of the thesis.
Thank you
Mulugeta Birhanu
Table of Contents
Title Pages
Approved by Board of Examiners:......................................................................................ii
Table of Contents................................................................................................................iv
List of Tables.....................................................................................................................vii
List of Acronyms/ Abbreviation.......................................................................................viii
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...........................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problem...........................................................................................3
1.3 Research Questions....................................................................................................5
1.4. General Objective.....................................................................................................5
1.5. Significance of the Study..........................................................................................5
1.6 Scope of the Study.....................................................................................................5
1.7 Definition of Terms...................................................................................................6
1.8 Limitation of the Study..............................................................................................6
1.9 Organization of the Paper..........................................................................................6
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW......................................................................7
2.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................7
2.2. Employee Promotion................................................................................................9
2.2.1. Definition...........................................................................................................9
2.2.2. Purpose of Promotion........................................................................................9
2.2.3. Handling Promotion...........................................................................................9
2.2.4. Tools and Foundation in Handling Promotion................................................10
2.2.5. Policy on Promotion........................................................................................11
2.2.6. Factors that affect Promotion...........................................................................12
2.2.7 Types of Promotion..........................................................................................15
2.2.8 Importance and Benefits of employee promotion............................................16
2.2.9 Principles of promotion....................................................................................17
2.2.10 Elements of employee promotion in management.........................................19
2.2.11 Features of employee promotion....................................................................20
2.3 Conceptual Framework............................................................................................21
CHAPTER THREE...........................................................................................................23
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY......................................................................................23
3.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................23
3.2 Research Design......................................................................................................23
3.3 Study area and Population.......................................................................................24
3.3.1 Study Population...............................................................................................24
3.4 Sample of the Study.................................................................................................24
3.5 Interview Guide (Structured Interview)...................................................................26
3.5.1 Secondary Data.................................................................................................26
3.5.2 Documentary Review.......................................................................................26
3.6 Data Processing.......................................................................................................26
3.6.1 Editing...............................................................................................................26
3.6.2 Coding of the Questionnaires...........................................................................27
3.6.3 Data Analysis....................................................................................................27
3.6.4 Data Presentation..............................................................................................27
3.7 Chapter Summary....................................................................................................28
CHAPTER FOUR.............................................................................................................29
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS....................................................................................29
4.1. Introduction.............................................................................................................29
4.1.1 Gender...............................................................................................................29
4.1.2 Age Distribution...............................................................................................30
4.1.3 Education Level................................................................................................31
4.2Awareness of Promotion Procedures by Employees of by kolefa keranyo sub City
4.2.1 Promotion Criteria............................................................................................32
4.2.2 Promotion Procedures.......................................................................................34
4.2.3 Implication for un-Awareness of Procedures to Performance..........................36
4.2.4 Employees Involvement in Promotion Process................................................36
4.3 Factors Affecting non-adherence of Promotion Procedures at kolfakeranyo..........36
4.3.1 Inadequate Communication..............................................................................37
4.3.2 Budget Constraints............................................................................................37
4.3.3 Employees Data Base.......................................................................................38
4.3.4 Poor Management.............................................................................................38
4.3.5 Performance Assessment..................................................................................39
4.3.6 Staff Academic Qualification...........................................................................39
Implication for Non-Adherence of Promotion Procedures to Performance..............39
4.4. The Impact of Promotion to both Individual Employees and Organizational
4.4.1. Importance of Promotion to Employees Performance.....................................41 Motivation.................................................................................................42 Remuneration............................................................................................42 Good Relationship....................................................................................43 Job Satisfaction.........................................................................................43 Employee Development............................................................................43 Filling a Vacant Post.................................................................................43
4.5. Factors other the Employees Promotion affecting Performance............................43
CHAPTER FIVE...............................................................................................................45
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................................45
5.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................45
5.2 Summary of the Findings.......................................................................................45
5.3 Conclusion...............................................................................................................45
5.4 Recommendations....................................................................................................46
5.4.1. Policy Implications..........................................................................................46
5.4.2 Transparency.....................................................................................................47
5.4.3 Establishment of Electronic Data Management...............................................47
5.4.4 Administrative Services....................................................................................47
5.4.5 Training Opportunities......................................................................................48
5.4.6 Suggestions for Further Research.....................................................................48
List of Tables
AA Affirmative Action
HR Human resource
PE Personal Employee
The objective of this study was to access Practices of Employees Promotion The case of
Some Selected Woredas in Kolfe Keraniyo Sub city. The focused objectives were to
examine the implementation of promotion procedures at kolefakeranyo sub city, assess
the positive impact of promotion to the individual employees and organizational
performance. A case study research design was adopted for the study to allow an
investigation concerning the implementation of promotion practice, the relationship
between promotion and employee’s performance and its implications towards
employees’ performance. A sample of 150 was employed, where 100 employees selected
by purposive sampling, random sampling, and 50 clients/customers were selected using
convenience sampling in order to provide feedback to the council’s performance.
Primary data from the study were collected using self-administered questionnaires and
interview guides. The structures questionnaires was administered to the employees at
operational level (85) while interview guide were used to heads of department, sections,
human resources officers (15) and (50) clients/customer as beneficiaries of councils
service delivery. The primary data were supplemented with secondary data and analyzed
using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The research findings have shown that
KKSC employees were aware of promotion procedures, although there is need for human
resource department to spell it well to all employees. Also the results show that
promotion has impacts to individual and organizational performance as it induces
motivation, good performance, good relations and increased remunerations. The findings
of study indicate that there were impacts for non-adherence to promotion procedure
which affects individual performance and organization such as poor performance,
accumulated promotion, poor relations and labor turnover. The availability of human
resource strategic plan and good working conditions were recommended factors for
improved implementation of promotion practices to public and private organizations
Different studies revealed that job satisfaction is the most important and frequently
studied and recognized dimension in the organizational behavior field. Job satisfactions
and the factors behind it have attracted a number of researchers. Studies on job
satisfaction date back to the early 1900’s, in which the situations perspective highly
dominated. These perspectives states that job satisfaction is determined by a specific
characteristics of the job and its environment. This view is reflected in various studies
including by Hauser and Taylor and by Cranny, Smith and Stone on their various projects
at the Western Electric plants in Hawthorne. These studies suggested the basic
assumption that when a certain set of job conditions are present, a certain level of job
satisfaction will follow.
Jurgensen (as cited in Edwin, 2003) prioritize the sub categories of a job satisfaction and
place the work itself as the most important factor. He also agrees that satisfaction with the
work itself predicts the overall job satisfaction. He even suggested a management interest
should be in understanding what makes employee satisfied with their jobs and focus on
the nature of the work (intrinsic job characteristics) as an important point.
One of the important factors that highly enhance the job satisfaction of employee can be
a promotion, as indicated by previous researchers perception of employee with regard to
their job in terms of higher compensation and benefit, better working condition, higher
authority or autonomy, greater responsibility, social status (which may all be a result of
promotion) and the like are the source of job satisfaction.
Employees are thought to be satisfied with their work when they consider themselves to
be a productive part of the organization. Employee can derive such satisfaction when
organizations realize their worth by promoting them to a place of greater authority and
control (Naveed et al, 2011).
A number of scholars have studied job satisfaction with various variables but little
attention is given to the importance of promotion as a determinant of job satisfaction. To
mention a few, a study by Victoria (2014) from Ghana assessed the promotional
satisfaction among the workers of Cocoa Marketing Company Limited and found out that
majority of staff were somewhat dissatisfied on the implementation of the promotion
Boit (2013)a study made on Moi University Eldoret Municipality in Kenya indicated that;
promotion opportunity had a significant relationship with non-teaching staff career
change intention. The findings also point out that non-teaching staff considered
promotion opportunity as the critical indicator of their perception of job satisfaction. He
concludes that promotion opportunity as perceived by non-teaching staff had a higher
effect on career change intention. In Ethiopia, Helen (2015) has found out that lack of
promotion opportunity had a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction.
Similarly, Hailu (2013) has also found out that employees were not satisfied with selected
human resource practice including the promotion practice and further it was pointed out
that promotion is a strong predictor of job satisfaction. Hence, the purpose of this study is
to investigate the effect of employee promotion and over time on job satisfaction using of
kolfakeranyo sub city some selected woreda and provide suggestions to sub city as how it
can improve the employee promotion and overtime practice and make its employee
satisfied with their job and in turn get the best out of them.
Promotion is an important aspect of an employee’s career and life, affecting other facets
of work experience. They constitute an important aspect of workers’ labor mobility,
most often carrying substantial wage increases (Kosteas 2009, Blau and DeVaro 2007,
CobbClark 2001, Francesconi 2001, Pergamit and Veum 1999, Hersch and Viscusi, 1996,
McCue 1996, Olson and Becker 1983 and others) and can have a significant impact on
other job characteristics such as responsibilities and subsequent job attachment (Pergamit
and Veum 1999). Organizations can use promotions as a reward for highly productive
workers, creating an incentive for workers to exert greater effort. Promotions will only
be an effective mechanism for eliciting greater effort if workers place significant value on
the promotion itself. Otherwise, organizations would simply use pay increases to reward
effort and productivity.
workers may value promotions because they carry an increase in job amenities such as a
bigger office or spending account (factors which are observable but for which we do not
have the information) or because they enjoy the acknowledgement of work well done and
the ego boost that comes with a promotion (factors which are not easily observable).
Some workers might enjoy the increase in authority over co-workers that often
accompany a promotion. Given all of the dimensions in which promotions can affect
workers’ careers and compensation, relatively little attention has been paid to the
importance of promotions as a determinant of job satisfaction.
When employee belong and remain as member of an organization, it concerns an
individual’s attendance and longevity at work and the decision to perform well that is, to
work hard in pursuit of high levels of performance. Employers can benefit as well, from
satisfied employee as they are more likely to profit from lower staff turnover and higher
productivity when their employee experience a high level of job satisfaction (John &
John R. H, 2010). Organization has always given high priority to attain high level
performance through productivity and efficiency .In order to do this highly satisfied
workforce is an absolutely necessity for achieving a high level of performance
advancement of an organization (Pushpakumari, 2008).
Among the factors, promotion can be the major one that highly influences the job
satisfaction of employee because of its direct tie with higher benefits and greater
responsibilities or powers .Lack of effective promotion practices lead to high turnover
(which denotes lack of talent, additional recruitment and training costs), de-motivation,
and lack of commitment. Hence, every company needs to have an improved, effective,
clear and transparent employee promotion practice that answers the employee
expectations and requirements as much as possible. Given all of the dimensions in which
promotions can affect workers’ careers and compensation, first, relatively little attention
has been paid to the importance of promotions as a determinant of job satisfaction,
second promotion benefits companies in reducing employee turnover and in getting best
performance out of employee and finally promotion is a base for employee welfares and
has a direct link with employee’s benefit because most benefits are associated with
promotion i.e. salary, authority, allowances, discretions powers, recognition, decision
making, job content and etc.Alam, Sameena, and Puja (2012).Consequently employee
also give much attention to promotion, as a result, the concept of promotion and over
time as a determinant of job satisfaction despite the fact that different government
initiatives have been made by the government still there are some challenges facing an
implementation of employee promotion with in government organizations.in this
connection, the researcher has been interested in practice of employees promotion in
kolfakeranyoo sub-city some selected woreda.
1.3 Research Questions
The main objective of the paper is to assess and examine the practices of promotion
in some selected woredas of kolfakeraniyo sub city.
1. To review the rules and regulations related to employee promotion
2. To examine the applicability of the rules and regulations related to promotion
3. To identify challenges regarding the implementation of the rules and regulations
4. To recommend possible way forwards
The study help the officials of the sectors to take remedial actions
It also benefits the employees in creating a climate of trust by identifying the senses of
the problem that affected them.
located in Addis Ababa around karakora and ayertena the study assesses promotion
practices in the organization.
Promotion: occurs when an employee is moved from a job to another position that is
higher in pay, responsibility, and/or organizational level.(Werther and Davis, 1996:399).
There will be some factors that affected the study not to be carried out as expected.
Among these factors the majors are shortage of time and finance and also some
employees did not filled and return the questionaries’ properly. And if there was ample
time and finance the student researcher could have used other analysis tool using
inferential analysis like correlation and association.
Chapter one will be consists; background of the research and the organization,
statement of the problem, basic research questions, objective of the study,
significant of the study, scope and limitation of the study.
Chapter two will be includes; literature review which discusses the related
literatures of the studied focused in terms of employee relation, supervisory
behavior, welfare items and organizational citizenship behavior and definition of
Chapter three will be consists; research approach and methodology, sources of
data, population of the study, sampling techniques and procedures, sample size
determination, methods of data collection, validity and reliability, methods of data
analysis and ethical considerations.
Chapter four: will be consists; data presentation, data analysis and interpretations.
2.1. Introduction
Promotion can be used as an incentive tool. It is a way of rewarding the employees for
meeting the organizational goals thus it serves as a mean of synchronizing organizational
goals with personal goals (Lazear& Rosen, 1981). According to Rosen (1982) the
deciding factor for the position of any individual in the hierarchy is his talent, higher the
level of talent in any individual higher will be his position in the hierarchy. Promotion
has its importance due to the fact that it carries with it a significant change in the wage
package of an employee (Murphy, 1985). Thus, a raise in salary indicates the value of
promotion (Baker et al., 1994). Promotion follows a defined set pattern which is outlined
in the employment bond (Doeringer&Piore, 1971). In this highly competitive corporate
world, promotion can help the competing firms to trace the most productive participant of
one organization to be worth hiring for another organization (Bernhardt &Scoones,
1993). In such a way the promotion highlights am employee in the external environment
and realizes his worth in the internal environment. According to Carmichael (1983)
promotion enhances the yield of an organization when an employee climbs a promotion
ladder on the basis of his seniority and resultantly he gets an increased wage rate.
However, according to Baker et al. (1988), promotion does not consider to be an
incentive device, thus the optimal results cannot be generated by promoting the employee
in the organization. There is a more failure rate when the employees are hired externally
than when they are promoted internally (Kelly-Radford, 2001). The impact of wage raise,
a result of promotion, is found to be more significant than fixed income on job
satisfaction (Clark & Oswald 1996). According to Shields and Ward (2001) the
employees who are dissatisfied with the opportunity available for promotion show a
greater intention to leave the organization. Pergamit and Veum (1989) established that
greater the chances of promotion higher will be the job satisfaction of employees. Apart
from job satisfaction, the employee satisfaction is determined by satisfaction with
promotion. When employees perceive that there are golden chances for promotion they
feel satisfied for the respective place in the organization (De Souza, 2002). Job
Satisfaction The origin of interest in the topic of job satisfaction is traced back in 1911,
when Taylor developed ways for the training of workers on the basis of job duties and
employees attitude (Taylor, 1911). Then the researches on this topic begun. However,
this topic can be tracked back with the birth of industrial revolution. Hawthorne Studies
conducted by Elton Mayo started in 1927 and continued till 1932 arose several questions
that if lightening had very little effect on the productivity then there is a need to trace the
factors which are actually responsible for the performance of employees in any
workplace (Bruce & Blackburn, 1992).Even after centuries of research on this topic,
Levine (1995) emphasized a need of continuous research on the issue of job satisfaction.
From the view point of Lawler and Hall (1970), job satisfaction is the difference between
the inputs made by employee and the outputs receive from the job. If the answer comes
out positive then the employee is satisfied with the job and vice versa. Wexley and Yukl
(1984) expressed that job satisfaction is not only influenced by the personal
characteristics of an employee but also by the work related attributes prevailing in the
workplace. Mitchell and Lasan (1987) stated that job satisfaction has gained wider
importance in organizational behavior field. Luthans (1998) discussed job satisfaction in
a three dimensional perspective. Firstly he postulated that job satisfaction is a feeling it
cannot be measured as a tangible entity. Secondly, he stated that employee expectations,
of being rewarded for the efforts made for the organization, can serve as a determinant of
job satisfaction. Thirdly, he declared that several job characteristics like pay, promotion
and work itself are the attitudes which can be related to job satisfaction. Locke and
Lathan (1990) broadly defined job satisfaction as an emotional state which gives pleasure
and positive energy to employees by perceiving that they are getting what they think is
important for them. Employees can be retained and satisfied when they are satisfied with
their work which includes the challenges, scope and variety of the job (Fried & Ferris,
1987; Parisi& Weiner, 1999; Weiner, 2000). Apart from challenging job there are certain
demographic factors which contribute to enhancing the satisfaction level of employees
(Shan, 1998). A satisfied employee is more committed and can be retained on the
organization for a longer period, thus enhancing the productivity of the company
(Bravendam, 2002).
2.2. Employee Promotion
2.2.1. Definition
A promotion occurs when an employee is moved from a job to another position that is
higher in pay, responsibility, and/or organizational level. It is mechanism in which
organization recognizes employees past job performance and its effort to aid the
organization in furthering its objectives. Promotions usually are based on merit and/or
Seniority (Werther and Davis, 1996:399). Employee promotion is the advancement of an
employee to a better job, which requires greater responsibility and skill with better
salaries and better working conditions. If employee and advancement does not involve
such improvements, it is not considered as promotion (Pigors and Myers, 1981:303-304).
It is a movement by a person into a position of higher pay and greater responsibility. It is
moving from lower level position to a higher in status and privilege (Plunket 1981).
The purpose of promotion serves an organization in two ways. In one hand, assigning
people to the roles where they can best contribute helps an organization achieve a higher
performance to meeting its objectives. And on the other hand it also helps an organization
to use promotion as a tool for incentives and rewards of its employee (Davis, 1993:397).
When an employee is promoted to a position in which he/she can contribute most, change
for successful outcomes of the organization for which he/she works are as a result
increased. Thus, it should be the goal for an organization to change the position of its
employees as soon as their capacities develop and opportunities exist (Michael
every attempt to give opportunities for their employees to get promoted. Staff
advancement is clearly one of the best incentives for people to stay within an
organization. Even though it is not necessarily a good practice to fill every vacancy in
this fashion and never provide “a new blood” to the organization, it is very inducing for
employees to see that the best job do not go to the outsiders very frequently (Campbell et
al., 1994). Determining promotional decision demands defining the appropriate criteria
and collecting measures. The criteria include the incumbent’s future performance,
potential and advertisement ability and the organizational unit’s success, along such
dimensions as profitability, growth, technological leadership and return on investment. In
an attempt to put into practice on internal promotion policy, usually it is the most
tiresome task to deal with. However, it has been said that the best task is to get
departmental heads to come in terms with the departing of their promising employee. For
mere fear of losing their hard and dedicated staff, they are inherently reluctant and remain
resistant to the idea of training a successor.
First and foremost personnel management should be able to properly identify current
employees who are capable of filling a certain vacant position as they become available.
Taking into account the number, capability and status of the employee’s, helpful tools
such as management and skills inventories, job posting and job bidding procedures for
internal recruitment should be implemented (Scarpello and Ledvinka, 1988).
Job posting is formal notices of promotional opportunities allow employees to take the
initiative in applying. A proper match between job and employee depends as much on the
employee seeking an open position as it does on the manager searching for candidates.
Job posting system has a number of advantages. From the view point of the employee, it
provides flexibility and greater control over career progress. For the employer it should
result in better matches of employee and the job, in addition, it is used to meet Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requirements for equal opportunity for
the advancement of all employees (Flippo, 1982:390-392).
Job matching is another tool that is aligning candidate abilities and interest with job
requirements is a goal of most staffing decisions.
Job bidding is another technique that permits employees who believe that they possess
the required qualifications to apply for a posted job. Larger firms provide employees with
a weekly list of job openings. Any qualified employee is encouraged to apply (Wayne
and Robert, 1981:334)
Organizations which have a stock of promotion talent spread over several departments
required a systematic approach to promotion. Talent must be identified accordingly since
it might be available in departments where it does not belong. It aims to find the
personnel specialists through the file of the employees within the organization to
ascertain the individual who fit such Parameters and are thus fit for promotion. Thus,
promotion can be used as a recruitment source for the higher positions. This would
encourage the existing employees, providing them with motivation and at the same time
opening a source of recruitment at the lower end of the hierarchy for outsiders (Michael,
1963:196). Management promotion policies vary in their degree of formalization and
centralization. Formalization is a function of the content and explicitness of personnel
policies (Auja, 1978). Centralization refers to the locus of decision making, ranging from
the personnel department (high centralization to the supervisor of the future incumbent.
Formal personnel policies are specifically articulated in written guidelines and other
documents. Standard operating procedures, which are more specific than policies, are
typically formal statements indicating how a promotion decision is to be made and what
factors are to be considered. Formal promotion policies have advantage and
disadvantage. They can increase the opportunities for, and ensure fairer treatment of,
employees as well as inform managers about salient promotion criteria. However,
Formalization may limit the decision maker’s discretion and increase the time required to
fill a vacancy.
Even though organizations formulate promotional policies and procedures and that
promotional decisions should be rewards for performance, there are factors that affect it
proper application. The followings points can be cited as example.
Federal and state laws affect the way in which promotion can be made.
Affirmative action program (A.A) (Pedigo and Meyer, 1979:311) and Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) objectives influence promotion decisions both directly
and indirectly. In some cases, the organization may wish to fill a vacancy with a women
or minority group member. In other instance, the EEO/AA plan influence the career
development activities offered to employees to prepare them for future promotion and
may dictate who or what kind of person gets the promotion.
Promotion of the best qualified and most eligible person will be blocked by seniority
rules. By the union agreement.
It is also affected by the match between the individual and the job in terms of both ability
and career interests. By the importance of the decision to the decision maker and the
organization. The ability and motivation of the decision maker to apply a diverse set of
criteria and integrate information. Other factors found to influence promotion decisions
include political influence through personal Knowledge of the decision maker or through
one’s mentor (Roche, 1979). Individuals who are not highly trained in interviewing
techniques or personnel matters can affect promotion decisions.
Attributes of the decision maker may influence the decision process such as one’s
motivation to spend time and resource to fill the vacancy and one’s information handling
capacity (Davis, 1993: 402-403).
The location of the vacancy in the organization can influence promotion processes. Some
departments are stepping stones to higher levels. When vacancies arise in these
departments, there are many candidates to select from and it is easy to obtain the release
of a valued employee from other departments. In contrast, departments with poor
reputations have difficulty identifying an acceptable candidate who would take the
position Regardless promotions should be based as much as possible on performance.
If promotion is used the best way of doing, it must be done through job bidding or job
positioning through which all job openings are announced and that all eligible candidates
are encouraged to apply. There needs to be transparency (Plunkett, 1981)
The innate human desire to improve one’s lot is strong enough to make workmen apt to
overwork themselves and ruin their health and constitution in a few years” --Adam
Smith, 1776, Wealth of Nations, Book One, Chapter VIII. Overtime can be defined as a
way or method to full the needs in rush hours to respond to the requirements and to
compensate fail of machine working or employees absence. Cakmak, 2018. p. 21, and
Yang, 2015. p. 13 define overtime as all the time spent for working or doing activities in
institution (the organization or home) out of work time installed in the contract, while
CWDC, 2015. p. 1,) said that it is extra time of working above employee’s normal hours.
According to Al-Hakim et al., (2017). Overtime is about the extra hours that should be
taken into account and add it later to hours of staff work, and there are regulations for the
overtime. Overtime is about the extra hours that should be taken into account and add it
later to hours of staff work, and there are regulations for the overtime: First, any extra
hours more the time of work or “normal hours” is called overtime. Second, all office
working times and the overtime are considered as working time when the organization
needed. Moreover, (State Human Resources Manual, 2011. p. 3), Thabit et al., 2016b. p.
5, stated some conditions about overtime regulations as following: 1. Any overtime
working more than normal office hours must be paid as wages to the employees at salary
time 2. The organization must pay the wages of the extra time for the employees as soon
as possible unless the employees have a day off 3. The extra hours should be paid
through 12 months (365 days) or paid with the salary 4. If an employee left his
organization or changed his position or went to another place before taking his overtime
wages, the organization should pay his receivable for overtime.
Overtime Policy Having no enough staff to full the rush hours or office working hours,
the organization adopts overtime style to do the activities or missions. Hence, the
organization depends on some procedures, according to Corporate Policy Manual, 2011.
p. 1, (Thabit et al., 2016a. p. 123) these procedures are: 1. Any overtime must be
accompanied by approval from the manager who decides when and who will do it and
which methods must be used 2. The manager should have the authority to determine the
overtime at any time and decide the payment amount 3. The standard of employees
overtime should be more than 14 h of office working in the organization 4. The overtime
must not only be taken at the necessary situation, and but also not be considered as
weekly activities 5. The work between the employees must be distributed if the overtime
is necessary to complete activates or jobs 6. The overtime work should be executed as an
order from the manager to employees and except that, any extra hours will not be
accounted 7. Agreement is required from the employees when they approve to work more
than normal hours specified in the contract.
There are some reasons behind working overtime by employees. Yamada, 2013. p. 106,
and Thabit et al., 2016c. p. 41, mentioned that there are three points for that: First, the
employee takes overtime to attract attention of organization and manger to occupy a new
position better than his current one. Second, the employee takes overtime to prove
himself and improve his abilities and experiences for doing work in organization. Third,
the employee works overtime to obtain a high score in organization evaluation and make
a good positive impression for the managers. Hence, according to above, Simeonova et
al., 2017. p. 3, (Nibusinessinfo, 2018, Department of Trade and Industry, 2003, and
Raewf and Thabit, 2015. p. 65 summarized some overtime advantages and disadvantages
as follows: a
2.2.8 Importance and Benefits of employee promotion
A promotion is not only away to add more responsibilities to an employee but is a major
form of boosting employee motivation and morale. This results in high productivity and
prevents company from losing its value able and important employee. There are money
benefits and advantages of promoting employee regularly for their efforts, and the
following are the importance of benefits.
3. Encourages retention: When the right talent is identified by the management and
timely promotion is practiced, the deserving and skilled employee may not be
forced to leave the workplace. This improves the retention of the skilled and
talented employee and thus benefits the workplace even further. By retaining top
level workers and employee, organization prevents the need for hiring new talent
and then grooming them all over again, thus saving time and money.
4. Develops competitive spirit at the workplace: When the better team person gets
promoted, the other team members may be changed and motivated to perform
better than them, and this helps to develop a healthy competitive spirit at the
workplace. This kind of a spirit is good for an organization since it promises good
performance all around and hence an overall improved productivity.
5. Grooms leaders for the future: Once the management decides to promote
employee for their hard work, they are basically recognizing talent and finding
future leaders. This identification of future leaders enables them to groom
employee for the future and makes them explore their skills and talent further.
Grooming leaders for the future is beneficial for the organization and helps to
improve the overall productivity.
There are certain principles of promotion which must be observed in framing promotion
policy and making promotion decisions.
1. Uniformity:
2. Consistency:
Promotion should have consistency, that is, it must be applied to all personnel concerned.
Consistency demands that promotion is linked with career planning of all individuals and
promotion is not a sudden spurt and ad hoc to benefit a few individuals.
3. Fair and Impartial:
Promotion policy should be fair and impartial. Fairness and impartiality in promotion
ensure that only right personnel are promoted, and other factors such as family
connection, caste connection, etc. do not play their role. Further, fairness and impartiality
in promotion should not be only for communication but these must be followed in
practice, otherwise, promotion may create more conflicts and politics in the organization.
4. Planned Activity:
Promotion policy should ensure that promotion is undertaken as a planned activity and as
a regular process, rather than ad hoc process. Promotion must be seen as a backward
linkage with assessment of the promotion opportunities on the one hand, and forward
linkage with the development of personnel to make them promotable, on the other hand.
There should be sound basis of promotion and it must be made known to the employees.
In the light of this, the employees develop their promotability. In absence of sound basis
of promotion, organizational politics is heightened because every aspirant for promotion
may try for promotion and is likely to use all possible tricks for promotion.
6. Sanction:
7. Follow-Up:
There should be a suitable system of follow-up to assess the how the promoted employee
is working in his new position. The HR department should hold a brief interview with the
promoted employee and his new superior to determine whether everything is going well.
Many organizations make provision that the promoted employees should be kept on
probation for a specified period. If their performance during period is not satisfactory,
they may be reverted back to their previous positions. In this case, follow-up action is
necessary. (www.Economics discussion. net)
1. Policy statement:
There should be a policy statement from the management regarding promotion policy. It
should clearly state that promotions will be from within the organization. Will there be
any preference if competent persons are available within the organization? Policy
statement will set at rest all types of speculations which may otherwise disturb the minds
of employees.
2. Assessing Performance:
The basis to be followed for promotions should be indicated. How to assess the
performance of employees while considering them for promotion? Performance appraisal
may be one criterion, confidential reports may be another. The employees should know in
advance the criterion to be followed for assessing their performance.
3. Promotion routes:
The promotion routes to be followed for different posts should be clearly mentioned.
Every post has a different route. For example, an accounts clerk may be promoted as an
accountant or accounts officer and so on similarly there are routes for other posts. All
employees in the organization should be given full information of the routes of
4. Employee training:
Every promotion from within the organization should have a provision for training
orientation. This will improve the skill and knowledge of employees and make them
suitable for taking up higher assignments.
The record of employee’s current performance, his adaptability to new job situations,
level of intelligence, aptitude to learn etc. should be known to the management from his
records so that affair judgment can be made at the time of considering him for promotion.
6. Communication:
The promotion policy should be communicated to the employees. It will avoid suspicion,
confusion and wrong notions in the minds of employees. If they know the criterion to be
followed for promotions, they can judge themselves against those yardsticks. The
promotion policy for top positions can be precise whereas for lower positions it should be
laid down in as much detail as possible and should also be clear to everybody.
(www.yourarticlelibrary.com )
1. Exude confidence. They are comfortable in their own shoes and command a
room; others are always aware of their presence. Yet they are able to temper their
confidence, so it is always perceived as attractive and positive –not as arrogance.
2. Are lifelong learners. They are curious and as interested as they are interesting.
They seek to grow and learn, they look at challenges as opportunities to expand
their skill. they never comfortable resting on their laurels and they become bored
easily when they are not being challenged.
3. Maintain a positive, can-do attitude. They greet everyone with a smile, every
project with enthusiasm, and every challenge with a potential solution. They are
resilient and easily bounce back from failure. They see failure as a step on the
path to success. They abhor office steer clear of Debbie downer, and stay focused
on what’s possible.
4. See the forest and the trees. They are able to design a strategy and make it
happen. They are not the big thinkers who have no capacity for execution. They
are able to take their strategic ideas and make sure they are turned into action.
5. Build and nurture relationship regularly. They believe in the motto “Life is
who you know”. They understand the importance of establishing connections with
peers, leaders, employees, and thought –leaders outside the organization. And
they understand that strong relationships come from giving, not asking. They
nurture their relationships regularly.
6. Have strong, recognizable, and memorable personal brands. They are clear
about who they are what sets them apart from their peers, and compelling to
decision makers. They are willing to live their brand every day in all that they do.
and by doing so, they make their mark on every email they write, every meeting
they lead, and every presentation they deliver.
7. Are sought out for input and advice. They may not have the most experience or
be the most senior people in the organization, yet they are the trusted colleagues
who always have a line of people outside their door seeking their input. And they
are willing to take the time to share their thoughts.
8. Are generous. They are giving and focused on others. They understand that
success comes from supporting others, not tearing them down. They know that
generosity is more than an occasional action. It is a way of life. They give praise
easily, regularly and publicly, maintaining an attitude of recognized and
acknowledging others.
9. Are goals driven? They pursue goals with resilience and accountability. They
resist distractions and remain focused on the goals at hand- both personal and
professional. And although they focus on their goals, they aren’t so tied to them
that they miss opportunities. They revisit their goals often to ensure their
relevance, and they adjust them when necessary.(www.forbes.com)2017.
As the study examines the Impact of Promotion to Employees Performance, the total
number of employees of kolefakeranyo sub city has been taken population, employee’s
performance as dependent variable and promotion, training, policy, procedure, working
condition, performance management as independent variables. The proposed conceptual
model is shown in Figure (1)
promotion as a vital human resources function in any organization and the main essence
of promotion is a motivation to employees to improve overall organization performance
so as to achieve any organization objectives. In order to implement promotion practice
successfully there are various independent variables that are supposed to be involved for
the purpose of achieving organization objectives, such variables are policies and
procedures, management, job security, performance management, length of service,
- Performance
Appraisal - Employees
- Scheme of service promotion
- Budget allocation
- Promotional policy
3.1 Introduction
This examine employed a case have a look at layout. Tis design became selected
through the researcher due to the fact it is relevant unique to the content material of
of study and could permit an intensive look at of the hassle. A research design is the asso
ciation of situations for series and evaluation of facts in a way that objectives to mix relev
ance to the research purpose with economic system in process (Claire Selltiz et al.,
1962:50). A case have a look at layout lets in a Radical examine of a
social unit over more than a few variables but usually maintaining its unitary nature (San
ga, 1985). In this view consequently the look at has allowed an research regarding with th
e implementation of the advertising techniques and the have an effect on of promotion to
man or woman and effect association between promoting and performance of employee’s
kolefakeranyo sub town and the findings of this look at may be restrained generalization
and other councils
This study employed a case study design. This design was chosen by the researcher
because it is relevant specific to the content of area of study and will permit a thorough
study of the problem. A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection
and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose
with economy in procedure (Claire Selltiz et al., 1962:50). A case study design permits a
thorough study of a social unit over a range of variables but always maintaining its
unitary nature (Sanga, 1985). In this view therefore the study has allowed an
investigation concerning with the implementation of the promotion procedures and the
influence of promotion to individual and impact association between promotion and
performance of employee’s kolefakeranyo sub city and the findings of this study will be
limited generalization and other councils.
3.3 Study area and Population
The study was conducted in kolefa keranyo sub city of Addis Ababa Ethiopia at the some
selected woredas .The City has a total surface area of 61.25 square kilometers, which is
about 10.85% of the entire Ethiopia Addis Abeba area. Kolefa keranyo is a sub-city
administration headed by the kolefa keranyo head administrator. . The sub City also has
15 woerdas. .The Kolfakeranyo sub-city and the three Municipalities operate in the same
jurisdictional areas, but each of the Municipal Council has been given jurisdiction area
demarcated with an administrative order.
The researcher selected this area of study because of ease for access of information And
familiar to the organization.
This protected employees within the pinnacle positions all the way down to the operation
al degree employees. The populace under observe is composed of three hundred personne
l of kolefa keranyo sub city
The look at represent 150 respondents, a hundred respondents were taken from the popula
tion of 300 the usage of possibility and non-opportunity methods from kolefa keranyo
some decided on woredas. Purposive sampling became used to solicit a pattern of
15 capability respondent’s i.e. knowledgeable folks that have been anticipated have all of
the required facts at their fingertips. Key informants from KKSC included sub town
selected woredas Director, Heads of department and sections and human resource
convenience sampling changed into used to get customers/clients comments on level of d
elight to performance of KKSC on provider transport wherein 50 respondents were
decided on. The operational stage personnel were decided on using random sampling. In
getting comments from KKSC service beneficiaries on pride or
dissatisfaction level of provider delivery, comfort sampling becomes used.
The precise target populace of the look at included Director and Heads
of department which constitutes 15 respondents. This is identical to fifteen% of the
respondents. The officers and level personnel blanketed 85 personnel. That is equal to
eighty five % of the respondents . The actual pattern of the look at from KKSC
employees is shown in table three.1 as follows:
Accountant 3 32 21
Management 2 56 37
Secretory 1 15 10
It specialist 1 7 5
Urban planning 1 23 16
Survey 1 17 11
Total 9 150 100%
This take a look at employed at large the opportunity sampling layout i.e. random and
non-probability purposive sampling and comfort sampling, although a random sampling
changed into used to reap the 85 employees at operational degree from the kolefa keranyo
sub town. Purposive sampling design was used to determine the kinds and people to be
blanketed in the pattern, where the pinnacle of Departments, Sections and Human useful
resource officers were selected on this study and convenience sampling have been used to
get clients/customers pleasure or dissatisfaction on council’s provider shipping. Many
scientists endorse using the non-probability techniques in obtaining samples for social
research. Miles &technique was only used for questionnaire for the heads of departments,
sections, human sources officer to get greater particular data of the study. For personnel
at operational stage self-administered questionnaires had been used even though a few
questionnaires were administered well and gathered in time.
3.5 Interview Guide (Structured Interview)
This approach of information collection become used to acquire unique records from 15
respondents who cover 15% of respondents. that is especially so when accomplishing
extensive interview of aid humans who're purposively selected (using
judgment/purposive sampling). those extensive interviews enabled the researcher to get
specified data from properly knowledgeable folks who're conversant with the specific
elements of problems regarding merchandising and personnel overall performance.
physical presence of interviewer may also restriction freedom of the interviewee to freely
express. This method is used cautiously to keep away from those obstacles. convenience
sampling is used for buying 50 respondents who furnished remarks to the degrees of
satisfaction stage with overall performance of KKSC in carrier transport
After collecting the data from the units of enquiry, the researcher performed data editing,
coding, analysis and data presentation.
3.6.1 Editing
This is the process of looking for and removing any errors, incompleteness or
inconsistency in the data. Before coding the raw data from the questionnaires they were
edited to remove format, identification and content errors. Some of the errors which were
identified and corrected include the respondents putting a tick to items which were
required to be completed by inserting a numerical or respondent who inserted their date
of birth instead of writing their age and similar errors.
This is the process of transforming raw data in the filled questionnaires into symbols or
numerical known as “codes” that are computerized for analysis.
The three questionnaires for this study were coded and analyzed. The questionnaires for
employees at operational level (Questionnaire A) and (Interview Guide B) for heads of
department, sections and human resource officers, are analyzed and summarized
quantitatively using tables percentages and qualitatively through content analysis. The
interview guide was administered and analyzed in a similar way as questionnaire B and C
as it was administered to the same respondents.
The study employed descriptive of qualitative data. Tables and percentages facilitated
presentation and discussion of study results. Data analysis is the process of turning raw,
unorganized data into a meaningful form. It is the process of transforming data into
information. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the responses from the
respondents. The analysis was conducted to test which independent variable affects the
implementation of promotion procedures and hence employees performance in the
kolefakeranyo sub city. Using the descriptive statistics the researcher went through the
dependent and independent variable by identifying their relationship on each of the study
objectives stated in the proposal of study. According to Fidell (2007) analysis of data is a
process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of
highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making.
Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under
a variety Of names, in different business, science, and social science domains. The study
Employed both qualitative and quantitative data analysis.
3.7 Chapter Summary
This chapter has provided the research methodology applied in the study of impact of
promotion to employees performance conducted at kolfa keranyo sub city some selected
woredas. Heads of department/sections, human resource officers and operational level
employees were included in the study. To determine the level of satisfaction to service
delivered by KKSC. Data collection was done through questionnaire, interview guide and
documentary review where Personnel records, schemes of service documents, training
program, minutes of meetings, government employment related documents and other
relevant circulars and regulations, policy, OPRAS, Quarterly report, minutes are
reviewed to support the information needed in this study. Data collected through
questionnaire, interview guide and documentary review were analyzed manually and
presented using tables and percentages. The next chapter presents and discusses the study
4.1. Introduction
This chapter presents results and discussion of the study findings as generated by the
instruments used during the research activity (i.e. the questionnaires, interview guide and
the documentary review/sources). The focus of the study was on the impact of promotion
on employee’s performance at kolfa keranyo sub-city some selected woredas. The data
was collected in the light of general and operational objectives of the study. The first
section discusses the characteristics of respondents and their implication to the study
findings. The process of implementation of promotion is discussed in section two.
Section three presents the impact of promotion to both individual and organizational
performance. Section four determined the level of clients/customers satisfaction to
performance on service delivery. Factors influencing the implementation promotion to
employees are analyzed in section five. 4.2 Characteristics of Respondent Characteristics
of respondent were measured basing on gender, age, educational level and work
experience. Age was measured in years; gender (female or male) education was measured
ranging from primary school, secondary school and higher education, certificate,
diploma, advanced diploma, degree and masters as shown in sub section 4.2.1, 4.2.2, and
4.1.1 Gender
Gender was one characteristic of the respondents of this study where it consisted of
females and males as it appeared in Table 4.1.
Findings of the total number of respondents consulted in this study of Impact of
promotion on employees performance was 100 of which 60 (60%) were females and 40
(40%) were males, the question of gender entails that most of the majority were females
as shown in Table 4.1. which shows that most of the senior posts in the City is dominated
by females. The kolfekeranyoo sub city has to provide more chances of employment to
male candidates in order to advocate for equal opportunities in employment as far as
public management employment policy of 1999 as amended in 2007 is concerned.
Data on age distribution, most respondents 44 (44%) were between 51-60 years old
followed by 41-50 (29%) and 34-40 (17%). Ages of 26-33 were (10%). Those
respondents (17%) within 34 to 40 years of age are the one expected to be promoted to
the senior positions hence adequately planned training programed should take care. This
data has an indicator that between 1 – 7 years the kolfa keranyo sub City will be required
to recruit 44 out of 300 (15%) of its employees, as the result this study reveals that by
that time most of its employees will be due for retirement. However the priority of
Government on public employment are teachers, doctors, nurses (healthy workers) and
agriculture, kolfa keranyo sub city has failed to fill all vacant posts because its employees
do not fall under those priorities. The kolfa keranyo sub city-city Council has to prepare a
succession plan for its employees so that employees who fall at age below 40 years are
developed to acquire skills for occupying senior positions. The data reviewed from the
area of study provided the evidence of existing vacant posts of (8) Drivers, (2)
Committee Clerks, (9) Security Guards and (2) Legal Officers for financial year of
2012/2013 and 2013/2014. This situation caused kolfa keranyoo to engage on temporary
employment to temporarily cover the gap which is in contrary to public service
employment policy, 1999 as amended in 2007.
The data from this study shows that level of education of employees in the KKSC out of
100 respondents (9%) of responses were from hi school, followed by certificate level
(21%). Advanced Diploma were (37%), Degree was (10%). Diploma/Full Technician
Course were (9%). Masters were (7%) and (5%) were from elementary. This finding
reveals most employees in kolfakeranyoo sub City were of diploma level and education
level for officer’s rank between Diploma and Masters. According to Public Service
Employment Policy of 1999 as amended in 2007 the basic education requirements of
recruitment is Form Four level. This requires the sub city to upgrade the education level
of employees who are trainable to acquire knowledge and skills required by schemes of
service for employee’s development and enhancing the working capacity, hence
performance of the organization. It shows that the training program me encourages
employees to pursue higher learning. Academic qualification is an essential attribute to
be considered during the promotion of employees. For a promotion policy of any
organization to be feasible it should take some steps to ensure a continuous academic and
professional advancement to enable the employees to enter into higher rank jobs in the
view no matter how well the criteria, are set, if the employees do not understand them
clearly, there cannot be an effective way of implementation. The promotion criteria
variables are shown in table 4.4.
Analysis of data from table 4.4 regarding promotion criteria shows that out of 85
respondents (39%) responses marked experience, followed by (32%) said good
performance, followed by (22%) responses on qualification and the least out of 85
respondents (7%) said skills. The results in this study assessed the understanding of the
promotion criteria by the kolefa keranyo sub City Council employees on their perceptions
through questionnaire forms. Findings show that there is different level of understanding
on these criteria to employees of kolfa keranyo sub city Council as follows; 33 out of 85
(39%) respondents said experience, followed by 27 out of 85 (32%) responded on good
performance, 19 out of 85 (22%) marked criteria of promotion of qualification and (7%)
said skills.
However, According to Public Service Employment Policy of 1999 and Public Service
Regulations of 2003 the basic criteria used in deciding the promotion of public servants
in Tanzania as stipulated under Section 15 of the Public service regulations of 2003 are
work performance, knowledge of the job, efficiency, discipline, academic qualification,
last promotion, studies attended and budgetary capacity. The results imply that the
criteria of promotion were understood by the respondents that the criteria are worth being
considered in promotion of employees in kolefa keranyo sub City. But there is still a need
for human resource department of kolefa keranyo sub city to conduct more awareness
programs to its employees so that every employee is familiar with promotion practice.
Data from this study show that respondents from kolefa keranyo sub city, point out that
31 out of 85(37%) showed that procedures used by kolefa keranyo sub City during
promotion of its employees were Departments (OPRAS), followed by 23 out of 85 (27%)
said Management Team, 23 out of 85 (27%) showed Finance Committee and 9% showed
Full Council.
The findings revealed that the employees in are kolfe keranyo on promotion procedure
used during promotion exercise done at kolfe keranyo sub City Council as the evidence
shown in table 4.5. The awareness on promotion procedure will help the employees to
know their rights and the obligation of the employer’s role, such as providing training
opportunities to its employees to enhance skills acquirements for future developments.
The results on interview guide show that existing promotion procedures used by kolfa
keranyo sub city are as follows: Heads of Department have a central role to play on
promotion issues through the use of Open Performance Review Appraisal System
(OPRAS). Forms are filled together with the employees and superiors. Heads of
department are concerned with appraising promotion and recommending promotion.
HR Department identifies employees who have met the promotion criteria as identified
by scheme of service, then establishing Personnel Emolument Budget. The amount of
budget is agreed between the council and PO-PSM (Summary of the employees to be
promoted are passed. Various statutory committee meetings sit for approval where all
criteria are examined critically.
The employees who successfully meet the criteria are informed through promotion letter
and their salary increased at the level of promotion. Variables used to measure the
awareness of promotion procedures in the study of impact of promotion on employees
performance at kolefa keranyo City Council is shown in table 4.5.
The results of table 4.5 indicate that most of employees of kolefa keranyo sub City were
aware on promotion procedures. This was supported by the discussion on interview guide
where section 4.3.4, shows that kolfe keranyo employees were involved in promotion
practices through departmental meetings, job description, OPRAS and during
performance evaluation exercise where training to employees on Publicservice laws,
schemes, circulars and regulations was provided by human resource department. By
knowing the promotion procedures it will be easier for them to make follow ups for their
rights such as training opportunities, performance assessment through OPRAS which
statutorily is one of promotion requirements for the public service employees.
Employees who are not aware to the procedures of promotion practice done in kolefa
keranyo sub City will lead to complaints among employees, employees dissatisfaction of
job, poor performance, decreased creativity and innovative because the employees may
feel they are treated un-fairly, even if the reasons for being unprompted is well known by
the management, this has to be addressed to employees well.
4.2.4 Employees Involvement in Promotion Process
The involvement of employees at kolfa keranyo sub city in the promotion were
addressed in this study as follows: Job description, OPRAS, Departmental Meeting, Not
involved as shown in table 4.6.
This section of the study addressed the factors affecting non-adherence of promotion
procedure in the study areas were named as inadequate communication, budget
constraints, employee data base, poor management, and inadequate academic
qualification and performance assessment as shown in table 4.7.
The results from this study showed that 30 out of 85 (35%) respondents said poor
management as a factor of non-adherence of promotion procedures at kolefa keranyo sub
city, followed by 14 out of 85 (16%) responses showed in aducate communication,
twelve out of 85 (14%) said budget constraints, eleven out of 85 (13%) showed
employees data base, 10 out of 85 (12%) respondents marked inadequate academic
qualification and least eight out of 85 (9%) responses said performance assessment as a
factor of non-adherence of promotion procedures kolefa keranyo sub city.
The data from this study revealed six (6) problems/obstacles were identified to be the
major contributions to the non-adherence of the promotion procedures in kolefa keranyo
sub city for its employees. In other words, the irregularities in the implementation of the
promotion procedures that were revealed by the study were attributed by the following
This study discovered that promotion procedures and criteria were not clearly spelt out to
the employees of the kolefakeranyo sub city although every financial year the employees
were filling OPRAS form, they are not knowledgeable that by filling OPRAS is one of
criteria and procedure forwarding to promotion. The human resource department should
provide guidelines to employees on requirements of promotion, job descriptions, and
filling of OPRAS forms as a way of giving them awareness in the whole process within a
given timeframe.
The promotion budget for financial year 2013/2014 was .17,300,600/= whereas the
approved budget was 13,500,500/= which is 78% of the planned budget. The
disbursement was done on June, 2014, which was the end month of the implementation
of the financial budget. This made for KKSC failing on the implementation of promotion
on time.
Normally the proposal for promotions is included in the annual personal emolument (P.E)
budget estimates for the respective financial year which is forwarded to the President’s
Office (Establishment) for approval. This caused some of employees who deserved
promotion to be delayed further. Insufficient funds therefore limit promotion of the
employees of the kolefakeranyo sub city.
Promotion of employees is implemented on the basis of the data base available in regard
to the employee, such as employment letters, performance evaluation, training,
experience, efficiency, previous promotion and similar data. The review data showed that
30 files out of 85 (35%) have no OPRAS forms, whereas OPRAS is a measurement tool
of employees promotion.
Respondents of this study 35% revealed that poor performance is due to human resources
department lack follow ups on issues. For example, human resource department in KKSC
some of employees are denied their rights of promotion. The exercise of promotion which
was done between 2005 – 2007, governments allowed the public servants to have their
promotion accelerated but the exercise has not been done at KKSC because of delays
from human resources department. By the time, 98 employees were due to promotion.
The impact of poor management is squarely on the Human Resources Department. Poor
management is one of the biggest reasons for high employee turnover and poor employee
morale. As a result talented employees become frustrated at not being heard or valued for
their efforts they have contributed to the council, therefore taking the earliest opportunity
to leave. This means recruitment and training would invariably be a continuous and
costly affair.
As findings in table 4.2 shows that there still a big number of employees of
kolefakeranyo sub city with low academic qualification which is against the Public
Service Employment Policy of 1999 as amended in 2007. Although the employer every
financial budget sets the budget for training program me for employees but the number is
big. Some of employees have reached the bar of occupation in regard of schemes of
service, 2003. The estimated training budget for financial year 2013/2014 was
124,161,000 and the approved budget was 83,377,000 which are (67.9%). Number of
employees planned for training was 87 out of 300 (29%), but approved number of
employee for training was only 58 (19%).
The findings of the study indicated that training costs for level of certificate course in
public institutions is 4,600,000/=. This includes tuition fees, meals and accommodation.
However, at the level of degree an average of 10,000,000/=. This is an indicator that there
is a challenge for employers providing adequate training opportunities to its employees
due to high costs of training.
between employees and employers such that employees feel that efforts they put on
performing jobs is not valued by the employer and least six out of 85 (7%) said labor
Poor performance as a result for KKSC non-adherence of promotion procedure will lead
to employees being demoralized to work hard in order to attain organizational goals. De-
motivated employees are not committed to their work which causes the council to fail to
meet its objectives leading to consequences of poor service delivery.
Accumulated promotion, where the employees meet the requirements of promotion and
not being promoted timely results to big number of employees remaining un- promoted
for a long period. As discussed under Section 4.3.5 this caused the verification of selected
candidates for promotion to fall in the following financial year with salary arrears.
Poor relations between the employer and employees due to the fact that KKSC
employees expectations after rendering efforts to the implementation of day-to-day
activities as part of action plan, the employer has to value this effort by motivation. One
way of motivation is promotion. But when the employees see the procedures of
promotion not followed this leads to poor work relations between the employer and
employees and as a result poor performance and poor service delivery.
Labor turnover is end results to some employees who are not satisfied in KKSC due
unforeseen future development to leave the council. This caused KKSC to engage evenly
in recruitment instead of concentration on employee development.
Findings of this study from discussion of interview guide said that implication of KKSC
non-adherence to promotion procedures leads to poor performance, work stress, labor
turnover and bad relationship between employees and the management. The kolefkeranyo
sub city should make human resource issues as a priority especially on employees
development so that its employees to be promoted timely and developing for future.
promotion impact to employee’s performance, tools used to measure performance of
employees and challenges surrounding employee’s promotion and its reflection to their
41 Motivation
The employees are motivated by promotion and become committed to work hard for the
betterment of Individual level, organizational level and their country. The data of this
study reveals that 21 respondents agreed to promotion as motivation to employees which
is (25 %) of respondents. Evidence from interview guide and documentary review
showed outstanding performance of employees promoted within three years than those
not received their promotion. Motivated employees give greater performance than de-
motivated ones. Remuneration
Promotion enhances to remunerate employees income and status so that they meet the
cost of basic needs. It also increases terminal benefits of employees such as pensions. The
results shows that (35 %) of total respondent see promotion as a way of remuneration to
employees. This Variable is rated high among other variables.
An increase to remuneration of employees at KKSC have opened the opportunity for self-
development where an employee is capable of getting house loans, power of buying
shares from different financial entities or companies for future benefits. In the financial
year 2013/2014, total number of 75 employees at KKSC acquired housing loans.
Employees have certain expectations from their jobs. If their expectations are met they
feel satisfied. It’s true that employees seek satisfaction in their jobs context and
environment but also attach importance to the opportunities for promotion that these jobs
offer. (21%) of respondents marked that there is need for present job positions to offer
opportunities of promotion in future in order to provide more satisfaction. If the
opportunity for such is lacking, it reduces satisfaction.
42 Employee Development
Promotion of employees is used to fill a vacant post left by either retired or resigned
employee, where present qualified employees are promoted to fill the vacant.
The conceptual framework of this study made an assumption that there would be other
factors other than promotion affecting employee’s performance in KKSC. The study
areas associated the following factors as training and development, incentives scheme,
job security, un-fair treatments and working conditions as shown in table 4.10.
Training and development 15 18%
Incentive schemes 19 22%
Job security 21 25%
Un fair treatments 13 15%
Working conditions 17 20%
total 85 100%
Source: Field Data, 2014
The results of this study finds out there are factors other than employees promotion
affecting performance as shown in table 4.10 as follows: 21 out of 85 (25%) of responses
on factors other than promotion affecting performance said job security, followed by
nineteen out of 85 (22%) showed incentive schemes, seventeen out of 85 (20%) showed
working conditions, fifteen out of 85 (18%) said training and development and un-fair
treatment 13 out of 85 (15%) responses.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter summariesthe entire studies findings, gives end and offers tips ofthe impact
of advertising to employee overall performance and the implementation of promoting
exercise for the employee of the public organization on the kolfe keranyo sub
metropolis a few decided on woredas.
The sector findings recorded a valid implementation of promotion to employees at KKSC
wherein techniques followed could influence worker’s attitudes towards overall performa
The section provides the attention of criteria, involvement of employee in human useful r
esource practices including promotion. The significance of promotion turned into discuss
ed in six aspects as motivation, remuneration; correct courting among personnel and man
agement, process pleasure and worker improvement. Notwithstanding theviewthat merch
andising is beneficial and precious to individual andorganizational overallperformance, tu
rned into restrained by way of some of problems resulting in incompletion of advertising
workout.Those challenges covered finances constraints, OPRAS and behind schedule ear
nings arrears. However, study area finds the extent of clients/customers delight on service
turning in at KKSC. The size used have been knowhow purchaser needs, conversation,
potential to carry out promised offerings accurately and group workers there
in to professional.
The statistics discovered that customers/customers are pretty glad with provider introduce
d at KKSC.
5.3 Conclusion
The evaluation of promoting diagnosed a selection of things which have been proven to b
e constantly related to employee’s performance. Those consist of motivation, remuneratio
n, activity satisfaction, excellent dating, age and education, in which the respondents reco
rded higher probabilities. Apart from that personal traits of employees appear to have littl
edating to employee overall performance. While those elements can help employers reco
gnize the overall nature of right overall performance and its reasons. Despite of the kolefa
keranyo sub town practising merchandising it became obvious that KKSC do no longer
Havehuman useful resource strategic plan to beautify implementation of merchandising a
nd increase the wide variety of promoted employees.
What became witnessed via interview guide and questionnaire finished by way of the res
pondents. Furthermore there has been dissatisfaction with those practices specifically on
amassed advertising wherein respondents recorded higher probabilities of dissatisfaction.
The supply of advertising, education, incentive was HR practices which will be observed
in many corporations which faces difficulties inside the implementation.
It changed in to obvious that the implementation of promoting exercise became
confronted with demanding situations such price range constraints, delayed salaries and
Training opportunities because it became recorded by means of respondents. The researc
h common that there may be a advantageous courting between promoting and personnel
overall performance. Knowledge the relationship of these elements can assist the
employers in devising a powerful merchandising application strategy.
5.4 Recommendations
In the mild of the findings of this observe, it's miles hereby advocated that the following
measures be taken to make certain effectiveness within the promoting exercise to workers
overall performance on the kolefakeranyo sub metropolis: The whole formulated research
questions have been customary, it is vital to enhance personnel overall performance via
task satisfaction. Following are a few suggestions to enhance employee’s performance.
Organization must increase precise operating circumstance; this facilitates employees to d
o their paintings effectively and need to increase properly dating among personnel throug
h which job Pride of personnel is greater. As a result, employees paintings overall
performance can be at high degree. KKSC must set off personnel to perform properly.
This can be executed via presenting reward, motivation and different benefits and many o
Employees need to be trained to undertake new era and or develop their professio. Overal
l performance assessments have to compare employee’s performance. The remain
approximately the satisfaction of performance need to be supplied to enhance their
performance. Employee’s development venture of KKSC ought to provide identical
possibility for training its employees. Right working environment should be designed
in that company need to offer ok facilities for employees to do their work inclusive of app
ropriate equipment, education and paintings sharing.
5.4.2 Transparency
out the finances constraints facing kolefa keranyo sub city have contributed to delays of a
few worker’s promotion no matter the fact that they qualified to be promoted.
This ultimately contributed to behind schedule promotions.
The human useful resource management phase should coordinate the complete system of
implementing advertising application inside the corporation through making sure that eve
ryone necessary degrees involved in the implementation of advertising program is follow
ed as a way to attain both organizational and person desires. Management should establis
h advertising coverage which would provide suggestions to all stakeholders on how the a
dvertising software could be applied and as such will indicate the management dedication
towards merchandising to its personnel. Documents in governing employment practices
in the public provider must be made to be had to employees. Such documents as the gene
ral public service regulations, Code of ethics, circulars issued once in a while and other
comparable documents are meant to spell out truely the terms and conditions, right and
responsibilities etc.
be set to prefer personnel at lower stage of training if you want to gather minimum degree
of training required via public service employment coverage.
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Please follow the instructions and answer all questions. Your answer will be treated
strictly confidential.
5. Age: ………………………………………………………………………….
1 Do you think that the content of the internal promotion procedures are