Baseline Geochemical Characterization of Potential

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Baseline geochemical characterization of potential receiving reservoirs for

carbon dioxide in the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming

Article · October 2010

DOI: 10.2113/gsrocky.45.2.93


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4 authors, including:

Teal B Wyckoff Carol D. Frost

University of Wyoming University of Wyoming


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Baseline geochemical characterization of potential receiving reservoirs
for carbon dioxide in the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming
Matthew S. Smith1, Shikha Sharma2, Teal B. Wyckoff3, Carol D. Frost1*
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, U.S.A.

Department of Renewable Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, U.S.A.


Wyoming Geographic Information Science Center, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071, U.S.A.

*Correspondence should be addressed to:


Geologic sequestration of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) will be a necessary part of a carbon man-
agement strategy for reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions so long as fossil fuels are a significant part of the
energy mix. Proposed federal and state regulations for underground injection of CO2 require that under-
ground sources of drinking water be protected. Accordingly, proposed federal regulations require analysis of
the suitability of different receiving formations for geologic sequestration.
This study compiles all available water quality data for four potential CO2 receiving formations in the
Greater Green River Basin of southwestern Wyoming. The Greater Green River Basin encompasses two large
geologic structures, the Moxa Arch and Rock Springs Uplift, which potentially are capable of storing commer-
cial quantities of CO2 in a number of formations, including the Nugget Sandstone, Tensleep/Weber Sandstone,
Madison Limestone, and Bighorn Dolomite. The data suggest that except along the basin margins, the
Tensleep/Weber, Madison, and Bighorn Formations are suitable targets under proposed federal and state geo-
logic sequestration regulations. However, low total dissolved solids in Nugget Sandstone groundwater in parts
of the Rock Springs Uplift suggest the potential for local, fracture-assisted recharge in this area. For this reason
the Nugget Sandstone is less suitable than the deeper formations for CO2 storage in the Rock Springs Uplift.

KEY WORDS: Bighorn Dolomite, geologic sequestration, Madison Limestone, Moxa Arch, Nugget
Sandstone, Rock Springs Uplift, Tensleep/Weber Sandstone, water quality.

INTRODUCTION Although in the long term it is anticipated that

cleaner forms of energy will become competitive
Geologic sequestration of anthropogenic CO2 with energy from fossil fuels, in the near term geo-
is one of a number of strategies for reducing CO2 logic sequestration may be considered a bridging
emissions to the atmosphere and thus for helping to technology by which coal-rich nations such as the
mitigate anthropogenic climate change. It is part of U.S., China, and India can continue to burn fossil
the process of carbon capture and storage (CCS), in fuels and limit CO2 emissions to the atmosphere.
which CO2 is captured from power plants or other According to the International Energy Agency (IEA),
anthropogenic sources, compressed to convert it to the least expensive approach to halve expected carbon
a relatively dense supercritical fluid, and delivered to emissions by 2050 would rely upon CCS to con-
the storage site. It is injected into a subsurface geo- tribute almost 20 percent of the necessary cuts. As
logic receiving formation at sufficient depth (greater noted by Van Noorden (2010), in order to achieve
than ~2625 ft (800 m)) to maintain the CO2 in a this target, the CCS industry must develop quickly;
supercritical state. Natural subsurface accumulations by mid-century, the volume of supercritical CO2
of CO2, including many in Wyoming, show that the that must be injected underground each year would
gas can be trapped for millions of years (Huang et al., be three times the current amount of petroleum
2007; Lu et al., 2009). extracted every year. This requires that the regulatory

Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 93
M. S. Smith, S. Sharma, T. B. Wyckoff, AND C. D. Frost
framework for CCS be established as soon as possi- that have the potential to store commercial amounts
ble. of CO2 in these formations are the Rock Springs
In 2008 the EPA proposed a new class of injec- Uplift and Moxa Arch (Fig. 1). The Rock Springs
tion well, Class VI, under the authority of the Uplift is an intra-basinal, Laramide-age basement
Safe Drinking Water Act, that tailors existing uplift within the Rocky Mountain foreland that is
Underground Injection Control (UIC) program flanked to the south by the east–west-trending Uinta
standards for the geologic sequestration of CO2 (40 Mountains (Mederos et al., 2005). The Moxa Arch
CFR Part 144). The proposed rule outlines mini- is a ~190-km-long, north–south-trending anticline,
mum technical requirements for geologic site char- bounded on the south by the Uinta Mountains and
acterization, well construction, operation, monitor- over-ridden in the north by the leading edge of the
ing, and post-injection site care, among other crite- Wyoming Thrust Belt (Kraig et al., 1987; Stillwell,
ria for Class VI. The purpose of both the proposed 1989). Preliminary characterization of the Bighorn
rule and the UIC program is to protect underground and Madison carbonate formations, as well as the
sources of drinking water (USDWs) from endanger- Tensleep/Weber and Nugget Sandstone formations
ment. USDWs are defined as an aquifer or a portion at the Rock Springs Uplift and Moxa Arch indicates
of an aquifer that currently supplies, or has sufficient that they lie at depths and pressures for which CO2
capacity to supply, a public water system and contains will be supercritical, and they appear to have the
less than 10,000 milligrams per liter (mg/L) total dis- appropriate thickness, reservoir properties, overlying
solved solids (TDS). low-permeability lithofacies, and structural integrity
Under the EPA proposed geologic sequestration to be good candidates for CO2 storage. The storage
rule, the requirements for obtaining a Class VI injec- units are overlain by a series of shales and other seal-
tion permit include compiling information on the ing lithologies that are necessary to ensure CO2 will
geochemistry of formation fluids of potential receiv- be contained. These geologic sites are also adjacent to
ing formations within the three-dimensional region several significant point source emitters of anthropo-
that may be impacted by injection activity (i.e., area genic CO2, including PacifiCorp’s Jim Bridger power
of review). Pre-injection geochemical data can serve plant at Point of Rocks on the Rock Springs Uplift
as a baseline against which data obtained throughout and ExxonMobil’s Shute Creek natural gas process-
the injection phase may be compared. The State of ing facility on the Moxa Arch.
Wyoming has primary enforcement authority (i.e., The objective of this study is to compile pre-
primacy) for the UIC program; in Wyoming, per- injection baseline geochemical data for water from
mits for geologic sequestration of CO2 will be issued four potential receiving formations in the Greater
by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Green River Basin of southwestern Wyoming:
Quality (WDEQ) according to its proposed Water the Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite, Mississippian
Quality Rules and Regulations, Chapter 24 (2010), Madison Limestone, Pennsylvanian Tensleep/Weber
once primacy for Class VI wells has been delegated to Sandstone, and Jurassic Nugget Sandstone. These
the state by EPA. Like the EPA rule, the WDEQ pro- data are used to identify the geochemical character of
posed regulations require baseline geochemical data the water in these formations, the variability of water
on subsurface formations, including all USDWs in geochemistry within each formation across the study
the area of review. area, and whether or not these aquifers meet the cri-
Demonstration of safe geologic sequestration of teria of USDWs. Data were collected from different
CO2 is a priority for the State of Wyoming because sources available in the public domain, including the
of its dependence upon revenues from the mineral U.S. Geological Survey and the Wyoming Oil and
industry. As the producer of 40 percent of the nation’s Gas Conservation Commission.
coal, Wyoming has a particular interest in minimiz-
ing CO2 emissions, because coal-fired power plants GEOLOGIC BACKGROUND
emit 78 percent more CO2 per unit of energy than
natural gas–fueled plants. Paleozoic saline aquifers The Moxa Arch and Rock Springs Uplift lie
in southwestern Wyoming are promising targets for within the Greater Green River Basin located in
geologic sequestration. Two large geologic structures southwestern Wyoming and northwestern Colorado

94 Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010
Baseline geochemical characterization for geologic sequestration

Madison Well Samples

W y o m i n g Nugget Well Samples
Tensleep-Weber Well Samples
0 5 10 20
Bighorn Well Sample Kilometers
Anticlinal Moxa Arch Axis 0 5 10 20
GGRB Hydrologic Boundary Projection: NAD83 WyLAM
Cheyenne Geologic Faults Basemap: ESRI World Topographic
University of Wyoming, March 2010

G r e a t e r
B e l t

G r e e n
h r u s t





A R i v e r 1

gs Uplift
i n





B a s i n

Figure 1. Map of the Wyoming portion of the Greater Green River Basin. Well locations for which water quality data are avail-
able are color coded according to the formation from which the geochemical data were collected. The axis of the Moxa Arch is
shown by the black dashed line and the location of the cross-section shown in Figure 2 is indicated by line A-A´.

(Fig. 1). It encompasses an area of approximately Overthrust Belt during the Sevier orogeny (Lehrer,
21,000 mi2 (54,000 km2). The basin is bounded on 2006). Subsequent structural contraction during the
the west by the western Wyoming Thrust Belt, on late Laramide Orogeny reversed the original north-
the south by the Uinta Mountains and the Axial ward plunge of the arch and rotated it slightly to the
Basin anticline, on the east by the Sierra Madre and east into its current structural position. This uplift
Rawlins Uplift, and on the north and northeast by resulted in the erosional truncation of over 3500 ft
the Gros Ventre and Wind River Mountains. (1067 m) of Cretaceous Rock Springs and Hilliard
The Moxa Arch is a south-plunging, intra-basin, Formations (Lehrer, 2006).
asymmetrical buried anticline about 72 miles (116 The Rock Springs Uplift is a north–south-trend-
km) long and 12 mi (19 km) wide (Figs. 1 and 2). ing, anticlinal structure in southwest Wyoming that
It terminates against the Uinta Mountains of Utah formed in the Late Cretaceous/early Tertiary. The
to the south and continues north into the LaBarge uplift is approximately 60 mi (100 km) long by 40
Platform. Structural growth of the Moxa Arch began mi (65 km) wide. The uplift lies in the middle of the
during Frontier Formation deposition and contin- Greater Green River Basin and separates the Green
ued into late Campanian time. This movement was River sub-basin to the west from the Washakie and
contemporaneous with deformation in the western Sandwash sub-basins to the east (Mederos et al.,

Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 95
M. S. Smith, S. Sharma, T. B. Wyckoff, AND C. D. Frost

West Moxa Rock Springs East

A Arch A’
Uplift Depth (ft.)


50 100 kilometers
(Vertical exaggeration = 8x)
0 25 50 75 100 miles

Figure 2. Schematic east–west cross section through the Greater Green River Basin. Vertical exaggeration 8x. Modified from
Clarey (2008).

2005). The uplift is characterized by its asymmetric, variable (Table 1; Johnson, 2005). Low-permeability,
west-vergent, antiformal shape and doubly plung- gouge-filled micro-faults compartmentalize the for-
ing geometry. Seismic data suggest that a high-angle, mation, whereas intermittently open fractures pro-
west-vergent reverse fault occurs under the steeper vide effective permeability paths locally (Lindquist,
western flank of the anticline and that basement is 1988).
involved in the uplift (Bradley, 1964; Garing and The Pennsylvanian Tensleep/Weber Sandstone
Tainter, 1985; Montgomery, 1996). The uplift dis- was deposited in a marginal-marine setting of low
plays 14,800 ft (~4.5 km) of structural relief rela- relief where coastal dunes, marine foreshores and
tive to the surrounding basins (Fig. 2; Montgomery, shorefaces, and carbonate shoals shifted positions in
1996). response to minor changes in sea level and sediment
Four geologic formations appear to be the best supply; this fluctuation of environments resulted
candidates for CO2 storage because they may have in a complex package of interfingering lithofacies
appropriate porosity, permeability, and capacity to (Johnson, 2005). The sandstone is called Tensleep
hold large quantities of CO2 , they are overlain by throughout much of Wyoming, although it is referred
thick shales and other sealing rock types, and they to as the Weber at oil and gas fields on the east side of
lie at sufficient depth to store CO2 as a supercritical the Rock Springs Uplift and the Sand Wash Basin.
fluid. These are the Nugget Sandstone, Tensleep/ The Weber is approximately equivalent stratigraphi-
Weber Sandstone, Madison Limestone, and Bighorn cally to the Tensleep Sandstone, but the upper part
Dolomite (Fig. 3). of the Weber is younger than the Tensleep (Johnson,
The Jurassic Nugget Sandstone is a major eolin- 2005). Numerous dolomite layers exist throughout
ite that, along with its probable equivalents such as the Tensleep/Weber Formation, some as much as 12
the Navajo Sandstone, spans an area from northern ft (4 m) thick. The intervening thick bodies of quartz
Wyoming southward into Arizona and eastward into sand exhibit prominent crossbedding, some sets more
Colorado. In the Utah-Wyoming thrust belt, the than 50 ft (15 m) thick, as well as distinctive intervals
Nugget is texturally heterogeneous with anisotro- of large-scale contorted bedding (Boyd, 1993). The
pic reservoir properties inherited primarily from the formation contains linear and barchan dunes as well
eolian depositional environment (Lindquist, 1988). as interdunal deposits. The thickness of the forma-
Nugget dune deposits primarily consist of grain-flow tion is highly variable and depends on specific loca-
and wide-ripple cross-strata, the former of which have tion, but most geologists report an average of about
the better reservoir quality and the lesser heterogene- 500–700 ft (150–215 m) (Table 1; e.g., Johnson,
ity in bedding texture. The thickness of the Nugget 2005).
Sandstone in southwestern Wyoming varies from The Mississippian Madison Limestone was
around 800 to 1000 ft (240 to 305 m), and porosity is deposited on a carbonate shelf along the western

96 Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010
Baseline geochemical characterization for geologic sequestration
Fig u re 3. Schematic Pha nerozoic
Age Moxa Arch Rock Springs Uplift stratigraphic chart for southwestern
Wyoming, including the Moxa Arch
Eocene Wasatch Formation. and Rock Springs Uplift. Simplified
from Love et al. (1993).
Paleocene Ft. Union Formation
rank as the Madison Limestone.
Mesaverde Group
Several of the equivalent strata,
Baxter Shale including Lodgepole Limestone,
Cretaceous Frontier Formation Mission Canyon Limestone, and
Pahasapa Limestone, differ in
Mowry Shale ratio of dolomite to limestone,
Muddy Sandstone bedding t ype, texture, grain
Thermopolis Shale origin, and chert content (Boyd,
Cloverly Formation 1993). The narrow seaway that
extended into part of Wyoming in
Morrison Formation latest Devonian time was reestab-
Jurassic Sundance Formation lished very early in Mississippian
Twin Creek Ls/Gypsum Spring Fm. time after a brief absence. The
limited areas drowned in these
Nugget Sandstone incursions received several tens
Chugwater Formation of feet of conodont-bearing dark
Triassic shale and silty dolomite now rec-
Dinwoody Formation ognized as a basal member of the
Madison sequence (Boyd, 1993).
Permian Phosphoria Formation The Madison is the most produc-
tive gas reservoir in the Green
Tensleep/Weber Sandstone River Basin, with an original in-
Pennsylvanian place natural gas resource of 22
Amsden Formation trillion standard cubic feet (TSCF;
Huang et al., 2007). Production is
mainly from the LaBarge Platform
Mississippian Madison Limestone at the northern end of the Moxa
Arch. The gas is on average com-
Devonian Darby Fm posed of 66 percent CO2, 21 per-
cent methane, 7 percent nitrogen,
5 percent hydrogen sulfide, and
Ordovician Bighorn Dolomite
0.6 percent helium. Some CO2
is separated from natural gas and
Gallatin Limestone helium at ExxonMobil’s Shute
Gros Ventre Formation Creek processing facility and sup-
Flathead Sandstone plied for enhanced oil recovery
operations within Wyoming and
Colorado. The remaining CO2 is
vented or injected into down-dip
acid gas injection wells (Huang
edge of the North A merican 215 ft (66 m) thick (Table 1; Berry, e t a l., 20 07). T he Mad i son
craton. Where exposed at the 1960). Over most of the state of Limestone lies approximately
southern end of the Wind River Wyoming, the Mississippian car- 14,000 ft (4300 m) below ground
Mountains, the Madison is at least bonate strata are given formation level on the Moxa Arch near Shute

Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 97
Table 1. Number of wells with water quality data (Appendix 1) and reservoir properties of
M. S. Smith,
formations ofS.interest
Sharma, T. B. 2005).
(Johnson, Wyckoff, AND C. D. Frost
Table 1. Number of wells with water quality data (Appendix 1) and reservoir properties of
Table wells with water quality data (Appendix 1) and lation method based on statistical
1. Number of (Johnson,
Formationof interest
formations Number of Wells2005). Thickness (ft) Porosity range (%)
reservoir properties of formations of interest (Johnson, 2005). models that use spatial autocorre-
Mean Max Min
Formation lation. This method assumes that
Nugget Number 87
of Wells Thickness
900 1050(ft) 800Porosity range
Mean Max Min distance and direction between
Tensleep 87 640 840 500 4-12
Nugget 87 900 1050 800 11–18 sample points ref lects a spatial
Madison 41 250 410 215 10-13
Tensleep 87 640 correlation that can be used to
Bighorn 7 450 840500 500200 4–12
Madison 41 250 410 215 10–13 explain variation in the surface.
Bighorn 7 450 500 200 2–8 Inspection of the maps reveals that
the distribution of data points has
Average water
water quality a profound
Data fromeffect on the resulting
Table qualitybybyformation,
formation,in mg/L, for formations
in mg/L, of interest.
for formations
Appendix 1.Data from Appendix 1. surfaces. With well sample loca-
2. Average water quality by formation, in mg/L, for formations of interest. Data from
tions distributed sporadically and
Formation1. Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ K+ HCO₃⁻ SO₄⁻ Cl⁻ TDS pH
centering on certain fields, the
results skew when a single input
2+ 2+ + +
Nugget Ca
960 Mg161 Na
14732 K507 HCO₃⁻
1460 SO₄⁻1996 Cl⁻23015TDS pH 7.2
Nugget 512 161
960 131 14732
3431 507104 1460
1319 1996254123015402042110
7.2 7.6 point influences the resulting pre-
Madison 512
613 131 135 3431
4270 104154 1319
1014 25412491 4020581411570 7.6 7.4
14114 diction surface.
The waters in this study from
Bighorn 529 135 98 4270
6037 154339 1014
1896 24911750 5814822014114 7.4 8.1
17974 the Nugget Sandstone are domi-
Bighorn 529 98 6037 339 1896 1750 8220 17974 8.1
nantly Na+-Cl⁻ plus a few samples
Creek and 7500 f t (2300 m) Basin are sparse because relatively of Ca -Cl⁻ type (Fig. 4). The

below ground level at the crest of few wells penetrate this deepest TDS of Nugget Sandstone waters
the Rock Springs Uplift. formation. are highly variable, ranging from
T he Big horn Dolom ite 100 to >100,000 TDS (Appendix
is an Upper Ordovician unit GEOCHEMICAL DATA 1). The waters from the Tensleep/
that is overlain by the Madison Weber Sandstone are dominantly
The geochemical data used Na -Cl⁻ to Ca -SO4⁻ type, with
+ 2+
Limestone, Tensleep Sandstone,
and the Nugget Sandstone, and in this study were compiled from TDS values >10,000 mg/L in
like the other formations is also of two online sources: the Wyoming the majority of the basin (Fig. 5;
sufficient thickness and adequate O i l a n d G a s C on s e r v a t i on Appendix 1). The waters from the
porosity to represent a potential Commission (http://wogcc.state. Madison Limestone are predomi-
target reservoir for geologic seques- and the United States nantly Na+-Cl⁻ type with a few
tration (Table 1). The Bighorn Geological Survey (http://energy. samples trending to Ca 2+ -SO₄⁻
Dolomite shares stratigraphic, type (Fig. 6). In the majority of
paleontologic, and petrologic htm). Average data for each for- the basin, the TDS values are
similarities with correlative rocks mation is presented in Table 2; the >10,000 mg/L (Appendix 1). On
from west Texas to east-central complete data set are provided in the basis of very limited data, the
Montana (Zenger, 1996). Sweet Appendix 1. waters from the Bighorn Dolomite
(1979, p. 46) describes the lower Geochemical variation Piper appear to be Na+-Cl⁻ type, and
part of the Upper Ordovician d ia g ra m s were cre ated w it h TDS values are variable, with
western midcontinent succession AqQaChem software (version three samples >18,000 mg/L and
as characterized by “…thick-bed- 1.1.1) from RockWare from the four samples <6000 mg/L (Fig. 7;
ded to massive, burrow-mottled compiled water quality data (Figs. Appendix 1).
skeletal wackestone and pack- 4–7; Appendix 1). Average water
stone, which, in many parts of quality for each formation is pre- DISCUSSION
the area studied have been altered sented in Table 2. Data for the
to microcrystalline dolomite with Nugget, Tensleep/Weber, and The potential receiving for-
little indication of original lime- Madison Formations are plotted mations in the Greater Green
stone fabric.” Water quality data spatially (Figs. 8–10) and con- River Basin can be divided into
from this unit in the Green River toured using kriging, an interpo- two major types: the sandstone

98 Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010
Baseline geochemical characterization for geologic sequestration
Figure 4 (top). Piper diagram for the
Nugget Sandstone showing chemical vari-
ation for water quality data from Nugget
Sandstone groundwater. Black symbols
represent samples with >10,000 mg/L
TDS; gray symbols represent samples with
<10,000 mg/L TDS.

Figure 5 (bottom). Piper diagram for

the Tensleep Sandstone showing chemi-
cal variation for water quality data from
Tensleep Sandstone groundwater. Black
symbols represent samples with >10,000
mg/L TDS; gray symbols represent sam-
ples with <10,000 mg/L TDS.

aquifers comprising Nugget and

Tensleep, and the carbonate aqui-
fers comprising Madison and
Bighorn. A great deal of research
has focused on mineral trapping
potential of sandstone aquifers.
T he f i nd i n g s i nd ic a t e t h a t
reactions with Ca/Mg/Fe-bearing
silicate minerals neutralize the
acidic CO 2 and provide alkali
metals that trap the CO2 through
the precipitation of carbonate
(Gunter et al., 1997, 1999; Saylor
et al., 2001; Hovorka et al., 2001).
However, these chemical processes
are very slow because of the low
chemical reaction rates of the clay
and feldspar minerals involved
in the reactions. Injection of
CO2 into a sandstone reservoir
like t he Tensleep or Nug get
Sandstone may initiate similar
kinds of chemical reactions and
utilize the buffering power of
aluminosilicate reactions to take
up the CO2 through production
of bicarbonates. However, the
sandstone thickness, seal strata,
grain size, permeability, porosity,
and the mineralogy of these sand-
stones will be the prime deter-
minants of their geologic seques-
tration potential. Mineralogy is
important because the proportion
of reactant CO2 to the proportion

Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 99
M. S. Smith, S. Sharma, T. B. Wyckoff, AND C. D. Frost
Figure 6 (top). Piper diagram for the
Madison Limestone showing chemi-
cal variation for water quality data from
Madison Limestone groundwater. Black
symbols represent samples with >10,000
mg/L TDS; gray symbols represent sam-
ples with <10,000 mg/L TDS.

Figure 7 (bottom). Piper diagram for

the Bighorn Dolomite showing chemi-
cal variation for water quality data from
Bighorn Dolomite groundwater. Black
symbols represent samples with >10,000
mg/L TDS; gray symbols represent sam-
ples with <10,000 mg/L TDS.

of reactant mineral in the rock

will determine the amount of
CO2 stored as mineral precipitate.
Moreover, the Nugget Sandstone,
in which carbonate is the most
prevalent cement, will have a dif-
ferent reactive potential than
Tensleep Sandstone, which is
cemented by quartz overgrowths
as well as carbonate (Fox et al.,
1975; Knapp, 1978). Much less
is known about sequestration
of CO2 in carbonate-rich rocks
like those of the Madison and
Bighorn Formations. However, it
is generally agreed the reactions
between CO2 and carbonate rocks
involve dissolution of calcite and
adsorption of dissolved calcium on
clays and formation of bicarbonate
ions neutralizing the dissolution
of CO2 and buffering carbonate
dissolution (Gunter et al., 1993).
In both sandstone and car-
bonate reservoirs the reactions
with minerals in the formation are
hypothesized to be much slower
than reactions with formation
water. Therefore, the sequestration
resulting from simple CO2–water
interaction is more important on
short time scales (Gilfillan et al.,
2009). This is mainly because
the dissolution of injected CO2
into formation water produces

100 Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010
Baseline geochemical characterization for geologic sequestration

Figure 8. Geospatial map of the Green River Basin for the Nugget Sandstone showing the variation in TDS relative to well locations.

carbonic acid (H2CO3), which forms large sinks of and this could possibly account for the fresh water
CO2 and initiates other water–rock reactions. The recharge in the central parts of the basin. It appears
chemical composition of water is important because that the majority of Nugget wells in the Rock Springs
the solubility of injected CO2 will be controlled by Uplift are near surface faults (Fig. 1), which may pro-
concentrations of Na+, K+, Ca 2+, Mg 2+, Cl -, and vide conduits for fresh water recharge. If true, then
SO4- in the formation water (Duan and Sun, 2003; the Nugget Sandstone may be a poor receiving for-
Chapoy et al., 2004; Duan et al., 2006). mation for CO2 storage in the Rock Springs Uplift
because of the potential for leakage along these path-
Spatial variability of water quality data ways.
The water quality data for the Nugget Sandstone Water quality data for the other formations stud-
show spatial variability, as displayed in the TDS ied suggest recharge is limited to the basin margins.
geospatial map (Fig. 8). Areas of low TDS indicate The Tensleep/Weber waters with <10,000 mg/L
potential recharge zones, both along basin margins TDS are present along the eastern edge of the basin
and in the Rock Springs Uplift area in the central and probably represent areas of fresh water recharge
part of the basin. The inferred rock fracture perme- near the Rawlins and Sierra Madre-Park Uplift (Fig.
ability in the Nugget Formation is considered high 9). These waters also have low concentrations of Na+,
in the Rock Springs Uplift region (Clarey, 2008), Cl-, and SO4-. For the Madison Limestone, the low

Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 101
M. S. Smith, S. Sharma, T. B. Wyckoff, AND C. D. Frost

Figure 9. Geospatial map of the Green River Basin for the Tensleep Sandstone showing the variation in TDS relative to well locations.

TDS waters characterize areas receiving fresh water water quality data are limited to the western edge of
recharge near the eastern and northwestern parts of the Green River Basin, where TDS values are vari-
the basin (Fig. 10). These recharge zones are present able. Because the data include some high TDS values
in parts of the basin where the Madison Limestone even on the basin margins, then as was true for the
is exposed at or near the surface, such as areas sur- overlying Madison and Tensleep aquifers, it is likely
rounding the Rawlins Uplift in the northeastern part that TDS will exceed the definition of a USDW in
of the basin and the overthrust belt in the north- the Bighorn Dolomite in the middle of the basin.
western part of the basin. In both Tensleep/Weber Therefore the Bighorn Dolomite should be consid-
Sandstone and Madison Limestone, the Na+-, Cl⁻-, ered a viable target for geologic sequestration along
and SO 4- concentrations and TDS values tend to with the other Paleozoic target formations.
increase with increasing distance from recharge areas The data compiled in this study indicate that
toward the basin margin. The presence of briny Na+, the Tensleep/Weber Sandstone, Madison Limestone,
Cl⁻, and SO4--rich waters in the deeper central part and probably also the Bighorn Dolomite, contain
of the basin indicate that halite and gypsum/anhy- water too saline to meet the definition of a USDW
drite dissolution was probably an important source except near recharge zones along basin margins. The
of salinity in these formations in addition to, or Nugget Sandstone also exceeds the definition of a
instead of, evaporated seawater. Bighorn Dolomite USDW except along basin margins and on most of

102 Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010
Baseline geochemical characterization for geologic sequestration

Figure 10. Geospatial map of the Green River Basin for the Madison Limestone showing the variation in TDS relative to well

the Rock Springs Uplift. The relatively high density and challenges associated with the sample accessibility.
of mapped surface faults and potential for fault and Laboratory experiments and numerical and geochemi-
fracture permeability on the Rock Springs Uplift cal models are commonly used for predicting the fate
decreases the suitability of the Nugget Sandstone as a of these CO2–water–rock interactions. The prelimi-
CO2 storage formation. nary geochemical data generated in this study can be
used to characterize the chemical composition of for-
CONCLUSION mation waters and help to develop realistic geochemi-
cal models for these target formations.
To assess the long-term CO2 storage potential of Geologic sequestration should be considered in
any geological formation it is important to develop a regions where TDS values of brines are greater than
good understanding of these CO2–water–rock inter- 10,000 mg/L and where baseline water quality data are
actions. In order to develop accurate models it is nec- available so that potential chemical reactions between
essary to have baseline chemistry information on the CO2, the reservoir host-rock, and brines may be mod-
formation waters and rocks into which CO2 is pro- eled and understood. Based on the available geochemi-
posed to be injected. Field experiments are difficult to cal data in this study, the Madison Limestone and
implement due to the long timescales of these reactions Tensleep/Weber Sandstone waters meet the EPA Class

Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 103
M. S. Smith, S. Sharma, T. B. Wyckoff, AND C. D. Frost
VI requirements for injection in the majority of the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Geologic Sequestration (GS)
Green River Basin. Although water quality data are Wells; Proposed Rule: Environmental Protection Agency,
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to proximity to faults, which may serve as conduits for
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This project represents an undergraduate Chemistry Research, v. 43, p. 1794–1802.
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“Baseline geochemical characterization of produced Survey, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Data
waters and gases at Moxa Arch” to PI Shikha Sharma System Cooperative Water Study,
and co-PI Carol Frost. The authors thank Kevin search?
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Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 105
M. S. Smith, S. Sharma, T. B. Wyckoff, AND C. D. Frost
Appendix 1. Water quality data used in this study. Cation, anion, and total dissolved solids (TDS)
concentrations 1. in
Water quality
mg/L. Data data used inWOGCC
sources: this study.=Cation,
Wyominganion, and
Oil total
and Gasdissolved solids (TDS)
Conservation Commission
concentrations are in mg/L. Data sources: WOGCC = Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation
(, USGS = United States Geological Survey (
Commission (,
prodwat/data.htm); NA = not available; anUSGS = United
entry of -3 =States Geological
no data; andSurvey
entry of -1 = trace quantity.
( NA = not available.
Continued on pages 107–111.
Nugget Sandstone:
Well API LATITUDE LONGITUDE Ca Mg Na HCO3 K SO4 Cl TDS pH Upper Lower Data source
Depth Depth
(feet) (feet)
4904120184 41.386060 -110.841730 865 131 7650 244 232 3500 11200 23698 6.1 NA NA USGS

NA 41.4348 -110.8176 478 68 5316 244 157 3450 6700 16289 7.1 7492 7506 USGS

4904120080 41.45364 -110.81339 412 111 5006 195 150 4200 5700 15675 7.3 7956 7968 USGS

4904120113 41.448300 -110.812460 457 56 4801 256 -3 3150 5800 14779 NA NA NA USGS

4904120080 41.453640 -110.807410 467 84 4705 268 -3 3145 5500 14539 NA NA NA USGS

NA 41.4496 -110.7984 467 62 4657 281 130 3450 5600 14504 6.9 7459 7470 USGS

4904120236 41.5128 -110.78346 444 63 3297 154 -3 2800 3900 10658 6.8 8748 8818 USGS

NA 41.5682 -110.7792 356 44 2226 195 -3 3700 1350 7871 6.9 9551 9610 USGS

NA 42.472433 -110.666846 29 5.5 1.4 122 0.6 3690 1.2 168.1 8 NA NA USGS

4904105215 41.31693 -110.63675 1065 381 8245 559 -3 4398 12120 26498 7.6 2120 NA WOGCC

4904105218 41.329300 -110.619010 1093 491 6013 48 -3 3884 9700 21268 7.8 NA NA USGS

4904105216 41.317780 -110.610400 929 374 7698 465 -3 4324 11400 25040 NA NA NA USGS

4904105244 41.47508 -110.55462 1045 437 7307 550 -3 4304 10900 24264 7.9 1170 NA USGS

4903520394 42.44045 -110.49079 330 44 6807 73 275 3280 9000 19772 7 11267 11294 USGS

NA 42.234661 -110.466280 51 11 4.3 210 0.9 2876 3.2 303.3 8 NA NA USGS

4903505776 42.41089 -110.45225 777 113 16400 380 -3 2416 25000 44893 7.4 11620 11646 USGS

4902360015 41.83405 -110.43624 568 275 4011 273 -3 5790 3540 14457 NA 2225 2230 USGS

NA 42.220217 -110.431279 50 745 3.6 0 -3 4576 2.5 79 NA NA NA USGS

NA 42.022165 -110.418222 57 24 8.6 0 -3 1498 11 104 NA NA NA USGS

4903520218 42.353210 -110.393010 1862 37 29931 342 -3 1300 50800 86139 NA NA NA USGS

NA 42.5 -110.2622 2650 305 34471 451 2500 1029 60000 101177 6.2 9600 NA USGS

4903520165 42.338690 -110.381540 1960 276 31269 342 -3 1251 53000 89865 NA NA NA USGS

4903520198 42.33261 -110.37653 2107 239 31884 342 1800 1362 54000 91560 8 11008 11064 USGS

4903520345 42.33979 -110.37522 2167 172 32436 268 1800 1150 55000 92857 7.3 10974 10980 USGS

4903505833 42.433660 -110.349760 390 253 32767 635 -3 936 50000 85259 NA NA NA USGS

4903520169 42.4374 -110.34886 3500 2135 31577 586 2200 1060 62000 102761 6.7 9796 9830 USGS

4903505819 42.42839 -110.34531 2573 214 35489 390 -3 1000 59000 98497 6.8 9770 9808 USGS

4903520058 42.42168 -110.34476 2812 135 31114 622 1860 934 54000 91161 6.8 9432 9464 USGS

4903505812 42.42476 -110.3428 3208 413 38527 236 -3 1145 65331 108740 6.5 9874 9891 USGS

NA 42.4234 -110.3415 2996 386 35973 220 -3 1069 61000 101532 6.5 9874 9891 USGS

4903505746 42.40369 -110.32238 2792 257 36526 403 -3 1078 61000 101851 6.2 10079 10101 USGS

4903505128 42.28565 -110.3215 1869 169 30019 415 1750 950 50800 85772 7.3 11020 11030 USGS

4903506320 42.28741 -110.31922 1674 230 29392 403 1720 400 50000 83614 7 10817 10840 USGS

4903505176 42.288550 -110.316180 1883 209 31412 378 317 1030 53000 89210 8.1 NA NA USGS

4903520035 42.28341 -110.31555 1090 109 18936 622 640 371 31400 52852 6.6 NA NA USGS

106 Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010
Baseline geochemical characterization for geologic sequestration
Well API LATITUDE LONGITUDE Ca Mg Na HCO3 K SO4 Cl TDS pH Upper Lower Data source
Depth Depth
(feet) (feet)
4903520062 42.276180 -110.310260 1961 123 32633 403 -3 848 55000 92629 NA NA NA USGS

NA 42.2905 -110.2738 1850 305 31220 464 2300 868 53500 90272 6.2 10800 NA USGS

NA 42.5 -110.2622 2650 305 34471 451 2500 1029 60000 101177 6.2 9600 NA USGS

4903505450 42.3301 -110.23964 2288 320 35532 365 -3 785 59000 98105 6.8 10128 10178 USGS

4904105230 41.37155 -110.07275 1475 139 28645 990 -3 216 46500 77487 6.9 14526 14646 USGS

4904120019 41.25489 -110.06478 1078 239 27816 488 1000 184 46000 76557 7.7 14597 14643 USGS

NA 41.619131 -109.192070 78 37 2700 590 -3 210 3700 7511.1 NA NA NA USGS

4903720754 41.01673 -109.15309 23 14 16781 3123 1127 1320 24200 45003 6.3 12040 12080 USGS

4903720396 41.36402 -109.12415 123 24 2596 2513 140 418 2650 7189 8 3619 3630 USGS

4903705644 41.63844 -109.12385 103 30 5703 6000 -3 918 4899 14004 7 4132 4700 USGS

4903705584 41.61675 -109.1187 80 37 4106 4600 -3 117 3823 10425 NA 4010 4078 USGS

4903705290 41.38876 -109.11855 100 44 2933 3550 203 -1 3000 8038 8.2 3826 3842 USGS

4903705353 41.51061 -109.11662 115 30 4616 4760 -3 59 4600 11764 8 4533 4554 USGS

4903705693 41.65449 -109.112 86 37 4088 4100 -3 -3 3900 10369 7.3 4064 4076 USGS

4903705757 41.67835 -109.11156 125 25 4066 4830 -3 78 3700 10372 7.9 4365 4375 USGS

4903705775 41.69287 -109.10299 39 41 4238 4150 -3 451 3980 10793 8 4577 4587 USGS

4903705660 41.64132 -109.1009 90 44 3936 4700 -3 11 3619 9011 NA 4290 4300 USGS

4903705641 41.63772 -109.10073 61 29 4049 4350 -3 -3 3908 10186 NA 4095 4135 USGS

4903705712 41.66199 -109.09769 48 -1 1613 1155 -3 1067 1115 4998 NA 4169 4223 USGS

4903705622 41.6314 -109.0973 34 37 3782 3375 -3 290 3564 9590 8.15 4015 4034 USGS

4903720156 41.84953 -109.09676 171 50 34887 5124 1550 14489 42000 95670 7.8 8115 8160 USGS

4903705630 41.635080 -109.092440 103 30 2909 2500 -3 443 2695 9111 7 NA NA USGS

4903705528 41.59123 -109.07643 106 51 3824 4490 -3 23 3380 9787 8.3 4377 4396 USGS

4903705377 41.53696 -109.06119 20 38 3899 4900 -3 60 3267 9677 NA 3333 3350 USGS

4903705440 41.56126 -109.0611 110 39 3459 3800 -3 9 3429 8916 NA 3542 NA USGS

4903705658 41.64035 -109.00351 1087 398 26182 781 -3 1375 42000 71823 7.8 4680 4754 USGS

4903705196 41.21016 -108.98377 69 20 3392 3250 -3 34 3500 8617 7.5 7180 7207 USGS

4903720007 41.03787 -108.97443 729 176 21617 1952 1400 3634 32600 61117 7.4 14422 14465 USGS

4903705405 41.54574 -108.85859 207 34 9364 5480 -3 1658 10500 24462 7.4 6673 6683 USGS

4903705405 41.545740 -108.858590 229 27 9662 5620 -3 4850 10800 25276 7.3 NA NA USGS

4903705104 41.04986 -108.76042 279 17 6766 964 650 4850 7300 20518 8.6 13790 14253 USGS

4903705131 41.09511 -108.59389 56 8 14349 451 1385 340 23000 39360 6.7 14722 14940 USGS

4903720522 41.34927 -108.52861 25 6 3822 1635 39 57 5000 9754 7.2 NA NA USGS

4903706394 41.560680 -108.422340 112 51 5866 4002 285 95 4800 16498 8.6 NA NA USGS

4900705087 41.360930 -107.696760 1034 4 18532 476 -3 70 30000 51895 NA NA NA USGS

NA 41.374000 -107.696600 837 26 16256 427 65 109 26600 45947 NA 4776 4816 USGS

NA 41.374000 -107.696600 949 58 19957 464 -3 105 32000 55165 NA NA NA USGS

4900705095 41.370130 -107.693730 798 2 18941 476 24 81 28800 51289 NA NA NA USGS

NA 41.368000 -107.691000 809 364 20483 488 45 106 32800 56427 7.6 3871 3913 USGS

4900705066 41.289980 -107.604120 46 7 1130 1175 -3 98 123 3292 NA NA NA USGS

4900705062 41.259400 -107.601350 42 7 1725 1183 63 91 510 5143 8.1 2883 2918 USGS

Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 107
M. S. Smith, S. Sharma, T. B. Wyckoff, AND C. D. Frost

Well API LATITUDE LONGITUDE Ca Mg Na HCO3 K SO4 Cl TDS pH Upper Lower Data source
Depth Depth
(feet) (feet)
4903706001 42.238280 -107.563450 20 38 1521 2318 -3 90 990 3785 NA NA NA WOGCC

NA 42.243200 -107.562300 11 2 1616 2562 -3 104 1080 4015 7.1 NA NA USGS

4903720134 42.242260 -107.549330 36 463 1724 2586 -3 1360 1280 4450 7.4 NA NA USGS

NA 42.250000 -107.510600 760 32 1826 622 -3 750 4800 8107 NA 3429 3475 USGS

4900720034 41.587190 -107.505120 95 84 3876 6954 26 1040 750 10316 NA NA NA USGS

4900705219 41.098860 -107.423820 25 6 1997 2500 39 2428 630 5213 7.2 4240 4250 USGS

4900705816 42.161640 -107.412240 18 136 1271 1905 -3 1375 900 3132 NA NA NA USGS

4900705816 42.161640 -107.412240 18 3 1275 1911 -3 1235 903 3141 7.6 NA NA USGS

4900705830 42.173010 -107.401310 10 74 1271 1320 -3 1500 880 3081 7.1 NA NA USGS

4900706984 41.095800 -107.389930 22 7 1716 2611 30 1750 780 4432 8.2 NA NA USGS

4900705722 42.081360 -107.173060 72 25 843 1074 -3 1720 316 2421 NA NA NA USGS

Tensleep/Weber Sandstone:

Well API LATITUDE LONGITUDE Ca Mg Na K HCO3 SO4 Cl TDS pH Upper Lower Data source
Depth Depth
(feet) (feet)
4904105094 41.22818 -110.65982 890 44 4549 -3 5200 4226 2432 15802 8.6 12877 12927 USGS

4904105215 41.31693 -110.63675 1086 105 5854 -3 3050 4172 5454 18979 7.4 12929 12997 USGS

4904105218 41.3293 -110.61901 820 34 4744 -3 3540 4021 5400 17297 8.2 13004 130092 USGS

4904105216 41.31778 -110.6104 526 140 3918 -3 1405 3876 4700 14013 8.2 6280 6305 USGS

4904105164 41.27724 -110.60089 945 75 3761 -3 4014 3647 3650 15619 7.4 6277 6300 USGS

4904105244 41.47508 -110.55462 962 87 4693 -3 1440 4326 6800 16764 7.9 6502 6527 USGS

4903505746 42.40369 -110.32238 43 44 3860 -3 1830 4852 1360 11192 8.6 12877 12927 USGS

4903705584 41.61675 -109.1187 528 -1 3812 -3 3060 697 4522 12619 NA 6502 6527 USGS

4903705655 41.64014 -109.10509 973 47 26637 -3 2013 1267 41000 72300 7.6 5515 5535 USGS

4903705660 41.64132 -109.1009 622 101 3732 -3 2100 1327 4952 12834 NA 6280 6305 USGS

4903705712 41.66199 -109.09769 1245 209 10606 -3 3550 1915 15694 33219 NA 6339 NA USGS

4903705622 41.6314 -109.0973 921 296 15641 -3 0 1977 23760 42595 NA 6277 6300 USGS

4903705395 41.54499 -109.07796 289 65 5612 0 3050 2647 6831 15918 7.7 6217 6247 USGS

4903705377 41.53696 -109.06119 386 80 2347 -3 1740 3974 594 8237 NA 5339 NA USGS

4903720724 41.198330 -108.827640 283 47 37646 -3 5514 3746 50000 101685 7.2 NA NA USGS

4903720384 41.372060 -108.757740 3410 68 4328 -3 1840 2398 11100 21871 NA 6543 6485 USGS

4903720385 41.398810 -108.738500 6860 35 5570 -3 -3 2765 20500 33003 NA NA NA USGS

4900720209 41.36678 -107.65288 369 60 266 5 744 650 330 2046 6.7 10865 10913 USGS

4900705066 41.28998 -107.60412 98 99 8788 573 2093 2706 11219 25675 8.28 10224 10244 USGS

4903721115 42.25761 -107.58083 464 66 3183 138 793 3100 3300 10642 6.7 6624 6700 WOGCC

4903705994 42.23582 -107.5789 31 15 3919 -3 4404 3 3580 9717 7.6 5163 5575 USGS

NA 42.259 -107.5775 2975 1613 3204 180 281 1380 13900 23392 6.7 6204 6244 USGS

4903706285 42.2593 -107.57647 292 51 4571 210 1074 3400 4800 13858 8.1 7625 7807 USGS

4903706012 42.23924 -107.57218 332 75 3283 -3 1167 3903 2314 10481 7.4 6583 6633 USGS

4903706156 42.24645 -107.5718 362 34 7474 60 1183 3750 8900 21169 8.2 5635 6015 USGS

4903706108 42.24382 -107.57079 560 140 11636 795 878 3240 17200 34009 7.8 6106 6138 USGS

4903706018 42.23984 -107.56592 520 79 4884 450 952 2494 6700 15596 7.1 5420 5530 USGS

4903706281 42.25765 -107.56243 309 36 1968 146 493 1790 1785 6277 7.6 5205 5666 WOGCC

108 Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010
Baseline geochemical characterization for geologic sequestration

Well API LATITUDE LONGITUDE Ca Mg Na K HCO3 SO4 Cl TDS pH Upper Lower Data source
Depth Depth
(feet) (feet)
4903706218 42.24999 -107.55919 447 99 4570 287 842 3185 5550 14553 7.6 5270 5585 USGS

4903705997 42.2374 -107.55742 507 105 3644 -3 813 2423 4565 11644 7 4500 NA USGS

4903705968 42.23192 -107.55583 324 60 3295 -3 752 2818 3313 10179 7.2 NA NA USGS

4903705985 42.23404 -107.55514 503 22 1384 34 1318 1625 1160 5378 7.2 5445 5487 USGS

4903706087 42.24272 -107.55483 423 79 1644 -3 605 1828 1813 6392 NA 5262 6449 USGS

4903706146 42.24461 -107.55245 377 83 3114 275 1976 3150 2550 10534 6.8 6812 6916 USGS

NA 42.25 -107.5517 387 87 9404 760 2684 4981 10900 27841 7.9 NA NA USGS

4903705961 42.2246 -107.55002 608 61 1847 -3 560 3378 1285 7456 7.6 7081 7164 USGS

4903706273 42.25647 -107.54728 403 202 2731 240 1354 2380 3200 9825 7.3 7209 7270 USGS

4903706228 42.25027 -107.54411 1387 594 8962 805 2538 5850 13000 33146 7.2 7239 7291 USGS

4903706470 42.26008 -107.54 1620 836 1055 60 708 1240 5660 10820 6.4 7142 7176 USGS

4903706222 42.25007 -107.5389 948 431 8950 620 1769 3950 13400 29178 7 6904 7058 USGS

4903706238 42.25169 -107.52964 386 56 5433 -3 2390 5473 3800 16329 7 NA NA USGS

4903706214 42.24955 -107.52744 175 32 1908 -3 675 2568 1058 6416 NA 6130 NA USGS

4903706245 42.25249 -107.52452 357 137 4433 258 1977 3892 4131 15112 7.07 6180 6280 USGS

4903706130 42.24441 -107.52314 410 126 4813 380 2147 4100 4600 15488 7.6 6270 6464 USGS

4900706007 42.25174 -107.52058 432 119 6348 -3 2850 4742 5746 20237 6000 6336 USGS

4900705990 42.24263 -107.51721 354 100 3623 -3 1905 3280 2980 11275 7.6 6022 6193 USGS

4900705985 42.24163 -107.51541 587 134 2441 -3 2087 2746 1956 8891 7.6 5869 5883 USGS

4900705987 42.24197 -107.51359 444 104 4000 -3 2380 3436 3340 12496 7.4 6043 6140 USGS

NA 42.2489 -107.5122 71 29 6767 -3 6686 101 6686 16946 7.8 NA NA USGS

4900705982 42.24115 -107.5103 24 11 4808 -3 6167 32 3882 11795 8.1 5754 6103 USGS

4900705978 42.23911 -107.5102 467 92 3404 -3 1995 3084 2909 10937 7.2 5757 6044 USGS

4900720034 41.58719 -107.50512 150 92 15617 1700 4453 3494 21000 44246 7.7 10505 10546 USGS

4900705950 42.21707 -107.46766 304 56 574 -3 241 1661 220 2932 7.2 6966 7320 USGS

4900705945 42.21548 -107.46491 335 58 347 9 156 1490 242 2558 7.6 NA NA WOGCC

4900705776 42.13147 -107.42624 411 78 381 -3 185 1551 289 2895 NA 4966 NA USGS

4900705673 41.99278 -107.40684 344 44 1542 -3 260 1728 1690 5476 7.5 4776 NA USGS

4900705746 42.09028 -107.38749 406 79 564 -3 100 1556 612 3317 NA 5047 NA USGS

4900705671 41.99527 -107.38253 466 60 1581 -3 175 1675 2100 5968 7.3 3778 3796 USGS

4900705682 42.01304 -107.36344 421 39 1758 -1 317 2318 1697 6556 7.69 3857 3887 USGS

4900705680 42.00689 -107.35221 654 81 1505 -3 255 3217 1191 6773 NA 3404 NA USGS

4900705860 42.18321 -107.34484 584 122 221 -3 420 1898 85 3330 NA 4408 4532 USGS

4900705860 42.18321 -107.34484 573 121 173 0 354 1757 132 2930 7.2 4410 4532 USGS

4900705861 42.18396 -107.34036 494 113 1164 -3 65 2567 1067 5470 NA 4293 4505 USGS

4900705867 42.18661 -107.34009 718 217 492 -3 420 2671 447 4965 NA 4346 4536 USGS

4900720385 42.18205 -107.33771 573 174 1129 150 342 2250 1285 5730 7.9 NA NA WOGCC

4900705866 42.18644 -107.33535 858 272 765 -3 150 2016 1915 5976 NA 4351 NA USGS

4900705841 42.1796 -107.3349 556 125 761 -3 240 2270 708 4660 NA 4300 4445 USGS

4900705845 42.18046 -107.33224 494 129 245 -3 178 1833 172 2961 7.4 4324 4433 USGS

4900705280 41.64793 -107.27317 232 58 1808 -3 780 3123 608 6054 7.55 6122 6176 USGS

4900705311 41.6551 -107.27303 226 22 1771 -3 1110 1885 1160 5611 7.1 5750 5935 USGS

4900705338 41.6598 -107.27299 198 -1 2575 -3 1475 1646 2250 8144 7.3 5784 6072 USGS

4900705357 41.66259 -107.27299 78 36 4147 -3 1755 1771 4200 11192 8.4 5855 6084 USGS

4900705893 42.19006 -107.26478 303 66 389 -3 295 1530 29 2612 NA 4447 NA USGS

4900705893 42.19006 -107.26478 341 70 330 0 250 1554 24 2442 NA 4302 NA USGS

4900705333 41.65819 -107.26433 29 14 326 -3 334 332 156 1021 6.8 6332 6450 USGS

Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 109
M. S. Smith, S. Sharma, T. B. Wyckoff, AND C. D. Frost

Well API LATITUDE LONGITUDE Ca Mg Na K HCO3 SO4 Cl TDS pH Upper Lower Data source
Depth Depth
(feet) (feet)
4900705892 42.18991 -107.26178 530 105 47 -3 115 1680 10 2487 NA 4274 4316 USGS

4900705036 41.05145 -107.24339 130 17 381 19 146 950 100 1669 7.8 7642 7670 USGS

4900705036 41.05145 -107.24339 131 12 463 23 110 1150 90 1979 7.7 7642 7670 USGS

4900705414 41.67365 -107.23027 484 69 2053 -3 660 4123 800 7854 7.4 8176 8208 USGS

4900720110 41.59113 -107.21124 170 34 1203 17 329 2200 468 4421 7.7 5216 5287 USGS

4900705722 42.08136 -107.17306 524 97 1022 -3 307 2306 851 4999 8.6 6383 6454 USGS

4900705722 42.08136 -107.17306 772 139 1171 -3 476 3502 630 6399 8.2 6301 6316 USGS

4900705745 42.08972 -107.14401 433 85 1063 -3 367 2030 945 4737 7 6602 6648 USGS

4900706036 41.9638 -107.10584 593 86 1447 -3 842 2185 1430 6156 8.1 8871 8939 USGS

4900705753 42.09259 -107.09661 475 83 838 -3 236 1613 1048 4173 7.9 6891 7002 USGS

4900705572 41.82907 -107.08697 1035 55 2115 -3 3123 3794 640 9177 7.9 4808 4840 USGS

4900706031 41.76378 -107.01976 528 10 2440 -3 342 5514 460 9120 8.2 3885 3987 USGS

Madison Limestone:
Well API LATITUDE LONGITUDE Ca Mg Na K HCO SO4 Cl TDS pH Upper Lower Data source
3 Depth Depth
(feet) (feet)
NA 41.351200 -110.956000 464 72 17092 -3 5185 3863 25100 47124 NA NA NA USGS

4904120117 41.452941 -110.908270 3296 337 3021 -3 1232 2600 10100 21000 7.2 5778 5880 USGS

4902320446 42.121410 -110.718900 80 18 6864 517 1024 1926 1000 22003 8.5 NA NA WOGCC

4904105215 41.316930 -110.636750 816 337 6438 -3 2270 9929 8181 20751 7.2 5778 5880 USGS

4904120145 41.470000 -110.490000 536 626 8081 590 1170 1758 11200 23719 6.7 NA NA USGS

4903520090 42.312900 -110.477840 577 135 113 2 268 1750 14 2899 7.4 2877 2883 USGS

NA 42.272857 -110.340166 48 13 2.3 -3 190 7465 3.1 289 7.1 NA NA USGS

4903505746 42.403690 -110.322380 241 97 8674 -3 5100 2456 3800 25253 7.9 13718 14033 USGS

4903720754 41.016730 -109.153090 848 391 27188 1852 2635 1800 43400 76777 6.9 15840 16097 USGS

4903720948 41.571603 -108.412907 6335 845 11939 1755 378 1800 33400 54545 4.4 NA NA WOGCC

NA 42.252200 -107.587500 470 96 2508 -3 780 2180 2960 8483 6.8 NA NA USGS

NA 42.238700 -107.572900 569 64 4447 430 866 2495 6100 14450 6.9 7250 7630 USGS

NA 42.241000 -107.571900 385 93 3759 0 756 2432 4950 12218 7.6 NA NA USGS

4903706108 42.243820 -107.570790 1344 578 1514 130 549 1878 4820 10618 6.8 6471 6487 USGS

4903706232 42.251100 -107.567300 356 291 4114 0 667 2563 5504 13149 8.4 4794 5410 USGS

4903706232 42.251850 -107.566530 352 288 4073 0 660 2797 5450 13019 8.4 NA NA USGS

NA 42.248000 -107.566000 400 97 3510 -3 622 1700 4786 11115 7.65 4794 5410 USGS

4903706258 42.255750 -107.565570 304 60 2842 -3 488 2456 3240 8818 8.1 5570 5863 USGS

4903706281 42.257670 -107.562430 278 88 3871 -3 1305 7000 3800 11725 7.2 NA NA USGS

4903706045 42.240930 -107.562400 634 99 5493 271 587 1998 8465 17459 7.3 5814 5841 USGS

4903706011 42.239200 -107.562040 1330 143 6730 254 621 1998 13234 24142 7.4 NA NA USGS

4903706253 42.254020 -107.559700 790 17 5258 145 3404 1208 2400 17421 8.6 6047 6122 USGS

4903706084 42.242920 -107.557690 396 71 2816 -3 969 2526 3215 8973 6120 NA USGS

4903705985 42.234040 -107.555140 396 71 2816 -3 969 2506 3215 9465 NA NA NA USGS

NA 42.250000 -107.551700 666 101 7387 312 537 2534 10750 22937 7.7 4986 5412 USGS

4903706238 42.251690 -107.529640 309 53 997 -3 -3 2828 652 3823 7.7 7046 7102 USGS

110 Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010
Baseline geochemical characterization for geologic sequestration
Well API LATITUDE LONGITUDE Ca Mg Na K HCO SO4 Cl TDS pH Upper Lower Data source
3 Depth Depth
(feet) (feet)
4903706262 42.255280 -107.528260 257 56 2173 -3 282 2445 2004 7074 7.2 5100 5600 USGS

4903706262 42.255280 -107.528260 275 68 2643 -3 1724 1812 1895 8255 7 NA NA USGS

4903706019 42.239590 -107.522570 112 36 1251 -3 575 3177 950 3888 8.3 7534 7599 USGS

4900706001 42.247650 -107.520670 399 9 3199 -3 848 2528 3301 10440 7.9 6975 7028 USGS

4900706000 42.246520 -107.519240 432 87 3804 -3 1556 1720 3971 12378 6 NA NA USGS

4900705990 42.242630 -107.517210 1251 134 1455 -3 549 2556 3260 8090 7 NA NA USGS

4900706003 42.249380 -107.516480 536 126 4884 -3 1730 1700 5500 15075 7.4 6670 7028 USGS

4900720380 42.247490 -107.515280 447 80 1610 138 720 1058 1960 6290 7.1 6838 6921 USGS

4900705993 42.243640 -107.514370 1278 131 4008 -3 1450 1058 6000 14820 8.2 6450 6577 USGS

NA 42.238500 -107.513200 437 88 3619 226 1573 2474 4015 12514 5.97 6750 6800 USGS

4900705945 42.215480 -107.464910 262 24 455 0 131 491 379 2242 NA 6604 6905 USGS

4900705934 42.205390 -107.412120 262 24 455 -3 -3 1300 379 2178 NA 6604 6905 USGS

4900706932 42.095610 -107.394300 191 39 1390 -3 172 647 1996 4467 7.8 5935 6015 USGS

4900705680 42.006890 -107.352210 300 79 1779 -3 195 1245 1568 6395 NA 4059 4444 USGS

4900705864 42.184780 -107.336800 54 21 302 -3 170 3423 162 1200 NA 5000 5259 USGS

Bighorn Dolomite:
Well API LATITUDE LONGITUDE Ca Mg Na K HCO SO4 Cl TDS pH Upper Lower Data source
3 Depth Depth
(feet) (feet)
4120282 41.47328 -110.9215 865 306 4712 2270 159 65 11053 18960 8.85 NA NA WOGCC

4902320423 42.25861 -110.1809 49 31 310 4 376 217 218 1046 8.4 NA NA WOGCC

4902320423 42.25861 -110.1809 45 29 616 6 323 276 636 1845 8.7 NA NA WOGCC

4902320423 42.25861 -110.1809 172 1 25157 92 1067 6900 32600 66198 9.6 NA NA WOGCC

NA 42.40369 -110.3224 386 35 145 0 1330 183 100 1504 6.6 15000 15025 USGS

NA 42.40369 -110.3224 1251 202 610 0 4270 1395 230 5791 7.3 15095 15125 USGS

NA 42.40369 -110.3224 938 81 10708 0 5750 3214 12700 30473 7.2 15266 15280 USGS

Rocky Mountain Geology, v. 45, no. 2, p. 93–111, 10 figs., 2 tables, 1 appendix, October 2010 111

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