Jurnal Praktikum

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No. Kad Pengenalan : 900110015806

Program / Opsyen : PITO 2020 – BI


Minggu Praktikum :2

Tarikh : 11/3/2021

Tajuk : Passive pupils in the classroom

Kategori : Teaching and Learning

Pensyarah Pembimbing : Puan Diana Fatimah binti Ahmad Sahani

Guru Pembimbing : Cik Syahira binti Ershad Ahmad Khan

1. Isu Yang Difokuskan :

I am teaching English Language in Year 3 Gemilang. The problem I face is there are
passive pupils in the classroom. I found that when I carried out my lesson, all of the
students can be focus. However, after the lesson begins for 15 minutes, I found that
there are a few passive pupils in the classroom. When I asked questions, they never
raised their hands to answer the questions and some of them did not react to what is

2. Analisis Isu Yang Difokuskan :

From the analysis, the reason of this issue comes from the pupils themselves where
they are either do not have self confident in using the language or that they are not
interested in my lesson because of the use of teaching aids that maybe not so
interesting. I realized that I should only call the pupils when they are ready. If I call them
randomly, they will be in a shock and did not react as well. I have to give them time to
think again if I call them and they are not ready to answer.
3. Kajian Lampau (Literature Review) Terhadap Isu (Pengalaman atau Kajian Lepas)

4. Cadangan dan Idea Penyelesaian Masalah:

The teacher has to try to involve the pupils by calling their names to answer instead of
only choosing those who raised their hands. The teacher has to encourage the pupils to
use the language and assure the pupils that making mistakes is inevitable and that they
should not be ashamed and shy.

5 Tempoh Masa Penyelesaian :

1 week

6. Tindakan Susulan:

I will use more interesting teaching material and activities to make them focus and give
response during my lesson.

7. Tarikh Tindakan Susulan Dilaksanakan


8. Keberkesanan Langkah Yang Dicadangkan:

The solutions have a positive impact in my lesson. The students give more focus and
good response during teaching and learning session.

9. Kesimpulan/ Refleksi (Kesan Tindakan (Perlu) dan Halangan (Jika ada))

I feel satisfied with the students’ response in the lesson I deliver.

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