Investor Sentiment, Herd-Like Behavior and Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence From 18 Industrialized Countries
Investor Sentiment, Herd-Like Behavior and Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence From 18 Industrialized Countries
Investor Sentiment, Herd-Like Behavior and Stock Returns: Empirical Evidence From 18 Industrialized Countries
Maik Schmeling*
We examine whether consumer confidence – as a proxy for individual investor sentiment –
affects expected stock returns internationally in 18 industrialized countries. In line with recent
evidence for the U.S., we find for about half of the countries in a bias-adjusted bootstrap
regression analysis that individual sentiment negatively forecasts aggregate stock market
returns and thus in a way that is consistent with behavioral models of overly optimistic and
pessimistic investors. When sentiment is high, future stock returns tend to be lower and vice
versa. This relation also holds for returns of value stocks and growth stocks, and for different
forecasting periods. Finally, we employ a cross-sectional perspective and provide evidence
that the impact of sentiment on stock returns is higher for countries that are culturally more
prone to herd-like behavior and overreaction, have lower levels of education and less market
Keywords: consumer confidence; growth stocks; investor sentiment; noise trader; predictive
regressions; value stocks
JEL: G12, G14, G15
1. Introduction
The recent literature has seen a rise of studies investigating the effect of individual
investor sentiment on stock returns. Several papers document a strong link between the two
variables both in the time series and cross-sectionally. These paper estimate predictive
regressions of the form
rt +1 = α + β ⋅ sentiment t + ηt (1)
where rt+1 is the return of the aggregate stock market or a (zero-cost) portfolio at time t
and sentimentt is a proxy for (lagged) investor sentiment. A common finding for the US stock
market is a statistically and economically significant negative coefficient estimate for β.
Therefore, periods of higher investor optimism tend to be followed by significantly lower
returns for the aggregate market (e.g. Brown and Cliff, 2005) and even more pronouncedly
for firms that are hard to price and thus difficult to arbitrage (e.g. Baker and Wurgler, 2006,
Lemmon and Portniaguina, 2006).
In order to assess the relation of sentiment and returns out-of-sample, we investigate
whether consumer confidence – as a proxy for individual investor sentiment – affects stock
returns along the lines of (1) in 18 countries internationally. We find, first, that for about half
of the markets considered, there is a significant impact of investor sentiment on aggregate
stock returns even after controlling for commonly employed macro risk factors as in Brown
and Cliff (2005). Second, in cross-sectional regressions we provide some first evidence that
the impact of sentiment on stock returns is stronger in countries in that are culturally more
prone to herd-like behavior as predicted by Chui, Titman and Wei (2005). The effect also
seems to be stronger in countries with less efficient markets.
The general finding of a sentiment-return relation is at odds with standard finance
theory which predicts that stock prices reflect the discounted value of expected cash-flows
and that irrationalities among market participants will be erased by arbitrageurs. Sentiment
does not play any role in this classic framework. The behavioral approach instead suggests
that waves of irrational sentiment, i.e. times of overly optimistic or pessimistic expectations,
can persist and affect asset prices for significant time spans. DeLong, Shleifer, Summers and
Waldmann (1990) show in their seminal paper, that correlated sentiment of irrational
investors is a priced risk factor. Assets with higher levels of noise trader risk have higher
expected returns. Thus, there is both empirical evidence for a link between sentiment and
stock returns and a sound theoretical underpinning of this relationship.
On the available empirical evidence for the US, overlooked rational factors that drive
the relation between sentiment and stock returns are a possible but less and less unlikely
explanation. Several authors (Baker and Wurgler, 2006, Brown and Cliff, 2005, Kumar and
Lee, 2006, Lemmon and Portniaguina, 2006, Hvidkjaer, 2006 to name just a few) document
empirically that the link between sentiment and future returns is most likely due to overly
optimistic (pessimistic) investors who drive prices above (below) intrinsic values, a
misevaluation that is corrected eventually and leads to the observed negative influence of
sentiment on stock returns. Data mining is a somewhat more likely possibility. There is little
evidence for this relationship outside the US so that the effects of sentiment on returns might
well be a statistical artefact.1 Out-of-sample tests of an anomaly are one means to investigate
this possibility.
Therefore, we investigate the link between asset prices and investor sentiment for 18
industrialized countries around the world. "Geographical" out-of-sample tests are a common
way to amass or to weaken earlier evidence (e.g. Ang et al., 2006, Griffin, Ji, Martin, 2003).
This is the first major contribution of the paper. Furthermore, to assess the behavioral
explanation from a different viewpoint, we also examine whether cross-sectional variation in
demographic, cultural and market efficiency related factors systematically affects the
magnitude of the link between sentiment and stock returns. To the best of our knowledge, we
are the first to investigate this issue and this makes up the second major contribution of the
The investigation whether cultural factors play a role is motivated by the paper of
Chui, Titman and Wei (2005) who investigate whether individualism as measured by
Hofstede (2001) is a cross-country determinant of momentum profits. The authors argue that
countries with a more individualistic culture are more prone to certain behavioral biases that
benefit the existence of momentum profits. Their findings support this hypothesis. As for the
case considered here, if the impact of investor sentiment on stock returns is truly due to
correlated behavior of irrational traders, one should expect this effect to be higher in countries
that are collectivistic since collectivism boosts “herd like overreaction” (see Chui, Titman and
Wei, 2005, p.28). Therefore, an alternative test of the implicit assumption that the effect of
sentiment on stock returns is due to overreaction on the part of noise traders and not due to
Jackson (2003) finds no evidence for short-run reversals after waves of optimism and pessimism for
Australia for the period 1991 - 2002. Schmeling (2006) finds evidence of such reversals for Germany
for a period spanning 2001 to 2006.
time-varying fundamental risk factors can be conducted by investigating whether the
sentiment-return relationship varies according to this cultural dimension cross-sectionally
between different countries.
As noted above, we also check whether institutional quality or informational
efficiency of a country explains the cross-section of the sentiment-return relation. We find
some evidence for this hypothesis although less pronounced than for the cultural factors.
Therefore, our paper also contributes to a growing literature that cross-sectionally relates
market outcomes to market institutions (cf. La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny,
The plan of action is as follows. The next section selectively reviews the existing
literature. Section 3 describes the data and provides some descriptive statistics. Section 4
provides estimates of predictive regressions of returns on sentiment similar to equation (1).
Section 5 investigates cross-country results and section 6 concludes.
2. Literature Review
As Baker and Wurgler (2006, p. 1648) point out, “a mispricing is the result of both an
uninformed demand shock and a limit to arbitrage” (emphasis added). Regarding the first
ingredient, uninformed demand shocks, Brown and Cliff (2005) argue that sentiment is most
likely a very persistent effect so that demand shocks of uninformed noise traders may be
correlated over time to give rise to strong and persistent mispricings. However, the second
ingredient, limits of arbitrage, deter informed traders from eliminating this situation (cf.
Black, 1986, or more formally, Shleifer and Vishny, 1997) since it is a priori unclear how
long buying or selling pressure from overly optimistic or pessimistic noise traders will persist.
However, every mispricing must eventually be corrected so that one should observe that high
levels of investor optimism are on average followed by low returns and vice versa.
As discussed in the introduction, there is now substantial empirical evidence for the
U.S that (proxies for) investor sentiment indeed forecast stock returns negatively in the time
series (cf. Brown and Cliff, 2005, Lemmon and Portniaguina, 2006).
An influence of sentiment is also found in the cross-section of U.S. stock returns.
Baker and Wurgler (2006) document that those stocks are more affected by shifts in sentiment
that are (a) hard to value because valuations are highly subjective and (b) for those stocks that
are hard to arbitrage. Indeed they find that sentiment effects are stronger among stocks that
can reasonably be assumed to fulfill at least one of these criteria, e.g. young, small,
unprofitable, distressed, extreme growth or dividend-nonpaying firms. For the U.S. this
finding for distressed stocks is underscored by the finding of Kumar and Lee (2006) who
show that retail investors, which are commonly thought of being noise traders (Kaniel, Saar
and Titman, 2005), tend to overweight value stocks relative to growth stocks and that shifts in
the buy-sell imbalance of these retail investors are positively correlated with returns of value
stocks. This clearly is a prime example of noise trader risk.
Also in this spirit, Barber, Odean and Zhu (2005) investigate returns of stocks that are
heavily bought and sold by U.S. individual retail traders and provide somewhat even more
direct evidence on the story that individuals are noise traders. They show that stocks heavily
sold by individuals outperform stocks heavily bought by a hefty 13.5% the following year.
They also document strong herding among individual investors so that the notion of
correlated trading by irrational investors seems to be a likely cause for these return
differentials. Hvidkjaer (2006) sorts stocks from NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ based on past
difference between sell and buy volume from small trades, i.e. trades that most likely come
from individual traders. He finds that stocks with large individual selling pressure outperform
stocks with large individual buying pressure over horizons of up to three years. Depending on
the sorting procedure, Hvidkjaer (2006) tends to find large return differences of up to 0.94%
per month for a portfolio long in stocks that have been sold most heavily by individuals over
the last 6 months and short in stocks that have most heavily been bought by individuals over
the last 6 months. As with the results from Barber, Odean and Zhu (2005), these numbers
suggest that irrational trading of noise traders is an important determinant of expected stock
A natural question that arises when attempting to quantify the influence of sentiment
on stock returns is how to measure (unobserved) sentiment? Existing studies have used
different proxies, of which closed-end fund discounts are one major vehicle (c.f. Lee, Shleifer
and Thaler, 1991, Swaminathan, 1996, or Neal and Wheatley, 1998). Baker and Wurgler
(2006) construct a sentiment proxy from several market price based variables such as closed-
end fund discounts, number of IPO’s, turnover etc. Recent studies have started to use micro
trading data, such as Kumar and Lee (2006) who use broker data or Barber, Odean and Zhu
(2005) who use the TAQ/ISSM data. Finally, some studies use data from investor surveys (cf.
Brown and Cliff, 2005). Charoenrook (2003) and Lemmon and Portniaguina (2006) use
consumer confidence indexes to proxy for sentiment, based on the observation that Brown
Frijns, Koellen and Lehnert (2006) provide experimental evidence that, among others, market
sentiment can be a determining factor of portfolio choice. Lux (1998) provides simulation evidence on
how waves of optimism and pessimism may arise in a model with heterogenous agents.
and Cliff (2004) find no evidence that closed-end fund discounts reflect sentiment and that
Qiu and Welch (2005) report only weak correlation of these fund discounts with UBS/Gallup
surveys of investor sentiment. The consumer confidence indexes do better in this respect.
Furthermore, Fisher and Statman (2003) provide evidence that consumer confidence
correlates well with other sentiment proxies such as the sentiment measure from the American
Association of Individual Investors (AAII) whereas Doms and Morin (2004) find that
consumer confidence contains an irrational element since it responds to the tone and volume
of economics news reports while being hardly affected by the content of news. All these
findings make consumer confidence seem to be a reasonable proxy for individual sentiment
and we follow these findings by using measures of consumer confidence as a sentiment proxy
throughout the paper.
Finally, given the accumulated evidence of the influence of sentiment on returns the
question remains whether one should expect this relation to hold outside the U.S. as well.
Evidence from a different market anomaly based most probably on behavioral biases by
market participants, namely the abnormal size of momentum profits documented by
Jegadeesh and Titman (1992), suggests that this does not necessarily need to be the case.
Momentum profits, though large and significant in the U.S. and most of Europe
(Rouwenhorst, 1998), are completely absent in Japan and almost non-existent in the rest of
Recently, Chui, Titman and Wei (2005) propose that cultural differences might play a
role for the relative strength of behavioral biases between countries.3 Specifically, they argue
that individualism as measured by Hofstede (2001) drives certain behavioral biases that are
assumed to generate the apparent momentum profits. The authors also argue that a lack of
individualism, i.e. collectivism, might drive certain biases “that generate even more important
market inefficiencies” (p. 28) than the momentum premium. Collectivistic countries have
societies in which people are integrated into strong groups and, as such, “may place too much
weight on consensus opinions, and may thus exhibit herd-like overreaction …” (emphasis
added). Herd-like overreaction, i.e. correlated actions of noise traders based on overly
optimistic or pessimistic expectations, is precisely what is assumed to drive the sentiment-
return relation in financial markets. Therefore, one may expect that collectivistic countries
show a stronger impact of sentiment waves on returns whereas individualistic countries, in
Guiso, Sapienza and Zingales (2006) and Chuah et al. (2006) document that culture may significantly
affect economic outcome although yet little attention has been paid to these factors in economics.
However, there seems to be even less empirical evidence for the role of culture in finance than in
which people tend to put more weight on their own information and opinion, should be less
affected by these behavioral biases.
As noted above, we are interested in measuring the effect of noise trader demand
shocks on stock markets. Doing this in a consistent way is exacerbated by the fact that there is
no consensus on what kind of proxies to employ when measuring individual sentiment for a
single country. This problem naturally aggravates when attempting to find a proxy that is
available for different countries.
However, given the recent detailed analysis of consumer confidence as measure for
investor sentiment by Lemmon and Portniaguina (2006) it seems natural to use this metric for
an international analysis. First of all, consumer confidence is available for several
industrialized countries and, second, it is available for reasonable time spans. Third, consumer
confidence, albeit measured slightly different in various countries, seems to be the only
consistent way to obtain a sentiment proxy that is largely comparable across countries.
Therefore, we use data on stock returns and consumer confidence for 18 industrialized
countries around the globe to investigate the sentiment-return relation internationally. Our
sample of countries is largely dictated by data availability but consumer confidence is
available for several countries on horizons of up to 20 years. We include the U.S., Japan,
Australia, New Zealand and 14 European countries (see Table 1 for a complete list of
countries). These markets cover the lion’s share of international stock market capitalization,
cover the most liquid markets in the world - namely the U.S., Europe and Japan - and thus
provide a representative sample. Consumer sentiment for the European countries is available
from a single source so the comparability of sentiment data is especially attractive for this
large sub-sample of countries.
For each of the 18 countries we collect a monthly measure of consumer confidence, monthly
returns for (a) the aggregate stock market, (b) a portfolio of value stocks and (c) a portfolio of
growth stocks.4 We investigate aggregate market returns as well as value and growth stocks
for the following reasons. First, there is evidence (Baker and Wurgler, 2006) that sentiment
affects the cross-section of returns differently for different investment styles, e.g. value and
growth. Second, Shiller (2001, p.243) quotes Paul Samuelson with the following claim: "I
Stock market returns are from value-weighted portfolios in local currency. The value portfolio
consists of the top three deciles of stocks sorted by B/M whereas the growth portfolio comprises the
bottom 30% of stocks sorted by B/M.
[hypothesize] considerable macro inefficiency, in the sense of long waves in the time series of
aggregate indexes of security prices below and above various definitions of fundamental
values.” Therefore, it seems to make sense to look for this macro inefficiencies in aggregate
market returns, too.
Stock market data come from Prof. Kenneth French’s web site and are employed
because they are collected in a consistent manner across countries, are relatively free of
survivorship bias (Fama and French, 1998) and were used in other studies before (e.g. Chui,
Titman and Wei, 2005, motivate their herding and collectivism result with this data).
Furthermore, for each country we collect data on consumer confidence. For all 14
European countries the data comes from the “Directorate Generale for Economic and
Financial Affairs” (DG ECFIN)5 which, among other things, conducts research for the
European Union. Confidence indices for the remaining countries are obtained from
Datastream. There are several possible high-quality consumer confidence indices for the U.S.
We employ the Michigan Survey (see Lemmon and Portniaguina, 2006). Finally, the
consumer confidence index for Japan is available on a quarterly frequency only. We convert it
to a monthly frequency by using the last available values for months without data as in Baker
and Wurgler (2006).
Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for returns and consumer confidence indices.
Column three shows the time spans available for each country. We include the time from
January 1985 to December 2005 wherever possible. Data limitations enforce somewhat
shorter periods for several countries. However, we have a minimum of 120 monthly
observations even for the most data-constrained country Austria.
As can be seen, value stocks have higher mean returns than growth stocks for most
countries, a fact documented before in a voluminous literature on the so-called value premium
(Fama and French, 1998). The descriptive statistics for the consumer confidence indices show
a high degree of serial correlation in the time-series. First order autocorrelations (ρ-1) are
extremely high and uniformly above 90%. We will take special care of this high serial
correlation in our empirical analyses.
Table 2 shows correlation coefficients of the consumer confidence above the main
diagonal and correlations for monthly changes in consumer confidence below the main
diagonal. As can be seen from both the correlation coefficients computed in levels and in
changes, the comovement across countries is not prohibitively strong, i.e. we are not using
These consumer confidence indices have also been used by Jansen and Nahuis (2003). Data can be
downloaded from:
essentially one sentiment series. There are several countries that show a large correlation (e.g.
Austria and Germany), essentially no correlation (e.g. Australia and Switzerland) or a
negative correlation (e.g. Sweden and Japan).
with the average k-period return6 for country i as dependent variable and several
predictors on the right-hand side. These predictors include consumer confidence as a proxy
for individual sentiment (sent) and additional macro variables which are collected in matrix
Ψ. Specifically, we include annual CPI inflation, the annual percentage change in industrial
production, the annual change in employment and the term spread in Ψ to net out effects of
macro risk factors on returns. The component of consumer confidence that is not attributable
to these macro factors yields our proxy for individual sentiment.7 As usual, we employ known
up-to-week t information to forecast mean excess returns beginning in month t+1 only.
Furthermore, to facilitate comparisons of the sentiment-return relation between countries we
standardize all variables used in (2).
A well known problem with regressions of the form in (2) is, that standard
econometric inference, even when accounting for the serial correlation in the standard errors
induced by overlapping horizons, most probably yields biased estimates of the slope
coefficients. Several authors (see Stambaugh, 1999, Valkanov, 2003, or Ferson et al., 2003)
have documented this problem, which is caused by highly persistent regressors. In this case
As in Hong et al. (2007) we use raw returns since reliable data on risk-free rates is hard to obtain
outside the U.S.
Baker and Wurgler (2006) and Lemmon and Portniaguina (2006) also net out macro risk factors from
their sentiment proxy to obtain an explanatory variable that is unrelated to fundamental risk factors.
OLS estimation results are still consistent but suffer more than likely from severe biases in
finite samples although all regressors are predetermined. For simple regressions with only one
predictor it can be shown analytically that the bias in coefficient point estimates increases in
the degree of persistence of the regressor (see Stambaugh, 1999). As we show in Table 1 the
consumer confidence indexes employed are highly persistent.8 As noted above, a further
complication arises from the overlapping of the means of returns, which induces a moving
average structure of order (k-1) to the error terms.
There are several, necessarily imperfect ways to handle this problem. Several authors
(e.g. Brown and Cliff, 2005) rely on some form of simulation procedure. Another way is to
use auxiliary regressions (Amihud and Hurvich, 2004).9 In order to establish comparability
with the results of Brown and Cliff (2005) which is closest to our approach of detecting an
influence of past sentiment on aggregate market returns, we exactly follow their method
which consists of simulating small sample p-values and test statistics for the coefficient
estimates of each country's return regression separately.
A detailed description of the method employed can be found in Appendix 1 of Brown
and Cliff (2005). Here we only note the main steps for completeness. First, we estimate a
VAR(1) that consists of all variables used, i.e. returns, consumer confidence and all macro
factors for country i. The residuals are stored. Next we simulate artificial time series for all
endogenous variables by bootstrapping from the residuals obtained in the first step.
Importantly, to simulate time series under the null of no influence of sentiment in returns, we
turn off this influence by setting the coefficient of lagged sentiment on returns in the VAR
coefficient matrix to zero. In this fashion, we simulate 10,000 artificial time series for all
variables without return predictability. With these series in hand, we estimate equation (2)
10,000 times on the new time series to obtain the bootstrapped distribution of slope
coefficients. This distribution can then be used to measure the bias in coefficient estimates δ̂1
introduced by the persistence in regressors and to obtain bootstrap p-values for the
significance of the estimated coefficients. We report bias-adjusted coefficient estimates and
bootstrap p-values throughout the rest of this section.
Brown and Cliff (2005) also find individual sentiment from direct investor surveys in the U.S. to be
highly correlated over time. Therefore, the high degree of persistence is not special to the consumer
confidence indices employed here.
Campbell and Yogo (2006) provide a method for efficient tests of stock return predictability in the
presence of near unit-root regressors. However, their method does not extend directly to multiple
regressors and multi-period forecasts.
4.2. Results
Results of this estimation procedure are shown in Table 3 for aggregate stock market
returns. We provide coefficient estimates for forecasting horizons of one, three, six, twelve
and 24 months to document the time pattern of the sentiment-return relation. As is evident,
the estimated coefficients for the impact of sentiment on expected returns are negative for the
majority of markets and horizons. This is in line with earlier findings for the U.S.
The estimated coefficients are directly comparable across countries since we have
standardized both dependent and independent variables for each country. As can be inferred
from the magnitude of coefficients, the impact of sentiment on returns varies quite a lot across
markets. For example, for the U.S. a two standard deviation shock of sentiment leads to a
decline in returns in the following month of only 0.12%.10 The same calculations for e.g.
Austria, Italy and Japan give numbers of about 0.25%, 0.50% and 1.20%, respectively.
Therefore, the effect of sentiment waves on returns is not overly strong for the U.S. but much
stronger for several countries in Europe and, surprisingly, for Japan.
Looking at another dimension of predictability, the incremental adj. R2s, i.e. the
differences between the adj. R2 when including macro factors and consumer sentiment jointly
and the adj. R2 when including macro factors only, are of economic significance for the same
set of the markets. For example, the adj. R2 for Italy rises from 0% to 3% on a monthly
horizon and from 5% to 18% on a 6 months horizon when adding lagged sentiment to the
predictive regression. It seems that sentiment has quite some explanatory power in these
Overall, statistical significance is only obtained for 10 of 18 countries, indicating that
the negative effect of sentiment on stock returns does not seem to be a universal phenomenon
across countries. We will investigate the nature of this cross-sectional pattern in section 5.
Looking at the forecasting performance at different horizons more closely one can see
that statistical significance of the sentiment predictor does not seem to uniformly increase
with horizon. It is often argued that long-horizon regressions with nearly integrated regressors
spuriously generate significant results at increasing horizons (cf. Hong et al. (2007), p. 17 for
a discussion). If there was a bias in our results not eliminated by the bootstrapping procedure
that mechanically generated significant results over longer horizons, one would expect to see
exactly such a result. Yet, this is not the case here. In fact, there are several countries, e.g.
This effect is smaller than the effect reported in Brown and Cliff (2005) where a two standard
deviation shock leads to a monthly decline of roughly 0.29% over three years (calculated from Table 5
of their paper). However, the paper uses a different sentiment proxy and different sample period so
that direct comparisons may be misleading.
Japan, Spain or Switzerland, where sentiment predicts aggregate market returns only at short
horizons but not at longer horizons. Furthermore, the estimated coefficients tend to decrease
in horizons and do not increase. Both findings are comforting and suggest that our regressions
are informative and not just due to estimation biases.
Table 4 (Table 5) show estimated coefficients for the relation between sentiment and
value (growth) stocks internationally. Baker and Wurgler (2006) argue that the sentiment-
return relation should be notably strong for firms that are hard to value and hard to arbitrage
and find that both value and glamour stocks are prone to the influence of sentiment whereas
Lemmon and Portniaguina (2006) find slightly weaker evidence for sentiment effects on these
groups of stocks and document an effect mainly for value stocks. Our results for value and
glamour stocks are by and large consistent with Baker and Wurgler’s findings. Almost all
stock markets that are statistically significantly affected by lagged sentiment also show a
statistically significant effect of sentiment on value and growth stocks. However, these effects
are on average only marginally larger than for the aggregate market. Continuing with the
countries mentioned above, we find an impact of a two standard deviation sentiment
movement on value (growth) stocks for the U.S. of 0.11% (0.13%), for Austria of about
0.40% (0.30%), for Japan of 1.37% (1.25%) and for of Italy of roughly 0.7% (0.45%).
Finally, we note that our results are also in line with the scant earlier evidence for
other countries. As in our results, Jackson (2003) finds no significant evidence for return
reversals in Australia while Schmeling (2006) finds evidence for a significant impact of
individual sentiment on aggregate market returns in Germany.
the same degree of serial correlation and describe measures of economic expectations too,
such as the "DG ECFIN economic confidence index" that analyzes economic expectations for
several groups including consumers, manufacturers etc.. Employing these sentiment indices
as predictors in regression (2) produces hardly any significant results.11 The estimated
coefficient is actually positive for most countries. Therefore, the high degree of persistence in
the confidence indices does not seem to drive the results. These are obtained by consumer
sentiment only, as it is predicted by the notion that irrational individuals drive markets above
or below fundamentally warranted levels.
As a third test, we estimate the specification (2) on sub samples and with a varying
number of macro factors included. We do not report the results for brevity but note that our
conclusions are qualitatively unchanged.
Finally, we look at the correlation of unexpected returns and sentiment innovations as
suggested by Pastor and Stambaugh (2006). The idea in the sentiment-return context here is
that in a predictive regression of the form
a plausible result would be that the innovations ξit , i.e. the unexpected return, and ηit , i.e. the
innovation in noise trader optimism, are positively correlated since it is presumably a wave of
unexpected optimism that boosts prices. Therefore, under a behavioral story one would expect
to see a positive correlation of ξit and ηit whereas one would most probably expect to see a
negative correlation under a rational story (see the discussion in Pastor and Stambaugh, 2006)
where consumer confidence is informative about discount factors.
We report the correlation of ξit with ηit for all countries i in Table 6. It is obvious that
the typical correlation of unexpected returns with sentiment shocks is positive. Furthermore,
countries that show a significant relation between returns and sentiment tend to have higher
correlation coefficients of the two shocks. This is in line with the story that irrational noise
trader sentiment drives price away from fundamentally warranted levels.
5. Cross-Sectional Analyses
Results are not reported to conserve space but are available from the authors upon request.
In this section we discuss possible explanatory variables for the cross-sectional
analysis of the sentiment-return relation for our 18 countries. We start by identifying
behavioral factors based on the analysis by Chui, Titman and Wei (2005) and then move on to
some often used proxies for market efficiency that might drive cross-country results.
Behavioral factors
The behavioral explanation of the sentiment-return relation says that individuals herd
and overreact. Therefore, our findings could be explained by systematic cross-country
differences in herd-like overreaction. As noted in the introduction, Chui, Titman and Wei
(2005) suggest that differences in collectivistic behavior might be a driver of the tendency of
investors to herd. Therefore, we employ a measure of collectivism constructed by Hofstede
(2001) which serves to quantify the degree to which people in different countries are
programmed to act in groups and not as individuals.12
However, herd-like behavior, or correlated behavior across individuals, is not the only
ingredient to this behavioral story. Individuals also have to overreact to create the negative
relation between sentiment and returns. This point is crucial and is suggested by the findings
of Jackson (2003). Jackson (2003) shows with broker level trading data for individual
investors in Australia, that there is considerable systematic trading by individuals, i.e. trading
decision are correlated and do not wash out on an aggregate level. However, he does not find
evidence for short-run return reversals after waves of correlated behavior. Therefore, any
empirical test of the behavioral story must take into account both dimensions, herding and
We employ a second index by Hofstede to capture the likely degree of overreaction
across countries. The uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) measures the degree to which a
culture programs its members to react to unusual and novel situations. While this is not
directly addressed in our analysis here, Hofstede documents that people in more uncertainty
avoiding countries act and react more emotional compared to countries with low levels of
uncertainty avoidance. People in the latter countries act more contemplative and thoughtful.
Therefore, we employ the uncertainty avoidance index as a rough proxy for the tendency of
individuals to overreact. Furthermore, it is known that UAI is correlated with the collectivism
index since the UAI also captures cross-country differences in the tendency of people to
follow the same sets of rules and thus behave in the same manner. This is correlated with
Chui, Titman and Wei (2005) use the same index to measure individualism which is the original index by
Hofstede (2001) where higher values mean higher individualism. We just pre-multiply index values by -1 to
obtain our measure for collectivism.
collectivism and in our sample the correlation between collectivism and uncertainty
avoidance indeed is about 0.50. Therefore, higher levels of the uncertainty avoidance index
(UAI) should indicate both a tendency towards more overreaction-like behavior and herd
We are well aware of the data-mining problem involved here. While the index on
collectivism has proved powerful in the paper by Chui, Titman and Wei (2005) and is thus
less affected from this problem, we are not aware of a finance paper that uses the UAI of
Hofstede. Therefore, we will carefully investigate whether this measure has its predicted
effect on the sentiment-return relationship individually and in combination with other factors.
Market integrity
As a second set of explanatory variables we use proxies for what Chui, Titman and Wei
(2005) call "stock market integrity". The idea behind these variables is that markets with
higher institutional quality should have a more developed flow of information and are
consequently more efficient. In order to allow for a direct comparison with CTW (2005) we
include the same variables as in their study. However, we collect additional variables related
to the informational efficiency of a country which are detailed and grouped into “other
factors” below.
The market integrity variables include a dummy for the legal origin of a country (DL,
the dummy equals one when a country is common law and zero for civil law), the index of
anti-director rights (a higher index means better investor protection), the corruption
perception index (Cpix, higher levels mean less corruption) and accounting standards (acct, a
higher index means better accounting standards). These variables are taken from La Porta,
Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny (1998). Additionaly, we follow Chui, Titman and Wei
(2005) and include the risk of earnings managements index (emgt., a higher value means a
higher risk of earnings management in that country).
Other factors
As highlighted above, superior institutional characteristics should alleviate the impact
of noise traders on markets. The market integrity factors are not the only proxies which might
intuitively be related to the sentiment-return relation. We consider additional factors, most of
which have been employed in earlier studies, and document these below.
As proxies for the information environment we employ the following variables from
Chang, Khanna and Palepu (2000): (average) number of analysts, the average forecast error,
and the forecast dispersion per stock. These variables are included since it might be expected
that a higher number and forecast quality of analysts leaves less room for systematic
misevaluations and reduces limits to arbitrage, respectively. Griffin, Nardari and Stulz (2006)
also use these variables as explanatory variables to single out rational vs. behavioral factors.
As another potentially important determinant we include in the analysis is the share of
institutional investors in a country. A larger market share of institutions should benefit market
efficiency since it is implicitly assumed that institutions fulfill the role of informed investors
or rational arbitrageurs due to their size and relative sophistication (compared to irrational
individual investors). We would therefore expect to see a lower impact of sentiment on
returns in countries with a large market share of institutions. Data come from the OECD.
Also, we collect data on turnover and data on market capitalization in relation to GDP
as two proxies for the activity and size (maturity) of a country, respectively. These variables
capture the conjecture that more liquid and larger markets leave less room for misevaluation
due to overreaction of individual traders. The turnover data is the average turnover in relation
to market capitalization from Griffin, Nardari and Stulz (2006) whereas the ratio of market
capitalization to GDP is from the World Bank data base.
We furthermore employ a dummy variable that equals one if short-selling is practiced
in a respective country and zero otherwise. Short-selling might allow rational investors to
better arbitrage overvaluations and could therefore lower the impact of sentiment on returns.
The short-selling dummy (SSD) is constructed from the paper by Bris, Goetzmann and Zhu
(2006) who show that short-selling benefits market efficiency and price discovery.
Finally, we employ World Bank data on education since it may be reasonably assumed
that countries with a superior level of education accommodate fewer irrational noise traders.
We take the percentage of a country’s population that enjoyed enrolment in tertiary education
as our proxy for education.
5.2. Results
To investigate the potential determinants of the cross-sectional variation in sentiment-
return relation we start by running regressions of the following form
where δ̂1i,(k ) is the estimated impact of individual sentiment on average returns over k months
and xi is a scalar or column vector of characteristics (detailed in the previous subsection) for
country i and ϑi is an error term. We will generally work with the direct impact of this
month’s sentiment on next month’s return, i.e. k=1, but note, that results reported in the
following are very similar for other horizons k>1. For future interpretation of results we note,
that lower values of the dependent variable δ̂1i imply a stronger effect of sentiment on returns.
Table 7 shows results for simple OLS regressions with White standard errors. As for
the behavioral factors, both higher levels of collectivism and higher levels of the UAI (recall
that higher levels of this index mean more emotional and blindfolded actions by people in that
country) are significantly related to a stronger sentiment-return relation, i.e. the coefficients
are negative. This is well in line with the predictions of Chui, Titman and Wei (2005) that
collectivism boosts herd like overreaction and our discussion in the preceding subsection
about the influence of UAI on the link between noise trader sentiment and returns. The adj.
R2s of roughly 23% (collectivism) and 36% (UAI) are quite large and suggest that cultural
factors might play a key role for the occurrence of market anomalies across countries as
suggested by Chui, Titman and Wei (2005).
From the group of variables belonging to the market efficiency proxies, only the Cpix
and the index on earnings management play a significant role with similarly high adj. R2s of
30% for the Cpix and 17% for the earnings management index.
Additional variables often have the expected sign, e.g. larger forecast errors, larger
forecast dispersion, less institutional investors as well as higher turnover and a larger size of
the market as measured by market cap. to GDP that are associated with larger effects of return
on sentiment. However, all of these additional variables fail to be significant or to provide an
acceptable explanatory power in terms of their adj. R2 except for the education variable.
Better education significantly reduces the effect of sentiment on returns as one would
intuitively expect with an adjusted R2 of roughly 16% which comes close to the explanatory
power of the behavioral factors.
A natural question to ask is whether the cultural factors are more powerful in
explaining the cross-section compared to the market efficiency proxies. Since our sample of
18 countries is too small to allow for a large set of regressors we proceed in the following
way. We use the first principal component of the collectivism index and the UAI of all 18
countries as a culture proxy
which captures 76% of the covariance of the two series. Both loadings are positive, so we
would expect to see a larger impact of past sentiment on returns in countries with a high value
of this first principal component. For the market efficiency proxy we obtain the first principal
component of the market integrity factors13 for all 18 countries
which captures about 65% of the total covariation between the four series. Due to the scaling
of the involved indices, a higher value of the principal component indicates worse institutions.
Running regression (5) with both principal components as explanatory variables yields the
following result:
δˆ 1i = − 0.014 + 0.013PC culturei − 0.00 PC market efficiencyi , R 2 = 0.41
(0.02) (0.04) (0.99)
with p-values in parentheses. Evidently, as in Chui, Titman and Wei (2005), the cultural
factors heavily dominate the market integrity variables in terms of cross-country explanatory
As a next step we follow Chui, Titman and Wei (2005) and conduct a bootstrap
analysis which is build on randomly assigning values of an explanatory variable to the
dependent variable of country i. We use 10,000 simulations for each country and explanatory
variable and compute the slope coefficient each time. As before, we denote the estimated
slope coefficient from equation (5) as β̂ , the average of the 10,000 bootstrap estimates of the
( )
slope coefficient as β̂ and the standard deviation of these slope coefficients by σ βˆ . The
( ) / σ ( βˆ ) .
t boot = βˆ − βˆ (9)
The results of this procedure are shown in Table 8 and are confirmative of the
conclusions drawn from Table 7. The behavioral factors, i.e. collectivism and the overreaction
proxy (UAI) are statistically significant and so is the first principal component of the two
cultural dimensions shown in equation (7). Likewise, the only other significant variables are
the Cpix and Emgt and education as before.
We only use the 4 non-dummy variables used by CWT since they seem to have most explanatory
power as documented in Table 7. Other combinations yield qualitatively identical results.
As a final robustness check, we employ a binary logit model where the dependent
variable equals one if the coefficient of sentiment in regression equation (2) is significant, i.e.
when there is a statistically significant effect of sentiment on returns, and zero otherwise. We
employ the same explanatory variables on the right hand side. Results are presented in Table
9 and show that the cultural and market integrity factors also do a reasonable job in explaining
whether a certain country has a significant sentiment-return relationship or not. Note that
education is not significant in this setting.
6. Conclusions
We investigate the relation between investor sentiment and future stock returns for 18
industrialized countries in the world and find, that sentiment plays a role in only one half of
the countries in our sample. As a pure out of sample test of the sentiment-return relation
uncovered for the U.S., this is not very compelling evidence that noise traders move stock
prices above or below fundamentally warranted levels. This is true for aggregate market
returns as well as for value and growth stocks. The story seems to be more complex than this.
In order to investigate this issue, we look at possible determinants of the strength of
the relation between sentiment and returns and find that the influence of noise traders on
markets varies cross-sectional in a way that is economically intuitive. The impact of sentiment
on returns is higher for countries that are culturally more prone to herd-like investment
behavior as hypothesized by Chui, Titman and Wei (2005) and for countries that have less
efficient regulatory institutions or less market integrity.
All in all, the findings do not support the notion that irrational noise traders move
markets uniformly across countries. Rather than that, institutional quality and more trading
culture are strong determinants of the sentiment-return relation.
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Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
This table shows descriptive statistics for all countries used in the analysis. In particular, the table shows the start month of the sample (all series end
in December 2005) and the source of the data. Furthermore, it shows means (µ) and standard deviations (σ) for the market return (Market), returns
of value stocks (High B/M) and growth stocks (Low B/M). Finally, the last three columns show the mean, standard deviation and first order
autocorrelation for the consumer confidence indices employed.
Country Label Start Source Market High B/M Low B/M Consumer Confidence
µ σ µ σ µ σ µ σ ρ-1
Australia ATRL 1985 M1 Datastream 1.24 4.86 1.55 5.11 1.06 5.55 100.59 12.66 0.92
Austria ATR 1996 M1 DG ECFIN 1.40 4.67 1.91 6.45 0.80 4.54 -1.36 6.41 0.91
Belgium BEL 1985 M1 DG ECFIN 1.29 5.09 1.83 6.69 1.13 5.30 -7.00 9.53 0.95
Denmark DEN 1989 M1 DG ECFIN 1.06 5.13 1.24 5.93 1.03 6.10 5.38 8.36 0.95
Finland FIN 1995 M11 DG ECFIN 1.46 8.97 1.54 7.16 1.69 10.90 14.90 3.84 0.89
France FRA 1985 M1 DG ECFIN 1.23 5.89 1.54 6.99 1.10 5.83 -18.60 8.49 0.94
Germany GER 1986 M1 DG ECFIN 0.79 6.16 1.42 6.65 0.69 6.93 -8.98 8.79 0.97
Ireland IRE 1991 M1 DG ECFIN 1.33 5.26 1.87 7.66 1.05 6.33 -3.87 13.52 0.97
Italy ITA 1985 M1 DG ECFIN 1.29 7.09 1.25 8.14 1.26 7.20 -12.78 7.06 0.93
Japan JAP 1985 M1 Datastream 0.49 5.80 1.11 6.70 0.20 6.40 43.26 4.62 0.97
Netherlands NET 1985 M1 DG ECFIN 1.11 5.07 1.62 7.15 1.04 4.90 4.02 11.68 0.97
New Zealand NEWZ 1989 M1 Datastream 0.64 5.30 -0.35 8.51 0.80 5.95 112.95 12.00 0.99
Norway NOR 1992 M9 Datastream 1.44 5.86 2.05 9.57 1.27 5.97 20.06 13.38 0.97
Spain SPA 1988 M1 DG ECFIN 1.20 5.75 1.74 5.69 0.77 6.28 -10.34 8.96 0.95
Sweden SWE 1995 M9 DG ECFIN 1.29 6.69 1.65 6.53 1.10 8.35 7.39 7.21 0.94
Switzerland SWI 1985 M1 Datastream 1.08 4.97 1.31 6.82 0.97 4.84 -10.83 21.66 0.99
United Kingdom UK 1985 M1 DG ECFIN 1.07 4.64 1.25 5.48 0.99 4.75 -8.25 7.81 0.93
United States US 1985 M1 Datastream 1.08 4.43 1.23 4.10 1.09 4.88 95.29 12.90 0.84
Table 2. Correlations of international consumer confidence indices
This table shows correlation coefficients of consumer confidence indices across countries. The upper right triangular corresponds to consumer
confidence levels whereas the lower left triangular shows correlations for changes in consumer confidence.
ATRL -0.04 -0.02 0.66 -0.26 0.15 -0.30 0.43 0.03 -0.41 -0.02 0.76 0.33 0.20 -0.11 -0.05 0.48 0.31
ATR 0.22 0.75 -0.07 0.27 0.77 0.71 0.17 0.42 -0.29 0.17 -0.14 -0.41 0.33 0.76 0.72 -0.07 0.13
BEL 0.02 0.14 0.09 0.52 0.83 0.65 0.58 0.61 -0.02 0.55 -0.23 0.06 0.73 0.80 0.50 0.35 0.35
DEN -0.01 -0.07 0.08 0.32 0.27 -0.10 0.66 0.27 -0.37 0.26 0.55 0.73 0.34 0.13 0.07 0.62 0.24
FIN 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.00 0.52 0.43 0.77 0.07 0.15 0.75 -0.47 0.26 0.63 0.61 0.37 0.54 0.61
FRA 0.04 0.11 0.30 0.12 0.05 0.63 0.67 0.54 -0.10 0.55 0.08 0.06 0.66 0.83 0.59 0.34 0.36
GER -0.02 0.19 0.11 -0.09 0.11 0.03 0.48 0.67 0.25 0.55 -0.31 -0.01 0.62 0.70 0.83 -0.01 0.26
IRE 0.03 0.17 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.16 0.07 0.50 -0.17 0.82 0.18 0.44 0.82 0.47 0.71 0.74 0.66
ITA 0.06 0.22 0.17 0.24 0.08 0.03 -0.01 0.09 -0.03 0.56 -0.05 0.27 0.73 0.24 0.60 0.34 0.34
JAP 0.08 -0.05 0.20 0.01 0.08 0.12 0.00 0.05 0.06 0.01 -0.38 0.50 -0.06 -0.10 0.22 -0.29 0.02
NET 0.03 0.16 0.24 0.25 0.13 0.17 0.11 0.24 0.19 0.04 -0.17 0.33 0.76 0.44 0.52 0.35 0.60
NEWZ 0.11 -0.05 0.01 -0.06 0.05 0.12 0.02 0.00 -0.03 -0.03 -0.05 0.32 -0.08 -0.38 -0.07 0.33 0.05
NOR -0.01 0.16 0.07 0.04 0.19 -0.01 0.01 0.09 0.02 0.11 0.17 0.13 0.33 -0.19 0.11 0.49 0.28
SPA -0.02 -0.02 0.13 0.11 0.07 0.26 0.15 0.03 0.25 0.02 0.16 -0.05 0.05 0.55 0.70 0.60 0.57
SWE 0.16 0.27 0.13 0.13 0.25 0.19 0.18 0.04 0.17 0.14 0.14 -0.06 0.13 0.02 0.69 0.18 0.45
SWI -0.02 0.00 0.14 -0.03 0.10 0.12 0.23 0.11 0.12 0.03 0.14 -0.04 0.16 0.09 0.06 0.22 0.44
UK 0.12 0.08 0.19 0.21 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.21 0.00 0.08 0.09 0.14 0.22 0.18 -0.07 0.46
US 0.20 0.14 0.14 0.16 0.05 0.09 -0.05 0.11 0.09 0.00 0.17 -0.01 -0.10 0.05 0.17 0.02 0.13
Table 3. Predictive regression results: aggregate stock market
This table shows predictive regression results for the model specified in (2) with aggregate
market returns as dependent variables. ∆ R 2 denotes the incremental adj. R2 when sentiment is
included in the regression specification. Reported coefficient estimates are bias adjusted and bootstrap
p-values are shown. Stars refer to the level of significance: *** 1%, ** 5%, * 10%.
Table 5. Predictive regression results: growth stocks
This table shows predictive regression results for the model specified in (2) with returns of
growth stocks as dependent variables. ∆ R 2 denotes the incremental adj. R2 when sentiment is
included in the regression specification. Reported coefficient estimates are bias adjusted and bootstrap
p-values are shown. Stars refer to the level of significance: *** 1%, ** 5%, * 10%.
Table 6. Correlation of consumer confidence innovations and unexpected returns
This table shows correlation coefficients for unexpected returns and sentiment innovations
from the predictive system in equations (3) and (4) for market returns and returns of value and
growth stocks.
Table 7. Cross-sectional analysis of the sentiment-return relation
The table shows univariate regression results for the cross-section of countries. Each row
represents a regression with the impact of consumer confidence on next month’s stock return
as dependent variable and the row’s variable as the explanatory variable. The second column
(+ / −) shows the theoretically expected effect of a respective regressor on the dependent
variable. Statistically significant results (at least at the 10%-level) are in bold numbers.
coef. t-stat R2
Behavioral factors
Collectivism − -0.109 -2.442 0.23
Uncertainty avoidance − -0.077 -3.267 0.36
PC culture − -1.371 -3.533 0.40
Market integrity
Legal origin 1.672 1.229 0.03
Anti-director rights + 0.111 0.243 -0.06
Corruption perception + 1.524 2.907 0.30
Accounting standards + 0.137 1.606 0.09
Earnings management − -0.157 -2.083 0.17
Other factors
No. of Analysts + -0.024 -0.282 -0.06
Forecast dispersion − 0.675 0.068 -0.06
Forecast error − -4.559 -0.712 -0.03
Share inst. investors + 2.823 0.825 -0.02
Marketcap. / GDP + 0.006 0.473 -0.05
Turnover + 0.189 0.180 -0.06
Short selling + -2.073 -1.271 0.03
Education + 0.096 2.071 0.16
Table 8. Bootstrap analysis
This table shows results from a bootstrap analysis where values of explanatory variables are
randomly permuted across countries. Specifically, each country is assigned its own value of
the regressand, the impact of sentiment on returns, and the explanatory variable for each
country is drawn randomly from the pool of all countries. For the first univariaten regression
for example, Australia is assigned the education level of Belgium, Belgium is assigned the
education level of Austria and so. This procedure is repeated 10,000 times and the empirical
distribution of slope coefficients is used to construct bias adjusted test statistics as indicated in
the text. The second column (+ / −) shows the theoretically expected effect of a respective
regressor on the dependent variable. Statistically significant results (at least at the 10%-level)
are in bold numbers.
mean slope
slope stand. dev. bootstrap
coefficient from
coefficient from bootstrap t-statistic
β̂ β̂ ()
σ β̂ (β̂ − β̂ )/ σ(β̂)
Behavioral factors
Collectivism − -0.109 0.000 0.051 -2.137
Uncertainty avoidance − -0.077 0.001 0.029 -2.635
PC culture − -1.371 0.002 0.499 -2.745
Market integrity
Legal origin 1.672 0.006 1.383 1.209
Anti-director rights + 0.111 -0.008 0.449 0.247
Corruption perception + 1.524 -0.004 0.618 2.469
Accounting standards + 0.137 0.001 0.090 1.517
Earnings management − -0.157 0.000 0.084 -1.872
Other factors
No. of Analysts + -0.024 0.000 0.082 -0.293
Forecast dispersion − 0.675 0.143 9.506 0.071
Forecast error − -4.559 0.021 6.276 -0.727
Share inst. investors + 2.823 0.001 3.369 0.838
Marketcap. / GDP + 0.006 0.000 0.012 0.482
Turnover + 0.189 -0.022 1.016 0.186
Short selling + -2.073 0.023 1.673 -1.239
Education + 0.096 0.000 0.050 1.925
Table 9. Probit regressions
This table shows results from univariate probit regressions where the dependent variable
equals one if there is a significant sentiment-return relation for country i and zero otherwise.
The second column (+ / −) shows the theoretically expected effect of a respective regressor on
the dependent variable. Statistically significant results (at least at the 10%-level) are in bold
coefficient t-stat Mc-Fadden's R2
Behavioral factors
Collectivism + 0.051 1.707 0.14
Uncertainty avoidance + 0.090 2.026 0.52
PC culture + 1.023 2.325 0.39
Market integrity
Legal origin -1.344 -1.828 0.15
Anti-director rights − -0.273 -1.172 0.06
Corruption perception − -1.550 -2.473 0.45
Accounting standards − -0.114 -2.019 0.23
Earnings management + 0.096 2.023 0.21
Other factors
No. of Analysts − 0.055 1.285 0.07
Forecast dispersion + 6.213 1.251 0.07
Forecast error + 5.317 1.585 0.11
Share inst. investors − -2.349 -1.015 0.06
Marketcap. / GDP − -0.002 -0.351 0.00
Turnover − 0.495 0.928 0.04
Short selling dummy − 0.684 0.837 0.03
Education − -0.023 -0.938 0.04